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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20050060620: Performance of Ceramics in Severe Environments

Performance of Ceramics in Severe Environments Niuthon 3, Jacobson, Dennis 8. Fox, James 1. Smialet, and Christopher Dellacorte ‘NASA Glenn Research Conter Cleveland, OFF 44135 Kang N. Lee Cloveland Ssare LmiversiyiNASA Glenn Rewearch Center Cleveland, OH 44135 Introduction (Cevamics ue geuerally sab higher emperatores than most metas aad alloys, Thus the evelopment of high temperature srucaural ceraries has bec at atv of wiv researc: for amy year, While the dream ofa cerur:c heat ergine sil fages may alleges, niche wares ne dewelopiig Ibs these materials a igh temperatures, In hose applications ceaenics ae exposed ‘not culy to high reaperatares but abo agressive gus id. ss. Tn this chapler we wise the response of cecemic mailers (these envimarments. We discuss aces aueeunisans. he sve impu-tonce of a pastivular coment, nd, whee avalabe, sososion nes ‘Most uf the available comasion infocwacon is on silicon vari (SC) ane sicgu aide Sig sauonfihie ceramies, These tcatorss foun a stable ia of siten (810.1 n amo ding, environment. We bogin witha sigenston oF okidaiou of thee materials and proceed tothe lets of ocher eormderts such as waccevapos ul al deposits. We ab: disouss oxication snd ccorosion of othr ceramics _precureec dives cesunes,eeramie matrix compesites (CMC), cinatcs whicl form oxide scales other thar. silica, and oxide cesauice, Many uf the vanosion stneused ean be miigatod with rectory oxide ouatirys and we divense the current ta ‘of this ative area of esearch, Ultimately. dhe coacen of corrosion is Jos aed besring ceapubility. We dlacnss the effots of couzosive eavisruuen.on che arength of cera, bath ‘monolithic ar composite, We conelude witha discus af high temperature wear of emis, nother important Zorn of degradation st igh lemperatures ‘The durability of ceramics is suka with u variyy ef teshnignes, Tetheeal axidation sodics ia sr usa be cured out in a simple box furnace. Harmetion of a astoolve stface maid esuls ius ‘weight ain. wth onidtion kinedes determined by sight gain as uation af me Alternatively these kines cun e derived hom axis hckresses unease via optia! (Ror. 1] and closson-optivalLecniques. Tube fumages allow the se of coualled exposure envitonments, Thermegraviasic axalyyis (TGA) pormite weight chasge io be nmtimuorsty monitor iRef. 2). Thermal eyeing can be introduced fe atone awvurate!y nnd real aptication. High veloity,iydravarbun-tuels bummer sigs sibjoct potential engine materials ‘wan exvironmesc which closely upproximutes uctal aperatag comitions, After these expomures samptes are rypically saalyaed with a variety of techniques ineludiag epi anieroseup ay aifrasion (XRD), and seaming ee-uon mvcroscupy (SEM) to deteemine companion and morphology of the carosion pode, High Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion of Silica-Forming Ceramics isothermal Oxidation ea this section we discuss the kinetics of SiOz fonation on 8%, SiC, and SiN in ony ten: SiC 1 0:60) = S108) a) SiCts) + 02 Uxigl = 81036} + COL) co) SiN) + 3 OL = 5 SIO) +2 EH 3 | illastestes the ormetiun of w aotective oxide scale, The cucu sis farm can be describe in hoe differ way: 1 weight change ofthe sample. the thickness of the is formed, and he recession ato the sting marl, Conversion of ese antes given in Tabce I assuming the loss of Cor N from SiC ana 3M, rapectindy, Figure 2 llurates e-pical ‘TGA resulls for high purity SiC and SiN, ot 1309°C in pare oxygen. Tho ne at fr Mis plot were taken we wight gain aud the plo isi the [orm of scale thickaoss to provide a vunpasison heewoon the te aera “Rial Seale Thickness Welght Gain | Revert” qm cagiem’) (am <r a Ta OFA sisityiad” TT Eg Dae TSicsiovam [1 az) Toaaait ‘SHC-SiOy Cy T DOTS DARKE a SENSO fT OHRT6 Toes T_T TaD ie “Table Conversion af ealeigkagay To weight gan and To reestion Ze: Si, iC and SEN, fom) ssophons (er cristae 8 goud deal can bo ‘eamed from the oxidation of pute slieorta form s.rfawe SiO, THis prucess haa bsen extensively sic by The semiconductor iadcey Re. 3p ands eettvely well. lnderstood. ‘The oxidation of silicor wil bs buoy summuized ly paovide a buss “er the “Usowsn uf SiC ad SN dation. Silicon oxidation is de ered by reaction (1). Kiseie dala cat be uccuray described sith the linear parsbolic model of Decl and Grove (Ref. 3: sbtar,= Bitte) “8 ees 3, t8 the inet of the oxide, fc dhe ime, «isa shift i ene to comet Cor Do ini oxide layer, and A and. ure sanstons eluted te tne linear und porabotis rate constants. 