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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20040161454: Thermoelastic Formulation of Stiffened, Unsymmetric Composite Panels for Finite Element Analysis of High Speed Aircraft

AIAA 94-1579 Thermoelastic Formulation of Stiffened, Unsymmetric Composite Panels for Finite Element Analysis of High Speed Aircraft Craig S. Collier Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Company NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia Work performed under NASA contract AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ACS 35th Structures, Dynamics, & Materials Conference April 18-20, 1994/Hilton Head, SC For permission to copy or republish, contact the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 370 L’Enfant Promenade, SW • Washington, D.C. 20024 Thermoelastic Formulation of Stiffened, Unsymmetric Composite Panels for Finite Element Analysis of High Speed Aircraft Craig S. Collier* Principal Structures Engineer Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Co. NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA ABSTRACT An emerging technology need for capturing 3-D panel (i = x, y, xy) thermoelastic response with 2-D planar finite element N, M Reference plane forces and moments i i models(FEMs)isaidedwithanequivalentplatestiffness e , k Reference plane strains and curvatures and thermal coefficient formulation. The formulation is i i general and applies to all panel concepts. Included with theformulationistheabilitytoprovidemembrane-bending p Panel coupling of unsymmetric sections and calculation of all T Thermal thermal expansion and bending responses from in-plane M Mechanical andthrough-the-thicknesstemperaturegradients. Thermal m exponent value residual strains for both the laminates and plies are included. The general formulation is defined and then applied to a hat-shaped, corrugated stiffened panel. INTRODUCTION Additional formulations are presented where required to Multidisciplinaryconceptualdesignofhighspeedaircraft include all of the hat’s unique characteristics. Each requires a quick structural analysis capability for vehicle formulation is validated independently with 3-D FEA. optimization. Highspeedaircraftareoftendesignedwith stiffened and sandwich panels fabricated from fiber- reinforced composite materials. The need for a quick NOMENCLATURE analysis and the complexity of composite material, stiffenedpanelsencouragesapproximationsintheformula- D T In-plane temperature gradient tionofpanelstiffnessterms. Theaccuracyofapproximate D G Through-the-thickness panel formulation is further diminished for hot environ- temperature gradient mentscausedbysupersonicflight. Temperaturegradients induceforcesandmomentswhichmustbequantifiedwith thermalexpansionandbendingcoefficients. Formulation h Distance from the reference plane of thermal coefficients is also complex, so they too, are i usually approximated. A , B , Membrane, membrane-bending coupling, ij ij D and bending stiffness terms This paper describes an equivalent plate stiffness and ij thermal coefficient formulation that applies to any panel Aa , Ba , Membrane, membrane-bending coupling, concept, see Fig. 1. All stiffness and thermal coefficient Dia i and bending thermal force & moment dataformembrane[A]&{Aa },bending[D]&{Da },and i coefficients unsymmetricmembrane-bendingcoupling [B]&{Ba }are capturedforanystiffenedshape.Thispaperexaminesthe Reduced transformed laminate elasticities formulation’s ability to analyze for the most general mechanical and thermal loading conditions by comparing Reduced transformed laminate thermal its results with those produced by discrete, three dimen- force coefficients sionalFEA. Theapplicabilityofplateandbeamanalogies are addressed as well as the Kirchoff hypothesis, plane- ____________________ sections-remain-plane. * Senior member AIAA ThispaperisaworkoftheU.S.Governmentandisnotsubjectto copyrightprotectionintheUnitedStates. AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC 35th Structures, Dynamics, & Materials Conference 1994, AIAA-94-1579 laterpublishedinreference3.Thermalcoefficientscreated tohandlebothin-planeandthrough-the-thicknesstempera- ture gradients for membrane, bending, and membrane- bendingcouplingwerealsointroducedin reference2and then mathematically proven in reference 3. Another Corrugated-shaped, Hat Stiffened paper,reference4showedhowtoinputthesedataintothe stiffened panel MSC/NASTRANTMfiniteelementanalysis(FEA)program [5] using a model with a