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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20110013691: Thermal Optimization and Assessment of a Long Duration Cryogenic Propellant Depot PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20110013691: Thermal Optimization and Assessment of a Long Duration Cryogenic Propellant Depot

·Thermal Optimization and Assessment of a Long Duration Cryogenic Propellant Depot RyanHonour1andRobertKwas2 ANALEX, KennedySpace Center, FL32899 GaryO'Nei13 NASA, Kennedy Space Center, FL32899 and BernardKutter4 UnitedLaunchAlliance A Cryogenic Propellant Depot (CPD) operating in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) could provide many near term benefits to NASA space exploration efforts. These benefits include elongation/extension of spacecraft missions and reduction of launch vehicle up-mass requirements. Some of the challenges include controlling cryogenic propellant evaporation and managing the high costs and long schedules associated with new spacecraft hardware development. This paper describes a conceptual CPD design that is thermally optimized to achieve extremely low propellant boil-off rates. The CPD design is based on existing launch vehicle architecture, and its thermal optimization is achieved using current passive thermal control technology. Results from an integrated thermal model are presented showing that this conceptual CPD design can achieve propellant boil-off rates well under 0.05% per day, even when subjected to the LEO thermal environment. Nomenclature <X Absorptivity £ Emissivity Beta Anglebetweenthe.OrbitalPlaneand the EclipticPlane . BTU BritishThermal Unit CPD CryogenicPropellantDepot ft Feet GMM GeometryMathModel Hc ConvectionHeatTransferCoefficient Hv HeatofVaporization in inches IR Infrared Radiation ITM IntegratedThermalModel KSC KennedySpaceCenter Lbs pounds LH2 LiquidHydrogen L02 LiquidOxygen MLI Multi LayerInsulation I Thermal Ailaiyst, Environments& LaunchApprovalBranch,LaunchServices Program 2SeniorThettrIal Analyst,Environments& Launch Approval Branch,LaunchServices Program 3 Launch Vehicle Thermal Analysis Team Lead, Environments & Launch Approval Branch, Launch Services Program,VA-l'B 4ManagerAdvancedPrograms ") AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics mT MetricTon nm Nautical Mile PSI Pound perSquareInch Q Average HeatLeakRate RAAN Right AscensionofAscending Node RadK RadiationConductor Theta AnglebetweentheCPO MinorAxis and theEclipticPlane I. Introduction Along duration CPO is a conceptual vehicle that can store large quantities ofcryogenic propellant in space for extended periods. A CPO would function as an on-orbit refueling station for in situ spacecraft and/or launch vehicles. A CPO could potentially provide many benefits to the NASA space exploration program including the +--r---Atlas V 5-meter Payload extension/elongation of spacecraft missions and reduction of ____ _ t~Dg launch vehicle up mass requirements. As shown in Fig. 1, the CPOconceptconsidered in this analysis was adual propellant Elongated storage configuration, which is based on the current Atlas V LHlTank Centaur design. In this CPO concept, the forward end ofan Modified Atlas V Centauris mated to the aftend ofa modified Atlas V Centaur Centaur. The modified Centaur would consist of an (LHl elongated LH2 tank connected to a small boil-off storage Module) tank. Both the Centaur and modified Centaur would be encapsulated within the Atlas V 5-meter payload fairing at launch. Onceonorbit, residual LH2 within Centaurwould be .......JJIiiIii~--1r-BOil-Off Storage transferred to the modified Centaur; the residual H2 would be Tank(GH2) purged with Helium. The Centaur would then be refilled, on orbit, with L02. Consequently, the modified Centaur functions as the on-orbit LH2 storage module, and the Centaur functions as the on-orbit L02 storage module. The _+-__Centaur dual propellant CPD concept has the advantage ofbeing able Centaur (LH2Tank) to store both LH2 and L02. Further, the concept utilizes (L02 existing, or slightly modified, flight hardware. To achieve its Module) target boil-off rate, the CPO will need to store