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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20040075649: Aerospace Technology Enterprise

.As we commemorate the 100th hniversav of Flight. the rnitetf States is still boldly pioneering the ;iir and space frontier. During this remarkable cenrun; air navel has changed our lives in man!. ways. Journeys that once took weeks or months of dangerous travel non- take ii fell- hours. In space, we landed humans to explore the JIoon and continue to send our robotic emissaries to roam the distant planets of our solar s!.stem. For the past 45 !-ears XIS&%a iiation and space transportation investments ha\-e transfornied our socieh- hy proding safe, affordable transportation, creating global economic wealth, providing unrivaled national security. unlocking l-ast secrets of science and the cosmos, and proding a reniarkalde quality of life. 01-er the pist !-ear, SXSA's Aerospace Technolo~gE- nterprise has forged ahead n%h bold new technologes in 110th ai-iation and space access. These cutting-edge technologies nil1 make air travel d e ra nd more convenient u.hile improving environmental comp;itibili?-. Our efforts support XKY5 mission of understanding and protect- ing our home planet. exploring the unkerse and searching for life, and inspiring future generations of explorers. The acconiplishments in this report represent onl!- ;i part of the total \%.orka chieved by the Aerospace 7'echnolog Enterprise. These accomplishments are not aii tinai ~lchiK\-enlKntS-ll~an!- represenr miieswne 21 nlong :i technolop- path. This path !vi11 lead to ii ne\\- era in aviation and space transportation, improving our qualit\. of life and benefiting the Sation and the world. Enterprise Executive Board Table of Contents Message to the Reader .................... i Objective 2.3 Increase Mobility .............. 29 Decisions Decisions .................... 29 Evolution of the Aerospace Technology Better Flow Helps Safety and Enterprise .............................. 6 Cuts Delays ......................... 29 Increased Air Mobility Gives Everyone Goals and Objectives .................... 10 a Lift ................................. 30 Internet in the Sky ..................... 30 ........... Aeronautics Technology Theme 12 Objective 2.1 Protect Air Travelers and Objective 3.2 Support National Security ....... 33 the Public ................................ 15 Staying Au-borne Longer ................3 3 Resting for Peak Performance ............ 16 Research Testbed for Flight Experiments ... 33 Working with Human Nature ............ 16 X-45A Unmanned Flight and Taxi Tests ..... 34 Life Saving Training .................... 16 Smart Simulations Help C- 17 A Real Ice-Breaker ..................... 17 Globemaster Pilots .................... 35 Weather Awareness-Or h'ot .............1 7 ........... Getting a New 15ew of Lightning .........1 8 Space Launch Initiative Theme 37 AWN-WIN for Pilots and Passengers ..... 18 Objective 8.2 Mission Safety How to Skip Over Bumpy Air ............1 9 and Affordability .......................... 39 Neural Networks for Pilots Who Space Launch Initiative Architecture .......3 9 Fly Smarter .......................... 19 Rockets Breathing Air ...................3 9 Polymer Composites Can Take the Heat ...4 0 Objective 2.2 Protect the Environment ........2 1 New No-Pressure Adhesive ..............4 1 Stronger Weaving for Turbine Vanes ......2 1 New Alloy Has Remarkable Qualities ......4 1 Fuel Injection for the Intelligent Engine ....2 1 COBRA Main Engine ..................4 2 Mix It Up to Beat Smog .................7 7 Spaceflight by Candlelight ...............4 3 ii Pulsing Fuel Adds Life to Engines .........2 2 Pint-sized Leak Detectors Just &ght ......4 3 Putting the Brakes on Global Warming ....2 3 Measuring Vehicle Health ...............1 1 Reducing Noise ........................ 2 5 Reusable Launch Vehicle ................4 4 Landing Gear Noise .................... 2 5 PIV Helps Designers Visualize Objective 9.5 Support for Space Exploration ....4 7 Engine Noise ........................ 2 5 Ion Engine Streams Ahead ............... 47 Tools to Predict Aircraft Noise ...........2 6 Quieter Landings Ahead .................2 6 Quiet for the Movie .................... 27 ,Missions and Science hleasurement Emergency Response Calls ................5 8 ...................... Technology Theme 49 Flight 587 Accident Investigation ......... 59 Objective 10.1 Jlission Risk Analysis .......... 2 1 Sew .\v iation Securit ). Capabilities ........ 29 Vehicle Redesip-During Flight Simulations .......................... 5 1 2002 Honors and Awards ................ 60 Objective 10.2 Science Driven Architectures Turning Goals Into Reality 2002 and Technology ........................... 53 Award U'iiers ........................ 64 Seeing Red on hlars Reconnaissance Orbiter ............................. 53 Aerospace Technology Education Rovers Get Freedom to Do Real Science ... 53 Programs ............................. 70 I'irtual Tools Help AIER Team Fun and Inspiring Education 'IT'ebsites .....7 1 Collaborate .......................... 53 Classroom Ataterials .................... 71 Distance Learning ...................... 72 Innovative Technology Transfer S-4S-4S cience Files .................... 