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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20040112025: Solar Array Arcing in LEO How Much Charge is Discharged? PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20040112025: Solar Array Arcing in LEO How Much Charge is Discharged?

Solar Array Arcing in LEO. Toss Much Charee is Discharged? D.C. Fergasun®, BLY. Vayner , and 57. Gelotro* [NASA Gta Rosen Covered Cio Aogics state” Absence Wisely aud ar caly he clucamy sneer ste ttc be seated Wane plc ae dihargc inal aay arin TBO Low ‘Skeid die tv fen pune stones ‘le the Ka Ps era 4) feat be SABA ‘Gla Reserch Con shin dnie meno. emcee ia ‘lt eh carol pm ed emma asl pam sme dkchirged wane acme uch ha [nplatins fate coc and song eleca oars ob UFO acca ale dacued and gato wxapcze pps sey Words solar arate. on sah tb, aig, ns maton. pan gon 1 BACKGROUND Modern sola atrays havsateas atone of equate motel hey ‘operate with bus vohuges esceeding :00 V. Elestosiatic iachargss farsa) arc undesirable vid doviimontal ovent for spacccellSmcion, and reveing these events andiermit-gating their consequences af primary innpevtanes for spacers? deigaers. Grou tals uf sual sarpls of uve ular aay have been used to provide the nocosanryinrormation ragardiog, ‘are inception voltages and expected are daca or an entre aay’ Using ts Ifeeimo in space However, the woume ofthe spe plasms aud the size of the est arrays at may he sumed ground fs Ira bs the 7G of the test vacunia claret, an this ct aocessilx the installnion of ditional capacitance between the sample and eround to simadate the accel ‘eapaciaace ofa spackeraf- and is yolararvay discharging Creagh the sre passa ‘The magnitude ofthe capaciance to be added has been the subjec of Aiseussors for mans years. Ifthe drcharns ofa space solar arty cxpacitane is caused by an ave plasma Lt propagating along the array surfice, this agumuds ts itited to aboyt ty, because de array capaeilance is appecimatcly 25 EAT andthe propagation dicen of the ‘dense are pur slau than few milers under the conditions of «typical LO plasma, (On the other han if Us eticg array dochurges through a curse hams! cfcato by an are this eapaciznnoa can even reach 10 pF Tho _umplivade and widhh of an ars current alse ae both increasing fanctons of the apacawwoe diacyl, aul Gal wy Uae dausage ltcted ou Une sok array by an orc depen onthe capacitance discharged inthe are. 13h ‘expaeitunee discharged by th dense anoplasm front, ores the mach lrsee sspacitanay ofc cove glasses of he emie erty? “hie ia a eaptin or fa papa: loos ter present botaranca, ovate changes rete forma Publeabor Iieie nade avatepie i the Undertancng ti Ft bec ie) or ur niaed thou the aormiaien te cue. ‘The experiments described below conlima that ‘he entre aeray ‘capacitanes dischaexs thouph the ae carrnt channel oven under conditions ‘chon fh arelasea fonts prevented am peopaxasing along the sample surfaze. Thus the proper vale fr at additonal capacitor must be bigh (10° fab) fa prin tats of arr in dr fer prapery smalate dhe damaging fico tha many oocur dar ares wa ypacecral with Tare 2-rays 2, EXPERIMENTAL SETUP nour tests. the LEO spac plasma was simulated in akvge wacom tuk (2 cou darter are 3 m9 Pgh) cqmnpped seth four ot dann vacoom, [porns tha: provided « background pressure about 0.5 pTort. One Kaulama- type plasma sone geusrateda xcuon plasma with an clection temgeranoe of 1-13 €¥,, a clecron mmber density of 4-5)s10? on , and a neural gas presse @:about $0 Tore ‘Two siararay samples (on fiberglass) wine mend om an aluminum sheet and installed sertiealy in the middle of se