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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20070032920: Robust Gain-Scheduled Fault Tolerant Control for a Transport Aircraft

1 Robust Gain-Scheduled Fault Tolerant Control For A Transport Aircraft Jong-Yeob Shin and Irene Gregory Abstract—Thispaperpresentsanapplicationofrobustgain- performance. Fault detection and isolation (FDI) filters are, scheduled control concepts using a linear parameter-varying however, required to implement an active FTC law since (LPV) control synthesis method to design fault tolerant con- estimated fault parameters are used to recalculate the gains. trollers for a civil transport aircraft. To apply the robust Fault parameter estimation effects on performance and even LPV control synthesis method, the nonlinear dynamics must be represented by an LPV model, which is developed using stability of the integrated system must be considered in a thefunctionsubstitutionmethodovertheentireflightenvelope. validationandverificationprocess[10].Toconsiderthefault ThedevelopedLPVmodelassociatedwiththeaerodynamicco- parameter estimation effect on the closed-loop system, fault efficient uncertainties represents nonlinear dynamics including detection times (fault estimation time delay) are assumed thoseoutsidetheequilibriummanifold.Passiveandactivefault andaresimulatedwiththefullnonlinearclosed-loopsystem. tolerant controllers (FTC) are designed for the longitudinal dynamics of the Boeing 747-100/200 aircraft in the presence Based on the simulation results, acceptable fault detection of elevator failure. Both FTC laws are evaluated in the full timedelay isestimatedfor maintaining closed-loopstability. nonlinear aircraft simulation in the presence of the elevator OneapproachtodesigningaFTClawisalinearparameter fault and the results are compared to show “pros” and “cons” varying (LPV) control synthesis method with pre-defined of each control law. fault models using linear matrix inequality (LMI) optimiza- tion. Incorporating the benefits of the robust control concept I. INTRODUCTION developed for an LTI system, the LPV synthesis method has been successfully applied to various nonlinear problems: F- Aircraft loss-of-control (LOC) accidents [1] comprise the 16 aircraft [11], turbofan engines [12], an inverted pendu- largest and most fatal aircraft accident category across all lum [13], etc. In Refs. [2], [14], a robust LPV synthesis civil transport classes, and can result from a large array of method has been introduced to reduce conservatism induced causal and contributing factors (e.g., system and component by the structured uncertainty block. In Ref. [2], this method failures, control system impairment or damage, inclement wasappliedtodesigningaFTCsystemoftheHiMATaircraft weather, inappropriate pilot inputs, etc.) occurring either described by a linearized model at a trim point. individually or in combination. Research [2]–[5] into the Ref. [15] presents a reconfigurable LPV control design characterization of the aircraft LOC phenomenon as well as for a Boeing 747-100/200 aircraft using the conventional LOC prevention and recovery system technologies is being LPV synthesis method in the presence of an elevator fault conducted by NASA as part of its Aviation Safety Program with unmodeled dynamics. In this paper, the robust LPV (AvSP). Thus, fault tolerant control (FTC) for a transport synthesis method is applied to the design of a FTC law for aircraft plays an important role in preventing LOC aircraft the longitudinal motion of the aircraft that includes the full accidents