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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20060022551: Convergence Acceleration for Multistage Time-Stepping Schemes

AIAA-2006-3523 43rdAIAAFluidDynamicsConferenceandExhibit,June5{82006,SanFrancisco,CA Convergence Acceleration for Multistage Time-Stepping Schemes R. C. Swanson(cid:3), E. Turkely, C.-C. Rossowz, V. N. Vatsax (cid:3);x NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA Hampton, VA 23681-2199, USA y Tel-Aviv University, Israel z DLR, Deutsches Zentrum fu(cid:127)r Luft- und Raumfahrt Lilienthalplatz 7 D-38108 Braunschweig, Germany Abstract The convergence of a Runge-Kutta (RK) scheme with multigrid is accelerated by preconditioning with a fully implicit operator. With the extended stability of the Runge-Kutta scheme, CFL numbers as high as 1000 could be used. The implicit preconditioner addresses the sti(cid:11)ness in the discrete equations associated withstretchedmeshes. Numericaldissipationoperators(basedontheRoescheme,amatrixformulation,and the CUSPscheme)aswellasthenumberofRKstagesareconsideredinevaluatingtheRK/implicitscheme. Both the numerical and computational e(cid:14)ciency of the scheme with the di(cid:11)erent dissipation operators are discussed. The RK/implicit scheme is used to solve the two-dimensional(2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) compressible,Reynolds-averagedNavier-Stokesequations. Intwodimensions,turbulent(cid:13)ows overanairfoil at subsonic and transonic conditions are computed. The e(cid:11)ects of mesh cell aspect ratio on convergence are investigated for Reynolds numbers between 5:7(cid:2)106 and 100:0(cid:2)106. Results are also obtained for a transonic wing (cid:13)ow. For both 2-D and 3-D problems, it is demonstrated that the computational time of a well-tuned standard RK scheme can be reduced at least a factor of four. Introduction The (cid:12)eld of computational (cid:13)uid dynamics has expanded rapidly over the last 25 to 30 years, and (cid:13)uid dynamics problems with increasing complexity are being solved. While relatively good computational ef- (cid:12)ciency has been attained for the Euler equations, there are still signi(cid:12)cant challenges remaining for the Navier-Stokes equations. As a minimum near term objective one should seek comparable e(cid:14)ciency to that forthe Eulerequations. Amajorobstaclein achievingsuchagoalisthe geometricalsti(cid:11)nessof the discrete Navier-Stokes equations caused by the requirement to adequately resolve viscous boundary layers with an economical distribution of grid points. In addition, we are also confronted with the dilemma of how to improve computational e(cid:14)ciency and at the same time minimize computer storage required, especially in 3-D simulations. One powerful solution strategy for solving large scale problems in (cid:13)uid dynamics is multigrid.1{3 The multigridapproacho(cid:11)ersthepossibilityofsolvingdiscretepartialdi(cid:11)erentialequationswithgridindependent (cid:3)SeniorResearchScientist,ComputationalAeroSciencesBranch,MailStop128,SeniorMemberAIAA. yProfessor,SchoolofMathematical Sciences. zDirector,Institutfu(cid:127)rAerodynamikundStro(cid:127)mungstechnik, SeniorMemberAIAA. xSeniorResearchScientist,ComputationalAeroSciencesBranch,MailStop128,SeniorMemberAIAA. ThismaterialisdeclaredaworkoftheU.S.GovernmentandisnotsubjecttocopyrightprotectionintheUnitedStates.2006 1of21 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper2006-3523 convergence rates. Although most of the theory developed for multigrid is for elliptic problems, e(cid:11)ective multigrid solvers4,5 have been constructed for the Euler equations, which are hyperbolic in time. In fact, Jameson and Caughey6 demonstrated that an Euler solution for airfoil (cid:13)ows could be obtained in 3{5 multigrid cycles (converged to the level of the truncation error). Such multigrid methods depend on two elements to accelerate convergence. One element is the smoothing of high frequency components of the solution error. The choice of an iterative scheme for smoothing is crucial, since multigrid requires a smooth solutionerrortoapproximatea(cid:12)negridproblemonacoarsergrid. Moreover,itisthecoarsergridsthatare responsible for removing the low-frequencyerrormodes that cause slow asymptotic convergenceof iterative schemes. The second element for accelerating convergence is the expulsion of errors on the coarse grids, which occurs faster due to the larger time steps permitted on coarser grids. Many multigrid methods that are currently used for solving the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations rely upon an explicit multistage time stepping scheme for a smoother. Frequently this explicit scheme is augmented with implicit residual smoothing7 to extend stability, allowing the use of largertime steps. This combination proved to be quite e(cid:11)ective in solving inviscid (cid:13)ow problems. In addition, such schemes have been applied e(cid:11)ectively to a wide variety of viscous (cid:13)ow problems in both two and three dimensions.8,9 However, convergencerates exceeding 0.99 are encountered when solving turbulent viscous (cid:13)ows. For viscous (cid:13)ow problems the anisotropy due to grid cell aspect ratio causes a low e(cid:11)ectiveness in high- frequency damping in