AlAA 2003-1 546 Imparting Desired Attributes by Optimization in Structural Design Jaroslaw So bieszczansk i-Sob iesk i (j. so biesk i@ larcn. asa.g ov) NASA Langley Research Center MS 240, Hampton, VA 2368 1-21 99 Gerhard Venter ([email protected]) Vanderplaats Research and Development, Inc. 1767 S 8th Street, Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 44th AIAA/ASM E/ASCE/AHS Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference April 7-10, 2003 Norfolk, Virginia For permission to copy or to republish, contact the copyright owner named on the first page. For AIAA-held copyright, write to AlAA Permissions Department, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA 2019 1-4344. AIAA 2003-1546 Imparting Desired Attributes by Optimization in Structural Design Jaroslaw Sobieszczanski-Sobieski (j. sobieski * NASA Langley Research Center MS 240, Hampton, VA 85681-8199 Gerhard Venter (gventer~9vrand.comt) Vanderplaats Research and Deuelopment, Inc. 1767 S 8th Street. Suzte 800. Colorado Spmngs. CO 80906 Commonly available optimization methods typically produce a single optimal design as a Constrained minimum of a particular objective function. However, in engineering design practice it is quite often important to explore as much of the design space as possible with respect to many attributes to find out what behaviors are possible and not possible within the initially adopted design con- cept. The paper shows that the very simple method of the sum of objectives is useful for such exploration. By geometrical argument it is demonstrated that if every weighting coeficient is allowed to change its magnitude and its sign then the method returns a set of designs that are all feasible, diverse in their attributes, and include the Pareto and non-Pareto solutions, at least for convex cases. Numerical esamples in the paper include a case of an aircmft wing struc- tural box with thousands of degrees of freedom and constraints, and over 100 design variables, whose attributes are structural mass, volume, displacement, and frequency. The method is inherently suitable for parallel, coarse-grained implementation that enables exploration of the design space in the elapsed time of a single structural optimization. Introduction mance and theoretical aspects of the methodology M OST structural optimization applications rather than on issues of a direct interest to the struc- have minimum weight as the objective. How- tural designer. The practitioner toolbox for multi- objective optimization contains several techniques ever, the complete description of a structure entails that differ in terms of computational efficiency, effec- many other quantities that the designer may wish to tiveness, and ease of use. The following are typical influence, especially in a multi-disciplinary environ- examples of these techniques: ment in which these quantities couple the structure to other disciplines and subsystems. These quanti- 1. Composite objective function F = wZ fz ties that collectively characterize the structure, will henceforth be referred to as the attributes. where wL is a weighting factor assigned-to the This paper shows how multi-objective (Pareto) objective component fL optimization enables a degree of control over the at- 2. Discrepancy objective function F = tributes in structural design. A body of literature f ~ )w'h ere f~ is a target set for exists on multi-objective optimization. However, its (fL - 1 focus seems to be (e.g., Stadler') on the perfor- the objective components fl 3. Goal Programming (a.k.a. Compromise Pro- *Senior R.esearch Scientist, Analytical and Cornpiitational Met,hods Branch, Structures and Materials Competency, gramming) in which the objective function may fT/ AIAA Fellow be formulat,ed as F = lfi - +Senior R&D Engineer, AIAA Member i This paper is a work of the U.S. Government and is not sub- ject to copyright protection in the United States. 