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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20030112851: Mean Flow Boundary Conditions for Computational Aeroacoustics PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20030112851: Mean Flow Boundary Conditions for Computational Aeroacoustics

L AIAA-2003-3299 Mean Flow Boundary Conditions for Computational Aeroacoustics R. Hixon* Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering Department University of Toledo Toledo, OH 43606 email: [email protected] M. Nallasamy** QSS Group, Inc. Mail Stop 500-QSS NASA Glenn Research Center Cleveland, OH 44 135 S. Sawyer*** Mechanical Engineering Department University of Akron Akron,OH 44325 R. Dyson**** Mail Stop 54-3 NASA Glenn Research Center Brook Park, OH 44135 Abstract In this work, a new type of boundary condition for time-accurate Computational Aeroacoustics solvers is described. This boundary condition is designed to complement the existing nonreflective boundary conditions while ensuring that the correct mean flow conditions are maintained throughout the flow calculation. Results are shown for a loaded 2D cascade, started with various initial conditions. (CAA) is concerned with the time-accurate Introduction calculation of unsteady flow fields. Theflow problems of interest can be The field of Computational Aeroacoustics divided into two types: initial-value, and -----------___________________________lo_n_g-- time unsteady problems. In an initial- * Assistant Professor, Member AIAA value problem, the initial flow solution is ** Senior Member AIAA known exactly, and the computation is ***Assistant Professor, Member AIAA focused on obtaining a time-accurate **** Member AIAA unsteady solutio throughout the 02003 by the American Institute of Aeronautics calculation. In a long-time unsteady and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved. problem, the initial flow field is not This is a preprint or reprint of a paper intended for presentation at a conference. Because changes may be made before formal publication, this is made available with the understanding that it will not be cited or reproduced without the permission of the author. correctly specified, and the solution must evolve be exactly specified. On the other hand, many over time until it converges to the long-time realistic flow problems can be classified as long- unsteady flow. time unsteady. Unlike an initial-value problem, where the entire calculation must be highly It is relatively rare to solve an initial-value flow accurate, the long-time unsteady flow calculation problem, mainly because the initial solution must can be divided into two distinct phases. instantaneous flow solution at the boundary; In the first phase, an initial flow solution is instead, it acts on the time-averaged mean flow at specified; since this is generally not the correct the boundary. In this way, the instantaneous long-time solution, the flow evolves through a outgoing waves that do not affect the mean flow transient phase before converging to a long-time will not be reflected. unsteady solution. During the transient phase, the goal is to converge the flow to the long-time Governing Equations and Numerical Method unsteady solution rapidly; thus the transient computation need not be highly accurate in time. In this work, the Euler equations are solved. The 2D nonlinear Euler equations may be written in Once the flow has converged to the long-time Cartesian form as: unsteady solution, the second phase of the computation begins. Here, the desired unsteady Q + E + F =O (1) flow data is gathered; thus, a highly time-accurate t X Y calculation is desired. The data gathered in this phase is the desired output for the flow simulation. The NASA Glenn Research Center BASS code was used to solve this The BASS The boundary conditions used for each phase of code uses optimized explicit time marching the calculation should be chosen to achieve the combined with high-accuracy finite-differences to goals of each phase. Currently, nonreflective or accurately compute the unsteady flow. The code damping boundary conditions are used for most is parallel, and uses a block-structured curvilinear CAA calculations.' These conditions are designed grid to represent the physical flow domain. A to allow outgoing disturbances to exit the constant-coefficient 10" order artificial dissipation computational domain without generating either model6 is used to remove unresolved high- real or spurious incoming disturbances. These frequency modes from the computed solution. conditions are ideal for either an initial-value computation or the data-gathering phase of a long- The BASS code solves the Euler equations using time unsteady computation, when the flow the nonconservative chain-rule formulation; solution correctly represents the desired mean previous experience has indicated that the formal flow. lack of conservation is offset by the increased accuracy of the transformed equation^.^.