certain coordinate directions. There are two principal techniques that can reduce or even eliminate the dramatic slowdown that can occur due to such geometrical sti(cid:11)ness. One technique involves semi-coarsening, where a family of coarse grids is generated by coarsening in one direction at a time rather than all directions. Mulder10 introduced this type of coarsening in order to treat the (cid:13)ow alignment problem (i.e., vanishing damping in a coordinate direction normal to the (cid:13)ow) and also the cell aspect ratio problem. The primary di(cid:14)culties with such an approach are programming complexity and increased operation count, especially in three dimensions. In order to reduce the operation count a directional coarsening was considered.11,12 For example, in a 2-D (cid:13)ow the grid was coarsened only in the direction normal to a solid boundary (sometimes called j-line coarsening), resulting in a reduced cell aspect ratio and improved smoothing. Thesecondtechniqueforreducinggeometricalsti(cid:11)nessistoapplyanimplicit methodin thedirectionof strongest coupling. In two dimensions appropriate line relaxation allows the removal of the adverse e(cid:11)ects on convergence due to aspect ratio. With this in mind e(cid:11)orts were made to improve the performance of the implicit residualsmoothingbeing usedin conjunctionwith Runge-Kuttaschemes. As aninitialstep the simple di(cid:11)usion operator in this implicit process was replaced with a convection operator that includes (cid:13)ux Jacobians.13 Since approximate factorization was used to facilitate the inversion of the implicit operator, there was still a strong limitation on the actual time step allowed due to the factorization error. To reduce the complexity of the operator, as well as to eliminate the factorization error, a directional smoothing was developed,14 wheresmoothingwasperformedinonlythewallnormaldirection(i.e., j-linesmoothing). With this approach the time step still was limited due to the other coordinate directions. These directional coarseningandsmoothingmethodshavenotbeenwidelyadoptedduetotheirprogrammingcomplexityand limitedapplicabilityingeneralblock-structuredgridformulations. However,usingunstructured gridswhere thereisa(cid:13)exibledatabasestructure,Mavriplis15 combinedj-linecoarseningandj-linesmoothingalongwith Jacobi preconditioning to demonstrate cell aspect ratio independent convergencerates for two dimensional, turbulent, viscous airfoil (cid:13)ow computations. The directional methods just described can signi(cid:12)cantly mitigate, and when combined appropriately even eliminate, the e(cid:11)ects of cell aspect ratio in two dimensions; they are considerably less e(cid:11)ective when applied to general 3-D problems.16 Furthermore, there is still a signi(cid:12)cant Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy(CFL) restriction (generally less than 10), which re(cid:13)ects the explicit nature of the foundation Runge-Kutta (RK) scheme. Inordertoextendthe generalityoftheimplicitprocedureandsigni(cid:12)cantlyaugmentthe stabilityof bound of the RKscheme,Rossow17 introducedafully implicit operatorintothe implicit residualsmoothing procedure. This RK/implicit scheme requires computation of the (cid:13)ux Jacobians that appear in the (cid:13)ow equations. To reduce storage Rossow expressed the Jacobians in terms of the Mach number and computed them with each application of the residual smoothing. The implicit operator was approximately inverted with a symmetric Gauss-Seidel iteration. The Roe scheme was used to approximate the dissipation in the implicitoperatorandtheresidualfunction. Withthe RK/implicitschemeCFLnumbersexceeding100were attained in turbulent airfoil (cid:13)ow calculations. In the present work we evaluate the RK/implicit scheme and extend it to three dimensions. Initially, 2of21 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper2006-3523 the (cid:13)exibility of the scheme is investigated by considering the e(cid:11)ect of choosing an alternative numerical dissipation operator for the residual function. As a result, we demonstrate that the preconditioned RK schemecanbeimplementedwithsimilarbene(cid:12)tsinavarietyofexistingmultigridmethodswithamultistage time stepping scheme as a smoother. The RK/implicit scheme is applied to severalairfoil (cid:13)ows, including a transoniccasewith strongshock/boundary-layerinteraction. Inaddition,the performanceoftheschemefor Reynolds numbers between 5:7(cid:2)106 and 100(cid:2)106 is also considered. At the highest Reynolds number the maximum grid cell aspect ratio exceeds 50,000. To assess the scheme in three dimensions viscous transonic (cid:13)owovertheONERAM6wingiscomputed. Forallcalculationstheconvergencebehaviorandcomputational e(cid:11)ort with the scheme are discussed. Governing Equations Inthispaperweconsiderboththe2-Dand3-DNavier-Stokesequationsforcompressible(cid:13)ow. Assuming a volume (cid:12)xed in space and time, the integral form of these equations can be written as @W dV+ F (cid:1)ndS =0; (1) @t ZZZV ZZS wherethe symbol@ indicatespartialdi(cid:11)erentiation,W isthe statevectorofconservativevariables,F isthe (cid:13)ux density tensor, and V, S, and n denote the volume, area, and the outwardfacing normal of the control volume. One can split the (cid:13)ux density tensor into