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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20040171653: Zonal Flows Below the Sun's Convection: Analytic Approximation

ZONAL FLOWS BELOW THE SUN’S CONVECTION: ANALYTIC APPROXIMATION Charles L. Wolff & Hans G. Mayr POPULAR SUMMARY We have derived a simple analytic solution showing how the Sun’s global oscillations (g-modes) can drive east-west flows at low latitude deep inside the Sun. This flow is analogous to the Quasi Biennial Oscillation in the Earth’s upper atmosphere. It has an observed period of 1.3 years in the solar case but its cause was not known until we published an explanation in a Letter to the Editor a few months ago. Now we give full details of the model and show how it can be used to limit the range of g-modes that can be actively driving the reversing flows. A nonlinear feedback feature of the model is that the flow itself creates the turbulent dissipation that extracts momentum from the g-modes that, in turn, drives the flow. ZONAL FLOWS BELOW THE SUN’S CONVECTION: ANALYTIC APPROXIMATION CHARLES L. WOLFF and HANS G. MAYR NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771 charles.wolffQnasa.gov, hans.g.mayr0nasa.gov ABSTRACT The low latitude zonal flows detected beneath the Sun’s convective envelope (CE) are mod- elled as a wave with 1.3 yr period running toward the solar center with exponentially diminishing amplitude. The flows have sufficient shear in latitude to make them horizontally unstable, creat- ing a large diffusivity lo9 to 1O’O m2s-l. As this turbulence locally dissipates g-modes, they N deposit zonal momentum that sustains the flow. “Wave filtering” causes some of the momentum to be deposited in proper phase to advance the flow downward, analogous to flows seen in the Earth’s upper atmosphere. The analytic model shows the effect of a ”typical pair” of g-modes (angular harmonic C and oscillation frequency ao) acting alone to drive the flow. Their efficiency in driving a flow is proportional to at least m3,t he zonal harmonic number. Thus high harmonic modes with Irnl % C are of most interest and are used in numerical examples. Taking the free parameters to be C and (TO, the analytic model yields just one peak flow velocity Vo and one g- mode amplitude that is acceptable for each choice, (1, GO). After future measurements constrain VOt o a small part of its currently uncertain range (5 to perhaps 100 m/s) there will be only one free parameter instead of two, and our model will provide a relation (TO(C) that constrains those g-modes that can be mainly responsible for driving the flow. Subject headings: Fluid Dynamics-Sun: oscillations-Sun: interior 1. INTRODUCTION layer (< 0.02Ra) immediately below the CE and do not explain the bulk of the observed 1.3 yr flows East-west flows that reverse direction about ev- (Wolff & Mayr 2004, hereafter Paper I). This is ery 1.3 yr are observedin the Sun (Howe, et al. true because gravity wave models depend on ver- 2000; Antia & Basu 2000; Komm, et al. 2003) tical turbulence, which does not extend below that below the convective envelope (CE) at low lati- thin layer (Schatzman, Zahn & Morel 2000). tudes. Analogous flows in the Earth’s upper at- A new approach was suggested in Paper mosphere are driven by gravity waves (Dunker- I invoking global oscillations (g-modes) excited in ton 1997; Mayr, et al. 1997, 2000) and since the the Sun’s core and partially dissipated by horizon- Sun’s CE excites such waves, initial explanations tal turbulence below the CE. As the flow generates of the solar flow were based on a flux of gravity this turbulence, energy and momentum flux is ex- waves propagating downward from the CE (Fritts, tracted from the g-modes to accelerate the flow. Vadas, & Andreassen 1998; Kim & MacGregor Eventually the turbulence grows to limit the maxi- 2001, 2003; Talon, Kumar, & Zahn 2002). A rich mum flow speed. In the present paper, we describe progression of theoretical flows (steady, periodic, this model more fully and present a simplified an- quasi-periodic, chaotic) was demonstrated by Kim alytic solution suitable for estimating the param- & MacGregor (2001) as the ratio of viscosity to eter range for the reversing flow and the g-modes gravity wave strength was decreased. These grav- that generate it. Only two properties of a g-mode ity wave models, however, apply only to a thin are used: its spherical harmonic amplitude distri- 1 bution and its dispersion relation in the limit that In our model, the dominant source of D is tur- the square of the oscillation frequency, o2 << N2. bulence generated by the reversing flow itself ($4). (Here ff is the buoyancy frequency typical of the The solid lines show this D for model flows whose shell, 0.6 to 0.7 &, containing most of the flow maximum speed at r, is either 5 or 50 m/s. This energy.) The CE is not considered since g-mode turbulence is a prerequisite for dissipating the g- amplitudes there decline rapidiy with