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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20070023360: The Suzaku Observation of the Nucleus of the Radio Loud Active Galaxy Centaurus A: Constraints on Abundances in the Accreting Material PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20070023360: The Suzaku Observation of the Nucleus of the Radio Loud Active Galaxy Centaurus A: Constraints on Abundances in the Accreting Material

Preprint typeset using style emulateapj v. 11/12/01 THE SUZAKU OBSERVATION OF THE NUCLEUS OF THE RADIO LOUD ACTIVE GALAXY CENTAURUS A: CONSTRAINTS ON ABUNDANCES IN THE ACCRETING MATERIAL ' X-RAYA STROPHYSILCASB ORATORCYO,D E6 62, NASAIGODDARSDP ACEF LIGHTC ENTER, GREENBELMTD, 20771, USA; AGMQMILKYWAY.GSFC.NASA.GOV NASA POST-DORCE SEARCAHS SOCIATE INSTITUTOEF SPACEA ND ASTRONAUTICSACILE NCEJA, XA, SAGAMIHARKAA,N AGAWA 229-8510, JAPAN DEPARTMEONFT P HYSICSH, IROSHIMUAN IVERSIT1Y-3, -1 KAGAMIYAMHAIG, ASHI-HIROSHIMA, 739-8526, JAPAN DEPARTMENOFT P HYSICSG, RADUATSEC HOOOLF SCIENCEU, NIVERSITOYF TOKYOH, ONGO 7-3-1, BUNKYO11, 3-0033, JAPAN THEI NSTITUTOEF PHYSICAALN D CHEMICARLE SEARC(HR IKEN), 2-1 HIROSAWWA,A KO, 351-0198, JAPAN DEPARTMEONFT P HYSICSF,A CULTOYF SCIENCEE,H IMEU NIVERSITBYU, NKYO-CHO, MATSUYAMEAH,I ME7 90-8577, JAPAN DEPARTMENOFT PHYSICST, OKYOIN STITUTOEF TECHNOLOGMYE, GUROT,O KYO1 52-8551, JAPAN STANFORLDIN EARA CCELERATCOERN TER(S LAC), 2575 SANDH ILLR OADM, ENLOP ARKC, A 94025, USA lo DEPARTMEONFT P HYSICASN D ASTRONOMJYO,H NHS OPKINUS NIVERSITBYA, LTIMORMED, 21218, USA '' DEPARTMEONFT A STRONOMKYY, OTOU NIVERSITSYA, KYO-KKUY, OTO6 06-8502, JAPAN ABSTRACT A Suzaku observation of the nucleus of the radio-loud AGN Centaurus A in 2005 has yielded a broad- band spectrum spanning 0.3 to 250 keV. The hard X-rays are fit by two power laws, absorbed by columns of 1.5 and 7 x cmd2. The dual power-laws are consistent with previous suggestions that the power- law components are X-ray emission from the sub-pc VLBI jet and from Bondi accretion at the core, or are consistent with a partial covering interpretation. The soft band is dominated by thermal emis sion from the diffuse plasma and is fit well by a two-temperature VAPEC model, plus a third power-law component to account for scattered nuclear emission, kpc-scale jet emission, and emission from X-ray Binaries and other point sources. Narrow fluorescent emission lines from Fe, Si, S, Ar, Ca and Ni are detected. The width of the Fe Ka line yields a 200 light-day lower limit on the distance from the black hole to the line-emitting gas. K-shell absorption edges due to Fe, Ca, and S are detected. Elemental abundances are constrained via the fluorescent lines strengths, absorption edge depths and the diffuse plasma emission lines. The high metallicity ([Fe/H]=+O.l) of the circumnuclear material compared to that in the metal-poor outer halo suggests that the accreting material could not have originated in the outer halo unless enrichment by local star formation has occurred. Relative abundances are consistent with enrichment from Type I1 and Ia supernovae. Subject headings: galaxies: active - X-rays: galaxies - galaxies: individual (NGC 5128) 1. INTRODUCTION 1986). VLBI observations have also revealed a sub-pc jet (see 1srael 1998 for a review). The radio-loud active galactic nucleus (AGN) Centau- The host galaxy of Cen A is a giant elliptical with a pro- rus A (NGC 5128) is one of the most extensively-studied nounced optical dust lane that obscures the inner few kpc AGNs at wavebands, thanks to its proximity (distance and is believed to be an edge-on disk structure (Quillen et of 3.8 0.4 MPC, Rejkube 2004; 1' = 1 ~PCa)n d bright- al. 1992). The inner dust disk, with associated young stars, ness (2-10 keV flux typically -2 ~10-loe rg cm-2 s-l). H I1 regions, and other ionized gas, is the site of vigorous A features the nearest AGN jet and is a star formation, e.g., as observed along the edges of the in- prototypical FR I radio galaxy. Its radio structure con- ner disk (e.g., Ebneter & Balick 1983, Dufour et al. 1979). sists of extended kpc-scale outer, middle, and inner radio The dust disk is interpreted as the result of a merger be- lobes, fed by a one-sided kpc-scale jet. The jet is at an tween a large elliptical and a gas-rich disk galaxy at least angle of -60' to the line of sight, leading to its descrip- a Gyr ago (e.g., Israel 1998). Infrared studies are neces- tion as a 'misaligned' BL Lac object (e.g., Bailey et al. 2 Markowitz et al. sary to reveal the compact, pc-scale core (e.g., Karovska tion.has also yielded the highest quality soft X-ray spec- et al. 2003). NIR studies (e.g, Schreier et al. 1998) have trum of Cen A obtained so far. 52 gives a brief overview of revealed a circumnuclear disk tens-hundreds of pc wide, the Suzaku observatory, and describes the observation and surrounding the central black hole. Stellar kinematic stud- data reduction. 53 describes the spectral fits. The results ies indicate a black hole mass near 2x lo8 Ma (Silge et al. are discussed in 54, and a brief summary is given in 55. 2005) Previous studies of the nuclear X-ray emission from -4 2. OBSERVATIONS AND DATA REDUCTION keV to several hundred keV (e.g., Rothschild et al. 1999) The nucleus of Cen A was observed by Suzaku from 2005 have established the presence of a non-thermal, power- August 19 at 03:30 UT until August 20 at 09:50 UT, and law continuum whose origin is not certain. It could be a in fact was the first light target for the HXD. Swabw as signature of accretion, or it could be associated with jet launched 2005 July 10 into a low-Earth orbit. It has four emission processes, e.g., synchrotron or inverse Compton X-ray telescopes (XRTs; Serlemitsos et al. 2007), each with emission from the sub-pc VLBI jet. Below -4 keV, the a spatial resolution of 2' (HPD). The XRTs focus X-rays X-ray continuum emission undergoes moderately heavily onto four X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS; Koyama et absorption, though the nature of the X-ray obscuring ma- al. 2007) CCDs, which are sensitive to 0.2-12 keV X-rays terial is not certain, i.e., it could have a sky-covering frac- on a 18' by 18' field of view, contain 1024 by 1024 pixel tion of 1 as seen from the central X-ray source or it could rows each, and feature an energy resolution of -140 eV at be in a form of a dusty torus. Rothschild et al. (2006) have 6 keV. Three CCDs (XIS-0, 2 and 3) are front-illuminated noted -50% variations in the absorbing column over -20 (FI), the fourth (XIS-1) is back-illuminated (BI) and fea- years, and suggested that the nucleus is seen through the tures an enhanced soft X-ray response. The XRT/XIS edges of a warped, rotating disk. combination yields effective areas per detector of roughly Previous hard X-ray spectral fits to the nucleus of Cen 330 cm2 (FI) or 370 cm2 (BI) at 1.5 keV, and 160 cm2 (FI) A center on one or more power-laws, with varying degrees or 110 cm2 (BI) at 8 keV. Each XIS is equipped with two of absorption. For instance, using ROSAT and ASCA, 55Fe calibration sources which produce fluorescent Mn Ka Turner et al. (1997) suggested that one plausible descrip and KP lines and are located at the CCD corners. Suzuku tion of the nuclear emission is a partial-covering model, also features a non-imaging, collimated Hard X-ray Detec- wherein the nucleus is seen through three layers of absorp- tor (HXD; Takahashi et al. 2007); its