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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20040087037: Uncertainty Modeling Via Frequency Domain Model Validation

AIAA 99-3959 UNCERTAINTY MODELING VIA FREQUENCY DOMAIN MODEL VALIDATION Martin R. Waszak,* NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia Dominick Andrisani II,† Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana Abstract property that it be accomplished with minimal The majority of literature on robust control assumes conservatism. That is, the model should characterize that a design model is available and that the uncertainty responses of the real system that are possible but model bounds the actual variations about the nominal should not characterize responses that are not model. However, methods for generating accurate possible. Of course, it is impossible to conclusively design models have not received as much attention in prove this as well. However, if the available the literature. The influence of the level of accuracy of knowledge is comprehensive enough it is possible to the uncertainty model on closed loop performance has achieve this goal within some qualitative level of received even less attention. The research reported confidence. herein is an initial step in applying and extending the M odel Validation concept of model validation to the problem of A concept called "model validation" has recently obtaining practical uncertainty models for robust been developed to attack this problem.[3–8] The idea control analysis and design applications. An extension behind model validation is that given input and output of model validation called 'sequential validation' is data for a system that is otherwise unknown, a model presented and applied to a simple spring–mass–damper can be generated that driven by the same input (and system to establish the feasibility of the approach and possibly some additional inputs) can exactly reproduce demonstrate the benefits of the new developments. the output of the true system. The frequency domain Introduction version of this statement is depicted in block diagram form in Figure 1. Robust control theory guarantees that a feedback The input to the true system u(s) produces the control system can be designed that will maintain output of the true system y(s). The same input drives desired levels of stability and performance subject to modeling errors and uncertainties.[1,2] There is, the model along with an external disturbance w(s). Another external input v(s) is added to the response of however, an underlying assumption that the uncertainty model used in the design effectively the model to produce the validation output y˜ (s). The characterizes the differences between the responses of external inputs are included because the true system the true system and the nominal design model. This output includes artifacts of the method(s) by which it means that the family of responses associated with the is obtained including external disturbances, estimation design model contain the responses of the true system. errors, and quantization effects. The external inputs It is impossible to conclusively prove that this provide a mechanism to account for these effects. assumption is satisfied for any real system. However, Validation is achieved by choosing the model and the if there is sufficient knowledge of the response external inputs w(s) and v(s) so that the difference characteristics of the true system then a model can be between the validation output and the true system generated that, subject to the available knowledge, output e(s) is identically zero for the available characterizes the possible range of responses that can input/output data. (The Laplace variable s will be be produced by the system. The goal is to omitted henceforth for ease of discussion.) systematically generate such a model with the added v(s) * Senior Research Engineer. Senior Member AIAA. e(s) = 0 y~(s) + w(s) † Associate Professor, School of Aeronautics and - + Model + Astronautics. Senior Member AIAA. Copyright © 1999 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. No copyright is y(s) asserted in the United States under Title 17, U.S. Code. u(s) True System The U.S. Government has a royalty-free license to exercise all rights under the copyright claimed herein for Governmental purposes. All other rights are reserved by the copyright owner. Figure 1 – Model validation block diagram. 