height, and 111ocles 50 they caii drive the Eo::.. The turbu!er?ce the flow energy would be comparatively small. develops because the zonal flow occurs mainly at low latitudes making its horizontal gradients suf- After an overall description in $2, we give in $3 the basic low latitude momentum equation and ficiently large to overcome an angular momentum an analytic flow field that will be an approximate hurdle and generate turbulence. solution. In $4 turbulent damping is evaluated, In the proposed mechanism, the g-modes carry and $5 shows the resulting deposition rate of mo- net energy up from the solar core and encounter mentum into the flow from a representative pair this turbulence, causing them to deposit some of * of oppositely running g-modes. Results from the their momentum flux into the zonal flow. As the simple analytic solution are given in $6, and limi- flow develops it builds up the horizontal turbu- tations of the model are discussed in $7. lence which is also diffusing energy away from the flow. With the resulting diffusivity being propor- 2. FLOWS DEEP IN THE SUN DRIVEN tional to the magnitude of the flow, independent BY g-MODES of direction, the system is inherently non-linear ’ such that it produces a natural cap on the flow to To understand the proposed wave mechanism determine its peak speed. it is important to appreciate the dynamical condi- The other process important for the reversing tions of the environment below the convective en- flow is wave filtering. As the waves build up the velope in which the zonal flow is observed. Figure flow in one or the other direction, they are selec- la shows the steady flow speeds in the tachocline tively dissipated in that direction by the Doppler from the analytic fits of Charbonneau, et al. (1999) effect. The resulting imbalance in the wave mo- to helioseismic measurements. This differential mentum flux then favors the build up of the flow rotation will be ignored compared to the larger in the opposite direction higher up. While the flow velocities V that we will consider for the 1.3 yr dissipation discussed earlier is determined by flow reversing flow. The flow is drawn as a wave speed, the wave filtering is most important where travelling downward with diminishing amplitude. the vertical gradient of the speed is large. The approximate midpoint of the observed flow, Following Paper I , we shall present an analytic r, = 0.675R0, is marked with a dotted line. It formulation of the proposed mechanism and ap- is well established that solar flows below the CE ply it to the solenoidal (divergence free) zonal mo- cannot cause turbulence in the vertical because mentum budget at the equator. Since the Corio- the velocity shears are not large enough to over- lis force vanishes at the equator, the compressible come convective stability (Spiegel & Zahn 1992). meridional winds do not come into the picture nor But convective overshoot can cause a weak ambi- does the energy budget of its flow. Thus it is jus- ent turbulent diffusivity in the vertical direction tified, to first approximation, that the momentum (Fig. lb, dashed lines) as well as radiative dif- budget of the flow at the equator is treated in the fusivity. The turbulent dsusivity was derived by framework of a one-dimensional model - the ”pro- Montalban & Schatzman (2000) from convective totype model” introduced by Lindzen & Holton overshoot in one and two dimensional models and (1968) for the terrestrial quasibiennial oscillation. stated in terms of ambient temperature, which we In reality the problem is two dimensional. Away converted to radial distance using a standard solar from the equator, the meridional circulation comes model. By comparison, horizontal diffusivities D into play and redistributes the momentum such are much larger. The two dashed lines in Figure that the flow is naturally confined to low latitudes. ICr oughly bound estimates by Schatzman (1996); Talon, Kumar, & Zahn (2002) of D due to gravity Restricting the analysis to the equatorial re- waves generated by plumes from the CE. gion, we postulate that (a) the flow oscillation propagates down having a wavelength consistent 2 with the observations and (b) the amplitude de- a full width at half height of 0.075%. Setting << clines with depth. Since the proposed wave mech- JCA = 10/Ra permits the approximation kA k. anism is inherently non-linear, only a simplified Then radial derivatives of A, w and k can be ig- analytic solution of the zonal momentum equation nored and dV/dr = ikV. is presented. The real and imaginary components yield estimates of the magnitude of tiit: revalaiiig flow in terms of g-mode properties: amplitude, an- 4.1. Two Dimensional Turbulence gular harmonic, oscillation period. The observed latitudinal shear is strong enough 3. MOMENTUM BALANCE to be unstable. The resulting turbulent motion occurs on spherical surfaces because of extreme Relative to spherical coordinates r, 8,4 rotat- stability in the radial direction (Spiegel & Zahn ing with the nonconvecting solar interior, write 1992). A mathematical study by Watson (1981) the east-west flow velocity, 4V(r,t )f(O). Its diver- showed that radially stable layers of a slowly ro- gence is zero. Conservation of the 4 component of tating star are horizontally unstable when B > momentum 0.29 in the differential rotation curve, R(8) = p-df V = 4- -v .II + -J oRuor ( 1m- o Bde clo sfl2o ew), hoaftse na nap epflfieecdt itvoe sBol aor ndea toar.d Seirn cofe dt r sin 6 magnitude larger, it should be strongly turbu- determines the flow near the equator; II is the lent even though we do not consider polar re- turbulent stress tensor that diffuses the flow's mo- gions as does the Watson (1981) study. Using mentum, j is the rate per unit volume at which A6 = 30°, the turbulence has a latitudinal forc- angular momentum is deposited into the flow by ing scale L- r,A6 = 250 Mm. Its characteris- g-modes, and the density p is taken independent tic time T LIVI-' = 0.16 yr for an equatorial of time. The right member is evaluated in 54 and flow velocity V = 50 m s-I. The largest turbu- 85 for the following model flow field. lent scales (La nd L/2) carry off most of the flow's As mentioned earlier, pure zonal flow is unreal- energy and momentum since energy in 2D turbu- istic sufficiently far from the equator. A latitudi- lence falls steeply as the cube of the scale (Tabel- nal Coriolis force emerges to drive a weak merid- ing 2002; Paret, Jullien, & Tabeling 1999). Only ional flow that reduces the zonal flow at higher about 10% of turbulent energy is in scales L /3 and latitudes. By latitude 30", V is observed to be smaller. zero (Howe, et al. 2000). We model this by setting A proper estimate of turbulent diffusion needs f(6)= 1- 4 cos2 6 and consider only low latitudes, to account for the flow's downward drift. Figure 3 say 6 = 90" d~ 20". The radial dependence is mod- shows IVI at some instant and the arrow indicates elled as a wave of frequency w and wavenumber k how far this pattern will move in a time 27. (Tur- sinking into the Sun, bulence stimulated by V at some instant becomes fully developed after a time I- and decays after J7(Tt, ) = 4T)ei["t+"('-'-)l (2) a similar time interval.) Thus turbulence has to be computed from some weighted average of IV/ where r, = 0.675% is near the midpoint that prevailed during the recent past at a given of the observed flow and the amplitude, A = location. It's clear from the figure that the effec- VOe xp[kA(r - rm)]d, eclines with depth. We will tive velocity forcing the turbulence will be a wig- use VO = 50 m/s in a numerical example. But gling curve with mean height close to 2A/7r. The other values are possible because the observations wiggles will be ignored and the effective turbulent of Howe, et al. (2000) do not determine a unique value for VO or k. The limited radial resolving velocity V, E 2A/n. Then horizontal diffusivity caused by the flow is simply power of their measurement determines only a - family of possible pairs (VOk,) any of which would D LVt (3) appear to give their reported peak speed of about 5 m/s. This family is plotted on Figure 2, assum- ing as in Paper I that their radial resolution has 3 4.2. Damping of Flow sic relation is derived for a single pair of g-modes as was done, e.g., by Kim & MacGregor (2003) and In equation (1) only two elements (IIs,, and in Paper I. In future work, one could sum such IIT,b) of the symmetrical stress tensor can con- results over all mode pairs thought to be active. tribute because of zonal symmetry. The latter el- Let Uf be the horizontally averaged kinetic en- ms- ement is zero sirice VSitid eddy ~iecnsityis ergy density of a pr~grade(+)z cc! retrqpd~(- ) ligible in this part of the Sun. The remaining el- g-mode having identical radial and angular har- ement has the mathematical form in spherical co- e, monic numbers (n, m)e xcept that the azimuthal ordinates, numbers m have opposite signs. In the slowly ro- tating Sun, such mode pairs have the same oscil- &V.II= (rs in dB lation frequency 00 except for negligible high or- der terms. Per unit volume of fluid, each mode (4) where pD is the horizontal eddy viscosity. Since deposits energy at the rate dJf and angular mo- f has the dominant B dependence near the mentum at the rate (2m/u*)nUh (Zahn, Talon, & equator, equation (4) reduces to 0 . V ll = Matias 1997; Paper 12004). This momentum con- ~ ~ D VcTos(-20~). This term removes momentum centrates at low latitudes since modes with Iml s e from the flow and, being nonlinear in velocity am- are the most effective (56.1). The Doppler-shifted plitude (DV cc A2),i t will limit the strength of oscillation frequency applies: uf = uO(1 T p) the flow. where ,B = Vlc4l-l and co = aom-lrsin8 is the zonal phase velocity of the g-mode. Summing the 4.3. Damping of g-modes effect of the two g-modes and using p2 << 1, angu- lar momentum is deposited into the fluid at a rate Turbulence also removes energy