VALIDATION OF AN EXPERIMENTALLY DERIVED UNCERTAINTY MODEL (cid:3) y z x K.B. Lim, D.E. Cox, G.J. Balas and J-N. Juang The results show that uncertainty models can be obtained directly from system identi(cid:12)cation data by using a minimum norm model validation approach. The error between the test data and an analytical nominal model is modeledas a combination of unstructuredadditive and structuredinput multiplicative uncertainty. Robust controllers which use the experimentally derived uncertainty model show signi(cid:12)cant stability and performance improvements over controllers designed with assumed ad hoc uncertainty levels. Use of the identi(cid:12)ed uncertainty model also allowed a strong correlation between design predictions and experimental results. 1 Introduction this method de(cid:12)nes the smallest subset of plants about the nominal which validates the given experimental In many engineering problems, a linear, time-invariant data, hence the name, minimumnorm model validation (LTI) and (cid:12)nite dimensional model, while satisfying (MNMV). known physical relationships, is still an approximation This paper is an attempt to demonstrate and vali- of a true plant. The need for robust control is often date the MNMVapproach formethodicallyconstructing due to the corruption of the measurement data by the uncertainty models for a real application. As part of a secondary e(cid:11)ects of measurement noise, external dis- validation,the uncertainty weights identi(cid:12)ed are used in turbances, nonlinearities, and possible time variations. redesigningthe controllerandcomparingtheexperimen- Although strictly speaking, robust control theory for talclosedloopperformancetocontrollersthatassumead nonlinear,time-varyingsystems shouldbe appliedunder hoc uncertainty levels. The feasibility of the method is the above circumstances, it is currently not available. investigated by applyingit to the Large Angle Magnetic However, it has been shown that LTI-based robustness Suspension Test Fixture (LAMSTF) [6]. The LAMSTF theory can handle a class of time varying and nonlinear is an experimental testbed located at NASA Langley uncertainties or e(cid:11)ects via conic sector theory [1, 2, 3]. Research Center for precision pointing control studies ThehopeisthatasmallsetofLTIplantswillbesu(cid:14)cient in support of large gap magnetic suspension technology. to describe these secondary e(cid:11)ects. The LAMSTF system is open loop unstable, hence sys- Amethodhasbeenproposedrecently[4,5]forcalcu- temuncertainty identi(cid:12)cation(UID) is performedclosed latingthesmallestnormofthedi(cid:11)erencebetweentheraw loop. systemidenti(cid:12)cationdataandthepredicted valuefroma An analyticalmodelas derived in[7,8,9]isused as given nominalmodel. In particular, this minimumnorm the nominal model in this study although an identi(cid:12)ed is calculated in closed form (to within a linear matrix modelcanbeobtainedandusedasanominalmodelfrom equation) and holds for a general nominal/uncertainty the same UID data. In principle, it should not matter structure inlinearfractionaltransformation(LFT)form. which nominalmodel to use so long as the set of plants Amongall modelvalidatingplants about the nominal, canbe described withoutstretching the uncertainty size. Hence, any nominal model provided it is not too far away from the true unknown system could be used. (cid:3)Research Engineer, Guidance & Control Branch, Flight Dy- For example, an observer based system identi(cid:12)cation namics&ControlDivision,MS161,NASALangleyResearchCen- (ID) technique [10, 11, 12] may be used to construct a ter,Hampton,VA 23681,[email protected] yResearch Engineer, Guidance & Control Branch, Flight Dy- singlebest nominalmodeland the residualdiscrepancies namics&ControlDivision,MS161,NASALangleyResearchCen- between the raw system ID data and the nominalmodel ter,Hampton,VA 23681,[email protected] are bounded by a structured uncertainty connection, zAssociateProfessor,Departmentof AerospaceEngineering& assumed a priori[13, 14]. This wouldyield a P-(cid:1)model Mechanics, 107 AkermanHall, 110 Union StreetS.E., University