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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20040082215: DSMC Simulations of Hypersonic Flows With Shock Interactions and Validation With Experiments

AlAA 2004-2585 DSMC Simulations of Hypersonic Flows With Shock Interactions and Validation With Experiments James N. Moss j. n. moss@l arc. nasa.gov NASA Langley Research Center, MS 408A, Hampton, VA 2368 7 -27 99 and Graeme A. Bird gabird @ compuserve.com G. A. B. Consulting Pty Ltd, 14411 7 0 Sussex Street, Sydney NS W 2000, Australia 37th AlAA Thermophysics Conference 28 June-1 July, 2004 Portland, OR For permission to copy or republish, contact the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA 201914344 DSMC Simulations of Hypersonic Flows With Shock Interactions and Validation With Experiments James N. MOSS* j [email protected] NASA Langley Research Center, MS 408A, Hampton, VA 23681-2199 and Graeme A. Bird1 [email protected] G. A.B . Consulting Pty Ltd, 1&/110 Sussex Street, Sydney NS W 2000, Australia The capabilities of a relatively new direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) code are examined for the problem of hypersonic laminar shock/shock and shock/boundary layer interactions, where boundary layer separation is an important feature of the flow. Flow about two model configurations is considered, where both configurations (a biconic and a hollow cylinder-flare) have recent published experimental measurements. The computa- tions are made by using the DS2V code of Bird, a general two-dimensional/axisymmetric time accurate code that incorporates many of the advances in DSMC over the past decade. The current focus is on flows produced in ground-based facilities at Mach 12 and 16 test conditions with nitrogen as the test gas and the test models at zero incidence. Results presented highlight the sensitivity of the calculations to grid resolution, sensitivity to physical modeling parameters, and comparison with experimental measurements. Infor- mation is provided concerning the flow structure and surface results for the extent of separation, heating, pressure, and skin friction. Nomenclature separation location, m surface accommodation for vibrational energy temperature, K friction coefficient, 7, /(0 .5p,VL) velocity component normal to surface, m/s heat transfer coefficient, q,/(O.Sp,V&) velocity component parallel to surface, m/s pressure coefficient, 07, - pm)/(0.5p,V,) slip velocity at a surface, m/s free-stream velocity, m/s maximum double cone diameter, m model coordinates, m length of first cone projected on X-axis, m density, kg/m3 free-stream Mach number mass of a molecule, kg/m3 viscous shear stress, N/m2 mean collision separation distance, m mean free path, m Subscripts molecules per cell R rotational temperature or reattachment number density, m-’ S separation pressure, N/m2 T translational temperature wall heat transfer rate, kW/m2 V vibrational temperature reattachment location, m W wall unit Reynolds number, po3V~/pomo,- l 00 free stream *Senior Research Engineer, Aerothermodynamics Branch, Fellow AIAA. t Professor Emeritus, University of Sydney, Fellow AIAA. Introduction Copyright @ 2004 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and HY PERSONIC flow interactions between shocks Astronautics, Inc. No copyright is asserted in the United States under Title 17, U.S. Code. The US. Government has a royalty- and separated flow regions produce very chal- free license to exercise all rights under the copyright claimed herein lenging problems for both experimental measurements for Governmental Purposes. All other rights are reserved by the copyright owner. and numerical simulations. An understanding of such 1 OF 13 AMERICANIN STITUTE OF AERONAUTICASN D ASTRONAUTICPSA PER 2004-2585 interactions is critical to the design of hypersonic ve- solutions differed substantially (as much as 33 percent, hicles because these interactions can have a significant as discussed in Ref. 11) with the measured heating impact on both heating rates and vehicle aerodynam- rates upstream of the separated region, that is, for lam- ics, which in turn influence the requirements for vehicle inar flow about both sharpll and blunted cones12 at control and thermal protection. Many experimental zero incidence. With differences of this magnitude, ad- and theoretical studies dealing with shock/shock and ditional CFD studied3 were conducted to re-examine shock/boundary layer interactions over compression the free-stream flow conditions for which the CUBRC ramps