from the g- per unit volume, modes but diffusion theory does not apply since hthoeri zmoanitna lt usrcbaulelse notf sicnatleerse satr eh learreg. erI nthstaena dg,- mhoordie- J. = -2-1rCm(l U+ + u-)(p+ E). (6) a0 zontal advection in random directions is the main physical loss mechanism, as suggested by the ref- The @ te+rm steepens shear and E E (U+ - eree of Paper I . Recall that the kinetic energy U-)(U+ U-)-' causes the flow to drift down toward the incident wave energy because of un- of a linear oscillation is converted into potential equal cumulative damping of the two oppositely energy twice each oscillatory cycle. For g-modes running waves. this consists of work done against buoyancy and it is temporarily stored as a local temperature fluc- Choose some deep reference level r1 where the tuation. Advection from turbulent eddies in the flow is negligible and assume the two g-modes flow transports the thermal variation horizontally. have the same energy density there: Uf(rl) = That weakens its abilityto drive the next velocity U-(rl) U1. Above this level turbulent advec- cycle of the g-mode because it is misaligned with tion attenuates the energy density as the rest of the global oscillation. The l/e decay time of local energy is approximately the time it Uf(r > TI) = u1e-a*, (7) takes the effective turbulent velocity to carry fluid where a:* = JT: drr~v;' (Zahn, Talon, & Matias a distance k;', where kh = e*/r is the horizontal wavenumber of the g-mode and C* = (!.e[./, + l)]. 1997), vg = (u*)2(Nkh)-' is the g-mode's up- ward group velocity. Vertical wavenumber k, was The inverse is the decay rate of local g-mode en- eliminated from group velocity using the disper- ergy due to turbulent advection, sion equation (kh/k,)2 = 02(N2- a2)-' with kh&. (5) u2 <( N2. Equation (7) defines cy with respect rC N to energy as is customary. (Paper I wrongly de- 5. MOMENTUM DEPOSITION BY g- fined cu to attenuate amplitude, making a: half as MODES large). Expanding the Doppler factor, Local dissipation of a g-mode causes it to de- posit momentum flux in the same layers. The ba- 4 Name the two parts such that a* E 6 f 6 and in- driving the flow. The g-mode power dissipated + sert into equation (7). It follows that E = -tanh(6) per unit volume is K( Uf U-) and declines as m2. and, since b2 <( 1 for conditions studied in this pa- Equating the imaginary terms and eliminating F1 per, E = -6. gives the forcing velocity for horizontal turbulence, The g-mnds attenuation occurs through the exponent 6, which is shown on Figure 4a for several values of VO and the case 1 = 50, no = 1.1 x lov4 s-l. To calculate other cases use 6 & V,1(1+ 1)no2. The integrand for 6 contains that is needed for a self consistent flow solution. e* a rapidly varying factor eik(r-rm) permitting the It is inversely proportional to because of the slower radial dependences to be moved outside the factor kh. . integral sign. The result near the equator is Although radial derivatives of w and k were ig- nored, our mathematical approximation still al- B n (9) lows them to be weak functions of r. Equation (12) constrains the radial dependence of wt to be where F, = 2Nki(l~n;)-~.A factor, V(r)- V(q), proportional to NK2rb4. But additional physics was approximated as V(r)b y choosing a lower coupling layers vertically may be needed to fully limit r1 = 0.4Ro that is below the large flow ve- determine the radial dependences of flow param- locities. Figure 4b shows the real parts of e and ,Ll. eters A, w and k. A numerical integration of the Since the latter is proportional to V and therefore differential equations seems to be the next step the flow's angular momentum, one can see that the needed and, if practical, it should include the weak E term will add angular momentum (equation 6) transient meridional circulations that must accom- with the proper sign and phase to move the entire pany a reversing zon3 flow. flow downward. 6.2. Numerical Values 6. RESULTS Many different arrays of g-modes could cause the observed flow velocity and 1.3 yr period. Here 6.1. Analytic Solution we display "typical" g-mode pairs (prograde and Now the zonal momentum equation (1) can be retrograde), each of which could drive the observed reduced to algebraic form with equations (4 & 6) flow if that pair acted alone. Future workers could and the flow field in equation (2). The result near use this as a guide to choosing arrays of modes x the equator, with sin0 1 is, for computing their combined effect. The typi- cal mode for driving the flow will be one in which + -8-Lv ,v + iwv = Fl(V iF,&V) (10) Iml % C because of the very high efficiency (56.1) of r2 modes with large /mi. We substitute Iml = C = L* + where F1 f 2m2n(U+ U-)p-'(aor)-2. Recall in the formulas to simplify the next two figures. that the effective turbulent velocity Vt is positive This is minor compared to the order of magni- and proportional to the amplitude of V, showing tude uncertainties faced earlier in evaluating tur- that