cryogenic propellant for extended periods with minimal evaporative losses. This will require, in part, a Thermal Protection -1---Centaur System (TPS) specifically designed to minimize the (L02Tank) cryogenic propellantboil-offassociated witheach module. Aside from the TPS design, the orbit in which the CPO flies will also play an important role in determining the propellant Figure 1.Cryogenic Propellant Depot Concept boil-offrate. From alogistics standpoint, LEO represents the (Launch Configuration) most desirable orbit in which to fly the CPO. LEO would provide easy access for both on-orbit refueling and CPO maintenance/resupply. Conversely, LEO represents the least desirable orbit from a thermal management standpoint. Having significant amounts of solar, abedo, and earth IR, LEO constitutes the most severe on-orbit thermal environment and, undoubtedly, would be the most challengingorbit from which to manage cryogenic propellant boil-off. Because it is both logistically desirable and thermallychallenging,LEO wasconsidered tobethe ideal orbitto investigatein this analysis. Itwasfelt thataCPO design that could achieve the desired boil-offrate in LEO could also achieve, orexceed, this boil-offrate in higher, less thermally severe, earth orbits (i.e., geosynchronous, Lagrangian, etc.). In this sense, LEO provides the ultimate testofCPDstoragecapabilities. 2 American InstituteofAeronautics and Astronautics II. Developmentofthe CPDITM TheCPDITM was developed inThennalDesktopTM Version5.3. Thennal DesktopTM is a thermal analysis tool that facilitates the developmentofsophisticatedcomputeraideddesignbasedthennal models. Thedevelopmentprocess involves generation of a Geometric Math Model (GMM) using the Thennal DesktopTM built-in AutoCAD tool. Thermal and optical properties are assigned to the GMM using the Thennal DesktopTM property edit forms. The Thermal DesktopTM pre-processor is used to compile the above data into a Systems Improved Numerical Differencing Analyzer (SINDA) thennal network. Radiation conductors are added to the SINDA thennal network using Thennal Desktop'sTM radiation analyzer tool, RadCADTM. The combined RadCADTM - SINDA thennal network can be solved using any of the various Thennal DesktopTM built-in numerical solvers. The CPD ITM developed for this analysis consists ofthe CPD structures, cryogenic propellant, and on-orbitthennal environment. DevelopmentoftheCPDITMisdescribedindetail in thefollowingsections. A. OnOrbitThermalEnvironment As previouslystated, the CPD was assumed to be in LEO for this analysis. The LEO thennal environmentconsists of the following heating parameters: 1) solar radiation, 2) albedo, 3) earth IR and, 4) deep space IR. Table 1 summarizesthespecificvalues used fortheLEOheatingparameters.I Forthis analysis, theCPDwasassumedtobe in a circular orbit (i.e., orbital eccentricity equals zero) in which the Right Ascension of the Ascending Node (RAAN) was always equal to 90° (i.e., orbital procession rate equals zero). These simplifying assumptions ensure thatthe solarangle(beta) will always beequal to theorbital inclinationand, further, thatthe radiantflux incidenton the CPD will be constant as a function oforbital cycle. Table 1summarizes the specific values used for the CPO orbitalparameters. Table1.• SummaryofCDPOrbit'aIParameters Altitude BetaAngle RAAN OrbitalPeriod Orbital Theta Tracking (nm) (degrees) (degrees) (hr) Eccentricity (degrees)5 365 0-30 90 1.6378 0 -10-+10 +ZSolar TheattitudeoftheCPDisdefinedinTable 1andFig. 2. Thebasiccriteriaforthedesigningthe CPDattitudewasto try to minimize the amount oforbital flux that can reach the CPD tanks. Preliminary analysis indicated that this couldbestbeachievedbyorientatingthe CPDsuchthatits primaryaxis was perpendiculartothe eclipticplane and, further, to selectbeta angles that would protect the aftend ofthe LH2 module from incoming albedo and earth IR. Orientatingthe CPD such that its primary axis is perpendicularto the ecliptic planeensures that the aftendofeach storage module (L02 and LH2) has a constant view ofdeep space. Further, this attitude minimizes the amount of directsolarradiation thatcan reach the