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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20050060617: Structural Sizing of a Horizontal Take-Off Launch Vehicle with an Air Collection and Enrichment System PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20050060617: Structural Sizing of a Horizontal Take-Off Launch Vehicle with an Air Collection and Enrichment System

Structural Sizing of a Horizontal Take-off Launch Vehicle | Mcharica indore. Q8S Group feo, 21000 Hepote RUMMS GES-Q8S, Cleveland OU, 4412 Chick Sesteus Engineering Services & advanced Cancels Uraach, NASA Glctn Research Cen, 22009 with an Air Collection and Enrichment System David, Meant" 55 Chuup fee, Bewlpard, Ohio, 44:93 Joseph. Roche" ‘RASS Cea Reranch Conne, Cleedand Die #4855 Ta wopport of NASA Neat Goneration Launch Teebnlogy (NGL) program, the Andrews Grephin hoosler wan stil, he Andres Grophou eoutept fea Nerina tile om, twe-stayete-orit. reusable Tauueh ehcle that ware so wir wlletion and enemiet ssstem (ACES), The purpuse of fie ACES is fe collet atnogpherie wxygen during 1 Subsenie ight loter phase ad coal cla eryugenie temperature, ultimately resulting it & Fedoced alkene weight Lo say the performance and sls af on tir-colostion sed booster. am ina arplae tke shape we evils asm buacline aad ruodeled hi 2 Yeblcle string cole, Te code, SIZER, contains 4 general series af valuens sbaoe ai, and fel fraction relatouships that de eugine un ACES performance with propelanc requires tun volumetric constrains a der ta etabsh sete closure lor fhe given mission. A key fToment af system lee! weigh oplization i the wee ofthe SIZER program iRat prosives convergence and a gFeat desl of Mestbiiy for oifereu anlc urcbltetares and tutcia ales tn order to stndy toc impact om grove Lat melght. This yrsper Jrxtwnes Important clomeats of the siztig code architecture fllyned by: highlights of the baseline boester stad. Nomenclatare = bite = ares ol ose section of suice 2 ens = cosficieur of soon eis whys = presaue = alos = tural expansion coefficient = Young's Modalut = Teper mumfeonieg ears = Teeconyniien weet ria = vate = FOX coneumed by stag | fom oct arab to sundown = TOR caneunod by stage 2 om roeket iin &hshthrwn ~ VOX margin percentage fr stiye Fc usvous So bol-of ight porfmtnce ere, sat op Jes, op HGS MLS, Clevelahd, O17, <a, “This 1s 9 atop or ep of a a aperntonded tor prsomtabor a3 ‘anterenen Basse changes ny be mace before frm publston, he tomes seats ach tha wedevtenang at | Fat be ceo epreduses wma he petassior af he aot ie ie es, oS ors margin pescemage fe stage 2 1m azcoumt for busy Might pecfomance revere sat ep Tass Fe i Te = eco TevA ful oosurplion ding LOX coieton te fate olignid shogencaolet cousumpnon fin ACES The = dee eonpurypdon om if i Lik, = Thyid pcrogem boil from iota cud of LOX wolston Ge ae VOX bof perecitage ofteanal FOX volume Poy ~ LOK density f= muaiamy vehicle ub § = itgrefience ata fy > spueiviptee 1. Antreduetion ASA Eas st adbanos launch vice under the Nex! Cenerton Lanuch Teebpology (NGTT) peg, inched vert to bonzoctal kes. singe suge co unlsmge vehi, al hypottaaie aly eag 19 ‘nuhifodl engtr sonesps. The Anson Sence Gryphon sonia! vehicle ea arciteene thw shows weit fo Farber conseation. “The Gryphon thr bonier sesh the tf Borzontly Por x conventions: may wth Fal Upaogoa feel inks aol emp ligh axase. tae m onder la reinize goss tke of weight (HOU. AN rapper singe found wndem wp the GraphonTaslage. Toefl ane culver we tote hetween sages <2 privde atonal TOOW naeton honelit Tee Ai Collection al nchmene Systm: (ACES) son bead the