two detectors, PIN tion: 40%, 59%, and 1%o f the nuclear emission is obscured and GSO, combine to yield sensitivity from -10 to -700 by columns of 4, 1 and 0.01 x cmw2,r espectively. keV. Further details of the Suzab observatory are given Using ChandmHETGS and XMM-Newton observations, in Mitsuda et al. (2007). Evans et al. (2004) suggested a different interpretation. They fit the hard X-ray continuum spectrum by a heavily- 2.1; XIS reduction absorbed power-law, thought to be associated with Bondi accretion at the core, plus a relatively less-absorbed power- The XIS data used in this paper were version 0.7 of law thought to be associated with the sub-pc VLBI jet, the screened data (Fujimoto et al. 2007) provided by the though they did not rule out the partial covering interpre- Suzaku team. The screening is based on the following criteria: grade 0, 2, 3, 4, and 6 events were used, the tation. There is a prominent Fe Ka emission line at 6.4 keV, CLEANSIS script was used to remove hot or flickering pix- first noted by Mushotzky et al. (1978). It is narrow (e.g., els, data collected within 256 s of passage through the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) were discarded, and data FWHM = 2200f 900 km s-l, Evans et al. 2004), and its flux is historically nearly constant despite long-term con- were selected to be 5" in elevation above the Earth rim tinuum variations spanning a factor of -5 over 20 years (20" above the day-Earth rim). The XIS-FI CCDs were in (Rothschild et al. 1999), implying an origin for the line 2x2, 3x3 and 5x5 editmodes, for a net exposure time after which is distant from the origin of the variable continuum. screening of 71.5 (XIS-0), 70.3 (XIS-2) and 68.6 (XIS-3) The soft X-ray emission in Cen A is a combination of ks. XIS-1 was in 3x3 and 5x5 modes, for a net exposure narrow emission lines plus a continuum of some form, and of 68.6 ks. has generally been interpreted as thermal emission, likely The source was observed at the nominal center position associated with the diffuse gas that extends to -6 kpc of the XIS. To reduce the risk of photon-pileup, the XIS around the nucleus. Turner et al. (1997) modeled the soft was kept in "1/4 Window Mode" for this observation: each X-rays with a 0.6 keV thermal plasma component, a 5 keV CCD recorded 256 by 1024 pixel rows, with a readout time component associated with emission from a population of of 2 s, as opposed to 8 s when the full 1024 by 1024 win- X-ray Binaries, and a power-law jet component. dow is used ("Normal Mode"). For each XIS, we extracted In this paper, we report on an observation of Cen A a 2' radius centered on the source. Spectra were binned x2 to a minimum of 50 counts bin-l to allow use of the made with the Suzab observatory in August 2005. The combination of the X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS) statistic. CCD and the Hard X-ray Detector (HXD) instruments Because the soft diffuse emission in Cen A covers nearly the entire read-out area of the CCD, we used observations have yielded a broadband spectrum covering 0.3 to 250 keV, allowing us to deconvolve the various broadband of the North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) to extract a background emitting and absorbing components in this object. Fur- spectrum. Suzaku observed the NEP on 2005 September 2 to 4. There was a brief, sharp flare during the NEP ob- thermore, the exceptional response of the XIS CCD and servation, consistent with evidence for solar wind charge high signal-to-noise ratio of this observation allows us to study narrow emission lines in great detail. This observa- exchange emission (see Fujimoto et al. 2007). Removing that flare and applying the same screening criteria as above Suzaku Cen A observation 3 yielded a net exposure time of 93.9 (XIS-0), 108.5 (XIS-I), 2.2. HXD reduction 93.3 (XIS-2), 96.6 (XIS-3) ks. We extracted data over a 2' The PIN and GSO source spectra were extracted from circle. The NEP is known to contain soft X-ray emission cleaned version 1.2 (pre-1.2-rl) HXD event files provided lines (see e.g., Fujimoto et al. 2007), but they are much by the HXD instrument team. We first discuss the PIN ex- fainter than those of Cen A (see §3). The 0 VII and 0 traction. Data were selected according to the following cri- VIII lines in Cen A are a factor of roughly 10 (20) higher teria: at least 500 s since SAA passage, COR 2 8 GV, and compared to NEP as seen in the XIS-BI (XIS-FIs). Lines day- and night-Earth elevation angles each 25". Instru- near 0.8-0.9 keV such as Fe L XVII and Ne IX in Cen A mental (non-X-ray) background spectra for the PIN were are typically -60 (100) times brighter in Cen A compared provided by the HXD Team ("Background D" model) gen- to the NEP as seen in the XIS-BI (XIS-FIs). erated from a time-dependent model.12 The model utilized Average 0.5-2.0 keV count rates for the NEP observ* the count rate of upper discriminators as the measure of tion were 0.004,0.009,0.004 and 0.003 count s-l for XIS-0, cosmic ray flux that passed through the silicon PIN diode 1,2 and 3, respectively; average 2-10 keV count rates were and yielded background spectra based on a database of non 0.005, 0.012, 0.005 and 0.004 count s-l, respectively. X-ray background observations with the PIN (Fukazawa Response matrices and ancillary response files (ARFs) et al. 2007). The systematic uncertainty of the PIN is were generated for each XIS independently using XISSIM- expected to be <5%. Both the source and background RMFGEN and XISSIMARFGEN version 2006-10-26 (Ishisaki spectra were generated with identical good time intervals, et al. 2007). The ARF generator takes into account the and the exposures were corrected for instrument dead time level of hydrocarbon contamination on the optical block- (a ~ 5 e%ffec t). This yielded a good time exposure of 60.8 ing filter. However, the Cen A observation occurred very ks. Data < 12 keV were discarded due to noise contam- early in the Suzaku mission, and the level of contarnina- ination near the lower threshold of the PIN diode. Data tion was quite low: we estimate a carbon column density above 76 keV were also discarded: the gain above an in- of only -0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0 . 5 ~ 1 0 ~ ~ f or XIS-0, 1, 2 ternal Bi Ka calibration line at 76 keV is not well-defined, and 3, respectively. though there is GSO data covering these energies. Fur- A consequence of observing in 1/4 Window Mode is that ther details of the HXD in-orbit performance are given there are no 55Fe calibration source lines on the CCD. in Kokubun et al. (2007). To model the contribution to This leads to a higher systematic uncertainty in the en- the total background from the Cosmic X-ray Background ergy scale compared to normal mode (where it is a few (CXB), the spectrum of the form 9.0~10-~(E/3keV)-~~~~ tenths of a percent at most). To estimate the instrument exp(-El4OkeV) erg s-I sr-l keVV1 (Gruber et al. resolution, we used the calibration source lines from a 77 1999) was used; the contribution in the 12-76 keV band ks observation of MCG-6-30-15, observed in Normal Mode was 1.1~10-l1e rg s-l. immediately prior to Cen A. We fit the calibration source The spectrum was binned to a minimum of spectra with three Gaussians. Two Gaussians were for the 400 count bin-l. We used the response file Mn Ka doublet (expected energies 5.899 keV and 5.888 aehxd~pinxinom20060814.rsp.T he 12-76 keV