were conducted in the last half-century, and measurements were made. The findings of the Can- a recent review of some of the key findings for lam- dler, et al.13 study for the CUBRC experiments showed inar flows is presented by Marini.' More recently, that the free-stream conditions had a significant level the NATO Research Technology Organization (RTO), of thermal nonequilibrium (initially assumed to be in under the coordination of Working Group 10,293h as equilibrium) resulting from vibrational freezing during fostered a series of experimental and numerical studies the nozzle expansion, confirming the earlier assessment focused on hypersonic flows. Two basic axisymmet- of Roy, et a1.12 The current calculations are made for ric model configurations included in the RTO studies one of the revised set of free-stream conditions6 (hol- were a biconic and a hollow-cylinder flare. The current low cylinder flare, Run 11 conditions) and one for a computational study focuses on the complex interac- biconic at a low density condition (Run 7). tions resulting from hypersonic flows about these two Experimental evidence14 suggests that when there is configurations for experimental test conditions where significant vibrational nonequilibrium within the shock separation and reattachment occur under laminar con- layer, as is the case in the current problems, the vibra- ditions. tional energy does not accommodate to the surface This paper presents computational results obtained temperature when the molecules impact the surface. with the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) Calculated results for both test cases show a reduction m e t h ~ df~or, t~w o of a larger set of test cases6 that of approximately 12 percent in surface heating rate have been proposed for code validation studies. Both when the surface is assumed to have zero rather than test cases are demanding for DSMC simulation since full thermal accommodation for the vibrational energy. much of the flow domain is in the continuum regime; Also, the calculations show that the assumption con- obvious exceptions are the flow near the sharp lead- cerning surface vibrational energy accommodation has ing edges and along the surface where velocity slip no impact on surface pressure or the extent of sepa- and temperature jump effects are significant. Further- ration. Comparisons with the CUBRC measurements more, both the locations and physical properties of the for heating and pressure show generally good agree- shocks and their interaction regions are very sensitive ment, with differences in heating on the order of 15 to the cell/grid resolution used in a simulation. The percent or less, much less for these two test cases when flow conditions simulated are those for two experimen- full thermal accommodation is assumed. The rela- tal conditions performed by Holden and Wadhams:6 tionship between the slip velocity and the region of one for Mach 15.6 nitrogen flow about a 25'155" bi- separation is investigated by calculating the sensitiv- conic model in the Calspan-University at Buffalo Re- ity of the slip velocity to numerical factors and specific search Center (CUBRC) 48-Inch Shock Tunnel and the physical factors associated with the gas-surface inter- second from the measurements made for Mach 12.4 actions. Results for this phase of the study indicate nitrogen flow about a hollow cylinder-flare (30" flare) that the magnitude of the slip velocity and the ex- model in the CUBRC Large Energy National Shock tent of separation can be significantly altered by the (LENS) Tunnel. Details concerning the experimental fraction of specular reflection associated with the gas- measurements are given in Refs. 7 and 8, and a listing surface interactions, and the slip velocity cannot, by of the flow conditions for the two test cases considered itself, be used to correlate the extent of separation. in the present study is included in Ref. 9. DSMC Program Several DSMC studies have shown that the calcula- tion of such problems under continuum conditions can The DSMC program used in the current study is the be very demanding in terms of computer resources, DS2V program of Bird,4>5a general 2D/axisymmetric both in time and memory. In fact, results of the initial code that provides both time accurate unsteady flow comparisons" of several DShlC calculations with mea- and time-averaged steady flow simulations. Molec- surements showed that the DSMC computations failed ular collisions are simulated with the variable hard to predict the correct details of the