The Trails of Superluminal Jet Components in 3C 111 M. Kadler112, E. Ros2, M. Perucho2, Y. Y. Kovalev213,D . C. Homan4, I. Agudo215, K. I. Kellermann6, M. F. Aller7, H. D. Aller7, M. L. Lister8, and J. A. Zensus2 Received ; accepted 'NASA Postdoctoral Research Associate; Astrophysics Science Division, NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt Road, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA: [email protected] 2Max-Planck-Institut fiir Radioastronomie Bonn, Auf dem Hiigel69, 53121 Bonn, Ger- many; ros, perucho. ykovalev, 3Astro Space Center of Lebedev Physical Institute, Profsoyuznaya 84/32,117997 Moscow, Russia; [email protected]. de 4Astronomy Department, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Denison University, Granville, OH 43023, U.S.A .; 51nstituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia. Dept. de Radioastronomia y Estructura Galactica, C/Camino Bajo de Huetor, 50, 18008 Granada, Spain: iagud0Qiaa.e~ 'National Radio Astronomy Observatory, 520 Edgemont Road. Charlottesville, V-4 22903. U.S.A : 7Astronomv Department. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 111 48109-1042, U.S.A.: mfa, 'Departnlent of Physics, Purdue University, 525 Sorthwestern Avenue. blest Lafayette, IS 47907. L.S.A.; ABSTRACT The parsec-scale radio jet of the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 111 has been monitored since 1995 as part of the 2cm Survey and MOJAVE monitoring ob- servations conducted with the VLBA. Here, we present results from 18 epochs of VLBA observations of 3C 111 and from 18 years of radio flux density mon- itoring observations conducted at the University of Michigan. A major radio flux-density outburst of 3C 111 occured in 1996 and was followed by a particu- larly bright plasma ejection associated with a superluminal jet component. This major event allows us to study a variety of processes associated with outbursts of radio-loud AGX in much greater detail than possible in other cases: the pri- mary perturbation gives rise to teh formation of a forward and a backward-shock, which both evolve in characteristically different ways and allow us to draw con- clusions about the workflow of jet-production events; the expansion, acceleration and recollimation of the ejected jet plasma in an environment with steep pressure and density gradients are revealed; trailing components are formed in the wake of the primary perturbation as a result of Kelvin- Helmholtz instabilities from the interaction of the jet with the external medium. The jet-medium interac- tion is further scrutinized by the linear-polarization signature of jet components traveling along the jet and passing a region of steep pressure/density gradients. Subject galaxies: individual: 3Clll galaxies: active galaxies: jets - - - galaxies: nuclei 1. Introduction The VLBA 2 cm Survey (Kellermann et al. 1998; Zensus et al. 2002; Kellermann et al. 2004; Kovalev et al. 2005) and its follow-up program MOJAVE1 (Lister & Homan 2005) have provided an unprecedented data base of outflow dynamics in radio jets ejected from quasars and active galaxies. Measured jet speeds and polarization dynamics of hundreds of extragalactic jets in this project, allows us to address global questions about the effects of relativistic beaming and the intrinsic properties of extragalactic radio jets (Cohen et al. 2007), their intrinsic brightness temperatures (Homan et al. 2006) or their Lorentz factor distribution and luminosity function (Kellermann et al. 2004; Cara & Lister 2007). Complementary to this global approach, the VLBA 2 cm Survey/MOJAVE data base holds high-quality multi-epoch information about the (sub-)parsec scale structure of the jets of hundreds of individual objects both in total intensity and in polarization. Here, we report the results from ten years of Very-Long-Baseline Interferometric (VLBI) observations of 3C 111 as part of the VLBA 2cm Survey and MOJAVE programs. We scrutinize the parsec-scale source structure during a major flux-density outburst and during its aftermath. The nearby (z=0.049)' broad-line radio galaxy 3C 111 (PKS B 0415+379) shows a classical FRII morphology on kiloparsec-scales spanning more than 200" with a highly collimated jet connecting the central core and the northeastern lobe in position angle 63" while no counterjet is observed towards the southwestern lobe (Linfield & Perley 1984). This asyn~metryw, hich is usually explained via relativistic boosting of the jet and de-boosting of the counter-jet, is even more pronounced on parsec-scales: 3C 111 exhibits 'http : //www . physics.p urdue . edu/MO JAVE 'Assuming a Hubble constant of Ho = 71 kills-' SIpc-l. flkI = 0.3. flh = 0.7. this results to a linear scale of 1.0p c mas-'. the brightest compact radio core at cm/nlm wavelengths of all FRII radio galaxies. It was the first lobe-dominated extragalactic radio source in which superluminal motion was detected (Goetz et al. 1987; Preuss, Alef, & Kellermann 1988). High-radio-frequency VLBI data of 3C 111 have been reported on by Alef et al. (1998) and Kharb et al. (2003). In Sect. 2, the VLBA 2 cm Survey observations and the data reduction are described. Observational results are presented in Sect. 3. In Sect. 4, we discuss the various observed processes at work as the plasma injected into the jet as a result of the outburst is traveling downstream along the jet. In Sect. 5, we put these results into the context of future simulations and observations with the goal of understanding the production mechanisms of AGN jets. 2. Observations and data analysis 3C 111 has been monitored as part of the VLBA 2 cm Survey program since April 1995. The observational details are given by Kellermann et al. (1998). Following the methods described there, the data from 17 epochs of VLBA 2cm Survey observations of 3C 111 between 1995 and 2005 (see Table 1) were phase and amplitude self calibrated and the brightness distribution was determined via hybrid mapping. An additional epoch from June 2000 was added from an independent program (PI: G. Taylor). Two dimensional Gaussian components were fitted in the (u, v)-domain to the fully calibrated visibility data of each epoch using the ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ' DTIheF of the various model fits at the various epochs are given in Table 5. The models were aligned at the various epochs by assuming the westernmost component (namely, the "core") to be stationary so that the position of jet conlponents can be measured relative to it. Because of the coupling of the fl~~deun sities of nearby model components. the true flux-density errors are larger than the formal (statistical) errors in most cases (unless the given model component is far enough separated from its closest neighbor). Throughout this paper, conservative errors of 15 % are assumed for the flux densities of individual model-fit components. Positions uncertainties were determined internally from the deviations of the data from linear motion. 3. Results 3.1. The 1996 Radio Outburst of 3C 111 A strong flux density outburst of 3C 111 occurred in 1996, which was first visible in the mm band and some months later at lower radio frequencies. In fact, this outburst was first detected at 90 GHz with the IRAM interferometer at Plateau de Bure in January 1996 with flux densities > 10 Jy (Alef et al. 1998), at 37GHz in March 1996, and at 22 GHz in August 1996 (Terkranta et al. 2004). Figure 1 shows the single-dish radio light curves of 3C 111 at 4.8 GHz, 8 GHz, and 14.5 GHz obtained from the UMRAO radio-flux-density monitoring program (Aller, Aller, & Hughes 2003). These data show that from early 1996 on the radio-flux density of 3C 111 was rising at 14.5G Hz, reaching its maximum in late 1996. At the two lower frequencies, the flux-density maximum was reached at subsequent later times, in mid 1997 at 8 GHz and in late 1997 at 4.8 GHz. The profile of the outburst in the flux-density vs. time domain shows a narrow, high-amplitude peak between early 1996 and late 1997, which is almost synlnletric. After late 1997, a slower-decreasing tail component dominates the light curves. most clearly visible at 14.5G Hz. The flare propagated through the spectrum as qualitatively expected by standard jet theory with the high-frequency radio emission conling from the most compact regions of the jet and the emission peak shifting to lo~verf requencies as a newly ejected jet conlponent travels down the jet becoming optically thin. The shift rate with frequency is -- 10 GHz/yr. The evolution of the spectral index a for 14.5/8.0GHz and 8.0/4.8GHz is shown in Fig. 2. Before 1996, the sampling is too sparse to derive a continuous course of the spectral index in the 14.518.0 GHz band. Between, 8.0 GHz and 4.8 GHz, the spectral index is - -0.7 for the pre-1996 period. The radio flux-density outburst in 1996 went along with a - subsequent flattening of the spectrum with a maximum value of a 0 in the 14.518.0 GHz band reached in mid 1996. In the post-outburst period between 1998 and 2004 a is typically in the range -0.5 to -0.7 between 14.5 GHz and 8 . 0 ~a~ndz sl ightly steeper (-0.7 to -0.9) in the 8.014.8 GHz band. The overall steeper spectral index at lower frequencies can be understood as the contribution of optically thin large-scale emission from the radio lobes of 3C 111 to these single-dish light curves. 