of Minnesota,Minneapolis,MN 55455,[email protected], for robust control design directly fromempiricaldata. MemberAIAA Thepaperisorganizedasfollows. Section2summa- xPrincipal Scientist, Structural Dynamics Branch, Structures rizesthemethodusedinthedeterminationofuncertainty Division,MS230,NASA LangleyResearchCenter,Hampton,VA models by MNMV approach. In Section 3, the LAM- 23681,[email protected],FellowAIAA 1 STF system is described brie(cid:13)y and the experimental fromanominalmodelareusedtodevelopunconservative con(cid:12)guration and UID parameters are described. This frequency dependent structured uncertainty models. is followed by results from UID experiments. Section To account for the discrepancies between the avail- 4 describes how a series of controllers are designed, able measured outputs and feedback signals and their testedandthencomparedintermsofstabilityrobustness estimates from a nominal model, a priori knowledge of and disturbance rejection performance. Conclusions are possible sources of uncertainties in the system are used. given in Section 5. Figure 2 shows how a nominal model, P22 and an un- certainty connection structure can be used to de(cid:12)ne the LFT parameterized set ofplants with output noise. The 2 Uncertainty ID Algorithm direct connection between the structured uncertainties, y u (cid:1),totheoutputandinputmismatch,e ande isshown. The general form of the model structure is given in These errors are de(cid:12)ned by Figure 1. Using a bounded, but unknown structured D w’ D ~n h x ey - y~ P11 P12 x h H S S P21 P22 u~ P11 P12 w K(z) S - S eu u P21 P22 y’ S y r n Figure 1: A priori model structure of plant in standard y S True u S r form plant f uncertainty model, a set of plants are de(cid:12)ned that K(z) validates the availableinput-output data which contains the deviation or scatter about the nominal. The input- output relationship can be written as Figure 2: Con(cid:12)guration for system UID. 0 y =Fu(P;(cid:1))u+Hw (1) (cid:26) (cid:27) (cid:26) (cid:27) (cid:26) (cid:27) y e y y~ where y, u,and w0,denote the output, inputand output e:= u = (cid:0) (5) e u u~ noise. The upper LFT is de(cid:12)ned by (cid:0)1 It is important to note that the above errors are the Fu(P;(cid:1))=P22+P21(cid:1)(I(cid:0)P11(cid:1)) P12 (2) residuals that remain after a single best model (cid:12)t. This errortimehistoryisusuallydiscardedinstandardsystem P denotes the augmented plant. The important point ID applications. However, this residual error is precisely is that if the nominal P22 is known, the rest of the the data used in generating uncertainty models. It is augmented plant can be constructed from a priori as- clear that this error is composed of errors due to model sumptions on the uncertainty structure. Note that H is mismatchand errors due to (cid:12)ltered noise. Note that the the (cid:12)lter modelfor the noise and we let the uncertainty, error expression in the estimated output for closed loop (cid:1), to belong to the set of structured uncertainty D, i.e., ID is the same as in the open loop [4]. (cid:1)2D [13]. The algorithm used to identify uncertainty bounds Let the overallstructured uncertainty be de(cid:12)ned by is given in [4] for open loop and in [5] for the closed the block diagonalmatrices loop case. In both cases, the norm of the smallest (cid:1)=diag((cid:1)1;...;(cid:1)(cid:28)); (cid:1)j 2Cmj(cid:2)nj (3) structured uncertainty that validates the available ID data at each frequency is found, i.e., a minimumnorm and the set of all block diagonal and stable, rational modelvalidation. transfer function matrices be given by It is assumed that the controller dynamics, K, is (cid:8) (cid:9) known and the plant inputs, u 2 Rnu(cid:2)1, and outputs, D = (cid:1)((cid:1))2RH1 : (cid:1)j(so)2Cmj(cid:2)nj;8so 2C(cid:22)+ (4) y 2 Rny(cid:2)1, are measured while the external command, where(cid:28) andC(cid:22)+ denotethenumberofuncertaintyblocks rha2veRdnirm(cid:2)e1nissiosnesle(cid:17)ct2edC. nT(cid:17)haen(cid:12)dc(cid:24)tit2ioCusn(cid:24)siwgnhaelrsein Figure 2 and the closed right-half plane, respectively [13]. We consider the