net source keV), with energy centroids fixed to be 11 eV apart, and flux and count rate were 7.3~10-loe rg s-I and the higher energy line flux set to twice that of the lower 1.21 count s-l. The total (X-ray plus, particle) back- energy one. The third Gaussian was used to model the KP ground 12-76 keV flux and count rate were 6.9~10-lo line, expected at 6.404 keV. We found the average of all erg cm-2 s-l and 0.59 count s-l. The orbitally-binned the calibration line widths cr to be 92: eV. light curve is shown in Figure 1. The light curve gener- The positional accuracy of Suzaku is -1' at present, as ally increases in flux by -10-20% over the observation, the spacecraft has been known to exhibit small attitude matching the general trend shown by the XIS light curve, variations ("wobble"). We checked to make sure that the though shorter-timescale differences between the XIS and effect of these attitude variations was not significant, given PIN light curves might be attributed to uncertainty as- that the Cen A observation was in 114 Window Mode. We sociated with the PIN background. Figure 2 shows the generated light curves by extracting over radii of 1.5' and + net source, background, and total (source background) 1.0' and looked for variations on the orbital timescale, but spectra. The source spectrum is always at least 30% of found nothing significant. the, total up to -50 keV. Average 0.5-2.0 keV net source count rates were 0.24, The HXD-GSO data were reduced in a manner simi- 0.35, 0.25, and 0.25 count s-l for XIS-0, 1, 2, and 3, re- lar to the HXD-PIN data. A key contributor to the GSO spectively. Average 2-10 net source count rates were 4.7, particle background is activation lines, e.g., delayed ernis- 4.4, 4.5, and 4.5 count s-l for XIS-0, 1, 2, and 3, re- sion from radioactive isotopes induced inside the detector spectively. Figure 1 shows 2-10 keV light curves for each due to interaction with SAA particles. To minimize such XIS. During the observation, the source flux increased by emission, data taken within 6000 s of SAA passage were only lo%, with fractional variability amplitudes F, (see discarded; the background is the most reliable and the Vaughan et al. 2003 for definition) of 3.73~0.2% , 3.4f 0.2 least variable during non-SAA orbits. This yielded a good %, 3.1 f 0.2 %, and 3.3& 0.2 % for XIS-0, 1, 2, and 3, re- time exposure of 17.1 ks. The 'Background D' model fdes spectively. The 0.5-2.0 keV flux (determined from model provided by the HXD Team were used (Fukazawa et al. fits; see 83) was 2.331~0 -l2 erg cm-2 s-l. The 2-10 keV 2007). The CXB is expected to contribute insignificantly flux was 2.12x10-~O erg cme2 s-l. to the total GSO background and was ignored. Source l2 Other recently-published Suzaku results have made use of the "Background A" model. However, observations occurring before September 2, 2005 had a hit-pattern width set to a shorter value compared to observations occurring after this date. Because applying the "Background A" model would yield an underestimate of the true non-X-ray PIN background, we instead use the "Background D" model. 4 Markowitz et al. and background spectra were both binned with GRPPHA directly study the intrinsic neutral Si K edge in the ab- following recommendations from the HXD Team13. sorbing material or any highly-ionized Si K lines expected The source was detected out to 250 keV; the GSO is due to the thermal plasma emission. The PINIXIS-2 and sensitive down to roughly 45 keV. The 45-250 keV net GSOIXIS-2 normalizations were left free, but were usu- source flux and count rate were 7.2~10-loe rg s-l ally close to 1.09 and 0.9-1.0, respectively, though results and 0.83 count s-l. The 45-250 keV background flux and were not strongly dependent on these factors (in our best- count rate were 1.0~10-e~rg s-l and 9.1 count fit model, PINIXIS-2 = 1.055f0.022 and GSOIXIS-2 = s-l. Figure 1 shows the GSO light curve. Figure 2 0.98f 0.06). Preliminary results on the relative GSOIPIN + shows the net source, background, and total (source normalization using the Crab suggest GSO/PIN = 0.84 background) spectra. The source spectrum is always at (Yamasaki et al., in prep). Fixing GSOIPIN at 0.84 in x2 least 5% of the total below 200 keV. The response file the Cen A fits usually resulted in increasing by 55; aehxd~gsoxinom2006032.1rm f was used. the photon index did not change significantly. We left the Below 100 keV, the GSO field of view is 34'x 34' FWHM, GSOIPIN normalization free to attain the lowest x2p ossi- the same as the PIN. Above 100 keV, the field of view in- ble. All errors on one interesting parameter correspond to creases with photon energy to a maximum of 4.5Ox4.5' AX2 = 2.71 (with all relative normalizations except XIS- FWHM and there is the possibility of source confusion. 31x1s-2 left free). A redshift of 0.001825 dG raham 1978) The nearest possible contaminating source is the blazar was used. Galactic absorption of 8.6l~o 2 was in- MS 1312.1-4221 = GRO J1312-42, located -2' west of cluded. The abundances of Lodders (2003) were used. Ab- Cen A. According to Steinle et al. (1998), the flux of solute abundances relative to solar values are denoted by MS 1312.1-4221 in the Compton Gamma-Ray Oberuatory ZFe;a value of 1 denotes solar abundance. (CGR0)-OSSE band (50-4000 keV) is likely less than a As shown below, the best model fit includes five over- tenth of Cen A's flux. MS 1312.1-4221 is much fainter at lapping broadband components, and changes in how one other X-ray bands as well: the 1 keV intensity is usually is fit can potentially cause changes in other components. only 1-10% of the historically-observed Cen A intensities Our strategy in finding the best-fit broadband model was (Kinzer et al. 1995). We henceforth assume that the con- to fit the hard band first, then extend it to the soft band. tamination from MS 1312.1-4221 is negligible in the GSO Relatively more narrow features (lines and edges) were ex- band. plored later. 3. SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 3.1. Broadband fit Given the 2' FWHM HPD of the XRT, the spectrum will contain blended contributions from multiple sources. We first fit the >3 keV emission with an absorbed power- Previous studies have shown the hard X-rays14 to be dom- law (henceforth denoted PL1) using ZVPHABS(CUTOFFPL) inated by two power-laws; both hard X-ray sources are (Model 1). The power-law cutoff was kept fixed at 400 constrained to lie within a few tenths of an arcsecond keV; abundances in the absorber were initially kept fixed ( ~ P5C) of the position of the unresolved radio core by at solar. Residuals are plotted in Figure 3. The slight ChandmACIS (Kraft et al. 2000). The soft X-rays con- hard excesses above ~9 keV in the XIS spectra are asso- sist of thermal emission from the diffuse plasma and dif- ciated with calibration uncertainties known at the time of fuse emission from the kposcale jet, with contributions this writing. Residuals in the GSO spectrum near 150-200 from a few of the innermost knots in the kposcale jet and keV are likely associated with uncertainties in estimating other point sources resolved by ChandmACIS (Kraft et the strengths of activation lines in the GSO background al. 2000; Kataoka et al. 2006). Each knot, however, is ex- (lines at 153 and 196 keV are due to 153Gd and l5lrnEu, tremely faint in the soft X-rays (5 6 x 10-l3 erg respectively); see Kokubun et al. (2007) for further details. s-l; Feigelson et al. 1981). Evans et al. (2004) noted that GSO residuals near 65 keV are likely associated with cal- the 1 keV flux density of the power-law emission associ- ibration uncertainties present at the time of this writing. ated with the sub-pc jet was a factor of ~ 1br5igh ter than Large residuals near the expected Fe Ka line were appar- that associated with the kpc-scale jet. ent. We then added Fe Ka and KP lines; the KP energy The four XIS spectra were fit separately. 