1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics The goal is to choose the validating model and external inputs in such a way that the resulting model W D B can be used for robust control design. There are infinitely many ways to choose a validating model and h (s) x (s) so the next step is to develop a means for generating a validating model that can be used in robust control design and demonstrate reduced levels of conservatism. y~(s) P11 P12 P13 u(s) P P P R obust Control Models 21 22 23 v(s), w(s) Robust control design requires a linear design model that characterizes parameter variations, unmodeled Figure 2 – Robust control model block diagram. dynamics, and/or other uncertainties relative to a Choosing the model structure involves selecting the nominal model. The common format for describing such a model in block diagram form is shown in Pij, the block structure of W and D B, and the external Figure 2.[1,2] The nominal model is represented by the inputs v and w. The Pij arise from the form of the (2,2) element of the transfer matrix P while the other nominal model and the representation of uncertainty elements represent various aspects of the uncertainty. (e.g., real or complex valued parameter uncertainty, The matrices W and D B characterize the structure of additive uncertainty, input or output multiplicative the uncertainty in the model; W is a real diagonal uncertainty in unstructured or structured forms). positive definite weighting matrix and D B is a block Subsequently the form of W and D B are chosen diagonal matrix with unity norm (a so-called unit ball). consistent with the uncertainty representations. The The elements of D B are only specified as to whether third sub-problem is setting up an optimization they are real or complex valued, satisfy a particular problem that solves for the smallest external inputs block diagonal structure, and satisfy the norm bound and uncertainty weights that, subject to the choice of condition. model structure, makes the validation error e (from For a given set of inputs u, v, and w, the output of Figure 1) zero. the uncertain model y˜ represents a family of outputs E xtending the Model Validation Method determined by all possible choices for D B that satisfy The current formulation of the model validation the prescribed structure. One measure of conservatism problem optimizes on a single scalar uncertainty for the uncertain model described above is the size of weight with a bound constraint on the magnitude of the external inputs v, w and the norm of uncertainty the external inputs.[3] There may be other formulations weighting matrix W . A reasonable goal would be to that may be better able to incorporate the available generate a validating model that minimizes these knowledge. An alternate, more general, approach is quantities. proposed and developed in this paper. The model validation problem can be broken down The choice for the structure of the uncertainty plays into several sub-problems. First input/output data from a major role in the relative conservatism of the the true system must be obtained. It may come from resulting validating model. How does one choose the experiment, actual operation, simulation, or computed uncertainty structure upon which the method operates directly from a high-fidelity model that is used to to get the "best" model? It may be possible to represent the true system. The second sub-problem is parameterize the potential uncertainty model structures choosing a structure for the model. Robust control and utilize optimization to select the best structure. An design relies on a linear model called a linear fractional approach to address this issue by means of sequential transformation (LFT)[1,2] and is represented by the uncertainty modeling is proposed and developed here as block diagram in Figure 2. The equation for the LFT well. in Figure 2 is A brief review of the key technical aspects of the y˜ =Ø P +P D W [I- P D W ]- 1P ø (cid:237) (cid:236) v(cid:252) (cid:253) model validation method will be presented first. This º 23 21 B 11 B 13ß (cid:238) w(cid:254) will be followed by a discussion of the extensions that . (1) have been made to the method as part of the current +Ø º P22+P21D BW [I- P11D BW ]- 1P12ø ß u research. This is followed by simple examples that demonstrate the application of the model validation method to generate an uncertainty model for a simple dynamic system. 2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics The perspective on model validation and uncertainty dimension of the D Bi,i=1,2,...,t and t is the modeling addressed here is a direct extension of the number of uncertainty blocks. work of Lim and Giesy.