single plane of finite elements. The significance of including them for an entire aircraft analyses is reported in reference 6 and 7. Finite Element Analysis Blade Stiffened Bi-Axial Blade Stiffened In-plane and through-the-thickness temperature gradients may be correctly applied and solutions obtained for anisotropic/orthotropic, unsymmetric, and unbalanced laminates or stiffened panels using a single plane of shell elements with the MSC/NASTRAN FEA program [3,4]. Thisisaccomplishedbyincludingthefullcomplementof smeared equivalent plate stiffness matrices and thermal Waffle Grid J Stiffened expansion and bending coefficient vectors in the FEM. Smearedequivalentplatestiffnessandthermalcoefficient formulations of this paper are particularly useful for coarsely meshed models of a complete structural entity such as an engine or airframe. Practical models of such largesurfaceareascanonlybeaccomplishedwithasingle Honeycomb Sandwich Trusscore Sandwich plane of shell finite elements. Too many elements are necessary to construct a discrete three-dimensional panel model over a complete airframe surface. Fig. 1 The formulation can be applied to any stiffened or sandwich, composite panel concept. SSsutnttaiisbfftffiieelfinnfteeyend.deadPnTpadhlneaseyatelnssdcfwoainrcahgcpiaavrnereynlsuenmfiftoicwreieenigtslheytr.vpSircotievffiedlneoeabddupckatnlhienalgns assumed tYo nbee ultroacl ataexid son X neutrala arequiteefficientforlightlyloadedareasandapplications ofhightemperaturegradients. Thesequalitiesmakethem desirable for use as hot structure on high speed vehicles X neutral axis where weight reduction is a paramount objective. Stiffened panels are unsymmetric, primarily by nature of Detached Wide Beam Analogy their shapes as seen if Fig. 1. Unsymmetric stiffened Missing: shapesproducecouplingevenwhenthepanelisfabricated • A12 & D12 directional coupling terms with conventional isotropic materials. Sandwich panels • (1–n 2) plate poissons term become unsymmetric due to the effect of through-the- • Unsymmetric data thickness temperature gradients on their material elastici- tbUieencssa.yumQseumaenttriiitfcicbaetshiioagnvniiooffirccauannutslsyyemscmoaeulttpreilrcisnbgebhpeatavwnioeerlenismirmeemsppoborrntaasnneet. Y nAesusturaalm xieasdx ilYso cnaetiutornal and bending panel response. Therefore, bending will either shorten or lengthen the panel midplane. Likewise, X neutral axis a change in panel length will create curvature. This membrane-bending coupling is quantified in classical lamination theory [1] with the [B] stiffness matrix. If Symmetric Panel Analogy change in panel shape and size is due to a change in Missing: temperature, then corresponding thermal coupling • Unsymmetric membrane-bending coupling coefficients noted as {Ba } must also be quantified. stiffness terms and thermal coefficients A method for accurately including composite lamina and laminate data in the formulation of stiffened panel Fig. 2 Traditional formulation of stiffened panels using structuralpropertieswasfirstpresentedinreference2 and beam and plate analogies. 35th SDM Conference, AIAA-94-1579 STIFFENED PANEL EQUIVALENT PLATE FORMULATIONS (6) Traditional Formulation Described and Fig.2summarizestwoanalogiesforformulatingstiffened panel properties. The most simplistic analogy is to (7) represent the stiffened cross section as detached beams. The neutral axis for the X-face is determined and the parallel-axistheoremisusedtocalculatebendingstiffness forthepanelmembrane,membrane-bendingcoupling,and on the X-face. The same process is performed on the Y- bending stiffness terms and thermal coefficients. The face.Couplingofforcesandstrainsbetweenthelongitudi- asterisksindicatelaminateandnotlaminaproperties. The nalandtransversedirectionsisignoredbyrepresentingthe laminate properties are defined as panel as a series of separate beams. Therefore, the A , 12 D ,&(1-n 2)termsbecomeomittedfromtheformulation. (8) 12 A more advanced approach is to represent the stiffened panel using plate formulation, Fig 2. This analogy (9) correctly includes longitudinal-transverse directional coupling,butisstillinerrorbyrepresentingtheYneutral with material properties interpolated from a database, axisaslyingonthesameplaneastheXneutralaxis,thus, providingnon-lineartemperatureandloaddependentdata omitting the unsymmetric, membrane-bending coupling basedontheaircrafttrajectoryevent. TheFEAcomputed response of the panel. tensionorcompressiveloadandin-planeandthrough-the- The New Formulation Described