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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20050041741: Computational Aerothermodynamic Design Issues for Hypersonic Vehicles PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20050041741: Computational Aerothermodynamic Design Issues for Hypersonic Vehicles

Computational Aerothermodynamic Design Issues for Hypersonic Vehicles (cid:3) Peter A. Gno(cid:11)o, K. James Weilmuenster, H. Harris Hamilton, II NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23681-0001 y z David R. Olynick Ethiraj Venkatapathy NASA Ames Research Center Thermosciences Institute Mo(cid:11)ett Field, CA 94035-1000 NASA Ames Research Center Mo(cid:11)ett Field, CA 94035-1000 Abriefreviewoftheevolutionaryprogressin computationalaerothermodynamicsis presented. The current status of computational aerothermodynamics is then discussed, withemphasisonitscapabilitiesandlimitationsforcontributionstothedesignprocessof hypersonic vehicles. Some topics to be highlighted include: (1) aerodynamic coe(cid:14)cient predictions with emphasis on high temperature gas e(cid:11)ects; (2) surface heating and tem- perature predictions for thermal protection system (TPS) design in a high temperature, thermochemical nonequilibrium environment; (3) methods for extracting and extending computational (cid:13)uid dynamic (CFD) solutions for e(cid:14)cient utilization by all members of a multidisciplinary design team; (4) physical models; (5) validation process and error estimation; and (6) gridding and solution generation strategies. Recent experiences in the design of X-33 will be featured. Computational aerothermodynamic contributions to Mars Path(cid:12)nder, METEOR, and Stardust (Comet Sample return) will also provide context for this discussion. Some of the barriers that currently limit computational aerothermodynamicstoapredominantlyreactivemodeinthedesignprocess willalsobe discussed, with the goal of providing focus for future research. Introduction Pressure distributions are required for assessment of structural loads and venting environments. EROTHERMODYNAMICS couples the disci- Aplines of aerodynamics and thermodynamics. It Computationalaerothermodynamicsusesnumerical most often deals with problems in hypersonic(cid:13)ight in solutionsofthegoverningequationsforcontinuity,mo- which high temperature gas e(cid:11)ects strongly in(cid:13)uence mentum, and energy conservation to model the (cid:13)ow, the (cid:13)uid forces (pressure, skin friction), energy (cid:13)ux including appropriate physical models for the high (convectiveand radiativeheating),andmass(cid:13)ux (ab- temperature environment. It faces most of the same lation)onavehicle. Hypersonic(cid:13)owsareusuallychar- challenges as computational (cid:13)uid dynamics regarding acterized by the presence of strong shocks and equi- costandsimplicityofgeneratinganswerstobeusedin librium or non-equilibrium gas chemistry. Accurate thedesignprocess. Surfaceandvolumegridsareoften prediction of these e(cid:11)ects is critical to the design of di(cid:14)cultand/ortimeconsumingtogenerate. Perturba- any vehicle which (cid:13)ies at hypersonic velocities. Fluid tions to the con(cid:12)guration are not easily accomodated forces are integrated over the complete con(cid:12)guration unless special considerations and foresight were ap- 5 to de(cid:12)ne the aerodynamic forces (lift, drag, pitching plied in the initial grid generation process. Order 10 moment, control surface e(cid:11)ectiveness). Peak temper- or greater cells are required to discretize the (cid:13)ow(cid:12)eld atures, peak heat transfer and heating load (heating around real con(cid:12)gurations, and solution of the gov- rate integrated over time) are mapped over the vehi- erning equations requires hours to tens of hours per cle surface to design the thermal protection system. steady state solution on a CRAY C-90. Computational aerothermodynamics faces some (cid:3) SeniorResearchEngineer,AssociateFellowAIAA. y challengesunique tothehightemperature,hypersonic ResearchScientist,SeniorMemberAIAA zSeniorResearchScientist,SeniorMemberAIAA (cid:13)ow environment. Equations for chemical and ther- Copyright(cid:13)c1997bytheAmericanInstituteofAeronautics malnonequilibrium,includingsourcetermswhichmay and Astronautics, Inc. No copyright is asserted in the United add sti(cid:11)ness to the equation set, must be included. A States under Title 17, U.S. Code. The U.S. Government has single case may include (cid:13)ow domains that vary from a royalty-free license to exercise all rights under the copyright claimedherein forgovernmental purposes. Allother rights are broad, subsonic, high pressure and temperature stag- reservedbythecopyrightowner. nation regionsbehind strongbowshockwavesto high 1of35 AmericanInstitute ofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper97{2473 speed, low density (high Knudsen number) regions in butalsoasigni(cid:12)cantlymaturetechnologybaseinVis- 25,26 the lee side. cousShock-Layermethods. Thiswasalsoaperiod Thegrandchallengeistoimplementthesesolutions inwhichgridgenerationandadaption(predominantly on the order of minutes so that they may be an in- structured) addressed challenges associated with (cid:13)ow timate and integral part of the design process. We simulation and resolution around complex vehicles. seem to be a long way from this goal. Structured Hypersonic (cid:13)ows, with the presence of strong shocks 1 grid generation for the X-33 (a con(cid:12)guration with and complex interactions presented special challenges wing,tail,de(cid:13)ectedcontrolsurfacesextendingoutover that werenot adequatelyaccomodatedby traditional, the wake, gaps, etc.) requires two to three weeks body oriented grid systems. of e(cid:11)ort, with close collaboration between CFD and Theperiod from1985to1991wasrichin algorithm grid generation specialists. Unstructured grid genera- advancement and development and/or integration of tiononthissamecon(cid:12)gurationrequiresapproximately physical models. Major advances in upwind di(cid:11)er- one to three days, but at present is only applicable encing methods and high resolution, non-oscillatory with con(cid:12)dence to inviscid (cid:13)owresolution. Thin-layer schemes were introduced in this period. While al- Navier-Stokes solutions for steady, laminar (cid:13)ow using gorithm and physical model research continue in the a (cid:12)ve species chemical model requires O(10) hours to period since 1991,these yearssawmuch moreempha- getdecent,(cid:12)rstcutaerodynamicsonacoarsenedgrid. sis on application of existing algorithms and models Converged heating levels on a (cid:12)ne grid generally re- to more complex con(cid:12)gurations and on ways to ex- quire a factor of