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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20040129650: Quality Function Deployment for Large Systems

QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT FOR LARGE SYSTEMS Edwin B. Dean MS 325 Space Exploration Initiative Office NASA Langley Research Center Hampton VA 23665 Abstract : Quality Function Deployment "parts," led to direct analogies with the system (QFD) is typically applied to small subsystems. engineering process [12]. The embedding of QFD This paper describes efforts to extend QFD to within the system engineering process follows. large scale systems. It links QFD to the system engineering process, the concurrent engineering QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT AND process, the robust design process, and the costing EXTENSIONS process. The effect is to generate a tightly linked project management process of high dimensionality QFD was developed to design quality into a which flushes out issues early to provide a high product [11]. QFD utilizes basic dimensionality quality, low cost, and, hence, competitive product. within a project to provide a structured way of A pre-QFD matrix linking customers to customer designing quality into a system. It addresses desires is described. dimensions including customer desire, quality characteristics, functions, parts, and failure BACKGROUND modes. A customer desire is the quality demanded Upon being asked to give the introductory by the customer. A quality characteristic is a lecture at the National Aeronautics and Space measurable attribute by which one can measure Administration Advanced Project Management whether a customer is getting the demanded Course in October 1991, I undertook the challenge quality. A function is something the system must to present new approaches to project management do to ensure the demanded quality. A function is which would be similar to, yet different from, defined here in the form <verb,noun> [13]. Quality current approaches. This led to the framework in characteristics and system functions intersect, as which the concepts in this paper are embedded. shown in Figure 1, to define a requirement Why new ways of project management? variable of the form <function,attribute> which is Because of performance increases, the first unit equated to a constant to define a requirement [13]. cost of large systems in the United States for many Requirement variables can be fixed to create years has been escalating at about 2.9% per year requirements or they can be used as design above inflation [1]. Augustine noted this trend in guidelines for improving the system. the 1970's [2]. Others have examined, quantified, and applied this phenomena [3-8]. Could this trend be changed? Although the s Akao size of systems has increased, size could not e A1 sir Matrix explain the escalation. The other primary cost e d parameter is complexity, the natural logarithm of er m the cost of the first pound of the first production o unit. Complexity has two components: the ust Akao C complexity of the system and the the complexity of B1 Matrix the system to bring forth the system. Since Quality characteristic ( attribute ) > requirements and technology largely dictate the un o complexity of the system, analysis was focused on b, n the complexity to bring forth the system. ver Akao < A2 Various techniques were identified, n Matrix o including QFD, which tend to reduce cost [9-11]. ncti Fu Requirement Variable Attempts to apply QFD within the NASA system environment led to the need to modify QFD when applied to large systems. Simple changes in terminology, such as using "subsystems" for Figure 1: Requirement Definition In QFD, each customer desire is given a value. Quality characteristics are defined through brainstorming to generate an affinity diagram. d ms Akao After forming a tree diagram of the chosen quality ane A4 & C3 characteristics, those at the lowest level are m st Matrices Akao esy placed on the axis of a matrix. The customer C2 stb Matrix yu desires are placed on the other axis. Each quality SS characteristic is compared with each customer desire to determine if there is no correlation Quality characteristic ( attribute ) (value = 0), a weak correlation (value = 1), a > moderate correlation (value = 3), or a strong un o correlation (value = 5 (Japan) or 9 (America)). The b, n dot product of the customer desire values and the er v correlations for a specific quality characteristic < n Akao pTrhoisv idmea ya bev ailnutee rpfroert edt haast tqhue alviatylu e choaf raac teqruiasltiitcy. nctio AM2a trix Requirement u F characteristic for a specific customer desire valuation. Mathematically speaking, the vector of Figure 2: Allocating Requirements to Subsystems values of customer