Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIV (2003) 2060.pdf MN CARBONATES IN THE MARTIAN METEORITE NAKHLA: POSSIBLE EVIDENCE OF BRINE EVAPORATION J. V. Bailey1 , D. S. McKay2 and S. J. Wentworth3, 1Dept. of Geosciences, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson AZ 85721-0077, [email protected], 2NASA-Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX 77058, 3 Lockheed Martin, C23, 2400 NASA Rd.1, Houston, TX. Introduction: The imp orta nce of secondary phase s in s i lic ate fil m, probably the mix t ure of phyll osi l icate s, Fe- m arti an mete orit es lie s in their pote nti al to provid e clu es oxides and amorphous mate ria l typic al of secondary vein s about the marti an envir onme nts resp onsib l e for their for- i n Nakhla [9]. Numerous iso late d euhedral calc iu m sulfate m atio n. Duri ng this stu dy, we analy zed a numb er of car- cryst als sit ato p, or are embedded in, this thin secondary bonate -bearin g fractu re surfaces from the Nakhla mete or- s i lic ate layer. i t e. Here we desc rib e the physi cal and chemic al properti es The carbonate concretions consist of foliated of several manganese -calc iu m-ric h sid erit es. Addit i onall y, asymmetrical plates joined by thin protrusions (Fig. we desc rib e a pote nti al model for the forma tio n and al- 1). Many of these stacks are offset by linear sub- t erati on of these carbonate s, and we suggest const rain t s parallel pits. The composition of these carbonates lies on th e condit io ns resp onsi ble for their precip i tati on. within the calcite-rhodochrosite-siderite ternary field Nakhla is an oli vine-bearin g cli nopyroxenit e for carbonates (Fig. 2). wi th min or amounts of feld s par, FeS , and Fe oxid es. While a “typical” point EDS shows a carbon- S econdary min eral ass emb l ages inclu de vein fil li ng cla ys ate with nearly equal Fe, Mn, and Ca cation ratios, wi th emb edded iron oxid es, a calc iu m sulf ate, amorphous analysis of compositional abundances acquired from s i lic a, chlo rapati te, hali t e and carbonate s. B ridges and individual pixel spectra from elemental x-ray maps Grady [1] suggest ed that the carbonate s in Nakhla forme d reveals compositional heterogeneity on a much smaller from brine evaporati on [2, 3]. Isoto pe stu die s of the Mn- scale. ric h sid erit e are als o consi st ent wit h forma ti on from hy- In many areas, the carbonate rest on top of a droth ermal fluid s wi t h an upper T const rain t of Cl, Fe-rich silicate film. In some places, this film ex- ~170C [4]. hibits a complex texture similar to that seen in the car- Experimental Methods: Small (mm-sized) chips from bonates. Additionally, a possible relict cleavage or the interior of the Nakhla meteorite were stub mounted parting surface of the highly altered pyroxene or oli- using quickset epoxy. These chips were sputter coated vine is visible within the texture. Carbonate replace- with a 50Å coating of platinum prior to imaging and ment of feldspars often follows cleavage or parting analysis using a JEOL 6340 field emission scanning surfaces; however, the chemical composition of this electron microscope (FESEM). EDS analyses were base material is not consistent with a feldspar. Carbon- performed using an IXRF energy dispersive X-ray ate replacement of feldspar was suggested by [10] for spectroscopy (EDS) system operating at 15kV acceler- the petrogenesis of the ALH84001 carbonates. ating voltage. Discussion: The microstratigraphy of the Fe-Ca-Mn- Carbonates and their micro-geological context: Fe- carbonate is consistent with a precipitation model in rich carbonates in Nakhla consitute ~30-100 ppm of which a low to moderate temperature hydrothermal the rock [4]. Siderite in Nakhla was initially reported system lays down a basal clay layer while creating a by [5], while small veins of calcium carbonate are texturally complex framework of silicate alteration mentioned by[6] and further characterized by [7]. Al - products by acting on parting or cleavage planes from t hough the marti an orig in of carbonate s and hali te s in the altered olivine or pyroxene substrate. This frame- Nakhla has not been fir ml y est ablis hed, calciu m sulf ate , work then serves as a nucleation surface for subse- m agnesi um sulfate and secondary sil i cate s have been quent low temperature precipitation of carbonates from s hown to be pre-te rrest ria l by fusi on crust dis rupti on in evaporation of a brine. Alternatively, differential dis- grain s near the mete orite ’s exte rio r [6,8]. The spati al solution acting on stratified carbonate laminae could ass ocia tio n of both carbonates and halit es wit h est ab- produce a complex textural morphology. l i shed pre-te rrest ria l phase s suggest s that these secondary The superposition of Ca and Mn carbonates alt erati on products are als o pre-terrestr ia l. over a siderite core is consistent with thermodynamic The grains in our stu dy were chip s removed models of evaporation on early Mars under high P CO2 from areas conta in in g preexist i ng fractu re surfaces insi de conditions as presented by Catling [11]. The calcium t he Nakhla mete orite . The grain s conta in a varie ty of sec- sulfate crystals present elsewhere on this grain are an ondary alt erati on mate ria ls inclu din g cla ys, calciu m sul- expected product of such a low temperature evapora- fate, hali t e, and carbonate s. The grain