oot wal designed co collect ai, cool I ko Tui state. separate the stanspheic continent. and ywmenkalls sore the oxygen row END clas oct engines ace wel vs eowmprestors Hn he wie elector Shttas nbuch ane fled Wy the spent LH coolant. The gid le cor stot sued to p-cool the wesing fava i expanding aitvgen gi wae fo rovid ae onel dst. ais occurs durin. au apesintely 2 host Toe ight pve ot ah atads of about 20,500, Te LOX collation Ini ako provides excellent cos aren ely all eather conditions. Cove sulisiea 10% lw Doe callosted for a given musson, racket gute foto pall barat Pet ard appr sago th aronbe MAb 5, the upper bg thon aparaes is aaa ul od the boosie ui to ie uncle, lang Normally kes corveatious aera "Pounierstad the phil sie and ae propcien of the Gayphan schileane equitce an inti) gronaeic shops ofthe once tld Line 10M) aml Mhe allowable wieg loading, "The Gryphon, inal in Fp J, ‘compired of 1 havc abplanotike fusclaps, sept ‘vigil ave steal soul unc wing ead 1 Uap sonar Tose the fisclags are te crow toanpartntnt at Bight doc nding pea, peli {aul nd al th eae sarerncqppinee och sntvlw, avionics, feral ean, Hel ee, ee ‘The ACES ao bowel within de Folge, st} fnvladee Heat Fachangrs. Rorsiog Praciondl Tieton ‘Unit (RADU, amare coer avin, Atcha G1 the aft feo buen’ ie a lasts of four deiative Space Shute Min Ving FSS30}. onl 19 he wings are eight FL Taibest augnes, cach eted by Jer amd eich etering w maxemae ust 0 37,000 Toe Te eer Aigure 1 Gryphon Booster. dete the Ean Gryphon vette see tht conlsing suicel voluine forth smwoit of fuel xoquised fr the Jhiseioo, an umielanfing uf he Gseage volute, are ates, aud ate legis of main ttichren lycors Foo crise ‘Then, a yuectee etamiton ofthe TID cam hc min, runap Suights pe srfzo area of Se tetas enenye tas, gh por lenuth of atashmsae one ad sym ogg weigh ‘oigns per surface aru, Seal weighty of suinutuckaneats, apo vente system eqnipmint weights ean be metic ty eewal Means The ip daw approach uss hstevicaldease of slr vekcles. In tae csp of he [Sryplen, tae weirs of various system components sich ceew compacinen| su separation syle wots stated sid this nell Ober selicle wonmoncrs sas a flag Sooos, WiDgs, ane aststed eth a 2 Acociar biol of Aeros ae Asko ‘wt up appnoeeh. This spp-cach exis clean suto> ares andre lusts of de Goyphon vei hen pplsing stoctaral weight fsley uo Doe meas st lems. The eight facts can he ceed wsine Petey et ner a ana Wiethr approneh. an imfestaning ofthe sealing slawotshipe ma be mba sh fal sent total wvghvis pre it onder to oinain stent hd siesta tb vehicle fy sealed. Por stance, the Ho se (ts presorinedesinia ns uupocnnal oi rode: o reac abs tan ads aa inversely proporaenl fo-betark wall dichnrs, the ane radius change il cle so mathe hikes alan chauge poporimsely in deo lin consent ress. hereto, Fa weight per surface aes oft tank eaanges nor wth sale, rong Se pressure remtins const ‘Once sei ses on weight ad wee aa wers understood, then paranticr‘adoosbips of warface aca, solo, aici ere semble a Sel based speadchet. Tho vacions wre Hensies, determine’ by row ood iuengol ana yy, Woke put to fhe spoabect ag wo The sprendhet, called SUZL, wa then Srogeimmel predic to scalethe inp ole, SLZLK places al user opt peer tha fot whic TRekit iro an rgurial series of dialogue boxer SIZFR ix ananged with rumen pons for varying vehicle (omy, enpne povonundon ak cenigurtins, wing planer parkogng cffeieney. abd plo A Vebite Geometry By repesering the OML with a eres etna one polo enover SIZLR ve capaho ofprerotical scaling Guy aye hcl shane, “he siz proces fei DY Slag rial section