separated region. sphere molecular model. Energy exchange between Results of subsequent DSMC studies presented in Ref. kinetic and internal modes is controlled by the Larsen- 9 suggest that the failure to predict the details of the Borgnakke statistical m0de1.l~ For the present study, separation region was due primarily to inadequate grid the simulations are performed by using nonreacting resolution. A second finding from the initial compar- gas models while considering energy exchange between isons of Harvey, et al.1° was that both DSMC and CFD translational, rotational, and vibrational modes. The 2 OF 13 AMERICANI NSTITUTEO F AERONAUTIACNSD ASTRONAUTIPCASP ER20 04-2585 nitrogen molecular gas constants used in the current ing a steady flow problem, the usual procedure is to study are those given in Ref. 4. Also, a rotational advance the simulation until the flow achieves or ap- relaxation collision number of 5 and a temperature de- proaches a steady state and then do a grid adaption. pendent vibrational collision number (Eq. 6.53 of Ref. Adaption is achieved by creating new cells made up of 4) were used. one or more Cartesian elements (each division contains The DS2V program has the option of specifying a fixed number of elements) so that each cell contains multiple free-stream temperatures, as is appropriate a specified number of simulated molecules. The tran- for the test cases currently investigated. The model sient subcells are set for each cell whenever collisions surface is assumed to have a specified constant tem- are to be calculated and are then discarded. The use perature, and diffuse reflection is assumed for the of the transient subcells leads to nearest neighbor col- gas-surface interactions unless noted otherwise. Two lisions. options are exercised concerning surface thermal ac- Note that during a calculation interruption to ei- commodation: one in which all energy modes are fully ther adapt the grid or change the number of simulated accommodated and one in which all energy modes, ex- molecules, information at the time of interruption is cept for vibration, are fully accommodated ( w ,=~ 0) . retained, and the calculation continues to advance in The DS2V program has taken advantage of several time, with some time interval required before the per- important developments5 in DSMC methodology over turbation effects, caused by an interruption, have been the past decade, two of which will be briefly described. assimilated. The cell structure is set largely by the One is the use of transient subcells, in which a tran- DS2V program logic and relatively little input is re- sient background grid is applied one cell at a time quired of the user, which leads to a more user friendly within the collision routine to promote nearest neigh- program. Also, the new procedures are designed to bor collisions. The resolution of the transient back- be computationally fast, and the built-in flow visual ground grid is a function of the number of molecules in displays provide instant access to the simulation pa- the cell, that is, approximately one simulated molecule rameters and results as they evolve with time. within each grid subcell. The ratio of the mean colli- An option that DS2V provides was exercised in the sion separation between collision partners to the local current study in which the surfaces may be set to move mean free path (mcs/mfj~s)h ould be less than one, and in the flow plane. Also, surfaces can be set to move this parameter is currently being used as an indicator normal to the flow plane, which permits the study of of the resolution achieved in a given simulation. One rotating flows for axisymmetric bodies. Cells for sam- option for achieving a small value for this parameter is pling properties along solid surfaces may be specified to increase the number of simulated molecules, which at any desired spacing. can be exercised any time during the simulation. Such an approach is demonstrated in the current study. Results and Discussion A second new feature of the current program is the Table 1 presents a summary of the free-stream con- manner in which the time step is established for un- ditions for the two test cases investigated. The current coupling the molecular motion and collisions. Rather paper presents results calculated with the DS2V pro- than use a single time step over the whole flow field gram for the biconic at Run 7 test conditions, as or multiple subdomains, with each domain having a generated in the 48-Inch Shock Tunnel, and for the different time step, new