due to control upset or failure. nonlinear dynamics and uncertain aerodynamic coefficients. The concept of FTC has been used for various applica- The magnitude of uncertainty of aerodynamic coefficients tions [6]–[8] including flight control. In general, the FTC and the moment of inertia term (I ) of the aircraft are systems can be categorized into two classes: passive and yy pre-defined and are considered in the control synthesis pro- active[9].ApassiveFTClawisdesignedwiththeconsider- cedure. Aerodynamic coefficients in tabulated data are fit ationofasetofpre-modeledfailuresasuncertaindynamics. as polynomial functions to generate a LPV model of the Thus, the gains are not recalculated based on faults but are aircraft.Thefittingerrorsareintegratedintotheuncertainties robust enough to maintain closed-loop system stability in of aerodynamic coefficients. the presence of faults at the cost of conservative nominal A FTC law has to be robust to the given uncertainty for performance.Hence,asystemwithapassiveFTClawisnot reliability of the implemented control system. In order to vulnerable to a fault detection false alarm, to fault detection design a robust LPV-FTC law of the transport aircraft, the time delay or to incorrect fault identification. aerodynamic uncertainties are explicitly considered in the An active FTC law recomputes its gains due to faults control design procedure. In general, a robust control design to maintain system performance and stability. It is less problem cannot be formulated as a linear matrix inequality conservative than a passive FTC law and achieves better that finds the global solution. The problem is generally ThisworkwassupportedbyNASAunderNCC-1-02043 solved by an iteration method (e.g. D-K iteration [16]). In J-Y.ShinisaseniorstaffscientistattheNationalInstituteofAerospace, this paper, the robust LPV synthesis method in Ref. [2] is 100ExpolrationWay,Hampton,VA23666,[email protected] used, which is an iteration method for solving two LMI I.GregoryisaseniorresearchengineerattheNASALangleyResearch Center,Hampton,VA23683,[email protected] optimizationproblemstoreducetheconservatismintroduced 2 by the structured uncertainty block. where TodesignpassiveandactiveFTClawsforthelongitudinal (cid:20)x (cid:21) motionoftheaircraftusingtherobustLPVsynthesismethod, h(x1)=Anl(x1) x1r +Bnl(x1)ur+lnl(x1) (3) 2r the nonlinear dynamics of the aircraft with uncertain aero- and x˜ = x − x , u˜ = u − u . To convert the nonlinear dynamic coefficients have to be represented over the given r r dynamics into a quasi-LPV form, the function h(x ) is flight envelope by a quasi-LPV model. In this paper, the 1 replaced by H(x )x˜ where H(x ) is a mapping function: function substitution method is used to develop the quasi- 1 1 1 LPV model of the longitudinal motion of the aircraft. This Rnx1 7→Rnx×nx1. A quasi-LPV model is methodcanconvertthenonlineardynamicsintoaquasi-LPV (cid:20)x˜˙1(cid:21)=(cid:2)A (x )+[H(x )|0 ](cid:3)(cid:20)x˜1(cid:21)+B (x )u˜ form over the non-trim region while preserving the stability x˜˙2 nl 1 1 nx×nx2 x˜2 nl 1 of the original nonlinear system [17]. (4) In this paper, both FTC laws are simulated with full where 0 denotes a zero matrix with the dimension nx×nx2 nonlinear dynamics in the presence of elevator fault and the of n by n . The key to the function substitution method x x2 resultsarecompared.Moreover,theclosed-loopsystemwith is to construct the matrix function H(x ). The number of 1 theactiveFTClawissimulatedwithdifferentfaultdetection possible solutions satisfying the equality condition, h(x )= 1 time delay