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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20050057089: On-Orbit Repair of RCC Structures PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20050057089: On-Orbit Repair of RCC Structures

On-Orbit Repair of RCC Strucinres M, Singh OSS Group, Ine, Glenn Research Cleveland, OF 44135 NA‘ ter On-oriit eepair tectuologies toe structstey ane eritionfly uewded Lar spuce shuttle reten These technologies are alee artivally needed fe thecroal prmectioa system of fgre Cra Baty Ve exploration prograrss. GRAAUR (Gleam Adtiesive Re: Fatcziar Repaiey has sews omuttive capability Sor Fospace rs mel sincli ems ih space shuttle Keinforoed Carbon Garton (RCL waing sdgc ey ats of preparing a adhesive paste ad esites with Jureed earbun-curban compos! fo Ligh: IRF) pais arul relupbisiouert < uaderway b weiner 9 optimize the muicriais prope! ‘On-Orbit Repair of ACG Structures Singh ASS Grows, inc. NABA Gienn Research Center Cleveland, OH 444 Acknowledgments *Glonn Resaarch Center/08S Group, inc. ~Bloanar Siamala EADIE itary, Puree Unsorstys «Johnson Spsce Center, Houston, TX + Brin Maynau, & Aodiguee, sow Plcss, ane aco Stl « ftdarshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL ive Etingor, Meu Tasry + Ames Resvarch Center, GA Frans 6.2, Saorge Rate ATK Thoixa! ‘Dae Lester ar Pasa Tol nf det Test Fain Sta Testing Set Fah Sarge, loa Philp, Jeera Pulao, OSS Group, Ine & Outline + RCE Repair Objectives + On-Orbit Repair Techaclngios + GRABER. Key Matariat Properties + Testing and Characterization — Aredet Teating — Plasma Torch Tesiing ~ Miorustrusturel Chersetertzation, + Summary and Conctusions + tureduetten | if | Thermal Protection System (TPS) Demage Mechentsms i i > impact carnege curing ground handing | + Damage due to falling of ioe or other objects | during launch i + icrometeoraid and orbitai debris impact + Demage caused by dtforont actors daring | faunch anc reentry (weather, launch acoustics, | shearing, ote.) | | i | Leading Edge Structural Subsystem (LESS} | RGC Components Qvervlew } Damage to Leading Edges During Testing AGC Repair Team Obje: ives | = Develo, cently aad dativer un Orbiter RCC Ropa'r mad kite "opair cntestraphie esmage ihe Leading Edge AGC eubeyotone iNosecap, Chin penol & Wing Landing dus} | ~ provide necesscy procs any required EVA tools (EVA) 10 XA to develop — Provide supportipradvets ta MOD tor on-erbit jerational procecures development AOD/OFTP) — Provide 2 DTO kd & demanstrated RCC repalr sapability for S15 812 Repalt Concept tor WLE Damage and Location Lrnitations anot Lasatton Littstone onmemncata arash in ta ACG sree, aut ey exes wort eu! + Pg oan a :sameh sce hols arovted ade ears |” setine domsape m ancommorata bolo inner eeretone anal agen where mien Sg aga’ ha ral Glenn Reiractory Adheelve for Bonding and Exterior Repair (GRABER) + Adhesive based on organic (Paenoiies end Furan} based systems arth 2 nuneher of inorganic. constityenis. + Niscosity and curing behavior ime, temperature) can he tallored ta ault te neada, + GRABER bae boon uscd to propre a wide varity Gf cerantio fiber weaves (C, S102. 8:0), * ibonde very well wih @ wide variety of surfaces: and cures up ts 120 0. | & Multifunctionatity of GRABER Based Materiats + Crack Ropate Uatortale Fagard age sets i + Adesive and Seniants Bere ani seal the edges sn pug carenpt i «Inner te Outer Moid Line (TOM) Materisis: Pid ng Some + Fiexiaie Propeogs Terrsoncokrtpecet ge aienderace + Mapuzacturing of Buk Gampostise + Repalr af CiC Saged Compasites | + Punetionsily Staded Coatags for CC Composites i Foproductbitily, Storage, anc Shelf Life Characterization | i i : | | Brookfield PVS Rheometer Used for the Viscosity Measurements Ryle nt gcionge syrsnasiioase neseapenmny tere ROR Ea HONS SOREL 6 signs jen and mn myirg Reproduclbiiity of GRABER 58. | i } | lena! oc Storage Temperature Etfecta on GRABER 5A, Matedal Stoed ina Rel H Storage Effects on GRABER 5A, thatorini Storod in 9 Frenzor at -15 i aie sont or eitorwe re ¢ ‘yp of easy evn 5 rah tla stn vel ian ‘Crack Hepsir, Arcist Testing, and Post Test Characterization if | | “RAIS (4857 ae ED wh ceaerARE) | cae a saan AKC F rexasin 28 a i | i i “SE and #35" asd 0262-4} S WLE Entry Teorperaimre Protites Para Sc pan Tamara mate orang EO

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