thicknesstemperaturegradientsareusedtogeneratethese Description of the new panel formulation begins with a laminate or metallic sheet properties. If the panel sheets review of the previously reported laminate formulations. are laminates, the properties of the sheet are treated as Foralayeredmaterial,themembrane,membrane-bending beinghomogeneous,whichisavalid assumptionbecause coupling, and bending stiffnesses are noted as the panel depth is much greater than the laminate thicknesses t , t, or t. This assumption is also made in 1 2 3 classical lamination theory because each ply is treated as (1) being homogeneous even though it is a mixture of fiber and matrix. and reference 3 shows the corresponding thermal force The equivalent plate formulation of any stiffened panel and moment coefficients to be shape,throughextensionofclassicallaminationtheory,is accomplishedbylocatingareferenceplane,identifyingits layerswithak value,anddefiningtheh heightsfromthe i i (2) z In equation (1) the Classical lamination theory y of a laminate x (3) alanmdianraee.th[eTt]r4anissfaorfmouerdthreodrduecredtralanysefererdteenlsaostricaintidesQofatrhee, t hh04 hh13 h2=0 +-zz kkkk ==== 1234 ij (hk-1 - hk) Z as an example Implementation of classical (4) Y lamination theory to a stiffened panel X N2wt In equation (2) the (5) H=hS8uhrf7ahce5 Oh6MhL4h2h3 h1N. axis X t2 M1M2t1 N. axis Y Midplane (z=0) M3 and are the transformed reduced layered thermal force q ° coefficients. a are the material expansion coefficients. Thisapproacheixtendedtopanelconceptshasbeenshown (hk-1 - hk) t3 Nwb in references 2, 3, and 6 to be Sx I/LMNT FRMLTN(2)vert|Collier Fig. 3 Laminate formulation is extended to stiffened panels. 35th SDM Conference, AIAA-94-1579 reference plane. The panel layers, in this sense, are the Surface OML contained facesheetandcoresheetlaminatesandjoiningnodes. This in the CAD database approach produces the following general equations for panel stiffness terms and thermal coefficients (10) Offset can be TPS accounted [B] & {Bbay} Structure I/STRCTRL FM|Collier Fig. 4 Any reference plane may be used to calculate properties by including unsymmetric data. (11) behavior. Implications of this hypothesis are: 1) mem- branestrainsvarylinearlythroughthepanelcrosssection 2) stresses vary in a discontinuous manner through the cross section 3) the facesheet laminates are perfectly bonded to the coresheets, and 4) the bonds are infinitesi- mally thin and non-shear deformable. This implies that e p, g p , & g p = 0, in addition to the usual plane stress z xz yz assumption of s p, t p , & t p = 0. z xz yz where S is the distance of the repeating pattern of 3-D FEAs (hat shape modeled with shell elements) were corrugation and w is the width, t is the thickness, and q performed for the purpose of investigating the strain is the angle of a stiffening segment (q =90(cid:176) for perpen- profile of the stiffened panel. Strain and curvature for dicular stiffeners). Each stiffness term and thermal thermal expansion and bending, caused by both in-plane coefficient is the summation of all laminate/metallic- (D T)andthrough-the-thickness(D G)temperaturegradients sheet segments. If a segment is horizontal (in the plane areshowninFig.5. Asshownwiththeboldline,thefree of the panel) then its width is used. If a segment is edge of the FEM indicates a linear strain distribution vertical or at some angle, then its thickness divided by throughthepaneldepth. FEAofgeneralmechanicalloads the sine of its angle is used. In this way, each segment shows the same linear strain profile. However, some and its shape can be accounted for in any panel concept. loadingscancausehighshearstraingradientsofthewebs a near the panel boundary if they are free (with out joining In equations (1, 2, 6, 7, 10, and 11) the [B] and {B } structure). Even for these special cases, the non-linear are negative to match the sign convention of Fig. 3. strain profile was seen to extend only a short distance These unsymmetric data are much more significant for from the free edge. Since stiffened panels do not have stiffened panels than for laminates. A measure of the large deflections relative to their depths, they do not panel’s membrane-bending coupling can be visualized in appeartohavethesamegeometricallynon-linearconcerns Fig. 2. The distance between the X-face and Y-face of "thin" plates. neutral axes can only be accommodated by the [B] and {Ba } data. Since the [B] and {Ba } data permit a common X-face and Y-face reference plane, its location becomes a matter of