procedures are used in which hollow cylinder-flare model at Run 11 test conditions, the time step varies with every molecule and every cell. as generated in the LENS I Tunnel. The Mach and These procedures, described in Ref. 5, keep all the time Reynolds numbers listed are those provided for the re- variables concurrent with the overall flow time. The spective test facilities and are based on the free-stream overall flow time step is advanced in very small time translational temperatures. The free-stream mean free increments (a fraction of the local mean collision time, path is approximately 0.219 mm and 0.084 rnm for Run which is kept for each cell). For an overall time step, 7 and Run 11 conditions, respectively. only a small fraction of the molecules is moved, and only a small fraction of the molecules experiences col- Biconic Calculations for CUBRC Run 7 Test lisions. Conditions The flow-field cells are created from rectangular The geometry and dimensions for the sharp 25"/55O structures that consist initially of divisions, but from double cone model used in the current calculations are elements after the first grid adaption. After adap- shown in Fig. 1. Reference 8 provides information tion, the cells are not necessarily rectangular because regarding the experimental procedures and instrumen- they are formed from one or more elements. The tation that was used to obtain the heat transfer and computational domain which is initially divided into pressure measurements that are compared with the a Cartesian network of cells with a specified num- present computations. ber of divisions in each of the coordinate directions Table 2 presents a summary of some of the numer- is bounded by user specified limits. If one is simulat- ical parameters used in the calculations, along with 3 OF 13 AMERICANIN STITUTE OF AERONAUTICASN D ASTRONAUTICPSA PER 2004-2585 Table 1 Free-stream and surface conditions for biconic and hollow cylinder-flare calculations. Condition v,,rn/s T L , , ~ - ~ T,,T, K pm,kg/m3 p,,N/m2 M, Re,,rn-’ Gas Tw,K 48-Inch Run 7 2073 3.779 x 1021 42.6a 1.757 x lop4 2.23 15.6 137467 N2 297.2 LENS Run 11 2484 1.197 x 95.6’ 5.566 x lop4 15.86 12.4 208333 N2 297.2 a’ Tm.=~ T w ,=~ 4 2.6 K and T,,v = 1986 K. T m ,=~ T m ,=~ 9 5.6 K and T,,v = 2487 K. Table 2 DSMC numerical parameters‘ and results for sharp double cone (25’/55’), Run 7 test conditions. Solution A time, ms mpc Molecules mcslmfp Vib. Accom. xs, mm XR, mm Ax, mm a0 1.27 to 1.91 10 0.5143+6 0.944 0.0 82.8 99.4 16.6 bO 3.30 to 3.65 10 1.9803+6 0.441 0.0 81.2 100.4 19.2 co 3.84 to 3.97 40 8.1363+6 0.214 0.0 80.3 100.7 20.4 dO 3.97 to 4.41 40 8.1143+6 0.213 0.0 80.4 100.8 20.4 .o a1 1.03 to 2.02 10 0.5283+6 0.946 1 82.6 99.6 17.0 .o bl 3.30 to 3.65 10 1.9803+6 0.441 1 81.1 100.4 19.3 cl 3.83 to 3.96 40 8.1333+6 0.214 1.0 80.4 100.8 20.4 dl 3.96 to 4.40 40 8.1143+6 0.213 1. o 80.4 100.8 20.4 el 4.81 to 4.93 40 16.4823+6 0.147 1.0 80.1 101.0 20.9 -~~ Divisions = 151 x 181, elements per division = 20 x 20, and radial weighting factor = 100. - lg3;--4 0.25 r I- 0.20 d = 261.8 n inC ll B Density contours, p/p., 0 05 R p-=l 757x104kg/m3 ooO.OO 0.05 0.10 0 15 0.20 0 25 L Fig. 2 Density contours from solution el for CUBRC Run 7 conditions. Dimensions in mm accommodation for the vibrational energy is the only Fig. 1 CUBRC sharp double cone model where x is measured from the vertex. variable, zero accommodation for the lettered solutions with a “0” extension, and full accommodation for the results for the locations and extent of the separation lettered solutions with a “1” extension, as listed in Table 2. Results for these time accurate solutions are region. Surface sampling cells were specified as fol- included for flow times of approximately 1 to 5 ms. lows: 100 along the fore-cone, 150 along the second cone, and 15 along the model extension. Figures 2 Figures 2 through 6 present flow-field contours that through 15 present details concerning the calculated describe many of the flow features for the current prob- flow structure and surface results. Two separate se- lem and the computational domain (Fig. 2) used to ries of calculations are made where the surface thermal perform the numerical simulations. Figure 7 presents 4 OF 13 _____. AMERICANI NSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICASN D ASTRONAUTICS PAPER 2004-2585 0.065 0.060 0.055 E s; 0.050 0.045 Density contours, p/p, 0.040 p, = 1.757 x 1 O4 k@ma 0.035 0.00 0.09 0.10 0.1 1 x, m x, m Fig. 3 Density contours in separation region for Fig. 5 Overall kinetic temperature