4. Global optimizat,ion in which the objective 1 AMERKANIN STITUTE OF AERONAUTICASN D ASTRONAUTICS function is the same as in item 2 but the are tangent to the constraint boundary curves, con- targets are derived by optimizing each ob,jec- sistent with the nature of most engineering problems f? tive separately, one at a time, i.e., = in which minima are, typically, constraint-bound as min(f,; X : g(X)5 0), where fdi s the tth at- opposed to free minima located inside of the feasible tribute space. -infeasible domain - vertex 5. Normal constraint method (e.g., Ismail-Yahaya F = w1 f, + wz fz and hlessac') 1= w1 {GI I+ Wz {Gz 1 - \ A, B min, max off, Among these techniques, the composite objective - x2 D, E min, max of fz function technique appears by far the simplest to 9 - \P, Q min, max of F me. It is also a natural choice for coarse-grained par- allel computing with existing analysis and optimiza- tion programs - an important advantage in view of \ p the multiprocessor computers becoming commonly \ fz available. On the other hand, the method is not the mathematician's favorite because of its short- comings examined in, for example, Ismail-Yahaya and Messac,' Messac and Ismail-Yahaya,3 Das and Dennis,4 Koski5 and Belegundu and Chandrupatla.' The shortconiings pointed out most often are the method missing some of the Pareto-points and its inability to return points uniformly distributed over XI the Pareto-frontier (remedies were proposed, e.g., Ismail-Yahaya and hIessac2). Fig. 1 Composite Objective Function However, these shortcomings are not decisive herein because the purpose of this paper is not to A composite objective contribute to the theory of Pareto-optimization. Its + intent is merely to establish a practical method for F = ~ ~.f1i 1 1~12f 2 (1) exploration of the design space simultaneously for many design attributes, including Pareto- and non- has contours shown in Fig. 1 by the third set of Pareto points alike, and to illustrate the method straight lines, its gradient vector with an example of dimensionality large enough to + GF= t~lGl U J ~ G ~ (2) be relevant to real-world applications. The remain- der of the paper shows that, for the above purpose, and its extrema lie at the tangency points P and Q. the composite objective function appears to be a Turning to Fig. 2, the vectors wlG1 and wG2 good choice. may be regarded as skew coordinates (the objective functions must be linearly independent to avoid the Composite Objective Function degenerate case of co-linear coordinate axes). Then, it is apparent that by choosing the signs and values Properties of till and u12, one may orient GF at any angle a in It is useful to begin with preliminaries that usu- a full 0" to 360" range. ally appear in literature in a mathematical form but, for a difference, will be presented here with emphasis on descriptive geometry. Consider a convex design space (XI, Xz) whose boundary is formed by con- straints c1 = 0 and e~ = 0 as depicted in Fig. 1. Two linearly independent objective functions. .fl and fi,e xist and are assumed, temporarily, to be linear. Then, their contours may be represented by two sets of straight lines as depicted in Fig. 1, and the arrows, Fig. 2 Gradient Vector GI and Ga, portray the gradient vectors of these functions. Monotonicity of linear functions deter- mines that the constrained extrema of fl and fl lie One full rotattiono f GF through 0" to 360" results at the points A, B, D, E, where the contour lines in the extremuni points P and Q tracing the entire 2 AMERICAINNS TITUTE OF AERONNJTICASN D ASTRONAUTICS is present. Given E - Young’s modulus Based on the foregoing geornetrical argument il- L - Beam Length lustrated in Figs. 1-3, one may assert that optimiza- ga - Allowable stress tion defined as x Find =b,h1t1,t2,t3 Given f,,w here i = 1, ..., Nf til,, where i = 1, ..., NJ gl, where J = 1, ..., Aic Satisfy gj 5 0 Minimize F = iiiL fi 1 where: W - st,ruct,ural weight (tantamount, t,o the Satisfy ,qJ <-O matserialv olume); S - bending stiffness with respect to t.he tip load P; T - the lowest. torsion niode fre- when repeated for tilz taken in a