song the keel apd Ring phe Polynit Te Use OMT, four winder and our fers Nest tnnitg coven Key asi as th hel, de vehicle one acm ne ew Rac hel ofthe aver ros sec i Forel oy a polyuontal curves, Since Oe sohil i ‘Sutnedsynmaere long he plane oF do koe). das remazing ves of tees setione ave siuply a sumer image of De Pe Gimociae “ine pects SRR nes raga "VO? Cos AS fe ne Ruch tage atowsen SI ee ath end athe gore. Bue We Comey {eas ead nel sltachensat stg, The wemne by stich SUT he en soded to anke there elon valine father. ‘With te bron pone shape ay a Rll wale, SER next needs thicknesses accen for cxtctal tle of the bat sbick, strucisal aio Cggstsa iS ny dgunaic earns. between he srogers and toe propel ranks, aay CGyogrois ssulstion forthe unk, aud tank ser snl igor eiskacees, ‘hoi Echge and tok km tickacws allo SIZER to sore acca aed he weal sternat volume Sar propellant nd eguipment. inorder to ae fhasenine vohues, eros set areas are“ deteroined by legs ber ‘Skip cpeeastve Jemima, Tae value. beeen roe eon of 8 : SRST oe tman toe detec ys Fora pn vetlys inn, +0) © Fragiet SN ee oe ciacs lace eure, ete 3, Tha ‘This sor eax be reduced by vosreming Ho disco Verween cress secs, ffetvely naling wore ute amvaghet oe big orvedfoelags. ‘het ponent Pometc informe is al ealulted, Tae pesznrers ofthe rvs wcetlns we eaknated som trae lenis of tle polyondals. Puscage OM. surface ura hotscon cious soreans is upprirled by “vsaging the pincers ofthe crs setion rlplicd bythe average windward al lewar keel ngs berseen the ctesesestons Ths provi 4 esa oohition fa shapes wh, when ane, are completly While‘ a Asrican natu of Seon Asenantig innotcract for ether tapes. such nln nd parable. he ez is ypclly mal, pein the sont conventional vec designs whore highly curved Bua hex rene he norm 1B Yelle Systems SLADE inludee a Bbary of moss and volame selng elulowlips uf ety all he watem eguipioent tht Teuneh vtices enc, Vain syste ti age wed fra pacular schicle wus sect waco a xe cu be deseeced. Tae sealing ltonsijm ae small toed Ue Az Dovid Counc Vehicle BLY) slaty able ste ystems and yatem abbreviatons. Sealing oatinsships fv sm GompuLORDL IND eR cas have hartge sh OU alcaft, while sae sepmation and cabal maneaveriogeyetmn sige ase ‘shutle dom, Afaroeray. fcr sete got founda th vary ca hea tn ne vehile weigh sonar Table 1 Systenetiguipment List System Abbreviation System Description ‘AVTCS | Air Vehifle Thermal Control System ECLSS | Environmental Conrl& Life Suppor System Elects Power (inch generation) Dishibition & EPORC ——Contral HYDIACT —Hyrienulioa and Actuation au Auxiliary Power Units Res. Reaction Contral System FUELDEL — Fel Delvory Systom OXDEL—_Oxidzer Delivery System \VPPED ——_Vertlaton anc Purge Pressurzation & Distibulicn ous: orotal Maneuvering Systare , Peoptaa Tunis ‘An taparant pat of izing wohl closue scaling he propeliat nk volumes ant fae cas, it these component te ipiully the laps par af tho aac vehicle, SIAR bis Ivo basic lak erecernes that fea be comparsd in on un invest La eltts oa tke ef weit. Tho Ss ca congue ite link This pe is dened a5 che tae bose Mud erwslope iv sori Ueto the exteraa}aersbe. 