contours and Run 7 conditions, solution el. streamlines in separation region for Run 7 condi- tions, solution el. x, m 0.00 0.09 0.10 0.1 1 Fig. 4 Pressure contours and streamlines in sepa- ration region for Run 7 conditions, solution el. Fig. 6 Vibrational temperature contours and streamlines in separation region for Run 7 condi- contours for the ratio of the mean collision separation tions, solution el. distance to the mean free path (rncs/rnfp), a param- eter used to measure the quality of the simulation through 15 reveals several points of interest. First, the where it is desirable that the parameter be less than application of the DS2V code provides results that are one throughout the computational domain. F'urther- in good (less than 10 percent) to fair (10 to 15 per- more, Figs. 8 through 15 provide calculated surface cent difference) overall agreement (Figs. 10 through distributions for velocity slip, temperature jump, heat- 15) with the experimental data. Second, the thermal ing, pressure, and friction, along with some insight nonequilibrium free-stream condition persists within on how these quantities are influenced by computa- the shock layer (compare Figs. 5 and 6). Only within tional resolution, how the calculated data compare the boundary layer and near the surface is there evi- with the CUBRC surface heating and pressure mea- dence (Fig. 6) of significant depletion or equilibration surements, and how the current computations com- of the vibrational energy, and only for the solution with pare with those from another DSMC program called full thermal accommodation at the surface. When the SMILE16( Statistical Modeling In Low-density Envi- calculation is performed with no surface accommoda- ronment). tion of the vibrational energy (solution do), the vibra- Closer examination of the data presented in Figs. 2 tional temperature remains above 1925 K throughout 5 OF 13 -4MERICAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICANS D ASTRONAUTICS PAPER 2004-2585 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 0" 1.5 1 .o 0.5 u.u33r, , I , , , , I , , , , I , , , , L 0.0 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.1 1 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 x. m x, m Fig. 7 Ratio of mean collision separation to mean Fig. 9 Calculated surface distributions for heating, free path (mcs/mfp) contours and streamlines in pressure, and friction for Run 7 conditions, solution separation region for Run 7 conditions, solution el. el. 300 c I -J 600 --m cshfp = 0.44 V_ = 2073 mls -m cshfp = 0.21 Tw = 297.2 K mcshfp = 0.1 5 I500 CUBRCRun7 Temperature jump = TG- Tw 200 Y 2 400 & E 5 & 150 .- .-- 5a, u) 300 .-c82-, 100 E!a!a , 2 200 50 100 0 --m- n 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.26 x, m x, m Fig. 8 Calculated surface distributions for velocity Fig. 10 Calculated and measured heating rates for slip and temperature jump, both translational and Run 7 conditions-effect of computational resolu- rotational, for Run 7 conditions, solution el. tion. the flow field, essentially frozen at the elevated free- were monitored to ensure that a steady state was stream condition. Calculations performed with the achieved, followed by the generation of a significant same free-stream conditions, except that the vibra- time-averaged sample for the results listed in Table 2. tional temperature was set to that of the other temper- The steady state aspect of the simulations is demon- ature modes (42.6 K), resulted in lower heating rates strated in Table 2 for the cO/1 and d0/1 solutions, (not shown) but showed no perceptible differences for both with and without surface vibrational accommo- surface pressure or friction. Third, the current time ac- dation, where sequential time-averaged solutions yield curate simulation suggests that this laminar flow test essentially the same results for the separation region. case, with boundary layer separation, stabilizes rather Fourth, the current simulation approach has used com- quickly, on the order of a millisecond. The longer run putational cells that are coarse in relation to the local time used in the present study occurred because sev- mean free path, but the simulation has used the tran- eral numerical perturbations (grid adaption or increase sient subcell feature of the DS2V code, along with a in the number of simulated molecules) were imposed large number of simulated molecules per cell, to pro- as the simulation evolved in time. The simulations mote small values of the local mcs/mfp parameter. For 6 OF 13 