threemorerelaxationtime. We must ploitcomputerarchitecturestoaccomplishthesetasks. do better. Some re(cid:13)ections are o(cid:11)ered on the current Algorithm innovations in this period have been sub- design environment, CFD state-of-art, and the types stantiallydrivenbyneartermneedsofprograms. The of advances needed to achievethe target design goals. consequences of these shifts have been both good and bad. An underlying theme of this paper addresses Historical Perspective and Technology these consequences. Drivers Role of Aerothermodynamics in the Drivingapplicationsforexternal,continuum,hyper- sonic (cid:13)ow simulation in the period 1980 to 1990 in Entry Vehicle Design Process the United States included generic studies for aero- Thedesignofanentryvehicle/reusablelaunchve- maneuvering and aeroassisted orbital transfer vehi- hiclesuchasShuttleorplanetaryentry-probeinvolves 2 3 cles, Space Transportation System (STS) support, the modeling and synthesis of various nonlinear cou- 4 5 defense interceptors design, Pegasus, and the Na- pled systems. A few important entry vehicle subsys- 6 tional AeroSpace Plane (NASP). In Europe, pro- temsarepropulsion,thermalprotectionsystem(TPS), grams of note during this same period include HER- structure/payload, avionics, and cryotanks. The inte- 7 8 9 MES, S(cid:127)anger, andHOTOL andearlyworkonHuy- grated con(cid:12)guration of the necessary subsystems de- 10 11 gen probe. TheBuran developmentand(cid:13)ighttests termines the shape of the entry vehicle. The vehicle’s were a major focus in the former Soviet Union. shapeandthethermalprotectionsystemarethecom- Drivingapplicationsforexternal,continuum,hyper- ponents most impacted by aerothermodynamic pre- sonic(cid:13)owsimulationintheperiod1991tothepresent dictions of the entry (cid:13)ow environment. For a given included closeouts or continuations of several of the shape,theaerodynamicperformancecharacteristicsof 1 programs noted above as well as X-33 (a technol- avehicle(e.g. lift, drag,andstatic/dynamicstability) ogydemonstratorfor a fully Reusable Launch Vehicle aredetermined usingvariousaerothermodynamicpre- 12 (RLV)), X34 (Mach 8 test vehicle), Assured Crew diction techniques. The TPS, which is the interface 13 14 Return Vehicle (ACRV), Hyper X, Commercial between the entry (cid:13)ow environment and the vehicle, 15 Experiment Transporter (COMET) (later renamed isselected,sized,andarc-jettestedbasedonaerother- (MultipleExperimentTransportertoEarthOrbitand modynamic predictions of quantities such as surface 16 Return (METEOR)), Mars Exploration Program, temperature, heat transfer rate, integrated heatload, 17 Stardust, Skipper, and Pegasus XL Wing-Glove shearloads,pressure loads, and ablation rates. 18 Experiment. Recent advances in computational To better understand the current role of aerother- aerothermodynamicsinEuropehavebeensummarized modynamics in the design process, the process of de- 19 by Kordulla and Morice. In Japan, OREX and signinganaeroshellforapropulsivelycontrolledentry Hy(cid:13)ex with eventual application to the Hope Vehicle probe for landing on the surface of Mars is brie(cid:13)y de- 20{23 dominate hypersonic CFD applications. Though scribed. Figure 1 is a process (cid:13)ow diagram for the fundingisalwaysaconcern,thereiscertainlynoshort- design of the lander aeroshell; this diagram is repre- age of interesting and challenging work to do. sentative of the design process used on recent entry The period prior to 1985 was dominated by sig- probessuchasStardustorMars/Path(cid:12)nder. Thedia- ni(cid:12)cant advances in space marching code capability; gramshowsdisciplineandsubsystemdesigntasksasa 24 predominantly in Parabolized Navier Stokes work, functionoftime. Ingeneral,the(cid:12)delityoftheanalyses 2of35 AmericanInstitute ofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper97{2473 and the (cid:12)delity of the design increases with time. A Thermal Control demarcation between Pre-Phase A and Phase A/B/C TPS is noted in the (cid:12)gure; at this transition in the design Aerothermodynamics process,a largeincreaseoccursin the analysislevel of (cid:12)delity. Propulsion The (cid:12)rst step in the design process is determining GN & C mission requirements and objectives such as landing 3-DoF 6-DoF Atmospheric Flight a rover at a chosen location and time on the surface Dynamics of Mars. An initial shape of the vehicle is determined Packaging as a function of a number of parameterssuch as land- Structures/Payload ing accuracyrequirements, payloadmass and volume, Mission Definition and the launch booster payload shroud. The mass, Pre-Phase A Phase A/B/C aerothermodynamicperformanceoftheshape,andthe Increasing Fidelity initial conditions as the vehicle enters the Martian Time atmosphere determine an envelope of possible entry trajectories. The initial aerothermodynamic database is generated using low-(cid:12)delity methods such as mod- ifed Newtonian for the aerodynamics and engineering 27 correlationsforthestagnationpointheating. Usinga Fig.1 DesignprocessforaMarsPrecisionLander 3degreeoffreedom(3-DoF)trajectoryanalysis,anini- Aeroshell tialdesigntrajectoryisgeneratedto meet themission curacy of the prediction increases. Therefore, to limit requirements and satisfy subsystem constraints such costs, high-(cid:12)delity aerothermodynamic simulation is as maximum acceleration loads or maximum temper- onlyemployedinthelaterstagesofthedesignprocess ature and heating rates for the TPS. after the design has been signi(cid:12)cantly re(cid:12)ned. InthePhaseA/B/Csegmentofthelanderdesignin Thehighlycoupledanditerativenatureoftheentry Fig. 1, the various discipline and subsystem analyses vehicle design process as exempli(cid:12)ed by the aeroshell are highly coupled and the design process is itera- fortheMarslanderisadriverforaerothermodynamic tive. Forexample,propulsionrequirementsforcontrol development. The process of design involves de(cid:12)ning depend on the GN & C algorithm; the GN & C algo- and, then, re(cid:12)ning and narrowing the boundaries of rithmdependsonknowledgeoftheliftanddragforces a design space until a (cid:12)nal solution is reached. To along the trajectory; the lift and drag forces are ob- achieve an optimum design, the optimum design so- tained from the aerothermodynamic predictions. The lution must always remain within the design space aerothermodynamicpredictions depend on knowledge as the design space boundaries are narrowed. Using ofthe trajectoryfrom the 6-DoFanalysis. The6-DoF current low-(cid:12)delity, engineering, aerothermodynamic analysis is a function of the c.g. location. The c.g. prediction techniques, the preceding design optimiza- location depends on the packaging and mass proper- tionconstraintcannotbeguaranteedbecausetheengi- ties