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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20100014096: Biomimetic/Optical Sensors for Detecting Bacterial Species PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20100014096: Biomimetic/Optical Sensors for Detecting Bacterial Species

ceive and respond to the sensor data, or sary to make flight decisions, and (3) a This work was done by Qamar Shams of controlling the flow of the sensor data. simple interface through which control Langley Research Center. For further in- The UAV control system provides (1) can be exerted over the servomotors formation, contact the Langley Innovative external connections to flight sensors, that actuate the flight-control mecha- Partnerships Office at (757) 864-8881. (2) the computational resources neces- nisms of the UAV. LAR-16736-1 Biomimetic/Optical Sensors for Detecting Bacterial Species Bacteria in liquid samples could be detected in real time. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California Biomimetic/optical sensors have been proposed as means of real-time detection Molecular Recognition Target Captured Target of bacteria in liquid samples through Site In MIP Molecule Molecule real-time detection of compounds se- C C creted by the bacteria. Bacterial species C OH HO O HN NH C OH HO O of interest would be identified through O + 2 2 O H2N NH2 detection of signaling compounds O O unique to those species. The best-charac- HO O HO O C C terized examples of quorum-signaling compounds are acyl-homoserine lac- tones and peptides. Each compound, se- creted by each bacterium of an affected species, serves as a signal to other bacte- ria of the same species to engage in a col- lective behavior when the population density of that species reaches a thresh- e old level analogous to a quorum. nc a A sensor according to the proposal mitt would include a specially formulated ns a biomimetic film, made of a molecularly Tr imprinted polymer (MIP), that would respond optically to the signaling com- pound of interest. The MIP film would be integrated directly onto an optical- Wavelength waveguide-based ring resonator for op- Capture of Target Moleculesat molecular recognition sites in an MIP film would cause a change in the tical readout. Optically, the sensor wavelength of an optical resonance. The change would be proportional to the concentration of bac- would resemble the one described in teria that secreted the target molecules. “Chemical Sensors Based on Optical Ring Resonators” (NPO-40601), NASA them, leaving cavities that are matched peptide signaling compound. Tech Briefs, Vol. 29, No. 10 (October to the template molecules in size, This work was done by Margie Homer, 2005), page 32. shape, and chemical functionality. The Alexander Ksendzov, Shiao-Pin Yen, and MIPs have been used before as mo- cavities thus become molecular-recog- Margaret Ryan of Caltech and Beth lecular-recognition compounds, nition sites that bind only to molecules Lazazzera of the University of California, though not in the manner of the pres- matched to the sites; other molecules Los Angeles, for NASA’s Jet Propulsion ent proposal. Molecular imprinting is are excluded. Laboratory. Further information is con- an approach to making molecularly se- In a sensor according to the pro- tained in a TSP (see page 1). lective cavities in a polymer matrix. posal, the MIP would feature molecular In accordance with Public Law 96-517, These cavities function much as en- recognition sites that would bind the the contractor has elected to retain title to this zyme receptor sites: the chemical func- specific signaling molecules selectively invention. Inquiries concerning rights for its tionality and shape of a cavity in the according to their size, shape, and commercial use should be addressed to: polymer matrix cause the cavity to bind chemical functionality (see figure). As Innovative Technology Assets Management to specific molecules. An MIP matrix is the film took up the signaling mole- JPL made by polymerizing monomers in cules in the molecular recognition Mail Stop 202-233 the presence of the compound of inter- sites, the index of refraction and thick- 4800 Oak Grove Drive est (template molecule). The polymer ness of the film would change, causing Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 forms around the template. After the a wavelength shift of the peak of the (818) 354-2240 polymer solidifies, the template mole- resonance spectrum. It has been esti- E-mail: [email protected] cules are removed from the polymer mated that by measuring this wave- Refer to NPO-40950, volume and num- matrix by decomplexing them from length shift, it should be possible to de- ber of this NASA Tech Briefs issue, and their binding sites and then dissolving tect as little as 10 picomoles of a the page number. 6 NASA Tech Briefs, January 2006

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