AMERICANI NSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICASN D ASTRONAUTICPASP ER 2004-2585 ~ ~~ ~ ~_____~ Vib. Accom. = 1. O, solution dl - -Vib. Accorn. = 0.0, solution dO 1200 1200 o CUBRCRun7 - 1000 - 800 NE - NE - 1 600 1 600 ci ci - - 400 400 - - 200 200 L L O t " " ' " " ' " " " ' " ~ ~ 011' " ' I ' " ' " " I ' " * ' 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 x, m x, m Fig. 11 Calculated and measured surface pressures Fig. 13 Calculated and measured surface pressures for Run 7 conditions--effect of computational res- for Run 7 conditions--effect of vibrational surface olut ion. accommodation. DS2V, Surf. vibrational Accom. = 0.0, solution dO - SMILE, No vibrational energy E 250 0 CUBRC,Run7 1 -V ib. Accom. = 1. O. solution dl 25G Vib. Accom. = 0.0, solution dO - 200 o CUBRCRun7 200 - 150 "zE u 100- - 50 WI , , , , 011 ' ' ' ' I ' ' I " 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.1 5 0.20 x, m x, m Fig. 12 Calculated and measured heating rates Fig. 14 Calculated and measured heating rates for for Run 7 conditions--effect of vibrational surface Run 7 conditions-results from two DSMC codes. accommodation. be much larger than the mean value. the most resolved simulation, solution el, the mean The biconic test cases produce large flow-field gra- value of mcs/mfp was 0.15, with local values less than dients due to shock interactions and substantial am- 0.37 at the location of separation and with no value plifications of surface loads caused by shock/boundary exceeding 0.72. layer interactions, as is clearly evident for the CUBRC Additional numerical studies would be useful in es- Run 7 test case. Densities that equal 30 times the free- tablishing bounds on the computational merit param- stream value are evident within the shock layer (Fig. eter mcs/mfp to ensure good engineering results for 3), and even larger densities (50 times free stream) general applications. Obviously, if the parameter is occur along the second cone surface. The peak pres- sufficiently small, the results should be accurate but sure amplification occurs off the surface (Fig. 4) with a potentially demanding computationally. Also, a small magnitude that equals 670 times the free-stream value, mean value of the merit parameter is at best only a while the maximum overall kinetic temperature (Fig. necessary condition for a good simulation, but not a 5) is 2050 K. sufficient condition because of potentially large gradi- In Fig. 8, the calculated surface distributions for ve- ents, whereas local values of the merit parameter can locity slip and temperature jump, both translational ?OF 13 AMERICAINNS TITUTE OF AERONAUTICANSD ASTRONAUTIPCASP ER 2004-2585 ~ full accommodation. The impact of the vibrational DS2V, Surf. vibrational Accom. = 0.0, solution dO SMILE, No vibrational energy energy accommodation boundary condition on surface pressure (Fig. 13) and the locations and extent of 0 separation (Table 2) are negligible. The comparisons - 1000 shown in Figs. 12 and 13 are made for the same grid resolution, solutions dl and do. The calculated heat- - 800 ing rates are in better agreement with the CUBRC measurements for the assumption of full thermal ac- "E - commodation and the same is shown later for the Run 2 600 n 11 test case; therefore, one might be inclined to say - that the full accommodation of the vibrational energy 400 mode is more appropriate. However, results from addi- - tional calculations for only the forecone of the biconic 200 - model at other CUBRC test conditions (Runs 28 and 35 as discussed in Ref. 17) show a different trend where 0101.0 0 " "0 .I0 5" "0 .1I 0 " ' ' 0.1 5 0.20 the zero accommodation calculation for the vibrational energy mode provides better agreement with measure- x. m ments. Therefore, it, appears that the variability in the Fig. 15 Calculated and measured surface pressures measured heating rate data, with respect to the DS2V for Run 7 conditions-results from two DSMC calculations, is such that one is not able to resolve codes. a 12 percent effect in heating; that is, to determine if either of the vibrational accommodation boundary and rotational, are presented. The maximum values conditions is appropriate. for these quantities occur at or near the cone apex, The final comparison for the Run 7 calculations are then decrease with increasing distance downstream, the current DS2V results with those Markelov ob- decrease significantly in the separation region with a tained by using the SMILE DSMC code, the same reversal in the sign of the slip velocity, and