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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20030112522: Frequency Reuse, Cell Separation, and Capacity Analysis of VHF Digital Link Mode 3 TDMA PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20030112522: Frequency Reuse, Cell Separation, and Capacity Analysis of VHF Digital Link Mode 3 TDMA

Frequency Reuse, Cell Separation, and Capacity Analysis of VHF Digital Link Mode 3 TDMA Mohammed A. Sham', Thanh C. Nguyenl, and Rafael D. Apaza2 1A nalex Corporatiod'FAA Aviation Research Office NASA Glenn Research Center 21000 Brookpark Road Cleveland, Ohio 44135 Abstract: have a sufficient Signal to Co-Channel Interference Ratio. Several different values The most recent studies by the Federal for the Signal to Co-Channel Interference Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Ratio were utilized corresponding to the aviation industry have indicated that it has current analog VHF DSB-AM systems, and become increasingly difficult to make new the future digital VDL Mode 3. The VHF frequency or channel assignments to required separation of Co-Channel cells is meet the aviation needs for air-ground computed for most of the Frequency communications. FAA has planned for Protected Service Volumes (FPSV's) several aggressive improvement measures to currently in use by the FAA. Additionally, the existing systems, but these measures the ideal cell capacity for each FPSV is would not meet the projected voice presented. Also, using actual traffic for the communications needs beyond 2009. FAA Detroit air space, a FPSV traffic distribution found that since 1974 there has been, on the model is used to generate a typical cell for average, a 4 percent annual increase in the channel capacity prediction. Such number of channel assignments needed to prediction is useful for evaluating the satisfy the air-ground communication traffic improvement of future VDL Mode 3 (approximately 300 new channel deployment and capacity planning. assignments per year). With the planned improvement measures, the channel Introduction: assignments are expected to reach a maximum number of 16615 channels by The aeronautical frequency spectrum about 2010. Hence, the FAA proposed the assignment in the CS is operating at near use of VDL Mode 3 as a new integrated capacity and expecting to reach its digital voice and data communications limitations by the year 2009. The growth systems to meet the future air traffic rate of 4 percent annually in spectrum demand. utilization, which corresponds to 300 new channel assignments yearly, suggests a new This paper presents analytical results of approach to information transmission and frequency reuse; cell separation and capacity frequency management is needed [l], [2]. estimation of VDL Mode 3 TDMA systems The use of VDL-3 in the NEXCOM that FAA has planned to implement the transceiver replacement program is designed future VHF air-ground communications to provide the needed channel capacity and system by the year 2010. For TDMA, it is to meet aviation growing demands for the well understood that the frequency reuse near future. Very High Frequency Digital factor is a crucial parameter for capacity Link (VDL) Mode 3 provides both estimation. Formulation of this frequency Aeronautical Telecommunication Network reuse factor is shown, taking into account (ATN) data and digital voice services. It the limitation imposed by the requirement to was proposed to the International Civil This is a preprint or reprint of a paper intended for presentation at a conference. Because changes may be made before formal publication, this is made available with the understanding that it will not be cited or reproduced without the permission of the author. Aviation Organization (ICAO) in 1994 by The next few sections cover, formulation of the United States Federal Aviation the cell capacity, frequency reuse, and cell Administration (FAA) as an alternative to separation showing the mathematical using 8.33 KHz channel spacing to relieve equations utilized in the following section VHF congestion. VDL Mode 3 works by on Results for different FF'SV using FAA providing four logical independent channels and actual air traffic data. The last section is in a 25 kHz frequency assignment. Each the Conclusion. channel can be used for voice or data transfer. The appealing capability of VDL Formulation of Cell Capacity, Mode 3 is that it uses a frequency channel Frequency Reuse and Cell Separation: that can carry one analog voice transmission and turns it into three or four simultaneous We start by following a mathematical transmissions using Time Division Multiple formulation based on work by [5-71 for the Access (TDMA). There are seven capacity of a single cell of a TDMA system: configurations defined for VDL Mode 3 in the ICAO VDL Mode 3 Standards and Recommended Practices (SAFWs). VDL Mode 3 uses