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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20040112022: Computation of Variability in the Average Thermal and Mechanical Properties of a Melt-infiltrated Sic/sic Composite PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20040112022: Computation of Variability in the Average Thermal and Mechanical Properties of a Melt-infiltrated Sic/sic Composite

COMPUTATION OF VARTABILITY IN THE AVERAGE THERMAT. ANT) MECHANICAL PROPPRTIES OF A MBLT-INFILTRATED SIC:SIC COMPOSITE, Seeerumesh Kelli Anthony M. Caloming Ohio Aerospace Tino: NASA Glenn Rescarch Center NASA Glenn Research Center 210% Brookpark Road M'S 49-7 21000 Brookpark Road M'S 49-7 Bruck Park, Ohio 44135, Brook Park, Ohio 44135, David N. Brewer US Army Research Tshuratory ‘NASA Gloun Research Comer 21000 Brookpark Road M'S 49.7 Brook Park, Ohio 44135, ABSTRACT Thermal conductivity and tensile properties (elutic modulus, proportional limit stength, in- plane tensile strength, aad strain #9 failure) of a SIC/SIC compowite were experimentally determined at $16 and 1204°C. Tests were potformed at 190m temperature om uhe same material to obisin interlaminar shear and tensile srengihs, For each thoanal and mechanical properly 24 test were conducted (o capture the variaton. A random sampling method was used t quutlify the variability extibited by the mean values of the thermal und tnechanical properties. ‘The ‘minimaur number of tests required In characterize tho mean valve of each thermal ar mechanical Property for the composite was determined by varying the group size ofthe random sample ANLRODUCTION Ceramic matrix composites (CMCS) arc under considerulion ay vombustor Lincr materials in aircraft gas turbine engines in ander to sustain higher engine operating temperatures and achieve eater cngine cycle efficiencies. A woven SiC/SiC composite, manufactured by # slorry-cast, ‘melin filtration process, was developed ns « potential sandidate material [1], Robust kerma aud mechunical property dats bases for the CMC. ave mecessery for the design of combustor ‘components. In particular, rcfiable estimations of the average values of thermal and mechamieal properties are required Fram the experimentally generated data bases Variatility exhibited in the userage thermal and mechanical properties of « silicon carbide ‘axed CMC was tletomined as a function of the number of repeated tests with a previously developed simulation technique invalving random sampling of test data '2). The CMC. investigated was the 9:99 MI SiC/SIC composite ounufaclured by General Electic Power Systoms Composites, LLC. Tes! spevimens were sclected from theee separate manaficturing 1ots of the CMC 49 incorporate Torio-lol siaistical variations, ‘The number of tests required 10 entimate the average valuc of either a thermal or mochanical property to within 1 § and 10% exror bunds was levermined with the simaularion tecinique, MATERIAL AND EXPERTMBNTAL DETAILS For the 999 MI SiC/SIC campusile, the fiber pre-torm consisted nf Sylramic™ fiber woven (oa SHS wenve. 20 BPI configuration with a [090].s lay-up. ‘The material kad & CVT silioon- doped GN interphase and a CV SiC mar fully dsnsified by the slurry-cast well infiltration Thigis aust ‘onforones. Because: Publi iam ol be eid or op a pit at paper nso fr prserfnton a4 922 ay bomade belts tral vale wih the undertandrg tat il ad wthout to pernlan oe #her process. Specimens for througheths-thickness thermal conductivity, tease, ierleinar shear and tensile stengts tents were machined feom the as-manwfactard CMI plates (dimensions: 229 zum lengsh, 152 mm width, and 2 mm thickness). Geometry o€ te lemile leat specimens was reported previously [3]. interlaminar shear strength {ILSS) testy