intervals. In the example, the time delay makes H(x )x˜ , is infinite because the equality constraint is an 1 1 the closed-loop system uncontrollable. This paper highlights under-determined problem. the issue of a reliable fault detection time delay interval, In Ref. [18], the matrix function H(x ) is calculated 1 in which the controller can preserve stability. Calculating a as h(x )/x˜ . Therefore, there is singularity at the point: 1 1 reliablefaultdetectiontimeintervalisaninterestingproblem. x = x . In Refs. [11], [19], [20], the matrix function 1 1r However, it will be considered as a future research topic. is calculated by using linear optimization formulated at all This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes givengridpointswithsmoothnessconstraints.Thereference the function substitution method and the nonlinear longi- pointisnotchosenasagridpointbecauseofthesingularity. tudinal motion of the Boeing 747-100/200 aircraft. Using In Ref. [17], the function value at x = x is replaced by 1 1r thedynamicssubstitutionmethod,thenonlinearlongitudinal the limit value of lim h(x1) to remove the singularity. x1→x1r x˜r dynamicsarerewrittenasaquasi-LPVmodelwithanuncer- In the process of linear optimization in Refs. [11], [17]– tainty block which represents real parameter uncertainties of [20], the aerodynamic coefficients of the nonlinear aircraft the aerodynamic coefficients. Section 3 defines the control dynamics are evaluated at all grid points from the tabulated objectives for the longitudinal dynamics and the robust data. However, the methods in Refs. [11], [17]–[20] are not LPV control synthesis framework. Section 4 presents the guaranteed to satisfy the equality condition between grid simulation results for elevator faults with a passive LPV- points. In Ref. [17], the preservation of stability of the orig- FTClaw,anactiveLPV-FTClaw,andaLPVlawforhealthy inal nonlinear dynamics was taken into consideration during elevator condition. Conclusions are presented in Section 5. the process of constructing the matrix function H(x ). 1 Inthispaper,thenonlinearfunctionh(x )isrewrittenasa 1 polynomialfunctionofx withtheaerodynamiccoefficients 1 II. LPVMODELREPRESENTATION expressed as polynomials over the given flight envelope. To A. Function Substitution Method construct the matrix H(x1), the function h(x1) is decom- posedintocoefficientsofx˜ andeachcoefficientiscollected 1 Thefunctionsubstitutionmethod,introducedinRef.[18], into the matrix form. For example, suppose has been used to develop a quasi-LPV model for nonlinear (cid:20)a α˜+a α˜V˜2(cid:21) dynamicsfoundinRefs.[11],[17],[19],[20].Thenonlinear h(x )=h(x˜ +x )= 1 2 (5) longitudinal dynamics of a Boeing 747-100/200 aircraft can 1 1 1r b1V˜ +b2α˜V˜ be described by the following nonlinear model: where a and b are constant. The h(x ) can be rewritten as i i 1 (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) x˙ x h(x ) =H(x )x˜ =H(x˜ +x )x˜ x˙12 =Anl(x1) x12 +Bnl(x1)u+lnl(x1) (1) 1 =(cid:20)a1+1 a21p1V˜2 1a2(11r−p11)α˜V˜ (cid:21)(cid:20)α˜(cid:21) (6) b p V˜ b +b (1−p )α˜ V˜ 2 2 1 2 2 with a state vector xT = [xT xT] ∈ Rnx and a 1 2 control vector u ∈ Rnu. The function Anl(x1), Bnl(x1) The values of p1 and p2 are chosen to preserve the stability and lnl(x1) are continuous mapping functions: Rnx1 7→ oftheoriginalnonlinearmodel[17].Theseunderdetermined Rnx×nx, Rnx1 7→ Rnx×nu and Rnx1 7→ Rnx. Note that conditions can be solved numerically, as was done in pre- vious work [17]. Here however, the equations are solved the part (x ) of the state vector and the control vector enter 2 symbolically. The benefits of the symbolic solution are:1) the nonlinear dynamics in a linearly affine manner. simplification that avoids the need for a linear optimization Assume that there is a reference point xT = [xT xT ] r 1r 2r problem with the smoothness condition, and 2) validation whichsatisfiesatrimcondition.AnonlinearmodelinEq.