^ The However, these nonreflective boundary conditions chain-rule form of the Euler equations are: have no mechanism for maintaining a desired mean flow when implemented in a nonlinear flow Q,+ Et Q, Q, +qf solver. In the initial transient phase, large disturbances may propagate through the boundary +ExE,+q E, and exit the domain. These disturbances affect the flow solution at the boundary, and the correct +E F,+q F,=O Y Y method to 'reset' the flow at the boundary is to impose an incoming disturbance originating For this work, the optimized low-storage RK56 outside of the computational domain. scheme of Stanescu and Habashig was combined with the prefactored sixth-order compact Notice that in this work, the mean flow boundary differencing scheme of Hixon". condition (MFBC) does not act on the Boundarv Condition Formulation The mean flow boundary condition is At the inflow and outflow boundaries of formulated in this way. First, the mean the computational domain, boundary flow must be defined. The mean flow is conditions must be specified. These simply the flow variables integrated over a boundary conditions should, at a minimum, given length of time, T: maintain the desired mean flow, be nonreflective for transient waves that do f not affect the mean flow, and introduce any QT= Qdt (4) user-specified incoming disturbances. To I-T accomplish these goals, the time derivative of the flow at the boundary is decomposed Thus, the mean flow integration can be into three parts: performed using the same time integration (et),,,, ( Next, the desired mean flow conditions - must be specified. For this problem, the Ql)boundary- + (Q,)incoming desired conditions are specified in terms of J 1 + Q, nonreflective - the inflow stagnation temperature and pressure, the inflow angle, and the outflow Thus, there are three components to the Finally, the mean flow boundary condition boundary conditions. The first component must be defined. TO accomplish this, the (MFBC) maintains the desired mean flow. 1-D characteristics of Thomp~on’~a,r’e~ The second component (incoming) used, modified for an arbitrary rotation of introduces any user-specified disturbances. the grid boundary: The third component (nonreflective) is nonreflective to transient waves. A A~ = (A p)- ?*(A p) The nonreflective boundary condition used A A ~ = ( A V . ~ ) in this work was the Giles inflow and (5) outflow conditions.” This boundary A A ~ (=A p)+pz(dV n) a condition has been previously tested on a A A~ = (Ap )- pz(dV . n) benchmark flat plate cascade with acceptable result^.^ Here, the “n” vector is normal to the grid The incoming gust specification boundary boundary, while the “m” vector is tangent condition is also implemented in the BASS to the grid boundary. code, though it was not used for this test. This condition is simply designed to At each boundary point, a ’ target’mean remove the incoming gust disturbances flow is defined; the object of the mean flow from the Giles condition calculation, and boundary condition is to obtain the ’ target’ then add the time derivative of the gust mean flow. At the inflow boundary, the components in at the inflow boundary. current mean flow error can be defined as: This condition has been previously validated.’** - AE=E --o( larger currenl Given that the error in the current mean flow is known, then the incoming characteristics that will correct this error can be calculated. At a subsonic where inflow boundary, this results in a 4 x 4 matrix: 1 0 0 0 A Po 0 1 0 0 kl= AT 0 0 1 0 [B] AA2 0 (7) A A A h 3 A A 0 4 where r In constrast to the inflow boundary, now the first 1 three characteristics are outgoing, and cannot be I modified. " 0 Once the modifications to the characteristics are known, the necessary modifications to the flow variables may be calculated as: I I ---- 6(A1) 6(A2) &(Ai) 6(A4) l o 0 0 l 1 (8) AQ= Since the fourth characteristic is outgoing, it cannot be modified. For the outflow boundary, The development is similar. Here, the matrix equation becomes: Finally, the mean flow boundary condition is written as: In order to run the a time-marching flow code, an initial flow condition must be specified. For this work, seven initial The value of CT used in this work was 1.0. conditions were used, in which the flow is uniform throughout the computational Initially, much higher values of CT were domain. These seven initial conditions are used, in an attempt to converge the mean referred to as Tests 1-7, as defined in Table flow solution more quickly. However, it 1. To validate the mean flow boundary was found that instabilities occurred during conditions further, an additional four tests the first phase of the calculation, when very were run in which the initial condition of large transients were exiting the Test 1 was used and the desired mean flow boundaries. In future work, a variable CT conditions were varied. These cases are will be tried, where the value of CT is referred to as Tests 8-11, as defined in initially low to allow the large transients to Table 1: leave the domain and then is increased in order to more quickly converge the mean Table 1: Flow Test Cases flow solution. Test Problem and Flow Initialization The test problem chosen represents the i' type of flow problem that the BASS code is 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 1 0 . 