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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20030017995: Website on Protein Interaction and Protein Structure Related Work PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20030017995: Website on Protein Interaction and Protein Structure Related Work

Computational Bio-nanotechnology i/ dB Home Research Publications RESEARCH: In today's world, three seemingly diverse fields - computer information technology, nanotechnology and biotechnology are joining forces to enlarge our scientific knowledge and solve complex technological problems. Our group is dedicated to conduct theoretical research exploring the challenges in this area. GROUP MEMBERS: Manoj Samanta Shoudan Liang Home We collaborate with researchers from Stanford, Caltech, Uconn Health Research Center, UCSF Medical School, Pennsylvania State University University of Virginia School of Medicine, and University of Publications Washington. MAJOR AREAS: Yeast Protein Interactions Protein Structures Current Transport through Small Molecules We are part of the nanotechnology teem at NASA Ames Research Center. Nanotechnology at Astrobiology at NASA NASA main page Ames Research Center NASA Ames Ames Please email [email protected] with any comment or suggestion on this website. Analysis of Protein Interaction Data from Yeast NAB Horne Research Publications RESEARCH: Currently we are trying to understand the yeast proteome. There are several experimental studies exploring the technology, nanotechnology and biotechnology are joining togethe: to solve scientific and technological problems. Our group is dedicated to theoretical research exploring this challenging new direction of science. MAJOR AREAS: Common Partners of Protein In this work, we analyze the common partners of protein to find any statistical significance. Home Research Global Analysis of Protein Interaction Network Publications In this work, we analyze the protein interaction network using a percolation based method for long range order. Nanotechnology at Astrobiology at NASA NASA main page Ames Research Center NASA Ames Ames Please email [email protected] with any comment or suggestion on this website. Common Partners of Proteins N, JB Home Research Publications RESEARCH: In this work, we start with two-protein interaction data of yeast available from the DIP database and conduct an analysis based on the number of common partners every psirs of proteins share. The interactions are ranked based on their probabilities of occurance in a random sample and then significant pairs are studied for interesting patterns. More details about the method and observations are provided in this publication. You can download the top 8000 