a convective contribution F and a viscous contribution c F , which are given by v (cid:26)q 0 (cid:26)uq+pe (cid:28)(cid:22)(cid:1)e 2 x 3 2 x 3 Fc = (cid:26)vq+pey ; Fv = (cid:28)(cid:22)(cid:1)ey (2) 6 7 6 7 6 (cid:26)wq+pez 7 6 (cid:28)(cid:22)(cid:1)ez 7 6 7 6 7 6 (cid:26)Hq 7 6 (cid:28)(cid:22)(cid:1)q(cid:0)Q 7 6 7 6 7 4 5 4 5 where q is the velocity vector with Cartesian components (u;v;w), and the unit vectors (e ;e ;e ) are x y z associated with the Cartesian coordinates (x;y;z). The variables (cid:26), p, H represent density, pressure, and total speci(cid:12)c enthalpy, respectively. The stress tensor (cid:28)(cid:22) and the heat (cid:13)ux vector Q are given by (cid:28) (cid:28) (cid:28) @T=@x xx yx zx (cid:28)(cid:22)= (cid:28) (cid:28) (cid:28) ; Q=k @T=@y (3) 2 xy yy zy 3 2 3 (cid:28) (cid:28) (cid:28) @T=@z xz yz zz 6 7 6 7 with k denoting the coe(cid:14)cient of 4thermal conductiv5ity and T repr4esenting th5e temperature. In order to close the the system given by Eq. (1) we use the equation of state p=(cid:26)RT (4) where R is the speci(cid:12)c gas constant. Numerical Algorithms In this sectionwe (cid:12)rstbrie(cid:13)y describethe standardsolutionscheme forsolvingthe compressibleNavier- Stokes equations. Variations of this scheme are considered based on the choice of the numerical dissipation scheme. A principal component of the standard scheme is implicit residual smoothing, which provides additionalsupport forthe basiciterativescheme, andthus, allows extended stability. A modi(cid:12)cation of this component of the standard scheme is the basis for an alternative scheme that allows dramaticallyimproved convergencerates. This alternative formulation is discussed in the second part of this section. RK/Standard Scheme Therearethreeelementsinthestandardsolutionscheme: amultistagetime-steppingscheme,implicitresid- ual smoothing and multigrid acceleration. Here, as in many existing computer codes for (cid:13)ow computations, we consider a (cid:12)ve stage Runge-Kutta (RK) scheme. This scheme can be written as 3of21 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper2006-3523 W(0) =Wn W(1) =W(0)(cid:0)(cid:11) (cid:1)tR(W(0)) 1 . . . (5) W(5) =W(0)(cid:0)(cid:11) (cid:1)tR(W(4)) 5 Wn+1 =W(5); where R is the vector residual function, (cid:1)t is the time step, the superscript n denotes time level, the superscript enclosed in parentheses indicates RK stage, and the RK coe(cid:14)cients are given by [(cid:11) ;(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) ;(cid:11) ]=[0:25; 0:1667; 0:375; 0:5; 1:0]: 1 5 For conveniencewe haveomitted the indices referring to the gridpoints. The residual function R is de(cid:12)ned by q q 1 R=R(W(q))= L W(q)+ (cid:13) L W(r)+ (cid:13) L W(r) ; (6) c qr v qr d V " # r=0 r=0 X X and the operators L , L , and L relate to the convection, viscous, and numerical dissipation terms. Terms c v d in the governing equations are approximated with central di(cid:11)erencing. The coe(cid:14)cients (cid:13) are the weights qr of the viscous and dissipation terms on each stage (see Ref. 19), which are taken to be [1; 0; 0:56; 0; 0:44]. Such a scheme is frequently designated as a (5,3) scheme, since the dissipation terms are evaluated only on three stages. To extend the stability of the RK scheme we apply implicit residual smoothing, which is de(cid:12)ned by (1(cid:0)(cid:12) (cid:14) 2)(1(cid:0)(cid:12) (cid:14) 2)(1(cid:0)(cid:12) (cid:14) 2)R=R; (7) (cid:24) (cid:24) (cid:17) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:16) where (cid:14)2 is the standard central di(cid:11)erence operator for a di(cid:11)usion term, and ((cid:24);(cid:17);(cid:16)) are the coordinates of a uniformly spaced computational domain. The parameter (cid:12) is a local function of the grid aspect ratio. There are several ways to de(cid:12)ne this function (for examples see Martinelli,18 Swanson and Turkel19). After inverting the product operator in Eq. 7 we substitute R for R in Eq. 5. For the inversion tridiagonal solves are performed in each coordinate direction. Onecanview the implicit residualsmoothingasa preconditioner. Themultistage schemecanbe viewed as a smoother for the multigrid method. As a smoother the scheme should be designed so that it has good high frequency damping properties. A Fourier analysis shows that the (cid:12)ve stage RK scheme alone smooths e(cid:11)ectively the high frequency components of the solution error. However, with the addition of implicit residual smoothing, there is signi(cid:12)cant deterioration in the smoothing behavior of the RK scheme.19 In evaluating the resulting scheme one must also consider the improved stability of the scheme, which allows faster error propagationin the course grid process of multigrid. In the standard scheme the full approximation scheme (FAS) is applied to the system of equations. Consider a (cid:12)ne grid and a sequence of successively coarsergrids generated by eliminating every other mesh line in each coordinate direction. Let the index k denote the k-th grid. Also, let Ik(cid:0)1 be the (cid:12)ne-to-coarse k grid restriction operator and Ik be the coarse-to-(cid:12)ne grid prolongation operator. If W is the current k(cid:0)1 k solution on grid k, the residual on this grid is R (cid:17)f (cid:0)L W . This leads to the coarse-gridequation k k k k