3.2. VLBA Monitoring Results Figure 3 shows the variable parsec-scale structure of 3C 111 at 18 different epochs of VLBA 2cm Survey and MOJAVE observations between 1995.27 and 2005.73. The variable source structure can be described by a classical one-sided core-jet morphology i-n the first two epochs with typical velocities of the outward moving jet components of 1.4 - 1.7m as yr-l corresponding to 5 c. In 1996.82 a new jet component, even brighter N than the core, dominates the source structure. By 1997.19, this new component has got even brighter (- 3.4 Jy) and in the following epochs it travels along the jet while it becomes gradually more stretched out along the jet-ridge line. Model Fitting: In Fig. 4 the radial distance of the various model fit components from the core is shown as a function of time. Position uncertainties have been determined from the internal deviations of the data from linear motions for each conlponent3. The component 3Sote that the errors for E 1 have been determined separately for the pre-2004 and post- 2004 epochs because of the partial resolution of this component after 2004. Yote also that identification was conducted, based on a comparison of the positions and flux densities, and a linear regression of the core distances as a function of time was performed to determine the kinematics. The derived component velocities are tabulated in Table 3. The early outer jet components (A, B, C, D) of the 1995.27 epoch can be traced over two to four epochs before their flux densities fall below the detection threshold (compare Fig. 5). In late 1996 and early 1997, the source structure is dominated by the emission of the core and the newly formed jet components E and F, with E being the leading component. The two components travel outwards with a mean apparent velocity of (1.00 f 0.02) mas yr-I and (0.64 f 0.07) masyrP1, respectively. Before mid 1997, component F is substantially brighter than component E but after that, its flux density is dropping steeply. F is not detected any more after 1998.18 while E is still -- 800 mJy bright at that time. The light curves of E and F reproduce qualitatively the two-component shape of the flux-density outburst in Fig. 1 with component F being responsible for the narrower and higher-amplitude peak between early 1996 and late 1997 and component E dominating the slower-decreasing tail of the outburst after late 1997 (compare Fig. 5 and discussion below). In the following epochs E splits into four distinct components (E 1, E 2, E 3, E 4). This takes place at distances of 3.5-4.5 mas from the core. E 2, E 3, and E 4 move all at subsequently slower speeds than E 1, resulting in an elongated morphological structure of the associated emission complex. In later epochs. new components are ejected from the core into the jet. The two strongest of them (G.H) can be traced through the following eight and nine monitoring epochs, respectively. Conlponent H splits into three individual components in 2004.27 and a fourth associated component is seen from 2004.80 on. In the following, we refer to the conlponents E 1, and H 1 as the "leading conlpone~lts"a nd to E2, E 3. E4, H2. H3. and errors for conlponents with less than three epochs were estimated fro111 other components at similar positions in the jet and with similar flus densities. H4 as the "trailing components" of E and H, respectively. From the linear-regression, ejection epochs of the individual jet components can be determined by back-extrapolating the component trajectories to the core. In Fig. 1, these ejection epochs and the associated uncertainties are indicated as shaded areas. It is apparent that the ejection of the components E and F coincides with the onset of the major flux-density outburst in 1996 described above. The following major component ejections (G, H, and the combined M/N event) all have direct counterparts in local maxima of the radio light curve, especially at 14.5 GHz. Fig. 2 shows that all these ejection epochs coincide with local maxima of the spectral index in the 14.518.0 GHz band. Between 2002 and 2004, a number of minor component ejections took place but the regression-fit quality (due to the closeby components, the low flux densities and the small time baseline) does only moderatly constrain the ejection epochs. In addition, the time sampling of UMRAO observations in this time range is relatively poor, in particular from mid 2001 to mid 2003. Flux Density Evolution: Figure 5 shows the brightness evolution of the core and the jet components that have been ejected prior to 2001.50 with time. Apparently, the trailing components E4 and H4 