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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20030010279: Historical Review of Uncommanded Lateral-Directional Motions at Transonic Conditions

m, I m AIAA 2003-0590 Historical Review of Uncommanded Lateral-Directional Motions At Transonic Conditions (Invited) Joseph R. Chambers Ball Aerospace Systems Division Fairborn, OH Robert M. Hall NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 41 stAerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit 6-9 January 2003 Reno, Nevada For permission to copy or republish, contact the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA, 20191-4344 AIAA-2003-0590 HISTORICAL REVIEW OF UNCOMMANDED LATERAL-DIRECTIONAL MOTIONS AT TRANSONIC CONDITIONS Joseph R. Chamberst Ball Aerospace Systems Division Fairborn, Ohio Robert M. Hall* Aerodynamics, Aerothermodynamics Competency NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia ABSTRACT aircraft development programs at high subsonic and This paper presents the results of a survey transonic speeds. In particular, information was of past experiences with uncommanded lateral- requested regarding: specific aircraft configurations directional motions at transonic speeds during that exhibited uncommanded motions and the nature specific military aircraft programs. The effort was of the motions; geometric characteristics of the air- undertaken to provide qualitative and quantitative planes; flight conditions involved in occurrences; information on past airplane programs that might be relevant data, including wind-tunnel, computational, of use to the participants in the joint NASA/Navy/Air and flight sources; figures of merit used for Force Abrupt Wing Stall (AWS) Program. The AWS analyses; and approaches used to alleviate the Program was initiated because of the experiences of problem. An attempt was also made to summarize the F/A-18E/F development program, during which some of the more important lessons learned from unexpected, severe wing-drop motions were past experiences, and to recommend specific encountered by preproduction aircraft at transonic research efforts. In addition to providing technical conditions. These motions were judged to be information to assist the AWS research objectives, significantly degrading to the primary mission the study produced fundamental information requirements of the aircraft. Although the problem regarding the historical challenge of uncommanded was subsequently solved for the production version lateral-directional motions at transonic conditions of the F/A-18E/F, a high-level review panel and the associated aerodynamic phenomena. emphasized the poor understanding of such phenomena and issued a strong recommendation INTRODUCTION to: "Initiate a national research effort to thoroughly The scope of the historical study was to and systematically study the wing drop phenomena." survey past experiences for specific aircraft, generic A comprehensive, cooperative NASA/Navy/Air Force studies, and fundamental research for information AWS Program was designed to respond to provide relevant to uncommanded lateral motions of high the required technology requirements. As part of the performance aircraft at high subsonic and transonic AWS Program, a work element was directed at a speeds. The scope was expanded from the single historical review of wing-drop experiences in past phenomenon of wing drop to include other uncommanded lateral-directional motions, such as wing rock. This expanded scope appears to be 1Senior Consultant appropriate in view of the serious shortcomings in the state of the art for general predictive capability *Senior Research Engineer, Configuration and design methodology for transonic maneuvering Aerodynamics Branch, Associate Fellow, AIAA conditions, and the potential impact of undesirable lateral characteristics on mission effectiveness. This Copyright © 2003 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. No copyright is study identified numerous past aircraft development asserted in the United States under Title 17, U.S. Code. programs that encountered unpredicted deficiencies The U. S. Government has a royalty-free license to of this type during flight tests, requiring unforeseen exercises all rights under the copyright claimed herein additional analysis, flight tests, program delays, for government purposes. All other rights are reserved costs, and aircraft modifications. by the copyriclht owner. 1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA-2003-0590 The results of the study are intentionally stability and control technology for transonic limited to experiences with uncommanded motions maneuvering was found to be in a relatively poor at maneuvering angles of attack at transonic state. This situation has resulted from several speeds, and the aerodynamic factors related to tran- factors, including the fact that current fighters with sonic wing flow separation. Knowledge regarding high thrust/weight (T/W) ratios now routinely exploit uncommanded lateral-directional characteristics at an expanded transonic maneuver envelope, low-speed, high-angle-of-attack conditions is readily encounter very complex flow separation phenomena available in the literature. Causal factors for such at transonic speeds, and are unable to mitigate low-speed motions that have been documented aerodynamic