L W =f =(cid:0)Ik(cid:0)1W +L Ik(cid:0)1W : (8) k(cid:0)1 k(cid:0)1 k(cid:0)1 k k k(cid:0)1 k k After solving the coarse-gridequation for Wk(cid:0)1, the (cid:12)ne-grid soluti(cid:0)on is corr(cid:1)ected by W W +Ik W (cid:0)Ik(cid:0)1W : (9) k k k(cid:0)1 k(cid:0)1 k k Equation(8)issolvedbyapplyingthesamerelaxation(cid:0) procedurethatis(cid:1)usedtosolvethe(cid:12)ne-gridequation. Multigrid is applied recursivelyto the coarse-gridequation. The restriction operators for transferring the residual and solution values from a (cid:12)ne grid to a coarse gridarethe onesproposedby Jameson5 for acell-centered, (cid:12)nite-volumescheme. The residual and solution restriction operators are de(cid:12)ned by a summing of the residuals and by a volume weighting of the solution valuesoverthe (cid:12)ne-gridcellsthat comprisea coarse-gridcell. Coarse-gridcorrectionsaretransferredwith a bilinear interpolation operator. A conventionalV- orW-cycle is used to execute the multigrid process. 4of21 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper2006-3523 Discretization and Dissipation Using the (cid:12)nite volume technique for spatial discretization, Eq. (1) can be written in semidiscrete form as @W 1 + F S =0; (10) n @t V allfaces X where F is the normal(cid:13)ux density vectorat the cell face, nowV representsthe volume of a computational n cell, and S is the area of a cell face. The convective part of the (cid:13)ux density vector F can be expressed as c 1 F = (FL+FR)+D; (11) c 2 whereFL andFR arethe left andrightstatesof the inviscid(cid:13)uxdensityvectornormaltothe cellinterface, and D is the numerical dissipation. This particular form results in a central di(cid:11)erence approximation plus numerical dissipation. A central di(cid:11)erencing is used to approximatethe physical di(cid:11)usion terms. In the present work we consider three di(cid:11)erent forms for the dissipation. One form comes from Roe’s (cid:13)ux di(cid:11)erence split scheme,21 and it can be written as 1 D=(cid:0) jAj(WR(cid:0)WL) (12) 2 1 =(cid:0) jAj(cid:1)W; (13) 2 where A is the (cid:13)ux Jacobian at a cell face. For this form we use jAj(cid:1)W expressed in terms of the cell interface Mach number M , according to Rossow.22 The Mach number M is given by 0 0 M =min(jMj; 1)sign(M): (14) 0 The resulting form for jAj(cid:1)W is given in the Appendix. For second order accuracy the symmetric limited positive (SLIP) scheme of Jameson23 is used following the implementation of Swanson, Radespiel, and Turkel.24 Another dissipation formulation being considered is closely related to that of the Roe scheme. It is generallycalled matrixdissipation (see Swansonand Turkel20). There aretwoprincipal di(cid:11)erences between the Roeschemedissipationandthe matrixdissipation. First,aswitchingfunctionbasedonpressureisused to change from third order dissipation (second order scheme) and (cid:12)rst order dissipation (e.g., (cid:12)rst order scheme in neighborhood of shock). Second, there are lower bounds imposed on both the convective and acoustic eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix. The third dissipation scheme is the convective upwind and split pressure (CUSP) scheme. Jameson23 designedthisschemesuchthatitcansupportsingle interiorpointdiscreteshockwaves. Forthisschemethe dissipation (cid:13)ux can be written as 1 1 D=(cid:0) (cid:23)(cid:22)(cid:1)W(cid:0) (cid:12)(cid:1)F; (15) 2 2 with (cid:23)(cid:22) and (cid:12) being parameters determined such that single interior point shocks are permitted. Discussion andanalysisofthe CUSPschemearegiveninRef.24. Wenotethattheseareallupwind typeschemes. The original JST algorithm25 used a scalar dissipation which behaves more as a central di(cid:11)erence scheme. RK/Implicit Scheme De(cid:12)ne the update for the qth stage of a RK scheme as W(q) =W(0)+(cid:14)W(q); (16) where (cid:1)t (cid:14)W(q) =W(q)(cid:0)W(0) =(cid:0)(cid:11) LW(q(cid:0)1) =R(W(q(cid:0)1)) (17) q V and L is the complete di(cid:11)erence operator given in Eq. (6). To extend the support of the di(cid:11)erence scheme b we consider implicit residual smoothing. Then, we have the following: 5of21 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper2006-3523 L (cid:14)W=(cid:14)W(q); (18) i where L is an implicit operator. By approximately inverting the operator L we obtain i i (cid:1)t (cid:14)W=(cid:0)(cid:11) PLW(q(cid:0)1); (19) q V where P is apreconditionerde(cid:12)ned by the approximateinverse L(cid:0)1. The change (cid:14)W is used to replacethe i explicit update appearing in Eq. (16). Thus each stage in the RK scheme is preconditioned by an implicit operator. e Unlikethe standardscheme,whichusesadi(cid:11)usion operatorforL , weconsidera fully implicit operator. i A(cid:12)rstorderupwindapproximationbasedontheRoeSchemeisusedforthespatialderivativesintheimplicit operator. ToderivethisoperatoronetreatsthespatialdiscretizationtermsinEq.