class of problems where the uncertainty X(cid:28) X(cid:28) connections to the nominal and the plant inputs and n(cid:17) = nj; n(cid:24) = mj (6) outputs are given. In the next section, these deviations j=1 j=1 2 The error in equation 5 is given by 3 Uncertainty ID of LAMSTF (cid:0)1 e=eo(cid:0)R21(cid:1)(I(cid:0)R11(cid:1)) M12 (7) A detailed description of the LAMSTF facility and the where open-loopdynamicpropertiesofthemagneticsuspension system is given in [7]. Earlier studies on system ID and R11 = Fl(P;K) (8) controlforLAMSTFinclude[15,8,9,16]. ForLAMSTF, (cid:0)1 R12 = P12(I (cid:0)KP22) [I K] (9) themodeluncertaintyisduetoerrorsinthelinearization (cid:20) (cid:21) I (cid:0)1 about the equilibriumstate, an inaccurate knowledge of R21 = (I (cid:0)P22K) P21 (10) K thespatialdistributionofthemagnetic(cid:12)eld,errorsinthe (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:0)1 (cid:0)1 sensorsystemhardware,anderrorsattheplantinputdue (I (cid:0)P22K) P22 (I(cid:0)P22K) R22 = (cid:0)1 (cid:0)1 (11) to induced eddy currents. (I (cid:0)KP22) (I (cid:0)KP22) K (cid:26) (cid:27) (cid:26) (cid:27) y r eo = (cid:0)R22 (12) 3.1 Analytical Model u n~ (cid:26) (cid:27) r An analytical model is derived in [7, 8, 9] and reviewed M12 = R12 n~ (13) onlybrie(cid:13)yhere. Figure3showaschematicoftheLAM- STF system. It basically consists of (cid:12)ve electromagnets Notethateo istheresidualfromnominal(cid:12)twhen(cid:1)=0. which actively suspend a small cylindrical permanent De(cid:12)ne the above residuals at the discrete frequencies magnet. The cylinder is a rigid body and has (cid:12)ve j!iT (cid:10)=(z1;...;zn!); zj =e (14) independent degrees of freedom, with motionin the roll axis being both unobserved and uncontrolled. Reference by takingthe discrete Fouriertransformofboth discrete time signals and systems. ^ b Under conditions which ensure that a model vali- 3 datingsolution exists, a solutionto the MNMV problem is summarized as follows. A lower bound on the i-th b^ 1 component uncertainty at frequency zj is given by ^ b2 x i (cid:27)(cid:22)((cid:1)i)=k(cid:1)ik2 (cid:21) kkxyikk22 (15) n^3 when xi 6=0, and n^ n^2 1 x:=M12+R11(w+(cid:30)); y :=w+(cid:30) (16) which are partitioned (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 (cid:28) 1 (cid:28) x=col x ;...;x ; y =col y ;...;y (17) in a conformal manner with respect to (cid:28) uncertainty Figure 3: LAMSTF Con(cid:12)guration blocks. The word \col" denotes a columnvector formed [8] gives a detailed derivation of both the linear and from its arguments. Let N denote the null space of P21 nonlinear models. The followingprovides a synopsis for and (cid:30)2N. It has dimensionn(cid:24)(cid:0)ny and is spanned by the linear modelused in the control design. the last n(cid:24)(cid:0)ny columnsof V. Let By de(cid:12)ning the state vector + y w=P21(I (cid:0)P22K)eo (18) T (cid:24) =(!2;!3; (cid:12)2;(cid:12)3; v1;v2;v3; x1;x2;x3) (21) The singular value decompositionis given by P21=USV(cid:3) (19) the linearizedperturbed motionabout theequilibriumis wmhaetrreiceUs a2ndCSn2y(cid:2)Rnyny(cid:2)annd(cid:24) isVa2fullCrna(cid:24)n(cid:2)kn(cid:24)diaagreonHalermmaittriiaxn. given by (cid:14)(cid:24)_=A^(cid:14)(cid:24)+B^(cid:14)(cid:26) (22) The pseudo-inverse is given by where the detailed expressions for A^ and B^ are given + + (cid:3) in [8]. Note that these analytical expressions depend P21=VS U (20) on many physical constants including a series approxi- Acomponentuncertaintywiththislowerboundhasbeen mation of the magnetic (cid:12)eld distribution. In fact, this i shown to exist. Thus the minimumnorm bound (cid:14) for (cid:12)eld distribution and its frequency dependence due to each uncertainty block can be computed from Eq.