of the vehicle such as the mass of the payload, neering methods are not accurate enough. Therefore, TPS, and propulsion system. The mass of TPS and to produce optimized entry vehicle designs, new high- propulsion system depend on the aerothermodynamic (cid:12)delityaerothermodynamicalgorithmsandimplemen- predictions. Thus, to determine if the various mission tation strategies are required that are applicable to requirements are satis(cid:12)ed, an iterative process is re- the earlier stages of the design process. To achieve quired. this objective, the new algorithms will have to bal- Asillustratedabove,aerothermodynamicsisimpor- ance accuracy, cost, and speed and take advantage of tantin both the earlyandlaterstagesof theaeroshell advanced computational platforms. design process. In phase A/B/C, accuratepredictions of the aerodynamics and entry heating are required Algorithms to design the TPS and for 6-DoF trajectory analysis. Some of the most important algorithm advances Aerothermodynamic data fully representative of the for the computation of hypersonic (cid:13)ows have been (cid:13)ightenvironmentarenotavailablefromgroundbased in the development of upwind and non-oscillatory 28{30 experimental facilities. Thus, high-(cid:12)delity numerical schemes. Central di(cid:11)erence schemes with upwind simulation techniques, such as Navier-Stokes for the modeled or non-oscillatory dissipation operators are 31 continuum (cid:13)ow regime and Direct Simulation Monte included in this algorithm class. Certainly, upwind Carlo (DSMC) for the rare(cid:12)ed (cid:13)ow regime, are em- schemes evolved more to address issues of tempo- ployed. These methods are computationally intensive ral accuracy and satisfy an intuitive valuation that andrequireaccuratemodelingofrelevantphysicalpro- consistency between physics and numerics is impor- cesses to achieve good results; further, the resources tant. High resolution, non-oscillatory schemes more required for a simulation usually increase as the ac- directly confront issues of accuracy in the near vicin- 3of35 AmericanInstitute ofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper97{2473 ityofshocksandshearlayers. Priortotheseadvances, cases, time accuracy may be recovered at the expense (cid:13)ows with strongshocks (p2=p1 >(cid:25)100)could not be of sub-iterations.41 In general, temporal accuracy in computed accurately with shock-capturing methods; hypersonic,reacting(cid:13)owsimulationshasreceivedonly eithertherequisitedissipationexcessivelysmearedthe modestattention,andnon-trivialissuesregardingevo- shockorGibb’sphenomenacausedoscillationstoneg- lution of systems with disparate time scales (convec- 42 ativetemperatures on the upstreamside of the shock. tive,dissipative,multiplereactiongroups)mayarise. Shock-(cid:12)tting methods have advanced to a lesser ex- Multigridmethodshaveachievedfactorsofapproxi- tent; evolutionary environment has favored the more mately3.5reductionintimetoconvergenceforhyper- easily coded and robust shock-capturing methods. sonic(cid:13)owsascomparedtoapplicationofanotherwise 43{45 Much algorithm development for hypersonic (cid:13)ows identical algorithmon asingle, (cid:12)ne grid. Di(cid:14)cul- has focused on treatment of source terms. A loosely tiesarisefromtreatmentofchemicalsourcetermsand coupled (split) formulation of the species continuity reduction of high frequency errors in the vicinity of equations with the main equation set often allows a strong shocks. This performance is not as impressive code developer to retain algorithm structure from a as results obtained in lower speed domains; opportu- code that does not consider reacting gases. However, nities for signi(cid:12)cant advances probably exist. fully coupled (unsplit) approaches generally are more Localpreconditioninginmultidimensional(cid:13)owsad- robustandconvergemorequicklythanlooselycoupled dress problems associatedwith convergenceand trun- 46 formulations. Within the context of fully-coupled ap- cationerrorinthelimitofincompressible(cid:13)ow. These proaches the source term may be handled in a variety problems arise, for example, in the stagnation region ofwaystoenhancerobustnessandconvergence. Insit- of very blunt bodies in hypersonic (cid:13)ow. They are uations where a pure explicit formulation is severely exacerbated in the presence of signi(cid:12)cant viscous ef- limited by time scales in one or more species source fects. The local Mach number goes to zero in a broad terms, explicit underrelaxation can be selectively ap- region around the stagnation region and both trunca- 32 pliedto speciescontinuityequations. A morerobust tion error and dissipation behave poorly, particularly approach, easily incorporated in the context of a sin- in upwind schemes. Recent advances suggest that the gle step, explicit algorithm, is to utilize point-implicit problemscanbealleviatedwithlocalpreconditioning, 33 treatment of the source term. The Lower-Upper but much work remains to establish optimum perfor- 34 Symmetric-Gauss-Seidel (LU-SGS) can be modi(cid:12)ed mance in the vicinity of three-dimensional stagnation 35 to achieve good convergence; though in very ener- points and low Reynolds numbers. getic situations problems with elemental mass conser- Computational Singular Perturbation (CSP)47 ex- 36 vation should be addressed. Convergence rates are ploits concepts that are related to local precondition- generally good on uniform meshes but have been ob- ing,butfocusesonoptimalformulationofthechemical served to slow on highly stretched grid. All of these kineticsourceterms. CSPisofspecialinterestbecause formulationssacri(cid:12)ce temporal accuracyfor improved the method: (1) provides physical insight regarding convergence with moderate overhead as compared to the balance of kinetic processes in hypersonic react- conventional, explicit formulations. ing (cid:13)ows; and, (2) provides mathematical insight for Convergenceacceleration can be addressed on both numerical simulation of such (cid:13)ows to reduce compu- an algorithmic and procedural level. Examples of al- tational expense. Reaction groups are automatically gorithmic approaches include various formulations of identi(cid:12)ed which are active, in partial equilibrium, or implicit relaxation, multigrid-methods, defect correc- frozen. Preliminary results were very encouraging; tion, and preconditioning. Procedural approaches re- however,couplingtheCSPalgorithmtothe(cid:13)owsolver fer to best practice using any available algorithm and withrequisitemodi(cid:12)cationstothegoverningequation includepracticessuchasmeshsequencingandsolution set was nontrivial. The concept reached acceptable 48 sequencing. Mostbene(cid:12)tisexpectedfromalgorithmic maturity