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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20060047649: Hard and Soft Constraints in Reliability-Based Design Optimization

Hard and Soft Constraints in Reliability-Based Design Optimization L. G. Crespo NationalInstituteofAerospace,Hampton,VA,USA D. P. Giesy NASALangleyResearchCenter,Hampton,VA,USA S. P. Kenny NASALangleyResearchCenter,Hampton,VA,USA ABSTRACT: This paper proposes a framework for the analysis and design optimization of models subject to parametricuncertaintywheredesignrequirementsintheformofinequalityconstraintsarepresent. Emphasisis giventouncertaintymodelsprescribedbynormboundedperturbationsfromanominalparametervalueandby sets of componentwise bounded uncertain variables. These models, which often arise in engineering problems, allowforasharpmathematicalmanipulation. Constraintscanbeimplementedinthehardsense,i.e., constraints must be satisfied for all parameter realizations in the uncertainty model, and in the soft sense, i.e., constraints canbeviolatedbysomerealizationsoftheuncertainparameter. Inregardtohardconstraints,thismethodology allows(i)todetermineifahardconstraintcanbesatisfiedforagivenuncertaintymodelandconstraintstructure, (ii) to generate conclusive, formally verifiable reliability assessments that allow for unprejudiced comparisons ofcompetingdesignalternativesand(iii)toidentifythecriticalcombinationofuncertainparametersleadingto constraint violations. In regard to soft constraints, the methodology allows the designer (i) to use probabilistic uncertaintymodels,(ii)tocalculateupperboundstotheprobabilityofconstraintviolation,and(iii)toefficiently estimate failure probabilities via a hybrid method. This method integrates the upper bounds, for which closed form expressions are derived, along with conditional sampling. In addition, an ‘ formulation for the efficient ∞ manipulationofhyper-rectangularsetsisalsoproposed. 1 INTRODUCTION otherhand,Softconstraints(AcevedoandPistikopou- Design under uncertainty arises in numerous disci- los 1998; Samsatli et al. 1998; Rustem and Nguyen plines including engineering, economics, finance and 1998;Roysetetal.2001;CrespoandKenny2005)are management. Achieving balance between robustness those that are not required to be satisfied for all pos- andperformanceisoneofthefundamentalchallenges siblerealizationsoftheuncertainparameter.Theyre- facedbyscientistsandengineers. sult from slack design requirements, overly large un- Literature in probabilistic control (Crespo and certainty sets or limiting design structures. Chance- Kenny 2005), stochastic programming (Kall and constrained programming (Kall and Wallace 1994), Wallace 1994) and stochastic approximations (Er- sampling-based techniques, asymptotic approxima- moliev 1983) provide several mathematical tools for tions (Rackwitz 2001) and penalty-based optimiza- Reliability-BasedDesignOptimization(RBDO).The tion (Rustem and Nguyen 1998; Kall and Wallace algorithms at disposal can be classified according to 1994)aresomeofthestrategiesmostcommonlyused the way they integrate inequality constraints. Hard totacklethisproblem. constraints (Darlington et al. 1999) are those that must be satisfied for all possible realizations of the uncertain parameter. Strategies to solve the resulting This paper proposes strategies for robustness anal- semi-infinite optimization problem usually require ysis and RBDO of problems subject to hard and/or nested searches for the identification of the worst- soft constraints. A unifying mathematical framework parameter-realization(Darlingtonetal.1999).Onthe isfirstintroduced. 