9 2 designed to solve. In this problem, the mean flow about a loaded 2D cascade is calculated. The cascade geometry is given in Ref. (1 1). The mean flow conditions at 4 1 1 40 0.92 5 the inflow are: - p =1.0 -0 T =1.0 (13) 0 0.92 1 1 I I I E= 36" 9 0.95 1 36 0.92 10 1 0.95 36 0.92 At the outflow, 11 1 1 36 0.85 - p = 0.92 (14) In the full problem, which is a benchmark The first seven test cases given in Table 1 problem for the 4'h Computational were run to test the ability of the MFBC to Aeroacoustic Workshop on Benchmark obtain the correct mean flow while starting Problems, three simple-harmonic gusts are from different initial conditions. For introduced at the inflow boundary. For this comparison, these cases were also run work, the gusts are neglected; in future without the mean flow boundary condition. work, the gusts will be included in the calculation. Figures 1-7 show the convergence histones of each mean flow variable at one point on the inflow and outflow boundaries for each test Miller of the NASA Glenn Research Center for case. Each figure compares the mean flow their contributions to this effort. obtained both with and without the MFBC enabled. It is clearly seen that the mean flow is References not remaining constant through the run, and the effect of the MFBC is to bring the computed flow 1) Hixon, R. ' Radiationand Wall Boundary to the correct mean values. Also, the Conditions for Computational Aeroacoustics: convergence to the mean flow as the run A Review' , International Journal of progresses is shown. This is very important, as it Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2003. indicates that the MFBC is only active during the 2) Hixon, R, Nallasamy, M., and Sawyer, S., initial transient portion of the code run. Parallelization Strategy for an Explicit Computational Aeroacoustics Code' , AIAA Another important point is that the MFBC was Paper 2002-2583, July 2002. used in conjunction with the Giles nonreflective 3) Hixon, R., Nallasamy, M., and Sawyer, S., boundary condition; the results show the utility of Effectof Grid Singularities on the Solution using both a mean flow and an instantaneous Accuracy of a CAA Code' AIAA Paper 2003- nonreflective boundary condition. 0879, Jan. 2003. 4) Nallasamy, M., Hixon, R., Sawyer, S., Dyson, The final four tests (Tests 8-1 1) were designed to R., and Koch, L., ' AParallel Simulation of investigate the ability of the MFBC to obtain Rotor Wake - Stator Interaction Noise' AIAA different desired mean flows while starting from Paper 2003-3134, May 2003. the same initial condition. Figure 8 illustrates the 5) Sawyer, S., Nallasamy, M., Hixon, R., Dyson, time history of the four runs, and the final mean R., and Koch, D., ComputationaAeroacoustic flows are those given in Table 1. Prediction of Discrete-Frequency Noise Generated by a Rotor-Stator Interaction' AIAA Conclusions and Future Directions Paper 2003-3268, May 2003. 6) Kennedy, C. A. and Carpenter, M. H., ' Several In this work, a mean flow boundary condition for New Numerical Methods for Compressible time-marching unsteady calculations was Shear-Layer Simulations' ,Applied Numerical developed. The initial tests showed the Mathematics, Vol. 14, 1994, pp. 397-433. effectiveness of this boundary condition; the mean 7) Hixon, R., Shih, S.-H., and Mankbadi, R. R., flow converged to the correct conditions 'Evaluation of Boundary Conditions for the regardless of the initial flow condition. This will Gust- Cascade Problem', Journal of be a useful addition to any nonlinear unsteady Propulsion and Power, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2000, code using nonreflective boundary conditions, pp. 72-78. since these nonreflective boundary conditions do 8) Hixon, R., Mankbadi, R. R., and Scott, J. R., not automatically maintain the desired mean flow. ' Validation of a High-Order Prefactored Compact Code on Nonlinear Flows with In future, the user-input unsteady gust will be Complex Geometries' AIAA Paper 200 1- 11 03, added to the flow, and a full unsteady nonlinear Jan. 200 1. calculation will be performed. This will provide 9) Stanescu, D. and Habashi, W. G., 2N-Storage the final test for the mean flow boundary Low Dissipation and Dispersion Runge- Kutta conditions. Schemes for Computational Acoustics' , Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 143, Acknowledpments NO. 2, 1998, p. 674-681. 10)Hixon, R., PrefactorecGmall-Stencil Compact This work was funded by the NASA Glenn Schemes' Journal of Computational Physics, Research Center under the Quiet Aircraft Vol. 165,2000, p. 522-541. Technology program. The authors would like to 1l )www.math.fsu.edu/caa4 thank Dr. Edmane Envia and Dr. Christopher 12)Giles, M. B., ' Nonreflecting Boundary Conditions for Euler Equation Fimres Calculations' ,AIM Journal, Vol. 28, NO. 12, 1990, pp. 2050-2058. 13)Thompson, K. W., ' TimeDependent 11 Boundary Conditions for Hyperbolic i' Systems' , Journal of Computational imp- Physics, Vol. 68, No. 1, 1987, pp. 1-24. d3 1 . 5 14) Thompson, K. W., ' TimeDependent Boundary Conditions for Hyperbolic 0 9s 0 91 Systems 11' Journal of Computational e Physics, Vol. 89, 1990, pp. 439-461. 11 05 a9 Ossi 08 .- 015 O ~ J O ~ O ~ ~ O U A M ~ O I- IVnS Figure 1: Mean Flow Test Case 1 Figure 2: Mean Flow Test Case 2 I,' 1 7 I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' 11.1 Figure 3: Mean Flow Test Case 3 . uy5 B B OY <~ OSSC 0 IO 20 30 40 M W 'Iu I0 ?U M 40 50 60 70 LLnC IMC Figure 4: Mean Flow Test Case 4 Figure 7: Mean Flow Test Case 7 50 1 1 1 1 , 1 , 1 , ( , 1 , , , , , , , , 3 Figure 5: Mean Flow Test Case 5 Figure 8: Mean Flow Test Cases 8-11 0% r r03 VIF'Y !ji 5 0 811 0 20 40 60 ID 10 40 t4 80~00" Figure 6: Mean Flow Test Case 6

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