[3] The model validation Ø w I ø problem statement and solution is theirs and the 11 Œ œ current work builds on that foundation. It is W =Œ w 2I2 œ summarized and interpreted here to provide a basis for Œ œ O the extensions described subsequently. Œ º w t It œ ß Model Validation Problem[3,4] (3) Ø D ø B Assume that input/output data for a physical Œ 1 œ D dynamic system is available and that a robust control D =Œ B2 œ design model for the system is desired. Assume further B Œ O œ Œ œ that a linear model, specified uncertainty structure, and º D Bt ß a specified level of external disturbance is available for the same system. The model elements can be described Each D Bi are unit norm matrices with specified as a linear fractional transformation (LFT) as shown in structure (diagonal or full, real or complex) but whose Figure 2. The input data for the physical system can be elements are otherwise arbitrary. Therefore the free used as input to the LFT to produce another set of variables that can be selected to achieve model output data. Model validation is achieved by selecting validation are v, w, w i, and D Bi,i=1,2,...,t . certain elements of the LFT and its external inputs in The current model validation problem formulation such as way as to make the difference between the combines v and w into a single vector. In addition, it outputs of the physical system and LFT model exactly is assumed that these signals satisfy the Euclidean zero at each frequency. Figure 1 depicts the model norm† bound constraint validation problem in block diagram form. In equation form model validation is simply v £ 1. (4) (cid:236) v(cid:252) w 0” e= y- y˜ =ey0- P23(cid:237) (cid:253) - P21x (2) (cid:238) w(cid:254) This comes from the notion that the external inputs where are associated with some random phenomena that are ey0 =y- P22u unknown except that they are stable and bounded. Model Validation Solution[3] Recall that the nominal linear model P22 and the The solution of the model validation problem input data u are given. Therefore the quantities { } described above is accomplished using a linear vector T * P23 vT wT and P21x can be used to space approach. The model validation equation, Eqn. (2), can be rewritten characterize the differences (errors, uncertainties, etc.) (cid:236) x (cid:252) between the true system outputs and the model (cid:239) (cid:239) outputs. Validation is achieved by solving Eqn. (2) for ey0 =M(cid:237) v(cid:253) (5) these quantities subject to the specified structure of the (cid:239) (cid:239) (cid:238) w(cid:254) model. The model structure is described by the LFT in where M=[P21 P23] and ey0, P21, and P23 are Eqn. (1). The specified uncertainty structure is represented by Pij, i,j„ 2 and D B. The remaining free known. A necessary condition for Eqn. (5) to be 0 variables are v and w and the uncertainty weights in satisfied is that ey lie in the subspace spanned by the W . Note that W has a diagonal structure dictated by the columns of M, that is structure of D B which is block diagonal. There is one free weight w i associated with each block of D B as ey0 ˛ Im(M) (6) shown in Eqn. (3) where the In,n=1,2,...,t are The general solution of Eqn. (5) can be written as identity matrices with dimension equal to the * Note that the superscript T is used herein to denote † All norms referred to herein are Euclidean norms. complex conjugate transpose. 3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (cid:236) x (cid:252) Eqn. (8). The properties of the singular value (cid:237) (cid:239) (cid:239) v(cid:253) (cid:239) (cid:239) =M+ey0 +NMq (7) decomposition of (NM)vw allow considerable (cid:238) w(cid:254) simplification and the elimination of y from the where expression. M+= (cid:239) (cid:239) (cid:236) (cid:237) M(MTT(MMM)- T1M)- T1,, ccoollddimim((MM))<>rroowwddiimm((MM)) (cid:237) (cid:238) (cid:236) wv(cid:254) (cid:252) (cid:253) =(M+)vwey0 +U1S1g (11) (cid:238) Recall the norm bound on v and w from Eqn. (4) [ ] and where the columns of NM form a basis for the and note that the matrix U1 U2 is unitary so that null space of M. Note that the vector q is arbitrary the constraint in Eqn. (4) can be written because when it is premultiplied by NM the product 2 lies in the null space of M which when premultiplied v 2 Ø UTø (cid:236) v (cid:252) bdyo eMs c,o anst rinib Euqten .t o(5 t)h,e i sn iodremn toicfa l[lxyT zevrTo. wHTow]Te.v eAr,l sqo 1‡ w ” Œ Œ º U12Tß œ œ (cid:238) (cid:237) w(cid:253) (cid:254) . (12) [ ]T recall that the vector formed by v and w has a norm Premultiplying Eqn. (11) by U1 U2 , bound constraint. Therefore, q is arbitrary only to substituting it into Eqn. (12) and simplifying the the degree to which the norm bound is satisfied. expression results in In order to assure that this constraint is satisfied ( ) 2 ( ) 2 consider a partition of Eqn. (7) U1T M+ ey0+S1g £ 1- U2T M+ e0y (13) (cid:237) (cid:238) (cid:236) wv(cid:254) (cid:252) (cid:253) =(M+)vwey0 +(NM)vwq (8) This condviwtion can only be satisfied whvwen the right hand side is non-negative which further implies that where the subscript vw represents taking the rows of ( ) 2 t(he re)spective matrix associated with v and w. Now U2T M+ ey0 £ 1 (14) NM can be represented in terms of its singular vw vw value decomposition by This condition and that imposed by Eqn. (6) are required for the existence of a validating model. If these (NM)vw =[U1 