(15). eddy currents are believed to be the primary source of For robust control design, the minimum bounds can model errors. The variables !i, (cid:12)i, vi, and xi denotes be overbound by a stable, realizable low-order transfer ith angular velocity of cylinder with respect to body functions for each uncertainty block. frame,ith Euler parameterrelative toinertialframe,ith 3 101 Analytic Eigenvalues Degree-of-Freedom 0:00(cid:6)0:95i z-axis 100 0:00(cid:6)7:97i x-axis,(cid:18)y (cid:6)9:77 y-axis Tur (cid:6)57:80 (cid:18)z 10−1 (cid:6)58:78 (cid:18)y;x-axis 10−2 Table 1: Eigenvalues of ten state analytic model 100 101 102 101 translational velocity and displacement of the centroid 100 respectively. Six optical sensors detect in plane and out of plane motion, and provide an over-determined set of measurements for position in x;y; and z and rotation in Tyr10−1 pitch and yaw. The six optical sensors and (cid:12)ve control 10−2 coils yield a fully controllable and observable ten-state system whose eigenvalues are shown in Table 1. 10−3 Thesystem’sdynamicsare dominatedbythe unsta- 100 101 102 freq (rad/sec) ble pitch and yaw modes. These modes, called compass (cid:14) needle modes, result from the magnetic (cid:12)eld being 180 Figure 4: Singular values of input sensitivity (top) and out of phase with the cylinder’s axial magnetization at closed-loop transfer function across plant (bottom). the unstable equilibriumpoint. Foradetaileddiscussion of the physical signi(cid:12)cance of all modes, the interested reader is referred to [7]. at these low frequencies is an optimistic expectation of the actual response. The magnitudes of the input and outputssignalsarelargestatfrequenciesnear60rad/sec. 3.2 Uncertainty ID Experiment The output response to the UID signal is attenuated The UID input test signal used consists of a frequency at higher frequencies. This means that an identi(cid:12)ed weighted, zero mean, white noise random signal for all uncertainty will be limited in accuracy at both low and (cid:12)ve inputs, r (see Figure 2). This was generated by high frequencies (cid:12)lteringawhitenoisesignalwithstandarddeviationof1 (Ampere) through a fourth order low-pass Butterworth 3.3 Uncertainty Model (cid:12)lterwithbreakfrequencyof60Hertz. Asecondrandom signal with a bandwidth of 2 Hertz but with a standard It is known that in the LAMSTF system, there are deviation of 5 (Amperes) is added to the (cid:12)rst wider several sources of uncertainties which include errors in bandwidth signal. This second signalis used to alleviate the linearizationabout the equilibriumstate, inaccurate the lack of power at low frequencies which mayresult in knowledge of the spatial distribution of the magnetic a poor model at these low frequencies. The total time (cid:12)eld, errors in the sensor system hardware, and errors oftheexcitationsignalis 40:96seconds corresponding to at the plant input due to induced eddy currents. For 13 2 discrete time points at 200 Hertz samplingrate. example, obtaining accurate analytical models of eddy Due to the closed loop coupling, the external UID currentsusingrecentlydevelopedsophisticatedcomputer signal introduced at the plant input is modi(cid:12)ed ac- code ischallengingespeciallywith multipleeddy current cording to the unknown true input sensitivity transfer circuits with complex geometries [17]. function matrix. Based on a nominal model, the top In this study, we consider a combination of ad- plot in Figure 4 show the input sensitivity matrixTyr = ditive and structured input multiplicative uncertainty (cid:0)1 (I (cid:0) Fu(P;(cid:1))K) while the bottom plot shows the to describe the deviation of a nominal model. The closed loop transfer function across the plant Tyr = reason for choosing this uncertainty structure is to give (cid:0)1 (I (cid:0) Fu(P;(cid:1))K) Fu(P;(cid:1)). Of course the true plant a su(cid:14)cient degree of uncertainty freedom to permit a denotedbyFu(P;(cid:1))isnotknownsothatthebestmodel model validating solution. Of course in general, the before the test is used. Figure 4 also show that the UID selection of the uncertainty connections or structure is input is attenuated both at the input and output of the still an open issue. plant at low frequencies. This is due to the inherent Figure 5 shows the assumed connections for the disturbance rejection property of the controller used in uncertainties. Theboundsonthisstructureduncertainty the experiment. Note that the maximumsingular value can then be experimentallydetermined