problems in many cases through use include: abrupt airfoil sectional stall characteristics; of the flight control system and control icing; power-induced effects (such as local flow augmentation. angularity caused by propellers); and interacting vortical flows shed by forebodies or highly swept Terminoloq¥ wings at high angles of attack. It is recognized that Several types of uncommanded lateral- some approaches to flow separation control, such as directional motions have been encountered at wing fences and vortex generators, may have transonic speeds by high-performance aircraft application to problems at both subsonic and (Figure 1). In the literature, these motions are fre- transonic speeds. In addition, some of the predictive quently referred to as "heavy wing", "wing drop", and figures of merit that have been found to be "wing rock." The sketches in Figure 1 depict the time applicable to the subsonic problem (e.g., lift-curve breaks, slope of the lift curve after maximum lift, asymmetric rolling moments, and unstable roll damping) may also be applicable to the transonic wing-drop problem. The study included an effort to identify specific approaches and relevant data that relate to the wing-drop phenomenon and could be useful to the AWS analysis process. Thus, all aspects of the phenomenon were reviewed in terms of analysis toolsmflight data and observations, static and dynamic wind-tunnel tests, and computational "Heavy Wing" "Wing Drop" "Wing Rock" analysis. The survey was limited to information Figure 1.-Terminology associated with uncommanded available in the open literature. It is known that lateral motions. many other aircraft experienced similar problems histories of bank angle _ and the pilot's lateral stick during development programs, but the lack of force F¥ during typical encounters. The shaded availability of literature excluded them from this review. areas on the outer wing denote notional areas of flow separation. "Heavy wing" refers to uncom- BACKGROUND manded asymmetric roll resulting from asymmetric shock-induced separation over the aft portion of the The problem area addressed by the AWS Program 1-17is the unexpected occurrence of highly wing. The flow separation usually reduces aileron effectiveness and reduces lift on the wing panel, undesirable, lateral-directional motions at high resulting in increased aileron deflection and stick subsonic and transonic maneuvering conditions. As force required to maintain trimmed flight. "Wing will be discussed, these motions can have a severe drop" refers to abrupt, irregular and non-periodic impact on the mission effectiveness of fighter air- lateral motions. If severe, wing drop can result in craft, particularly under precision air-to-air tracking sudden, large roll attitude changes of 90° or more, conditions. In addition, if motions such as wing drop with no inherent tendency to return to wings-level are particularly violent and the roll attitude changes flight. In less severe cases, wing drop may be are very large, safety of flight becomes a major followed by an inherent tendency to return to wings- concern. Because these degraded characteristics level conditions independent of pilot actions, and are often unpredicted, they are usually first encoun- tered in flight, where analysis and problem solving may be the precipitator of oscillatory "wing rock." Wing drop is characteristically caused by are very expensive and difficult. In contrast to the recent advances made in asymmetric wing stall (especially sudden and abrupt leading-edge stall), and at transonic conditions is other critical aerodynamic regimes (e.g., high-angle- complicated by unsteady shock-induced separation. of-attack technology), the current situation for 2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA-2003-0590 "Wing rock" refers to periodic lateral-directional evaluations of gun-tracking performance at the motions that are dominated by oscillatory rolling NASA Dryden Flight Research Center. 18 motions. Wing rock may be divergent, but in most The plot on the left shows the angles of cases the motions usually grow to a limit-cycle, attack for the onset of buffet, the rise in intensity of periodic motion of limited amplitude. The literature buffet level, and the onset of wing rock. As cites many references that theorize various causes indicated, all these phenomena occurred before of wing rock (loss of static stability, hysteresis, non- maximum lift was reached for the configuration linear static moments, and loss of aerodynamic under study. The center plot shows the variation of damping in roll). Limit-cycle wing rock is a highly airframe buffet level (accelerations at the wing tip) nonlinear phenomenon involving kinematic with lift coefficient. For this particular configuration, interchanges of angle of attack and sideslip, which the buffet intensity continued to increase beyond results in alternate stalling and reattachment of flow onset and could theoretically be used as a cue to the on the wing panels, nonlinear static and dynamic start of wing rock and other undesirable phenomena; aerodynamics, and frequency-dependent damping. however, this characteristic has not been true for The foregoing motions, especially wing drop many fighters that exhibit a relatively constant level and wing rock, may be randomly exhibited during a of buffet with