for uncoupled analyses. innovation As noted previously, mesh sequencing and solution Implicit relaxation relieves the restriction on the sequencing are two procedural approaches to conver- time step associated with highly stretched grids. It gence acceleration. Mesh sequencing refers to obtain- also is used to address restriction in time step asso- ing a converged solution on a sequence of (cid:12)ner grids, ciated with high Dahmkohler numbers in chemically where each successive solution is initialized using the reacting (cid:13)ows. Examples of implicit formulations for previous, coarser grid solution. Solution sequencing hypersonic (cid:13)ows in chemical nonequilibrium include refers to initializing a simulation at one trajectory 37,38 38 39 LU, ADI, LU-SSOR, as well as the LU-SGS point using a converged solution from a neighboring methodscitedpreviously. Convergenceaccelerationof trajectory point. Solution sequencing can be used implicit methods for hypersonic,nonequilibrium (cid:13)ows in conjunction with mesh sequencing to generate a 40 may be achieved using global preconditioning. Im- matrix of solutions across a trajectory for a single plicitformulationsofteninvolveinnovationsthatsacri- con(cid:12)guration. Solution sequencing should not replace (cid:12)cetimeaccuracyforcomputationale(cid:14)ciency. Insuch meshsequencing. Basedonexperienceinrunningma- 4of35 AmericanInstitute ofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper97{2473 trices of cases for several X-33 con(cid:12)gurations, it is always more e(cid:14)cient to restart a new solution on a 2m)7500 (50, 40000) c coarse mesh initialized with a solution from another W/ trajectory point (solution sequencing) and proceed to er ( sequentially(cid:12)nergridsonlyafterathreshholdresidual nsf a5000 cinogn)v.ergPenrcoeceleedvienlghadsirebcetelyn atochitehveed(cid:12)n(mesetshgrsiedqu(esknicp- e heat tr C Hoenavteinctgive C R o a andnviaedtcitvieve MStaarrds uPsat t(hEfianrdthe)r mesh sequencing steps) using an initialized solution ativ Heating MMaarrss M20i0c1ro Oprrobbiteer from another trajectory point generally requires more bl Neptune Orbiter a2500 computer time for a converged solution at the new n- Viking (Mars) o Shuttle freestreamconditions. Themeshsequencingshouldbe m N Apollo omittedincaseswhereonlyawallboundarycondition u Galileo (Jupiter) m Huygens (Titan) is changed; here, physically motivated load balanc- axi Pioneer-Venus M 0 Fire II (Earth) ing can be applied to concentrate CPU cycles in the boundary layer. 0 10 20 30 40 Similar procedural strategies are applied in block, 49 Velocity (km/s) space marching. Block marching is a natural ex- tension of the planar, space marchingas implemented in Parabolized Navier-Stokes (PNS) solutions. The Fig. 2 Peak heating versus velocity for past and strategyis useful when (1) embedded subsonicorsep- future entry vehicles. arated regions may arise in domains which are other- wise amenable to PNS methodology; or (2) the PNS and excitation mechanisms between the various en- methodology is not su(cid:14)ciently robust for the given ergy modes, and modeling parameters for the various problem. Downstream blocks are initialized using the molecularandatomicradiationbands. Further,radia- exit plane data from the upstream blocks. This injec- tion transport at a given locationis coupled to all the tion speeds the development of a convergedboundary other locations in a line of sight. In general, radiative layer pro(cid:12)le as compared to conventional, unstaged, heatingpredictionsaremuchmorecomputationallyin- global relaxation techniques. Mesh sequencing, from tensive than predicting convective heating. coarse to (cid:12)ne, is still advised in these applications. The choice of a TPS a(cid:11)ects the physical models needed for an aerothermodynamic (cid:13)ow simulation. Physical Models Ablating and non-ablating materials are two impor- Thechoiceofphysicalmodelsforanaerothermody- tant classes of TPS used for entry vehicle design. namic (cid:13)ow simulation is a function of the (cid:13)ight envi- Ablating materials are generally employed on non- ronment,TPS,anddesiredaccuracy. Theaerothermo- resuable planetary probes. Ablating materials min- dynamic(cid:13)ightenvironmentisdividedbyheattransfer imize the energy conducted into an entry probe by mechanisms. Thethreeprimarymechanismsfortrans- utilizingaphasechangeofthesolidTPSmaterial;en- ferring energy to the surface of a hyper-velocity entry ergy transfer from the (cid:13)ow to the TPS converts the vehicle are: a) energy transfer from particles (atoms, solidTPSmaterialtoagaswhichisthencarriedaway molecules,etc.) collidingwithsurface,b)energytrans- by the (cid:13)ow. Ablation products injected into the (cid:13)ow- fer from chemical reactions on the surface (catalysis), (cid:12)eld and surface recession alter the (cid:13)ow environment. and c) energy transfer via radiation from excited par- Thus, these processes must be modeled to obtain ac- ticles in the (cid:13)ow. Mechanisms a) and b) are called curate aerothermodynamic predictions. Nonablating convective heating and mechanism c) is called radia- TPS is typically used on reusable vehicles such as the tive heating. Shuttle Orbiter. Nonablating materials minimize the Accurateaerothermodynamicpredictionsofconvec- energy conducted into the vehicle by radiating energy tiveheatingrequiredetailedknowledgeofthechemical away from the body and low material conductivity. composition, transport mechanisms, (cid:13)uid gradients, For these materials, the (cid:13)ow environment is altered and TPS material response near the surface of the by chemical reactions that occur on the surface of the vehicle. The gas composition near the surface is a TPS. These surface catalysis reactions increase sur- function of the path the particles have travelled from face heating and alter temperature and concentration thefreestreamtotheshock. Thus,somelevelofknowl- gradients within the boundary layer. Thus, surface edgeisrequiredaboutthe(cid:13)ow(cid:12)eldfromthefreestream catalysismodelingisneededtoaccuratelypredictsur- through the shock to the surface of the vehicle. To face heat transfer. calculate radiative heating, a detailed knowledge of Finally, the desired level of accuracy is an impor- the state of the gas throughout the (cid:13)ow is required. tantconsiderationinchoosingasetofphysicalmodels. Examples of a few needed quantities are rotational, In general, the computational cost increases as the vibrational,andelectronicstatepopulations, coupling accuracy of the physical modeling increases. For a 5of35 AmericanInstitute ofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper97{2473 given vehicle design, the level of accuracy is a func- from species continuity