1 2 FRAMEWORK representedbythenotationR (p¯,m),anddefinedby p Definition 1 (Uncertainty Model). If p ∈ Rdim(p) is Rp(p¯,m) = {p : pi ∈ [p¯i −mi,p¯i +mi],1 ≤ i ≤ anuncertainparameter,itsuncertaintymodelisgiven dim(p)}.Ifvectorinequalities(a≤b)andvectorab- by the support ∆ ⊂ Rdim(p), and a designated point solute value (|a|) are understood to hold component- p p¯ ∈∆ . wise, this hyper-rectangle is given by {p : |p−p¯| ≤ p m}wherem>0. The uncertainty model is specified by the ana- Another reasonable choice for the support set is a lyst/designer. The intent is that the support set ∆ be p hyper-sphere. The hyper-sphere of radius R centered chosensothattheactualvalueoftheparameterplies atp¯ willbedenotedasS (p¯,R). p somewhere within it. A realization of the uncertain parameter is a value of the parameter selected from Definition 2 (Homothetic Sets). Two sets A and B the support set. The designated point, whose selec- are homothetic with respect to the homothetic center tionissubjective,canbeinterpretedastherealization xatasimilituderatioofαifB ={b:b=α(a−x)+ thatbestrepresentsp. x,a∈A}.SuchaB iscompletelydeterminedbyA,x, Consider now the situation that a system depends andα.WeusethenotationB =H(A,x,α)toexpress on the uncertain parameter p ∈ Rdim(p) and the de- thisrelationship. sign variable d ∈ Rdim(d). Suppose that g : Rdim(p)× B = H(A,x,α) means that B can be created from Rdim(d) → Rdim(g) is a set of constraint functions on A by forming every vector from the fixed point x to the system (with the convention that positive values each point of A; stretching or shrinking it by a factor represent constraint violations). If these are consid- of α; and, with the roots of the stretched or shrunk ered hard constraints, the system corresponding to vectors all fixedat x, collecting allthe new endpoints given values of d and ∆ will be judged acceptable p toformthesetB. ifg(p,d)≤0∀p∈∆ . p For purposes of this paper, two uncertainty mod- For a given vector g of constraints and a given els will be called proportional if they have the same design d, denote the failure (or constraint violation) designated point and they are homothetic with re- set by F(d,g) = Sdim(g)F (d,g) where F (d,g) = i=1 i i spect to that designated point as homothetic center. {p : g (p,d) > 0} is the set of p-values where con- i This means that one of the two support sets can be straint number i is violated. In a context where g and formed from the other by expansion or contraction d are understood, F(d,g) and F (d,g) will be rep- i by some positive factor, which is the similitude ratio, resented simply as F and F . Using the symbol ∂ to i aboutthecommondesignatedpoint.Forinstance,the representthetopologicalboundaryofaset,ifthecon- hyper-rectangles R (p¯,m) and R (p¯,αm) are pro- p p straint functions are continuous, each p ∈ ∂F satis- i portionalsetsforα >0. fiesg (p,d)=0andeachp∈∂F satisfiesg (p,d)= i j The notions of Critical Parameter Value (CPV) 0forsomej 1. and Parametric Safety Margin (PSM) are now intro- The manifold ∂F commonly referred as the limit duced.Forsimplicitysake,thepresentationofthema- state surface, separates the parameter space into two terial will concentrate on the case where the desig- regions:onewherealltheconstraintsaresatisfiedand nated point is in the non-failure region. Intuitively, one where they are not. For a fixed design d, the fail- one imagines that a set proportional to the support ure region F either overlaps the support set ∆p, case set of the uncertainty model is being expanded ho- in which the design d is called non-robust; or F and mothetically with respect to its designated point until ∆p are disjoint, case in which the design d is called itsboundaryjusttouchesthefailureregion.Thepoint robust.Inthelattercase,thedegreeofrobustnesscan wheretheexpandingsettouchestheinfeasibleregion bequantifiedbymeasuringtheseparationbetweenthe is the CPV. The PSM is a metric that quantifies the twosets. size of the set proportional to the support set that has