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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20040090607: Response Surface Model Building and Multidisciplinary Optimization Using D-Optimal Designs PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20040090607: Response Surface Model Building and Multidisciplinary Optimization Using D-Optimal Designs

AIAA-98-4759 RESPONSE SURFACE MODEL BUILDING AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION USING D-OPTIMAL DESIGNS Resi t Unal* Engineering Management Department Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA 23529 Roger A. LepschTa nd Mark L. McMillinT Vehicle Analysis Branch NASA Langley Research Center Hampton VA 23681 Abstract directly for multidisciplinary design optimiza- tion (MDO). An alternative is to construct dis- This paper discusses response surface ciplinary approximation models for the func- methods for approximation model building and tional relationships between performance multidisciplinary design optimization. The re- characteristics and design parameters. These sponse surface methods discussed are central approximations are referred to as response sur- composite designs, Bayesian methods and D- face models. The response surface models are optimal designs. An over-determined D-optimal then used to integrate the disciplines using design is applied to a configuration design and mathematical programming methods. In many optimization study of a wing-body, launch ve- cases this approach allows efficient system hicle. Results suggest that over determined D- level design analysis, MDO and rapid sensitiv- optimal designs may provide an efficient ap- ity simulations. proach for approximation model building and - for multidisciplinary design optimization. Response Surface Model Buildinp Us inp Central Composite Desipns Introduction A second-order approximation model of the Computerized design and analysis capabili- form given below (Equation 1) is commonly ties exist in many key disciplines required for used in response surface model building since design and analysis of space transportation in many cases it can adequately model the re- systems. For a given configuration, system sponse surface, especially if the region of inter- performance characteristics can be determined est is sufficiently limited. by the use of these analysis codes. The next step is to determine the settings of design pa- rameters that optimize the system performance characteristics subject to constraints. However, the complex computer programs used in aero- space design are usually stand alone codes run In (l),t he Xi terms are the input variables by disciplinary experts. In most cases, they are that influence the response y, and bp, bi, and expensive and/or difficult to integrate and use bj are estimated regression coefficients. The * Associate Professor. Ths study was funded by NAS1-19858-98. T Aerospace Engineer. Member AIM. Copyright 01998 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. Allrights reserved. cross terms represent two-parameter interac- terms in the model to be fitted.6,12,13 As a re- tions, and the square terms represent second- sult, minimum point designs require the abso- order non-linearity. Constructing a second- lute minimum number of functional evaluations order model requires that “n” design parameters (experiments) to estimate the second-order be studied at least at 3 levels (values) so that the model coefficients. Compared to minimum coefficients in the model can be estimated. point D-optimal designs, CCD are overdeter- Therefore 3n factorial experiments (design mined designs or there are more experiments points, functional evaluations or observations) than required to estimate the second-order may be necessary. For small values of “n”s uch model coefficients. as two or three, this approach works well. However, when a large number of design pa- A statistical measure of goodness of a rameters are under study, the number of obser- model obtained by least squares regression vations required for a full-factorial design may analysis is the minimum generalized variance of become excessive. Fortunately, a second-order the estimates of the model coefficients. One approximation model can be constructed effi- way to construct a quadratic model using ciently by utilizing central composite designs’ minimum point designs, leading to minimized (CCD) from design-of-experiments literature. variance of the least squares estimates, is to use CCD are first-order (2n) designs augmented the D-optimality criterion. Consider the prob- by additional center and “star” points to allow lem of estimating the coefficients of a linear ap- estimati’o n of the coefficients of a second-order