pairs from our dataset from here -plain text, html. Or enter any protein-name or ORF in the form below to get a list of Home other proteins it prefers to share partners with. Research Publications To download our paper on this, click here. Nanotechnology at Astrobiology at NASA NASA main page Ames Research Center NASA Ames Ames Please email [email protected] with any comment or suggestion on this website. Top 8000 Pairs Home Research Publications I t 1-250 t 251-500 501-750 i 751-1000 I1001-1250 11251-1500 1501-1750 i1751-2000 i2001-2250 [2251-2500 2501-2750 I2751.3000 I 3001-3250-- t 3251-3500 3501-3750 "i3751-4000 t I4001-4250 I4251-4500 4501-4750 14751-5000 Hom_ 5501-5750 I5751-6000 Research 6751-7000" Publications 7501-7750 I 7751-8000 NASA main page An-_es Research Center Nanotechnology at Astrobi¢,logy at NASA NASA Ames Ames Please email [email protected] with any comment or suggestion on this website. Protein Pairs and Probabilities of Partners Protein 1 # Partners Protein 2 # Partners Common Prob. 19 19 -47.406640 MYO3 [-] [C] MYO5 [-] [C] 4_/__ 25 25 21 -46.116416 ROX3 [-] [B] _ SRB6 [+] [T] _! 30 34 26 -45.496602 KRR1 [+] [U] _ PWP2 [+J [C] __ 57 25 20 -44.938714 ROX3 [-] [B] _ MED2 [-] [T] _ 26 26 20 -42.189077 MED2 [-] IT] SRB6 [+] [T] '_ 30 17 -42.174090 ATP1 [-] [E] _- '_ 18 ATP2 [-] [E] _! 22 39 -41.254598 KAP95 [+] [O] _ 57 1 SRP1 [+] [O] _!' 196 22 -40.575226 PRE1 [+] [F] _ 35 l RPN10 [-] [F] _! 37 30 22 -40.332938 YNL110C [+] [U] YKR081C [+] [U] _ 45 30 20 -40.077194 RPT1 [+] IF] RPN6 [+] [F] _ 30 33 21 -39.470885 SMX2 [-] IT] _ SMX3 [+] IT] _ 35 RPT1 [+] [F] 3O RPN5 [+] [F] _ 42 21 -38.501792 45 24 -38.256150 YKR081C [+] [U] _ NOP2 [+] IT] _ 48 30 22 -38.061850 RPN6 [+] [F] _ RPT3 [+] [F] _ 54 37 22 -38.043439 RPN10 [-] [F] RPN5 [+] IF] _ 42 30 2O -37.359955 RPN6 [+] [F] RPN10 [-] IF] _ 37 19 -36.579457 NUP49 [+] [O] _ 25 NUP57 [+] [O] _ 39 17 -36.507398 CKA2 [-] [T] _ 22 CKB1 [-] [T] _ 27 30 19 -36.389975 SRB6 [+] [T] MED7 [+] [B] _ 32 2O 16 -36,337854 YFR024C [-] [U] _ I YSC84 [-] [U] _ 23 30 20 -35.855384 RPN6 [+] [F] RPN5 [+] [F] _ 42 30 nn_ ,._ ,_ _ 54 21 -35.526602 - L J L J RPT1[+]IF] 3O ' RPT3 [+] [F] i 54 2t -35.526602 ! 30 RPTI [+] [F] _ RPN10 [-] [F] 37 19 -34.688605 34 KRR1 [+] [U] _ _LYGR090W [+] [U] _ 51 21 -34.380951 _ 45 YKR081C [+] [U] iYMR049C [+] [U] _i PRE1[+][F] 35 i 42 1824 RPN5 [+] [F] J-33.83 SSF1 [-] [C] _ 26 t _ 48 19 -33.793427 t NOP2 [+] [TJ l"' r_ 14 UBP6 [-] [F] iI RPN12 [+] [F] _ 26 14 -33.46529! q 48 NOP2 [+] IT] YMR049C [+] [U] '_ 55 23 -33.318364 26 RPN 12 [+] IF] _ I _ 30 17 -33.287209 RPN6 [+] IF] YDa060W[+][P] _ t 28 NOP4 [+] IT] _lli_ 38 18 -32.638473 uEo2Hm 26 MED7 [+] [B] _ 32 17 -32.614595 RPN10 [-] [F] _" 37 RPT3 [+] _I 54 21 --32"593992 IF] YKL059C [+] [U] _ 16 CFT2 [+] IT] _[_' 16 13 --32"430607 SLA1 ['] [C] _ 34 16 --32"388193 YFR024C [-] [U] _ ! 