- Networked .. From the Editor in Chief. Water Music Robert E. Filman NASA Ames Research Center [email protected] In “The Green Isle in the Sea,”’ James Thurber the attempts to restore Catholicism to England), relates a Lemony Snicket-style series of unfor- how best to extract money from his position, and tunate events that happened to an old gentle- his inability to get along with his son, the future man one day, concluding with a moral amplifying George 11. I worry about many things - among a theme from Robert Louis Stevenson: “The world them, the Internet. is so full of a number of things. I am sure we What makes the kingdom of the Internet spe- should ail be as happy as kings, and you know cial is its universal, bidirectional availability. That how happy kings are.”’ is, anyone can be a publisher, posting whatever they like without someone else’s approval; being How Happy Are Kings? a consumer is even easier because search mecha- On Wednesday evening, 17 July 1717, King George nisms such as Google and its friends simplify I took his nobles out for an evening dinner cruise matching up interested information producers, on open barges, proceeding up the Thames to sup- consumers, and exchangers; and the entire mech- per at Chelsea. One barge held fifty musicians anism is priced (at least for us twenty-first centu- playing George Frideric Handel’s Water Music, ry kings) quite modestly. composed especially for the occasion. The royal What forces threaten our kingdom? Vandals, bash must have been a blast; the king liked the governments and economics. music so well he had it played three times, and the party didn’t make it back to St. James until after Vandals, Governments, four in the morning. and Economics Sometimes it’s good to be king. You can get The Internet grew out of a scientific experiment Handel to compose symphonies for you and have among cooperating laboratories. As often command performances while you dine. On the remarked, this arrangement deemphasized securi- other hand, I have it much better than George in ty issues - the club’s members could be expected many ways. Although I can’t summon fifty musi- to be well-behaved. Mechanisms such as really cians to play Handel, I can choose to listen to works keeping track of who was sending which packets by Handel and a large variety of his successors and changing which routing tables weren’t criti- nearly instantaneously, played by the best musi- cal. Unfortunately, the low level of security appro- cians in the world, who don’t complain even when priate for an academic research platform seems I demand five or six consecutive performances. inadequate for a world-wide system for business, Chelsea was a big trip for George; but I’ve flown commerce, and entertainment. thousands of miles in the time it took him to go The imagination (and sometimes, lack of imag- there and back My palace, while not as large as St. ination) of those who abuse the system has been James, is centrally heated and air conditioned. My impressive. We’ve lost news to the hucksters and doctors also know more tricks than just how to might be headed the same way with email and apply leeches. About the only thing George had bet- spammers. The typical computer user’s nalvete has ter than the average IC reader was in the arena of made the Internet prime ground for phishing and personal service - George had a retinue to do his identity theft. The increasing availability of wireless bidding, whereas all I have is Google. solutions for various devices will likely soon lead to laptop infections, caught solely through the devices’ What, Me Worry? proximity to other machines, and perhaps even cell George worried about the Jacobite rebellion (and phone viruses. The number of ways that remote 4 JANUARY FEBRUARY 2005 Published by the IEEE Computer Society io89-780i/o5/$20.00 0 200s IEEE IEEE INTERNET COMPUTING Section Header mechanisms can cause programs to subverting search engines to control one player to gamer monopoly profits, execute (and be embedded) on local what their populations can find out it’s also not good for there to be no machines, and the uses that attackers about. All are certain that their rules profits. Our Internet must thus evolve can put such drones to, are astounding. apply not only to people publishing to a point where service providers I try to avoid these problems by using things within their jurisdictions but (whether telecommunication compa- older technology (I don’t think my cell also to people publishing things that nies, engineers, or creative artists) get phone is smart enough to support a might be viewed within their realms - the right amount of encouragement for virus) and less-popular operating sys- that is, everybody. their efforts. Globalization, winner- tems. But as Thurber also observed of If governments’ moral principles take-all conflicts, regulation, and the fly who avoided the empty spider’s don’t do in the Internet, their economic deregulation all have the potential to web but rushed to the crowded flypa- meddling, or lack thereof, just might. so dirty the playing field that playing per, “There is no safety in numbers, or Every business would like to extract is no longer worthwhile. in anything else.”3 monopoly profits; for many activities, If the vandals don’t do in :he Inter- such as Internet connectivity and net, various governments just might. telecommunications, monopolies are S o that’s how happy this king is. The purpose of government seems to natural equilibrium points. Monopolies There is much to be optimistic be to pass laws, and those who pass increase one player’s profits at a cost to about, but I hardly lack for worries. I laws are sure of the rightness of their society as a whole - hence, we have suspect you’re like that too. E3 opinions. We have European govern- various rules and regulations governing ments trying to outlaw selling Nazi corporate behavior. It’s easy for govem- References paraphernalia, commonwealth gov- ments to get this kind of thing wrong, 1. J. Thurber, “The Green Isle in the Sea,” The ernments asserting the primacy of particularly because they’re more sus- New Yorker, 17 Feb. 1940. English-style libel laws, American ceptible to ideology and external influ- 2. R.L. Stevenson, A Child’s Garden of Verses, states asserting demands for commer- ence than principled engineering. Chronicle Books, 1989. cial disclaimers and puritan Web site Economics holds other threats to 3. J. Thurber, “The Fairly Intelligent Fly.’’ The content, and totalitarian governments the Internet. Just as it’s not good for New Yorker. 4 Feb. 1939 __ __ - Chris Meb chrnerz@cisco corn Publisher. Angela Burgess Charles J Petrie petrie@nrc stanford edu [email protected] IEIC emeritus) Assistant Publisher Dick Price Krithr Ramamritham krithi@cse iitbac in Membership/Circulatron Marketing Michael I Schwartzbach rnisabrics dk Manager. Georgann Carter Munindar P. Singh singh@ncsu edu an@cornputer org (€IC emeritus) Craig Thompson [email protected] Steve Vinoski vinoski@ieee org CS Magazine Operations Committee Dan S Wallach dwallach@cs rice edu Bill Schilit (chair), Jean Bacon, Pradip Bose. Jim Whitehead ejw@soe USCS eou Doris L Carver, George Cybenko. John C Dill, Frank E. Ferrante, Robert E. Filman. IEEE Communications Society Liaison Forouzan Golshani, David Alan Grier, G.S. Kuo gskuoQieee nccu edu tw Rajah Gupta, Warren Harrison, Mahadev Satyanarayanan, Nigel Shadbolt. Francis Sullivan STAFF Lead Editor Steve Woods, CS Publications Board [email protected] Michael R. Williams (chair). Michael Blaha. Group Managing Editor Gene Smarte Mark Christensen, Sore1 Reisman. I Staff Editors Kathy Clark-Fisher. Jon Rokne. Bill Schilit, Linda Shafer. Rebecca Deuel. and Jenny Ferrero Steven L Tanimoto. Anand Tri Production Editor Monette Velasco Magazine Assistant: Hazel Kosky - internet@cornputer org v Graphic Artist Alex Torres BPA - _L:c_ 2- Contributing Editors Greg Goth, Keri Schreiner. Alison Skratt, and Joan Taylor IEEE SoUEpl IEEE INTERNET COMPUTING www.computer.org/intemet/ JANUARY FEBRUARY 2005 5 ~