0 he vehicle. StZER assumes dal te tink sreiecuce has Ht stiened baeads iin the nce ww win che svi. Integral cons ine ch best packaging eficrney bul ty also bave ste eugocering challenges’. Pie instar tannygh the-hcknesscbesoalstessa cao be quis aeveie wid eryngenic Flea pertaes nee To cromal serodynamis tempore. Ak ince de bullkende are Ht ey rx Lecce afehcrs fn legih nd ses rquirrnenis Hag te couventons) cipal end ap dasiget. The ~econd fank moitece te tho ‘coureusonal nk design trtvd Uetraly ited, Ui tn peli nese wth atl hy mein a Sith sie the attacanene ane designed 0 alos fer Una dant between the acroshaaod ie ue Sin. Er sddsion, thers 1s epally » bege cami elenaace terwera the ink skin und the aeosbel fp acount fr tl aud srustnl deformations at well se rvviing space Tnepections ane bak remowul during ground operas. SIZER topcoats the convene ork ye dea Sree of co joined sore Rasmus with eiptcal eu cape. Ths weoa icy Sf tho soe apa ian inp vais w, Ube deok value i # Keel tf, sthich is the seal thoorstical vahue Wat y'ves the fat Fights! end cup souceasl weight Orhor cts Fave ben sawn © package repellant mite eiisiety. i ep of sn ‘nearer cap Weigh. ‘eenand OME Be AyByHC Sti stomatal cll ae wan sis Lo ‘Windeand OME corms istact tank win the islage 3238 FS. gue 4, Cremestios of Turk wilin the — Amevoan Tht of Aerownties al Arenamtise ‘Acrosbsl sractve. soma, and tank wall thickness gt taken 16 acc “Table tse seven nonlinar ‘eatin wih seven vacdblee at SIZER simuluneonly selves fr the location on ras ofthe rest cle that Ieangeee to Dee crt sion polyno. Wh che sade al ens of the cle kann iL a mater of eating he proces by incemeaialy rss ulin rove the fseloge asta dteminne te nk re, td ‘ealring be cone woe Detwesa iver sce. ‘The ik Tend fy Frown whe ibe sum of tee com ‘volumes on end top volomes equals heft equied vohuae. ‘Table 2. Equations for Determining Circle Tangent wo Tree Curves Re Equation _ Polen) Hace emer IePI/ Be-a- RAG Bd ab etal PA | Hal zeAgitBgrtCh the seqoued tak volun i bzed on the propelnedousty and propellant nats hatin, fv ation, SEI ‘so takes dbo accouttocher factnw tat aft lank volume, soeh ne poeeite sad tem. deforantius, maumutsturmy toleoaces, ond wllge. Cyinereal tank presse defolmalons in the Yeop nd gual Aetna a8 filo , fr) = » ike sting a) an i anne ee educa ag ee ea wet aa ® ‘lag noha of evade dea eae ae prs Maile! |-teta 5 American fala uf serunaulce wid Asvonantos Sbstning (7 a8) in 9) ows ] \ 2 | Nea digAT ght wo sn crdee to socouat foe manubctrinstokmances ver dee anc, [eugth, widh, aud He gh the normed lagen ule i appro ar Fon iy ¥ The machin wlerare mis typiesly onthe order of (LOD! in pl in, wf Fort sae Using type alae fe someaigual matsials and racking tonite for the cols, the comvnad expect change in wre far resi, tmperarr and uanatsct is about 1% oxime nominal vole, Oa top of he Ts, pen Baye usally nae nor nf 1, wut aus be nocovded, “Theefte a tank shal he minature” to ve a Solmie stout 2% tager tan the omivalsbe wesate sfc! wnlame fox propelnotSIZER calaltes be ross voloctris variance Son the vale properies alge. and rane lelerce reyiereat . Support structure Bulbluads sings we place! wubin toe tselage «offer hackop sticine to the Atusbel. A Key input 9 SLZIR sto spectied distabechetwses bulked, hich is uulomatically main regurtlss of seis sale ‘Beni, he sce blween lonzerors cami held costa. T is wa, Ue oeenkll panel se betwoen sioner reais conus at ts allowshle Buckling anerth nmninecoostunt evo wv etch sete I Uh sce the Wohl ire to clone, mare bnbeheads, aad Merce mane eric weight ead the shor sewers. Sioce oly the rin ofeuratge ard not panel swssna changin wl ex the aeroshel Weight pe surface re emigy ichenged, especialy 1 Ue pana Sight on seeved wing Hat plate fry. E, Aerodyname Surfaces Necles wth vrndyeamissufaes such ox wings, ingle eaands and il ae size using cuss ira design method Wiepx me set wing a Hed wig lading value, WIS. The reexence azn $cosompactee De Train and cing sdger of ths wing or tie vonelip exeiag 1 the Hutlage svurfn, bt