sufEiciently wide quency; B - t,he lowest bending mode freqiiency; g, interval, returns design points located either on the - constraints on normal stress, and on buckling of feasible space boundary or inside of that space. The the top panel. The bending and torsional stiffnesses points returned include the Pareto- and non-Pareto involved in the frequency calculations are expressed, points. In principle, to obtain the full coverage, the respectively, by the strength of materials beam for- ioL intervals would have to be (-00 to +00) so in niulas and by the thin-walled box beam formulas practical applications the interval spans need to be due to Bredt. The numerical disparity of the ternis set judgmentally. in the above formulation was removed by t,he use of norrnalization with the initial values. The remainder of the paper presents nunierical The solution obtained numerically (using t,he hii- examples of using the above outlined optimization technique as a tool to explore multi-attribute design crosoft Excel solver) for various values of (ui gen- spaces. erat,es a family of the box-beam designs entailing a broad variety of the cross-sectional dimensions, as illustrated by a few examples in Fig. 7 for various Numerical Examples w1 and 1u2. The wi settings appear beneath cross- Small scale, introductory example sections that are drawn to scale in regard t,o the b The concept of controlling the object attributes and h dimensions. The wall thicknesses and the at,- by multi-objective optimization may be illustrated tributes are inscribed and so are the at,t,ributes. The by the following example that is utterly simple and result saniple continues in Table 1 that shows how yet instructive. The example is a cantilever box- some of t,he attributes change when io1 = cmstant, beam of length L with a rectangular, b-by-h, thin- 703 = 0, and PUZ and I C ~va ry. These result,s were walled cross-section, loaded by a force P at the tip, selected from about 40 different Excel Solver execu- as depicted in Fig. 6. tions. A P=5000 N Table 1 Cantilevered Beam Results 4 L = 200 cm I s/so I 102 W/Wo B/Bo T/To I -1.0 4.4053 6.1347 0.1924 0.2934 I -0.5 1.3265 1.9824 0.6167 1.0300 b A 0.0 1.0000 1.0000 1. oooo 1. oooo 0.5 1.0496 0.7685 1.1135 0.6567 1.0 1.2471 0.4987 1.2680 0.6180 2.0 1.5202 0.3040 1.4711 0.6347 4.0 1.8531 0.1853 1.7067 0.6511 t* ti - wall thickness 8.0 2.2590 0.1129 1.9800 0.6491 niax Imin 1.94 55.73 10.42 3.55 A-A The last row of Table 1 shows the ratios of the Fig. 6 Cantilever Beam Example maximum/minimurn entries in each column. These ratios indicate that the attributes vary in quite a The multi-objective optimization problem is de- broad range as a function of 702, for instance the ra- * fined tio rnax(S/So)/ min(S/So) = 55.73, while the ratio 4 AMERICANIN STITGTE OF AERONAUTICASN D ASTRONAUTICS closed circuit of the constraint boundary consisting F of the contours c1 = 0 and c2 = 0. Each location of f 1 P in that travel corresponds to a pair of values of f l and $2, and the same is true for Q. These values are bounded by the minimum and maximum of fl and ,f2 marked by A, B, D, E. Hence, a plot of fl vs. f2 may be constructed, corresponding to the full circuit travel of P and Q, as seen in Fig. 3, in which the Pareto-minimum segment extends from points 1 to 2, and the Pareto-maximum segment stretches S from 3 to 4. The corresponding Pareto segments in Fig. 1 are A-D and B-E. The points not in these Fig. 4 Non-linear fl and f i segirients are non-Pareto. Dareto: minimum, maximum linearity of fc. The degree of non-linearity in ,ft (or f ~ m) a y be sufficient to make the contours of fL, curve inside of the cL = 0 boundary, as shown in Fig. 5 for an example of f t and c2. In that situ- ation, by inspection, the minimum of f , is located at the vertex (South-East vertex in Fig. 5). As to the minimum of F, two possibilities exist. Either the combination of the 70% magnitude with the cur- vature of fi is insufficient to curve the contours of F inside of the e, = 0 boundary, in