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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20030069011: Lessons Learned from NASA UAV Science Demonstration Program Missions PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20030069011: Lessons Learned from NASA UAV Science Demonstration Program Missions

LESSONS LEARNED FROM NASA UAV SCIENCE DEMONSTRATION PROGRAM MISSIONS Steven S. Wegener, Program Manager NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, California Susan M. Schoenung, Project Engineer Longitude 122 West, Inc., Menlo Park, California Abstract phase, both field campaigns took place in mid- During the summer of 2002, two airborne missions 2002. This paper highlights lessons learned from were flown as part of a NASA Earth Science the pre-deployment and deployment phases. Enterprise program to demonstrate the use of Post-deployment data analysis activities are still on- uninhabited aerial vehicles (UAVs) to perform earth going. science. One mission, the Altus Cumulus Electrification Study (ACES), successfully The Altus Cumulus Electrification Study (ACES) measured lightning storms in the vicinity of Key was led by a team from NASA Marshall Space Flight West, Florida, during storm season using a high- Center (MSFC). They flew the General Atomics altitude AltusTMU AV. In the other, a solar-powered AltusTMU AV in pursuit of electric field and other UAV, the Pathfinder Plus, flew a high-resolution measurements in the vicinity of lightning storms. imaging mission over coffee fields in Kauai, Hawaii, Their base of operations was Naval Air Facility Key to help guide the harvest. West (NAFKW). In this paper, lessons learned with respect to the The UAV Coffee Harvest Optimization experiment use of UAVs in science missions are presented in was led by Clark University and team members from these areas: NASA Ames Research Center (ARC). They flew Performance of two state-of-the-art UAVs the solar-powered AeroVironment Pathfinder Plus Payload requirements for remotely controlled over coffee fields in Kauai to determine from visible data collection and infrared signatures the ripeness of coffee Operation in National Air Space cherries in individual fields. This information was Mission management used, in turn, to optimize the harvest schedule. Considerations for future technology The Pathfinder Plus flew from Pacific Missile development and NASA UAV missions are also Range Facility (PMRF) on the island of Kauai. discussed. Lessons Learned documentation was prepared by Backar oun d the science teams, with input from their UAV NASA Research Announcement NRA 00-OES-02 suppliers. The objectives of reporting Lessons (UAV Science Demonstration Program) was issued Learned are to: in 2000. The objectives of the research program were to: Provide guidance to future users on the use of Conduct high quality research that exploited UAVs for science and applications. the unique capabilities of UAV aircraft. Identify needs and provide recommendations Demonstrate the utility and promise of UAV for future research and development of platforms for Earth Science observations and platforms, sensors, and systems. measurements. Provide feedback to UAV builders and service Build confidence in UAV platforms through providers for future missions. scientifically useful demonstrations. Science Accomplishments Two missions were selected based on the criteria Both missions were highly successful in achieving for the NRA, including science value, UAV-unique their science and application goals. In August contribution, risk, and cost. Grants were awarded 2002 the ACES experiment flew 13 flights, in the spring of 2001. Following a pre-deployment collecting over thirty hours of electric field and 1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics meteorological data in the vicinity of thunderstorms speed platform in remote sensing applications. in south Florida. The AltusTMU AV was able to fly The September 2002 experiment targeted over and around the weather of interest because agriculture specifically. Because of the loitering of its altitude and endurance capabilities. It is also ability of the Pathfinder Plus, the UAV Coffee electrically quiet, a good feature for meteorological mission was able to collect cloud-free images of missions. A unique feature of the ACES mission the Kauai Coffee plantation, even though it was a was the ability to indicate the location of the aircraft day with 70% cloud cover, by manipulating the on a display of real-time weather. The sohare for aircraft to openings in the clouds over a period of this visual aid, developed at MSFC, is now available several hours. Ripeness indicators were derived for other users, UAVs or other aircraft. A view of from the images in near-real time. The plantation the display screen is shown in Figure 1. More owner made direct use of the ripeness data and details about the science experiment can be found information to plan a harvesting schedule for the in References 1 and 2. following days. A view of the coffee field, created from a composite of images, is shown in Figure 2. The UAV Coffee mission was designed to More details about the experiment can be found in demonstrate the value of a long endurance, slow References 3 and 4. Figure 1: ACES Display Screen Showing Location of AMsTMR elative to Weather 2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics - Figure 2: Kauai Coffee Plantation