equations. tion ofthe availablecomputationalresources. Various Chemical Kinetics modeling assumptions such as chemical and thermal Chemical source terms may be expressed as func- equilibrium, frozen (cid:13)ow, tangent slab radiation trans- tions of thermal equilibrium chemical kinetic models port, or a viscous shock layer are made to reduce the (CNE-TE)orthermalnonequilibriumchemicalkinetic cost of a given calculation. These assumptions deter- models (CNE-TNE). Arhenius formulations for reac- mine the physical modeling requirements. tion ratesare used as the basis for both CNE-TE and Figure 2 is a plot of peak heating rate versus veloc- 58 CNE-TNE models. Several models for air and the ity for some past, present and future missions. The 59 Martian atmosphere are available in the literature. peak nonablative heating rates and entry velocities 2 Updates to the models have been reported. Some rangefrom30W=cm at4.5km/sforVikingto40,000 2 of these updates have been driven by results of the W=cm at50km/sforGalileo. Below9km/s,thepri- BowShockUltravioletExperimentinwhichmeasured mary heating mechanism is convection. At 9 km/s radiative energy transport was in signi(cid:12)cant disagree- and above, the heating is from a mixture of radia- 60{62 ment with current theoretical models. In this tion and convection. For Galileo, 99% of the heating regard,tracespeciesthatareimportantradiatorsmay is from radiation. Most of the TPS used for these be omitted from the initial (cid:13)ow(cid:12)eld simulation and vehicles is ablative; SLA-561, a silicon based ablator, evaluated after the fact, provided their role in impor- wasusedforVikingwhilecarbon-phenolicwasusedon tant reaction groups and the coupled radiation e(cid:11)ects Pioneer-VenusandGalileo. Arecentlydevelopedabla- are negligible. tor, PICA, is being used for Stardust, a non-ablating The CNE-TNE models aremost often derived from Beryllium heatshield was used for Fire II, and non- (CNE-TE) models by applying correction factors or ablating, silica based tiles were used on the Shuttle e(cid:11)ective temperatures to the rate constants. The cor- Orbiter. rectionfactorsfordissociation-recombinationarefunc- Equation of State tions of both the vibrational and translation temper- atures and may include several additional parameters In any hypersonic (cid:13)ow simulation, the thermody- 63 describing the molecules. Correction factors for ex- namic pressure is de(cid:12)ned as a function of species den- change reactions are also available in some models. A sitiesandtemperature. Thesimplestformulationisfor veryhelpfulandbriefoverviewoftheavailablemodels (cid:0) aperfectgas(PG), p = ((cid:13) 1)(cid:26)e. Hightemperature 64 iscontainedintherecentpaperbyLosev (21models) e(cid:11)ects on gas chemistry are sometimes approximated 65 and Kovach et. al (15 models). A more comprehen- with an e(cid:11)ective value of (cid:13) which yields the correct sive review (in Russian), associated with the AVO- 50,51 density ratio across the shock. This approach is GADRO project, is in the manual by Sergievskayaet. usefulforaerodynamicanalysisifthePGoptionisthe 66 al. onlyoneavailableinthecode,butisunsatisfactoryfor The CNE-TNE models need also address internal evaluation of aeroheating. High temperature e(cid:11)ects energy balance issues. If molecules are preferentially are more properly handled with chemical equilibrium dissociated from higher vibrational energy states, the (CE) or chemical nonequilibrium (CNE) models. In vibrationalenergyequationsourcetermmust account the CE models ( p = p((cid:26);e)) the functional depen- 67 for this process. The model by Knab directly ac- dence of pressureon density and energy for a general- countsforthisrelationintheCNE-TNEmodel. Other izedgasmixture(CE-G),inwhichtheelementalmass models require empirical input. fractions are known constants or are solved from el- Thermal State of Species s emental continuity equations, can be determined by themethodoffreeenergyminimizationorequilibrium The thermal state of species s may be modeled as 52 53 constants. ThemethodofLiuandVinokur canbe Equilibrium (TE) or NonEquilibrium (TNE). used to de(cid:12)ne thermodynamic curve (cid:12)ts for arbitrary The distribution of energy among translational, ro- gasmixturesbasedonspeciespartitionfunction infor- tational, vibrational, and electronic modes in species mation. A very helpful and recent review of partition s under equilibrium conditions is de(cid:12)ned by the par- models for air species has been prepared by Capitelli tition function as a function of a single temperature 54 55 et. al and Giordano et. al. Curve (cid:12)ts for speci(cid:12)c T. The speci(cid:12)c heat capacity Cp of species s is de- 56 57 gas mixtures (e.g. air (CE-air), CF4 (CE-CF4)) rivedfromthepartitionfunction. Curve(cid:12)tsofspeci(cid:12)c when available are generally less computationally in- heatasafunctionoftemperature(TE-C)forspeciesof tensive. In the CNE models, pressure is de(cid:12)ned as a interestoccurringinhypersonic(cid:13)owsimulations(plan- summationofthepartialpressuresofeachconstituent, etary atmospheric constituents, fuels and combustion thermally perfect species p = Ps(cid:26)sR(cid:22)T=Ms. The byproducts,ablationand pyrolisisgases)areavailable 68 partial pressure of free electrons is computed using intheliterature. Theactualpartitionfunctionsmay temperature Te if di(cid:11)erent from the heavy particle also be used (TE-P), particularly if they are already temperature T. The species densities are computed available to support thermal nonequilibrium options 6of35 AmericanInstitute ofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper97{2473 inthecode. Incontinuumsituations,thetranslational therelativecontributionsofvibrationalandelectronic and rotational contributions are generally assumed to modestotheenergycontentarenotseparablewithout be fully excited and the vibrational contributions are some partition function information. modeledasanharmonicoscillators. Inmanyinstances, The third TNE sub-class is the multi-temperature the electroniccontribution to the partitionfunction is model (TNEM). It is identical to the TNE2 sub-class omitted-onlythemodesuptoandincludingvibration exceptthat eachmolecularspeciessretainsit ownvi- areretained(TE-Pv). Thisapproximationisprobably brational temperature Tv;s. When the thermal model not bad for conditions when ionization and visible ra- retains only the modes up to and including vibration, diation are insigni(cid:12)cant; however, we are not aware the model is designated (TNEM-v). Such models are of studies de(cid:12)ning the bounds of this approximation. most often used in the code validation process using In any event, the energy does not disappear (assum- ground-basedexperimental