the same modulation scheme as VDL Mode 2, which is Differential 8 Phase Shift Keying (DSPSK) at a data rate of 3 1.5 With the following parameters kbps [3]. f,, ConesPonding BWrotol? Nslors 7 BWchnnel, to the total available bandwidth in the VHF Considering the existing system will reach band, the number of time slots of the TDMA its limitations by year 2009, this paper channel, the bandwidth of each VHF presents an analysis of frequency reuse, cell channel, and the Frequency Reuse factor. separation, and capacity using VDL Mode 3 The frequency reuse factor is defined as the TDMA. The analysis was performed number of times the total bandwidth has to utilizing existing FAA Air Traffic Control be divided to use in each cell. Note that airspace sector boundaries and VHF other definitions of frequency factor frequency allocation [4]. The service correspond to the inverse of that defined volume included En-route such as Super here, meaning the number of times a high (SE) altitude, High altitude (HE), frequency can be reused in a network of Intermediate altitude (E)an d Low altitude cells. En-route (LE). In addition, terminal service volumes such as Approach control, Here we rely mainly on [4], [5-71 for the Departure control, and Local control among derivation of the frequency factor to be used others were utilized. The frequency in the capacity formulas. The derivation is allocations were obtained via two methods; summarized for convenience. In Figure 1, one utilized frequency allocations specified the distance from the undesired user to the by FAA [4] to obtain maximum ideal limits on frequency reuse, cell separation and desired user is shown by the parameter D, capacity for each of the service volumes while the distance from the center of the cell using the 524 Air Traffic Control (ATC) to the desired user is approximated by the channels presently available. The second radius of that cell Rd. On the other end, the method attempted to get a more realistic radius of the cell serving the undesired user distribution of the frequency allocations per is assumed to have a radius R,. The intent is service volume based on actual air traffic to allocate frequencies to cells in a most data. The air traffic data used was obtained efficient manner. That in turn implies for the terminal area over the Detroit having the maximum possible reuse of Airspace and en-route data for sectors frequencies with minimum possible distance serving the southeast part of Michigan. such that there would not be an unacceptable performance level at the desired user. Two provide a given level of performance with factors come into play, one is the radio line respect to Bit Error Rates Bit Error Rate of sight between the two users (desired and (BER) for the digital VDL-3 link, assuming undesired), and the second is the given all measures that can tolerate better levels requirements on signal to interference ratios are taken into account such as the Forward (for co-channel interference only for this Error Correction (FER) and the modulation study). The signal to co-channel tY Pe. interference ratio is specified in order to Undesired Distance D,, Service Volume A Service Volume B t hd Hexag - approximation of a circle I Reuse D is,tan,ce D c c Figure 1 Illustration of two co-channel cells (hexagon approximated), service volume height and desired and undesired users. Frequency Reuse based on Line of (assume it is for the desired user) is given Sight: by: In this case the radio line of sight RLOS RLOS, (nmi)= 1. 23Jh, (2) is defined as the distance from the radio transceiver to the horizon point, of Now looking at the RLOS for the second “effective radio horizon” (see Figure 2). For transceiver (assume it is for the undesired large bodies such as the earth, the radio user): signals tend to bend toward the body causing a large decrease in the power levels that is assumed significant enough to RLOS, (nrni) = 1.23Jhy (3) eliminate the signal strength. This assumes no anomalous propagation conditions along We want to make the distance between the the signal path and a spherical earth. The desired and undesired user sufficiently formula for the RLOS of a single transceiver enough such that their radio signal do not overlap. That means that distance has to be the two cells servicing the desired and the sum of the two RLOSs shown above or: undesired users would have to be then sufficiently large such that the radius of the + Jh,) two cells are taken into account or: D , 2 1.23(.