by the minimum 4 D D 1 10 add mult S Nominal S Sensor voltages LAMSTF Input currents Model100 minal No Figure 5: Assumed uncertainty structure. Unc, Add 10−1 norm modelvalidationmethod. The P (cid:0)(cid:1) connections are given by (cid:26) (cid:27) (cid:20) (cid:21)(cid:26) (cid:27) (cid:24)add (cid:1)add 0 (cid:17)add −2 (cid:24)mult = 0 (cid:1)mult (cid:17)mult (23) 10100 101 102 freq (rad/sec) 8 9 8 9 < (cid:17)add = < (cid:24)add = (cid:17)mult =P (cid:24)mult (24) Figure 6: Additive Uncertainty: Predicted (dot), uncer- : ; : ; y u tainty (cid:12)t (solid), maximum(dash) and minimum(dash- dot) singular value of nominalmodel where the structured multiplicativeuncertainty is (cid:1)mult =diag((cid:14)1;...;(cid:14)5); (cid:14)i 2C (25) Figure7showsthecalculatedminimumnormmulti- plicativeuncertainty(dot)andthecorrespondingsecond- The augmented plant for the diagonal multiplicative order (cid:12)t (solid line) for each input channel. The multi- uncertainty is 2 3 plicative uncertainty levels are generally larger at low 0 I I P =4 0 0 I 5 (26) frequencies and roll o(cid:11) with increasing frequencies. Input channel number 1 shows largest uncertainty I G G levels of up to about 90 % but at frequencies near The above variables have the following dimensions: crossovertheuncertaintylevelsofallinputmultiplicative 6(cid:2)1 5(cid:2)1 5(cid:2)1 5(cid:2)1 (cid:24)add 2 C , (cid:24)mult 2 C , (cid:17)add 2 C , (cid:17)mult 2 C , uncertainties are about 10 % or less. However, each 6(cid:2)5 5(cid:2)1 6(cid:2)1 (cid:1)add 2C , u2R , and y 2R . channel appears to have di(cid:11)erent break frequencies for The uncertainty bounds are calculated at discrete the roll o(cid:11). For example, channel 1 having larger frequencies which are linearly spaced. A white noise uncertainty levels at lowfrequencies than channel 2 rolls (cid:0)6 signal having a spectral density of 10 is assumed for o(cid:11)atabout2Hzascomparedtoabout10Hzforchannel the presence of measurement noise. Since the number of 2. Notealsothatthese experimentallybaseduncertainty uncertaintychannels(q =11)isgreaterthanthenumber predictionsareverydi(cid:11)erent whencomparedtoassumed ofoutputs (ny =6),P21 isrectangular anditsnullspace constant uncertainty levels. The consequence of this will be of minimum dimension 5. This means that the di(cid:11)erence is evident fromexperimental results. uncertainty bounds can be further reduced if this null space freedom is utilized. However, this freedom is not considered in this study. 4 Performance Validation Figure 6 shows the calculated minimum norm ad- ditive uncertainty at discrete frequency points over the The main objective of the control design is to stabilize wholerangeofNyquistfrequency. Thecurve (cid:12)twasper- the highlyunstable open loopequilibriumcon(cid:12)guration. formedinteractivelyusingthe(cid:22)(cid:0)Tool [14]drawmagrou- Subject to closed loop stability, reasonable disturbance tine using a stable, rational,(cid:12)rst-order transfer function rejection performance across the plant is desired. Of (solid line). The maximum(dashed line) and minimum course the above objectives are complicated by the (dash-dot line) singular value response of the nominal presence of modelerror inaccuracies which are painfully plant are shown for comparison. It is seen that at evident during experiments. Hence, robust disturbance frequencies belowapproximately7Hz,the uncertaintyis rejection is sought which requires a de(cid:12)nition of the lessthantheminimumsingularvalueresponseindicating uncertainty set for whichthe performance isguaranteed. that the additive uncertainty levels are very smallwhile Uncertainty in the uncertainty model itself is a real athigherfrequencies(above7Hz),thepredictedadditive dilemma which motivates this study which is a contin- uncertainty e(cid:11)ect becomes more important. At frequen- uationofanearlier study [9]. Ofcourse nowwehavethe cies beyond 60 Hz, predicted uncertainty is unreliable bene(cid:12)t of a new tool [4, 5] to more realistically capture because the ID input signal is bandlimited. modeluncertainty. 