8t short enes,€9 ation @) eduwes te a a eSttor, a qin “Teas the yuentity 4/8 mths linear rate somstant. (cis goneraly agreed that inte eay tages of ‘exidion, the le controlling step in the chorea rausom (13, The linear rate constant canbe ft to 9 standaed Acthenias expression B_[B) asf 2} 6 $F (ie) ° ‘isthe pre exponential, Q), is He atlvalin: energy forthe Hnear rte constant, Ris le yu comslant and Wie the absolute teraperaracs, Table MU ss fi for sume ensured silicon linear rae constants, A: longer times, oquaion (2) slmpliies to: apr 0 Ure the quenty ithe parabolic ats cops. J heave the ral omg tpi eon throng the ce sve, Silay the paaboi te comune san he expose wi an Area sae eaicsion (2, ns ten Be : of Se © Hove Bis the pre-expoueial and Qp isthe eetivacion energy forthe parabolic rae vnmatant, These are gives in Tablet Silica ens i veytalline ae well a gmonphovs fous, Censicer first the mmorphans tem whist 1005 or slivinin pure exygen at tomperatnes less than 1200°C “Ihe network af silicon acd ‘oxygen aloun is suliclendy open so chat here are chanel fr diskae xygen to pert ‘Based vt his eonvept, Deal and Cove (Ref. 3} deve the folloming expresion far the parchelic tas const: B 725 9) 7 “ ere Bays the eftztivediusion cvefliien for permeation, Cis the eyaiibriom conceatstion of onidancin te oxi, and is the anaes of oxidast molecule incorporate inna wh ‘yalume of he ovis layer, Using the peemeation te of diatomic anygen tow anouphoes sillea measured by Novton (Ref, 3), Deal sl Grove are able lesive tho exidaioa sates of Si, “These caoulated tates show g00d upreement with mewsured para Tert, Figur 3s astuadurd Arrsenius pl of silicon oxidation compaced to the waitin rates for alloys which umm other encimon prtcrivscmidet—ahvai. AbO\(Ref. Spand ernie, Os ‘Rel. 6). This:itusrates the unique properties of the sca eae. Nowe that rae of iit Formation are very low. Mure importncy, dhe ativation eneegy For sifca sont i nw peemealion af nxygenthroogh the ston naw: does nox nvalve bua Ereaking, a a lace clffuson process wnuld. “iy the data inca hat SiO is une ofthe best promective odes ia a ure oxygen cavitentent, ‘Oxidatina of SiC lay follies fneur-parubolckraetics, The inewr rate constant hag only een eas hy a fow investigarar andi lite in Athens form in Table 1. Linear gies are aly obeervatie at temperatures less than about 120U°C. Oxidation coors via te folowing SiC) +3204) Sic) +2 OF O40) io) SiO(9) + COxe) b> -Mocrfld Get 7} wos dhe feo point out tat the enitavion ace of SIC shou be 5 to 2 times slansne fan ts exten rates o slice dust dealin erygen use tn oilize the carbon, a8 shots in reactions (Tahoe (Pui especivey, “Teis has been veil expedanentlly (Refs 1.7). Futhot, 9s insleavod in Table 1 the seta eneray for te sural ute coastans CF 8 avd SiC ar similar, enggesting s pemcerion mechanism Fr dif soa contol through the SiO, see Parahntie constanrs for SiC ars s0 Tete in Tale (Refs 1,8}, Ons tinportaat observaioa ‘with SiCs the oxidation cete dependeace ow erystelegraphis vieulaion (Ref. 1), Therewuss fortis ate controversial. Harris (Ref, 9) suggested this occurs only curing the linear oxidation period and is dus to diffewnt chemical ection rates. Costello and Tessler (Ref. 1) and Zheng ‘tal. (Reb 11) observe tis ding he puabulis epime, Raoubery etal. (Ref 1)ree evidence fa silicon oxyearbide subscale. whic may iofuece dhe lf sium rate, though is existenze hut not ‘bccn cleatly established. 