choice. Conventional lamination theory uses the midplane, however, the vehicle outer mold line (OML) surface, or an offset to account for a thermal protection system, Fig. 4, would be a more convenient choice. Kirchoff’s plane-sections-remain-plane hypothesis Limitations and assumptions of the method as applied to any panel concept are the same as those applied in classical lamination theory. A primary assumption is that strain variation through the panel cross section follows the Kirchoff hypothesis for laminated plates. This hypothesis maintains that a normal to the midplane remains straight and normal upon panel deformation and Fig. 5 FEA computed thermal strain profile through the that stresses in the XY plane govern the laminate panel depth. 35th SDM Conference, AIAA-94-1579 Thermal load dependent residual strains and stresses where geometric variables such as coresheet angle q , Residual panel strains and stresses caused by thermal corrugation spacing S, and widths of the coresheet top x growth may be resolved in the same manner for varying andbottomjoiningnodesNw andNw are showninFig. stiffened shapes. They develop in stiffened panels, for t b 3. The laminate’sXaxisisparalleltothepanel’sXaxis eachthermalloadcase,whenthepanellaminateselongate which is the corrugation direction. By using the OML non-uniformlyduetoheating. Thepanellaminatescannot surfaceasthe panel’sreference plane, theh variablesare actindependentlyanddevelopresidualstrainsandstresses i when forced to strain together as a unit of the panel. calculatedas:h0=0,h1=-t1,h2=h1-Ntt,h3=h1-Ntt/2,h4=-H/2, Panelcurvaturedictatesthatalllaminatestrainsfollowits h=-H, h =h +t, h=h+Nt , and h =h+Nt /2. The 8 7 8 3 6 7 b 5 7 b through-the-depthstrainprofile. Thisprofileislineardue variablest ,t ,andt arethetopfacesheet,coresheet,and 1 2 3 toKirchoff’shypothesisasdiscussedabove. Theresidual bottom facesheet thicknesses. Nt and Nt are the thick- t b strain is the difference between the strain that occurs in nesses of the coresheet top and bottom joining nodes. thelaminatewhenmadeasegmentofthestiffenedpanel’s Higher panel bending stiffnesses will be calculated if the linear strain profile, and the strain that occurs in the OML is used but they will be balanced out with higher laminate when allowed to thermally grow unattached to membrane-bending coupling stiffnesses. Note that a the panel. symmetric panel will now have non-zero membrane- bendingcouplingdata. TheadvantagesofusingtheOML 2-D FEA is able to use smeared equivalent plate insteadofthepanelneutralaxisareexplainedinreference properties for a stiffened panel because of this "plane- 3. sections-remain-plane"hypothesis. Inprinciple,during2- D FEA, panel laminates strain together as a unit and thus The subscripts 1, 2, and 3 on the terms represent the donotincluderesiduals. Inordertoquantifyalaminate’s different isotropic materials or composite layups. "design-to" strains, its residual strains must also be Properties of these materials or layups are based on their quantified and added to 2-D FEA computed strains, see non-linear temperature and load dependent data. The ref. 3. A comparison of residual stresses from discretely terms( )tand( )bdistinguishthecoresheettopand meshed, 3-D FEA and residual stresses computed with 2 2 bottomnodelaminatereducedstiffnessesfromthemiddle coarsely meshed 2-D FEA that includes the method of coresheet reduced stiffnesses. Even though they are the computing residuals is shown in Fig. 6 (back page) same material or layup, a through-the-thickness tempera- Formulations Specific to a Panel Concept ture gradient causes their properties to be dissimilar. The application of the general stiffness formulation to a specific panel concept is presented below. Though the Unlike the facesheets, the corrugated coresheet does not formulation is general and applies to any panel concept, behaveas a plate. Its nodes and midportion strain in the somepanelconceptshaveparticularbehaviorswhichmust longitudinal direction like a thin strip of plate or a beam. be addressed in unique ways. Special stiffness terms are Because of this, the coresheet does not contribute to the identified for each unique behavior of a corrugated panelstiffnessterms22and12ofequations(15)and(17). stiffenedpanel and includedinthe generalequations (10) Moresubtleisthefactthatthecoresheet’scontributionto and (11), where required. panellongitudinalstiffnessasincludedinequation(12)is The equations are grouped by panel direction in order to not effected by plate coupling as