5 Input Pi Zi ki Contr Wunc Wy (cid:22)des (cid:22)ID kkyrkk22 (cid:27)(cid:22)(Tyr) 1 -7.915(cid:6) 12.26i -19.80(cid:6) 381.5i 1.127e-03 C01 .001 1 .17 5.44 U 2 -22.57(cid:6) 44.16i -14.92(cid:6) 430.2i 1.377e-03 C02 .1 1 1.89 2.89 0.29 2.69 3 -14.89(cid:6) 17.74i -15.78(cid:6) 420.5i 1.294e-03 C03 .2 1 3.22 3.18 MU 4 -13.92(cid:6) 19.96i -14.01(cid:6) 418.3i 1.243e-03 C04 .3 1 4.57 3.48 MU 5 -27.32(cid:6) 49.56i -30.91(cid:6) 427.1i 1.115e-03 C11 IDed 1 1.56 1.56 0.19 1.40 Table 2: Parameters for multiplicativeuncertainty (cid:12)t. C022 .1 .1 1.41 5.63 U C023 .1 .01 1.25 22.5 U C12 IDed .1 1.29 5.85 0.42 5.67 C13 IDed .01 1.23 28.5 0.84 26.4 4.1 Controller Design Table 3: (cid:22) Control laws tested, U=Unstable, Figure 8 shows the interconnection used in the design of MU=MarginallyUnstable. H1 and (cid:22) controllers [13]. The robust performance is de(cid:12)ned by the principal gains such that (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:0)1 (cid:27)(cid:22) Wy(I (cid:0)Fu(P;(cid:1))) Fu(P;(cid:1)) (cid:20)1;8! 2[0;1) (27) The (cid:12)rst set of control designs, C01,C02,C03, and C04, is based on assumed constant uncertainties at four where the set of plants de(cid:12)ned by the uncertainty, di(cid:11)erent levels :001, :1, :2 and :3, respectively. The second control design, C11, is based on an identi(cid:12)ed (cid:1) = blk(cid:0)diag((cid:1)add;(cid:1)mult) (28) uncertaintymodelandusesthesameunityoutputweight (cid:1)add = (cid:1)^addWadd; (cid:27)(cid:22)((cid:1)^add)(cid:20)1 (29) as the (cid:12)rst set. A thirdset ofcontrollers, C022 andC023, (cid:1)mult = (cid:1)^multWmult; (cid:27)(cid:22)((cid:1)^mult)(cid:20)1: (30) are based on the assumed uncertainty level of :1 which wasusedtodesigncontrollerC02butwithsmalleroutput andtheinputmultiplicativeuncertaintyhasthediagonal weightsof:1and:01respectively. Thefourthandlastset form of controllers, C12 and C13, uses the scaled down output weights with the identi(cid:12)ed uncertainty weights. (cid:1)^mult = diag((cid:14)^1;...;(cid:14)^5) (31) Wmult = diag(wm1;...;wm5) (32) 4.2 Performance Comparison The additive uncertainties are (cid:12)tted with the following In this subsection, we evaluate the validity of the iden- (cid:12)rst-order stable s-domaintransfer function ti(cid:12)ed uncertainty model by comparing predicted robust stability (RS) and robust performance (RP) to actual (cid:0)3(s+3380:7) Wadd =3:7708(cid:2)10 I5(cid:2)5 (33) experimental results. (s+60:615) The multiplicative uncertainties are (cid:12)tted with the fol- 4.2.1 Stability Robustness lowingsecond-order stable transfer functionsofthe form In the (cid:12)rst set of control designs only controller C02, (s+Zi)(s+Zi(cid:3)) which assumes uncertainty level of :1, was stable. Con- wmi =ki(s+Pi)(s+Pi(cid:3)); i=1;...;5 (34) troller C01 was violently unstable while controllers C03 and C04 were marginallyunstable, i.e., it built up oscil- and the poles, zeros, and gains of the transfer functions lationsslowlytoeventuallygooutofrangeofthesensors. are given in Table 2. The uncertainty weight for both In contrast, a single control design, C11, which is based additive and multiplicative case are subsequently dis- on the identi(cid:12)ed uncertainty model,was stable and gave cretized using the Tustin approximationof a continuous good performance without trial and error. (cid:12)lter. The output performance weight, Wy, is chosen to Based on the set of plants de(cid:12)ned by the nominal beaconstantdiagonalmatrixandequalforallsixoutput and identi(cid:12)ed uncertainty model and the unity output channels. weight, the predicted RS, nominal performance (NP), To validate the experimentally derived uncertainty and RP were calculated for all nine controllers resulting model, four sets of (cid:22) controllers are considered. Table toFigures9through17. By comparingthepredicted RS 3 shows the four sets of controllers which were designed (solidline),thefourcontrollersthatwereactuallystable, and tested. In all cases, the analytical model is used as C11,C12,C13,C02, have the four best predicted RS levels the nominalmodel. The (cid:12)rst two sets of controllers are with respect to the