proximation model below by least squares re- model. ,2 gres sion analysis ;1,5,6 Central composite designs offer an efficient alternative to 3n designs for constructing sec- ond-order response surface models. A problem Equation (2) can be expressed in matrix involving five parameters for example, requires notation as: only 27 CCD experiments to construct a sec- ond-order response surface model as opposed Y=XB+e (3) to 243 (35) required by a full-factorial study. The authors have utilized CCD for second or- Where Y is a vector of observations, e is der approximation model building and MDO in the vector of errors, X is the design matrix and numerous launch vehicle design applica- B is a vector of unknown model coefficients t i o n ~ . ~T>he~ n,u~m ber of design parameters (bo and bi). The design matrix is a set of com- studied (n) ranged from four to six. In these binations of the values of the coded variables, applications, the fitted second-order model pre- which specifies the settings of the design pa- dicted the analysis results with reasonable accu- rameters to be performed during experimenta- racy within the design region studied. tion. B can be estimated by using the least squares method as: - ResDonse Surface Model Buildinp Us inp Minimum Point D-ODtimal Desipns B = (XlX)-’ X’Y (4) CCD enable the efficient construction of a A measure of accuracy of the column of es- second-order response surface model with sig- timators, B, is the variance-covariance matrix nificantly less effort than would be required by which is defined as;1>5>6>13 a full factorial study. However, in some cases, which involve large numbers of design vari- V(B) = o2 (XlX)-’ (5) ables, conducting experiments may be time- consuming and very expensive even with the where c? is the variance of the error. The V(B) use of CCD. In such cases, minimum point D- matrix is a statistical measure of the goodness- optimal designs may be utilized to generate a of-fit. Equation 5 indicates that V(B) is a func- design matrix that enables a more efficient con- tion of (XlX)-’ and therefore, one would want struction of a second-order m0de1.~>A~ d esign to minimize (XlX)-’ to improve the quality of is called “minimum point” when the number of the fit. Statisticians have shown that minimiz- design points is exactly equal to the number of ing (XlX)-’ is equivalent to maximizing the determinant of X'X. l3>l4,l5T herefore, gener- cation of Bayesian experimental design meth- ating a design matrix which enables the con- ods in practical design analysis and optimiza- struction of a good least squares approximation tion problems seems to have been limited.1° model translates to maximizing the determinant Further development appears to be needed be- of the X'X matrix and experimental designs fore they can be applied to practical design op- that maximize IX'XI are referred to as D- timization problems. optimal design~.~H.~er>e,l "~D " stands for the - determinant of the X'X matrix associated with Usinp Overdetermined D-ODtimal De the model. This analysis can easily be extended sims for Deterministic ExDeriments to the quadratic model given by Equation , with the same conclusions for D-optimality.I ll As noted previously, experimental designs constructed with the objective of minimizing A number of authors have developed algo- experimental variance may not always be the rithms for obtaining D-optimal designs for spe- best choice when approximating deterministic cific models using mathematical programming models. Reference 11 conducted a study com- meth~ds.~>l~Th,elr~e are also numerous paring the performance of experimental design software packages available for desk top com- methods for approximation model building for puters.16 A major limitation of a saturated de- deterministic models in terms of the quality of sign is the minimum (poor) coverage of the re- fit in the region studied and in terms of the gion of interest. l7 However, D-optimal number of design points required. The findings minimum point designs generally work well in suggest that CCD are good designs for prob- initial screening situations in which it is ex- lems with five or less design parameters. This pected that there will be a few important pa- is consistent with the authors' experience rameters. 