propellanttanks. However, earthIRand albedocan stillbe problematicfor this attitude. As both areemitteddiffusely, significant amountsofearth IR and albedo can traverse the open endof each sunshield and, subsequently, impinge upon the propellanttanks. Preliminary analysis suggested that the LH2 module was particularlysensitiveto earthIRand albedo during the illuminationphaseofthe orbit. To mitigatethis impact, beta angles were chosen such that, during illumination, the open end ofthe LH2 module sunshield faced awayfrom the incoming earth IR and albedo. While this orientation minimizes the amount ofearth IR and albedo incident on the LH2 module during illumination, it has the opposite effect during eclipse. Fortunately, both the albedoandearthIRflux areverylowduringtheeclipseportionoftheorbit. Within Thermal Desktop, the CPO orbit was simulated by using 18 discrete steady-state orbital positions. To simulate the on-orbit radiation exchange, 5000 rays per node were shot to calculate the CPD radiation conductors (RadK's) and orbital heating rates (solar, earth IR and al~edo). A sensitivity study determined that further increasingthe numberofrays and/ororbital positions had littleeffectonthe fidelity ofthe solution. Itis important to note that all predicted heating rates in this analysis represent orbital averages (average from all eighteen orbital positions). 5ThetaistheanglebetweentheCPOminoraxesandeclipticplane(seeFig. I). 3 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsand Astronautics Table2. Summar) 0fLEOThermaIEnV.lronment SolarRadiation Earth IR(BTUlhr/ft2/oF) DeepSpace Albedo IR (BTUlhr/fel°F) Dlumination Ellipse (degR) 429.2 70.2 35.1 0.35 4 Earth OrbitalPlane CPOPrImae Figure2. CPD Concept- DualPropellantStorage Configuration (BroadsideVerticalAttitude) B. Structures As shown in Fig. 3, the dual propellantCPOconcept utilizes two separate modules to store cryogenic propellanton orbit: the LH2 module and L02 module. TheL02module is basedon an Atlas VCentaurdesign. TheLH2 module is based on a modified Atlas V Centaur design. To thermally isolate the two cryogenic propellants, the LH2 and L02 modules are separated by three pairs ofcomposite struts.? The CPO is launched from inside an Atlas V 5 meter fairing. To save weight, the LH2 module is launched without propellant. Once the CPO is on orbit, the remaining LH2 in the Centaur LH2 tank is transferred to the empty LH2 tank in the modified Centaur. After the LH2 transfer is complete, the remainingL02in the CentaurL02 tank is transferred to the CentaurLH2 tank. Thus, the CentaurLH2 tank functions as an on-orbitL02 storage tank. Further, the Centaur L02 tankfunctions as an on orbit G02 storage tank, collecting boil-offfrom the CentaurL02 storage tank6. The G02 could be used to collect heat from the CPO structure and dissipate the heat back out to space. For this report it was assumed that the avionics boxes and batteries on the Block II avionics shelf were powered off, and the RL-lO was not operating. Duringon-orbit steady state operation, use ofavionics and batteries would be kept to a minimumin orderto reduce theamountoflatentheatgeneration. 6Note that inFig. 3and Fig. 4, theCentaurtanks are referred to bytheiron-orbitstoragefunction. 4 American Institute ofAeronautics and Astronautics Once 6norbit, the CPD sun shields are deployed. As showninFig. 4, the LH2 moduleis fully enclosed byits sun shield;however, theL02 module isonly partiallyenclosedbyitssun shield. Thisisdue to the fact that, inorderto mitigate plume heatingfrom the CentaurReaction Control System(RCS), the maximumlengthofthe L02 module sunshieldislimitedtojust24.55 feet,8 Becauseitisfully enclosedbyits sunshield,theLH2moduleis primarilyan IRand albedbdominantradiationenvironment(i.e., virtuallyno directsolar). Theopticalpropertiesforthe exterior surfaces ofthe LH2 and the GH2 tanks were chosen as to have low alpha and very low emissivity values. These' optical properties enable the exteriorsurfaces ofthe LH2 and GH2 tanks to effectively reflect incident albedo and earth IR back to space. Because it is not fully enclosed by its sunshield, the L02 module is subjected to much higheramounts