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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20070003472: Turbulent Size Selection and Concentration of Chondrule-Sized Objects: Reynolds Number Invariance and Implications PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20070003472: Turbulent Size Selection and Concentration of Chondrule-Sized Objects: Reynolds Number Invariance and Implications

Source of Acquisition NASA Ames Research Center TURBULEh’T SIZE SELECTION ASD CONCENTRA’I‘ION OF CHONDRULE-SIZED OBJECTS: REYNOLDS NUM- BER INVARIANCE AND IMPLICATIONS. J. N. Cuzzi, Ames Research Ceuer. NASA; MoJJft Field, Ca, 94035, USA, [email protected], R. Hogan, Symtcch inc., Mountain View, Ca 94035, USA, A. Dobrovolskis, Board of Sludies in Astronomy, Universily of California, Santa Cruz, Ca, USA, J. Paque, SET1 Insfirute, Mountain View,C a, USA. It is generally agreed that individual chondrules formed ration). entities in a gaseous nebulaprior to bcing accumulated into a Firstly, wc have run numerical calculations of particle den- meteorite parent body, within which they incur various forms sity fields in turbulence for a range of particle sizes where the of modification before arriving in our labs. While there are initial spatial distribution of each size is uniform. We then de- major unanswered questions about the properties of the ncb- termine the distribution of particle sizes only within the high ula environment in which chondrules formed, the process by density regions. We show that not only is the shape of the which the most primitive meteorites are formed overwhelm- particle distribution resident in dense clumps quite similar to ingly from chondrules must then be an aspect of “ncbula pro- that found in chondrites, it is Reynolds number independent cessing”. Textures in certain fragments of primitive meteorites (across the factor of 3-4 in Reynolds number we have mapped might be summarized as being primarily chondrules and clas- so far). That is, chondrule size distributions provided by our tic, chondrule-si7xd, fragments of other minerals, each covered numerical models might be expected to persist even at much with a rim of fine dust with physical and chemical proper- higher nebula Reynolds numbers. Results will be shown and ties which are essentially independent of the composition and compared with size distributions from the literature (Hughes mineralogy of the undcrlying chondrule. This (unfortunately 1978) and from our own experiments (Paque and Cuzzi 1997); rather rarc) texture was called “primary accretionary texture’’ in the newer data, chondrules are disaggregated so their size by Metzler et al (1992) to reflect their belief that it precedes and density can be measured scparately. This is critical bc- subsequent stages in which fragmentation, comminution, mix- cause in the aerodynamic sorting provided by turbulcncc, the ing, heating, and other forms of alteralion occur on the parent defining parameter is the aerodynamic stopping timc, which is body(-ies). The sizc distribution of thesc chondrules and frag- proportional to the product of the particle radius and density. ments, and the propcrties of their dusty rims, arc key clues Secondly, we havc developed a new way of describing the rcgarding the primary nebula accretion process. Even in the particlc density fields that is also invariant Lo Reynolds number. much more abundant meteorites which havc clcarly suffcrcd Thc rnathcmatics of €Tactals has bccn shown to be particuiarly internal mixing, abrasion, grinding, and even mincralogical appropriate to describc the spatial distribution of certain prop- alteration or replaccmcnt (due presumably to the collisional crtics of turbulence, spccifically the dissipalion rate of turbu- growth and heating process ilself), key chondrule properlies lent kinetic energy (Meneveaux and Srecnivasan 19??). This such as mean size and density rcmain relatively wcll defined, means that the spatial distribution of thc turbulent energy dis- and well definedrims persist in many cases. sipation rate is scale-independen4 and that higher intensitics It has been our goal to infcr the key nebula proccsses in- have a different spatial structure, or dimensionality, than lower directly from the properties of thesc very earliest primitive intensities (ie. are conccntrated in smaller regions). We havc mctcoritcs by making use of a theorctical framework in which shown that the same mathematics applies to the particle dcn- the nebula possesses a plausible level of isotropic turbulence. sity ficld when the particlc size is close to the preferentially Wc have shown that turbulence has the propcrty of conccntrat- concentratcd size (Hogan et al 1997, in preparation). Thc ing one particular particle size by ordcrs of magnitude, whcrc density field (or concentration factor) for these particle sizes the preferentially concentrated size depends primarily on the can thcn be descriied by a probability distribution which has intensity of the turbulent kinetic energy (reprcsented by the only two elements: a Reynolds numbcr independcnt scaling Reynolds number of the nebula). Specifically, the prefercn- function (which we determine in our numerical calculations tially concentratcd particle is that which has a stopping timc at three relativcly low Reynolds numbers) and the Rcynolds equal to the turnover time of the smallest eddy (Cuzzi et a1 numbcr itself. The entire particle density probability distri- 1996). The intensity level of turbulence implicd by chondrulc bukion can be predicted at any Reynolds number from this sizes can be maintained by even a small fraction of the energy universal function. The particle concentrations predicted this rcleased by the radially evolving disk (it must be noted that the way are in generalaccord with simple extrapolations publishcd details of how this transier of energy actually occurs rcmain previously (Cuzzi et a1 1996). We discuss the implications for obscure, however). particle concentration in nebula turbulence, and some remain- We have carried our studies of thc turbulcnt concentration ing uncertainties. process to a deeper level and have obtained several new and Rcfcrences: Cuzzi, J. N., A. R. Dobrovolskis, and R. C. interesting results. Where in our prcvious results we needcd to Hogan (1996); in “Chondrules and the Proloplanetary Disk“, rely on large extrapolations between computational turbulence R. Jones, R. Hewins, and E. R. D. Scott, eds; Cambridge Univ. regimes and nebula turbulence regimes (5 ordcrs of magnitude Press; Hughes, D. W. (1978); E.P.S.L. 38,391-400; Meneveau, in Reynolds number), we now have established that two crit- C. and K. R. Sreenivasan (1991) J. Fluid Mech. 224,429-484; ical aspects of the process can be described in a way that is Metzler, K., H. BischofP, and D. Stoffier (1992); Geochim. Reynolds number independent (Hogan el al. 1997, in prepa- Cosmochim. Acta, 56,2873-2897; Paque, J. and 5. N. Cuzzi (1997); Proc. 28th LPSC

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