Selectingthesupportsetusuallyinvolvessomeen- theCPVonitssurface.Themathematicalbackground gineering judgment. One reasonable choice might be forthesenotionsispresentednext. toconfineeachcomponentofptoaboundedinterval. Definition 3 (Critical Similitude Ratio). Let d be a Thisleadstothechoiceof∆ asahyper-rectangle.A p fixed design and let ∆ and p¯ be the support set and natural choice for the designated point p¯ is the geo- p designated point of the uncertainty model of p. Sup- metriccenterof∆ .Ifmisthevectorofhalf-lengths p pose that g : Rdim(p) ×Rdim(d) → Rdim(g) is a set of of the sides of the hyper-rectangle, the rectangle is constraintfunctions.Thesetofexpansion/contraction 1Theconverseisnotuniversallytrue.Wewillassumeinthis factors which produce homothets of ∆ with respect p paperthattheboundaryofFi isexactlydescribedbythepoints to p¯ which contain constraint violation points is de- where that constraint function assumes the value of zero; i.e., noted ∂F = {p : g (p,d) = 0}. We believe that in a realistic engi- i i neeringsetting,thelossofgeneralityinmakingthisassumption n \ o A˜(p¯,∆ ,d,g)=∆ α ≥0:H (∆ ,p¯,α) F 6=∅ . isunimportant. p p p 2 ThegreatestlowerboundofA˜(p¯,∆ ,d,g),givenby In general, the support set can have any shape p and size. We assume hereafter that ∆ is a compact (cid:16) (cid:17) p α˜(p¯,∆ ,d,g)=∆ inf A˜(p¯,∆ ,d,g) (1) set with a designated point p¯. A general robustness p p test is available in (Crespo et al. 2006). Support sets with hyper-spherical and hyper-rectangular support willbecalledtheCriticalSimilitudeRatio. geometriesarestudiednext. Arguments that can be understood from context willbeomitted. 3.1 Hyper-Spheresinp-space Hyper-spherical supports result from uncertainty Definition 4 (Critical Parameter Value). Let d be models where norm bounded perturbations from the a given design and let ∆ , p¯, and g define the un- p nominal parameter value p¯ are allowed. This implies certainty model and the set of inequality constraints. that p¯ is the geometric center of the hyper-sphere. Any p˜ ∈ H (∆ ,p¯,α˜) on a limit state function, i.e. p p Problems with this class of support sets are the sim- g (p˜,d)=0forsomei,willbecalledtheCriticalPa- i plest since the CPV is calculated by solving a mini- rameterValue. mum norm problem in p-space. The CPV for ∆ = p Some properties of the CPV are provided in ref- Sp(p¯,R)isgivenby erence (Crespo, Giesy, and Kenny 2006). Whenever   ∆p is compact and the g are continuous functions,  diYm(g)  the existence of a CPV is guaranteed. Note also that p˜ =argmin kp−p¯k: g (p,d)=0 . (2) k the CPV might not be a realization of the uncertain p  k=1  parameter,i.e.,p˜ mightnotbelongto∆ . p Definition 6 (Spherical PSM). The Spherical Para- Formal definitions of the PSM for hyper-spherical metric Safety Margin corresponding to the design d and hyper-rectangular supports are provided in Sec- for∆ =S (p¯,R)isdefinedas tion 3, as are expressions for the calculation of these p p PSMs. In general, the PSM is a measure of the ro- ∆ bustness of the design d to uncertainty in p that will ρS(p¯,p˜,d)=kp˜−p¯k, (3) assume non-negative values in the Feasible Design where p˜ is the corresponding CPV and p¯, the des- Space(FDS).TheFDSisthesetofdesignssatisfying ignated point of the uncertainty domain, satisfies all the constraints at the designated point. The PSM g(p¯,d)≤0.Notethatρ =α˜R. is proportional to the degree of resilience of d to un- S certainty in p. If the PSM assumes the value of zero, Lemma 1 (P-Test). Let g ≤ 0 describe a set of in- there is no resilience since at least one of the con- equality constraints and ∆ = S (p¯,R) be the sup- p p straints is active for p¯, i.e. there exists an infinites- port of the uncertain parameter p. The design d is imally small perturbation from p¯ leading to a con- robustifandonlyifρ ≥R. S straintviolation.NegativePSMvaluesareattainedby designsoutsidetheFDS.Ontheotherhand,thePSM The exact boundary of the RDS corresponding to is infinite when g is insensitive to p. In general, the a hyper-spherical support set is confined by an iso- PSM is uniquely specified by the design point d, the spherical-PSM manifold, i.e. surface in the design support set ∆p, the designated point p¯, the constraint spaceprescribedbyρS =cwherecisaconstant. functionsg,andthecriticalsimilituderatioα˜. 