20 16 CCT3 [+] [F] _" CCT2 [+] IF] _ 24 14 "32"080316 51 YGR090W [+] [U] PWP2 [+] [C] _1_" 57 23 --32'075322 SSF1[4 [C] _/i_ _ 26 YKR081C [+] [U] _" 45 18 --31"825822 I 18 YGL004C [-] [U] RPT1 [+] [F] _,r,_ 30 15 -31.845977 16 OFT2 [+] [T] YSH1 [+] [T] _ 17 13 1.802497 115 TEM1 [+] [D] I_ SRP1 [+][O] _ , 196 44 1-31.785039 16 SKI6 [+] IT] RRP45 [+] IT] _ ' 18 13 -31.246473 T CFT2 [+] [T] 16 t PTA1 [+] [TJ _' _ 18 13 -31.246473 26 RPN8 [+] [F] _!_ RPN10 [-] [F] _t i 37 17 -31.169855 t RPN8 [+] [FJ _t 26 RPN10 [-] IF] _' 3/ If i-3].]_g855 I 18 SNU71 [+] [FJ ' i LUC7 [+] [T] !1_1_ 23 14 1-31.055475 I .... [ 42 RPN5 [+] [F] _ 54 21 1-30.988230 I RPT3 [+][F] YGL161C [-J [U] 19 YGL198W [-] [U] 22 14 -30.883548 CFT2 [+] [T] 16 PAP1 [+] [T] '_II_I_LC'r_ 19 13 -30.746150 REF2 [-] [T] _ _[I_' 17 PTA1 [+] [1-] 18 13 -30.618549 25 ROX3 [-] [B] ._z, MED7 [+] [B] _i_'_' 32 16 -30.334202 i 27 CKB1 [-] [T] '-_[_ CKA1 [-] IT] _ _ 65 19 -30.252221 I CFT1 [+] [T] _ 14 16 YKL059C [+] [U] _ t 12 _.151475 CFT1 [+] [T] _:' 14 16 CFT2 [+] [T] | 12 1-30.151475 I i7 | YIF1 [+] [O] YGL161C [-] [U] _ ' 19 t3 1-30.1183i9 BET1 [+] [O] _ 19 BOS1 [+] [0] _ 24 14 1-30.096782 GALl 1 [-] [T] _I_-[ SRB6 [+] [T] _ 30 15 -30.027344 i 18 YGL004C [-] [U] _ i RPN12 [+] IF] _J" 26 14 -29.984041 RPN11 [+] [F] 23 RPN10 [-] IF] 37 l 16 -29.924467 .... i YGL004C [-] [U] 18 RPT3 [+] IF] 54 16 -29.908208 14 RPT2 [+] IF] _" RPN3 [+] IF] 17 12 -29.620182 | PTA1 [+J [T] :_ 18 PAP1 [+] IT] , 19 13 -29.562574 YNL110C [+] [U] _J_" 30 NOP2 [+] IT] _i, 48 18 -29.496631 YKR081C [+] [U] 45 CDC95 [+] [P] _D'_ 48 20 -29.364174 RPN11 [+] IF] 23 RPT3 [+] IF] 54 17 1-29.192525 YHC1 [+] [T] _ 14 SNU71 [+] IT] 18 12 -29.143247 CFT1 [+] [-I-] 14 PTA1 [+] [T] 18 12 -29.143247 RPN9 [+] [F] _" 21 RPT6 [+] IF] _ ! 24 14 -29.098643 RPN9 [+] IF) _ 21 RPT6 [+] [F] _ 24 14 -29.098643 38 NOP4 [+] [TJ NOP2 [+] IT] _ 48 19 L-29,095719 RPNll [+] IF] _ 23 RPT1 [+] IF] _1_ _ 30 _5 -29.074176 23 RPN11 [+] IF] RPN6[+][F] _! 30 15 -29.074176 27 YHR052W [-] [U] _lr _ 34 16 -28.970022 YGR103W [+] [U] i. 15 GtCI [-] [C] _ GIC2 [-] [C] 17 12 -28.921676 _i 16 SKI6 [+] IT] _'1It_! RRP46 [+] IT] _' 16 12 -28.851188 16 DIS3 [+] [T] _: 16 12 1-28 851188 RRP46 [+] [T] _' -- i -- J " 18 YGL004C [-] [U] '_ RPN6 [+] IF] '_ ! -I NOP2 [+] [T] S I_ 8.64 44 ! 26 RPN12 [+] [F] .." RPN10 [-] [F] _ 16 YKL059C [+] [U] _ YSH1 [+] IT] _"qli__'i' 17 12 -28.320081 16 CFT2 [+] [TJ _ REF2 [-] IT] 17 12 -28.320081 22 PRP45 [+] [TJ '_ CEF1[+][DJ_ 25 14 1-28.3o 4391 35 MRP4 [-] [P] MRPS5 [-] |P] - 36 17 -28.290113 | 17 YDR036C [-] [U] MRP4 [-J[p] _ 35 14 -28.258046 33 NUP100 [-] [O] NUP57 [+] [O] 41_, 39 17 -28.107497 18 i SPP381 [+.1][TJ SMX2 [-] IT] _'. 