nol hiding sales. The basis wing tee geumetry Hn estimated Ly che ier ti pect ratio, ted soot cca sae Horizon ad verical tas ave sired hy Iae vole euetficent wethodTifing (pw cera me sae with ‘ing atc pic mal ne cane he Gyo, ‘Wing weight ave sigy tek wulane ace @functva af Be aera) wing plane atta tat extends from the fislagesfae to de wing pa. inclading sakes. Caren, SIZER does not moat ie weigh ut Cah, sts spend banks and ater Wertz actoate centile separately but nck a weight apart of be wo wing. Fra eles wll addres tose outal surlaccn separately som fhe eu wing, "TO mio aecutly predet ville volume for fuel slats, Supe. ond Janda’ geat cnveloper are counted m the way EN whan ‘alton ‘sce serodmumis sufece sms are driven by vetils weigh, thy su mst sole the sine at th flys, ers, veh nf aed dog charscteitics tnd change dung ih ative carr foo. Its mast be kept In mind bocveen trajectory sie sining ai. Tad nde slots procera oleaten wf SEAR ‘state coelicias GF Ht av raga he vec sca , Landing Gear 4 Amevcan Tota nf Aeronautics and Aanenatcn Conventional jr aerating pea are hyduticalywluned wheel nthe ove and wing Tncrions $I ‘alee te reghed el austee han ypon the sedi wieel lad mache nf wheel leon of sa ond loud ming ode wheels. ‘he wheel load ting, hire weight pt ish et deametee, and ante el wee ar input warablas. SI7TH deanines ds TOO, eats te vehicle center of Suvi, rei ldng Wade ne se year and min gst, al en sizes eho wheal: accord. Based te Clameter ofthe wow wtiee, SIZE. tories how rlse to the uose tp ean be placed sig the ene retandolay of Tinting the ovation af cle longenr tot fasclage 001. theca: diane calculation. “ogo fanling gem cuvclope i acvceted hes falclting he avuible vole with he Suelage. If gatachaes or aitge ate wel nthe deci, tciecrsclepes nd weights sat be estate simply by aosticy, fe tel mune, the vg pe lancer, ad lon sae we rating eles Maio landing ys is eutboard of te furcaye located a the dep sastnn of te wing bn. See is oid he envuvumentaly como fnvelige, SIZER does mt ennently cheek he fit the gour wba tbe wing Tike the ee ge mam gent weighs ac etme by soci he amber of wheel loa, al weight tig. Te ‘br Ispr in nn howe ha SIZER stn ll be maxim wel Unrate bur kere tp he sages nur bis esign is copable of bum manent ad sce el ion nod Bavichment System puis becouse in that LOX mass ale to atta ding lhe msson. Tn over wee ee ‘vehicle Sth ACTS abeied reise th fever to dtsmne Uns neestary LOR ah ve. Teste ‘ACH collects LOX and eotonneshynogca coolant fed, aveage a. Iakewrse, jt fl emunmpioa cen Be acrazed sought the loiter duration. ‘Therefore, draining the LOX task vole then becomes tite avon the oidzer as o yitom mass eat angio aceon arin fr boll tp loste Tht ta ral oj ey sl nein lowe 10%, Ox 19 Ignition kt a inion Wt = TOGW LOK, + tO, 40.20%, 16.10%, 7 let han KEOX, + LOX, + 6,108, + " Selvin ort am ign is dey gts hase aot po MTOGW H+ Ne ry WON, TR, - 2H.) ca CRE, Gn tH HG UG Doiae Chiao pic a ino eget eel kn of With TO em nat mg Closure Fovng deed susie epost, ok ize nd it ling ws ih ow pus pe ‘ome Weight an sve ofa veil fora given tajseury- a eehice inclined when thos ncn vlan ta eet the propel faction rerireents wih wuffctoretueas ts eistand Ge mension lip load. Closas on iteaie process oeiveen artodyramics, Wael, svn OMe aula: anal. As a sec ze appoaces ‘loa, be wing ofeteter ate sales as lonction of weigh he the fcay scales wih whare seytemets ‘As areal, the vehicle “it ant dg ebazactstin. change and ill hive to be tonmedered ving he clone itvaon if sutssa elamge bas ben male to tae outer mold Loe, Convergence to cles