3.2 Hyper-Rectanglesinp-space Definition 5 (Robust Design Space). The Robust When the components of the uncertain parameter are Design Space (RDS) is the set of designs d for which independently bounded the support set is a hyper- g(p,d)≤0forallrealizationsofp.Eachmemberof rectangle. Note that this geometry allows for the ma- thissetiscalledarobustdesign. nipulationofuncertainparametershavingdifferentfi- delities. If p¯ is the geometric center of the set, such In this paper, robustness refers to the ability of a a hyper-rectangle is R (p¯,m). A robustness test for given design to satisfy the design requirements pre- p thisgeometryisintroducedsubsequently.Themathe- scribed in g ≤ 0 given an uncertain model for p. In maticalbackgroundforthisispresentednext. principle, such requirements can be enforced by ei- ther hard and soft constraints. Developments for the Definition 7 (Q-Transformation). Let ∆p = formertypearepresentednext. R (p¯,m) be the support of the uncertain pa- p rameter p. The Q-Transformation, denoted as 3 HARDCONSTRAINTS q =Q(p,p¯,m),andgivenby ProblemStatement:evaluatewhetherthedesigndis robust for the support set ∆ and the hard constraint max{|k|}k p Q(p,p¯,m)=∆ , (4) g(p,d)≤0. kkk 3 where bydiscontinuitiesinthegradientoftheQtransforma- k =diag{m}−1(p−p¯), tion. Recall that the infinity norm in a finite dimen- transforms ∆p into a unit hyper-sphere in q-space. sional space is defined as kxk∞ = sup {|x |}. Let The inverse transformation, p = Q−1(q,p¯,m), is us define the m-scaled infinity norm ais kxi k∞ = givenby m sup {|x |/m }.Adistancebetweenthevectorsxand i i i y can be defined as kx−yk∞. Using this distance, kqkq m Q−1(q,p¯,m)=p¯+diag{m} . (5) theunitballcenteredatp¯ isjustR(p¯,m). max{|q|} The problem of finding, for a fixed design d, the CPV for the vector g(p,d) of constraint functions The Q-Transformation maps hyper-rectangles pro- andtheuncertaintymodelwithdesignatedpointp¯ be- portional to R (p¯,m) into hyper-spheres propor- p comes the problem of finding a vector p˜ of minimal tional to S (0,1). The connectivity of the uncer- q distance in this m-scaled infinity norm from p¯ such tainty set is preserved by the transformation. Notice thatptouchesthefailureset.Thiscanbeexpressedin however, that differentiable functions on p-space are theformofaconstrainedoptimizationproblem transformedintofunctionsonq-spacewhichcanhave derivative discontinuities at points corresponding to p˜ =argmin{kp−p¯k∞ :p∈∂F} m p-spacepointswherethefacesofthehomothetsmeet. p The notation Q(p) will be used when the arguments Thisoptimizationproblemisrestatedasp˜ =p˜ where i p¯ andmareunderstoodbycontext. (cid:8) (cid:9) The Q-Transformation allows identification of the i=argmin kp˜ −p¯k∞ , (8) j m corresponding CPV by solving the following mini- j mumnormprobleminq-space p˜ =argmin{kp−p¯k∞ :p∈∂F }. (9) j m j p   dim(g)  Y  Thatis,theCPVproblemissolvedforeachindividual p˜ =argmin kQ(p)k: g (p,d)=0 . (6) k constraint function, and the answer is selected which p   k=1 is closest to the designated point in the m-scaled in- finity norm. It should be pointed out that, in the pre- Definition 8 (Rectangular PSM). The Rectangular cedingdiscussion,ifthem-scaledinfinitynormisre- Parametric Safety Margin corresponding to the de- placed by the standard Euclidean norm, what results signdfor∆p =Rp(p¯,m),isdefinedas is a formulation of the CPV calculation