chamber (Hig Onc sample (rings 1,2, nd) roeesentce a sion solar ary with TVR, ‘coverghives of 708 pm thikaes. That comeapomds to a capucitonce uf 1348 ‘BFlsving. Anothor sample strings 4.5, and 6) hd a capacitance af 7020 ering becauor of ils thimner covorglasecs (15) ju). Thc additional spacioe sus chacen To havea capacitance of 003 pF (L198) forthe ‘canvonionec of meamurerints- such a chet providsd eompetahle currents inal buanches ofthe bias rout. However, some metsurentents were dane swith a ugh capacitance (0.25 uF) tp reveal the dependence oF see ‘curentpulse characteritcs on dhe value oF hiv sapacitaee, Vour aurent lobes providoé measurements of discharge cutouts Dowing in essed branches of the crew (hg.2. Fr the sezend seri of meamorements, 8 roused alain plale was installed between the sanpte us preven Cie propagation of the areplacina owt trom one samp to the otk. Tempel ye 2. ove sac fa van use se ay Dategevermnn cboabe: At dimsio a savas wasn 21 Fxperimental results All four cuteut pulse wave foany were mgatered by a four channel dlgitaloxcitloscrpe an stoted an a cempute fr Fx preceeting Twe ty bven's (ares) were ebsorved for sash configuration (positions of kexs 1-2, and capacitance), That amounted to 266 Bes. oce of whieh is eliowen ja Fig. Enol flo wae wrod > obtain the followag dara 1) fy peak ae sunoat 2). pulbe widlh 3 05 of Te peak cut value; §) 4, suet electrical charge Heveed through the carrespondicg bach, 4) 4 Lina iatervat bet csc ps peak i Ue sliferer cireun branches ‘The nagnituds ofthe net elecuical charge lowing rough a branch ‘as saleulated as Ag, = {1 (e)dt oi “Then, the avecageand stardard deviation ever sevaral measoroments were calculated, and dhe esi tant vale a8 conspared with he Uneoreicaly Dredd vahte For etample, the tie of chaxoss for eng #1 (49;) 04 ‘epacitoridg,) was calculated by Bay _ Cotes My ° Ngee 2 Loa ase bes wae unde mms th arg urein ino Fccat Sronehecn ean atm apace wnechor OC Maa compel cea aids fr al paben A fo acorn le dns k= ry Ir shout te noted thatthe possible exons in Ihe ealeulatinns of sing capacitancss could net be estimated prepsr'y because of uienow errs the correspording geomveceal wad electrical parameters, However, the consistoney of al or ot Fag esuls & a vary cowvimcing argument thee he ‘aleulntons of eray copneitances were done with at cerr af lan tha 1% ‘Also, Be Kalloning ratio Mane _ 2Cscing ~© Ma ‘was verified or af events wen the experimentatsotp made it pornible o> de so."Ths equality means thatthe ay capacitance dal dacherged through the aro cureat characte independent of the dictanes Detwoan ther ite fad othorsxings, andthe arr dioohurgod filly wth or wituout an afainucy plate inital Retscon tho eso samples @ Si eucee ‘Tae ( 2) Fue 40a sel eas pls eet gas fr C= C3 yaad ents “Ths resis of our measuroments and theoretical stmt a> ‘empile in Table |. Sizndant deviations (Ie) of he measurements a> sos in paremtoss Table. No. keys froin; fH % Boe, Bs am Bop Mas Ma | Mts Chsed sting wanured avimals - eeed existe 0) 2 New CMM) StesOTS) Toran xo SOR agama) 2340) Lato 30 2 £1 Gale)’ osteo) Loaves; 3a06) San £ Kia 21 O2Momm G2MIne) Camo Tannen so G Elser 6 — O2KR0OH demo) LaouD Lewoan 3 Kika 2 uasuant uasimeay ase) Vanunns et & RMR: Gnginy cawnngy Vane Tener Zan DD as Gisoas) 9256 00% 2 lo Al 286 Lasoo zeny 28) ‘the numbers show in Table | demonstrate avery good garsoment ‘between the mensured paramos and lber theoretical estates. We believe ‘at some insignificant diferences cau be taglained by our pour kauwledee ofthe string capucilances, posiby by a somewhat incamplee discharge oF (he