data in which separatevi- ing conservation laws are formulated correctly!); it is brationaltemperatureshavebeen measured. Separate simply distributed among other available modes, thus rotationaltemperaturesmayalsobeconsideredinthis raising the temperature for a given energy increment. classi(cid:12)cation. Suchanapproachisfeaturedin apaper 60 The TNE models may be subdivided into four sub- byBoseet. al. inwhichthehighaltitudekineticsre- classes. quiredfor accuratepredictionofNOnumber densities Thesimplestsub-classisthetwo-temperaturemodel and radiation for the Bow-Shock Ultraviolet experi- (TNE2) in which it is assumed that the thermal state ment necessitated more complete characterization of 70 ofspeciessandall otherspecies ina mixturecontain- the molecular energy content in the kinetic model. ing some molecules may be de(cid:12)ned by two tempera- Separate electronic temperatures Te;s logically follow tures, and e(cid:11)ects of cross mode coupling are approxi- inthis model, but weareunawareof studies involving mated (e.g. rigid dumbell). The translational and ro- (or justifying) this degree of di(cid:14)culty. tationalenergycontentofallheavyparticlesisde(cid:12)ned All of the TNE models to this point invoke an as- by temperature T. The vibrational energy content of sumption of equilibrium partitioning of energy within allmoleculesisde(cid:12)nedbytemperatureTV (sometimes two or more groupings of internal modes. This as- called a lumped vibrational temperature model). The sumption can be relaxed further by discretizing each electronicandfree-electrontranslationalenergymodes species s into multiple sub-species (excited states) as (ifincludedatall)areusuallyassumedtobeinequilib- a function of vibrational and/or electronic quantum 71 rium with the vibrational modes at temperature TV. number(s). In this fourth TNE sub-class, a state- (An exception to this approach is discussed by Olyn- speci(cid:12)capproach(TNEQ),auniquetranslationaltem- 69 ick, in which electron translational energy modeled perature is still appropriate within the context of a asafunctionofT wasfoundtoyieldbetteragreement continuum (cid:13)ow simulation; however, the role played withexperimentaldatafromProjectFIRE.)Justi(cid:12)ca- bymodaltemperaturesinde(cid:12)ningenergydistribution tionforthislastassumptioninairisbasedone(cid:14)cient within the mode is replaced by a discrete account- energy transfer between electrons and the vibrational ing of various excited states. Each state requires its modes of molecular nitrogen. The TNE2 model may own continuity equation, with appropriate models for be implemented in two ways. If equilibrium curve (cid:12)ts transport and source terms. are available, as discussed previously, the vibrational Transport Properties and Di(cid:11)usion Models and electronic heat capacity of species s is easily de- (cid:12)nedasafunctionofTV. Itisobtainedbysubtracting Transport properties are required to describe the the simple translational-rotational contribution from di(cid:11)usion of mass, momentum, and energy in a gas. the curve(cid:12)t forallenergymodesappropriateforeach A comprehensive review of the subject is provided 72 atomormolecule(TNE2-C).Ifpartitionfunctionsare in the text by Hirschfelder, Curtiss, and Bird. The available, the appropriate temperature is substituted simplest de(cid:12)nition, usually restricted to perfect gas into the function for each energy mode (TNE2-P). As simulations, employs Sutherlands law for viscosity, before,ifonlythemodesuptoandincludingvibration (cid:22) = c1T3=2=(c2 +T), and Prandtl number for con- are retained, the model is designated (TNE2-Pv). ductivity, k = (cid:22)Cp=Pr, where c1, c2, and Pr are The next logical TNE sub-class is the three- constants. Thermochemical equilibrium (cid:13)ow simula- temperature model (TNE3). It is identical to the tionsmostoftenusecurve(cid:12)tsfor(cid:22)andkasafunction 73 TNE2 sub-class except that the electronic and free- of temperature and pressure. Transport properties electron translational energy partition is de(cid:12)ned by a inthermochemicalnonequilibrium(cid:13)owsarede(cid:12)nedas thirdtemperatureTe. (Thisdesignationisamisnomer functions of constituent species transport properties if there are no molecules present in the gas.) This and respective mole fractions in the mixture. In- model has been considered primarily for high speed dividual species transport properties are de(cid:12)ned as Earth entries characteristic of return from geosyn- functions of collision cross sections; often this data is chronous Earth orbit or above. If molecules are readily available in form of curve (cid:12)ts as functions of 74 present, the use of curve (cid:12)ts is not possible because temperature. Mixing laws for viscosity and thermal 7of35 AmericanInstitute ofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper97{2473 75 76 conductivitiesbasedonworkbyYos andWilke are Stefan - Maxwell 2000 mole driven, flux corrected mole driven, uncorrected alsodiscussedandcomparedtoasimple,molefraction Schmidt number = 1.0 77 Schmidt number = 0.5 weighted averageby Palmer. Thede(cid:12)nitionofdi(cid:11)usioncoe(cid:14)cientsshouldbedis- 1500 cussed within the context of the di(cid:11)usion model. Full multicomponent di(cid:11)usion involves expensive compu- 2m c tation of multicomponent di(cid:11)usion coe(cid:14)cients as a W/1000 q, function of binary di(cid:11)usion coe(cid:14)cients. Application oftheStefan-Maxwellrelationssimpli(cid:12)estherequisite 500 formulation of di(cid:11)usion coe(cid:14)cients, but still involves signi(cid:12)cant overhead (e.g. evaluation of binary di(cid:11)u- sioncoe(cid:14)cientsandsub-iterations)inthecomputation 0 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 of multicomponent di(cid:11)usion. These approaches are r, m equivalent in terms of simulation accuracy and they rigorouslyconservemass; the sum of all species conti- a)V1=10:9km/s nuityequationstelescopes(termbytermcancellation) exactly to the mixture continuity equation. A sim- Stefan - Maxwell 400 mole driven, flux corrected pli(cid:12)cation, originally derived and justi(cid:12)ed for trace Smcohlem didritv neunm, ubnecr o=r r1e.c0ted 78 Schmidt number = 0.5 species, involves formulation of an e(cid:11)ective binary di(cid:11)usion coe(cid:14)cient (Ds;m) for species s using recip- 300 rocal molal averages of binary di(cid:11)usion coe(cid:14)cients (Ds;k), where the mass di(cid:11)usion (cid:13)ux js is driven by 2m c the gradient of mole fraction of species s (Xs) in the W/ 200 q, absence of pressure and thermal di(cid:11)usion. This for- mulation is expressed 100 ~js = (cid:0)(cid:26)Ms(1(cid:0)!s)Ds;mrXs (1) M 0 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 where r, m 1 Xk = X (2) Ds;m k6=s Ds;k b)V1=7:0km/s (cid:26) is density, !s is mass fraction of species s, and M Stefan - Maxwell andMs aremixtureandspeciesmolecularweights,re- 200 mole driven, flux corrected mole driven, uncorrected spectively. In applicationsinvolvingvelocitiesbelow7 SScchhmmiiddtt nnuummbbeerr == 01..50 non-catalytic (all models) km/s in air on the Space Shuttle, the heating com- 150 ponent associated with the di(cid:11)usion of atoms toward the surface and their catalytic recombination is ade- 49 2m quatelydescribedbythisapproach. However,species W/c 100 continuityequationswritten in this simpli(cid:12)ed manner q, do not generallytelescope into the mixture continuity equation because the approximation to di(cid:11)usive mass 50 (cid:13)ux ~js to not telescope to zero. At higher velocities and/or at smaller length scales where nonequilibrium 0 e(cid:11)ectsassociatedwiththecatalyticrecombinationbe- 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 r, m come more pronounced, the approximation to multi- component di(cid:11)usion will deteriorate. c)V1=6:0km/s Three approaches may be applied to correct this de(cid:12)ciency in mass conservation when approximating Fig.3 ConvectiveheatingdistributiononStardust multicomponent di(cid:11)usion of species s as a function vehicle with various approximations to multicom- of a single gradient in species s. The bifurcation ponent di(cid:11)usion. approximation closely approximates actual di(cid:11)usion coe(cid:14)cient data in a manner that imposes mass con- Finally, all di(cid:11)usion (cid:13)uxes may be reformulated as a servation.79 Explicitcorrectionsonthedi(cid:11)usion(cid:13)uxes functionofviscosity(cid:22)andaconstantSchmidtnumber maybeimposedthatremovea netbackground(cid:13)uxin Sc. (cid:22) Eq. 1. js = r!s (4) Sc js = ~js(cid:0)!sX~jk (3) k 8of35 AmericanInstitute ofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper97{2473 Thee(cid:11)ectsoftheseapproximationsareseeninFig.3 nose and leading edges where the magnitude of cat- 80 inwhichtheconvectiveheatingtotheStardustvehicle alytic heating is largest; For RLV, this will also be arecomputedatanactualtrajectorypoint(V1 =10:9 true. Thus, the ability to predict catalyticheat trans- (cid:0)4 3 km/s,(cid:26)=2:6910 kg/m )andatprogressivelylower fer is directly linked to Shuttle entry performance. velocities at the same density. The mole driven, un- Predicted magnitudes for catalytic heating over the 81 corrected results refer to Eq. 1. The mole driven, Shuttlesurfaceareasfollows. Nearthenose,thecat- (cid:13)ux corrected results refer to Eq. 3. At all energies, alytic fraction of the heatload is 15-40% of the total the(cid:13)uxcorrectedresultisinexcellentagreementwith and increases as the stagnation point is approached. theStefan-Maxwellrelations. As(cid:13)owenergydecreases On the wing leading edges, the catalytic fraction is theuncorrectedapproximationapproachestheStefan- between 10-20%. On most of the windside acreage, Maxwellreference, with averageerrordecreasingfrom the catalytic fraction is between 5-10%. Finally, on 30% at the highest velocity, 15% at 7 km/s, and 12% most of the leeside surfaces, the catalytic fraction is at 6 km/s. Even at 6 km/s (Mach 19) the contri- negligible. bution to total heat (cid:13)ux from di(cid:11)usion of species to FormostCFDapplications,themodelingofsurface the surface under fully catalytic conditions is quite catalysis is based on simple kinetic theory. For atoms large as compared to the non-catalytic surface case. impactingasurfaceandrecombining,thesurfacereac- The heating for all approximations to multicompo- tionrateisassumedproportionaltothenumber(cid:13)uxof nentdi(cid:11)usionarenearlyidenticalwhenthedi(cid:11)usional atoms striking the surface times a catalytic e(cid:14)ciency; contribution is removed at a non-catalytic wall. The thecatalytice(cid:14)ciencyisthefractionofatomsthatre- e(cid:11)ective Schmidt number changes across the velocity combine on the surface. These atoms are supplied by domain tested here, with Sc = 0.5 a reasonable ap- di(cid:11)usion. Thus, in terms of the mass (cid:13)ux of species s, 82 proximation at the lower velocities. a catalytic surface boundary condition is given by, Surface Catalysis and Ablation kTw (js)w =(cid:26)sw(cid:13)s (5) In a hypersonic (cid:13)ow, surface catalysis is a primary r2(cid:25)ms mechanismfortransferringenergytothesurfaceofan entry vehicle. Catalytic surface heat transfer occurs where (cid:13)s is the catalytic e(cid:14)ciency. A more rigorous when the TPS material at the (cid:13)uid-surface interface approach to surface catalysis would involve modeling acts as a catalyst to an exothermic reaction involv- such phenomenaas the availabilityof surfacereaction ing chemical species impinging the surface from the sites, the rate at which surface reaction sites are (cid:12)lled (cid:13)ow. Afractionofthecatalyticenergyreleasedatthe or depleted, surface energy accommodation, and ac- surface is conducted into the vehicle; the additional tual surface reaction rates. heating increasesthe TPS mass. Atomic oxygen com- For a number of resuable TPS materials and coat- bining to form O2 or atomic nitrogen combining to ings, (cid:13) curve-(cid:12)ts for atomic oxygen and nitrogen sur- form N2 are important surface catalytic reactions in facecatalysishavebeen experimentally determined as 83 air. CO combining with O to form CO2 is an impor- a function of temperature as, tant catalytic reaction in an atmosphere with a large CO2 component such as Mars. (cid:13)s =asexp((cid:0)bs ) (6) Tw Surface catalysis is an especially important heating mechanism for dissociated (cid:13)ows in chemical nonequi- Details of the experimental procedure which involves 84 librium. In general, the surface of a hypervelocity arc-jet testing are described by Stewart. entry vehicle is much cooler than the (cid:13)ow tempera- Afullycatalyticwallboundaryconditionisspeci(cid:12)ed turedirectlybehindtheshock. Foraboundarylayerin in Eq. 5 when (cid:13)s =1 (i.e., all atoms striking the sur- chemical equilibrium, most of the dissociated species facerecombine). Anon-catalyticwallisspeci(cid:12)edwhen recombine before they reach the surface. Therefore, (cid:13)s = 0 (i.e., the surface does not catalyze reactions). the majorityof surfaceheat transfer is causedby par- Depending on the material and the (cid:13)ow environment, ticlecollisionswiththesurface(convection). Fora(cid:13)ow the ratio of heating between a fully catalytic wall and in chemical nonequilibrium, (cid:13)ow species which disso- a non-catalytic wall is as high as 2 or 3. ciateintheshock-layerdonothavetimetocompletely All of the discussion on surface catalysis has as- recombine (three-body collision required for recombi- sumed a