which the previous Fig. 3 fl versus f i conclusion about location of P remain qualitatively valid, or it is sufficient to make the F contours curve The above vector geometry clearly shows that the inside of the cz = 0 boundary. In the latter case, the normalization of the vector of tu to 7uL = 1 that of- minimum of F must fall on the vertex just as the % minimum of fl does in Fig. 5. ten appears in the weighted sum formulation used in I Pareto-optimization, for example Eschenauer7 and 8 -marks infeasible side of Koski,’ restricts the attainable orientations of GF to 6 5 a 5 c (see Fig. 2). This orientation restric- x2 tion is immediately seen in a two-objectives case, in + which normalized F = If1 (1 - to)f2. Such an F formulation results in aulGl whose sign in Fig. 2 may be positive or negative to be replaced with a positive only 1G1 so that any GF orientation below 102G2 is unattainable. Returning to Figs. 1 and 2, it is self-evident that optimization with the above normalized formulation is still adequate to identify the min/max Pareto-frontiers A-D and B-E but is c2 = 0 not capable to discover the non-Pareto points. I Removal of the linearity assumption for f l and f2 x1 leaves the above argument qualitatively unchanged, even though the straight contours of fl and f2 be- Fig. 5 Curvature of fl displacing the function minimum to the vertex come curved. However, it introduces a possibility of the minimum of F leaving P and moving to AI that falls in the feasible space as illustrated in Fig. 4 that Implicit in the above discussion is the assump- shows fl, $2, and F plotted along direction marked tion of convexity of the feasible design space. No s in Fig. 1. The reasoning based on the geometry general statements can be made for arbitrarily non- presented in Figs.1-4 readily extends to higher di- convex cases, some of which may be found examined mensions in terms of the number of objectives f and in Ismail-Yahaya and Messac,2 and Koski5 and ex- design variables x. amples provided to show t,hat the Pareto- and non- One should note another consequence of the non- Pareto frontier may be disjoint when non-convexity 3 AMERICAINN STITUTE OF AERONAUTICASN D ASTRONAUTICS Cross-sections b, h to scale lcm = 4 cm, thicknesses, and W, d, B,T inscribed. 0.06 drawn to scale70 cm L 1.13 0.1 0.' .09 W=9.43 kg W=10.47 W=21.3 d = 1.97 CN d = 0.13; d = 0.22 6=327 Hz 6=379 B=746 T=1977 Hz T=227 T=1285 - 0.1 0.01 Wl wz w3 w4 1. 0. 0. 0. w1 w* wg w, 0.06 Fig. 8 Transport Aircraft Wing reference 1. 8. 0. 0. w, w2 w3 w, 1. 0. 0. 0.19 Table 2 Description of the wing test case and Fig. 7 Cantilever Beam Results its FEM Parameter Value m;..(W/Wo)/ min(W/Wo) = 1.94. Planform Trapezoid Taking the above example as an indication that Span 70 ft the composite objective function approach may have Chord(Root) 12ff a potential to be effective as a means by which to Chord(Tip) 3ff control the design attributes, attention turns now to Depth/Chord 0.2 a larger test case of a tramport aircraft wing. Sweep Angle 30" aft Material Al-alloy Larger scale example Num. Elements 3008 Figure 8 displays the finite element model repre- Num. Nodes 1917 senting the structural box of the wing, and Table 2 DOF 11400 provides a description of the FEM. The problem di- Design Variables 126 mensionality in terms of the numbers of the elastic Constraints 24048 degrees of freedom, constraints, and design vari- ables probably qualifies it as one of the largest cases treated with multi-objective optimization. dition was modeled as a moment and lifting force The wing cover, rib and spar webs were made of distributed over the trailing edge of the wing. a sheet construction. The model included spar caps, Structural optiniization of the aircraft wing was while the rib caps were not modeled. The constraints performed using the program GENESIS8 that in- included equivalent Von hlises stress constraints and tegrates optimization and finite element analysis. tip displacement constraints. The design variables Three optimization