increase results that were included in a recent review paper with the flow expansion at the aft end of the second by Harvey (Ref. 9). The SMILE calculations were cone. Similar results to those shown in Fig. 8 will be made without accounting for the vibrational energy discussed in more detail in the next section. (vibration turned off), which should be very similar The calculated surface distributions for heating rate, to the DS2V results with vibration included and zero pressure, and friction are presented in Figs. 9 through accommodation for the vibrational energy at the sur- 15, in which Fig. 9 presents a summary of heating, face. Thus the SMILE results are compared with data pressure, and friction results (in coefficient form) for from solution do. The two calculations for surface the most resolved calculation (solution el), 16.5 mil- heating and pressure distributions are in very close lion simulated molecules with a mean mcs/mfp value agreement, as shown in Figs. 14 and 15, with the equal to 0.147. The maximum local values for the SMILE results showing slightly better agreement with mcs/mfp parameter never exceeded 0.72, which oc- the experimental measurements, particularly for the curred along the second cone. Figures 10 and 11 show extent of separation (zs = 79.6 mm, z~ = 101.1 mm, the effect of reducing the mean value of mcs/mfp (first and Ax = 21.5 mm). In the SMILE calculation, a par- by a factor of 2 [increasing the number of molecules by allel code implementation with 80 million simulated a factor of 41 and then by a factor of 1.41) on heating molecules was used, approximately an order of mag- and pressure distributions, respectively. The results nitude grater than that used in the single processor included in Table 2 indicate the corresponding effect DS2V calculation, solution do. of reducing the magnitude of the mcs/mfp parameter from about 0.95 to 0.15 on the locations and extent Relationship between the Slip Velocity and the of separation, with the extent of separation increas- Region of Separation ing with increased resolution. As shown in Figs. 10 The slip velocity V, at a surface element may be and 11, the agreement between the finest resolution determined from the incident and reflected velocities of simulation (with ac,v = 1.0) and the measurements the molecules that strike the element. If m is the mass is reasonably good, with the calculation predicting a of a molecule, up is the velocity component parallel to slightly delayed separation relative to the experimental the surface, and un is the velocity component normal value. to the surface, The impact of the surface boundary condition for the vibrational energy accommodation is clearly evi- dent on the surface heating, as is demonstrated in Fig. 12 where the heating rate is reduced by approximately Note that the sums are taken over both the incident 12 percent for zero accommodation, as compared to and the reflected molecules. The expression for the slip 8 OF 13 AMERICANI NSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICASN D ASTRONAUTICPASP ER 2004-2585 velocity given by Eq. 1 differs from the standard defi- = 79.5 mm and the reattachment point at x = 100.9 nition of velocity in a spatial or volumetric element by mm. These values are in good agreement with both the addition of the terms containing the normal veloc- the measured values and the nearly grid-converged cal- ity component. These additional terms transform the culations presented in the previous section. fluxal quantities in the surface samples to the spatial The preceding comparisons and discussion indicate quantities in the gas immediately above the surface. that changes in the slip velocity have the same effect on Similar transformations have been made to the spatial the separation irrespective of whether the changes are definitions of translational and rotational temperature produced by the calculation’s spatial resolution or by in order to determine the temperature jumps. in-plane surface movement. It is tempting to extend The slip velocity in a simulation is affected by the this finding to other factors that affect the slip velocity, DSMC computational merit parameter mcs/mfp, as but calculations that employ a combination of diffuse well as by physical factors such as the gas-surface in- and specular reflection at the surface have shown that teraction through the inclusion of a fraction of specular such an approach would be invalid. reflection at the surface. It may also be affected by A small fraction of specular reflection has