108 Atshor ims and temperate erally groin SiO Hm is aimomphons, snuaber of Frew leas 1 crystallization of Si0s, inching longer times higher temperatures, sd 5 qxestion becomes the effet of exystlinity on uxidaton rates. Chul (Ref. 12) has pesinael enperimeats oa oxidation of SiC a 200°C walk an Sri, long-term ans to ‘usu scale lier amorp'ous Wo crystalline, Ox‘Uaioa rales de-reave by a facta af 20% pon crystal earion, Facer, even though cestlline seale nceupies u portion ofthe tou seule, Impucies. Ax ow amorphous scele is conzually jrowing. ‘Thus erystelization decreases oxidation rates, bu sank by 2 small urn. Thi contra with ALA, sacl: hore erpsallizatcm fn the ® use 1 tho «plier Jeads to arto axder of mised decrose in oxidation snes (Re. 1). The disunsiog tus Za Ize been ou voupous aa pes of Siew SiC. Generally, the wxidation rates of powders senie aeontingly with suntace ea (Ref 14). However, aano-partisles of Si (20 to SUD am) have been shown to onid:ze mote slowly than oxpecre (Rot. 15). The aheorvad rice to mF he tanita sues Re 3) athe ee3sons or the stower eatin rams revain am ioteresing question “Table Mal Lists cide cates for CVD sin altive-comtaining Sty, (Refs R16). (his SiC. The ‘oxidation cate of SiN i sluwer a iat of SHC EFlante [aa asa dfecent activation enerpy ‘nsrucive frst examine high puricy SiN, md compere tc to dut of Si ane than that a Si und SiC. This sugets ata leven! oxidation provess oecurs,alough the ‘etoot mechs fa been st area of some controversy, High gurity SiN, forms an iuermedioee ‘ohcon oxynitride layer of composition SiNzO, Ths role ofthis ineemediats i il unclear Some investgatur (Ref 17) believe sul a. dtfosion bates, Lsading to the sfower rection tes: her investigators Ref. 18) believe it combats to mixed ditfs:oufchemies: reacion con ofthe exidation process. Obi and Jayne (Ref 19; shore evidence thet the sicon oxynitride, riven us SiN,.0.., sactudly a yraled composition du Sit 0 $10%, They pone that idan oucurs in tss aes a a peogiessve oxygen-fot-nttogen subsintion THOME FIES= UTNE HOsAxO Mp Uy! ur co wonesre gna pu our warcurt s aia apse, cesT cuanonroe V4ta 1 ¥9°z suis cans | cemonscar ite suit eutt 8 aur He SBE wu 1] arwoonceeio,o1 8268 | . og 7 CLOT fl 1 {rouest-s9 6 607 ! euetiot euer-ils ec! ammonset-xie soc € igh 2 ILE | 8 ; ‘of ames ‘og sani, PE Cox (gp onan Pa Aa mods) ‘Most commercial forms of SiN enntain additives, typ'cally rtietoxy oxides, Ws promote unsrfcation. Ichas heen shown that he sets of these impecties donate oxidation (Re. 20 22), Ime oases mevemnt ofthe aAditve ction eg, Ma" or Y) onan! into he erasing, ‘olde il isthe rats-conaolling step tev oridtiog, Typically theve aateials usidlize Cater than high pacity SicNqas show in Table IL, Many commetcist foes of SiC ule concainaelives. In general horen ancl eatbnr additives in SiC Toad 19 marerils with anidsion ree comparable to jh purity Si: Qe rapid mddarion rates (R23), those 0 s however rlracony oxids alive ‘ea wo uteri with ore Gyelic Oxidation “The disexssion thus fr as dealt with tcubermal wxiduls. However, many aplicacions inwae femperacue. yeling, This leads 0 stress frou the erm! expansion sssccutch hoewecen the subtate aad the guowing onide sale, Figus iv plo of the thecal expunnion of eryaltine ‘SIO; (tistcbalte), SIC, SiyN,, sad arcorphous SiO, (Ref. 24}. As ante, fr most practical sppCaliogs the scale will eytsin ot leas some amount uf yale SiC, suming asitess- lige sale al leprae, da arg there eparnion of she erytalline SiO, means tha on valing the selon 2 SiC or Si,N: subaru wilf hein mension. This rads oecteks oa cooking, but rvks heal in the nest teroperatuce increas. "This behaviae is ip eoutast w supe Toys ‘whee the oaide is io compression on zoulng, leading to oxige buskling sud splat, Thus cystic oxidation behavior of SiC und SiN, tends co he goad, as ilostate ia Figure S (Res 25.28). Corrosion of Siica-Farming Ceramics by Water Vapor : temperate envingnmasescoatain wate, vaser, In gous, eubunlion of nylon fuels in ir leads to an environment with “1G water vapor ‘Ref. 24). AL one bar total presse tis is ~0 1 bee wate vapor eu it scars accordingly tu higher ute pressures (Clearly the el7scts of water vapar on sicafoxuiny vecunis must be urdertiod to wile these ruler. in auch enviroments ‘The fundurcenaal suis of pure Si are again helpful to underscand the effec f water vepne an SiCunu $i, oxidetiom, Deal und Gnuve (Ref. 3 have dhown thu