ofsolarflux. Consequently, the optical properties for the L02 and G02 tanks were selected as to have low alpha values and high emissivityvalues (Le., low ale ratio). These optical properties allow the L02 and G02 tank to effectively reflect incident solar radiation back to space, and effectively re-emit radiation in the IR spectrum. Inorderto protect the CPD from the LEO radiation environment, all propellant tanks were enclosed in ten layers ofMLI. Due to its very low emissivity, aluminized Kapton® was selected as the optical coating for all MLI internal layers.5 This selection takes advantage of the fact that MLI internal layers participate only in IR exchange(Le., absorptivityis notimportantforMLIinternallayers). Table2. OpiicalPropertiesforL02ModuleSunShield StrocturelEquipmentItem Material AbsorptivitylEmissivity Ref. CentaurSunShield7 Inner: VDAKapton® Inner: 0.14/0.05 SunShieldLayer#I [4] Outer: SilverTeflon® Outer: 0.07/0.80 Inner: VDAKapton® Inner: 0.14/0.05 SunShieldLayer#2 [4] •..._._.... Outer: SV5 Outer: 0.08/0.81 Inner: VDAKapton® Inner: 0.14/0.05 SunShieldLayer#3 [4] _.....•_... Outer: SV5 Outer: 0.08/0.81 PrimaryPro~!fJntTank Inner: VDA Kapton® Inner: 0.14/0.05 SunShieldLayer#1 [4] Outer: Silver Teflon® Outer: 0.08/0.70 •....... Inner: VDA Kapton® Inner: 0.14/0.05 SunShieldLayer#2 [4] Ou~: SV5 Outer: 0.08/0.81 Inner: VDA Kapton® Inner: 0.14/0.05 SunShieldLayer#3 [4] Outer: SV5 Outer: 0.08/0.81 Forthe LH2 and GH2 tanks, aluminized KaPton®was also selected as the optical coatingforthe MLIouter surface. This was acceptable due to the fact that very little solarradiation impinges on the LH2 and GH2 tanks and, thus, a low absorptivity to emissivity (ale) ratio was not required for these surfaces. Conversely, for the L02 and G02 tanks, silverTeflon®was selected as the optical coatingforthe MLIoutersurface. This was due to the fact that the L02 and G02 tanks are subjected to high amounts ofsolarradiation and, consequently, require an optical coating havingalowWeratio. 7Sunshieldhalfconeangleandlengthare60°and 24.55 feet, respectively. 8Thislengthisbasedonthe assumptionthatthesunshieldhasaconeangleof60°. . 5 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsand Astronautics -------------------------------------------- -------------~--- Payload Adaoter CentaurAftEnd (RL-10,HeliumBorrles, Propel/amFeedlines,etc..) CompositeStruts (ThreepairsofCarboni CarbonsTruTs) Figure 3. CPD Concept- DualPropellantConfiguration (SunShieldRemoved to Reveal TankDetail) ModifiedCentaur (LH2Module) Centaur (L02Module) Figure 4. CPD Concept- DualPropellantConfiguration (Sun Shield ShowntoScale) 6 American Institute ofAeronautics and Astronautics C. CryogenicPropellant It was consetvatively assumed in this analysis that the entire internal area of both the Centaur L02 tank and modified CentaurLH2 tank are in constant contact with their cryogenic propellant. Further, itis assumed that the heattransfetcoefficientbetweenthetanks and cryogenic propellantsis auniformvalueof0.75BTUIhr-ft2-R, which is representative of a low gravity orbital environment. Table 3 contains the physical properties for the cryogenic propellants that were used in this analysis. Thecryogenicpropellantsinsidethetankswere modeled as constanttemperatureboundary nodes. Itwasconservatively assumedthatthe cryogenic propellantswere already atsaturationtemperature when the CPD was insertedintoLEO. Consequently, all heatabsorbedbythe propellants whileon-orbitimmediatelycontributedtothe vaporization process (i.e., noheatrequired to first raise the propellant tothesaturationtemperature). . Table 3 CPD Cryoj!em.c FIUI·d Saturat"IOn Propert·les Pressure BoundaryTemperature HeatofVaporization CryogenicFlUid Ref. (PSI) (R) (BTUllbm) L02 35 180 87 [3] .... G02 35 180 NA [3] ......._... LH2 35 42.67 182 [3] ... GH2 35 42.67 NA [3] III. Results Figure 5 through Fig. 7 summarize the predicted average heat leak rates entering the LH2 and L02. The boil-off rates(% perday) thatare presentedinFig. 7werecalculatedusingthefollowing formula: Q*100 Boil Off (% perday) =----'-~-- (1) H *24*M v where M is the mass ofthe cryogenic propellant,Hv is the heat ofvaporization, and Q is the average heatleak rate. The massofthe LH2andtheL02 wereassumed to be5mT(11060lbs) and55 mT (121660lbs), respectively [8]. 