reusable, nonablating TPS system. The nation) before impinging the vehicle’s surface. Thus, physics and models for ablating and charring systems 85 the catalytic fraction of the total heat transfer rate is has recently been reviewed by Milos and Rasky and 86 signi(cid:12)cant and must be considered to accurately pre- Milos and Chen. Signi(cid:12)cant, additional complexity dict the surface heating. can be introduced in these situations because of the For the Shuttle Orbiter, catalytic heating is impor- additional chemical species introduced into the (cid:13)ow tant because the Shuttle entry trajectory envelope is and boundaryconditions dependent on a coupledma- bounded by TPS material temperature limits on the terial response. Simpler, uncoupled analysesmay also 9of35 AmericanInstitute ofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper97{2473 be accomplished in which species mass fractions and observed that transition fronts in the wind tunnel for temperaturesat a surfacearesupplied tothe (cid:13)ow(cid:12)eld X-33 are not necessarily coincident with contours of analysis from an external source. momentumthicknessReynoldsnumber. However,mo- mentum thickness Reynolds number appears to be a Turbulence and Transition reasonable metric for de(cid:12)ning the (cid:12)rst occurrence of Algebraic turbulence models (e.g. Baldwin- transition on the vehicle in the wind tunnel. The 87 88 Lomax, Cebeci-Smith ) remain the favored ap- magnitude of this metric for transition prediction is a proach to turbulence modeling in hypersonic (cid:13)ow(cid:12)eld function of roughness height to boundary-layer thick- codes. Use of local values of shear in the damping ness. Transition fronts in computation of X-33 are function formulation are generally required in these then introduced across a computational coordinate or 89 methods in hypersonic applications. Provisions for zone boundary based on wind-tunnel derived metrics. separation, as in front of de(cid:13)ected body(cid:13)aps, can be 90 Radiation Coupling accomodated in some situations. However, such models are not generally applicable in regions of mas- A few mission scenarios where radiative heating is sive separation as occur on the leeside of vehicles at importantforentrycapsuledesignaresamplereturns, high angle of attack or in the wake, in corners, or in outer planet, and manned Moon or Mars missions; all gaps. The algebraic models will often produce con- of the mission types employ high-velocity direct entry vergedsolutionsinregionswherethemodelisinappro- trajectories for landing. Another area where radia- priate; the user must carefully interpret such results. tive heating is important is rocket base heating via 91 One- and two-equation turbulence models are plume radiation on ascent trajectories. As an exam- more generally applicable. As experience and con(cid:12)- ple, six missions are in various stages of development dence increases with these models, they are replac- involving sample returns to Earth: Stardust, Gene- ing the algebraic models for (cid:13)ow(cid:12)eld simulations over sis, Alladin, Mars Sample Return, Champollion, and complex con(cid:12)gurations. Several models used in hy- Muses-C; these missions return samples from the tail personic airbreathing propulsion applications in the of comet, solar wind, the moons of Mars, the surface LARCK code have been cited recently by Kumar et. of Mars, the surface of a comet, and the surface of an 92 al. asteroid, respectively. Earth entry velocities for these Modeling/predictionof transitionfrontshas taken missionsvaryfrom12-16km/s. ForEarthentry,radi- di(cid:11)erent tacks in applications associated with hyper- ation as a heating mechanism becomes signi(cid:12)cant for 98 sonicairbreathingpropulsionandrocketpropelledve- atmospheric entry velocities above 10 km/s. Thus, hicles. Prediction of transition is a far more critical radiativeheatingwillbeimportantforallofthesemis- issueinthecaseofhypersonicairbreathingpropulsion sions. vehicles because dragdue to skin friction can severely Computationally, radiation coupling is important limit performance, yet turbulent mixing of hydrogen whenthefractionof(cid:13)ow(cid:12)eldenergyconsumedbyradi- and air in the combustor is required. State-of-the-art ationexcitationissigni(cid:12)cant; theamountofradiation 93,94 methods,recentlyreviewedinseveralsources, are is overpredicted when radiation coupling e(cid:11)ects are being developed and tested with these applications in neglected. The radiation is overestimated because ra- 95 mind. Thestatusof(cid:13)ightdatatoevaluatesuchmod- diation coupling removesenergyfrom the (cid:13)ow. If this 96 els was recently discussed by Bushnell. energy sink is not considered in the simulation, then The approach to transition prediction can a(cid:11)ord the excess energy goes toward chemical and internal to be somewhat more conservative in rocket powered energy mode excitation which increases the amount vehicles (e.g. Reusable Launch Vehicle, X-33, X-34, of predicted radiation. This situation is analogous to X-38). Thee(cid:11)ectoftransitiononaerodynamicsisless chemical or internal energy coupling in a (cid:13)ow simu- signi(cid:12)canton these blunter bodiesat highangleofat- lation. As an example, if a perfect gas formulation is tack. Also, peak turbulent heating levels are usually usedtomodelahigh-velocityentry(cid:13)ow,thenthepost less than peak laminar heating levels on return from shock temperature is grossly over-predicted. Further, low-Earth-orbit. (This is not necessarily the case in if the perfect gas temperature is used to calculate the suborbital test (cid:13)ights.) chemical composition of the gas, then the amount of Wind tunnel data from conventional (non-quiet) ionization and dissociation will be overestimated. tunnels are believed to provide conservativeestimates The amount of radiation in a (cid:13)ow (cid:12)eld is a func- for transition behavior except for cases in which ex- tionofthegeometry,atmosphere,andentrytrajectory. treme roughness or trips emerge on the (cid:13)ight hard- Physically, the amount of radiative heating is pro- ware. Flight experience from Space Shuttle provides portional to the shock-layerthickness which increases additional information on the range of conditions at as the nose radius increases. Conversely, convective whichtransitionmayoccurontiledsurfacesandsome heating decreases as the nose radius increases; the instanceswhereobstructionsinadvertantlyintroduced magnitude of the radiative heating at the stagnation 97 betweentilegapscausedearlytransition. Ithasbeen pointis proportionalto the noseradiuswhile the con- 10of35 AmericanInstitute ofAeronauticsandAstronautics Paper97{2473

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