for spherical uncertaintydomains. ρ (p¯,p˜,m,d)=∆ kQ(p˜)kkmk, (7) Assuming that g(p¯,d) < 0 and ∂F = R i {p:g (p,d)=0}, the problem in Equation (9) i whereg(p¯,d)≤0. canbeformulatedas H (R,p¯,α˜) is tightly bounded by an hyper-sphere p˜ =argmin{kp−p¯k∞ :g (p,d)=0}. p j m j ofradiusequaltoρ centeredatp¯. p R Rewriting this using the definition of the m-scaled Lemma 2 (Q-Test). Let g ≤ 0 describe a set of in- infinitynormgives equalityconstraints,and∆p =R (p¯,m)bethesup- p (cid:26) (cid:27) port of the uncertain parameter. The design d is ro- |p −p¯| p˜ =argmin max i i :g (p,d)=0 . bustifandonlyifρR ≥kmk. j p 1≤i≤dim(p) mi j The CPVs in Equations 2 and 6 are p values, not The “max” can be eliminated and the objective func- necessarily realizations in ∆ , on the intersection be- tionmadedifferentiablebyintroducingthesimilitude p tweenthesurfaceofthehomotheticsetandthefailure ratioα definedbefore region. As before, the exact boundary of the RDS for hp˜ ,α˜ i=argmin{α:g (p,d)=0,|p −p¯|≤αm }, hyper-rectangularsupportsetsisprescribedbyaniso- j j j i i i p,α rectangular-PSM manifold. Relevant aspects related to the existence of the RDS are considered in (Cre- where 1 ≤ i ≤ dim(p). The non-differentiabilities spo,Giesy,andKenny2006). in the objective functions can be eliminated and the problem turned into an “inequality constraint 3.2.1 InfinityNormFormulation only”optimizationproblemwhichismore“optimizer An alternate way to search for the CPV for hyper- friendly” by changing the constraint on g from = to j rectangular supports is presented here. This formu- ≥ (assuming that the constraint functions g are con- lation allows us to circumvent the problems caused tinuous)sincetheoptimummustoccuron∂F. 4 4 SOFTCONSTRAINTS 4.1 Hyper-Spheresinu-space The CPV for this type of dilating sets is calculated Uptothispoint,onlyhardconstraintshavebeencon- by solving a minimum norm problem in u-space. In sidered. In practice, there might be cases in which particular,theCPVisgivenby the design architecture, i.e., the form in which g de-   pends on d, or the size of the support set, lead to dim(g)  Y  an empty RDS. In such cases, soft constraints allow u˜ =argmin ku−u¯k: g (U−1(u),d)=0 . i for the search of designs that minimize the severity u   i=1 oftheconstraintviolation.Deterministic(Rustemand Nguyen 1998) and probabilistic (Royset, Kiureghian, Definition 9 (Spherical RI). The reliability index andPolak2001;CrespoandKenny2005)approaches corresponding to the design d for dilating spheres can be used to tackle problems where partial fea- centered at u¯, called the Spherical Reliability Index, sibility is satisfactory. Non-probabilistic uncertainty isdefinedas models have been used thus far. This has been the case since the enforcement of hard constraint makes ∆ β (u¯,u˜,d)=ku˜ −u¯k, (10) S theprobabilisticinformationinconsequential.Inwhat follows, probabilistic uncertainty models are used. A whereg(u¯,d)≤0. probabilistic uncertainty model is fully prescribed by a joint probability density function of p, denoted by If u¯ = 0, β is the conventional reliability index S f (p),supportedin∆ . and the CPV is the Most Probable Point. With this p p informationathand,aboundtothefailureprobability Strategies for the efficient solution of RBDO prob- canbederived. lems that involve the estimation of the failure prob- ability P[F(d,g)] are studied in this section. Notice Theorem 1 (Bound to P[F]: Hyper-Spheres). The that if the probability of constraint violation can be numberψS,givenby eliminated,thetoolsforhardconstraintsmustbeused r instead. The implementation of soft constraints must 2 ψ =1−erf(γ)+ e−γ2f (dim(u),β ), (11) beprecededbydeterminingthattheRDSisanempty S π 1 S set. Failure to recognize this will lead to ineffective numericalimplementations. n−3 −1 n−1  n−1−k  Y2 X2 Y2 f1(n,r)=∆  h(j) r2k−1 