7 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics LH2 Boil-offSummary 140 -Beta0 -Beta 5 120 -Beta 10 -Beta 15 -Beta 20 -100 Beta 25 ... .~...... i= 80 al ..:.: III ~... 60 III QI J: 40 20 0 o -10 -5 5 10 ThetaAngle (degrees) Figure 5.LH2HeatLeakversus ThetaAngle L02 Boil-offSummarY 50 45 .- - 40 .... 35 ... - 3~' 30 ~ al :;25 - -Beta0 III QI -Beta 5 ..J 'lii 20 -Beta 10 QI J: -Beta 15 15 -Beta 20 Beta 25 10 5 o -10 -5 o 5 10 ThetaAngle (degrees) --:..- ---.J Figure 6.L02HeatLeakversusThetaAngle 8 American Institute ofAeronautics and Astronautics -------- ------- ._-- -------------------- Total Boil-offSummar -10 -5 0 5 10 ThetaAngle (degrees) --- Figure7.TotalBoil-off(% PerDay) versusThetaAngle IV. Conclusion Figure 7contains the summaryofthe total boil off(% perday) for an on-orbitCPD. From Fig. 7, itis clearthatthe currentCPDdesign has achieved the goal ofa total boil offrate thatisless than 0.05% perday. Figure5and Fig. 6 are also critical because it can determine ifa certain CPD attitude (i.e. Beta, Theta) is desired based on a specific mission need to storeone propellantlonger/shorterthan theother, orstorebothpropellantsatthe same boil offrate. Fromthe results presented in this report, the optimal combination ofCPD Beta and Theta angles for reducing L02 boil-offis 00and 00, respectively. Because ofthe reduced length ofthe Centaur sunshield, the L02 tank has direct solar radiation impingement. At Beta and Theta equal to 0, the direct solar radiation on the L02 tank is minimal. The optimal combination ofBeta and Theta with regards to reducing LH2 boil-offis 300 and 50, respectively. In Fig. 6, there wereseveral observed trends. ForaconstantTheta, theheatleakenteringthe Centaurtends to increase as Beta increases. Conversely, for a constant Beta the heat leak entering the Centaur tends to decrease as Theta increases. These trends underscore the fact that the heatleakentering the L02 tank was more sensitive to Beta than Theta. AtBetaand Theta equal to zero, theLH2 module's sunshield is able to fully enclose the LH2 tank from any direct solar radiation. Therefore, the thermal environment inside the LH2 module sunshield is dominated by IR. However, because the CPD is composed ofboth the Centaur and the LH2 module, the overall lowest heat leak was for aBetaandThetaof200and 00,respectively. There were several trends observedin Fig. 5. ForaconstantTheta angle, the heat leakenteringthe LH2 module tends to decrease as Beta angle increases. Conversely, for a constant Beta, the heatleakenteringthe LH2 module tends to increaseasThetadeviatesfrom zero. 9 American InstituteofAeronautics and Astronautics · . ' , Acknowledgments This wotk has been funded and supported by NASA, Launch Services Program, through an advanced special studies conttact. The authors would like to thank Paul A. Schallhom9for his invaluable advice and funding for the CPDspecialstudy. Theauthors alsowantto acknowledgeC&RTech™ fortheirversatilesoftwareandprofessional assistance. References I. UnitedLaunchAlliance(2007).AtlasFamiliarization. None 2. Kutter, Zegler, O'Neil, and Pitchford, "A Practical, Affordable Cryogenic Propellant Depot Based on ULA's Fight Experience",September2009 3. Retrieved0729,2010,fromThermophysicalPropertiesofAuidSystems:http://webbook.nist.gov/chemistry/fluid/ 4. Gilmore G. David, Spacecraft Thermal Control Handbook: Volume I: Fundamental Technologies,EL Segundo, CalIfornia:TheAerospaceCorporation,2002 5. Section 4 In-space Propellant Transfer and Storage Demonstration: Flagship Technology Demonstration, RFI NNHI0ZTT003L,June10,2010 6. ILCDoverFinalReport,PhaseIIIR&D-CentaurSunShieldDevelopment,December18,2009. 7. United Launch Alliance, LLC. (10 June 2010). Section 4 In-Space Propellant Transfer andStorage Demonstration FlagshipTechnologyDemonstrationRFI-NNHlOZTTOO3L Houston,TX: NASA/JohnsonSpaceCenter. 9NASA, LaunchServicesProgram,Environments&Launch Approval BranchManager 10 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics

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