0.4-11.5 keV was fixed at 7.056 keV, its intensity was fixed at 0.13 times FI data and 0.3-11.5 keV BI data were included. We found that of Ka, and the widths of the two lines were tied. X,2 it reasonable to keep the photon indices tied for all four dropped from 1.50 to 1.07, but the residuals in the XIS XISes while allowing the relative normalizations for XIS- band suggested the fit could be improved if we added a 0 and XIS-1 to each vary relative to that for XIS-2 and second, fainter absorbed power-law (PL2; Model 2). The r2, 3, which were tied together (XIS-3lXIS-2 fixed at 1.00). photon index of the second power-law, was kept tied to rl, XIS-01x1s-2 was typically 1.06; XIS-11x1s-2 was typically that of PL1, for simplicity, but the absorbing column x2 0.96 (in our best-fit model, XIS-01x1s-2 = 1.065f0.004 densities NH1 and NH2w ere not. dropped by over 140. and XIS-l/XIS-2 = 0.951f 0.003). We ignored 1.80-1.87 PL1, with a 1k eV normalization -4 times that of PL2, was keV in the XIS FI spectra and 1.75-1.87 keV in the XIS absorbed by a column NH1 near 1 . 0 ~ 1~0m~ ~- N~ H;2 w as BI spectrum due to uncertainties in calibration associated near 5 . 0 ~ ~ m - ~T.he photon index was 1.773+::::!. with the instrumental Si K edge. This means we cannot Residuals to Model 2 are plotted in Figure 3. l3 group 0 24 25 25 26 2 27 28 2 29 31 3 32 35 4 36 38 3; group 39 42 4 43 46 4 47 51 5 52 56 5 57 62 6; group 63 68 6 69 75 7 76 83 8 84 91 8 92 100 9; group 101 110 10 111 121 11 122 134 13 135 147 13 148 162 15; group 163 178 16 179 196 18 197 216 20 217 238 22 239 262 24; group 263 288 26 289 317 29 318 349 32 350 384 35 385 422 38; group 423 465 43 466 511 46 l4 We henceforth denote "hard X-ray" emission as any intrinsic emission component above 2-3 keV, as opposed to describing emission detected solely with the HXD. Suzaku Cen A observation 5 We then included the soft band data, down to 0.3 keV. There has been no strong evidence from past observa- Several soft X-ray emission lines are prominent, and are tions for a strong Compton reflection hump in Cen A. We especially well constrained with XIS-1, as illustrated in added a Compton reflection component to Model 6 using Figure 4. Simply adding a third power-law (Model 3) to PEXRAV, keeping the input normalization equal to that the soft X-rays thus did not yield an acceptable broadband of PL 1, the inclination fixed at 30°, the high-energy cutoff fit. Table 1 shows results for the lines when each is fit with fixed at 400 keV, assuming solar abundances, and leaving a Gaussian; we identify them as originating in 0 VII, 0 the PINIXIS-2 normalization free. The best fit-model pre- VIII, a blend of Fe XVII 3s-2p and 0 VII RRC, a blend ferred a value of the reflection fraction R (defined as R/27r, of Fe XVII 3d-2p ('PI) and Fe XVII 3d-2p (3D1), Ne where R is the solid angle subtended by the reflector) of IX, Ne X and Mg XI. We can use the lines as a check of 0, with an upper limit of 0.05, consistent with previous the absolute energy scale of the XIS. Assuming that the suggestions that the Fe Ka line originates in Compton- He-like lines are each dominated by the forbidden line, as thin material. This limit is identical to that obtained by expected for a thermal plasma, the measured energy cen- Benlloch et al. (2001) using Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer rl troids, including Ne X are within 510 eV of the expected (RXTE) data. Contour plots of R versus and versus the energies (within 54e V excluding Ne X). Additionally, the PINIXIS-2 relative instrument normalization are shown in Fe Ka centroid is 6f3 eV from its expected energy. Figure 6. Attempting to model the soft band emission with Using CGRO-OSSE, Kinzer et al. (1995) found evidence a single-temperature VAPEC component, with all abun- for a high-energy cutoff which appeared at 300 keV to dances fixed at solar, also did not yield an acceptable fit. -700 keV in the highest- to lowest-flux states, respec- In Model 4, we tried -tw o VAPEC components, henceforth tively. Keeping the cutoff energies for PL1 and PL2 in denoted VAPECl and VAPEC2. The best-fit model had Model 6 equal to each other, we found a lower limit of temperatures of kBT 0.2 keV, to model the He- and H- 400 keV. Future improvements to background modeling of like 0 lines, and kBT 0.6 keV, to model the Fe L and the GSO may eventually allow us to establish more strict N He- and H-like Ne lines. However, X : was still high, about constraints. 1.10, and there were still large residuals <0.7 keV. It is plausible that some optically-thin circumnuclear 3.2. Hard X-ray emission lines and absorption edges material may scatter some of the hard X-ray continuum; a scattered power-law component was included in the best- In addition to that from Fe, fluorescent Ka lines from fit model of Turner et al. (2005), for instance. In addition Si and S have been claimed by Sugizaki et al. (1997) and to the two VAPEC components, we added a third power- Evans et al. (2004). We added five more Gaussians, each law (PL3), with photon index r3t ied to rl,a ssuming that with width tied to that of the Fe Ka line; it was signifi- PL3 undergoes no absorption in excess of the Galactic col- cant at >90% confidence according to the F-test to add umn. X2/dof was high: 10158/9161. Untying F3 improved each line. The centroid energies are consistent with Ka the fit considerably: X2/dof fell to 9806.819158; r3 was emission from Si, S, Ca, Ar, and Ni; detection of the lat- ter three lines are reported here for the fist time. The l.l6+;::; (Model 5). However, it is plausible that PL3 does undergo some ab- decrease in X2 for each line, including the Fe Ka and KP lines, along with energy centroids, fluxes, and observed sorption in the host galaxy, so we added an ZVPHABS com- r3 rl. equivalent widths EWob,, are listed in Table 3. In the case ponent to PL3, and refit with tied to x2/dof fell of Si, we caution that, as data near 1.8 keV have been ig- to 9798.9/9160. The column density of the third absorber, nored due to calibration uncertainties, values of flux and NH3, was 0.13f 0.06 x loz2 ~ m - ~Th.e 1 keV normaliza- equivalent width may be uncertain (e.g., some fraction of tion of PL3 was 0.8% of the sum of the normalizations of r3 the large value of AX2 may be due to calibration uncer- PL1 and PL2. Untying improved the fit considerably: r3 tainties). The detection of the Ni line is robust: there x2/dof fell to 9745.1/9159, was 1.28?;::;, and NH3w as <0.03 x cm-2 (Model 6). All of the improvement in does exist a Ni Ka line in the NEP background spectrum, r3 but it is 200 times fainter than the source spectrum line. the fit when was thawed came at energies below 2 keV. Datalmodel residuals to models with all six Ka lines and PL3 likely represents a blend of scattered emission (likely 5 the Fe KP line removed are shown in Figures 7-9. 