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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20070003760: Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr Ages for MIL 05035: Implications for Surface and Mantle Sources PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20070003760: Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr Ages for MIL 05035: Implications for Surface and Mantle Sources

Sm-Nd AND Rb-Sr AGES FOR MIL 05035: IMPLICATIONS FOR SURFACE AND MANTLE SOURCES. L. E. Nyquist1, C-Y. Shih2, and Y. D. Reese3, 1Mail Code KR, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX 77058, [email protected], 2Mail Code JE-23, ESCG/Jacobs Sverdrup, P.O. Box 58477, Houston, TX 77058, [email protected], 3Mail Code JE-23, ESCG/Muniz Engineering, Houston, TX 77058, [email protected]. Introduction: The Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr ages and Lunar Mare Basalt Meteorite MIL 05035 also the initial Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of MIL Ilm2 05035 are the same as those of A-881757 [1]. Compar- 0.706 Px2(r) T=3.90±0.04 Ga ing the radiometric ages of these meteorites to lunar I(Sr)=0.699089±14 surface ages as modeled from crater size-frequency Sr 0.704 dinisittiraibl uStri-oinsos t[o2p,i3c] caosm wpeolsl iatiso nthse o Tf ioOth2 earb buansdaalntsc epsl aacneds 786Sr/ 0.702 (AWsuRk2a) 87Rb/86Sr their likely place of origin as within the Australe or 8 Px1(r) 10.00 0.05 0.10 +35Ma Humboldtianum basins. If so, a fundamental west-east 0.700 WR2 εSr0 lunar assymmetry in compositional and isotopic pa- Plag2 -35Ma -1 0.698 rameters that likely is due to the PKT is implied. 0.00 0.05 0.10 Sm-Nd age: The Sm-Nd age (T ) = 3.80±0.05 Sm-Nd 87Rb/86Sr Ga for MIL 05035 (Fig. 1) and agrees within mutual Figure 2. Rb-Sr isochron for MIL 05035. A whole rock error limits with T = 3.87±0.06 Ga for A-881757 Sm-Nd analysis of A-881757 falls on the same isochron. [1]. Initial ε = +7.2±0.4 for MIL 05035 compared to Nd 793169 shows strong evidence for Ar degassing in a +7.4±0.5 [1] for A-881757. major impact ~430 Ma ago [4]. We use ~3.80 Ga as Mare Basalt - MIL 05035 the age of MIL 05035 and the other “YAM” (Ya- 0.516 T=3.80±0.05 Ga Px1(r) mato\Asuka\Miller Range) basalts, but note that the ε =+7.2±0.4 ~3.90 Ga Rb-Sr age, or the ~3.94 Pb-Pb age of A- Nd 0.515 Px2(r) 881757 [1] may more accurately give the crystalliza- d Ilm(r) 144Nd/N 0.514 WR(AsukWa)R WR(r) 0.2147Sm0/1.344Nd 0.4 tionO algde ((s~)3. . 7-3.9 Ga) mare basalts are found among 143 0.513 0.8 +51Ma the Apollo 11 and 17 Hi-Ti basalts, but the low TiO2 Plag(r) 0.4 ε 0.0 abundances of the YAMs make a Tranquilitatis or 0.512 Nd WR(l) -0.4 Serenitatis origin unlikely. Crater size-frequency ages 0.511 Leach -0.8 -51Ma [2,3] make the maria Humorum, Humboldtianum, and 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 Australe their most probable places of origin among 147Sm/144Nd the nearside maria [4]. We prefer the pre-Nectarian Australe basin, specifically units A1 or A2 (3.80-3.88 Figure 1. Sm-Nd isochron for MIL 05035, excluding the Ga) of [2]. Our second preference is for units HU2 and Plag(r) analysis. A whole rock analysis of A-881757 also lies HU3 (~3.77 Ga [2]) in Mare Humboldtianum. An ori- very close to the MIL 05035 isochron. Rb-Sr age: The isochron values are T = gin within units H6 (3.46/3.75 Ga [2]) or H7 Rb-Sr 3.90±0.04 Ga and I (initial 87Sr/86Sr) = (3.45/3.94 Ga [2]) of Mare Humorum is permitted by Sr 0.699089±0.000014 (Fig. 2). The Rb-Sr age reported by [1] for A-881757 is 3.89±0.03 Ga when adjusted to Lunar Basalts λ(87Rb) = 1.402 x 10-11 y-1 in excellent agreement with 4.4 Western Eastern the MIL 05035 value. ISr = 0.69910±0.00002 for A- 4.0 A-14 KREEPA-1A1-17HtuiMamnaburoemld- AuMsatrreale 881757 [1] also agrees well with the MIL 05035 value. Ga) 3.6 LAP 0220A5-12 A-15 L-1L6-24 ? Discussion: The Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr data as well as e ( ? MIL 05035 Sm-isotopic data not given here suggest that MIL Ag 3.2 A881757 05035 and A-881757 are isotopically identical. The Mare 2.8 Procellarum internal Pb-Pb isochron age reported by [1] for A- PKT 881757 was 3.94±0.03 Ga, whereas the 39Ar-40Ar age 2.4 was 3.80±0.01 Ga. Recent 39Ar-40Ar age measure- -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 West Longitude (°) East ments [4] gave younger ages of 3.69±0.07 Ga for A- Figure 3. Lunar basalt ages vs. lunar longitude of known 881757 and 3.71±0.11 Ga for Yamato-793169, or estimated sampling sites. thought