vere conducted by compressively loading specimens with two notches that weee offet (alony the length of the specimen) whereas interlaminar tensile sneugth (ILTS) fests wore conduosed on eisular diske shaped specimens. For determining» gion tral or mechnieal propery ofthe CMC, Aiur test specimens per plate and tw plates pet lot foreach of the thraelened lls were selected to obisin 4 totel population of 24 specimens. Additonal deus on testing are urate n Ref [S| ‘THERMAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ‘Thermal conductivity and tensile tosts were conducted at 816°C and 1204°C, ILSS aud ILTS testk were conducted at exire wemperalure (RT), Average thermal conductivity, & values 1 816 ‘and 1204°C and the standand deviations (SDx) are Usted in Table I, Tn-plane tensile properties a? the 9°99 material at 416 and 1204°C were previously reported [2, 3], Moana and SDs off fur tensile proportics (clastic modulus, #: proportionl Lic steength, PLS (0.005% aftse0 in-plane tensile shengrh, TTS; and strain to ue, SF) at both temperatures ate shown in Table J for the CMC. Moreover, average valups and SDs of ILSS aud ILTS at 1 are also listed in Table I. Tablet of Propesies for 9°99 M) SiC'SIC Composite In = 24 ® E PLS SSE u ILTS. [Work] [GP] [MPs] MPa] 4d (Mpa [MPa] RY BOC 176 (13; 208 14 177 9} 342 1325 O48 40.06), Tange 14.8 11} 182 {14} 106 28} 307 I? w4S 4OOT, 472 (Ey 8S At First number iy mene value and the second number in ;} denotes SI SIMULATION OF GROUPS WITH RANDOM SAMPLING ‘Variations in the means of the theenval and raechatical properties of the CMC were computed will previvusly developed simulation mothod [2], For each thermal or mechanical property, the data base af 24 points represented the total population in the simulation. Krom this population sample groups wete randomly selected and their means and SDy were celeulated. Sample sizes fiom 3 to 12 weie investigated. In the previous study (21, a teil of 200 rmndoorly selected independent groups (no duplication of data within ench group) wece determined to be sufficient to axtimate the varighility in the means for each property, The maximum and rinianm means among the randomly selecled groups with different sample sot sizes (m~ 3 te 12) were uscd to estimate the rainimum number af samples meguired 1 characterize the means af the thermal and anechanical properties to within $ and 10% oT the woreespondinus pupulation mans (Table I) Jt hss bocn shown thar the means of the randomly selected yroups fallow a normal Jsribution regardless ofthe distibution followed by the patent population [6]. For ILTS at RT, these distributions are shown in Fig. | for group sizes, m= 4, 8, and 12, Note the decrowse in the variation of these distributions asa increases from 4 ly 12, Variability in the group averages of & a 816°C ate plotted against the proup size in Tig. 2, Similar plows for B, PLS, ITS, aud SF wt 1204°C and ITSS snl W.TS st RT are shown in Figs. 308, respectively. Tn theve figures, only the maximum and miaimum group averages are ideutified with points and the fine connecting these points represents a divibulion. In general fora given property, variability in wean value eareases as the group size increases from 3 us 12, Tn Figs, 3 108, population means {i} and error bunds (& § and + 10%) about are also ploted. Minimum mumber of eats ncoded to determine the mean thermal and rnechanival propertics of the CMC to within 5 and 10% of the respentive population means are Usted in Table TI. For the MU SiCISiC composite, at least £2 tesln were required to estimate the means of thermal and mechanical propertics 10 within 10% of the averages of tho populatious. However, more thin 12 tesls would be required to estimate the ‘mean of he propertos to within