15,17. AS a result, minimum-point D- where good approximations have been obtained optimal designs may be used in lieu of CCD using CCD in many applications.3>.".5 HOW- when there are large numbers of variables un- ever, for larger values of n, reference 11 rec- der study and experimental design effort is ex- ommends the use of augmented minimum point pensive and resources are limited. designs that are around 20% to 50% over- determined and, suggests the use of the D- ResDonse Surface Model Buildin2 optimality criteria as a heuristic in selecting de- Methods for Deterministic ExDeriments sign points for deterministic experiments. For most experimental designs constructed As a result, the use of 20% to 50% over- for building response surface models, a domi- determined D-optimal designs for approxima- nant issue is the variance of measurements of tion model building appear to be a good choice the re~ponse.~H owever, the output of ex- for response surface model building for deter- periments carried out using computer models, ministic experiments, especially for larger Val- as mostly used in aerospace design, is deter- ues of n (1126). ministic. Generally, there is no measurement error or no variability in analysis outputs, given WinP Bodv Launch Vehicle Confimra- a specific set of inputs. Therefore, experimental tion Studv designs constructed to minimize variability of measurements and the accompanying statistical An application of approximation model methods for model accuracy analysis may not building and MDO using over-determined D- be the best choice for deterministic experi- optimal designs is described for a configuration m e n t ~ . ~ > ~ optimization study of a rocket-powered, single- stage-to-orbit launch vehicle. The vehicle is Reference 8 presents an experimental de- sized to perform a 25,000 lb. payload delivery sign approach based on the Bayesian statistics. to the International Space Station from Ken- The approaches for design and analysis of nedy Space Center. Near term structures and computer experiments using Bayesian statistics subsystem technologies are assumed in its de- are given in references 8 and 9 in some detail. sign. The vehicle has a wing-body configura- Bayesian approach to experimental design is a tion with a slender, round cross-section fuse- growing area of research. However, the appli- lage and a clipped delta wing. The delta wing has elevon control surfaces for aerodynamic two parameters were ballast-weight and mass- roll and pitch control. Small vertical fins, called ratio for weights and sizing analysis and angle tip fins, are located at the wing tips for direc- of attack and elevon deflection for aerodynam- tional control and a body flap extends rearward ics analysis. The aerodynamics were generated from the lower base of the fuselage to provide for three different mach numbers, which were additional pitch control. Mach 0.3, Mach 2 and Mach 10. As an exam- ple, the ranges for the six weights & sizing pa- In this study, six vehicle design parameters rameters are given in Table l. and 15 two-parameter interactions were studied at three values by conducting 45 design ex- Table 1. Weights & Sizing Parameters and periments as opposed to 729 that would be re- Ranges quired by a full-factorial study. The purpose was to determine the best values of the design Parameter Range parameters that satisfy aerodynamic constraints Fineness ratio (FR) 4 7 at minimum weight. Wing area ratio (WA) 10 20 Tip fin area ratio (TFA) 0.5 3 To derive the shape of the configuration, Body flap area ratio (BFL) 0 1 response surface methods for MDO were used. Ballast weight (BL) 0 0.04 At first, a face-centered central composite de- Mass ratio (MR) 7.75 8.25 sign (CCD) was utilized. However, the result- ing data contained many design points of ex- cessive weight or design points which were Construct the Design Matrix very far from being optimal. Using this data, second order approximation equations were The next step is to construct an overdeter- generated for weight and for the aerodynamic mined D-Optimal design matrix that can enable characteristics of the vehicle at subsonic, su- the construction of a second-order response personic, and hypersonic flight conditions with model for six parameters (Table 2). various control surface settings. The weight Table 2. Six Parameter D-Optimal Design equations predicted the design points studied with some crude accuracy. Deviations from the FR WA TFA BFL BL MR Weight predicted and actual weights (residuals) ranged from 2% to 9%. The use of transformations (e.g. log (weight)) and the introduction of cu- 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 bic terms to the model did not improve the pre- 2 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 diction accuracy. These results suggested that 3 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 0 the use of CCD may not have been the best 4 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 choice for selecting the experimental design 5 -1 -1 0 1 -1 -1 points in this case in the region studied. 