identified by equation makethemasbriefaspossible. A ,A ,B ,B ,D , 13 23 13 23 13 (4). The coresheet’s accordion shape allows it to strain and D are zero because the direction of corrugation is 23 unconfinedinthetransversedirectioneliminatingtheneed parallel to the panel’s reference axis and because the for the familiar plate term (1-n 2). Coresheet laminate laminates are balanced. membrane stiffness (A ) which includes orthotropic 11 2 X-axis; stiffnesses parallel to the corrugation coupling cannot be divided by its thickness to obtain Thelongitudinalstiffness termsforacorrugated stiffened ( ) as shown in equation (8). Instead the coresheet’s panel are 2 uncoupled ( ) terms equal the effective laminate 2 (12) engineering elasticity, E x (13) or more generally for unsymmetric or unbalanced laminates (14) 35th SDM Conference, AIAA-94-1579 Y-axis; stiffnesses perpendicular to the corrugation The transverse stiffness terms for a corrugated stiffened panel are (15) As noted in the longitudinal stiffness equations, the coresheet does not contribute to the transverse stiffness. However, if the coresheet top node is securely attached to the facesheet, as in the case when it is relatively wide and brazed to it, then its term shown in equation (15) is Fig. 7 Transverse panel bending is resisted by both the significant. If so, then its contribution to the longitudi- facesheet and coresheet. nal stiffness as shown in equation (12) is based on equation (8) and not equation (13) or (14). If the top coresheet node is spot welded to the facesheet then it should be omitted from equation (15). The transverse stiffness then becomes dependent on the fabrication Sx Nwt b Ntt t1 method and must be properly considered with either 2-D b' Nwb b' or 3-D FEM’s. Curvature of the corrugated stiffened panel in the M1 transverse direction causes coresheet flexure as noted in Fig. 7 As depicted, pure bending caused by an applied M2 H rfoactaetsihoenetonandthecoernesdhepertodjouicnets. thTehissarmoetatriootnatcioanuseast tthhee b2 Ntb t2 q° hat to take on the deflected shape shown, which is M3 resisted by both coresheet and facesheet flexure. This additional bending stiffness can be quantified by taking ratios of the coresheet flexure stiffness to the X FACE or LONGITUDINAL FACE t3 facesheet flexure stiffness. With new shape variables b Fig. 8 Detailed shape variables are required for and b, Fig. 8, the additional stiffness term is 2 formulations. (16) XY-axis; directional coupling stiffnesses The directional coupling stiffness terms for a corrugated stiffened panel are which gives the panel over 180% more stiffness for the (17) example panel shape shown later when the facesheet and coresheet are the same layup. In this equation, the laminate’s bending stiffnesses are used instead of the (hm - hm ) term to obtain more accuracy. The k-1 k laminate’s bending and membrane-bending stiffnesses could be used in equations (15) and (17) as well. In summary, equation (15) is dependent on the choice of reference plane. It includes both parts of the parallel axis theorem which is the rotation and extension of the As noted in the transverse stiffness equations, if the facesheet in the cross corrugation direction. Equation coresheet top node is securely attached to the facesheet, (16) is not effected by choice of reference plane, as it then its term shown in equation (17) is significant. If only quantifies the coresheet resistance to rotation. the top coresheet node is not secure to the facesheet then it should be omitted from equation (17). 35th SDM Conference, AIAA-94-1579 XY-axis; in-plane shear, bending-twisting, and their closed cell. Quantifying the ratio (q ) of the cell shear cr coupling stiffnesses flow, to the panel shear (N ) aids the Ap formulation. xy 33 Calculationofthisratioisindeterminatebutcanbesolved The hat-shaped, closed cells of the corrugated stiffened by using the panel strain kinematics and the cell shape panel behave like torque tubes. As such, they provide variables considerableadditionalstiffnesstothepanelAp , Bp , (19) 33 33 Dp terms. These terms must be accurately formulated 33 inordertotakeadvantageofthe uniquecharacteristics of the corrugated panel. The Ap and Dp formulations 33 33 are variations of those found in references 8 and 9. The Bp formulationisnew. TheDp formulationhasbeen 33 33 improved. where, for brevity, the following variables are used Formulationofthese33termsisdependentonthewaythe (20) panels will be joined together. A typical fuselage panel and ringframe