desire is transformed to a vector of values for quality characteristics using Note that each requirement variable is a the customer desire/quality characteristic measurable attribute for which a correlation correlation matrix. The same process is used to exists between the function and the quality identify functions, correlate them with customer characteristic. It is, thus, on the A2 plane that desires, and transform customer desire values to measurable quantities exist. If these variables function values using the customer desire/ can be related through equations, they provide a function correlation matrix. parametric behavioral description of the product. Quality characteristics and functions can be As illustrated by Figure 3, customer desire ranked in terms of transformed customer value to values can also be transformed to new concept determine which are the most important. This can values through the customer desire/new concept be used for task prioritization. If resources are correlation matrix and to failure mode values constrained, then most priority can be given to through the customer desire/failure mode those with the highest customer value. correlation matrix. Concept trades can be Since QFD was developed to design quality performed as illustrated by Figure 4. Concepts into small systems such as car doors and rear view become requirement/subsystem planes over which mirrors, it has historically not been applied to cost, schedule, and performance are evaluated. large systems. Application to large systems The evaluation may provide feedback for further requires tailoring [9]. For example, the concept of requirements which may modify subsystems. "part" must be extended to "subsystem". It is also more meaningful to view QFD as a process to define a system which must meet demanded quality. This es r is a subtle but important distinction. It leads to si e the definition of functions prior to the definition d of quality characteristics and to the definition of er Akao m D1 quality characteristics in relation to functions o Matrix which must be accomplished. st u Going beyond QFD, the product of the Akao C function value, the quality characteristic value, E1 Matrix and the function/quality characteristic Failure Modes correlation value can be used to prioritize s pt requirement variables. e c n In keeping with the American system o C engineering process, as in Figure 2, functions are w e allocated to systems [12]. This can also be viewed N as the allocation of requirements to subsystems in that a subsystem must meet a set of requirements. Figure 3: New Concepts and Failure Modes Large projects have a large number of customer demands, functions, and quality characteristics. We found it necessary to ept P(cid:9)(cid:9)((cid:9) Cerofsotr,m Sacnhecedu )le, threshold these based on transformed customer c n value. Choosing only the highest valued customer o C Akao B2, B3, D1, demands facilitates early system definition by Akao D2,D3, D4, E2 & E3 ACk1a o E4, F1 & F2 reducing the time required to correlate each Matrices Matrix Matrices customer demand with each function and each quality characteristic. The thresholds can be lowered as the project proceeds to enable more of s Systems and subsystems the system information base. Decreasing the nt e customer demand threshold can generate a minor m e Akao A4, uir C2, & C3 reordering of the ranking of functions, quality Req Matrices characteristics, and requirements. Since we were using linked spreadsheets, we found it cumbersome to use the symbolic notations Figure 4: Concept trades of correlation associated with QFD. We went directly to a numeric format. Our first application of QFD was to a proposed Lunar Rover. It uncovered the need to CONCURRENT ENGINEERING track demands from specific customers. The result, Figure 5, was a matrix of customers versus customer demands which could be iterated as the For large systems, expertise across customer environment changed. many fields is required to define and rank Because a large system within NASA has the customer demands, functions, quality many customers, often with conflicting desires, we characteristics, systems, new concepts, found the need to value each customer with respect failure modes, and associated correlation to the need for the project to satisfy their desires. matrices. Thus, the need for concurrent This quantifies customer political power. Because engineering emerges. customer desires often conflict with the goals and needs of the project, we found the need to value Concurrent engineering is a systematic each customer demand with respect to the goals of approach to the integrated, concurrent the project. The final value for a customer demand design of products and their related becomes the value to the project of the