to be launch-paired with A-881757. Y- the age data, but seems less likely for reasons given mantle source of the YAM basalts to be very LREE- below. depleted. Thus, the YAM source was deficient in Lunar basalt ages [5] are plotted vs. the longitude Lunar Basalts of the known or estimated (YAM, LAP 02205 [6]) 0.07 Western Eastern sampling sites in Fig. 3. Comparing Fig. 3 to Fig. 12 of [2] summarizing mare basalt ages by the crater size- 0.06 LAP 02205 KREEP(=0.15) A-14 frequency method shows both similarities and differ- urce 0.05 ? etamonnamcdre iaasLr. i uaCF ncreaaoc true1rnre6 sds piiatzoanentd-idsf ir nLeagqun untdeoa n sc2Coy4mr iasesgi aueAmms1 pa,4 rl iebrn erlgsae pccsekciciitaneti sgvc, elfaloiys.ret. . ca, rgTytehhpsee-, 8786(Rb/Sr)So 000...000234 ProcMeallraerAum-12 A-15A-11A-L1-716L-2MA4I8L8 015?705375 0.01 sampled L-24 basalts are VLT basalts with TiO2 abun- PKT HuMmabroeld- Mare dances about half the TiO abundances of the YAM 0.00 tianum Australe 2 basalts (Fig. 4.). TiO in Mare Crisium ranges ~1-8% -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 2 West Longitude (°) East [7]. Candidate surface units for the YAMs in Mare Figure 5. Estimated source 87Rb/86Sr for lunar basalts vs. Humorum [2] correspond to spectral units hDSP and longitude of known or estimated sampling sites. mISP of [8] with estimated TiO of ~3.5-5.0 and <~3 2 wt. %, resp. More recent estimates for the same areas LREE as well as K-correlated Rb, both characteristic [7] are ~8-9 and ~5-8 wt. %, resp.; higher than TiO ~ of the urKREEP lunar differentiate. Also, the YAM 2 2 wt. % for the YAMs [9]. Also, the Humorum basin source is characterized by very low 238U/204Pb [1]. lies within the boundaries of the Procellarum KREEP Conclusions: The YAM basalts are the products of Terrain (PKT) [10], and basalts from the PKT have early melting of sources composed mainly of olivine relatively high I values in contrast to the YAM and and orthopyroxene [1], early cumulates in a magma Sr L-24 basalts. ocean model. The absence of urKREEP from their sources suggests that melting was not due to radio- Lunar Basalts 15 Western Eastern genic heating. The probable absence of urKREEP- A-17 A-11 enriched reservoirs beneath the eastern maria suggests an assymmetry in lunar mantle compositions related to 10 LAP 02205 the PKT. %) A-15 MIL 05035 References: [1] Misawa K. et al. (1993) GCA, 57, 4687-4702. wt ? A-12 L-16 A881757 [2] Hiesinger H. et al (2000) JGR, 105, 29,239-29,275. [3] Hi- O (2 5 A-1K4REEP ? esinger H. et al. (2003) JGR, 108 (E7) 5065, 1-1 to 1-27. [4] Fernan- Ti L-24 des V. A. et al. (2005) LPS XXXVI, Abstract #1002. [5] Nyquist L. E. Mare et al. (2001) The Century of Space Science, Kluwer, 1325-1376. [6] 0 Procellarum Mare Nyquist L. E. et al. (2005) LPS XXXVI, Abstract #1374. [7] Bussey PKT Humbold- Mare tianum Australe D. B. J. and Spudis P. D. (2000) JGR 105, 4235-4243. [8] Pieters C. (1978) PLPSC9, 2825-2849. [9] Arai T. (1996) Meteoritics & -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 Planet. Sci., 31, 877-892. [10] Jolliff B. L. et al. (2000) JGR, 105, West Longitude (°) East 4197-4216. [11] Papanastassiou D. A. and Wasserburg G. J. (1972) Figure 4. TiO2 contents of lunar basalts vs. longitude EPSL, 13, 368-374. [12] Wasserburg G. J. et al. (1978) Mare of known or estimated sampling sites. Crisium: The View from Luna 24, 675-678. Fig. 5 summarizes information obtained by con- Lunar Basalts Western Eastern verting I values to source region 87Rb/86Sr ratios via Sr Mare Mare a 2-stage model. Low I for MIL 05035 and A-881757 0.30 Humbold- Australe Sr A-11 tianum shows derivation from a lunar mantle source with a urce A-12 A-15 A-17 o low Rb/Sr ratio compared to the sources of basalts S ? d) 0.25 LAP 02205 sampled during the Apollo missions. Similarly low N source region Rb/Sr ratios were found only for basalts 144m/ ? A-14 L-24 MAI8L8 015705375 fprloemd btyh eth eea Lstuenrna 1m6a rainad F Leucunna d2i4ta mtisi sasniodn sC [r1is1iu, m12 ]s.a m- 147(S 0.20 Mare Chondrites Procellarum The YAM basalts differ from the L-24 basalts by PKT KREEP having higher ε values. As for the I data, the ε 0.15 Nd Sr Nd -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 values may be used to estimate 2-stage model source West Longitude (°) East region 147Sm/144Nd ratios (Fig. 6). Those data show the Figure 6. Estimated source region 147Sm/144Nd for lunar basalts vs. longitude of known or estimated sampling sites.

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