problems were considered: The were divided so that 100 of the design variables con- first problem minimized a combination of the mass trolled 2600 quad thickness values, 25 of the design and first bending mode frequency; and the second variables controlled 600 rod diameter values and a minimized a combination of the mass and the tip single design variable controlled the volume change rotation of the wing. The third problem considered of the wing. The wing volume was changed to pre- the mass, first bending mode frequency and the wing serve the wing span and the depth/chord ratio. Two internal volume. All design problems had the same load conditions were considered: normal lift and en- design variabley, except for the third problem which gine weight; and landing, half lift and engine weight. included the additional design variable that controls The lift was modeled as an equally distributed load the volume. over the bottom surface of the wing, engine weight In all the niimerical experiments the optimization was modeled using point loads and the landing con- was defined as follows, and the fiinctions were f6 r AMERICAINNS TITUTE OF AERONAUTICASU D ASTRONAUTICS always normalized to eliminate the effect of the mag- nitude disparitv. Find Design variables from Table 2 10 5 0 B Satisfy Behavior constraints from Table 2 s -5 0 -10 -15 For the first case. where a combination of the -20 5 wing mass and first bending motle frequency was considered, the objective function in the wing tests 5 illlistrated in Fig. 9 Froq Weigm Fenor Ma- Weight Fanor a) Objective Function where: A1n.s.s - wing mass; Freq - first bending mode frequency; Alasso - mass of the initial design; and Freq-0 - first, bending mode frequency of t,he initial design. Both ' ~a1nd 7112 were ret,ained wit,hout nor- malization by 'w1 to allow a t,rade-off study bet,ween the mass and frequency (the wing mass was driven up when 11'1 < 0). Figure 9(a) shows the F variance over a grid of '(~1 and 7lJ2, each allowed variabilit,y over a fairly broad interval of &5 with an increment of 0.5. Of course. ii:1 = tu.^ = 0 is a degenerat,e case that produced no results; the other degenerate case is the diagonal iu1 = w2). The variance of F is rel- atively small compared t,o the variance of the mass and frequency plot,s (see Figs. 9(b) and 9(c) respec- tively). The normalized mass and frequency values Freq Wennt FacI01 ManW eQM FmIOr are shown in Figs. 9(b) and 9(c), using the same grid b) Mass Component as shown in Fig. 9(a). These figures show that, by manipulating 'tc1 and 102 one may create a family of wing designs, bounded by light and high frequency and heavy and low frequency designs. The bounds are quite wide so that the mass varies from 52% t,o 180% while the frequency changes from 60% to 258% rehive to t,he reference design. The plot,s also show that, there are limits beyond which the att,ribiites of mass and frequency cannot be pushed, regardless of the magnitude of 101 and 1u2. The at,tribut,esa ppear to be slope-discont,inuous functioms of (01 and '102. These discontinuities were generated, as it was to he expected, by changes in t,he active constraint set. Further t,esting included the att,ribiites of mass and tip rotat,ion, using the following object,ive func- Fnq WsgM Fanor 5 5 MaPJ WeQM Fanor c) Frequency Component Fig. 9 Mass and Frequency Case where: Rot - tip rotation; and Roto - tip rotation variance of F is small compared to that of the mass of the initial design. These tests generated results and tip rotation attributes. Also the variance in F presented in Fig. 10. In general the same trends is of a snioot,h nature, while the mass and tip rota- are present in Fig. 10, as compared to Fig. 9. The tion at,tributes show variance with a discont,inuous 6 A\IEKICAU INSTITI'TE OF AERONAUTICSA UD ASTRONA\I'TICS behavior. As before, the attributes vary broadly: 52% to 180% for the niass and 51% to 206% for the tip rotation, relative to the reference design. Again, there are limits beyond which the attributes of mass