h(i), By definition, the homothetic sets corresponding j=1 k=1 i=1 to the critical similitude ratio are fully contained in the non-failure region. If a probabilistic uncertainty whendim(u)isanoddnumber,andby model for p is available, the probability of being within such a set can be quantified. Obviously, this ψ =e−γ2f (dim(u),β ), (12) S 2 S probability depends, among several other factors, on the geometry of the support set. In order to maximize n−1 −1 n/2  n−k  the probability of being within such a homothet, ex- Y2 X Y2 pansions/contractions in the standard normal space u f2(n,r)=∆  h(j) r2(k−1) h(i), aredesirable.Thereadercanreferto(Rackwitz2001) j=1 k=1 i=1 forareviewonthetransformationfromp-spacetou- when dim(u) is an even number, is an upper bound space. We will use u=U(p) to refer to the probabil- to the failure probability P[F] corresponding to a ity preserving transformation. Most of the concepts hyper-spherical set with designated point u¯ = 0 and introduced earlier can be naturally extended to this spherical reliability index β . In these expressions, setting with one notable exception. Since the trans- √S formation of the support set ∆p covers the entire u- h(i)=n−2iandγ =βS/ 2. space, the concept of proportionality between the ho- mothets and the support set is no longer attainable. 4.2 Hyper-Rectanglesinu-space This gives us the freedom to select dilating sets of ar- The developments that follow are an extension of the bitrary geometry in u-space. As before, we will con- ideas presented in Section 3.2. The CPV resulting centrateonhyper-sphericalandhyper-rectangularge- from dilating a hyper-rectangle centered at u¯ having ometries. We will denote with u¯ the designated point thehalf-lengthvectormisgivenby in standard normal space. Analogous to the spheri-   calandrectangularPSMsconceptsusedforhardcon- dim(g)  Y  straints, are the spherical- and rectangular-Reliability u˜ =argmin ku−u¯k∞ : g (U−1(u),d)=0 . m i Indices(RI)forsoftconstraints. u   i 5 An equivalent formulation based on the Q- a weighting factor and u ∈ Hc(α˜) is a conditional i u Transformation requires Q(u,u¯,m) as the sample. cost function. In this context, q = Q(u,u¯,m) A rejection-based algorithm for the generation of maps hyper-rectangles in u-space proportional to these samples is presented next. This algorithm gen- R (u¯,m)intohyper-spheresinq-spaceproportional eratesMonteCarlosamplesinstandardnormalspace u to S (0,1). For the reminder of this section, Q(u) and rejects those within the homothet. Its implemen- q referstoQ(u,u¯,m). tationisasfollows.Instantiatethecounteritoone. 1. Generateasampleofthestandardnormalspace, Definition 10 (Rectangular RI). The reliability in- namelyuˆ. dex corresponding to the design d for a dilating hyper-rectanglewithdesignatedpointu¯ andthehalf- 2. Hyper-spheres: regard this sample acceptable lengths vector m, called the Rectangular Reliability if kuˆ −u¯k > β . Hyper-rectangles: regard the S Index,isdefinedas sampleacceptableifkQ(uˆ)k>kQ(β )k. R (cid:13) ! (cid:13) (cid:13) kq˜k1 (cid:13) 3. Ifuˆ isacceptable,makeu =uˆ andincreasethe β (u¯,u˜,d)=∆ (cid:13)Q−1 −u¯(cid:13), (13) i R (cid:13) p (cid:13) counteribyone. (cid:13) dim(u) (cid:13) 4. Ifi<n +1gotoStep1andrepeat. s whereg(u¯,d)≤0andq˜ =Q(u˜). An approximation to P[F] results from using the Theorem 2 (Bound to P[F]: Hyper-Rectangles). samplesui andassumingωi =0foralli,inEquation Thenumberψ ,givenby 16.Thenumberofnon-acceptablesamplesgenerated R is proportional to the size of H (α˜). Therefore, the u dim(u) efficiency of this algorithm diminishes with the value Y ψ =1− [1+Φ(u¯ −σ )−Φ(u¯ +σ )] (14) of the RI, hence with the value of P[F]. An alterna- R i i i i tive method, well-suited for cases in which P[F] is i=1 small, was developed but omitted here due to space is an upper bound to the failure probability