increasing lift coefficient, thereby single flight by a specific airplane at transonic providing little warning of impending conditions at conditions. The reader is cautioned that terminology higher angles of attack. Although the effects of buffet used in the literature is frequently applied in a loose on tracking precision during gun-tracking tasks was manner (e.g., wing drop used when wing rock is the primary motivation for conducting the evaluation, experienced and vice-versa), and that examination the studies provided valuable insight to the impact of of the details and nature of the motions encountered uncommanded lateral motions on mission is recommended. effectiveness. For example, the results shown on the right of the figure illustrate that the relatively Effects of Buffet and Wing Rock on Tracking large-amplitude motions involved in wing rock Accuracy severely degraded the tracking accuracy of the pilot Much of the historical documentation of the much more than the buffet characteristics. In impact of uncommanded lateral-directional motions addition to the angular motions, the wing rock was on mission effectiveness came from studies of buffet difficult to control in a precise tracking environment. and maneuver characteristics of emerging fighters in Although the significance of gun-tracking the early 1970s, when the advent of high T/W miss distances of the order indicated in the chart on fighters and the post-Vietnam emphasis on air the right must be reconsidered as a figure of merit superiority were emerging. At that time, the with today's weapons systems (potentially more significance of buffet on precision tracking during air- tolerant of miss distance), the results show that to-air tasks was a major concern during the uncommanded lateral-directional motions have the development of new air-superiority and lightweight potential to completely disrupt the precision of a fighters. This concern resulted in numerous flight visual tracking task. tests and wind-tunnel studies to evaluate major factors that influence tracking accuracy, and to Variation of Onset Anqle with Mach Number optimize configurations. The data shown in Figure 2 Figure 3 shows typical variations of the were obtained during typical research flight angle of attack for buffet onset and the onset of uncommanded lateral-directional motions for typical fighter configurations with Mach number. The data _Buffet CLmax4_i t 1.0 F- I 20 -- Unconmlanded intensity _ ' [- _ Lateral motion 8 rise_, ._/ .6 L-_/_ "-Wing CL _, deg 10 -_" - _ / ",_, onsel Buffet .2 / /-_ L Bofu)stleetlrock [ onset BuffetJ'_ _ onset 0 1 1 . 1 1. 2 6 t0 14 18 0 2 4 0 10 20 30 0 t_,dog aanwf g RMS Miss Distance, rail 0.5 Mach Number 1.o Figure 2.- Typical effects of buffet and wing rock on Figure3.-TypicalvariationofonsetangleswithMach tracking accuracy. number. 3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA-2003-0590 illustrate that the phenomena begin at relatively low nature of in-flight fixes, and the impact on develop- angles of attack (in contrast to low-speed, high- ment schedules all contribute to a very unsatisfac- alpha uncommanded motions), and that the onset tory situation. angles typically become lower at high-subsonic and low-transonic speeds. As a result of this trend, the Relevant Aerodynamics uncommanded lateral-directional motions can occur The literature +9' 20 provides 2-D and 3-D at maneuvering angles of attack, and have large insights into many of the critical aerodynamic effects on flying qualities during air-to-air tasks. phenomena involved in undesirable lateral- directional motions (Figure 5). The photographs on Complexity of the Problem The challenge of avoiding uncommanded lateral-directional motions at transonic conditions is directly related to the complexity of transonic flows, which involve steady and unsteady shock-induced separation phenomena; and the limited ability of wind-tunnels or CFD methods to predict such characteristics before flight (Figure 4). The critical aerodynamic factors include 3-D shock/boundary- . 3-D shock/boundary-layer interactions (steady &unsteady) • Manypossible flow separation mechanisms * Potential Reynolds nem_ and aemelastic effects Figure 5.- Illustrations of some of the relevant aerodynamic • Lackof figmes ol"merit (wind tum_, CPD. andflight phenomena that affect lateral motions. • Lackofvalidated wind twmel andCH3 wcgedutes/tools • [nabgiWofsomeflightcontrolsystemstominindz¢motions the left show the classical rearward progression of • Usttany enfotmteted aftexfligllt testittg begins, leading to the upper-surface wing shock with increasing Mach cut andtryeffotls number at an angle of attack of 0°. Depending on the pressure distribution, aeroelastic effects and other geometrical characteristics, the movement of the shock system can be rapid and violent, resulting in trim changes and/or loss of lift and control. The Figure 4.