U2]Œ Ø º S01 00œ ø ß º Œ Ø VV21TTß œ ø (9) cmoonddeilt ioannds aurnec neortta isnatyti sfsiterudc ttuhreen ctahnen ogti vveanl idnaotme inthael input/output data. In such cases the nominal model The columns of the matrices V1 and V2 span the and/or uncertainty structure and/or the definition of the ( ) image and null spaces of NM , respectively. external inputs must be modified. vw Now define a variable f such that Therefore, q can be written as the sum of two ( ) ( ) vectors, one in the image of NM vw and one in the f =U1T M+ ey0+S1g . (15) ( ) vw null space of NM , vw The condition in Eqn. (13) then becomes a constraint q =V1g +V2y (10) on f such that theN noutlel stphaact eb oecf a(uNsMe )y m iut ldtiopelsi enso t Vc2on wtrihbiucthe stop atnhes f 2 £ 1- U2T(M+)vwey0 2. (16) vw norm of (cid:237) (cid:236) v(cid:252) (cid:253) and is therefore completely arbitrary. Solving Eqn. (15) for g gives However, (cid:238) g w d(cid:254) oes contribute to the norm of (cid:237) (cid:236) v(cid:252) (cid:253) and g =S1- 1Œ Ø º f - U1T(M+)vwey0œ ø ß . (17) (cid:238) w(cid:254) is therefore constrained. To determine the constraint on There is an additional constraint on the selection of g substitute the expression for q from Eqn. (10) and f and y associated with the structure of the ( ) uncertainty described in Eqn. (3). Assume that f and the expression for NM from Eqn. (9) into vw y satisfy the necessary conditions for existence of a 4 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics validating model. Eqn. (7) can then be written in terms inputs are appropriately bounded, and the uncertainty of f and y as follows. structure is not violated. The following sections will build on this solution approach. (cid:236) x (cid:252) (cid:237) (cid:239) (cid:239) v(cid:253) (cid:239) (cid:239) = Ø º Œ M+ - NMV1S1- 1U1T(M+)vwø ß œ ey0 The largelOy partbiimtriazrya tniaotnu rPe roof bfle mand y suggest (cid:238) w(cid:254) (18) that constrained optimization can be used to select [ ](cid:236) f (cid:252) +N VS - 1 N V (cid:237) (cid:253) them subject to the necessary constraints and additional M 1 1 M 2 (cid:238) y (cid:254) user specified constraints and objectives. The necessary constraints are the bound on f and the requirement Note, however, that the vector x is not an external that the uncertainty structure be satisfied. Additional input, it depends directly on the uncertainty structure constraints and objectives may be chosen to minimize (see Figure 2) and needs to satisfy the following the magnitude of some or all of the external inputs, relations. minimize the magnitude of the uncertainties required to x =D BWh (19) achieve validation, or trade off the magnitude of (cid:236) x (cid:252) particular elements of the uncertainty structure. h= [P11 P13](cid:237) (cid:239) (cid:236) (cid:237) v(cid:253) (cid:252) (cid:253) (cid:239) +P12u (20) a Tschael aarp pwroeaicghh tdiensgc rifbaecdt oinr thr e litoenra tutrhee[ 3] iusn tcoe rptalianctey (cid:239) (cid:239) (cid:238) (cid:238) w(cid:254) (cid:254) weighting matrix W= rW 0 (with W 0 specified) that is minimized by selection of f and y . In this way, Substituting Eqn. (18) into Eqn. (20) results in the following equation. the magnitude of the contribution of the uncertainty model to the validating response is minimized. This h= [P11 P13]Œ Ø º M+- NMV1S1- 1U1T(M+) œ ø ß ey0 approach almost guarantees that the external inputs vw will take on values such that the norm bound condition (21) +P u+[P P ][N V S - 1 N V ](cid:237) (cid:236) f (cid:252) (cid:253) in Eqn. (4) is active. This approach is fine if the 12 11 13 M 1 1 M 2 (cid:238) y (cid:254) magnitude of the external disturbances are known or if the uncertainty model is very simple (e.g., a single Therefore, given f and y , the model validating block). However, this is not usually the case. solution is computed by Eqns. (18) and (21) subject A more comprehensive approach is to optimize over to the further constraint that Eqn. (19) be satisfied. the weights on the uncertainty blocks w i with the Satisfying Eqn. (19) assures that the validating added objective of minimizing the magnitude of some inputs determined by f and y , u, and ey0 also or all of the elements of the external inputs v and w. The cost function may be defined so as to seek the generate h and x that satisfy the given uncertainty smallest possible norm of the uncertainty weight structure. Once such a solution is determined an actual matrix W and of f (which is essentially equivalent to uncertainty D B that achieves validation for the given minimizing the norm of the external inputs v and w). input/output data and system model can be computed This is the approach that has been implemented in the using Eqn. (19). Note that this computation is not current research. required during the optimization used to compute f In more