(10)implicitlyandapplies linearization. For a detailed derivation see Rossow.17 Substituting for the implicit operator in Eq. (18), we obtain for the qth stage of the RK scheme (cid:1)t (cid:1)t I + A S (cid:14)W=(cid:0)(cid:11) F(q(cid:0)1)S =R(q(cid:0)1); (20) V n q V n " # allfaces allfaces X X where the matrix A is the (cid:13)ux Jacobian associated with the normal (cid:13)ux denbsity vector F at a cell face, n n and R(q(cid:0)1) representsthe residualfunction forthe (q(cid:0)1)th stage. The matrix A can be decomposed into n A+ and A(cid:0), which are de(cid:12)ned by n n b 1 1 A+ = (A +jA j); A(cid:0) = (A (cid:0)jA j): (21) n 2 n n n 2 n n If we substitute for A in Eq. (20) using the de(cid:12)nitions of Eq. (21), then (including the grid indices for the n purpose of discussion) the implicit scheme can be written as (cid:1)t (cid:1)t I + A+S (cid:14)W =R(q(cid:0)1)(cid:0) A(cid:0)(cid:14)W S; (22) V n i;j;k i;j;k V n NB " # allfaces allfaces X X wheretheindices(i;j;k)indicatethecellofinterest,andbNBreferstoallthedirectneighborsofthecellbeing considered. As discussed by Rossow,17 the quantity A(cid:0)(cid:14)W represents the (cid:13)ux density change associated n with waves having a negative wave speed (i.e., waves that enter the cell (i;j;k) from outside). Only the neighborcellsNB cancontribute tothese changesin (cid:13)ux density. Similarly, the quantityA+(cid:14)W represents n (cid:13)ux densitychangesassociatedwith positivewavespeeds (i.e., wavesthat leavethe cell (i;j;k)). These(cid:13)ux density changes are determined only by information from within the cell (i;j;k). TosolveEq.(22)forthechangesinconservativevariables(cid:14)W ,the5(cid:2)5matrix(a4(cid:2)4matrixintwo i;j;k dimensions) on the left-hand side of Eq. (22) must be inverted. It is su(cid:14)cient to approximate the inverse of the implicit operator. An adequate approximate inverse is obtained with three symmetric Gauss-Seidel sweeps. Alternativeiterativemethodssuchasred-blackGauss-Seidelcouldalsobeused(seeRef.26),which would allow the RK/implicit scheme to be applied on unstructured grids. To e(cid:14)ciently evaluate the Jacobian matrices A+ and A(cid:0) we rely upon their forms when expressed in n n termsofthecellinterfaceMachnumberM . Forsimpli(cid:12)cation,wetransformEq.(20)tothesetofprimitive 0 variables [(cid:26) p u v w]T. Thus, (cid:1)t @U (cid:1)t I + P S (cid:14)U=(cid:0) (cid:11) F(q(cid:0)1)S; (23) V n @W q V n " # allfaces allfaces X X where the matrix P , which is the analog of the normal (cid:13)ux Jacobian expressed in primitive variables, is n given by @U @W @U @W P = A = A++A(cid:0) =P++P(cid:0): (24) n @W n @U @W n n @U n n Note that the Jacobian @U=@W on the right-hand(cid:0)side of E(cid:1)q. (23) must multiply the conservative (cid:13)ux balance in order to ensure conservation. Using the de(cid:12)nitions of Eq. (21) and the dissipation matrix in terms of the Machnumber de(cid:12)ned in the Appendix, one can determine the matricesP+ and P(cid:0), which are n n 6of21 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper2006-3523 also givenin the Appendix. The resulting matrices can easily be recomputed, only requiringstoragefor the normal velocity magnitude and the Mach number M . The contributions of the viscous (cid:13)ux Jacobians can 0 be included in a straightforwardmanner using the de(cid:12)nitions presented in Ref. 27 for primitive variables. Due to the upwind approximation used for the implicit operator, the coe(cid:14)cients for the RK scheme are also based on an upwind scheme. Unless indicated otherwise, a (5,5) RK scheme (numerical dissipation evaluatedonallstages)isemployedforalldissipationformulationsconsideredforthe residualfunction, and the RK coe(cid:14)cients are given by [(cid:11) ;(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:1) ;(cid:11) ]=[0:0695; 0:1602; 0:2898; 0:5060; 1:0]: 1 5 These coe(cid:14)cients were obtained from Ref. 31. A summary of the implementation of the RK/implicit is as follows. In the (cid:12)rst step, the explicitly evaluatedresidualsforaRKstagearetransformedtoresidualsin primitivevariablestoformthe right-hand side of Eq. (23). Next, we approximately invert the implicit operator with symmetric Gauss-Seidel. This approximateinversionyieldsnewresidualsinprimitivevariables,whichmustbetransformedtoconservative variables. As the (cid:12)nal step, the new residuals (i.e., new changes) are used in the RK stage to update the conservative variables. Numerical Results TheRK/implicitschemedescribedpreviouslywasusedtocomputeturbulent,viscous(cid:13)owovertheRAE 2822 airfoil and the ONERA M6 wing. The e(cid:11)ects of turbulence were included by applying the Baldwin- Lomax model.32 In this section the airfoil solutions are compared with the experimental data of Cook, McDonald and Firmin.28 The casesconsidered are as follows: Case 1, Case 9, Case 10. The (cid:13)ow conditions for these cases are given in Table 1. For Case 1 the (cid:13)ow is primarily subsonic with a relatively small region ofsupersonic(cid:13)ow. WithCase9,oneofthemostfrequentlyusedcasesinevaluatingcomputationalmethods, there is a fairly strong shock occurring on the upper surface of the airfoil. For Case 10 a stronger shock occursontheuppersurface,resultinginsubstantialseparationbehindtheshockthatnearlymergeswiththe trailingedgeseparation. Thiscaseoftencausesnumericaloscillationsthatresultinasigni(cid:12)cantdeterioration in convergence rate. For the wing (cid:13)ow the calculated solution is compared with the experimental data of Schmitt and Charpin.29 This particular case is a supercritical (cid:13)ow, and the free-stream Mach number M 1 is 0.84, the angle of attack (cid:11) is 3.06 degrees, and the Reynolds number Re is 11:7(cid:2)106. For this case a (cid:21) shockoccursonthe uppersurfaceof the wing,duetothe doubleshockatthe inboardstationsmergingwith a much strongersingle shock at the outboard stations. For computing solutions to the three RAE 2822 cases a structured C-type mesh with 64 cells in the normal direction and 320 cells around the airfoil (256 cells on the airfoil) was used. The normal spacing of this mesh at the airfoil surface is 1:0(cid:2)10(cid:0)5, and the maximum cell aspect ratio occurring at the surface is 2,413. In order to investigate the performance of the RK/implicit scheme for a range of Reynolds numbers (between 5:7(cid:2)106 and 100:0(cid:2)106) a family of C-type meshes was generated.30 These meshes are adapted totheReynoldsnumberofthe(cid:13)ow,andthe resultingcellaspectratiosvaryfromabout3000toover50,000. Each mesh has 368 cells around the airfoil (312 cells on the airfoil) and 88 cells normal to the airfoil. For these meshes the normal spacing varies from 3:7(cid:2)10(cid:0)6 to 2:3(cid:2)10(cid:0)7. For the multigrid algorithm coarse meshes werecreatedby eliminating everyother mesh line in each coordinatedirection (i.e., full coarsening). A four-level W-cycle (2-D) and a three-levelV-cycle (3-D) were employed to execute the multigrid. All 2-D calculations were performed on a Linux workstation with a pentium 4 and a dual 3.0 GHz processor. Inallthe2-Dapplicationsbeingconsideredthe sameboundaryconditionswereimposed. Onthesurface the no-slip condition was applied. At the outer boundary Riemann invariants were used to apply the boundary conditions. A far-(cid:12)eld vortexe(cid:11)ect wasincluded to specify the velocityfor an in(cid:13)ow condition at the outer boundary. A detailed discussion of the boundary conditions is given in Ref. 19. For the 3-D case the boundary conditions were essentially the same except the far-(cid:12)eld vortex e(cid:11)ect was not included. In all the calculations that start on the desired solution grid, the initial solution was given as the free-stream conditions. When afull multigridprocess wasapplied, the initial solutiononagivenlevelof re(cid:12)nementwas obtained from a coarserlevel. 7of21 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper2006-3523 Two-Dimensional Results InFigs.1{3the surfacepressuredistributionsobtainedforthe threetestcasesaredisplayed. Thecomputed lift and dragcoe(cid:14)cients arepresented in Table 2. These resultswerecalculatedusing the Roe scheme dissi- pationforboth the implicit operatorand the residualfunction (right-handside). The pressuredistributions of Case 1 and Case 9 agree fairly well with the experimental data. For Case 10 the well-known inadequacy ofthe Baldwin-Lomaxturbulencemodelinpredictingthe dataisevident. Solutionsforthesecasesobtained using the matrix dissipation formulation and also the HCUSP scheme (a form of the CUSP scheme) for evaluating the residual function are similar to those shown (for a direct comparison see Ref. 24). In the subsequent discussion on the RAE cases we focus on the performance of the RK/implicit scheme with the three dissipation forms. Figures 4{6 compare the convergence histories of the standard RK and RK/implicit schemes for the Roe scheme dissipation. In each case the residuals are normalized by the corresponding residual of the (cid:12)rst iteration. Throughout the paper the number after RK indicates the number of stages. These histories indicatethe behaviorof the L normof the residualof the continuityequationwith multigridcycles. Unless 2 indicatedotherwise,thecalculationswerestartedonthe(cid:12)nestgridforthe2-Dresults. FortheRK/standard scheme the numericaldissipation operator forthe residual function is de(cid:12)ned by matrix dissipation, and for the RK/implicit scheme the dissipation operator is based on the Roe Scheme. In the calculations with the RK/implicit scheme the CFL number is 16 during the (cid:12)rst 8 multigrid cycles; and then, it is increased to 160. From the (cid:12)gures one can see that the RK/implicit scheme requires more than a factor of 13 fewer multigrid cycles than the standard scheme to reduce the residual 13 orders of magnitude. The convergence ratesforthe standardschemeexceed0.98(seeTables3{5). Here, andsubsequently,convergenceratemeans average rate of reduction of the residual. Even for the more di(cid:14)cult Case 10 the convergence rate for the RK/implicit scheme is below 0.83. With respect to computational e(cid:11)ort, the RK/implicit scheme is about 2 times faster than the standard scheme. In Figs. 7{8 the convergence histories for the RK/implicit scheme with matrix and HCUSP dissipation areshownforallthecases. Fortheseformsofdissipationthecyclereductionfactorisbetween11and12,and theconvergenceratesaresimilar. AsindicatedinTables3{5,withthetwodissipationformstheRK/implicit isroughlybetween1.6and1.9times fasterin computertime thanthe standardscheme. The computational savings with the Roe scheme dissipation is only somewhat better than it is with the matrix dissipation. This is because the matrix dissipation does not have the additional expense of evaluating a limiter for each characteristic (cid:12)eld. Nevertheless, the convergence rates exhibited with the RK/implicit scheme using the dissipation of the Roe scheme are noticeably faster. The results presented thus far were obtained on a grid with moderately high aspect ratio