appear first in a rising state, i.e., they first increase in flux before they become fainter in later epochs. Component F shows an extraordinary steep decrease in brightness in 1997-1998. As mentioned before, not the leading component E but the following component F dominated the light curve in the first year after the outburst. In Fig. 6 and Fig. 7, the flux-density evolution of the components E. G, and H and the associated leading and trailing components are shown with traveled distance from the core, respectively. To display a blended flux-density evolution for the full component E ejection region after it split up into the four distinct con~ponents.t he flux densities of E 1, E 2. E3. and E4 were added for the post-1999 epochs and a flux-density weighted effective position was calculated for the blended feature that would be visible at lower resolution. The ejecta first rise in flux density within the inner 1 mas from the core, then there is a decline about three orders of magnitude in the following decade, exhibiting a plateau or broad local maximum in 1998-2000 at a distance from 3-5 mas from the core. Component H and its leading and trailing components exhibit a similar behavior although on about an order of magnitude lower flux-density levels. It is interesting to note that component G, although it does not appear to split into leading and trailing components like E and H, does exhibit a pronounced flux density maximum after 2002, as well, approximately at the same distance from the core where the trailing components of E and H are originated. It is further noteworthy that G catches up to E4 in 2004.27 and that both components are represented through a blended two-component model in this epoch. The relatively high measured flux density of E4 in this epoch may be an effect of imperfect decomposition of the blended emission region. The Tb gradient along the jet: Following Kadler et al. (2004); Kadler (2005), the brightness temperature gradient s can be parametrized as where I, n and b are the power law indices that describe the gradients of jet diameter d, particle density n,, and magnetic field B with core distance r. Conservation of nlagnetic energy along the jet implies a constant energy partition along the jet B~x n,, + b = n/2 . (2) With a = -0.5, it follows Figure 8 shows the brightness teillperatures of all jet components in the parsec-scale jet of 3C 111 at 2 cm wavelength between 1995 and 2005 as a function of their core distance. I11 general, the brightness temperature of all components decreases as the components travel outwards but an approximation with a simple power law does not yield a good fit to the full data set (X2 = 1.8, 115 d.0.f.). Visual inspection of Fig. 8 shows that this is due to the E-, F- and H- components, in particular after splitting up into sets of leading and trailing components. This behavior is different than expected for a straight and stable jet geometry in which the power-law dependences of the particle density, the magnetic field strength and the jet diameter on the core distance predicts that the brightness temperature along the jet can be described with a well defined and stable gradient of Tb. Most extragalactic parsec-scale jets which do not show pronounced curvature, show a power-law decrease with increasing distance from the core and power-law indices typically around -2.5 (Kadler 2005). In fact, excluding the E-, F- and H-components from the fit yields a statistically acceptable result (X2 = 1.3, 52 d.0.f.) and a gradient of -2.4 f 0.2. The brightness-temperature gradient of component E is first flat or inverted immediately after the creation of this new component inside I mas from the core and turns then over to "normal" values of -2.5 to -2.8 (regime I; compare Fig. 9) through 1997 when the component travels from lmas to 2 mas. Between 2 mas and 4 mas, the determination of the brightness-temperature gradient requires an identification of component E with either component E 1 or E 3 (see below). Independent of the identification, the brightness-temperature gradient eventually changes to very steep values (< -5) outside 5mas from the core (regime 11). Component F begins its very rapid decline in brightness temperature at a very small distance from the core (< 0.7mas). The Tb-gradient is extremely steep: < -8. Linear Polarization: From 1995 to 2002, 2cm-Survey observations were done in left circular polarization only. so that no linear-polarization information can be derived from these data. hIOJAVE observations (after 2002) are done in full-polarimetric mode and we have supplen~entedo ur 3C 111 VLBA 2 cm data with another full-polarimetric data set