precise terms, assuming that none of the and y . In addition, the solution to this equation is uncertainty blocks are associated with repeated scalar usually underspecified. That is, there are generally uncertainties, the problem statement is as follows. At many possible choices for the elements of D B that each frequency for which input–output data is available satisfy the equation. A method for computing an Ø 2 ø w optimal validating uncertainty will be presented min Œ 1 2 œ subsequently. f ,y ,w iŒ Œ M + f Q2œ œ (22) In summary, the Lim-Giesy solution of the model º Œ w t Q ß œ validation problem boils down to (1) obtaining 1 input/output data for the true system, (2) selecting a subject to the constraints nominal linear model, a particular uncertainty x structure, and set of external inputs, (3) testing whether w i ‡ h i , i =1,2,3,K,t (23a) i the candidate model structure can generate a validating syet osfu icnhp utthsa at ndth ue ncmeortdaeinl tiiess , vaanldid (a4ti)n cgh, oothsein ge xf te rannadl f £ 1- U2T(M+) e0y 2 (23b) vw 5 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics where Q1 and Q2 are diagonal semi-definite elements of x and h associated with the two weighting matrices and ((cid:215)) is the norm of the uncertainty model components, the first known and the Q vector ((cid:215)) with respect to the weighting matrix Q. second unknown. At each frequency the objective function seeks to x k = D BkW kh k =D kh k (26) minimize, in a normed sense, the contributions of the x u =D BuW uh u =D uh u (27) various blocks of the uncertainty model while simultaneously minimizing, again in a normed sense, The fact that W kD Bk is specified influences the the size of the external inputs subject to two sets of possible choices for f and y to achieve validation. constraints. The first constraint Eqn. (23a) insures that Consider the partitions of Eqns. (18) and (21) the validating inputs x , v and w are consistent with corresponding to the known uncertainty block. These the structure of the uncertainty model determined by can be written in terms of a linear equation in f and the w i andD Bi in Eqn. (3). That is, there exists an y . admissible uncertainty satisfying the norm bounds and (cid:236) f (cid:252) block diagonal structure imposed by the uncertainty x k =x k0+Rk(cid:237) (cid:238) y (cid:253) (cid:254) model. The second constraint Eqn. (23b) insures that (28) the validating external inputs satisfy the bound (cid:236) f (cid:252) condition from Eqn. (4). h k =h k0+Tk(cid:238) (cid:237) y (cid:253) (cid:254) If the uncertainty model further specifies that the where structure of some of the uncertainty blocks represent repeated scalars such that x k0= Œ Ø º (M+) - (NM)kV1S1- 1U1T(M+) œ ø ß ey0 D Bi =d iIni (24) k [ ] vw where Ini is the identity matrix of order ni, then h k0= (P12)ku+ (P11)k (P13)k · additional constraints must be imposed. The º Œ Ø M+ - NMV1S1- 1U1T(M+) ß œ ø ey0 additional constraints are equality constraints and can vw be written and where x i =w id ih i (25) Rk =(NM)k[V1S1- 1 V2] for those blocks that represent repeated scalar [ ] [ ]. uncertainties where x i and h i are vectors Tk= (P11)k (P13)k NM V1S1- 1 V2 cscoarlraers pd oi ncdainn gb et or etahle o irt hc oumncpelretxa ivnatylu beldo dckep eD nBdiin. gT ohne The notation ((cid:215))k represents the rows of ((cid:215)) the uncertainty description but are always norm corresponding to the known uncertainty block and its bounded by unity consistent with the definition of inputs h k and outputs x k. D B. Substituting Eqn. (28) into the constraint in Eqn. (26) and solving for f and y results in the Sequential Model Validation following expression. A further extension of the model validation approach issp epcoisfiseidb l(ei .ief. ,e olenme oenr tms ooref btlhoec kusn ocfe rDtaBin)ty. Tmheo deeffle cist (cid:237) (cid:238) (cid:236) yf (cid:253) (cid:254) (cid:252) = Xk+(x k0- D kh k0) (29) of the specified elements on the model validating where solution can be identified and eliminated from the Xk =D kTk- Rk solution of the remaining validating signals. This is done using an image space–null space decomposition + (cid:239) (cid:236) XkT(XkXkT)- 1, coldim(Xk)>rowdim(Xk) sviamlidilaatrio tno stohlautt iuonse.