6 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 In an effort to improve the prediction accu- racy, an overdetermined D-optimal design was utilized next. The following steps describe this multidisciplinary optimization and sensitivity 4 1 1 1 0 0 - 1 1 study. 42 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 Identifv Design Variables and Feasible Ranges 4 3 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 1 0 - 1 Six weight & sizing and aerodynamics de- 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 sign parameters were varied over a fixed range. The four common parameters included in aero- The weights approximation equations dynamics and weights & sizing analysis were from the previous CCD study were used to the fineness ratio (defined as the fuselage generate weight predictions for all of the possi- length divided by diameter), the wing area, the ble 729 (36) combinations of the variables at tip fin area, and the body flap area. The other three values. The predictions were not very Least squares regression analysis is then good, but still useful enough for the purpose of used to determine the coefficients of the sec- screening out the excessive weight cases. As a ond order approximation model for the weights result, 91 design points (or parameter combi- and the aeroynamics data in terms of the six nations) were eliminated due to excessive design parameters. As a result, second order weight. The remaining 638 design combina- approximation equations for empty weight, tions were used as a starting point for generat- landed weight and landing center of gravities ing an overdetermined D-optimal design with (one for payload-in and one for payload-out) 45 design points or experiments (Table 2). l6 were constructed using the weights data. l6 The number of experiments were chosen as Table 3. Analysis Results 45 for comparison purposes since this many experiments were required by the CCD study. FR WA TFABFL BL MR Weight cg With this new design matrix (Table 2), the six parameters are studied at three levels (values) + -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 268475 0.74 as represented in coded form by, - 1, 0 and 1. -1 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 264659 0.72 As an example, a -1 for Fineness ratio corre- -1 -1 -1 1 -1 0 260610 0.75 sponds to 4 (lower bound), a 0 corresponds to -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 322372 0.73 5.5 (mid value) and +1 corresponds to 7 (upper bound). These coded values are then trans- -1 -1 0 1 -1 -1 268512 0.76 formed into actual parameter values to be used -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 333966 0.78 in conducting the analysis. With 45 experi- ments, this D-optimal design is about 55 % overdetermined since a minimum point D- I : I : optimal design would require 29 experiments for constructing the second order model. 41 1 1 0 0 -1 1 42 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 Conduct the Matrix ExDeriments 43 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 44 1 1 1 1 0 - 1 In this study, all of the geometry and sub- -45 1 1 1 1 1 1 system packaging of the vehicle were per- formed using a NASA-developed geometry modeling tool. The Aerodynamic Preliminary Approximation equations for the lift, drag Analysis System (APAS) was used to deter- and pitching moment coefficients for each of mine vehicle aerodynamics. The weights and the three mach numbers are also obtained using sizing analyses were performed using the the aerodynamics data. These second order ap- NASA-developed Configuration Sizing proximation models account for individual pa- (CONSIZ) weightdsizing package. This proc- rameter effects, non linearity (square terms) ess was repeated for the 45 rows of the D- and interactions (cross terms). The prediction optimal design matrix, each of which corre- accuracy of the approximation equations in this sponds to a vehicle design generating the case was very good (residuals were within weights and aerodynamics data. 0.50% to 1.5% range for the weight equa- tions). These approximation equations can From the weights analysis 45 data points now be used to rapidly determine the effect of for, empty weight, landed weight and landing varying design parameter values on the weights center of gravities were obtained. From the and aerodynamic performance characteristics aerodynamics analysis, lift, drag and pitching and for MDO. A major advantage of this ap- moment coefficients for the three mach num- proach is that it enables the integration of disci- bers are obtained (Table 3). plines for MDO using mathematical program- ming methods. Furthermore, sensitivity Construct the Second-Order ResDonse Surface simulations can be carried out without the need Model to re-analyze the entire system after each change in parameter values. Determine