able UL. Minimum Number of Thermal and Mechanical Tests Requined far the CMC Matera cm. Peroent Error Iss ngs ets 12 > 12 10 8 ‘SUMMARY ‘Thermal conductivity axd tensite properties (clastic mosinlus, proportional Limit strength, im- plane tensile stroagth and strain © failure) oF a of woven, melt-infitrared. SICSIC composite (9999) were experimentally characterized at 816 andl 204°C Iricrlaminar shear and tensile strengris of the same CMC were also determined at rom temperature, Ths minimum number of testa, required Io entitle thy average waluc of either a thermal or mechanical property of the CMC to within a conuin perveriage uf the corresponding population avernge, was determined hy simulating groups with random sarapling. The random sampling siraulation with ditfecent group sizes is applicable for any type of parent poputation distribution (i.e, normal, Jog-netmal, aud Weibull ete), ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ‘This work was funded by NASA Glenn Research Centar (NASA-GRC) under cooperative sagreeinent NCC-3-1041 through the Ultra Efficient Frgine Technology Program, Mr. fobn D. Zima conducted the tensile tests at MASA-GRC. Therinul vonduetivity and ILSS de ILI'S tests ‘wore performed ut Thermophysics, Ine, and Cincinnati Testing Laboratories, respectively. REFERENCES [1] D. Brower, “HSI/EPM Combustor Viakrials Develepmcnt Progran” Mazuriale Sefence and Engineering, X261, pp. 284-291, 1999. (218. Kallun, A MG Calomino, end D. N. Brewer, “An Assessment of Variability in the Average Tensile Properties of a Melt-Infillrstod SiC/SIC Composite,” Submitted to Prac. of 28" Indl. Cocoa Beach Conf. and Expanition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, 25-10 Junuury 2004. [B]S. Kallor, A.M. Coloming, and D. N. Brewer, “High Temperature Tensile Properties and, Fatigue Behavior of a Melt-Tafirated SiC:SIC Composite,” Farigue 2002, Proc. of the 8 lad Fatigue Congress, Vol. 4, A. F. Blom, Ed., Stockholm, Sweden, June 2002, pp. 1965-1972. Ia] M. J. Vereili, A.M. Calomino, und D.N, Brower, “Creop-Rupnore Behavior of a icalowSiC Composite.” Therma! and Mechanical Test Methods and Behavior of Continuous Fiber Ceramic Composites, ASPM SEP 1309, M. G. Jenkins, 8. T. Gonezy, E. Lun-Curzio, W. BE. Aslibaugh, and L. P. Zawada, Eds, American Society for Testing Materials, pp. '58-178, 1997, IS] M. J. Verrill, A. Celomino, snd D, J, Thomas, “StsssiLite Behavior of a CSIC Composite in a Law Pactia\ Pressure of Oxygen Frvironment, Part I: Static Strength and Stress Rupture Dacsbase,” 26° Annual Gonz. on Composites, Advanved Ceruroics, Materials, azd Strucnmres" A, Ceramic Eng. and Sci. Proc., Vol. 23, sue 3, 1.-T. Lin and M. Singh, Fas. pp. 435-442, 2002, [6] FR, Ou, “Variables Data: An Intreduetion.”, pp. 17-23 in Process Quality Conirut Troubleshooting cord inerpretaion of Dara, MeGras-Hill Book Company, 1975, [5 Group Ste, maa 2 Group size, m= [5 _Group Slze,m= 12 Cuntlatve Probability, @ 4 rn 8 re Strength LTS [4] x for Interlaminar Tensile Strength at RL ‘average KW) so 4 Group Ste, m gute 2: Variability in che Group Averages for Thermal Conductivity «t 816°C mo mo ‘Average E (GP) 140 ‘Group Size, Figure 3: Varlabi ‘Average PLS (HP) Group Size, m « & nu) £ 48] i= 4 eiaeepesegeer Eom k at “ * ‘Group Slee, Figure 5: Vorishility in tho Gromp Averages for In-Plane Tensile Strength at 1204°C avetage SF (8) 24 6 8 0 Md Group Size, m Figure 6: Variubility in the Group Averages for Strain to Future ut 12045 ‘Average 1L88 (MPa 3 » Group Sie, m Figure 7: Variability in the Group Averages for Interlaminar Shear Strength at RT 2 average ILTS (Ps Group Size, m Figure §: Variuhility in the Group Averages for Imerlaminar Tensile Sirengih al RT

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