- Factors that contribute to the complexity of sketches in the middle of the figure illustrate the uncommanded lateral motions. movement of the upper-surface shock with angle of layer interactions and numerous flow separation attack at a fixed Mach number. The complex mechanisms, both steady and unsteady. The prob- interaction of the pressure distribution, boundary- lem has been aggravated by the lack of availability layer/shock interactions, and other effects can result or validation of wind-tunnel and CFD procedures in a rapid movement of the separation region to the and tools, and the resolution of major issues such as leading edge of the wing, and an abrupt loss of lift. potential Reynolds number effects, aeroelastic The magnitude of lift loss can be extremely large effects, and modeling requirements for CFD. If the and asymmetric, resulting in a sudden wing drop. existence of undesirable lateral characteristics can The graphic on the right side of the figure depicts the be reliably predicted prior to final design, and if the complex interactions that occur between the inter- control system has enough effectiveness and acting shocks and the separation regions, and the authority to minimize or eliminate the motions, the fact that flow separation is a highly 3-D problem. undesirable aerodynamic phenomena may be This illustrative characterization of the mitigated. However, if the aerodynamics overpower factors causing wing drop/rock motions is greatly the control effectiveness, or the vehicle responds too simplified, inasmuch as other steady and unsteady quickly for the controls to react, the behavior may be phenomena are known to exist at these conditions. unacceptable. For example, the chaotic and unstable wing shock Finally, the complexity of the situation is ag- oscillations that have been observed in wind-tunnel gravated when the problems are first encountered in tests and flight would be expected to have profound flight tests. The difficulty of analyzing and under- effects on the factors that initiate uncommanded standing the fundamental mechanisms involved in lateral motions. Analysis of wind-tunnel data for the problem, the cost and high visibility of attempting complete configurations for these conditions has to fix the vehicle in flight during a major weapons proven to be a formidable task. system development program, the "cut and try" American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA-2003-0590 Relevant Dynamic Phenomena unstable aerodynamic damping in roll can cause In addition to the foregoing steady and wing-rock tendencies and will impact the magnitude unsteady aerodynamic phenomena, wing drop/rock of roll rate and motions that occur following wing motions may be caused by aerodynamic factors drop from other causes (for example, large roll resulting from the dynamic rigid-body motions of the asymmetries caused by severe, abrupt stall of one airplane. Specifically, the magnitude of the wing- wing panel in a wing drop event). drop motions and the tendencies of the aircraft to Shown at the lower right of the chart is the exhibit wing-rocking motions may be influenced by trend of rolling moment due to roll rate with angle of the trends of aerodynamic damping in roll. Figure 6 attack for the case discussed. The abrupt loss of roll illustrates how the severity of local span-wise damping and band of angle of attack for which the separation on the wing influences roll damping. The roll damping is unstable is depicted. The discussion has considered small perturbations about the trim flight condition; however, the dynamic motions of wing drop and wing rock typically involve large- amplitude motions and non-linear effects. Many informative studies 2_'26 of subsonic wing-rock aerodynamic mechanisms have been published. One important aspect of the potential impact of aerodynamic damping in roll should be noted: In the course of this study, it was determined that very mdoumeentot 0 _, few wind-tunnel or flight-derived measurements of roll rate the damping-in-roll characteristics of fighter aircraft configurations have been made or published for transonic maneuvering conditions involving mas- sively separated flows. Figure 6.- Relevant dynamic aerodynamic phenomena. Sources of Information and Approach airplane graphic at the upper left shows the effects The approach used in the review was to of a rolling motion to the right on the local flow conduct exhaustive literature reviews, and to conditions at individual wing stations on the up-going interview key personnel that were involved in (left) and down-going (right) wing panels. As a result transonic maneuvering research in NASA, DOD, and of the rate of roll, the up-going wing station L sees a industry. Personal discussions and interviews were decrease in local angle of attack, while the down- also held with numerous individuals (active and going section R on the right wing sees a local retired). The material was examined for relevance to increase in o_of the same magnitude. Depending on the transonic conditions of interest and for the local lift-curve slope at each station, the net documentation of uncommanded lateral motions. effects of the rolling motion may augment (propel) Uncommanded motions at other flight conditions, rather than damp the motion. such as low-speed, high-angle-of-attack lateral The plot at the lower left can be used to motions near stall or in the power approach analyze the lift produced at the local sections L and configuration, were intentionally excluded from the R during a roll to the right. For unstalled angles of review. For more detailed discussions, the reader is attack, such as that for the airplane at the open referred to the references. circular symbol at c_0, the local angles of attack at L In addition to experiences in specific aircraft and R are decreased and increased by the same development programs, many studies of the increment. The increase in alpha on the down-going fundamental transonic shock-induced separation section R results in an increase in lift at that section, effects associated with wing-dropping behavior are whereas the decrease in alpha on the up-going available in the literature. For example, the NACA section L results in a loss of lift at that section. The conducted research on the phenomenon in the early integrated effect of the foregoing is a net rolling 1950s using rocket-propelled models 27 and aircraft moment that opposes (damps) the roll rate. flight tests. 