0.8% of the total nuclear hard X-ray continuum) plus The best-fit Fe Ka line width is 14 eV, but formally the X-ray emission associated with the kpc-scale jet, with per- value is only an upper limit, 24 eV. After subtracting the haps some contribution from XRBs or ULXs in the inner 2 55Fe calibration line width of 92; eV in quadrature, we kpc of the host galaxy. For the moment, we adopt Model infer an intrinsic line width of < 23 eV, which corresponds 6 as our new baseline broadband model. Best-fit parame- to a FWHM velocity of <2500 km s-l. ters for Models 5 and 6 are listed in Table 2. Datalmodel We next explored the abundances of the hard X-ray ab- residuals for Models 3, 4, and 6 are shown in Figure 5. sorbers (Model 7). The K-shell edges for Fe, Ca, and S are detected at >99.999% confidence: setting each ZVPHABS 3.1.1. Hard X-ray continuum emission abundance to 0. The detection of the Ca K edge is likely Evans et al. (2004) fit the hard X-ray Chandm and robust: the response of the Fe Ka line includes a Si es- XMM-Newton data with a dual power-law model, wherein cape feature near 4.5 keV, but it is a factor of more than rl rl. and r2 differed by about 0.3. We untied r2 from 50 fainter than the continuum and likely does not influence x2 However, compared to Model 6, only dropped by 1.4, the Ca edge. The intrinsically weak Ar K and Ni K edges rl r2 and the best-fit values of and were consistent; the are not detected at high confidence; in the latter case, the r2 uncertainty on was f 0.24. In subsequent fits, we will decrease in the effective area of the XIS above 8 keV is also r2=r1. continue to fix a factor. We re-fit the data, allowing ZFe, ZCaa nd Zs to 6 Markowitz et al. vary, and keeping the abundances of all three absorbers Si XIV emission line at 2.05 keV, but at that energy, the tied to each other for simplicity. We also kept all other PL3 component and the absorbed hard X-ray power-laws abundances fixed at solar. Best-fit model parameters for dominate. Model 7 are listed in Table 2; the edges are also displayed In addition to Fe XVII emission lines, Fe is also respon- in Figures 7-9. The abundance results are listed in Table sible for a large bump in the continuum emission from 4; note that the Fe abundance is inconsistent with solar at about 0.7 to 1.0 keV. Adjusting the Fe abundance causes 3a confidence. Given the column density of the absorbing the PL3 component to vary in normalization to compen- material and the 2-3 keV rollover, most of the rollover is sate, creating systematic uncertainty to ZF, derived from the result of absorption by K-shell 0 (with some contribu- Gshell emission. We henceforth rely on the abundance tions to the total opacity from K-shell Ne and L-shell Fe). determined using the K edge depth (53.3). We are actually measuring abundances relative primarily We did, however, find significant improvements to the to 0, not to H. The abundances listed relative to H in fit when the Ne or Mg abundances were thawed. In the Table 4 implicitly assume Zo = 1.0. case of Ne, the best-fit abundance was 2.72::; solar; X2 de- To find the equivalent optical depth for each edge, we creased by 71 (F-test probability 2x 10-15). For Mg, the re-fit the data with ZFe, ZCa and ZS set to zero in the best-fit abundance was 1.6f 0.3 solar, with X2 decreasing ZVPHABS components, but with edges at the appropriate by 19 (F-test probability 2 x energies. The results, listed in Table 4, show that the en- We re-fit the data with the Ne and Mg abundances in ergy of each edge is consistent with absorption by neutral VAPECl and VAPEC2 thawed (Model 8). We left the atoms. VAPEC abundances for C, N, 0, Si and Fe fixed at solar The Fe KPIKa intensity ratio can yield insight into the (fixing ZF, at 1.17, the value derived from the Fe K edge, ionization state of the line-emitting gas. However, in the had minimal impact). In the best-fit model, ZNe and ZMg present spectrum, the KP line is somewhat blended with were 2.7f 0.3, and 1.9f 0.4, respectively. The tempera- the Fe K edge. However, we note that the Fe K edge energy ture of the VAPEC2 component fell slightly to 0.562::;; and depth ire robust to the properties of the KP line, and keV. With the exception of these parameters, all other the energy can be used to constrain the ionization state of previously-derived parameters did not change significantly the material, as discussed further in 54. compared to Model 7. The best-fit parameters for Model We searched for any possible Compton shoulder to the 8 are listed in Table 2. A contour plot of NH1v ersus the Fe Ka line by adding a Gaussian near 6.24 keV, but there photon index and normalization of the primary power-law was no improvement in the fit. We find an upper limit is shown in Figure 10. An unfolded model spectrum in of 1.7~10-p~h cm-2 s-l to Compton shoulder emission plotted in Figure 11. (EW < 10 eV, determined relative to locally-fit contin- uum). 4. DISCUSSION Grandi et al. (2003) claimed emission due to ionized Fe The broad bandpass of the XIS and HXD aboard Suzaku near 6.8 keV using BeppoSAX. We added a narrow Gaus- has allowed us to obtain a high-quality spectrum spanning sian at the rest energies of Fe XXV and Fe XXVI, with nearly 3 decades in photon energy. The long exposure no change in the fit statistic in either case; upper limits to time, narrow response, and the low background make the emission were 3 and 1 eV, respectively. XIS spectrum one of the highest quality CCD spectra of Cen A to date, particularly below 2 keV. 3.3. Abundances of the thermal plasma In 54.1, we compare our results to other recent works We next explored the abundances Z of the diffuse, ther- to test for evidence of long-term variations in several ob- served parameters. The dual power-laws which dominate mal plasma relative to solar values. Abundances for the the hard X-rays, and the material which absorbs them, VAPECl and VAPEC2 components were kept tied to each are both discussed in 54.2. That same absorbing mate- other. We thawed one element at a time from solar, while rial is likely the origin of the fluorescent emission lines; assuming solar abundances for all other elements. Abun- dances relative to H can. be measured accurately if the the nature of the Fe Ka line is discussed in 94.3. The soft X-ray emission from the thermal plasma is discussed continuum is well-determined and the thermal emission is in 54.4. Finally, in 54.5, element abundances are derived not too heavily dominated by lines. Given the presence of from the hard X-ray absorption edges and fluorescent emis- PL3, one must keep in mind that there could be systematic sion lines, the first time abundances in the absorbing gas effects associated with some derived abundance values. of Cen A have been measured. In conjunction with abun- We did not find any strong evidence for non-solar abun- dances for C, N or 0. The best chance to constrain Zc dances measured using the thermal plasma lines, we show P that the abundances are consistent with enrichment from in our model is via the C VI Ly a and Ly lines at star formation. 