& (4) Doc = 1.23 * (&+ &) + R, + Ru Using the above formulation, we also note that the distance between the two centers of * I I 4 Ddcuc Figure 2 Radio Line of Sight Distance Next a formulation for the theoretical Positioning the desired and undesired distance of the centers of the two cells using users at the edge of their corresponding the same frequencies where our desired and cells for a worst-case interference undesired users are located is given. This scenarios, is equivalent to subtracting 2R assumes an inscribed hexagon type cells from formula (6). Substituting the result with all of them having the same radius R into (7) produces the formula for the and a frequency reuse factor f,, [5], [7]: frequency reuse factor [5] in terms of the RLOS (or height h) and the cell radius R. That need to be satisfied so that the center of the desired and undesired cells are sufficiently separated to not allow any two Finally assuming the same heights for now aircrafts (one in each cell) to see each other on the desired and undesired users, we get in terms of radio signals or RLOS: that the distance Ddub ased on (4)s hould be greater than two RLOS. + 4((1.23&/ R) 1)2 2 (8) D , 2 2 * 1.23(&) = 2 * RLOS (7) fru 3 Note that although the actual formulation for Again with the radius of the desired and the sufficient distances should be based on undesired cells assumed equal (R) for the (7), the assumptions and formulation done to moment, and using same heights for desired obtain (8) in [5] is to produce a formula for and undesired users, the RLOS of the two the frequency re-use factor, and specifically users will then be the same. Also assume to be able to use the formula (6) for the desired and undesired users are R distance center distances for a generic hexagon cell from their respective centers at the closest arrangement. two points possible (see Figure 1). Frequency Reuse based on Signal to Similarly looking at the power received due total co-channel interference: to an interfering user, or from the interfering tower, we have: Next we formulate the frequency reuse factor with the limitation imposed by the requirement to have a sufficient Signal to Co-channel Interference Ratio. What this basically gives us is the possibility of having closer distances of the centers of the desired Where P, ,Gtu is the power transmitted and undesired cells than that given by (6) or from undisired user in the undesired cell, (7). In other words it allows the two the gain of the antenna of the undesired user. aircrafts to be within line of sight of each The distance in the above formula is from other (or 2.RLOS) as long as the signal level desired user to undesired user, the gain of of the undesired signal I,, is 1olog(sd/Iu) dbs the desired aircraft antenna, and the lower than the desired one since the wavelength of the frequency of the channel sd, effects on the performance (i.e. BER) will respectively. Note the wavelength is same be within specification. as clf where c is speed of light and f is the frequency of the channel. Using Figures 1 and 2, define the distances to the desired aircraft from the center of its Assuming similar power setting for user and own cell by Dd, which will be approximated tower Effective Radiated Power above an by the desired cell radius Rd. Also define the Isotropic Antenna (EIRP) (a reasonable distance of the undesired user to its own cell assumption given the tower power and VHF by D, with again approximating it with its aircraft transmit powers are currently 10 W, cell radius R,. with some aircraft transmitter being as large Then again define the distance between the as 20 W for high altitude certification as desired user and undesired user as before by shown in Table 1 in next section). Also Ddu,e xcept this time that distance is limited assume setting for both user and undesired by the and do not have to satisfy (7). user (i.e. antenna gains the aircrafts sd/I,, Hence assuming a distance square involved=[)%I , we get: approximation for the free path loss, we 2 have that the signal received at the desired SdIIu 3 user from its own cell tower given by: 2 (9) Finally, in [5]a more accurate assessment of the interference source is discussed. There the assumption is made that we can have up Where p, ,G**<,G,~A is the power to 6 interfering users from cells in the first transmitted from the desired cell tower, the tier in a hexagon type setting, and possibly gain of the desired cell antenna tower, the more in a non-uniform type of setting. gain of the desired aircraft antenna, and the Hence keeping that in mind the formulation wavelength of the frequency of the channel for the signal to interference of co-channels respectively. Note the wavelength is same should account for six such sources at least as clf where c is speed of light and f is the assuming all aircrafts are transmitting at the frequency of the channel. same time, which is a worst case. With that we would then have: Using (7),(8),(1 I ),( 12), and assuming for [&- 2 this case only that the radius of the d' "total -int erf = Sd 161, =. s undesired user and the desired users are the same (R), we have: [for total interference from 6 sources: The above formula we feel is more appropriate given that the specification for signal to interference ratios do not specify