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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20040045314: A Bibliography of Aspect-Oriented Software Development, Version 1.1

A Bibliography of Aspect-Oriented Software Development, Version 1. I Robert E. Filman RIACS Technical Report 03.01 January 2003 A Bibliography of Aspect-Oriented Software Development, Version 1. I Robert E. Filman, RIACS RIACS Technical Report 03.01 January 2003 A bibliography of the literature related to Aspect-Oriented Software Development. This work was supported in part by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Cooperative Agreement NCC 2- I006 with the Universities Space Research Association (USRA). This report is available online at http:Nwww.riacs.edultrs/ A Bibliography of Aspect-Oriented Software Development Version 1.1 Robert E. Filinan Research Institute for Advanccd Computer Science NASA Amcs Rcscarcli Center hloffctt Field, California January 8, 2003 A bibliography of the literature related to [GI AI. Akgit. Composition and separation of Aspect-Oriented Programming. concerns in the object-oriented model. ACM hly thanks to hlario Sudholt, Karl Lieberherr. Computang Surveys, 28A(4), 1996. Sacher Dominik, Guenter Kniesel, Bart de Win, Lee [TI h1. Akgit, editor. Software Architectures and Carver, and Curtis Clifton for their contributions. Component Technology: The State of the Art This is meant to be an evolving docu- ment. Please send additions, corrections, com- 111 Research and Practice. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. ments and disagreements to the author at $1- man8mail.arc.nasa.gov. There’s more detail in [8] hl. Akgit and L. Bergmans. Compos- the bibtex version of this file (see, for example, ing multiple-client-multiple-server synchro- htt p: / /www .aosd.net /aosd- bibliography.b ib). nizations. In Proc. IEEE Joint Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Systems, pages 269- 292, April 1937. References [9] RI. A4kgit and L. Bergmans. Examples [l] Franz Achermann. Language support for fea- of reusing synchronization code in aspect- ture mixing. In ICSE-AOPOO [330]. oriented programming using composition- filters. In Proc. 5th. Maghrebian Conf. [2] Franz Achermann. Forms, Agents and Chan- Software Engineering and Artajcial Intelli- nels - Defining Composition Abstraction with gence (MCSEAI’98), pages 257-272, Decem- Style. PhD thesis, University of Berne, Jan- ber 1998. uary 2002. [lo] RI. Akgit and L. Bergmans. Guidelines for [3] Franz Achermann and Oscar Nierstrasz. Ex- identifying obstacles when composing dis- plicit Namespaces. In Jurg Gutknecht and tributed systems from components. In Akgit Wolfgang Weck, editors, Modular Program- [7], pages 29-56. ming Languages, volume 1897 of LNCS, pages 77-89. Springer-C’erlag, September 2000. [ll]h l. Akgit, L. Bergmans, and S. Vural. An object-oriented language-database inte- [4] Franz Achermann arid Oscar Nierstrasz. Ap- gration model: The composition-filters ap + plications = Components Scripts - A Tour proach. In 0. Lehrmann Madsen, editor, of Piccola. In Mehmet AkSit, editor, Soft- Proc. 7th European Conf. Object-O riented ware Architectures and Component Technol- Programming, pages 372-393. Springer- ogy, pages 261-292. Kluwer, 2001. Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1992. [a] M. Akgit. The analysis and design of dis- tributed systems. In Addendum to the Proc. [12] M. AkSit and J. Bosch. Issues in object- on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, oriented real time language design. In W. Ha- Languages and Applications, page 223, 1992. lang and A. Stoyenko, editors, Real Time 1 Computing, pages 510-311. Springer C'erlag [23] hlehmet Akqit and hlira hlezini, editors. Nato AS1 Series, 1992. Net.Object Days 2002, October 2002. [13] hl. Akqit. J. Bosch, W. v.d. Sterren. and [24] Mehmet Akqit, Bedir Tekinerdogan, and L. Bergmans. Real-time specification inlier- Lodemijk Bergmans. The six concerns for itance anomalies and real-time filters. In separation of concerns. In ECOOP-AOP01 Tokoro and Pareschi [639], pages 386-407. [216]. [14] hl. Akqit and B. Tekinerdogan. 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[164] Yvonne Coady, Gregor Kiczales, Mike Fee- ley, Norm Hutchinson, and Joon Suan Ong. [133] Siobhh Clarke, John Murphy, and Mark Structuring system aspects. In ICSE-AOPO1 Roantree. Composition of UhtL design mod- [331]. els: A tool to support the resolution of con- flicts. In Proc. Object Oriented Information [16.5] Yvonne Coady, Gregor Kiczales, Mike Feeley, Systems (OOIS), 1998. and Greg Smolyn. Using aspectc to improve the modularity of path-specific customization [154] Siobhan Clarke and Robert Walker. Towards in operating system code. In Proceedings of a standard design language for AOSD. In the 8th European Software Engineering Con- Kiczales [368], pages 113-1 19. ference held jointly with 9th ACM SIGSOFT 3 Symposium on Foundations of Softiuair, En- [17G] Constantinos A. Constantinides and Tzilla gineering. pages 88-98. ACRl Press. 2001. Elrad. Composing concerns with a framework i approach. In Choukair [132], pages 133-140. [166] Geoff A. Cohen. 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Constantinides. .kef Batlw. s.;:3.;. and Tzilla Elrad. Separation of concern5 in I):<, concurrent software systems. In EC001'- 1 Iirzystof Czarnecki and Ulrich W. Eisenecker. ' AOPOO [213]. Grwerative Programming: Methods, Tools, (in d Applications. Addison-Wesley, Boston, [173] Constantinos A. Constantinides, .kef Batler. 2000. Tzilla H. Elrad, P. Netinant, and Rlo- hamed E. Fayad. Designing an aspect- [184] Krzystof Czarnecki and Ulrich W. Eisenecker. oriented framework in an object-oriented Separating the configuration aspect to sup- environment. ACM Computing Surveys, port architecture evolution. In ECOOP- 32(les):41, 2000. AOPOO [213]. [183] Krzysztof Czarnecki, Ulrich W. Eisenecker, [174] Constantinos A. Constantinides and Tzilla and Patrick Steyaert. Beyond objects: Gener- Elrad. On the requirements for concurrent ative programming. In ECOOP-AOP97 [217]. software architectures to support advanced separation of concerns. 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