(1) of the quasi-LPV model between grid points, including is rewritten as computed fitting errors. Moreover, the fitting errors can (cid:20)x˜˙ (cid:21) (cid:20)x˜ (cid:21) be integrated with the uncertainty block in the quasi-LPV 1 =A (x ) 1 +B (x )u˜+h(x ) (2) x˜˙ nl 1 x˜ nl 1 1 model. 2 2 3 TABLEI of inertia (I ) uncertainty is 5 percent of nominal value yy THEUNCERTAINAERODYNAMICCOEFFICIENTS (45278000 Kg m2), the ∆ is p ∆ = diag([δ , δ , δ , δ , coefficient uncertainrange(δa) coefficient uncertainrange(δa) p CDM CLb Cmb CLe (10) δ , δ , δ , δ ,δ )] CDM [−0.01 0.01] CLq [−0.15 0.20] CLq Cms Cmq Cme Iyy CCmLbb [[−−00..000255 00..000255]] CCmmes [−[−1,0.017]×0.1003−]4 Note that the 9 real uncertainty parameters are normalized CLe [−6 6]×10−6 Cmq [−0.83 0.6] such that |∆p|≤1. For comparison between the linearized model and the quasi-LPV model, an extreme flight maneuver (shown in Fig. 1) is simulated for the elevator and thrust input sig- B. Longitudinal dynamics of a transport aircraft nals to show which model can best capture the origi- Thenonlinearlongitudinaldynamicsofatransportaircraft nal nonlinear model. Time responses for each model are (Boeing 747-100/200 aircraft) are taken from Refs. [20]– shown in Fig. 1. Note that the linearized model (LTI) is [22]. The longitudinal motion states and controls are x = obtained using Jacobian linearization around a trim point [α, q, V, θ]T (angle of attack (deg), pitch rate (deg/sec), (xt ≈ [1.1(deg), 0, 228(m/s), 1.1(deg)], ut ≈ velocity (m/sec), pitch angle (deg)) and u = [δ , δ , T]T [−2(deg), 1.3(deg), 43000(N)])ataltitudeof7000m.Itis e s (elevator deflection (deg), horizontal stabilizer deflection observed from Fig. 1 that the quasi-LPV model can capture (deg)andthrust(N)),respectively.Thenonlinearlongitudinal the nonlinear aspects of the original model better than the dynamics are documented in Refs. [21], [22]. In this paper, linearized model. theflightenvelopeforthelongitudinaldynamicsisdefinedas α∈[−2 10](deg) and V ∈[100 250] (m/sec) at an altitude 10 5 Non−L oarfe7fi0t0i0ntmo.aApeorloydnyonmaimalicfucnocetifofincifeonrtms asnudchthtehiartderivatives − (deg)aat 05 q (deg/sec) 0 LQT−ILPV −5 −5 a=[αn α(n−1) ··· 1]C [Vm V(m−1) ··· 1]T +δ 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 a a time (sec) time (sec) (7) 50 40 wameharoetrrdiexynaaanmidsicδaancoisaeefafirocfiditeytinnntagsmaeinrcrdocrtohoeevfifirecruintehcneet,rfltCaiiganhttiiesesnaavreceloogepfievfi.ecnTiehninet V−V (m/sec)t−−105000 − (deg)qqt 200 −150 −20 Table I. The drag coefficient at fixed mach number (C ), 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 DM time (sec) time (sec) the lift coefficient at zero stabilizer angle (C ), the pitch x 104 Lb 2 4 mcthooeemfpfieictnicethnictnogdefefimricvoiaemtnievtneattdcuzoeeerfotfiocsietealnebtviladitzeoerrrivdaaetniflgveelectdi(ouCnem(tbCo),Leetlh)e,evaaltniofdrt − (deg) ddeet−02 T − T (N)t123 −4 0 deflection(C )arefunctionsofangleofattackandvelocity, 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100 me time (sec) time (sec) and the lift coefficient derivative due to pitch rate (C ), Lq the pitching moment coefficient derivative due to stabilizer Fig.1. Thesimulationresultsofthenonlinearmodel(Non-L),thequasi- LPVmodel(Q-LPV),andthelinearizedmodel(LTI) deflection(C ),andthepitchingmomentcoefficientderiva- ms tiveduetopitchrate(C )areconstantovertheflightenve- mq lope. The detailed polynomial fit functions are omitted due to limited space. Note that the aerodynamic coefficients are III. ROBUSTLPVFTCCONTROLSYNTHESIS evaluated in the full nonlinear simulation with the tabulated A. Control Objectives data. The polynomial fit aerodynamic coefficients are only The control objectives for the transport aircraft are to used for the quasi-LPV model development. obtain good tracking on flight path angle (γ) and velocity commands in the presence of parameter uncertainties and C. LPV model with real parameter uncertainties an elevator fault. The elevator fault is modeled as zero controllability in the elevator channel. The elevator and Using the symbolic tool in MATLAB and the function stabilizer actuator dynamics are modeled as substitution method, the nonlinear longitudinal model can be rewritten as 37 0.5 δ =ρ δ , δ =(1−ρ ) δ (11)      e fs+37 ecmd s f s+0.5 scmd x˙ A(α,V) B (α,V) B (α,V) x w u with the fault parameter (ρ ) which can vary from 0 (failure zp=Cz(α,V) Dzw(α,V) Dzu(α,V)wp, f case) to 1 (healthy case). Here δ and δ are actuator y Cy(α,V) Dyw(α,V) Dyu(α,V) u ecmd scmd (8) commandsignalsfromacontrollaw.Theengineismodeled as the first order transfer function 0.5 . The deflection and wp =∆pzp, (9) s+0.5 rate limits for the elevator and the stabilizer are −23 ≤ where∆ representsrealparameteruncertaintiesoftheaero- δ ≤ 17, |δ˙| ≤ 37(deg/sec) and −12 ≤ δ ≤ 3, |δ˙| ≤ p e e s s dynamic coefficients. With the assumption that the moment 0.5(deg/sec) (Refs. [15], [20], [22]). The maximum thrust 4 and thrust rate are 167000N and 83500 N/s, respectively. relating the input and output signals belongs to a set S : ∆ Actuatormodelsandtheirlimitsareincludedinthenonlinear S ={S : S >0,S∆=∆S,S ∈Rn∆×n∆}. (12) simulations. To formulate the control objectives into an ∆ In Fig. 3, the scheduling parameter ρ represents angle of Augmented open−loop Dp wum zum attack α, velocity V, and the fault parameter ρf. zp wp Dum Wum + -a e Wp - + q Q−LPV + + V Act + B. Linear Matrix Inequality Optimization Formulation - q + T The robust LPV control synthesis problem is stated as V Tg designing an LPV controller with the scaling matrix S to + de minimize the induced L2 norm of the closed-loop system. noise Wnoise + + K dTs ||[zT eT]T|| cmdg minγ = 2 . (13) cmdV K,S ||[wT dT]T||2 Fig. 2. The interconnection structure with a controller and weighting This problem is a bilinear matrix inequality problem similar functions. toaD-Kiterationproblemforalinearsystem.Inthispaper, this problem is solved by an iterative procedure using the optimization problem of minimizing the induced-L2 norm linear matrix inequality (LMI) optimization. The iteration oftheclosed-loopsystemfromcommandstotrackingerrors, procedure is as follows: themodelmatchingframeworkshowninFig.2isusedinthis 1)DesignanLPVcontrollerK usingaconventionalLPV paper. The desired velocity tracking model (TV) is chosen synthesis method [23], [24], with an assumption that S = as the second order system 0.152 from Ref. [15] I, to minimize the induced-L norm index γ over all LMI s2+0.3s+0.152 2 with 0.15 rad/sec as the cut off frequency. The desired constraintsevaluatedatallgridpoints.Thegridpointsareset flight path tracking model (Tγ) is chosen as the second as V =[110140170200230] and ρf =[0.01 0.3 0.6 1]. order system ( 0.72 ) having a cut-off frequency of 2) Combine the designed controller K and the augmented s2+1.4s+0.72 0.7 rad/sec. The desired transfer functions