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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20090016309: Saturn V - Design Considerations and Launch Issues PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20090016309: Saturn V - Design Considerations and Launch Issues

Saturn V - Design Considerations & Launch Issues Objectives Understand some of the design considerations (cid:137) that went into creating the Saturn V launch vehhiiclle GGaiin an appreciiattiion ffor some off tthhe (cid:137) manufacturing issues concerning the Saturn V Review three major problems that affected (cid:137) SSaattuurrnn VV llaauunncchheess Outline LLuunnaarr VVooyyaaggeess (cid:137)(cid:137) Weight Savings (cid:137) MManuffactturiing IIssues (cid:137) Launch Issues (cid:137) Lunar Voyages 3 Options considered: (cid:137) Direct Ascent (cid:190) Earth Orbit Rendezvous (cid:190) (EOR) LLuunnaarr OOrrbbiitt RReennddeezzvvoouuss (cid:190)(cid:190) (LOR) “NASA concluded that LOR offered the greatest assurance ooff ssuucccceessssffuull aaccccoommpplliisshhmmeenntt of the Apollo objectives at the earliest practical date.”1 Outline LLuunnaarr VVooyyaaggeess (cid:137)(cid:137) Weight Savings (cid:137) MManuffactturiing IIssues (cid:137) Launch Issues (cid:137) Weight Savings To increase the payload by 1 kg (2.2 lbs): (cid:137) Remove 14 kg (30 lbs) from S-IC (cid:190) Remove 4 kg (8.8 lbs) from S-II (cid:190) RRemove 11 kkg ((22.22 llbbs)) ffrom SS-IIVVBB (cid:190) TTooppiiccss (cid:137)(cid:137) Common Bulkheads (cid:190) TTaannkk SSttrruuccttuurreess (cid:190)(cid:190) Propellant Utilization (PU) (cid:190) Common Bulkhead SS-IICC S-II (S-IVB) LOX IInntteerrttaannkk RP1 Tank Structures WWaaffffllee ppaatttteerrnn wwaass eettcchheedd iinnttoo tthhee SS-IIII (cid:137)(cid:137) and S-IVB Propulsion Utilization (PU) Ensure simultaneous depletion of propellants (cid:137) Increases stage payload capability (cid:137) LH2 Mass Probe LOX PU on S-II and S-IVB (cid:137) LLOOXX Valve Outline LLuunnaarr VVooyyaaggeess (cid:137)(cid:137) Weight Savings (cid:137) MManuffactturiing IIssues (cid:137) Launch Issues (cid:137)

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