two terms are nonlinear in flow amplitude. bulence. After finding sets of parameters needed After cancelling the common factor V, real and to drive the flow on and near the sphere r = T,, imaginary' terms must balance separately. The we briefly mention radial dependence. real terms require F1 = ~LV,T--~S.u bstituting At r, there is only one free parameter Vi, de- this in the definition of Flg ives a condition on how scribing the flow. Figure 2 assigns a compatible much g-mode energy density is needed to drive the radial wavenumber and the frequency w = 27r(1.3 flow, yr)-l is observed. Three parameters describe the typical g-mode pair; namely, C, 00 and the energy density. Equations (11 & 12) constrict this four- It declines at least as fast as m3 (precisely, as fold freedom to two free parameters. Observers C*m2),w hich demonstrates how much more eE- care more about the velocity amplitude utypo f cient are high zonal harmonics of a given C for the typical g-mode so we replace energy density by 5 (u++ + writing U-) = $ p [ ( ~ + ) ~( u-)~]5 p ~ & ~ - ural periods within the shell must be sufficiently 1 similar so that they can lock together and act with Then equation (11) gives utyp = 2a0(Lrj-~)T. one period. Solar observations show that the shell This velocity for one g-mode will be very large over which this has occurred is about 0.1% thick. because it is intended to stand for the total effect nf th~i~randn':f g-modes of similar scale. Figure 5a shows how much local mode velocity is needed when the typical mode has a given angular har- There are some obvious limitations to this sim- monic and oscillation frequency. Figure 5b shows ple model. It considers only two dimensional mo- a similar plot for the peak flow velocity at rm, tions in the equatorial region. More complex three derived from Equation (12) and the relation on dimensional flows at higher latitudes are likely to Figure 2. When observational resolution improves feed back and modulate the diffusivity at the equa- to the point that k and therefore VO are known, tor, affecting the flow predicted by our model. Figure 5b will provide a relation [TO = f(l) indi- Also, we forced the vertical profile of flow veloc- cating what range of radial harmonics are partici- ity to be a radially damped sine wave. During pating. This would reduce to one, the present two the time this flow wave drifts down by a wave- parameter (00, e) uncertainty about typical states length divided by 27r, neither the radial &ear of . of g-modes that drive the flow. the flow nor its downward speed is allowed to vary If the energy density of the typical state were by much. But in reality, each should fluctuate equally distributed over N,,, modes of comparable about its mean trend because each is partially con- horizontal and vertical scale, then the amplitude trolled by a sinusoidal function; respectively, p or of a single mode would be urn utypN7;;0.5F. or 6 on Figure 4. Numerical integrations of the equa- example, the case marked with plus signs on Fig- tions of motion are more appropriate to investigate ure 5 has utyp= 210 m/s. If its energy is spread such details. But analytic or numerical, the large over 1000 modes, um = 6.6 m/s. Amplitudes are uncertainties in estimating turbulence will under- strongly reduced in the convective envelope by the lie all results. factor q = (~~/r~)~(pb/ptw)h"e.r"e b identifies the If g-modes are indeed driving the zonal flow ob- bottom of the convection and t the top location served above 0.6R0, then they should also drive where radiative and convective losses can reason- flows in the rest of the Sun's nonconvecting inte- ably be ignored. The dashed curves in Figure 5a rior. Their reversal periods 2n/w would probably show where qu, = 1 mm/s at rt = 0.99& for the be different from 1.3 yr. Discovery of a new zonal cases of 100 and 10000 modes. Oscillation ampli- flow in deeper layers would lend important sup- tudes are < 1 mm/s to the right of the appropri- port to the overall approach in this paper. The ate dashed curve. Thus most of the g-mode states model applies to any depth in the nonconvecting covered by the figure would be unobservable at the interior but, being designed for a thin shell, should solar surface by their os<illatory motion. be applied to only one flow system at a time. If a For a given array of active g-modes, an east- deeper flow has a longer reversal period, it might west flow field centered deeper in the Sun would al- be detected first by the way its wave filtering im- most certainly have an oscillation period different poses a time dependent bias on the mean velocity from 1.3 yr. That is because equation (12) solved of the currently observed 1.3 yr flow. for w would have five radially dependent factors in In summary, the horizontal turbulence of the its right member. In other words, each depth has flow itself causes a larger diffusivity than any used a "natural period". 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