are defined based open-loop system with all weighting functions, resulting in on control designer judgment. The performance weighting the augmented closed-loop system given by ftounpcetinoanlizWepthies ctrhaocskeinngaserdroiarg(a[t50lso(/sw0/.300f1r0+e+1q1u)e,ncy5s0/(rs0a/.n01g0050e++(11d)e])- (cid:20)x˙ (cid:21) (cid:20)A B B (cid:21)xcl cl = cl 1cl 2cl w (14) sired tracking within 2% of command) and to be relaxed p C D D cl 1cl 2cl d at high frequency since unmodeled actuator dynamic un- certainty is greater than 100% at high frequency. The where the vector p is [zT eT]. unmodeled dynamics Wum [15] of actuators are set as 3)CalculateascalingmatrixS solvingthefollowingLMI diag([0.01(s/1+1), 0.01(s/0.5+1), 0.01(s/1+1)]) to represent optimization problem. Applying the Kalman-Yakubovich- s/500+1 s/300+1 s/500+1 1% uncertainty at low frequency. The noise level Wnoise Popov lemma (Ref. [25]), the following LMI optimization is set as diag([0.05deg, 0.1deg/sec, 0.05m/sec]). The is formulated to minimize the induced-L norm of the 2 augmented closed-loop system from d to e. Dp minγ (15) c D P, S z =zzupm um w=wwupm subject to e S1/2 y AOupgGemn(er−nl)oteodp uS−1/2 d= ncomisdes M((∗∗1))1 PDB11TccllS˜+(D∗C1)ccTllS−˜DS1cl PBD2TDcl1TS+˜clDS˜CDcTl2S˜c−lDI1cl<0 K(r) 2cl 2cl (16) where (cid:20) (cid:21) Fig.3. Theaugmentedopen-loopwiththescalingfactorassociatedwith S 0 theuncertaintyblock∆. S˜= (17) 0 γ I c ne×ne augmented open-loop system is represented by the dashed- and M = ATP + PA + P˙ + CTS˜C . The notation 11 cl cl cl cl dotted box shown in Fig. 3. The augmented state vector x (∗)denotesthesymmetriccomponentoftheLMIconstraint. includes longitudinal dynamics states, actuator states, and NotethattheLMIconstraintinEq.(16)canbederivedfrom weightingfunctionstates;thevectorsz andw areassociated the candidate quadratic Lyapunov function V = xTPx and with the uncertainty block ∆, diag([∆ , ∆ ]), the vector ||e|| <γ ||d|| . p um 2 c 2 erepresentsweightedtrackingerrors,andthevectordrepre- 4) The calculated scaling matrix S is integrated with the sents noise inputs, flight path angle and velocity commands. augmented open-loop in Fig. 3. A new LPV controller K Note that the command signals are treated as disturbance is calculated based on the new augmented open-loop shown signalshere.ThescalingmatrixS overtheuncertaintyblock in dashed-dotted line in Fig. 3 to minimize an induced-L 2 5 norm of the closed-loop system using the conventional LPV for the controller K show that the system is unstable LPVh synthesis method. in the presence of the elevator fault. The design of the 5) Iterate steps 1-4 until optimal solution γ value is active FTC law K assumed that the fault parameter is LPVa converged or the designed controller provides satisfactory accurately estimated with no time delay. Based on the fault performance. parameter, the gains in the active FTC law are reconfigured This iterative procedure does not guarantee convergence. to use the stabilizer instead of the faulty elevator. Also note that this procedure may not find global solutions for K and S. Using the iteration procedure, three LPV con- x 104 4 9 tcirsoondllteersorislglenarreed(KdteoLsPimgVnihne)idm,.rio1zb)euAtshtentoopmethrifneoarrlme,analonpcaaecratiumnadeteotxerrf(auininlducuerecrt,eadLi-nPLtVy2, (deg)g 123 KKKidLLLePPPaVVVlhpa T (N)678 norm). It is used as a baseline for comparison in case of 0 5 an actuator failure. 