P[F] for limitations. ahyper-rectangularsetwithdesignatedpointu¯ anda rectangularreliabilityindexβ .Inthisexpression,Φ R 5 EXAMPLE is the cumulative distribution function of a standard A two-dimensional problem in d and p has been normalvariableandσ =β m /kmk. i R i selected to allow for visualization. The same ex- ample is considered in (Crespo, Giesy, and Kenny Note that as long as the search for the CPV con- 2006), where additional aspects of the methodology verges to the global minimum, the upper bounds are exercised. The constraint set is g = [3d −4p2− above are exact and do not require of confidence in- 2 1 4d p sin(p d −p2),−sin(p2p −sin(2p −2))− tervals.Amethodforapproximatingfailureprobabil- 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 d d p +p ,d +p2d −4p2p −4sin(2p −2p ), itiesthatusesboththefailureboundsandsamplingis 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2(p + p )sin(p2 − d ) − 2p p (d + 2p2 − 2) + presentednext. 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 d −6p ]T. The designated point is p¯ = [1,1]T. The 1 1 boundaryoftheFDSwillbeshowninsubsequentfig- 4.3 HybridMethod(HM) ures as a solid line. In this example, soft constraints Let ψ be the probability bound associated to the ho- are considered. In what follows, u¯ = 0 and f (p) = motheticsetH (α˜).Inthiscontext p u f (p1)f (p2), where f (p1) = N(1,0.05) and p1 p2 p1 P[F]=ψP (cid:2)g(U−1(u),d)>0|Hc(α˜)(cid:3). (15) fp2(p2) = N(1,0.2). Since the support of this joint u probability density function is not a subset of largest Theconditionalprobabilitywillbeestimatedviasam- homothetic set found in (Crespo, Giesy, and Kenny pling.Equation15requiresthegenerationofsamples 2006), the usage of soft constraints is justified. This outside H (α˜). Since this practice avoids sampling implies that the RDS is empty and that P[F] is non- u the non-failure region of the u-space inside the ho- zero for all designs. The distribution of −log(P[F]) mothet, the accuracy of the approximation is propor- for ns = 10000 samples, generated via Monte Carlo tional to the reliability index. If n is the number of Sampling(MCS),isshowninFigure1.Figuresshow- s samples,anapproximationtoEquation15is ing −log(P[F]) are used to illustrate the behavior of the approximation when the failure probabilities are Pns ω I[g(U−1(u ),d)>0] small. The “hole” at the interior of the FDS results P[F]=ψ i=1 i i , (16) Pns ω from using a finite number of samples. In the vicin- i=1 i ity of this region, the approximation to P[F] is in- where I, the indicator function, is equal to one if accurate and very noisy. For a given number of sam- its argument is true and zero if it is false, ω > 0 is ples, sampling-based RBDO algorithms are not only i 6 unable to discriminate among designs attaining small substantial advantages would result from using the failure probabilities, but more importantly, wrongly boundψ asanapproximationtoP[F].Locally,either identify zero-failure probability solutions. Besides, ψ or ψ can be the smallest bound. The First Order S R reliability assessments resulting from sampling lead ReliabilityMethod(FORM)andSecondOrderRelia- topiece-wiseconstantfunctionsateverydesignpoint bilityMethodgenerateapproximationsthatalsoover- no matter what n is. Spherical (not shown) and comesomeofthedeficienciesofsampling. TheHM Figure1:−log(P[F])viaMCSforn =10000. Figure3:−log(ψ )forhyper-spheres. s S Figure2:RectangularRIsform=[1,1]T. Figure4:−log(ψ )forhyper-rectangles. R rectangular (Figure 2) RIs in the FDS were calcu- is used next. Figures 5 and 6 show −log(P[F]) for lated. Noticeable differences between the two func- circular and squared homothets respectively. In both tions are apparent. Locally, either the spherical-RI cases, n = 2000 samples are used. The approxima- s or the rectangular-RI can be the largest. Overall, the