2_ When the airplane angle of attack increases In the review, it was found that documented to that where flow separation occurs on the wing flight tests by the NASA-Dryden Flight Research (_s), the local increase in alpha at section R results Center to evaluate transonic maneuverability and in a loss of lift that is larger than the loss of lift on the buffet effects, and individual industry papers were up-going section L. Thus, a net rolling moment is especially informative. The Dryden flight tests were created that augments the roll rate (propelling). This conducted in the early 1970s to assess the impact of 5 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA-2003-0590 airframe buffeting on tracking capability, but they One common aspect of the documentation revealed considerable information on uncommanded is that the uncommanded motions had not been lateral motions. Aircraft evaluated included the F- predicted before flight. In most programs, the 104, F-5, F-8, T-38, F-111, YF-16, YF-17, and F-15. development team was alert to anomalies that The current study was directed at three critical occurred during wind-tunnel testing, such as violent products: dynamic motions of sting-mounted models near maximum lift, but analysis of the phenomena 1. Documentation of uncommanded involved was limited and uncertain, and tunnel lateral-directional motions testing was usually curtailed because of model and 2. Relevant data (wind-tunnel, flight, etc.) tunnel operational safety issues. Major issues, such available in the open literature (i.e., as the potential impact of Reynolds number on non-proprietary) asymmetries, and the interpretation of dynamic 3. Discussions of analysis techniques and moment measurements further clouded the issue of tools predicting flight behavior. As a result of these 4. Figures of merit limitations to tunnel testing, appropriate figures of merit for wind-tunnel tests and analytical studies A list of references that document charac- typically were not identified or validated before the teristics of specific airplanes and other reports that problem was encountered in flight. Thus, the provide generic information felt to be especially validation of figures of merit was not accomplished valuable for analysis of uncommanded lateral-direc- for most configurations. Typically, a great deal of tional motions at transonic speeds is provided at the "cut and try" was required during the flight phase, end of this paper. without a clear understanding of the flow physics causing the problem. The specific programs RESULTS discussed herein should be viewed from a "lessons The results of the historical survey are very learned" perspective. That is, most of the problems informative and contain substantial "lessons were identified in early flight tests. Ultimately, fixes learned." The literature identifies a large number of were adopted for many of the vehicles, including aircraft programs--over 20---for which substantial rescheduled leading-and trailing-edge maneuver uncommanded lateral-directional motions occurred, flaps. typically during the early flight test development The review identified several excellent phase of the programs. Photographs of some of the examples of analysis of transonic wing drop/rock aircraft are presented in Figure 7. The impact of the phenomena. Unfortunately, in every case the analy- sis occurred after the undesirable characteristics had been encountered in flight. Foremost among these studies was research conducted by Northrop and NASA-Ames 41'42for the F-5A, and the Royal Aeronautical Establishment 21 for the Gnat trainer. Each of these studies will be discussed later. Figures of merit for wind-tunnel testing and some design approaches have been suggested in the literature; however, even the most optimistic researchers involved in the past studies admitted that a great deal of work remained to be accomplished before a valid approach for the prediction and elimination of undesirable transonic Figure 7.