plea tp, sual within 2 or 3 Seating, SUAER makes sll the gromari, ass, and oente of srvity cleuaion, to predic the weight of te eaire ‘hielo al any heen sone, Tn ton. basis cheeks a2 povrmed ta ext sisi apace i aebo ovine sequie pupload sas ant volume, ag Wl se sacent aceon Ie at bulhea 4 aac he requ American Tate of Atonaiy ad Astomannss umber of riche engines. SIZFR ener ober the engans 0: Aicelely adds fed ergaes at wocdel in oder 1 sina tho vied hat lv weil rr fr Ie abi. poate impulse (fy) aml the chauge Ut veoity of he che me Key npn wo SIZER used io determine close. When seul, detcendied by Optimal T-aecries by Inplct Seovletion (OLISP forts srs nginegevirnonce Oibne fy is osimatal with engoe eslirmsase maps al suage dete, Clo fs ante cage in loi wm he majec calelations ia OTT, th oeket sston provides the wis eno of fren ‘othe olf mane, Sova ia ig, $a flow chau nd casas process witha STZER, sent the sizeof fs vehicle is eternioed by be paylo! ass and sve eayurements, saci] Eeiocy ut The whic: el the propuve evforanee nthe eugnes that the teicle Haough igh, a te seams Saraienmis afer hele SI7TC closes weil by ft calaring the TOGH and he propel Welt rored coy the sion od Cs ‘ry comparing the tna: vam b ae propellant vokuae. HF te poplin vohioe que Smet opal te Pe ha voluze aeulsble, hy veces scat acondngly wil te ua ‘vei Cr] (See=t8° eo Sera web pana Input Vewele Parimlerd ‘ge rams (iat Fartacs Aneel ‘Beale Vehicle Syatein| Detar Waticle Geol sities cates ton cian™, “Cees ee Soe Figures. SIZER Clasure Logie. ‘ Ammriean Toliat of Astute and Astwortis TIL. Gryphon Vebicle Resotts Srog with an OWT. cefinitou proved by Andrews Space, the veicte QML was cite ino SIZER, Next, ‘he rumseroos sable tas afer ure sto of ts voile were ipa eer 1 detemnine the cna 1OGW and savin zayoul levered 10 bit. Ceyphon ace no tery tote fecl tanks where te fora anh ‘onlin 75% ofthe fis. mle omy tak it mes berwera Efe inks ed slated ree the ge ACES is load neit the vehicle tow. Tage thaze features provide a stb verer ef paviy Boy al ght ‘ouliuons, Fig. 6 alos the pesinent apa varahles ne eyes the Cryo, ‘The nl ishe-o weight ef the sound sage is I-15 oe wil 9 gan of 191 aad a uosetp to af tulkhend vehicle Teng uf 263 The Body dare wlighty renter ehan Xf neater a about 275 fl. Bgure 7 ix gener by SIZHI and shaw aide View ul Ue cloned vabielsfivelage, Slee got, al brlkhcd. ond ingen aa loetina ec uepetel in the Figure. Flipial cad caps cm the peel ks ae furterly represented with vouel nes, Fue ees of SUZER wil dra fe al shape oft ent caps Te 2 givena enmtay o he SEZER outposts vei, shal fst ond second stage lel asa The se ofthe Grophon law herkage wit sverl lige sic that aie in sevice. "Tae Bocng "47 AVIERCERE oss wingspan of 21 fa leugdy e121 Nand amtarimun takeoff wept 910,009 lb, Anatbee large aia 5 the Rousing Auouoe 225, deployed arouad 1989. Ihe n-225 was al lo camry he Buran Sc Stale ato fossloge wth lke te Gryphon designed 2 ear upper sige, The At-225 hae a amet TERT ut 1 22 8 sawing saan of 240 1H and a Engh of 276 So. vi the Gryphon isan Zao large sea, Wet tbe le lngestever ail. Haver, i shoo hulls ould Be lage shat fy sopemanealy Bonin 17 gate Save Eo ES ee "iyire 6, SIZER Dislague Bores Showing Inpits for Gryphon, Arseican nite of Aeronaytis and Astrounation narorconnton {de Wow) ' 1 1 i \ af] i ‘| HL Paha Tied | | gure 7. Sie View ofthe Pate forthe Clnsed Gryploa Launch Yeti ‘Table 3. 2488 Gryphon Weights Suounary. eaten pe oak ta = cial ees rsencmmin | ete 10 Ameria roi of Acronis and Astrrautrs

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