0.368 and 0.436 keV, respectively. However, there are very few counts at these energies, and the PL3 component 4.1. Comparison to previous observations dominates at these energies. Similarly, ZN is constrained mainly via the N VII Lya line, which is not robustly de- We can compare our results to previous works to search tected. Allowing Zo to vary resulted in a best-fit value for any variations in flux, photon index, column densities, of 0.95f 0.35 solar, with X2 decreasing by only 1.7. We and Fe Ko line flux. assume Zc, ZN and Zo are 1 for the rest of the paper. We find an absorbed 2-10 keV flux of 2.12~10-loe rg We did not test the Si abundance: Si XI11 emission can- cm-2 s-l, similar to values obtained by Rothschild et al. not be constrained, as we have ignored data near the Si K (2006) for RXTE and INTEGRAL observations of Cen A instrument edge. The best-fit model does predict a modest between 2003 and 2004. We find a 20-100 keV flux of Suzaku Cen A observation 7 6.4 x 10-la erg s-l, within the range of 20-100 keV far-IR and falling by 1015-l6 HZ. fluxes measured by Rothschild et al. (2006). We measure The dust lane provides an optical extinction of 3-6 mag, a unabsorbed 4-7 keV continuum flux of 1.5x10-~e~rg which, assuming a Galactic gas/dust ratio, corresponds to s-l and a 2-10 keV absorbed luminosity of 2.91~0 41 a column NH 5-10 x1021 ~ m - ~T.h e circumnuclear N erg s-l, values almost identical to those found by Evans material within a few hundred pc of the black hole, how- et al. (2004) during the 2001 XMM-Newton observation. ever, is believed to have a much higher column, These facts suggest the source has not varied in hard X-ray ~ m - ~Bo.t h hard X-ray absorbers are thus more likely as- flux greatly over the last five years. sociated with the circumnuclear material than the optical The photon index, power-law normalization, and ab- dust lane. However, Evans et al. (2004) concluded that the sorbing column density of the primary power-law are all brighter power-law was the more-absorbed one, contrary similar to values obtained by Etothschild et al. (2006). to the best-fit model for the Suzaku observation, and so it Evans et al. (2004), modeling XMM-Newton observations is not obvious which power-law component corresponds to in 2001 and 2002 and a Chandra observation in 2002, fit emission from Bondi accretion or from the sub-pc jet. partial-covering models (rl=r2) and dual power-law mod- Alternatively, as suggested by Turner et al. (1997), a rl). els (r2n ot tied to In all cases, the parameters of the partial-covering model, with only one site of hard X-ray primary (brighter) power-law and its absorber are very emission, is applicable, as rl and r2a re consistent. Our similar to those for the Suzaku observation, suggesting a best-fit model is consistent with the idea that 84% of the lack of strong variations over the last five years. sky as seen from the hard X-ray source is covered by a col- The secondary (fainter) hard X-ray power-law in our umn 1 . 5 ~ 1 c0rn~v~2, and the remaining 16% by a column model has a flux of 6x10-l1 erg cmv2 s-l, 3-5 times 7 x 1 0~~ ~m - ~ . brighter than the component as modeled by Evans et al. The soft X-ray power-law, PL3, is consistent with ab- (2004). Furthermore, we find a column density a factor of sorption by the optical dust lane only and is likely the sum 210 higher. However, this is not necessarily direct proof of diffuse X-ray emission and knots within the kpc scale that the column density has increased since 2001-2002: jet, scattered nuclear emission, and emission from other the 2-3 keV rollover in PL2 in the Suzaku fits could be in- point sources resolved by ChandrbACIS. The 0.5-3 keV fluenced by the hotter VAPEC component and PL3, while luminosity of PL3 is 1 x lo4' erg s-l, similar to the sum Moreover, Evans et al. (2004) did not include <2 keV data of the jet and knot component luminosities as reported by in their fits, so a direct comparison is not straightforward. Kraft et al. (2002) and Kataoka et al. (2006). It could be argued that our model is more suitable since Finally, we comment on the absence of a strong Comp- we are using a much wider bandpass. ton reflection component. The low R value could of course The EWOb,o f the Fe Ka line in the Suzaku observation indicate the absence of a large amount of Compton-thick is consistent with that measured from the XMM-Newton material which is brightly illuminated by the primary con- observations; we measure an unabsorbed Fe Ka flux of tinuum and also efficiently radiates the reflection contin- 2.61~0 -l2 erg cmW2s -' , consistent with the Chandra and uum. An alternate suggestion is that the Compton hump 2001 XMM-Newton observations (Evans et al. 2004). Our is diluted by a power-law component, e.g., from one of the EWob, values for the Si and S lines are consistent with jets. However, the large Fe line flux observed is inconsis- those obtained using ChandrccHETGS. The Suzaku obser- tent with this notion. In addition, Wozniak et al. (1998) vation thus shows no evidence for variability of the Fe, Si demonstrated that spectral fitting of several radio galaxies or S Ka lines compared to the 2001-2002 observations. which also displayed weak or non-existent Compton humps is inconsistent with this notion. 4.2. Continuum emission components The dual absorbed hard X-ray power-laws observed sug- gest two scenarios, both of which have been suggested pre- 4.3. The origin of the Fe Ka line viously, and both of which are consistent with the Suzaku data. Assuming that the line originates in gas which is in viri- There could be two physically distinct sites of hard X- alized orbit around the black hole, we can estimate the ray continuum emission, with unabsorbed 2-10 keV lumi- distance R from the black hole mass to the Fe Ka line- nosities of 6 . 7 ~ 1 0er~g ~s-l and 1 . 3 ~ 1 0er~g s~-l , each emitting gas. The width of the Fe Ka line corresponds independently absorbed by different columns. The ab- to a FWHM velocity VFWHM of <2500 km s-l. Assuming sorbers are similar in column density to absorbers seen that the velocity dispersion is related to VFWHM as <v2> in some other radio galaxies (Wozniak et al. 1998). = :viwHM (Netzer et al. 1990), assuming a black hole Evans et al. (2004) suggested that the less-absorbed mass MBH of 2x10' Ma,a nd using GMBH = Rv2, we power-law corresponds to X-ray emission from the sub-pc find a lower limit to R of 6x 1015 m = 200 light-days. The VLBI jet, while the more-absorbed power-law arises via best-fit edge energy, 7.103h0.015 keV, is consistent with Bondi accretion onto the black hole, consistent with the absorption by Fe I, though ionization stages up to Fe NV low accretion rate of Cen A (0.2% of Eddington). As far cannot be ruled out (Kallman et al. 2004). as jet emission is concerned, several papers in the 1980s It is plausible that the same material that absorbs the (e.g., Burns et al. 1983) suggested that the X-ray emis- hard X-rays is responsible for transmitting the fluorescent sion was synchrotron emission. However, by constructing lines. The fact that no Compton hump or 6.2 keV Comp- the broadband SED, Chiaberge et al. (2001) concluded ton shoulder are seen, indicating an origin for the Fe Ka that the X-ray continuum was primarily inverse Compton line in Compton-thin material, supports this notion. As emission, with the synchrotron component peaking in the an estimate of the Fe Ka equivalent width expected in this 8 Markowitz et al. case, we can use the following equation: instance, we can use Eq. 1 of Wozniak et al. (1998), which gives the expected Fe Ka intensity assuming a cloud with 2 a column cm-2 lying off the line of sight and sub- tending a fraction R/4r of the sky as seen from the source, This method assumes an origin in optically-thin gas which as a function of the K edge op-tic al depth and the spectral index and