conta in in g the car- tion sequence and the sub-micron heterogeneity of the bonate s is covered wit h nume rous carbonate concreti ons carbonates is also consistent with a low- temperature which range in siz e from ‡ 100 m m to< 1 m m . The car- origin. Hydrothermal carbonate precipitation would bonate s overla y an oli vi ne or pyroxene subst rate and rest likely homogenize chemical partitioning at this scale wi thin depressi ons. The oli vin e/p yroxene subst rate sur- [12]. roundi ng the carbonate concreti ons is covered by a thin Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIV (2003) 2060.pdf MN CARBONATES IN THE MARS METEORITE NAKHLA: J. V. Bailey, D.S. McKay, and S.J. Wentworth While Ca, Ca-Mg, and even Fe carbonates are Gooding, J.L. et al. (1991), Meteoritics 26, 135-143 [7] important sedimentary phases on Earth, Mn carbonates Wentworth et al. (2003) Astrobiology, submitted. [8] are less common. Under high temperature aqueous Wentworth S.J. et al. (2002), LPSC XXXIII, abst.#1932 [9] Thomas-Keprta, K.L. et al.,(1999), LPSC XXXI, conditions, rhodochrosite, and its dolomitic counter- abst.#1690 [10] Kring D.A., et al., [1998], G.C.A 62, 2155- part, kutnohorite [CaMn(CO)], are generally re- 32 2166 [11] Catling D.C.,(1999), JGR, Vol.104, No.E7, stricted to hydrothermal deposits. The atmospheric 16,453-16,469. [12] Fisler and Cygan (1998) MAPS 33, P conditions of an early Martian atmosphere would CO2 785-789. [13] Anovitz and Essene, (1987). J Petrol. 28, 389- have had a strong influence on the pH of surface aque- 414.[14] Bowen HJM. (1979). Environmental chemistry of ous environments, with significant ramifications for the Elements. L.A.P. [14] Neumann et al.(2002), G.C.A. 66, carbonate precipitation [11]. In additi on to Eh, pH, no.5 867-879 [15] Lovely D.R., Phillips E.J.P., (1998) Appl. press ure, and temp eratu re, the cati on concentr ati on of the Environ. Microbiol 54 1472-1480. s oluti on constr ain s the comp osi t ion of the precipit ated carbonate phase [13]. Whil e manganese concentr ati ons in both terrest ria l fresh water and seawate r are me asu red in m g kg- 1 [14], the manganese concentrati on of anoxic hy- polim ni a in some lakes is measu red in mg kg- 1. Am ong ot her facto rs, str ati fic ati on of sta nding wate r, leachin g from Mn-ric h country rock, mic robia l acti vity , or cati on parti oning durin g groundwate r percola tio n could cause M n to be supersa tu rate d in solu t ion. Sid erite precip i t atin g from such a solu t ion under hig h P has the pot enti al to CO2 s ubst i t ute Ca and Mn cati ons into its str uctu re, pote n- t i all y produci ng a soli d solut i on sim ila r to that seen in t his stu dy. The secondary min eral ass emb l age prese nted here lends support to the evaporite sequence predic te d by C atli ng [11] for clo s ed basi n lakes on Mars. The secon- dary min eral ass emb l ages in Nakhla desc rib ed here and by Figure 1. Nakhla carbonate texture. The topographi- ot hers [1, 5, 6, 7] are consi s tent wit h low temp eratu re pre- cally high areas (upper left) appear richer in Ca and Mn car- cip it ati on from an evaporati ng brin e, poss ibly foll owin g bonate, while the low areas (lower right) appear to be en- an earli er stage of mid -te mp eratu re hydroth erma l acti vit y. riched in Fe-rich carbonate. Backscatter images of the car- S uch condit i ons could occur in a volc anic or imp act- bonate (not shown) show abrupt compositional changes over generate d hydroth erma l sy s t em wit h subse quent lacust rin e brine developme nt in th e cald era or crate r basin . distances <100nm. Mn Carbonates as Indicators of Microbial Activity: The possi bi lit i es for eit her bio genic or abio t ic origin s , or per- haps a comb i nati on of the two, need furth er invest i gati on On Earth , low-te mp eratu re Mn carbonate precip i t ati on is often mic robia ll y media te d. Si gnif ic ant amo unts of bi ot ic m anganous carbonate have been dis covered in the Balt i c S ea [14]. Addit i onall y, bacteria lly precip ita te d rhodo- chrosi t e has been produced under la borato ry condit i ons by Geobacte r metall i reducens [15]. Fu t ure stu die s usi ng ion m i croprobe analy s is of 13C / 12C and 34S / 32S may be able to di fferenti ate betw een these two poss i bil i t ies. S t able iso - t ope fracti onati on on Earth can be used as an indic ato r of m i crobia l activ i t y because meta boli c process es can lead to enric hme nt in the lig hter isoto pes of carbon and sulfur. The mic rosc opic textu res of the carbonate s in this study als o exhib i t a comple x morphol ogy. The possi bi lit y that t his textu re could have been produced by eith er abio tic process es or through biolo gical acti vity undersc ores the need to develop good crit eria for identi fic ati on of mic ro- bi al precip i t ates. References: [1] Bridges, J.C., Grady M.M., (2000), E.P.S.L, 176, 267-279 [2] Sawyer D.J. et al., (2000), F i gure 2. Ternary plo t of semi -quanit ita ti ve mole frac- t i ons aquir ed from EDS analy si s of x-ray mappin g. The • M.A.P.S., 35, 743-747 [3] Moore, J.M., Bullock M.A., s are from topographic ally low areas, whil e th e ¤ repre- (1999), J.G.R., E:Planets 104, 21,925-21,934 [4] J. M. Sax- s ents analy s es of to pographi cally high areas. ton et al., (2000), G.C.A., 64, 1299-1309 [5] Chatz- itheodoridis, G. Turner, E.G., (1990) Meteoritics 25, 354 [6]