that it is from a single user. In [8] Lab testing was done to show that a 20-db signal to total co-channel interference ratio satisfied the specification of BER for VDL Mode 3.. Hence if the interference Results for different Frequency assumed there is from all total sources, it Protected Service Volume (FPSV) would then have to be distributed over all the interfering users which justifies the Results using FAA channel allocations favorable worst case formula rather than that used in FAA manual [4]. We will use both Using the equations shown in the of those for the tables to be shown in the previous section, along with the parameters next section. for the VLD-3 system shown in Table 1 below, we can tabulate some of the results Finally again we utilize the formulations in desired. We compare with some of the [5] to relate the frequency reuse with the results in [4] for a more realistic approach to signal to interference ratio so that we can the problem. relate to earlier formulation of frequency reuse factor with respect to RLOS and R. Frequency Reuse Factor From previous section fRU VHF band for Aeronautical use 760*25 Mzt otal BWtotal 524*25 khz ATC only Number of VDL-3 TDMA slots 3 max data channels Nslots 4 max voice 2 v,2 data I Each VHF channel bandwidth 1 BW.-h,.n,l 25 lcHz Channel Data Rate Tower Transmitter power Airplane Transmitter power I Rineteqrufierreedn cSeig rnaatilo t o Co-channel I= lo!dsd ztoral - mt erf ) required lo requiied Table 1: VDL 3 System parameters A generic plot of the frequency reuse factor Co-Channel Interference requirements, we vs. the RLOSR as in [5] is shown using the used a 20 db requirement [8] for the Signal formula (8) for the linear part. For the to Co-channel Interference ratio (total or minimum required levels based on signal to single), or: number was chosen. Also in [4] a 14 db is 'OlOg('d 'total -int e$ )required = specified for VHF analog, hence it is felt (14) that the 20 db number ismore appropriate 'OlOg(Sd '1, = 20" )required due to testing done in [8] for VDL-3. Table Note a maximum of 26 db is actually 2 below shows the required minimum specified and is also found in [8] although frequency reuse factors for those three testing was done for 20 db hence why that levels: Required Signal to co channel Minimum frequency reuse factor Minimum frequency reuse Interference Ratio (total or single) required based on equation (13) factor required based on first part for Total Interference equation (13) second part for assumption Single Interferer assumption 14 db min (analog system [4]) 67.9 (plotted in Figure 3) 16.4 9 (plotted in Figure 3) 20 db FAA tested VDL3 181 234 48.9 (plotted in Figure 3) 26 db a maximum specifi.edA [ 81 I 862.7 160.6 Table 2: Minimum Frequency Reuse Factor based on Signal to Interference Ratio Minimum Frequency Reuse factor vs. RLOS/R .......... .. ............... RLOS/R=1.23*sqrt(h)/R Figure 3: Minimum Frequency Reuse factor based on RLOS/R and S/I (Equations 8 and 13) Given the values shown in the Table 3, and the interference limited case for at least up at the same time comparing to plot of Figure to RLOS=4 with the exception of the 16.4 3 for minimum required frequency reuse single user case with 14 db which would be factor for a 2RLOS distance between user reached at approximately an RLOSR or 2.5. and interferer, it is evident that the numbers Since the more appropriate case of 20 db is in the plot are less than the limits shown for recommended, that limit is not within the divided into sectors. Sectors have been plots range shown. designed to increase efficiency, safety, and to make the air space more manageable; To effectively control the large volume of sectors vary in the airspace size they cover. air traffic in the US and meet the growing Furthermore, ARTCC’s divide their airspace demands aviation places on the system, the by altitude to maximize air traffic system National Airspace has been sectioned into efficiency creating different types of FPSVs. smaller more manageable areas. The Air To meet the communication requirements of Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) is the existing system, careful reuse of existing responsible for controlling aircraft that are in frequencies by spectrum engineering has the en-route stage of flight; there are 21 produced a system that uses almost all ARTCC’s in the United States. Terminal channel allocations available to Air Traffic Radar Approach Control (TRACON) has Control. been developed to handle aircraft in the approacWdeparture stage of flight and other For this study, we start by utilizing the type of flight procedures that are not in the results of Figure 3, to list a range of values en-route domain. Airspace controlled by of RLOS/R for different FPSVs dimensions both the ARTCC and TRACON is further as per Table 3 shown below: Service Type . Altitudes h (ft) Service Radius R 1 RLOS (nmi) from 