little effect moving the surface in its own plane in the stream-wise on the extent of separation but causes a large increase direction. To highlight the effect of the slip velocity in the velocity slip at the surface, as indicated in Table on the extent of separation, the DS2V program was 4. If there was a positive in-plane surface velocity suf- used to make a set of runs (Tables 3 and 4) for the ficient to increase the slip velocity at x = 60 mm to 135 Run 7 conditions that are outlined in Table 1. Each ms/, as in the 0.33 specular case, the separation would calculation employed in this phase of the study had ap- be almost completely suppressed, as demonstrated in proximately 2.5 million simulated molecules, and the Table 3. It is clear that the slip velocity cannot, by final flow sample was from 1.5 to 2 ms. A negative itself, predict the extent of separation. surface velocity is towards the apex of the cone, and The Mach number at the surface in the 0.66 specular the molecules are reflected from the diffusely reflecting case is supersonic and, if the flow was in equilibrium, surface then acquire a velocity increment that reduces there could be no upstream propagation of distur- the slip velocity. bances and no separation. However, the velocity dis- The slip velocity is a maximum at the apex of the tribution at the surface is a near bimodal combination cone and declines with distance from the apex (similar of the distributions that correspond to the diffusely re- to the results shown in Fig. 8 for solution el, Table flected molecules and the stream molecules. It is the 2). Table 3 shows the slip velocity at a location just diffuse-likec omponent of the velocity distribution that upstream of the earliest separation point, and there is permits the upstream propagation of disturbances. an almost linear relationship between the slip velocity Traditional discussions of rarefied gas flows assume and the x coordinate of the separation point. The the existence of a “slip flow regime” such that the separation point moves upstream by 0.2 mm for each flow may be validly described by the Navier-Stokes 1 m/s reduction in the slip velocity. Similarly, the equations with slip boundary conditions at surfaces. reattachment point moves downstream by 0.075 mm On the other hand, it has been pointed out that the for each 1 mm reduction in the slip velocity at x = 60 Navier-Stokes equations do not contain the physical mm. phenomena that produce the velocity slip and temper- The 2.5 million simulated molecules for the slip ature jump. The biconic flows with separation that sensitivity calculations lead to an rncs/mfp ratio of are studied in this paper demonstrate that these mis- 0.6 in the vicinity of the separation point, where the givings are justified. Depending on factors that do not corresponding value was 0.23 for the most resolved enter the slip model, very different flows may be as- calculation listed in Table 2 (solution el, with 16.5 sociated with a given level of velocity slip. The “slip million simulated molecules). A calculation with ap- flow regime” is indeed a myth! proximately 25 million molecules would be required to A small fraction of specular reflection also has little bring the mcs/mfp ratio down to the recommended effect on the net heat transfer rate for the Run 7 con- . maximum value of 0.2, since the mcs/mfp ratio de ditions. As the specular component of reflection was creases by a factor of two for a factor of four increase increased from 0 to 100 percent for the cases listed in in the number of simulated molecules. While this has Table 4, the corresponding heat transfer rates at the not been possible in the present study, calculations 60 mm location were 33, 32, 29, and 0, respectively. of this quality have been made of the flow over the fore-cone. The slip velocity at z = 60 mm in these Hollow Cylinder-Flare Calculations for CUBRC Run 11 Test Conditions calculations was 51 m/s and, assuming that the slip ve- locity in an imperfect calculation (too large a mcs/mfp The CUBRC Run 11 test case for the hollow ratio, which produces too larger a slip velocity) has the cylinder-flare model was included in the present study same effect on the separation as the in-plane surface because it has been investigated extensively with both velocity, the converged separation point would be at z CFD and DSMC methods for the initially reportedlo - 9 OF 13 .kMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICANS D ASTRONAUTICPAS PER2 004-2585

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