[d3] in the derivation of the model Xk =(cid:237) (cid:239) (X TX )- 1X T, coldim(X )<rowdim(X ) (cid:238) k k k k k Consider the situation in which the uncertainty structure is partitioned into two parts, one of which is The right hand side of Eqn. (29) can be also written assumed to be known a priori, W kD Bk, and one that in terms of two components, one that lies in the image is to be determined, W uD Bu. The constraint in of Xk and one that lies in the null space of Xk. The singular value decomposition of Xk provides a means Eqn. (19) can be written as two constraints on the 6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics by which bases for these components can be same computing machinery used to solve the original determined. model validation formulation can be used. This new result provides a means for several Xk =[UX1 UX2]Œ Ø º SX01 00œ ø ß º Œ Ø Œ VVXX21TTø œ ß œ (30) vsoalruiatitioonn os fo pf rmacotdiceal lv iaslsiduaetsi oinn uthnacte crtaani nbtey umseodd ienl itnhge. For example, the selection of the appropriate level of The columns of the matrices VX1 and VX2 span the parameter uncertainty can be chosen by comparing (or image and null spaces of Xk, respectively. Therefore, optimizing) the level of additional uncertainty needed an expression for f and y can be written to achieve validation. This concept is developed further in the example section. (cid:236) f (cid:252) (cid:237) (cid:238) y (cid:253) (cid:254) = VX1a+ VX2b (31) Minimum Norm Validating Uncertainty The model validation based uncertainty modeling method provides uncertainty weights. It is useful to be It is readily shown that substituting Eqn. (31) into able to compute an actual validating uncertainty (i.e., Eqn. (29) simplifies to the following. ( ) W and D B) that has the same weights. a =SX1- 1UX1T x k0-D kh k0 (32) There are basically two types of validating uncertainty models to consider – one associated with Note that the solution is independent of b . Also note repeated scalar blocks and one associated with full that substituting Eqn. (32) into Eqn. (31) results in complex blocks. Both types result from the solution of the following expression for f and y in terms of b . the constraints in Eqn. (19) for a specific WD B given an input–output pair and validating uncertainty (cid:237) (cid:238) (cid:236) yf (cid:253) (cid:254) (cid:252) = Xk+(x k0- D kh k0)+VX2b (33) wdeetiegrhmtsin. eRde bcayl ls othlvaitn tgh ef ovra lfid aatnidn gy un. cTehrtea ivnatylu meso doef l ihs and x can then be computed using Eqns. (18) and (20) As a result, the constraint in Eqn. (26) is satisfied by Eqn. (33) and b can be chosen to satisfy the and used to solve Eqn. (19). Solving for a validating uncertainty associated with remaining model validation relations and constraints. a repeated scalar block is trivial because the number of This is accomplished by substituting Eqn. (33) into unknowns is the same as the number of equations, as the partitions of Eqns. (18) and (21) associated with the is evident in Eqn. (25). uncertainty block(s) remaining to be determined. The The solution of a validating uncertainty for a full new model validation problem becomes finding a solution for b that satisfies the combination of the complex block is more complicated because there are typically more unknowns than equations. One way to following equations and the constraint in Eqn. (27). obtain a solution for a full complex block is via (cid:239) (cid:239) (cid:236) (cid:237) x vu(cid:239) (cid:239) (cid:252) (cid:253) =º Œ Ø (M+)uvw - (NM)uvwV1S1- 1U1T(M+)vwß œ ø ey0 obep tpimariazmateitoenri.z Aed f aanmdi ltyhe osfe vpaalriadmateitnegrs u cnacne brtea ionpttiiems iczaend (cid:238) w(cid:254) to satisfy Eqn. (19) and match the desired uncertainty +(NM)uvw[V1S1- 1 V2]Xk+(x k0-D kh k0) (34) weCigohnt.sider a set of candidate validating uncertainty [ ] +(N ) VS - 1 V V b blocks Muvw 1 1 2 X2 [ ] h =(P ) u D i= 0 L d i L 0 , i=1,2,K,n (36) u 12 uvw +[(P11)uvw (P13)uvw]º Œ Ø M+- NMV1S1- 1U1T(M+)vwß œ ø ey0 (35) where (cid:236) d (cid:252) +[(P11)uvw (P13)uvw]NM[V1S1- 1 V2]Xk+(x k0-D kh k0) d i =(cid:239) (cid:237) M1i(cid:239) (cid:253) (37) +[(P11)uvw (P13)uvw]NM[V1S1- 1 V2]VX2b (cid:238) (cid:239) d ni(cid:239) (cid:254) Notice that the form of the expressions in Eqns. Substituting each block into Eqn. (19) simplifies to (34) and (35) is very similar to those in Eqns. (18) and the following expression for the d i. (21). Each expression is the sum of a constant term and a term multiplying an unknown vector (f and y d i = x h , i=1,2,K,n (38) in the earlier case and b in this case). As a result, the i 7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics The sum of all the candidate solutions D i scaled by constant factors ki results in the following equation. { } { } x = (cid:229)n1 º Ø k1 d 1 L kn d n ø ß h (39) f1 c1 k1 ki i=1 m x Equation (39) describes a family of validating 1 1 uncertainty blocks for arbitrary choices of the ki. A minimum norm validating uncertainty can be obtained by choosing the ki to minimize the difference f2 c2 k2 w between the specified uncertainty weight and the norm of the uncertainty matrix described in Eqn. (39), m x 2 2 or equivalently min n k˜ i w- D ˜ subject to i(cid:229)=1k˜ i =1 (40) c k 3 3 where n D ˜= (cid:229) k˜ i D i (41) Figure 3 – Mass–spring–damper system. i=1 D ˜ is a minimum norm validating uncertainty. Table 1 – Parameter values for mass–spring–damper