and frequency cannot be pushed, regardless of the magnitude of 101 and 102. Another feature of the individual attribute sur- faces in Figs. 9 and 10 are their stepped structure corresponding to the changes in the critical con- straint set and certain amount of noise where, ap- parently, the optimizer encountered numerical diffi- culties at the peripheries of the intervals. The next set of numerical experiments pertained to the objective function extended to include the “I, internal volume of the wing box, an attribute of in- -5 MBpl Weigh1 Fador terest if the wing is used as a fuel tank a) Objective Function Mass + Freq + Vol F = 101- 102 - ?(I3 - (5) Masso Freqo Vola where: Vol - internal volume of the wing; and Vola - internal volume of the initial design. The set of constraints was augmented with the constant ratio of depthlchord. The optimizations were carried out on a grid in the space of ( ~ 1 ,70 2, tug) in which each 71’, varied from -5 to +5 with a step size of 0.5. The result was a data base in 3 dimensions (a 3D cloud of points). To visualize the data on 2D scatter plots, a series of cuts were made through the data base and displayed in figures: Fig. 11 - a series of frequency vs. mass plots for 6 values of volume: Fig. 12 - a series of Rotation Weight Fador M~SSw egm FRCIO, volume vs. frequency plots for 6 values of mass; and b) Mass Component Fig. 13 - a series of 6 volume vs. mass plots for 6 values of frequency (all data normalized). The diagrams show variations of the attributes in quite wide intervals, typically 5 units wide (i.e., 0.5 7 A to 2.5). The shape of the cloud of points may be 2k visualized if one thinks of the series of 6 graphs as f snapshots taken while the third attribute advances, ?I5 4 e.g., in Fig. 11 the volume advances as indicated by its values inscribed on top of each frame. The cloud of points grows from the single point displayed in Fig. ll(a) to its largest size reached in Fig. Il(f). It may be useful to think of the cloud of points as a two-dimensional analog of the projection of the contour in Fig. 3 on the f l and f2 axis between A and B, and between D and E. Mass WegM Fador The distribution of points is markedly non- c) Tip Rotation Component uniform as typical for the composite objective ap- Fig. 10 Mass and Tip Rotation Case proach’,’ and its bandedness is a reflection of the feasible space boundaries that have been previously plane, their projection appears as a band of points as shown in Figs. 9 and 10 as consisting of curved in Figs. 11-13. The straight vertical lines that bound surfaces and nearly level plateaus. Wherever these the clouds of points in Figs. 12(b)-12(f) and 13(b) - plateaus are nearly perpendicular to the at tribute 13(f) reflect the boundaries of the attribute space. 7 AMERICANIN STITGTEO F AERONAUTICASN D ASTRO‘VAIITICS Normalized VoIume = 0 503968 Normalked Volum = 0 742065 . . * I- L.. .- -: 05 05 1 15 2 25 Normlized MBSS a) Normalized Volume = 0.503968 NormalizedV olume =OW162 Normali2edVoIUm = 1218258 35, , I .i ..' - . 8 . .. . . ...I *?, -. . . . .-- . I :. . I 1 - v : a * - . ' 05- C) Normalized Volume = 0.!)80162 d) Normalized Volume = 1.218259 . .. . I ., ..* e .e ' a. Normlud Mars NormaI~WM ass e) Normalized Volitme = 1.456356 f) Normalized Volume = 1.694453 Fig. 11 Mass, Frequency, Volume Case: Normalized Volume 8 AMERICAN[N STITLTE OF AERONA~~TIACNSD ASTROSAUTICS . , , , 2, NemhledM~=O4S2680 ----7 b a J .8 . e-.. . 1 08 *. b . - 400605t 15 ; 25 3 3I5 040 5 i 15 2 25 3 35 Normallzed Frequenoy Normalized Frequency a) Nornialized Mass = 0.482690 b) Normalized ?vIass - 0.885344 I .. .. ': - ' ' .. -' y *-- c) Normalized Mass = 1.287997 d) Norrnalized ?vlass - 1.690650 Normalmd Mass = 2 485856 1 .. .,.'if-. - :.. 16 : " 1 . . .- .-. ..* 7 . . I I 04015 i 15 2 25 3 35 04015 1 15 2 25 3 35 Normlized Frqwncy Normalized Frsqucncy e) Normalized Mass = 2.093303 f) Normalized Mass = 2.495956 Fig. 12 Mass, Frequency, Volume Case: Normalized Mass 9 AMERICAN[N STITLTE OF AERONAUTICASN D ASTRONAUTICS