assembly is shown in Fig. 9. This design fullyattachesthepanelfacesheetstotheringframewitha splice plate and many fasteners. Therefore, the three translational and the three rotational facesheet boundary conditionsarelinkedtogether. Thecoresheetisconnected to the ringframe flange with a fastener as depicted in the cutawayview. Thisattachmentschemeallowstheout-of- planerotationaldegree-of-freedomofthebottomcoresheet to be unconstrained, permitting limited hat cell warpage. Listed below are stiffness terms for this common design. Once the 33 terms have been calculated based on their application, they can be entered in the 2-D FEM without and, from Fig. 8 having to manually release this rotational degree-of- (21) freedom as required for a 3-D FEM. Fig. 10 shows the proper panel shear deformation and Fig. 11 the proper bending-twisting curvature, both with hat warping, as performed with 3-D FEA. Shear flow and laminate shears are (22) Splice Hat panel plates Hat-shaped ring frame Fig. 9 A typical panel joint design assembly is used for formulations. The in-plane shear stiffness term for a corrugated stiffened panel is (18) Fig. 10 Computed shear deformation of a 3-D FEM. This equation is derived from the knowledge that a constant shear flow (q) exists around the hat-shaped, Shear flow around the cell causes coupling between in- plane shear and bending-twisting. This response is 35th SDM Conference, AIAA-94-1579 includedinBp33. Bp33hastwoparts: thefirstpartnoted Dp also has two parts: the first part noted as as quantifies the twist caused from the cell shear 33 quantifiestheresistancetotwistcausedfromthecellshear flow, and the second part quantifies the panel twist from flow,andthesecondpartquantifiesthepanelresistanceto the in-plane shear of the facesheet as a function of the twistfromthein-planeshearofthefacesheetasafunction reference plane location of the reference plane location (23) (31) where (24) where (32) and the cell area and height is (25) is written in terms of M and ds is the length of the xy cell perimeter. The formulation is a form of the familiar closed cell torsional rigidity equation. It is applicable to any closed shape and is independent of the reference plane location. Applied to the hat cell, equation (32) becomes (33) The derivation of begins by noting that the cell shear flow causes torque in proportion to the area enclosed by the cell. The Bredt formula quantifies this as (26) The relation of torque to the bending-twisting moment is (27) where Gf accounts for the cell facesheet shear flexibil- ity. when the cell is not part of a panel and the entire cross section is allowed to warp. G = 0 f for the case where the cell is still not part of a panel, The cell shear flow can be written in terms of but the facesheet is prevented from warping, as in the (28) design of Fig. 9. When the cell is part of a panel, the shear flexibility of the facesheet between cells allows shear flow into the cell facesheet even though the by knowing that (29) facesheet’s average warpage and shear strain is pre- vented. Therefore, for the hat panel, and using equation (22). The coupling term due to shear flow can be written as (30) when all other strains and curvatures are zero. By substituting equations (26), (28), and (29) into equation (27), equation (30) becomes equation (24). Applied moment M or torque is resisted by the panel’s bending-twisting stxiyffness Dp . The corrugated panel’s 33 closed cells provide much more rigidity than an open cross section such as the blade stiffened panel. The resulting differences are important because the D term 33 has four times the effect of increasing the panel’s Fig. 11 Computed bending-twisting curvature of a 3-D buckling load than does the primary bending stiffness FEM. D . 11 35th SDM Conference, AIAA-94-1579 Panel Design and Temperatures STIFFENED PANEL EQUIVALENT PLATE The panel cross section shape, dimensions, and laminate VERIFICATION layupsusedforthestiffnesstermcomparisonsisshownin Fig.12. Totheleftofthesectionisatemperatureprofile Twelve unique stiffness terms which is typical of those analyzed for hypersonic flight. Theshadedrectanglerepresentsauniformin-planegradi- An anisotropic panel has eighteen unique stiffness terms. ent of 555(cid:176) F (625(cid:176) F-70(cid:176) F). The double shaded triangles The 13 and 23 terms of the [A], [B], and [D] matrices representathrough-the-thicknessgradientof300(cid:176) F/in. By becomezeroleavingtwelveuniquetermsforacorrugated superimposing the two gradients, the variation of