system. Examples Two examples will be presented to (1) demonstrate Mass (kg) Damping Ratio Stiffness (N/m) the result of optimizing the weighting for each block within a specified uncertainty structure, and (2) m m c c c k k k 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 demonstrate the application of sequential model validation when part of the uncertainty model is known 0.45 0.45 0.40 0.40 0.40 150 150 150 or otherwise specified. S ystem Mode l [3,5] order system will be used as the "true system" shown Consider the simple physical system depicted in in Figure 1. The nominal linear model is obtained by Figure 3. Two masses are connected to ground and each truncating the second (higher frequency) mode from other via springs and dampers. The values of the the full order system. In this way the error between masses, spring stiffness, and damping ratios are the true system and the nominal system is nothing presented in Table 1. The inputs to this system are more than the second mode of the full order system. force actuators on the two masses and the outputs are In addition, the real and imaginary parts of the first the velocities of the two masses. mode eigenvalue are both decreased by 0.10 to The equations of motion for the system in Figure 3 represent parameter errors in the nominal model. can be written M odel with Mixed Uncertainty Œ Ø m1 0 œ ø (cid:236) (cid:237) ˙x˙ 1 (cid:253) (cid:252) +Œ Ø c1+c2 - c2 œ ø (cid:237) (cid:236) x˙ 1 (cid:252) (cid:253) This example addresses the ability of the model º 0 m2ß (cid:238) x˙˙ 2(cid:254) º - c2 c2+c3ß (cid:238) x˙ 2(cid:254) validation approach to generate an uncertainty model associated with the combination of parameter errors and Ø k +k - k ø (cid:236) x (cid:252) (cid:236) f (cid:252) +Œ 1 2 2 œ (cid:237) 1(cid:253) = (cid:237) 1(cid:253) unmodeled dynamics in the mass–spring–damper º - k2 k2+k3ß (cid:238) x2(cid:254) (cid:238) f2(cid:254) system. Figure 4 depicts the uncertainty model (42) structure in block diagram form. Two uncertainty Ø 1 0ø (cid:236) x˙ (cid:252) blocks are considered – parameter uncertainty and y= Œ œ (cid:237) 1(cid:253) additive uncertainty. º 0 1ß (cid:238) x˙ (cid:254) 2 The additive uncertainty structure consists of (1) a D full complex block in which each element of the These equations of motion can be written in modal a coordinates and transformed into the frequency domain 2x2 matrix can take on any complex value such that as a basis for demonstrating the model validation the norm of the matrix is less than unity, and (2) a solutions described in the previous sections. The full 8 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics single real scalar weight (i.e., W =w I ) that is For this example, the model error can be completely a a 2 chosen during the model validation solution. described by the chosen uncertainty structure. External The parameter uncertainty is modeled as repeated real disturbances and measurement noise are not considered scalar perturbations. The weighting and uncertainty and no weight is placed on the external disturbances. matrices have the following structure. Figure 5 depicts results from the model validation solutions. The three optimal uncertainty weights (i.e., Ø Ø 1 0ø ø Œ w 1Œ œ 0 œ the additive uncertainty weight and the two real W p =Œ Œ º 0 1ß Ø 1 0ø œ œ (43a) pfraerqaumeentceyr aut nwcheirctahi nat yso lwuteioignh wtsa) s aorbet aipnleodtt.ed at each Œ º 0 w 2Œ º 0 1œ ß œ ß Figure 6 depicts the result of using the optimal uncertainty weights to generate a specific minimum Ø Ø 1 0ø ø Œ d 1Œ œ 0 œ norm validating uncertainty at each frequency point. D p =Œ Œ º 0 1ß Ø 1 0ø œ œ (43b) Tpahreti cpulloatr ailnstoe rsehsto. wTsh es evseorlaidl flrienqeu enisc y threes pforenqsueesn coyf º Œ 0 d 2º Œ 0 1ß œ ß œ response of the "true system," the dashed line is the frequency response of the nominal model, and the The first parameter d 1 is a perturbation of the real dotted line is the frequency response associated with the part of the nominal model eigenvalue and the second error dynamics (i.e., the difference between the true parameter d 2 is a perturbation of the imaginary part. system and the nominal model). Each d i is real valued and can have arbitrary values The circles are the result of solving for minimum norm validating uncertainties and using them to such that D p £ 1. Each w i is also real but free to compute the frequency response of the uncertainty be chosen during the optimization. model that corresponds to the error dynamics of the The solution of the model validation problem is system, accomplished using the optimization described (cid:236) [ ]- 1 (cid:252) pvreecvtoior uiss ly[1 ov- e0r. 5a]T r aatn egaec ho ff refqrueqeunecnyc.