cells. In order to investigate how the RK/implicit scheme alleviates sti(cid:11)ness associated with high aspect ratio cells, we now consider calculations that were performed when the Reynolds number was varied by more than an order of magnitude. The computational meshes, which were described previously, are the same as those usedbyFa(cid:25)bender30 toexaminethe e(cid:11)ectsof Reynoldsnumbervariationonturbulencemodeling. To avoid di(cid:14)culties, such as convergence stall, that can occur due to limiter functions, the (cid:13)ow conditions (M , 1 (cid:11)) for an essentially subsonic case (Case 1) were used for the calculations. In Figs. 9 and 10 convergence histories are presented for Re=5:7(cid:2)106 to Re=100:0(cid:2)106. The maximum surface grid cell aspect ratio varies from 3,949 to 50,260. From the dashed line convergence curves in Fig. 9 we see that the number of multigrid cyclesonly increasesby afactorless than 2.5overthe Re range. In addition, we see the improved convergenceindicated by the solid lines when the low-speed preconditioning speed of sound (denoted by c0) isintroducedintothenumericaldissipationoftheimplicitoperator. Ifthesamec0 isusedindeterminingthe dissipation in the residual function, then the scheme with Roe dissipation can be applied with comparable e(cid:14)ciency to low Mach number (M (cid:20) 0:1) (cid:13)ows. For further discussion of this modi(cid:12)cation (i.e., scaling) of the dissipation see Appendix and Ref. 33. This scaling of the dissipation allowed the CFL number to be increasedfrom 160to1000. Theconvergenceratesandcomputing times forthesecalculations aredisplayed in Tables 6{9. Results annotated with prec indicate that the numerical dissipation is scaled appropriately by c0. For the higher Re values the convergence rate with the standard scheme exceeds 0.995. Using the Roeschemedissipation,theRK/implicitschemeconvergesataratesbetween0.88and0.9forthehigherRe values (i.e., at higher cell aspect ratios). The corresponding reduction in computational expense is about a factor of 4 relative to the standard scheme. Beforeproceedingweneedtodiscussfurther the useof c0 in the implicit operator,whichalloweda much larger CFL number. For most of the present work we could not explain why such a modi(cid:12)cation in the 8of21 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper2006-3523 implicit operator allowed an increase in the CFL number, especially since the c0 and the standard speed of sound are nearly the same for transonic (cid:13)ows. Thus, there should not have been any special bene(cid:12)t from introducing c0 in the implicit operator. Only more recently, through the work of Rossow,33 did we discover that this behavior is a consequenceof using a di(cid:11)erent initialization for calculating the approximate inverse of the implicit operator when the c0 scaling is used. In particular, we set the initial guess in updating the residual function to zero when using this scaling. Otherwise, we initialized with the explicit residual function. If, instead, we always apply the zero initialization, then the scheme without c0 works at CFL = 1000. However, by using the formulation with c0, and modifying the numerical dissipation of the explicit (right-handside) residualfunction of Eq.(22) in the samemanner, wederivethe additionalbene(cid:12)t of being abletoalsocomputelow-speed(cid:13)owsaccuratelyande(cid:14)cientlywhenRoedissipationisused.33 Ifotherforms of dissipation are used, appropriate modi(cid:12)cations of the right-hand side should be possible, allowing those forms to also be used for e(cid:14)ciently computing low-speed (cid:13)ows. Thereareseveralalternativewaysto makethe gains in computational savingssigni(cid:12)cantlygreater. One approach is to reduce the number of stages in the RK scheme. With such an approach one would expect almost no loss in numerical e(cid:14)ciency (even though reducing the number of stages reduces the allowable time step), since it should be possible to use a CFL number of 1000. Calculations were performed for Cases 1, 9, and 10 with the RK/implicit scheme using 3 stages, CFL = 1000, and the c0 scaling of the dissipation. The RK coe(cid:14)cients for the 3-stage scheme are [0:15; 0:40; 1:0]. Solutions were determined with the same (moderately high aspect ratio) 320(cid:2)64 grid used for the results presented in Figs. 4{6. Figures11and12showtheconvergencehistorieswithRoeandmatrixdissipation,respectively. Asindicated inTables3{9theconvergencerateswiththe5-stageand3-stageschemesarenearlythesame. Inaddition,the RK/implicit scheme with Roe and matrix dissipation is about 4{6.5 and 3.5{5.5 times faster, respectively, (depending on the Reynolds number) than the RK/standard scheme. Further savings in computational expenseareanticipatedbyreducingthenumberofRKstageevaluationsofthenumericaldissipationand/or by reducing the number of symmetric G-S sweeps for approximately inverting the implicit operator. For example, Rossow33 demonstrates that even with the convergencerate penalty produced by performing only one G-S sweep rather than three sweeps there is more than a 25% reduction in the computational time. Convergence of the solution (to the approximate level of the truncation error) can be accelerated by implementing full multigrid (FMG). The residual and lift coe(cid:14)cient convergence