2) A passive LPV FTC law (K ) is −1 4 LPVp 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 constructedinthepresenceoftheelevatorfault.3)Anactive LeethlsPertiuvVmsattaFotarTerdCfeauolulantsw-ewldini(tKeht.oLtFhPceooVrnaats)trshoiueslmdhtpheetesaioilgtnlhonytnehdgacittoiuntndhdtiehintfeaiaolunplm,rteoesiselteinaovccnaectuooorrffatatetnhhlydee (deg)de−−21−−..2155 KKKLLLPPPVVVhpa (deg)ds12..255 −3 aircraft, while the stabilizer is used only as a trimming −3.5 1 device. 0 20 40Time6 0(sec)80 100 120 0 20 40Time6 0(sec)80 100 120 To design a passive LPV-FTC law, elevator failure should Fig. 4. The simulation results with the control laws under a healthy be modeled into an LFT form. The failure parameter ρ is f condition. modeled as the upper LFT form F (M,δ ), where M = (cid:20) √ (cid:21) u ρf 0 0.5 √ with |δ |≤1. We put the matrix M in the 0.5 0.5 ρf 5 10x 104 signal path between the open-loop model and the elevator 4 9 aurecnatculeaprttaoarrianmitnye.FteIirng.u2tnhcteoercrteaopinnrtteryoselδnρdtfeesilsiegvanaptpoperrnofdcaeeidlsustroefotahrseKauLnpPcaerVarptma,ientthteyer (deg)g123 KKKidLLLePPPaVVVlhpa T (N) 5678 block shown in Fig.3 such that ∆ = diag([∆p,∆um,δρf]). 00 20 40 60 40 20 40 60 Note that the elevator failure is treated as a real parameter uuinnncIdtneehrretaatnihpnertaeycshteeiinnvaceldteheLysoPifgcVno-tinhFndeTgiCteiaolenlpvaawaastnsoiddrveetfshaiFgeiTlnusC,rteat.lbhaiewTlih.zeeelervaiacsttouurasteiosdrsuosnaelryde (deg)de−−21−−..2155 KKKLLLPPPVVVhpa (deg)ds12..255 −3 modeled as in Eq.(11) with fault parameter ρ . In this case, f −3.5 1 ρf is one of the scheduling parameters. For all three LPV 0 20 40Time6 0(sec)80 100 120 0 20 40Time6 0(sec)80 100 120 controllers, the minimized induced L norm index γ is 2 Fig.5. Thesimulationresultsunderthefaultycondition:thestuckelevator around 2.5. In this example during the iteration process, the at10sec. γ valuesdonotchangemuch.After3iterations,theiteration procedure is terminated. Although not explicitly considered in the design process, the effect of time delays in the fault detection algorithm can IV. SIMULATIONRESULTS be examined in the nonlinear simulation. The fault detection The designed LPV control laws are evaluated in the timeisdefinedasthetimeintervaltodetectafaultafterfault nonlinear dynamic simulation with commanded flight path occurrence. In this example, the fault detection times are angle under nominal and faulty conditions. For the faulty assumed to be 1 sec, 5 sec, 10 sec and 20 sec, respectively. condition,theelevatorisstuckat10sec.Forallsimulations, For example, 5 sec fault detection time means that when the the flight path angle command is a 3 degree magnitude, 70 elevator is stuck at 10 sec, the fault parameter is estimated seconddurationpulsebeginningat5sec.Itisobservedfrom at 15 sec. It is observed from Fig. 6 that the system remains the simulation results shown in Fig. 4 that all controllers stable for 1 sec and 5 sec fault detection time cases. For the achievethedesiredperformanceunderthehealthycondition. 10secand20secdetectiontimecases,thesystemisunstable Note that the passive FTC law (K ) uses both the since the disturbance caused by the stuck elevator makes LPVp elevator and the stabilizer even in the nominal case. The the system unrecoverable. It is observed from the stabilizer active FTC law, however, uses only the elevator under the time responses that the stabilizer deflection rate is already healthy condition. saturated when the fault is detected and the controller gains ItisobservedfromFig.5thattheFTCcontrollersK recalculated. It is too late to stabilize the system using the LPVp and K achieve the desired performance in the presence stabilizer with its rate limit of 0.5 deg/sec. 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