panels, and possibly by a somewbat inhomogeneous plasma poteatial distribution, However, the considerably swallr-than- cxpocted dischagge of sicings 283 chverved during vo differed runs canal be explained so date These results look particulary strange if one tales Inmo ace>ut the very good agrecrent hesasn ths maaenremenis fot sbing6 and is catimaed was, ‘bocause there sco nuns were sgppona tn bo symm to eachother. Inthe sconnd stage ofthe cxperiment, an aluminum pancl wa ‘ngalled between the two sample la preven! tbe propagation ofthe arc slusma font the are site tothe othr sample (Hig 1). Measproments Wore ‘dono with tho same additonal eapacitnr (0.03 uP. #+10%%) and wilh molker ‘sapactor (0.22 uF, 45%) connected in parallel withthe frat one. The resus ase showa in Table 2. able 2 te % Me Keytt awe: A, Me Mae has wa a | ae, 6 1 Kise 23 oaunes) a2MOm LICR LenO9D 450 2 Sw2 1 oa! casas) Moen Lord) su 3 ise as hasan; Mawes) cesses Ass) ta 4 geo 1) himknatjoeaanens) Tiaras) ina) an S$ Sex 28 Ouor uo Oas4om) L3xOGG) LanOUT ao Bee 1 vamumyozxug) veswny tamu} ue Tran Besson Hom hs data in Tables 1427 thar hogs sings which ‘woronet arcing discharged flyin bath sasee- wth or thou the slumimum pune! eeween the sumple, Ts, dhe mechnnism of dich of ‘au cutive aray ean only be axplainod by an clceron eureant Rowing Irom the negatively charge conductor (or semiconductor) lo the eurounding plasma ‘ough the axe-plasia conductive channel, Ths positive charge of ‘overgass is noaralzma by ambient plasma olzerens thar a mac by Ihe positive potential of the voversass. ‘Vhs dependences ofthe are current pulse with and amplinide on the nt capacitance eee found from the experiments shown in Table 1 Horsover, the narens rango of capacitances used (0.042-0,064 wk and large deviations in the meosired values didnot ello. us Lo confirm (orto reject) any expcetod equate root dapendencs (Fig 4). Fox some mecsureneats (Quwain Table 2). biguer ato capaciter (0.25 WE) vas used. nd this provided the pportun te very the expecied dependence of the pulse widdh on the capacitance (Fg-5). Teturned ‘ut that his depondones is slowe= than an expected (about fin powerlaw indo, rather than the expected 05) ‘One more imsresongfeaore of he discharge prosss is atime delay terme oitstne ofthe peak inthe pre-cut plas and in ho dnchars camel of hone sings mot arcing ig). We bebe ha is ely is ‘used bya chenging plasma pot! dong ths discharge process (hich correspon she spaccraflpotetal or LEO obi). nasi, nthe Sipe sation wien al keys (KI-K') are open. an the ae cuts om sing 2 ths lation suet om emg #6 ei the aloo pation $+ Detse watt) we ++ Poacouea (9 r Carwin Pipe 1 Aeceaect npc tnd pls wid se cyan i ir Pa di Soe 1 ‘3 be 7] a z hee ; h tas) 1 rae» 4 Capacitance (#2 F) contre? The se epeadeare closer oa"? Seas o «and tr isthe string relssation tims, Fate ‘The solution of the Eq. with de inital condition 10) ~O-can be writen as a Ck gre curatpulss is sulated by insu exponen or by a Gaussian curse, the sofuton of Cg. (6) i shone in Fi Tine, = gues, Hediontiea tiedley tenance cured on ricoh ct ‘esinde s cbse cos, 3, CONCLUSION The resus of our euro expariments sud ier sualysis confirm the necessity of using «lange eddional expacitmee (0.3-0.5 ofthe expostsd fre speccera solar array capncitanee) in eran tess in ode to adequately simulate the onaoquonece of arcing on solr aura in oi 4. APPENDIX "he moasurad time delay between current peaks in strings 1 and 6 was: 1) 2AUY, no plats, O41 capacitor - 2.6008) 4, 2) 480°V. pla. €.03 capaitor - 438/168) us, REFERENCES

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