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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20110003032: Network-Capable Application Process and Wireless Intelligent Sensors for ISHM PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20110003032: Network-Capable Application Process and Wireless Intelligent Sensors for ISHM

mature set of HDA software for the tion to detecting these hazards, the HDA noise on the LIDAR range measure- manned lunar landing problem. capability also is able to find a safe land- ment. This simulation has also been Landing hazards exist everywhere on ing site free of these hazards for a lunar used to determine the effect of viewing the Moon, and many of the more desir- lander with diameter ≈15 m over most of on hazard detection performance. The able landing sites are near the most haz- the lunar surface. software has also been deployed to John- ardous terrain, so HDA is needed to au- This software includes an implemen- son Space Center and integrated into tonomously and safely land payloads tation of the HDA algorithm, software the ALHAT real-time Hardware-in-the- over much of the lunar surface. The for generating simulated lunar terrain Loop testbed. HDA requirements used in the ALHAT maps for testing, hazard detection per- This work was done by Andres Huertas, project are to detect hazards that are 0.3 formance analysis tools, and associated Andrew E. Johnson, Robert A. Werner, and m tall or higher and slopes that are 5° or documentation. The HDA software has James F. Montgomery of Caltech for NASA’s greater. Steep slopes, rocks, cliffs, and been deployed to Langley Research Cen- Jet Propulsion Laboratory. For more informa- gullies are all hazards for landing and, ter and integrated into the POST II tion, contact [email protected]. by computing the local slope and rough- Monte Carlo simulation environment. This software is available for commer- ness in an elevation map, all of these The high-fidelity Monte Carlo simula- cial licensing. Please contact Daniel Brod- hazards can be detected. The algorithm tions determine the required ground erick of the California Institute of Technol- in this innovation is used to measure spacing between LIDAR samples ogy at [email protected]. Refer to slope and roughness hazards. In addi- (ground sample distances) and the NPO-47178. Onboard Nonlinear Engine Sensor and Component Fault Diag- nosis and Isolation Scheme John H. Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio A method detects and isolates in-flight ferable Belief Model (TBM)-based resid- fully detect and isolate all simulated sensor, actuator, and component faults ual evaluation scheme. By employing a faults as long as the fault magnitudes for advanced propulsion systems. In nonlinear adaptive learning architec- were larger than the minimum de- sharp contrast to many conventional ture, the developed approach is capable tectable/isolable sizes, and no misdiag- methods, which deal with either sensor of directly dealing with nonlinear en- nosis occurred. fault or component fault, but not both, gine models and nonlinear faults with- This work was done by Liang Tang and this method considers sensor fault, actu- out the need of linearization. Software Jonathan A. DeCastro of Impact Technolo- ator fault, and component fault under modules have been developed and eval- gies, LLC and Xiaodong Zhang of Wright one systemic and unified framework. uated with the NASA C-MAPSS engine State University for Glenn Research Center. The proposed solution consists of two model. Several typical engine-fault Inquiries concerning rights for the commer- main components: a bank of real-time, modes, including a subset of sensor/ac- cial use of this invention should be addressed nonlinear adaptive fault diagnostic esti- tuator/components faults, were tested to NASA Glenn Research Center, Innovative mators for residual generation, and a with a mild transient operation scenario. Partnerships Office, Attn: Steve Fedor, Mail residual evaluation module that in- The simulation results demonstrated Stop 4–8, 21000 Brookpark Road, Cleveland, cludes adaptive thresholds and a Trans- that the algorithm was able to success- Ohio 44135. Refer to LEW-18518-1/9-1. Network-Capable Application Process and Wireless Intelligent Sensors for ISHM This technology can be used for wireless sensor monitoring in vehicles, home security, system automation, and radio-frequency identification (RFID) for smart tags. Stennis Space Center, Mississippi Intelligent sensor technology and sys- systems for analog sensors. NASA and A TEDS contains the critical informa- tems are increasingly becoming attractive leading sensor vendors are working to- tion needed by an instrument or meas- means to serve as frameworks for intelli- gether to apply the IEEE 1451 standard urement system to identify, characterize, gent rocket test facilities with embedded for adding plug-and-play capabilities for interface, and properly use the signal intelligent sensor elements, distributed wireless analog transducers through the from an analog sensor. A TEDS is de- data acquisition elements, and onboard use of a Transducer Electronic Data ployed for a sensor in one of two ways. data acquisition elements. Networked in- Sheet (TEDS) in order to simplify sensor First, the TEDS can reside in embedded, telligent processors enable users and sys- setup, use, and maintenance, to automat- nonvolatile memory (typically flash tems integrators to automatically config- ically obtain calibration data, and to elim- memory) within the intelligent proces- ure their measurement automation inate manual data entry and error. sor. Second, a virtual TEDS can exist as a 6 NASA Tech Briefs, January 2011 separate file, downloadable from the In- distributed sensing devices that observe work just as a search query encompasses ternet. This concept of virtual TEDS ex- the physical world through the existing millions of Web pages. tends the benefits of the standardized sensor network. This innovation enables The sensor web can preserve ubiqui- TEDS to legacy sensors and applications distributed storage, distributed process- tous information access between the where the embedded memory is not ing, distributed intelligence, and the querier and the queried data. Pervasive available. An HTML-based user inter- availability of DiaK (Data, Information, monitoring of the physical world raises face provides a visual tool to interface and Knowledge) to any element as significant data and privacy concerns. with those distributed sensors that a needed. It also enables the simultaneous This innovation enables different au- TEDS is associated with, to automate the execution of multiple processes, and thorities to control portions of the sens- sensor management process. represents models that contribute to the ing infrastructure, and sensor service au- Implementing and deploying the determination of the condition and thors may wish to compose services IEEE 1451.1-based Network-Capable Ap- health of each element in the system. across authority boundaries. plication Process (NCAP) can achieve The NCAP (intelligent process) can This work was done by Fernando Figueroa, support for intelligent process in Inte- configure data-collection and filtering Jon Morris, and Mark Turowski of Stennis grated Systems Health Management processes in reaction to sensed data, al- Space Center and Ray Wang of Mobitrum (ISHM) for the purpose of monitoring, lowing it to decide when and how to Corp. Inquiries concerning rights for the com- detection of anomalies, diagnosis of adapt collection and processing with re- mercial use of this invention should be ad- causes of anomalies, prediction of future gard to sophisticated analysis of data de- dressed to: anomalies, mitigation to maintain oper- rived from multiple sensors. The user Ray Wang ability, and integrated awareness of sys- will be able to view the sensing device Mobitrum Corporation tem health by the operator. It can also network as a single unit that supports a 8070 Georgia Avenue; Suite 209 support local data collection and stor- high-level query language. Each query Silver Spring, MD 20910 age. This invention enables wide-area would be able to operate over data col- (301) 585-4040 sensing and employs numerous globally lected from across the global sensor net- Refer to SSC-00313/5. NASA Tech Briefs, January 2011 7

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