identi(cid:12)ed uncertainty. based on unity output weights while the next two sets The two marginally unstable controllers, C03,C04, assume much smalleroutput weights of :1 and :01. have slightly worse predicted RS levels than the least 6 stable controller, C02 among the four stabilizing con- Clearly, if the set of plants assumed is in question, so trollers. This suggests that the true system uncertainly is the reliability of the predicted robust performance. o level, Wunc, lies in the narrow margin between C03 (or For instance, (cid:22)des for controller C01 is the smallest at C04) and C02, i.e., :17(see Table 3)but when implemented,the closed loop system for this controller resulted in the most unstable Wunc o Wunc system among the nine controllers tested. On the other (cid:20)Wunc (cid:20) (cid:22)Wunc([Fl(P;C03)]11) (cid:22)Wunc([Fl(P;C02)]11) hand, the best RP predicted by (cid:22)ID is controller C11 at (35) 1:56. When tested, this controller actuallygave the best The most violently unstable controller, C01, corre- performance out of the nine controllers. sponds to the worst RS prediction as shown in solidline In order to experimentally validate the RP predic- in Figure 9. This controller design practically ignores tions, a system ID experiment was conducted on the RS by assuming Wunc = :001(cid:2)I10(cid:2)10. Note that since disturbance to output path of the closed loop system. stabilitywasattained in the four controllers in spite ofa Identifyingthesysteminthispathallowsthecalculation violationof RScondition (ofless than unity) by a factor of the worst case response, i.e., the maximum singular ofupto2atlowerfrequencies, the identi(cid:12)eduncertainty value over all frequencies. A wideband uncorrelated model is slightly conservative and the RS condition is disturbance input was added to each of the control coils only a su(cid:14)cient condition for true stability. However, a and measurements recorded from the system’s sensors. larger violation of RS condition as in controllers C022, This data was used with the OKID algorithm [10] to C023, and C01 (see Figures 14,15, and 9) results in an generate state-space models of the closed-loop system’s unstable closed loop system. disturbance path, denoted as Tyr. The maximumsingu- Motivated by the actual stability of controller C02, lar values were then calculated to obtain the identi(cid:12)ed controllers C022 and C023 were designed with reduced worst case response subject to system ID limitations. output weights which resulted in an improvementin the This maximum singular values were directly compared predictedRPintermsof(cid:22)des. Iftheassumeduncertainty to the predicted (cid:22)ID bounds for robust performance. of :1 is an accurate model, then reducing the output Figures 18, 19, 20, 21 show these comparisons for all weight should lead to improved RS. Instead, controllers four stabilizingcontrollers over all frequencies. C022 and C023 were unstable when implemented. This ForthecontrollerpairC02andC11,whichhavegood instabilityishoweverconsistentwiththepredicteddegra- RP,theexperimentalsystemhadworst-caseperformance dation of RS when evaluated with the identi(cid:12)ed uncer- just below the predicted (cid:22)bound, as shown inFigure 18 tainty model as shown in Figures 14 and 15. In stark and 19. This supports the earlier observations involv- contrast, controllers C12 and C13 with reduced output ing robust stability, namely, the identi(cid:12)ed uncertainty weight were stable although the disturbance rejection model was found to be slightly conservative so that the performance is poor as intended. This low performance predicted (cid:22)isexpected tobeabovetheidenti(cid:12)edexperi- but robust stability for controllers C12 and C13 can be mentalworstcaseresponse. Theconsistencybetweenthe seen fromFigures16and17. Namely,thepredicted poor identi(cid:12)edexperimentalworstcaseresponseandpredicted RPisdue topoor disturbance rejection atlowfrequency worst-case performance (based on identi(cid:12)ed uncertainty while good RS level is maintained. This means that the model) makes a strong case for the \accuracy" of the