- Aircraft programs that experienced documented lateral-directional motions could be implemented. uncommanded lateral-directional motions. Documented Aircraft motions had varying degrees of severity such that, in some cases the characteristics were mission The philosophy taken in the review was to only include case studies where documented results limiting; in other cases the motions were detected by are available for the specific airplane. Unfortunately, pilots, but regarded as minor or significantly most high-visibility, time-constrained weapon sys- removed from the operational envelope; and some tems development programs do not document such configurations used flight control technology to data once the vehicle enters fleet usage. A mitigate the motions. substantial part of the information presented herein was obtained from technical reports which included 6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA-2003-0590 quantitative information and actual flight time leading- and trailing-edge flap deflections on histories. The approach used to present the results transonic buffet and maneuvering performance. consists of a brief, anecdotal review of each These investigations, initiated in the late 1960s, airplane, a list of references for more information, were among the earliest definitive studies of the and a more detailed discussion of experiences for impact of aircraft flight parameters on transonic five specific airplanes. handling qualities during air-to-air tracking tasks. Leading- and trailing-edge flaps were deflected F-8..__44One of the earliest experiences of independently and in various combinations from 0 o the wing-dropping tendencies of jet aircraft at high to 10 o. A wing-rock problem was experienced with subsonic speeds was the Republic F-84 (not shown the F-104 at an angle of attack of about 12 ° over the in Figure 7). The early straight-wing version of the entire speed range, and was especially severe for airplane exhibited strong "heavy wing" tendencies larger flap deflectionsY and abrupt roll-offs between Mach numbers of 0.8 F-._.88 In addition to the F-104, Dryden and 0.9. NASA flight investigations of the aircraft at flight test evaluations of the effects of leading-edge the NASA Ames Research Center 29's7 concluded and trailing-edge flap deflections on buffet included that the behavior was attributable to loss of aileron the F-8A and F-8C. Nine different combinations of effectiveness and strong dihedral effect, which leading- and trailing-edge flap deflections were combined to make lateral control very sensitive for flown. 3s Wing rock was experienced over the entire small angles of sideslip. range of Mach number tested. At subsonic F-8.__.66The F-86A was subject to shock- conditions, the leading-edge flap was more effective induced separation at transonic speeds, which re- in delaying the onset of wing rock; however, at the sulted in wing-dropping behavior. Extensive studies transonic speeds the leading- and trailing-edge flaps of vortex generators, locked slats, boundary-layer appeared to be equally effective. fences, and wing-tip slat extensions were conducted EA-6B The EA-6B exhibits minor, but at NASA-Ames3°'STto fix the problem. The solution noticeable, uncommanded wing drop during adopted consisted of vortex generators which maneuvers at transonic conditions (M>0.75). This increased the aileron effectiveness and reduced the characteristic is most noticeable when pods or tanks asymmetry of flow separation during sideslip. are installed. Flight tests showed that the roll G-91 The Fiat G-91 used by the Italian Air excursions are easily correctable with control inputs. Force also encountered wing-drop tendencies within An extensive Navy/NASA/Grumman study to a Mach number range at the upper end of the develop an Advanced Capability (ADVCAP) for the subsonic flight regime. The fix consisted of vortex EA-6B included major improvements in aerodynamic generators, which also improved maximum lift.31 performance, stability, and control. 36 A-4 The X-model of the A-4 series could F-4 Navy and Air Force versions of the easily enter the transonic region with a 10-degree F-4 exhibited wing rock over most of the subsonic dive. Although buffet was light and only a small flight regime, 37-39 up to Mach numbers of about 0.8. pitch-trim change occurred, an abrupt wing drop to The characteristic was caused by loss of either the left or right with roll angle excursions of aerodynamic damping in roll, and was delayed and over 30 degrees was a major problem. 32 Over 11 minimized by the addition of leading-edge slats to different vortex generator patterns were tried before the airplane in later versions. arriving at a fix, which consisted of a pattern with F-_5 The entire series of the F-5 family one row on the slat and one row in front of the (F-5A, F-5E, F-5F, and the more advanced F-20) aileron. and the T-38 exhibited winp4rock/dro p phenomena T-45 Preproduction versions of the T-45 across the speed range. 4° Outstanding wind- trainer exhibited severe wing drop in flight evalua- tunnel and flight studies of the causal factors have tions at moderate and low speeds. The low-speed been published by Northrop. Of all past investiga- wing drop problem was mitigated by the addition of tions studied in the current analysis, this work leading-edge slats. The airplane also exhibited provides the most informative data for static and "heavy wing" characteristics at high sub- dynamic aerodynamic phenomena associated with sonic/transonic conditions because of shock-induced transonic wing rock. separation, which produced a substantial reduction F-111 A flight research program was in aileron effectiveness. Vortex generators were undertaken at Dryden _ to demonstrate the improvements in transonic maneuverability that used to delay the heavY3wing problems to beyond the operational envelope. resulted when the F-111A airplane was equipped F-10.