1 RLOS/R (nmi) formula (2) Super High ~45000 150 ~260.9 ~1.74 Altitude En Route (SE) High Altitude En 45000 260.9 Route Intermediate 25000 194.5 Altitude En Route (E) Low Altitude En 18000 60 165 2.75 Route (LE) Approach Control 25000 (AC), Departure Control (DC), Arrival Automated Terminal Information Service (ATIS) Local Control 25000 30 194.48 6.5 (LC) Weather 10000 25 123 4.92 (AWOS/ASOS) Ground Control 100 2-5 12.3 6.15-2.46 (GC) , Clearance Delivery (CD), Departure ATIS Table 3: RLOS and Radius of different FPSV Looking at the Plot of Figure 3 and the or Interference Limited case based on the RLOSR values of Table 3 we can obtain particular assumption made on the some values for the required minimum interference limiting case. Obviously for frequency reuse factor. Note that we choose most of those cases we do not reach the the minimum of the values of from RLOS limits shown in Table 3. Again this is fm mainly due to the more stringent ratios involved. Table 3 below shows some requirements on the signal to interference of those results: Service Type RLOS/ fru from 5"f rom fru from fru from R minimum minimum minimum minimum value shown value shown value shown value shown on Plot in on Plot in on Plot in on Plot in Figure 3 Figure 3 with Figure 3 Figure 3 with with 14 db 14 db signal to with 20 db 20 db signal to signal to Interference signal to Interference Interference ratio total Interference ratio (total ratio (single Interferers) ratio (single Interferers) Interferer) Interferer) Super High >1.74 >10 >10 >10 >10 Altitude En Route (SEI High Altitude En 1.74 10 10 Route Intermediate 3.24 23.98 23.98 Altitude En Route (interference (E) Low Altitude En 2.75 18.76 18.76 Route (LE) (interference limited) Approach Control 3.24 23.98 23.98 I (AC), Departure (interference Control (DC), limited) Arrival Automated Terminal Information Service (ATIS) Local Control (LC) 6.5 48.9 75 (interference limited) Weather 4.92 46.74 46.74 (AWOS/ASOS) (interference limited Ground Control 6.15- 16.49 I 67.9 48.9 68.18-15.97 (GC),C learance 2.46 (interference Delivery (CD), limited)- limited)- limited)- Departure ATIS 15.97 Table 4: Frequency Reuse Factors based on Figure 3 Having the information in Table 4 on the user, and the recommended case of 20 db frequency reuse factors enable us to with total users (or 6 in our case). The compute capacity per cell (or total for any results are shown next in Table 5 for a total geographic area) using the formula (1) number of 524 channel (out of the grand initially shown. total of 760), which is documented in [4] as In addition to that we list the corresponding the allocated channels for Air Traffic distances that would be required between Control. Note, the remaining frequencies center of desired cell to the center or a co- are used for other services such as channel cell. All of the numbers are show emergency crews, flight training, guard for the least stringent case based on a 14 db bands, and more [4]. Furthermore, in Table signal to interference ratio with a single 5 below, notice that giving all 524 ATC channels for each FPSV is unrealistic, but is in the next example. Nonetheless those very useful in determining maximum maximum values shown in Table 5 serve as possible values on cell capacities. In reality a guideline for initial planning and for each all FPSV types will share the 524 channels type FPSV evaluation. Cell Separation is not (as oppose to 100% to each), hence the dependent on the number of ATC channel capacity values will be much lower as seen and its allocation. Service Type Required Single Cell Required Single Cell Separation Capacity using Separation Capacity using (nmi) to a frequency reuse (nmi) to a frequency reuse similar cell, factors of 14 db similar cell, factors of 20 db using single interferer using total interferers frequency (Table 4) and frequency (Table 4) and reuse factors formula (1) reuse factors formula (1) of 14 db single of 20 db total Cell - Copuciry = BW,,,N,,, interferer interferers B W,,.,,fau with Nslots=a3n d with Nslots=3a nd (Table 4) and (Table 4) and BWtoollmWchannel= BWtotalmWchannel= formulRa (6) a52 4 with all 100 % formulRa (6) z524 with all 100 % 'douc = distribution to each 'dpC = distribution to each Fpsv Fpsv Super High S21.58 457 S21.58 457 Altitude En Route (SE) High Altitude En 821.58 157 821.58 157 Route Intermediate 422.01 95 508.90 65 Altitude En Route (E) Low Altitude En 422.01 95 450 83 Route (LE) Approach Control 422.01 95 508.90 65 (AC), Departure Control (DC), Arrival Automated Terminal Information Service (ATIS) Local Control 211.00 95 450 20 (LC) Weather 175.84 95 296.04 33 (AWOS/ASOS) Ground Control 14.07- 95- 28.60- 23- (GC), Clearance 34.61 98 34.61 98 Delivery (CD), Departure ATIS Table 5: Cell Separation and Capacity for two S/I levels and all FPSVs with all 524 ATC per FPSV

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