histories for the 3-stage RK/implicitschemewith RoedissipationandFMG areshownin Figs.13and14. Thecalculationwasdone for Case 9 with the 320(cid:2)64 grid using 4 levels of re(cid:12)nement, which contain 1, 2, 3, and 4 grids. After performing just 10 iterations on the single grid, multigrid was executed on each successive level for 100 cycles. This procedure allows the CFL number to be 1000 for levels 2{4. With 4 cycles on the (cid:12)nal level the lift coe(cid:14)centis obtainedto within 1% of the convergedvalue. Only 10cycles arerequired to getthe lift anddragcoe(cid:14)cientsto3signi(cid:12)cant(cid:12)gures. As seeninFigs.15and16the surfacepressureandskin-friction distributions are nearly identical to the correspondingdistributions at 100 cycles. Three-Dimensional Results For the 3-D computation a C-O mesh topology was used. Computations were performed on a single block meshcontainingatotalof192(cid:2)48(cid:2)32cells(streamwise,normal,andspanwisedirections). Matrixdissipation was used with the RK/implicit schemes. In Figs. 17 and 18 the computed pressure distributions at four spanwiselocationsarecomparedwithexperimentaldata. Thereisfairlygoodagreementwiththedatausing theBaldwin-Lomaxturbulencemodel. Figs.19and20showtheresidualandliftcoe(cid:14)cient(C )historiesfor L calculationswith the standardandboth5-stageand3-stageRK/implicitschemes. Allresultswereobtained without FMG. There is a dramaticimprovement in the residualconvergenceusing the RK/implicit scheme. For the RK5/implicit and RK3/implicit schemes the residual is reduced 12 orders of magnitude in 284 and 280 cycles, respectively(convergencerate of about 0.92), whereasthe standard schemerequires5,448cycles (convergence rate of 0.995). With the RK3/implicit scheme the lift and drag coe(cid:14)cients are converged to 3 signi(cid:12)cant digits in 30 cycles, but this can be signi(cid:12)cantly improved by applying FMG. The resulting computational savingsfor the 5-stageRK/implicit scheme is a factor of 2.5, and for the 3-stagescheme it is a factor of 4.2. Solutionswerealsoobtainedwith FMG, whichcontained3levels of re(cid:12)nement,with the (cid:12)rstlevelbeing asinglegrid. Oneachlevel100iterations(orcycles)weredone. Figures21and22showtheresidualandlift coe(cid:14)cient histories. The RK5/standardscheme requires 324 cycles on the (cid:12)ne grid to reduce the residual 4 orders of magnitude, and 607 cycles for a 5 ordersreduction. With the RK/implicit schemes the residual is 9of21 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper2006-3523 decreased4ordersinonly22cyclesand5ordersin37cycles. Inaddition, boththe lift anddragcoe(cid:14)cients are convergedto within 0.1% in just 20 cycles on the (cid:12)ne grid. Concluding Remarks ARunge-Kuttaschemepreconditionedwithafullyimplicitoperatorhasbeenimplementedasasmoother for multigrid. The implicit operator allows the problem of geometric sti(cid:11)ness to be addressed and extends the stability limit of the RK scheme. By appropriate initialization of the Gauss-Seidel iterative process for approximating the inverse of the implicit operator, the allowable CFL number has been increased to 1000. This RK/implicit scheme has been applied with di(cid:11)erent dissipation operators, such as the Roe scheme, matrix formulation, and the CUSP scheme. The amenability of the scheme to di(cid:11)erent forms of dissipation is quite important since many existing computer codes for solving the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations use RK schemes accelerated by implicit residual smoothing and multigrid. The RK/implicit scheme can be easily implemented in these codes by replacing the scalar implicit operator with the fully implicit operator. The performance of the RK/implicit scheme with di(cid:11)erent numerical dissipation formulations has been evaluated by solving the 2-D, Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations for three AGARD tur- bulent airfoil (cid:13)ow test cases, including a di(cid:14)cult transonic case with signi(cid:12)cant separation. Both 5-stage and 3-stage schemes have been considered. In addition, the e(cid:11)ect of mesh aspect ratio on convergence has been investigated. With the Roe dissipation the 3-stage RK/implicit scheme is 4{6.5 times faster (depend- ing on the Reynolds number) than a RK/standard scheme, which is a well tuned 5-stage RK scheme with multigrid and implicit residual smoothing. It should be emphasized that the RK/standardscheme has only 3 evaluations of the dissipation, all the characteristic (cid:12)elds are limited in the same way, and the residual smoothing is a scalar procedure. The RK3/implicit scheme with matrix dissipation is 3.5{5.5 times faster than the RK5/standardscheme. The RK/implicit scheme has also been used to solve the 3-D RANS equations for turbulent transonic (cid:13)ow over the ONERA M6 wing. Using matrix dissipation the RK3/implicit scheme is 4.2 times faster than the RK5/standardscheme. At this point, in an e(cid:11)ort to minimize the additional storage for the (cid:13)ux Jacobians of the RK/implicit scheme, especially for 3-D applications, we have not attempted to reduce the computational time at the expense of additional storage. 10of21 AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper2006-3523

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