customer processes, including manufacture and demand times the dot product of the value of the support. This approach is intended to customer and the correlation between the customer cause the developers, from the outset, and the customer demand. to consider all elements of the product life cycle from conception through disposal, including quality, cost, n d o Customer Desire/Deman Value of Customer High Quality Low Cost Short Schedule High Performance Politically Acceptable Within Regulations Alligns with Organizati Does X Technology Spinoff Customer Impact blsiyufste t ewmcsAh yci cchfhluede ndi cmiustlf ieeuonr,nn esscliaa otnitnieodnadn l siutt thyosee rr ei ntqs,oru ytesii qrstee uimdnitrh c.ealmutt ode oenfdti s m thwp[e1li et4hmp]ir.neo njetQc tF tDhoer, Value to Project Figure 6 illustrates this. For each system, Sponsor Institution the life cycle or project functions are staffed with Administrator appropriate disciplines over time to operate on the NASA phases of the project. Conceptual design of the Congress support phase conceptualizes the support concept; Taxpayer Regulatory Agencies design of the support phase finalizes this concept; Users development of the support phase provides a Value of Demand prototype support system; test and evaluation Strong Correlation Average Correlation Weak Correlation evaluates the prototype support system; production of the support phase provides the final Figure 5: Customer Versus Customer Demand support system; operation of the support system is Matrix the support of the system; support of the support COST MEASUREMENT phase includes the maintenance and supply of the support system; and retirement terminates all Activities associated with project functions are support activities and disposes of the support the source of the cost of the system. This leads to system. a natural cost structure illustrated by Figure 7. The cost categories may be defined as desired. Quality Figure 8 intersects the more recent concept of Environmental (System, Function, Phase, Discipline, Time, Data) Marketing activity based costing, the cost of the activities of Management e the project functions, with the MIL STD 881 type of Logistics n SIliytystems scipli end item oriented subsystem work breakdown Operations Di structure [19]. Physical BCIMEAALnifilcehedeoeR crecuClcoeooySmhtsctslgruiuatOreop irepincFcnipnaPpautaaieiniocrcTlncclorltreiaeagtdDostlnueetD cv&eeCe sEoliognvpnacngiseD lautpecnoCelupattungiseDLeailfltnempoleveDey DCnoitaulavE & tseTeyscignoitcudorPlne PsnoitarepOhatroppuSsetnemeriteR Time FITPDFSHnararooataoeccfcritcdiignuwlleiiwrittmnaaaiseagrstteseiireoonesnntationCost CategoryngiseD lautpecnoCngiseDtnempoleveDnoitaulavE & tseTnoitcudorPsnoitarepOtroppuS( tnemeriteR TPFPCSiuhaoymnarssaectste m,teCimo,ean,ttr,eicg oDTriaymt,ae ) rgeFeqingueuirrraeBeld ie sc6tfas:o urs Caelor aenr gcoeufm rrsoetyrnhsetet e mEdwnse,gsi diirnietae beblrreeian cngogt mheDa esni om fee svnpisdeeixeconpinatea lrlittishittysaset. Life CRycleSe tiuFOruepnpPpcteiroToorreandtDstueetD cv&Ceee sEoloinvgpcanelupatLuteaiflley DCeysciglne Phase Too many people in the room at one time become both uneconomical and unmanageable. This also leads to the need to decentralize by decomposing Figure 7: Life Cycle Cost Structure the system into meaningful subgroupings with low interaction. Fortunately, the geometric nature of QFD is a natural medium in which to perform that ( System, Facilitation decomposition and manage the interaction. Function, Phase, Integration ory Cost Category, ROBUST DESIGN eg Time, Training Cat Parametric Data ) Robust design was developed by Taguchi [15]. Processes ost C It uses design of experiments to obtain a near Documentation optimal parameter setting for a subsystem with respect to specified quality characteristics such Facilities as reliability [16]. The function/quality Software characteristic plane contains measurable variables which are logical choices as either parameters or Hardware oaddsypubesmprjetilenocimcgtniAa sv ttsteirhl osaee nwtv e faedodslt re o sQt dithghuFasnerDmt i n,ap riglohtrl boa usbtishessuu. tes b te dsqcdyeRuoesseansitgceilcglemneynn p s ttp wuaraapaoaplpncs pe ldilsd dcisceea.cavsbotieligmeloon npp saoe ptdn hh eaatnfhvsoteeesr ProjReceSt tuFiOrupenppPcteiorToorrneatdDstueetD cv&eCee Esoloinvgpacnelupattueally DesignSubsystems for large systems [17-18]. It is, thus, a natural complement to QFD in the design of large systems. Figure 8: Activity Based vs. Subsystem Cost CONCLUSIONS Symposium, San Francisco CA, 7-9 February, 1988. With minor modifications, QFD is a system [9] E. B. Dean and R. Unal, "Designing for Cost," engineering process which can be applied to large presented at the AIAA 1992 Aerospace systems. 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