silicon oxidizes mare rapaly in rater vapor. The diffusivity of wale: vapor in silce is less than the diffuovity of oxygen in silica: however the solubility of water vapur in sli is conaideruly higher ham tha af oxygen, Accotig to equation (9). tis leads 1 a wet increase in oxidation me. A simar oe is berved fon SiC oxidating (Ref. 27. A sscondiempontantefTeet af water vapar i hal ican range impurities fromm the envonctont lw Cre sample tel. 2. As wil be discusiec, the oxidation a slcs-ormarg coves i quite susvopsfle to sevondary elements. Thes the suey of water veper effets reqies a clean famace, 2. asilica furauce tube und pre-healng amy alumina purse remanve sedan fg es Peelaps de mont impurtzal effec: of waler vapur at igh temperatures is dhe Formation nf soll species from the Weemally grows: SiO, seule Refs. 28,29) SiO,G+ T,0@)= SiO AR) an SIO-() + 2TLOW) = SHO) re) “Thus as dee seal wrows ibis also voluilzed hy tho woter vapor i the eam This Teas to aclinesr kinetics where the swale oss wccording to a parabolic rete aw ant ce sale woluilizes according a ate. The purabolie rate constant, yas been sc ussed In aa ‘earlier stim. Tn a Mowing gu, votaion is Him The se of eile Se horny I ‘eral sline ith cme agcorcng to the Following expession fr Iauznar Now even afk plate Ref. 30%: «arin so" PR an Here div the Hnger ste constant, eis the Reynolds rine, Se ss Sebi, 1s the Jmerditfasion coeticien af the veal‘ spece (primarily SitOH ug) inthe boundary Hayes yi (he censity ofthe volatile specie inthe boundeuy ayer, and Li a characterise diuension of the speciaen, Co inal parabolic esvwth Klctics and liner volatilization kinetes leads to: ah 14 aoe ° Hore i de see thiczmese and ris tine, Figne 6 Mlnstates tis bebvioe via TOA cesurerrene in a 9 ChiSO% H4O environment (Ret, 28) at L20°C. The SiDk sgoninen shows a lineae weight loss, Roth the SiC and Shs niely show a weight gain allowed by 4 ‘vght oss rate sina otha of the S10» specimen, Note the inal weight gaia of SIC is rear than that of SigDL due u the Later uxidaton rae uf SiC. IL is impumtart to nate hat over 10 tong tes, de SiC and SiN, scbstrate will echt greater recession a8 avec ofthis ‘oxidativolui ron proces rlacve tn natin atone. ‘The above Uescrption uf soate voluity ean bo oxtanded to a hydocarbon fuel bumer (Refs. 3 233), Figure 7 ilusttes seme kinetic results foe SiC nner these conditions, “These wengh losses ee primarily Uue ws the volt of thes film according to reaetion (12), Frou equation (3) Ute key dependences on velocity, vs emporaure, 75 ane pressure, P ean be entrastel: PASH), Jo 9 PS 5) Hone cr: gus wloeite, Pyne he al pressure, and #SHOH)| i patal pressu uf SWOH{@i- Avcording Yo equation £123, ae pslal pranure of SHOM)4 fs 2roporticnal tobe ‘jure of water vapor pressure, which is proportional te ttl proseure For hyeecacbon fie] burns. This tae Teds cot iempliied expression onthe -ight and sd of quation (15). The linear rate constant would be expecta to have un expunencial dependsncy ot temperate us the ‘vapor pressure. PrSi(OH). varies exponeatilly with semper, “The nonialied Annheuius representtia of ky in Fig, 8 wa obtained fram zauliple Heer regression ovar a ange of presser, gus velocity, and tompersinee teat conltions,yrelding an ‘empirical eight Loss equation in furm simtart equation (15 coon) hahaa a9) Hee Tis temperature in degrees K, is pressure in atmosphotss, aay is velovity i meteniev Byulveleut celutiunships were meaaured (snd derived) for eoession of SiC in am br, represents Dy multiplying squutinn (26) by 2.9 (2.1, foe the dovived equton). Rates for three types of SC? composites sere fund ta he egzivalent 9 CVD SIC x sialeced SiC Ref. 34). The volaigy rates dstermined for CVD an intro Si 1 sare bo found 1 be 1.8 times tase oF SC, wit ro appar cfbe: of altives ar “he oxyde inlenfuce Layer (ef. 5). qation (16) must be mudfied uo include lightly aifocn: water vapor conte ia actual eebie ‘engines (Chiges in fuel-to-sirraio andor water yeetion}. By normalizing tthe ealealasd ‘qilbvium wster vouteal i the burner i (0.10-0.12 sim.) equation (J6) can he se wate ia general foam as:

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