Design Parameter Values that summary of each technique was given and an ODtimize the ResDonse application of model building using over- determined D-optimal designs for deterministic In the next step, the approximation equa- experiments was presented. tions were transferred into a spreadsheet and a gradient-based non-linear optimizer, contained The results suggest that, the use of 20% to within the same spreadsheet, is used to deter- 50% over-determined D-optimal designs for mine the settings of design parameter values to approximation model building is a good choice minimize vehicle empty weight subject to de- for response surface approximation model sign constraints. The results are shown in Ta- building. ble 4. REFERENCES Table 4. Optimization Process Results 1. R. H. Myers; Response Surface Method- ology, Virginia Commonwealth University, Parameter Optimum Value Allyn and Bacon Inc., Boston Mass., 1971. Fineness ratio 6.9 Wing area ratio 18.76 2. Box, G. E. and N. R. Draper, Empirical Tip fin area ratio 1.99 Model Building and Response Surfaces, John Body flap area ratio 0 Wiley, New York, NY, 1987. Ballast weight 0.014 Mass ratio 8.0 3. Lepsch, R. A., Jr., D.O. Stanley and R. Predicted Empty Weight 249,792 Unal, “Dual-Fuel Propulsion in Single Stage Verified Empty weight 249,360 Advanced Manned Launch System Vehicle,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Volume 32 , Using the optimization results and the Number 3, May-June, pp. 417-425, 1995. empty weight approximation equation, the ve- hicle empty weight is predicted to be 249,792 4. D. 0. Stanley, W. C. Engelund, R. A. pounds. A verification weights & sizing and Lepsch, M. McMillin, K.E. Wurster, R.W. aerodynamics analysis using the optimized val- Powell, A.A. Guinta, and R. Unal, “SSTO ues was conducted yielding a computed weight Configuration Selection and Vehcle Design,” of 249,360 pounds. This is very close to the AIAA-93- 1053, February 1993. predicted weight. As indicated by this result, the second-order approximation equation con- 5. Unal, R., R. A. Lepsch, W. Engelund structed using the overdetermined D-optimal and D. 0. Stanley, Approximation Model design accurately represented the response sur- Building and MDO Using Response Surface face within the region studied for this study. Methods with Applications To Launch Vehicle Design, Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conclusions AIAAI USAFI NASAIISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, In this paper, response surface methods for September 1996. approximation model building techniques were discussed. A major advantage of using ap- 6. J. A. Craig, “D-Optimal Design Method: proximation models is that it enables the inte- Final Report and User’s Manual,” USAF Con- gration of disciplines for MDO using mathe- tract F33615-78-C-3011, EM-6777, General matical programming methods. Furthermore, Dynamics, Forth Worth Div., 1978. sensitivity simulations can be carried out with- out the need to re-analyze the entire system af- 7. Sharifzadeh S., J. Koehler, A. Owen and ter each change in parameter values. J. Shott, “Using Simulators to Model Trans- mitted Variability in IC Manufacturing,” IEEE The approximation techniques discussed Transactions on Semiconductor Manufactur- were, central composite designs, minimum ing, Vol. 2, No. 3, August, pp. 82-93, 1989. point designs and overdetermined D-optimal designs for deterministic experiments. A brief 8. Sacks, J. W. Welch, T. Mitchell and H. Wynn, “Design and Analysis of Computer Ex- 13. Mitchell, T. J., “An Algorithm for the periments,” Statistical Science, Vol. 4, Number Construction of D-Optimal Experimental De- 4, November, 1989. signs,” Technometrics, Vol. 16, No. 2, May 1974. 9. Owen, A., “Orthogonal Array Designs for Computer Experiments, Department of Statis- 14. D. C. Montgomery; Design and Analysis tics, Stanford University,” of Experiments, John Wiley and Sons, N. J., httD: //lib.s tat.cmu.edu/desi gns/owen. small, 1991. 1994. 15. M. J. Box and N.R. Draper, “On- 10. Chaloner, K. and I. Verdinelli, “Bayesian Mimimum Point Second-Order Designs,” Experimental Design: A Review,” Department Technometrics, Vol. 16, No. 4, November of Statistics, University of Minnesota, Minn., 1974. 1995. 16. JMP@D esign User’s Guide, SAS Institute 11. Carpenter, W. C. “Effect of Design Selec- Inc, Cary, NC, 1992. tion on Response Surface Performance,” NASA Contractor Report 4520, June 1993. 17. D. K. Lin, “Another Look at First-Order Saturated Designs: The P-Efficient Designs,” 12. Lucas, J. M., “Optimum Composite De- Technometrics, Vol. 35, No. 3, August 1993. signs,” Technometrics, Vol. 16, No. 4, No- vember 1974.

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