33 14 -28.058341 t7 YDR036C [-] [U] _ MRPS5 [-] [P] 36 14 -28.044447 23 YSC84 [-] [U] SLA1 [-] [C] _ 34 I 15 -27.999251 1 14 RPT2 [+] [F] _' RPN9 [+] [F] _-_ 21 , 12 !-27.944232 31 16 "27.888851 ! RPN_2[+][F] 26 15 -27-880880 1 RPN12[+][FJ _ RPT1 [+] [FJ _' YKL059C[+][U]:'_ 16 PTA1 [+] [T] _'! 18 12 -27.843331 CFT2[+][_ 16 PFS2 [+] IT] _ 18 12 -27.843331 RRP46[+][T] 16 RRP45 [+] IT] _.[! 18 12 -27.843331 RPN12[+]IF] 26 '_ RPT3 [+] [F] _'_' 54 17 -27.712199, 18 YGL004C [-] [U] PREI I+]IF; _, 35 14 -27.606789 38 NOP4 [+] [T] YKR081C [+] [U] _ 45 t8 -27.553804 26 RPN12 [+] [F] r_ RPN5 [+] [F] _ 42 16 -27.487552 25 NUP49 [+] [O] _ NUP100 [-] [O] _ 33 15 -27.430676 YKL059C [+] [U] _l_t 16 PAP1 [+] [T] _ 19 12 -27.410048 REF2 [-] [T] '_! !7 18 12 -27 312410 FIP1 [+] [T] YSHI14m 17 18 12 -27.312410 PTA1 [+] [T] -'Ib ''_ I I 0DC27 [+] [D] _ 11 APCl [+] [D] _ 12 10 -27.288898 UBP6 [-] IF) 14 RPN10 [-] [F] _[ 37 13 -27.230502 ...... I 17 YSHI [+] IT] 19 12 -26.879219 PAP1 [+] [T] 18 PTA1 [+] [T] 18 12 -26.835847 PFS2 [+] [T] I _GALl1 [-] IT] _ 21 32 14 -26.722973 MED7 [+J [B] , j ,, / " PRP19 [+] [T] 16 21 CLF1 [+1[O] 1-26.6448751 "'I MRPL10 [-] [P] _ 28 MRPL9 [-] [P] _ 32 15 -26.638762 I i .... RPN12 [+] IF] _t 26 PRE_[+][F] 35 15 -26.565064 YGR103W [+] [U] _! 34 YKR081C [+] [U] _ I-- 45 J 17 -26.48...3.213 i ..... ,...... ,..... 17 RPN3 [+] [F] 30 13 -26.477585 NOG t [+] [U] _r_ 27 l YGRRP1N036W[+][+[F]][U'_] _- 34 I 15 -26.456665 t 14 RPT2 [+] IF] RPN8 [+] [F] _" 26 12 -26.428532 RPT2[+][FJ_! 14 RPN8 [+] IF] "_"! t 26 12 -26.428532 i J J l FIP1[+]IT] 18 'I_ 19 12 PAP1[+] IT] L i-26.4027491 14 UBP6 [-] [F] _'_ RPN5 [+] [F] _ 42 13 -26,37586 ! t 23 RPN11 [+] IF] RPN5 [+] [F] 42 15 -26.27960_ 18 [U] RPN5 [+] [F] _! 42 -26.251755 _R_ 004c [-] l I 24 T6 [+] [F] _I RPT3 [+] IF] 54 16 -26.247617 21 TCPI [+][F]_. CCT2 [+] IF] _ 24 13 -26.228519 22 NAM8 [-] [T] LUC7 [+] [T] 23 13 -26,179343 CFTI [+][T] REZF__ 17 11 -26.126677 CFT1 [+] IT] _ 17 i 11 -26.126677 1414 y_YSH1 [+] --i 17 RPN3 [+J [F] :_' 12 IF] '- ._RPN9, [+] 21 GALl 1[-] [T] ROX3 [-] [B] _ 13 -25.910505_ 21 CLF! [+] [D] CEF1 [+][D] 25 13 -25.91050 26 NOP4 [+] IT] _! 38 15 -25.89O228 CKA2 [4 [T] 22 CKA1 [-] IT] 65 16 -25.753033 15 RPC34 [+] [1-] _ 26 12 RPO31 [+J [T] -25.730864 UBP6 [-] IF] '_1_ _' YGL004C [-] [U] _ 18 11 -25.716782 f 1144 YTH1 [+] [r] PTA1 [+] IT] 18 11 -25.716782 14 CFT1 [+] IT] PFS2 [+]IT] '_1_ t 18 11 -25,716782 25 NGG1 [-] [B] ADA2 [-] [B] _ 3O 14 -25.654844; 21 FGALl 1 [-] IT] MED2 [-] [T] _ 26 13 -25.610220 22 LSM7 [-] [T] _ LSM5 [+] IT] 35 P 14 -25.595498 19 BET1 [+] [0] SEC22 [-] [OJ _ 2O 12 -25,572455 10 10 -25.479218

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