temper- panel that is fabricated with balanced layups and is ature through the panel’s depth is known, as illustrated modeledwiththepanel’saxisparallelorperpendicularto with the bold line. The facesheet’s average temperature the corrugation. Values for these twelve unique stiffness of 842.5(cid:176) F. and the coresheet’s average temperatures of termswerecalculatedusingtheformulationsofthispaper 832.75(cid:176) F., 617.5(cid:176) F., and 402.25(cid:176) F. were used for and then compared to 3-D FEA. Two reference planes interpolating the material database. Temperature were usedto testthe generalityofthe equations. Table 1 dependent laminate data and were used for listsvaluesforthepanelmidplaneandTable2listsvalues formulatingpanelstiffnesstermsandthermalcoefficients, for the facesheet midplane. The facesheet midplane is a in order to make the comparisons more challenging. The useful reference plane because it is close to the OML temperature gradients were not applied,as loads, because surface and because it is the location where the smallest values for Bp , Bp , Dp , and Dp occur. their induced thermal forces would have made the 12 22 12 22 solutions indeterminate. Thetwelvestiffnesstermsweredeterminedindependently of each other by applying one known strain or curvature 2.0 " and setting all others to zero. By isolating each panel DT 70°F 850° F FACESHEET responsethisway,thesixequationsandsixunknownsthat 842.5° F [0/45/-45/90/0]s t = .05" relate panel strain and curvature to load 832.75(cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:0)° F (cid:0) TOP NODE 62(cid:0)(cid:0)5.0° F (cid:0)CoPreasnheel eMt iMdpidlapnlaene C[0O/9R0E/0S] H tE =E .T015" 1.5 " (34) 617.5° F (cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:0) BOTTOM NODE 82° 400° F were used for measuring each stiffness term with 3-D (cid:0)(cid:0)402.25° F(cid:0)(cid:0) 0.8 " FEA. Room temperature = 70° F Metal matrix composite material Six cases per reference plane (three unit strains and three In-plane temperature gradient (DT= 555° F) Through-the-thickness temperature gradient (DG = 300° F/in) unit curvatures) were applied to two different 3-D FEMs: I/FCSHT2/Collier Fig. 12 The corrugated stiffened panel and temperature a large panel area with many hats and a small panel area with many elements to represent the hat shape. Unit profile used for analysis. strains and curvatures were applied with MSC/- NASTRANTM RBE2 rigid elements on each side of the panel. Unit enforced displacements or rotations were Observations applied one at a time, maintaining all other deformations Panelin-planeshear,bending-twisting,andtheircouplings to be zero. The resulting reacted forces and moments are highly dependent upon boundary conditions, thus, were then used to measure any applicable terms. For equivalent plate formulations and 3D FEMs must be instance, for a unit e , four terms can be measured tailored appropriately. The Ap , Bp , and Dp are x 33 33 33 greatly increased by attaching the hats to a stiff support such as a ringframe. The Ap , Bp , and Dp formu- (35) 33 33 33 latedvaluesbasedonthedesigninFig.9matched within 0.1% of FEA performed with the finely meshed model. The 3-D FEMs used for these comparisons had an The remaining nine stiffness terms were computed only inherent shortcoming of having the shell elements of the with the larger, coarser meshed 3D FEM. They too top coresheet co-planar to the facesheet elements. Co- comparedwellwithformulatedvalues(within1%)andare planar elements were necessary to maintain connectivity listed in tables (1) and (2). In short, all twelve stiffness to the same grid points. In lieu of off-setting the top terms are correctly formulated for the hat-shaped, coresheetpropertiesintheFEM,thehidistancesshownin corrugated stiffened panel. Fig. 3 were adjusted for these comparisons. Also, for these comparisons, the stiffness terms were calculated The close comparisons to measured values indicate that assuming the panel was fabricated in a way that did not this particular equivalent plate approach provides the provide secure enough attachment between the top capability to match 3-D FEA computed response for any coresheet and facesheet to allow the transverse properties general thermomechanical load condition. Implication of of the top coresheet to be used in any terms. this match is that proper equivalent plate formulations of stiffnessandthermalcoefficientsprovidethecapabilityto 35th SDM Conference, AIAA-94-1579

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