‡ie Ts.h eT ohbej eicntpivuet s (cid:238) (cid:237) P21I- D ˜ P11 D ˜ P12(cid:253) (cid:254) . function is the sum squared value of the uncertainty 0.8 weights w i,i=1,2,...,t . That is, the objective is to Parameter #1 2 s min w 1 ght0.6 Parameter #2 ei Additive f ,y ,w i w Mt . nty W0.4 ai ert0.2 c n U D W a a 0 10 20 30 40 Frequency (rad/sec) x a(s) W p D p h a(s) Figure 5 – Model validation uncertainty weights. h x 10 p(s) p(s) e True System u Nominal Model al Error Dynamics V y~(s) P11 P12 u(s) ular 1 Validating Uncertainty g P P n 21 22 Si m 0.1 u m Figure 4 – Uncertainty model structure. xi a M 0.01 10 100 Ø 1 ø Frequency (rad/sec) ‡ Laplace transform of Œ º - 0.5œ ß d (t). Figure 6 – Model validation solution. 9 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics The minimum norm validating uncertainties provide Ø Ø 1 0ø ø a good approximation of the error dynamics. Therefore, Œ 0.1Œ œ 0 œ the model validation based uncertainty weights W pD p=Œ Œ º 0 1ß Ø 1 0ø œ œ (44) accurately characterize the differences between the "true Œ 0 0.1Œ œ œ system" and the nominal model. However, one might º º 0 1ß ß also expect the real parameter uncertainty weights to be The additive uncertainty weights were then computed 0.1 at each frequency to reflect the actual parameter from the optimization of b to minimize the norm of error. But this is not the case. So why are the real the additive uncertainty weight and satisfy the uncertainty weights so different from what might be constraint associated with its structure. expected? Figure 7 depicts results from the sequential Note that the contribution of the parameter error to validation solutions. The three uncertainty weights the error dynamics is most significant in the (i.e., the optimal additive uncertainty weight and the frequencies near the first mode while the contribution two specified real parameter uncertainty weights) are of the unmodeled dynamics is most significant at plotted as a function of frequency. Note that, in the frequencies near the second mode. At frequencies near frequency range near the first mode, the additive the first mode (where the parameter uncertainty uncertain weight is smaller than the corresponding dominates) the weights associated with the real uncertainty weight from the mixed uncertainty result parameter uncertainty are close to the theoretically (see Figure 5). This is expected because the larger exact value of 0.1. At frequencies away from the first parameter uncertainty is now better able to characterize mode the weights associated with the real parameter the errors. uncertainty are very small. The results of using the optimal uncertainty weights The additive uncertainty is better able to characterize to compute a minimum norm validating uncertainties the uncertainty at frequencies away from the first mode are shown in Figure 8. The plot shows the same than the parameter uncertainty. That is, the additive frequency responses shown in Figure 6. However, the uncertainty permits validating signals for the system circles represent the uncertainty model dynamics with a smaller weight than does the real parameter associated with the optimized additive uncertainty uncertainty. Recall that the solution approach seeks to weights with the real parameter weights specified. The find the smallest normed weights that achieve validation. The solution is not unique and a smaller 0.8 norm solution than the theoretically exact solution was Parameter #1 found to achieve model validation. s Also note that because the parameter error is eight0.6 PAadrdaitmiveeter #2 independent of frequency it should be the same constant W value at all frequencies. Therefore, one way to improve nty 0.4 the uncertainty model would be to solve the model ai validation problem again and force the parameter cert0.2 n uncertainty weights to take on the maximum value U obtained during the mixed uncertainty solutions. The 0 sequential validation approach is an effective way to 10 20 30 40 Frequency (rad/sec) solve this problem. Figure 7 – Sequential validation uncertainty weights. S e quential Model Validation The following example parallels the previous 10 epxaarammpelete. rH uonwceervteari,n itny tihs iks ncoawsen i ta ips raiossrui.m Tehda tt hias,t tthhee Value TNErrourmoer i nSDayyls nMtaeommdiecls parameter uncertainty matrix corresponds exactly to the ar 1 Validating Uncertainty ul difference between the parameters in the true system g n and the nominal model. Recall that for the mass- Si m spring-damper system there were two uncertain u0.1 m parameters, the real and imaginary parts of the first xi a mode of the system, both of which were decreased in M the nominal model by 0.1 relative to their true values. 0.01 10 100 The known parameter uncertainty was specified to Frequency (rad/sec) be – Figure 8 – Sequential validation frequency responses. 10 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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