72 Pattnerships Theme ...................... FF SACr\ CnIlIlect ........................ '7- Calibration is Faster and Cheaper .........5 6 Destination %morrow ..................7 3 Alonitor Baby's Heart at Home ...........5 6 Versatile Piezoelectric .Actuators ..........5 7 Office of ,4erospace Technology Locations ... 74 Sew Tools Help CFD Users ............. 57 In Februan 2003, S.AS-1 publishetl :i ne\\ Strategic enables iinprowd perforniance of iiiilitaq- aircraft Plan that emphasizes a "One T.lS.4" approach and a and it finds neu. rises in science and commercial mis- single set of 10 .lgency Goals. The I8 organizing sions. The enterprise supports our iiation*s securih categories through ti-hich the Agency Goals arc through its partnerships with the DOD and F.11. acconiplished are called "Themes." Space Launch Initiative Theme. The Enterprise The .Aerospace TechnoloR Enterprise is responsible has been tasked to ensure safe, affordable, and reliable for 4 of those 18: :mess to space. Sew space transportation capabilities are needed to ensure that America continues its lead- *leronauticsT echnolog- ership in space. Collaboration with DOD on critical Space Launch Initiative access to space and h!personic technologies helps JIission and Science A\leas~~remeTnetc hnolog create a more secure world in support of future niili- techno lo^ Innonti\-e Transfer Partnerships tan- and cii-il aerospace missions. Special emphasis is Fiven to S.ASA-unique needs includin~cr ew escape The .lerospace Technolog- Enterprise contributes to and sunivd s!-stems, ivhich ~i-illb e de\-eloped by the the S.1S;l \ision and JIission through derelopment private sector with go\-ernment funding. of pioneering tools, processes and technologies. These in iurti \\ i11 enable hticiii-e aii- iiid spce ~ ~ i i ~ j jII."f~JJ:.".~.I- -~:-'XI." -A~- -i CL.&L~o*L-.nl~LoL iI\. rIfL~n...Lr.Uc IxC..r..Co.m.. ont Terhnnln-ap-c- - s!-steiiis, access to space. md nen. science missions. Theme. The Enterprise also is respoiisihle for devel- techno lo^^ opiny crosscutting for a mrietI\- of wiation The detail5 supporting this ne\{. structure are she\\ n and space applicxions, such as comniunications, power graphicall!- on the following pages. and propulsion s!-stems. microdevices and instruments. infomiation technology, nanotechnolog!: and bio- For ~ic omplete look at the .\gent!- Ikon, Jlission technolog. These technolog- advances will haw the and <;oals, plexe refer to the 2003 S.1S.A Strategic potential to open a ne\\- er'i in aviation and allo~vs pace Plan :ii-ail:il)le online at: httf://;:.~z..~itr.~~.~~~:o;. missions to expand our ho\vledge of Earth and the uniT-erse. Once de\-eloped, these technoloyies often tin d their ~i-:i!- j n tc) coiii iii erci a1 :i pp1 ic:i ti om. Aerospace Tech no Io gy Enterprise Themes Ikyinnin~in FY 2003 these themes and their Innovative TechnoloR- Transfer Partnerships "Theme Ohjectives" hare liecome the -guides for our Theme. The Enterprise works to form partnerships research prqraiiis. Folloiving is a brief description ii-ith industn- and academia in order to develop new of the work performed under each Theme. technolog- that supports enterprise propms. S_lS.-l also will com~iiercializea nd transfer technolog- to Aeronautics Technoloo Theme. The Enterprise L-.S. indust? and enhance its technolog- and coni- has a unique role in S.lS.1 as sole :idministrator of mercial ohjectiws through the Sniall Business the Agenc!-'s aeronautics investments. S . K A .Aero- Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business nautics Technolog- helps create technolog. for a Techn 0109T-r an der ( STTR) p r o pin s. safer. more secure. more environmentally friendl!; and more efficient air transportation s!-stem. it aiso Reporting on Enterprise Accomplishments Our FY 2002 accomplishments have been organized Our Goals and Objectives reflect the real national in response to the new NASA 2003 Strategic Plan needs that are aligned with our Enterprise mission. and the new Agency Goals and Objectives supported To “stretch” beyond what is possible today, the by the Aerospace Technology Enterprise. The chart Enterprise continually pursues and evaluates new, on the following page traces the linkage from our innovative and evolutionary technologies. To be previous Enterprise Goals and Objectives to the new successful, revolutionary technologies also must be Agency Goals and Objectives. In most cases, there is developed and integrated into the new aerospace a direct correlation between the 2002 and 2003 goals systems and vehicles of the future. and objectives, though in some cases assignments have changed and the new relationship is less clear. This Annual Report highlights our Enterprise accomplishments for FY 2002. Many of these For more information and insight on our 2002 accomplishments represent major steps or milestones accomplishments, please visit our website and browse along a technology development path. While through the online version of this report. Links to all are not yet in final form, they all demonstrate related information can be found on the website of noteworthy progress achieved toward our ultimate our research centers. Begin your search at: goals and objectives. bttp://~~ww.aer-ospacnea.s a.gov I

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