___4T4he F-104 was used in the initial with a supercritical wing. The supercritical wing series of early NASA-Dryden studies of the impact of airplane was known as the F-111 TACT (Transonic 7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA-2003-0590 Aircraft Technology) airplane. Wing sweep positions NASA-Dryden in the 1970's. _° Mild-to-moderate of 26°, 35°, and 58° were flown, and the wing rock was encountered at angles of attack performance and precision controllability of the basic above about 10 o over the Mach range tested. and modified airplanes were documented. The Maximum roll rate in wing rock was about :_..20°/sec. supercritical wing significantly improved the buffet- The second reference is a Master's Degree thesis 51 free envelope of the airplane. Wing rock was written in fulfillment of an advanced degree at the Air encountered for both airplanes for low wing sweep Force Institute of Technology in the 1990's. This angles during maneuvers at high subsonic speeds, thesis also included actual flight tests of an F-15D with the F-111 TACT aircraft having the higher onset (and other aircraft) and analytical predictions of the boundary. motions. The discussion includes a characterization Harrier The development of the current of the rolling motions of wing rock for the F-15D, and versions of the British Harrier was preceded by compares them to those of other aircraft. numerous experiences with uncommanded wing YF-17 During transonic buffet evaluations drop/rock on earlier versions of the aircraft, at Dryden--_, the YF-17 exhibited wing-rock and beginning with the Kestrel, which exhibited wing rock wing-drop motions that doubled the tracking error. of over .+.25° at Mach numbers from 0.7 to 0.9. The characteristics of the aircraft were of particular These motions were so severe that pilots interest to the AWS Program, in view of the role of intentionally restricted maneuvers to lower angles of the YF-17 as a predecessor to the F/A-18 series. attack. The subsequent AV-8 and Harrier Mk GR1 YF-16 The YF-16 was also evaluated configurations underwent considerable modifications during the Dryden studies 18with scheduled leading- with wing vortex generators, wing leading-edge edge flaps and with zero leading-edge flap fences, wing-body strakes, wing leading-edge airfoil deflection. Fixed deflections of both leading-and modifications, etc. before arriving at acceptable trailing-edge flaps were also evaluated. With zero lateral flying qualities, Considerable disagreement leading-edge flap deflection, the aircraft exhibited between predictions based on tunnel results and uncommanded wing-rock and abrupt wing-dropping flight experiences were encountered. _ Excellent motions. Pilot comments refer to mild wing rock at discussions of the details of these development transonic conditions, and the flight report states that programs with regards to wing drop/rock and the the highly effective lateral control augmentation development of the wing configuration for the Harrier suppressed the wing rock. are also available. Of particular interest are data of Aircraft Summary The preceding discus- lift and rolling-moment variations for the basic sion reveals that uncommanded lateral-directional Harrier and the beneficial effects of a wing-body motions at transonic speeds have been a common strake modification on lateral characteristics near experience for many high-performance aircraft, and wing stall conditions at high subsonic Mach that such characteristics should be investigated in numbers.46.47 Additional information on aerodynamic the early design stages for future aircraft. With data for the AV-8B at high subsonic speeds is regard to the AWS Program, the results clearly available 48, including flight-derived measurements of illustrate that the wing drop exhibited by the unstable trends of aerodynamic damping in roll with preproduction versions of the F/A-18E/F is not, by angle of attack at high subsonic speeds. any means, a unique situation. The scope of Gnat The British Folland Gnat was the airplane wing configurations covered by the subject of extensive studies of wing drop and wing discussion herein included wing sweep angles from rock after these undesirable characteristics had 0° to 45°, aspect ratios from 2.5 to 7.6, and a range been encountered in flight tests. The emphasis in of leading- and trailing-edge flap designs, including the studies 21'39'49 was from a flight dynamics no flaps. perspective, so although the critical aerodynamic parameters are identified and figures of merit Hiqhlights of Specific Experiences proposed, no anatysis of detailed wing Certain aircraft documented in this study aerodynamics, such as pressures, was documented. deserve special discussion because of special The studies are particularly informative relative to phenomena or analysis approaches that were documentation of unstable trends of damping in roll judged to be of particular interest to the AWS effort. during maneuvering conditions at high subsonic speeds. F-4 Experiences The uncommanded lateral F-15 Documentation of wing-rock tenden- motions of the F-4 are highlighted because they cies for the F-15 was found in two references. A involve highly nonlinear dynamic effects, which preproduction version of the F-15 (prior to final should be considered in analyses of transonic wing design of the flight control system) was evaluated at drop/rock. Non-slatted versions of the F-4 exhibited 8 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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