normalization of the illuminating continuum. completely surrounds a single X-ray continuum source and We find a solid angle of R/4n 0.5 yields a predicted line is uniform in column density. Emission is assumed to be intensity compatible with what Suzab observes. Such a isotropic. Here, fc is the covering fraction, initially as- covering fraction suggests some sort of infinite slab, such sumed to be 1.0. w is the fluorescent yield: the value for as an optically-thin disk. It is interesting to note that Fe, 0.34, was taken from Kallman et al. (2004). f ~ ,is Evans et al. (2004) suggest that, based on the observed the fraction of photons that go into the Ka line as op- accretion rate, the Bondi accretion mode would favor a posed to the KP line; this is 0.89 for Fe I. A is the number high efficiency flow in the form of a disk. abundance relative to hydrogen. Initially, we assumed so- lar abundances, using ~odders(2 003). P(E) is the spec- trum of the illuminating continuum at energy E; Eli,, 4.4. Soft X-ray emission from the thermal plasma is the Ka emission line energy. The illuminating contin- The Suzab XIS has yielded the best soft X-ray spec- uum is assumed to be the sum of both unabsorbed hard trum obtained to date for Cen A, revealing emission lines X-ray power-laws in Cen A, as EWobs values were deter- which likely originate in the thermal plasma that extends mined relative to the total, local continuum. We note that from the nucleus to a radius of ~6 kpc. At least the inner the fainter power-law component cannot reproduce the en- parts of the gas are likely heated by the AGN central en- tire Fe line as EWob, is too large; the primary power-law gine: O'Sullivan, Ponman & Collins (2003) demonstrated must be responsible for the bulk of the line. u,h(E) is that the gas in the central 2 kpc has a much higher tem- the photo-ionization cross section assuming absorption by perature then the >2 to 14 kpc gas in the halo. K-shell electrons only; all cross sections were taken from To obtain a good model fit, we have used a two- Veigele (197315). NH is the column density. The two hard temperature VAPEC model, with kBT near 0.2 and 0.6 X-ray absorbing components in Model 8 have column den- keV. However, we are likely sampling thermal emission sities 1.5 and 7 x cmv2, which attenuate power-laws from plasma spanning a range of temperatures. For ex- with normalizations in a 5.3:l ratio. We therefore use an ample, the soft X-rays are likely not completely dominated "effective" NH column of 2.2 x ~ m - ~ . by emission from gas with kBT above 0.6 keV, or else we The value of EWcalc is 128 eV, a factor of 1.5 higher would detect a H-like Mg line at least as intense as the He- than EWobs. Assuming that ZF, = 1.17, as the Fe K like Mg line, and the He-like Ne line would be extremely absorption edge depth suggests, yields EWCalc= 153 eV. faint. Similarly, emission from gas with kBT < 0.20 keV Possible explanations for this discrepancy include: 1) The does not dominate, as the Ne X would be extremely faint. initial assumption of a 100% covering fraction for the line- emitting gas of 1.0 may be incorrect. Assuming isotropic 4.5. Constraints on abundances emission, f, = 0.7 (ZFe = 1.0) or 0.6 (ZFe=1.17) may be more appropriate. Such values would be more consis- We have derived estimates of Zs, Zca and ZFe using the tent with an origin in a disk as opposed to a shell com- K shell edge depths, and estimates of Zo, ZNe, and ZM, pletely surrounding the core. 2) The illuminating X-ray from the thermal plasma (for the remainder of this paper, continuum may be anisotropic. For instance, Rothschild we assume that the abundances in the extended thermal et al. (2006) found that IK,w as not correlated with NH plasma and in the circumnuclear absorbing material are and suggested that the line-emitting gas may lie along the identical). VLBI jet some distance from the black hole. 3) The line- We can also estimate abundances relative to Fe, e.g., emitting gas may be responding to an illuminating flux Zsi/ZF,, from the Ka fluorescent lines and Eq. 1. Val- which is -0.6 of the observed flux. This is possible, for ues of w were taken from the X-ray Data Booklet1'. For instance, if the line-emitting gas is 2200 light-days from Ni and Ca, fK, = 0.89 and 0.88, respectively, assuming the X-ray continuum origin, and does not lie on our line neutral atoms (Bambynek et al. 1972). We assume fK, of sight to the continuum origin. However, it is not obvi- = 0.9 for all other elements. The values of EWcaIc,c alcu- ous that this is the case, as the 2-10 keV flux measured lated assuming solar abundances and a covering fraction by Suzab is generally consistent with fluxes measured by fc=l.O, are listed in Table 3. other missions between 2001 and 2004, as noted in 84.1. Relative abundances are calculated as, e.g., Zsi/ZF, Continued long-term monitoring of the continuum and line = (EWobs,~i/EWcalc,~i/) (EWobs,~e/EWcalc,~e)w, here fluxes may shed light on this issue. Alternatively, the line EWcalc,Feh as been estimated using the abundance derived of sight from the continuum origin to the line-emitting gas from the Fe K edge depth, ZFe=l. 17, and the solar abun- may be blocked, by a clump of gas which absorbs 40% of dance was used for EWcalc,si. We caution that for Ar, Ca, the >7 keV flux and which does not lie along our line of and Ni, the lines are weak and the statistics are poor. For sight to the continuum. 4) It is plausible that our initial Si, there may be systematic effects due to current XIS cal- assumption of a uniform-density absorber is incorrect and ibration as well as from the fact that the continuum near the absorbers are clumpy, with higher columns lying out 1.7 keV is mixture of all three power-law components. Ta- of our line of sight to the X-ray continuum source. For ble 5 lists the abundance ratios. There is agreement on Suzaku Cen A observation 9 the values of Zs/ZFe derived from the edges and from the gas to the current metallicity levels within that time span lines. (M. Loewenstein, priv. comm.), although we cannot know We observe [m/W = log(ZFe) = +0.1, a slightly higher for certain how much enrichment of the gas has occurred los metallicity value than in the metal-rich population of glob- within the last yr and how much occurred closer in ular clusters at 2-20 kpc radii ([m/H] -0.1, Peng et al. time to the merger. N 2004) or in the outer stellar bulge component (e.g., [m/H] -0.2 at a radius of 8 kpc, Harris & Harris 2002). It N 5. CONCLUSIONS is only slightly higher than values for the ISM of other early-type galaxies (Humphrey & Buote 2006). Our ob- The combination of Suzah's XIS and HXD has allowed served value of ZM,/ZFe is consistent with the value of 2 us to obtain a high quality spectrum of the nucleus (inner obtained by Peng et al. (2004) for Cen A's globular clus- 2 kpc) of Cen A spanning 0.3-250 keV. The long expo- ters. It is similar to values for the stellar components of sure time, narrow response of the XIS, and the low back- large ellipticals in general, [m/W 0.0 - 0.4 (Henry & ground make the XIS spectrum one of the highest qual- N Worthey 1999). Trager et al. (2000) also found the stellar ity CCD spectra of Cen A to date, particularly below 2 populations of 8 field ellipticals to have [m/W 0.0 - 0.4, keV. The HXD-PIN above 12 keV is more sensitive than N though it may not be straightforward to compare Cen A RXTEHEXTE or INTEGRAL instruments, allowing