tion not only inherits the nice features of the bound, maximum rectangular-RI is greater than the maxi- such as its smoothness, but it is also is more accurate mum spherical-RI. Failure probabilities bounds for and efficient than MCS. Overall, less than one fourth circular and squared homothets are shown in Figures of the function evaluations used to generate the MCS 3and4.Notethatinbothcasestheboundsaresmooth results were used by the HM. As expected, the HM functions. Since (i) the calculation of the bound not approximation compares well to the FORM approx- onlyrequiresconsiderablyfewerfunctionevaluations imation when P[F] is small. On the other hand, the that MCS (about 50 times less for this example), and HM outperforms the FORM approximation when the (ii) the bound is continuous everywhere in the FDS, failureprobabilitiesarenotsmall.Forinstance,while 7 schemesareproposed.Probabilisticuncertaintymod- elsareusedintheimplementationofsoftconstraints. The methodology permits determination of closed- formexpressionsforupperboundstothefailureprob- ability. A hybrid method for the approximation of failure probabilities, based on the upper bounds and conditional sampling, is proposed. Numerical experi- mentsshowthatthismethodresultsinsubstantialim- provementsinaccuracyandefficiencyascomparedto alternativemethods. REFERENCES Acevedo, J. and E. N. Pistikopoulos (1998). Stochastic optimization based algorithms for process synthesis under uncertainty. Comp. Figure5:−log(P[F])forcircularhomothetsviaHM. Chem.Engng22(1),647–671. Crespo, L. G., D. P. Giesy, and S. P. Kenny (2006, September). Strict feasibility in optimization under uncertainty. In 11th AIAA/ISSMO Mul- tidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Con- ference, Portsmouth, VA USA. AIAA-2006- 7035. Crespo, L. G. and S. P. Kenny (2005). Reliability- based control design for uncertain systems. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dy- namics28(4). Darlington, J., C. Pantelides, B. Rustem, and B. Tanyi (1999). An algorithm for constrained nonlinear optimization under uncertainty. Au- tomatica35,217–228. Ermoliev, Y. (1983). Stochastic quasigradient methodsandtheirapplicationstosystemsopti- mization.Stochastics9(1),1–36. Figure6:−log(P[F])forsquaredhomothetsviaHM. Kall, P. and S. Wallace (1994). Stochastic Pro- gramming.NewYork:Wiley. theHMleadstoP[F]=0.623ford=[−2.2,0.73]T, Rackwitz, R. (2001). Reliability analysis, a review FORM leads to P[F] = 0.379. The corresponding and some perspectives. Structural Safety 23, MCS approximation, that for this case can be used as 365–395. ayardstick,isP[F]=0.614.Therefore,theHMcom- Royset, J., A. D. Kiureghian, and E. Polak (2001). paresverywelltoMCSfornot-smallfailureprobabil- Reliability-based optimal structural design by itiesvaluesandtoFORMforsmallvalues. thedecouplingapproach.ReliabilityEngineer- ingandSystemSafety73,213–221. 6 CONCLUSIONS Rustem, B. and Q. Nguyen (1998). An algorithm Strategies for analyzing and implementing hard and for the inequality constrained minimax prob- soft constraints in a reliability-based setting are pro- lem. SIAM Journal of Optimization 8(1), 265– posed. Emphasis is given to uncertainty models pre- 283. scribedbyhyper-spheresandhyper-rectangles.While the former geometry can be used to deal with un- Samsatli,N.,L.Papageorgiou,andN.Shah(1998). certain parameters of comparable fidelity, the second Robustness metrics for dynamic optimization one allows for the manipulation of parameters with models under parametric uncertainty. Process differentfidelity.Themathematicalframeworkdevel- SystemsEngineering44(9),1993–2006. opedallowsthedeterminationofwhetheritisfeasible or not to satisfy hard constraints. Strategies for im- plementing hard constraints into design optimization 8

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