Composite of High Resolution Visible Imagery Payload desiqn and oDeration Fortunately for both experiments, early versions of When flying on a UAV, the sensor payload must the sensor payloads had already been rely on either autonomous or remote control to demonstrated to operate remotely on either operate when needed, as there is no one on manned platforms or UAVs prior to these missions. board to control the instruments. In both the This made final design easier because of familiarity ACES and Coffee experiments, the sensors were with the instruments. operated remotely, i.e., with commands from the scientists on the ground. For ACES, the The ACES science payload included a variety of command signals were transmitted via the aircraft electric, magnetic and optical sensors to obtain a data telemetry system. For UAV Coffee, the detailed view of the electromagnetic processes command signals were transmitted directly to the within and around thunderstorms throughout their instruments by wireless ethernet. life cycles. In addition, a large variety of observational and forecast meteorological data Because a scientist cannot be on-board the aircraft products (Le., observational products included to check status, turn instruments on or off, or to Key West and Miami WSR-88D weather radar, collect data, these functions must all be designed GOES satellite images, and cloud-to-ground in and tested in advance. This is a major activity for lightning from the National Lightning Detection UAV science projects. In addition, if real-time data Network) obtained through the Internet were are needed or desired on the ground, then a utilized by the ACES project. These data were suitable data transmission system is also needed. combined with the aircraft status data to aid in both 3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics mission planning and execution. This successful Integration and testing of the payload with the UAV combination of data, along with the partnering of must be done in advance of an actual mission, to scientist and pilot together in the ground station is test for performance of the instruments, command one of the highlights of both experiments. and control function, interference with the aircraft Two camera system payloads were used for the signals or operation, and data acquisition. A UAV Coffee Mission - one a high-resolution visible minimum of one such test flight is recommended. system and the other a multispectral infrared The ACES team flew a test flight out of El Mirage a camera. These payloads were selected to be month prior to the campaign. The Coffee team complementary in spectral and spatial coverage of integrated instruments on the Pathfinder Plus on the plantation, and to provide a degree of the ground in Southern California and test for redundancy in the primary data product. The interferences several months before the payloads were configured for remote operation in campaign, and then tested in Kauai during a "dress the extreme pressure and temperature rehearsal" several days before the flight environment of the stratosphere, within the severe experiment. weight, volume, and power limitations of the Platform Perfomance aircraft. This downsizing of the payload was a major For the ACES experiment, MSFC chose the challenge for the overall project. Its successful General Atomics AltusTMU AV, which they had operation was a major accomplishment. Testing on flown previously in an SBlR experiment with a a manned platform was necessary for the cameras similar payload. The Altus is powered by a dual- used in the Coffee mission, but there were time- turbocharged piston engine to achieve maximum consuming problems to be solved related to the altitude of 60,000 ft. It can fly above 50,000 ft for test aircraft and test sites that were not related to up to 5 to 6 hours. It can carry a payload up to 150 the UAV payload or conditions. kg. Altus is shown in Figure 3. Figure 3: Altus on the Ramp at Naval Air Facility Key West 4 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Altus performed well in the experiment, in that it Coffee mission. Pathfinder Plus can fly as high as reached altitude and had sufficient endurance and 60,000 ft, but was only flown to 21,000 ft for the range to reach thunderstorms of interest over Coffee mission, to give suitable resolution for the south Florida from the mission base at Naval Air camera images of the coffee field. Pathfinder Plus Facility Key West. However, the Altus engine is a is shown over Kauai in Figure 4. one-of-a-kind system, which GA compares to maintaining a racecar engine. Maintenance On the day of the flight, Pathfinder Plus flew requirements were high, and reliability relatively flawlessly and was carefully maneuvered to take low, so that many hours or opportunities for advantage of openings in the clouds to get cloud- science flights were lost to the science team while free images of the coffee plantation. All operations work was being done on the aircraft. were successful. On the other hand, Pathfinder Plus, being a very light flying wing, is extremely For the Coffee Optimization experiment, Clark limited in the conditions under which it can fly. University chose the solar-powered Pathfinder Weather conditions at the PMRF forced Plus. It had flown previously from the Pacific cancellation of several hoped-for flight Missile Range Facility (PMRF) and, in fact, opportunities. Only one science flight (of the successfully flew several flights for another expected two or three) was completed. customer in the months immediately prior to the Figure 4: Pathfinder Plus over Kauai 5 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics teams to obtain a certificate of authorization (COA), Some lessons learned relevant to UAV which states where and under what conditions the performance: UAV may enter the National Air Space. In both UAVs with previous experience can be regions where experiments flew during UAVSDP, expected to perform as advertised in science previous UAV experiments had been authorized. missions. Previous flights of solar aircraft from PMRF had Flight conditions such as weather are a been authorized by Honolulu Center, and significant factor in the ability to fly some UAVs previous flights of the AerosondeTMU AV were on any given day. authorized during Crystal-FACE in 2001 by Miami An experienced flight team with adequate Center. depth is desirable for success. This includes technicians, pilots, and a dedicated project Working with the FAA was successful in both of manager. these cases because the teams began Thorough data on previous performance is discussions early to work out flight requirements. needed for safety review success. For ACES, although GA made the request for the Discuss with vendor previous lessons learned COA, the science team was intimately involved in regarding risks and risk mitigation, to be flight planning to ensure they could obtain the adequately prepared in the field and avoid science data the required. For the Coffee mission, repeat problems. the science team employed a consultant (a former Integration with the payload and testing for FAA employee) to manage the COA process. interference should be performed as far in AeroVironment had always made this request advance as possible. themselves in the past, but the chosen approach As these UAVs are not flown to the mission was successful. site, but are shipped, it is important to discuss shipping schedules and related issues in This program has shown that when things are advance. working well, and good communications are maintained, that the FAA can be flexible. In fact Flvina in National AirsDace the FAA allowed exceptions from approved flight Both ACES and the Coffee mission flew from plans in real time during both experiments, in order military facilities into restricted airspace and then to enhance the science being pursued. During transitioned to National Air Space. These facilities one of the later ACES flights, the FAA allowed were chosen in part because they are Altus to transition to National Air Space before government-owned and were believed to be reaching 40,000 ft (the formal restriction) so that easier to access by a NASA-sponsored program. the platform could more quickly reach a Another reason was to facilitate the launch and thunderstorm developing over the Everglades of landing in restricted airspace until the UAV could Southwest Florida. Things had worked so well in reach airspace controlled by Air Traffic Control previous flights, that the FAA was comfortable with (ATC). this exception. Also, during the Coffee flight, because of the clouds over the Kauai Coffee Permission to fly in the National Air Space (not plantation, and the desire to take pictures where controlled by the military) is granted by the Federal there were no clouds, the FAA allowed Pathfinder Aviation Administration (FAA). The FAA is Plus to follow a more-or-less random path over the becoming more and more familiar with UAVs and in plantation, in contrast to the filed flight plan. The most regions is amenable to working with UAV actual flight path is shown in Figure 5. 6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Figure 5: Pathfinder Plus Flight Path over Kauai Coffee Plantation In determining a base for UAV flight operations, it is excessive. Radio frequencies are hard to interesting to review the experiences of the obtain. Rules can change suddenly. UAVSDP teams. To date, the AeroVironment Recognize that military facilities may not be solar aircraft (Pathfinder, Pathfinder Plus, able to provide fully auditable invoices. Centurion and Helios) have only flown from military Plan to provide dedicated Internet networks bases (Edwards AFB and PMRF). The ACES team for your team. Military firewalls are difficult to originally planned to fly from Patrick AFB, in part negotiate. because of location, but also because it was deemed easier to draw up an MOU between NASA Mission Manaaement and the military than with a civil airport. Ultimately, Mission planning is always an important part of a ACES flew from Naval Air Facility Key West science mission. This is especially true for UAVs because there the team was able to obtain where the experience is limited. The science team permission to fly with relative ease because the needs to become intimately familiar with the UAV, Navy was familiar with NASA aircraft campaigns and its operation, and the service provider, in order to UAVs. The assumption that a military facility is a fully prepare for the mission. In the case of the good base of operations should be challenged, UAVSDP program, both teams were required to however, as experience in this program showed prepare implementation plans prior to submitting offsetting disadvantages of flying from a military final proposals. These implementation plans base. Some of the potential problems: addressed most issues of mission planning, and hence a good deal of planning was done even Schedules are subject to override. Personnel before the projects began. The implementation change frequently. Safety concerns may be plans could be considered a template for future mission planning activities. 