identi(cid:12)eduncertaintymodelused incontrollersC11,C12, uncertainty model. The second pair of controllers, C12 andC13,displaysapropertyofan\accurate"uncertainty and C13 were dominated by RS constraints (see Figure model, namely the RS condition should not depend on 16, 17) and had poor predicted RP. However, even in the choice of output weight. these casesthere isstillaremarkablecorrelationbetween thepredicted worstcase performance,andthemaximum 4.2.2 Robust Performance singular values of the identi(cid:12)ed disturbance path, as shown in Figures 20 and 21. In Table 3, (cid:22)des denotes the designed (cid:22) with respect The last two columns in Table 3 show the ratio to the particular uncertainty model (assumed or iden- of signal 2-norms between the wideband white noise ti(cid:12)ed) and output weights. The value, (cid:22)ID denotes the kyk2 disturbance and the outputs, , and the maximum predicted (cid:22) based on the identi(cid:12)ed uncertainty model krk2 singular value of an identi(cid:12)ed model,Tyr. FromTable 3 and the (cid:12)xed unity output weight. Thus, the di(cid:11)erences itcan be seen that forallfourstabilizingcontrollers,the between (cid:22)des and (cid:22)ID values are solely due to the followingrelation is satis(cid:12)ed: di(cid:11)erence in both the uncertainty model assumed and the output weight. 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[5] Lim,K.B.,\Closedformsolutionforminimumnorm modelvalidatinguncertainty,"Submittedforreview 8 100 RS (−), NP (−.), RP (−−) for C_01 6 1 c n −2 5 U10 e ult Valu4 M ar −4 ul 10 g 0100 101 102 m Sin3 10 u m2 2 axi c M n −2 1 U10 ult 0 M 0 1 2 −4 10 10 10 10 Freq (rad/sec) 0 1 2 10 10 10 0 10 Figure 9: Predicted robust stability (solid), nominal 3 c performance (dash-dot), and robust performance (dash) n −2 U10 for controller C01. ult M −4 10 0 1 2 RS (−), NP (−.), RP (−−) for C_02 10 10 10 0 3 10 4 c 2.5 Un10−2 alue ult ar V 2 M ul g 10−4 Sin1.5 0 1 2 m 010 10 10 mu 1 10 axi M 5 c 0.5 n −2 U10 ult 1000 101 102 M Freq (rad/sec) −4 10 0 1 2 10 10 10 Figure 10: Predicted robust stability (solid), nominal freq (rad/sec) performance (dash-dot), and robust performance (dash) for controller C02. Figure 7: Input Multiplicative Uncertainty: Predicted RS (−), NP (−.), RP (−−) for C_03 (dot), uncertainty (cid:12)t (solid). 4 h h D^add addWadd D^mult multWmult ular Value3 x x Sing2 add mult um y y m w Wy S G S Maxi1 u 0 0 1 2 10 10 10 K S Freq (rad/sec) r Figure 11: Predicted robust stability (solid), nominal performance (dash-dot), and robust performance (dash) for controller C03. Figure 8: Interconnection for robust controller design. 9 RS (−), NP (−.), RP (−−) for C_04 RS (−), NP (−.), RP (−−) for C_023 4 30 25 ue3 ue al al V V20 ar ar ul ul g g Sin2 Sin15 m m u u m m10 Maxi1 Maxi 5 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 Freq (rad/sec) Freq (rad/sec) Figure 12: Predicted robust stability (solid), nominal Figure 15: Predicted robust stability (solid), nominal performance (dash-dot), and robust performance (dash) performance (dash-dot), and robust performance (dash) for controller C04. for controller C023. RS (−), NP (−.), RP (−−) for C_11 RS (−), NP (−.), RP (−−) for C_12 2 6 5 ue1.5 ue al al V V4 ar ar ul ul g g Sin 1 Sin3 m m u u m m2 Maxi0.5 Maxi 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 Freq (rad/sec) Freq (rad/sec) Figure 13: Predicted robust stability (solid), nominal Figure 16: Predicted robust stability (solid), nominal performance (dash-dot), and robust performance (dash) performance (dash-dot), and robust performance (dash) for controller C11. for controller C12. RS (−), NP (−.), RP (−−) for C_022 RS (−), NP (−.), RP (−−) for C_13 6 30 5 25 e e u u al al V4 V20 ar ar ul ul g g Sin3 Sin15 m m u u m2 m10 axi axi M M 1 5 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 10 10 10 10 10 10 Freq (rad/sec) Freq (rad/sec) Figure 14: Predicted robust stability (solid), nominal Figure 17: Predicted robust stability (solid), nominal performance (dash-dot), and robust performance (dash) performance (dash-dot), and robust performance (dash) for controller C022. for controller C13. 10