us to field ellipticals due to Cen A's recent merger. to accurately and directly measure the 12-76 keV flux and However, our observed [m/W value is much higher than spectral shape. The HXD-GSO provides a direct estimate the average value found in the halo stars of Cen A, [m/q of the 45-250 keV flux of Cen A. = -0.4 at radii of 20-30 kpc (Harris & Harris 2000, Harris, Our best-fit model includes several broadband compo- Harris & Poole 1999). It is therefore unlikely that the cir- nents. The >3 keV emission can be fit by two absorbed cumnuclear material and the diffuse plasma have directly power-laws. Including data down to 0.3 keV, we find that originated in the relatively metal-poor outer halo, unless two VAPEC components plus a third absorbed power-law enrichment via local star formation has occurred. component can fit the data. The soft X-rays show emis- The pre-merger origin of the circumnuclear material sion lines due to He- and H-like 0, Fe XVII, He- and cannot be known for certain, though it is plausible that H-like Ne, and He-like Mg. Two VAPEC components of during the merger, gaseous material originally in the outer temperatures kBT = 0.2 and 0.6 keV can explain the soft portions of the progenitor galaxies lost sufficient angu- X-ray emission lines. The third power-law component rep lar momentum to be transported to the nuclear regions resents a blend of diffuse emission and knot emission from (Toomre & Toomre 1972). Furthermore, connections be- the kpc-scale jet, plus emission from a population of XRBs tween the nuclear gas and starburst activity at radii of and other X-ray point sources, plus a likely contribution hundreds of pc and less are well-known (e.g., Hopkins et from scattered nuclear emission, which is likely less than al. 2006 and references therein). The likelihood that Cen 1%o f the total hard X-ray power-law einission. A's circumnuclear gas has been enriched due to starburst In the hard X-rays, the primary power-law is absorbed processes is therefore high. by a column of about 1 . 5 ~ cm2. The secondary power- The degree of metallicity enrichment depends on many law, with a brightness about 19% of the primary, is ab- factors, including the IMF, star formation rate, and the sorbed by a much higher column, about 7x10~cm~2 . In total gas consumed, but simulations of disk-disk mergers our best-fit model, the photon indices were tied, and the incorporating star formation by Mihos & Hernquist (1994) best fit value was 1.817:::::;. Untying the photon in- demonstrated that [m/W values of 0.3-0.4 at the center of dices did not result in a significant fit improvement. The the resulting merged ellipticals are plausible. The metal- Suzaku data are consistent with two scenarios previously licity value derived from the Suzah data is consistent with forwarded to explain the nature of the dual power-laws. enrichment due to the ongoing star formation in the inner As suggested by Evans et al. (2004), one power-law may bulge, as a result of the merging process. be due to emission from the sub-pc VLBI jet, while the The observed relative element abundances also support other may be associated with Bondi accretion at the black enrichment. We calculated the expected relative abun- hole, though it is not obvious which corresponds to the pri- dances due to enrichment by Type I1 and Type Ia SNe, mary/secondary power-law. Alternatively, a partial cover- ignoring enrichment via stellar wind processes. We used ing model, as suggested by Turner et al. (1997), may apply: the abundances relative to solar as found in Tsujimoto et 84% (16%) of the sky as seen from the X-ray source is ob- al. (1995; their Figures 1-2), assuming a Salpeter IMF, scured by a column 1.5 (7) x cm2. In any event, it converting to the abundances of Lodders (2003), and as- more likely that the material obscuring the hard X-rays is suming one Type Ia explosion for every ten Type I1 explo- associated with the circumnuclear material than with the sions. For the ratios listed in Table 5, we expect Zo/ZFe optical dust lane. -2.5, ZNe/ZFet hrough Zsi/ZFe to be 1.4-1.7, and Zs/ZFe The hard X-ray photon index, the 2-10 keV flux, the through Zc,/ZFe and ZNi/ZFet o all be 0.7-0.9. Most of Fe Ka line intensity and the column density of the ma- N our observed abundance ratios are consistent (or at least terial absorbing the primary power-law are all consistent roughly consistent) with these predictions. The current with recent observations over the last ~5 years, suggesting burst of star formation is estimated to have started at that no large variations in these parameters have occurred least 50 Myr ago (e.g., Dufour et al. 1979). Assuming over the last few years. During the Suzaku observation, star formation at a uniform rate of 30 Ma yr-l (Telesco the hard X-ray flux was not strongly variable on short 1978 measured a star formation rate ten times that of the timescales, showing only a 10% increase in flux through- Milky Way's spiral arms), this is sufficient to enrich the out the observation. K-shell absorption edges due to Fe, Ca, and S are signif- 10 Markowitz et al. icantly detected. Several fluorescent emission lines, likely the circumnuclear material/diffuse plasma which is much from the absorbing material in transmission, are detected. higher than for the halo stars at 20-30 kpc radii. It is likely In addition to Fe Ka and Fe KP, Ka lines from Si, S, that the merger which created Cen A's famous edge-on Ar, Ca and Ni are detected at at least 90% confidence. dust disk also triggered the infall of gas to the inner re- The latter three are detected for the first time in Cen A. gions of Cen A, where it currently accretes onto the black The strict upper limit on the amount of Compton reflec- hole. Our metallicity observation suggests that the ac- tion, R < 0.05, supports the notion that the fluorescent creting material could not have originated in the relatively lines originate in Compton-thin material. The Fe Ka line metal-poor outer halo unless enrichment due to local star width is < 2500 km s-I FWHM. If the line-emitting mate- formation occurred at some point. The relative observed rial is in virial orbit, then it is no closer than 200 light-days abundances are indeed consistent with enrichment by a to the black hole. No emission due to He- or H-like Fe is mixture of Type I1 and Type Ia supernovae. detected. The Fe K edge energy is consistent with ab- This high signal-to-noise CCD observation is just a taste sorption by Fe I; ionization stages above Fe NV are ruled of what can be done with an orbiting X-ray calorimeter. In out. The gas does not likely completely surround the X- particular, Constellation-X will be able to provide abun- ray continuum source; the equivalent width of the Fe Ka dance constraints on the circumnuclear material in poten- line is more consistent with gas which is clumpy and/or tially dozens of AGNs once it is launched. covers the continuum source only partially, or the bulk of the gas may lie off the line of sight to the X-ray source, The authors gratefully acknowledge the dedication and possibly in the form of a disk. hard work of the Suzaku hardware teams and operations Metallicities are measured for the circumnuclear absorb- staff for making this observation possible and for assis- ing gas for the first time in Cen A. The high signal-to-noise tance with data calibration and analysis. 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