7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics currently configured, may be too weather- Some specific lessons learned: sensitive for routine use. 0 Establish roles and responsibilities early, Real-time interaction of the PI with the pilot is ideally during the proposal phase. easier and more productive on the ground. 0 Establish liability in the proposal phase. Real-time flight visualization tools are the 0 Understand goho-go criteria for both platform future of suborbital science. and science. Prepare a thorough implementation plan and 0 If go/no-go criteria or other mission operations follow it. are based on previous missions, these should Start early on all approvals. be reviewed for relevancy to the current UAV payloads must be designed for remote or mission. autonomous operation, and may need extensive testing. Plan schedule and Because of the nature of the NASA program, each resources accordingly. Use a payload with team was headed by a Principal Investigator (PI), heritage. who was ultimately responsible for all aspects of Communication within and outside the team is mission management. There was no NASA a challenge, and the KEY to success. "mission manager" assigned to these experiments to interface with the aircraft team. The PI was The Future: Demonstration and Technolocry assisted by a project manager and other team DeveloDment members. The PI team interfaced directly with the NASA intends to continue the development and UAV provider and other subcontractors. Although demonstration of UAVs, as they hold a key role in all team members in both experiments were the future of Earth Science. Follow-on technology committed to success, there were mission efforts are focused on achieving routine access to management challenges for both teams that arose the National Air Space, and follow-on science from this approach. missions will continue to show the unique value of UAVs in remote sensing, atmospheric science, Some strong suggestions for project management disaster management and climate change of future UAV missions are made here. One is that research. a full-time project manager on the science team is essential to handle all the mission arrangements. During the course of the UAVSDP program, some Similarly, a full-time project manager on the UAV system and technology needs were identified. team is also crucial, at least during pre-deployment The systems needs include: and deployment periods. Having a committed 0 A UAV capable of flying to 60,000 ft with long partner at the flight facility is also important. endurance (at least 24 hrs) and adequate Frequent communication is vital and team-building payload capacity (10 0's of pounds). is essential. Systematic project management, (i.e., Lower cost of UAV operations. 0 progress reporting of accomplishments, plans, More commercial UAV vendor options. risks and mitigation, schedules, and budgets) was Improved reliability of UAVs for high altitude, 0 required for these projects and was found to be a long endurance. crucial factor in the success of both the science Thorough documentation of aircraft systems 0 and UAV efforts. (for safety review). Easier access to the National Air Space. 0 Concludina Advice More trained pilots. 0 Following are the most significant lessons learned, as articulated by the project teams: In addition, specific UAV technology needs have UAVs can provide unique platforms for been identified, including: 0 science and applications. Provide redundancy in all aircraft systems. 0 UAV systems are still immature and missions Electrical hardening of the aircraft for 0 0 require careful attention and planning for meteorological work. success. On-going technology watch for advanced 0 0 Altus and its family of aircraft are ready for sensor systems. campaign-mode, whereas the solar aircraft, as 8 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics - . , . , Higher bandwidth data communications References systems. 0-T-H systems to move missions beyond the 1. Kim, Tony, "Altus Cumulus Electrification current line-of-sight limitation. These should Study: A UAV Weather Science have adequate data rate and coverage, and be Demonstration," proceedings of Let's Fly, affordable and compact. TAAC Conference 2002 Develop technology to ease access to the 2. "Spying on Storms," Aerospace America, NAS, such as see-and-avoid. January 2003 3. Herwitz, S.R., Johnson, L.F., Arvesen, J.C., Leung, J.G., Dunagan, S.E.,2 002. Precision Acknowledqements Agriculture as a Commercial Application for The authors acknowledge significant input and Solar-powered UAVs, proceedings I"' AlAA discussion regarding lessons learned with the UAV Conference, Portsmouth, VA. Marshall Space Flight Center ACES team, the Clark 4. Herwitz, S., L. Johnson, S. Dunagan, J. Brass, University UAV Coffee team, General Atomics and and G. Witt, 2003. Orchestrating a near-real- AeroVironment personnel, and members of time imaging mission in national airspace using NASA's suborbital science group. a solar-powered UAV" this conference. 9 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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