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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20030007722: Development of Reduced-Order Models for Aeroelastic and Flutter Prediction Using the CFL3Dv6.0 Code PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20030007722: Development of Reduced-Order Models for Aeroelastic and Flutter Prediction Using the CFL3Dv6.0 Code

Development of Reduced-Order Models for Aeroelastic Analysis and Flutter Prediction Using the CFL3Dv6.0 Code Walter A. Silva * NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia 23681-0001 Robert E. Bartels t NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia 23681-0001 A reduced-order model (ROM) is developed for aeroelasfiic analysis using the CFL3D version 6.0 computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code, recently developed at the NASA Langley Research Center. This latest version of the flow solver includes a deforming mesh capability, a modal structural definition for nonlinear aeroelastic analyses, and a parallelization capability that provides a significant increase in computational efficiency. Flutter results for the ACIARD 445.6 Wing computed using CFL3D v6.0 are presented, including discussion of associated computational costs. Modal impulse responses of the unsteady aerodynamic system are then computed using the CFL3Dv6 code and transformed into state-space form. Important numerical issues associated with the com- putation of the impulse responses are presented. The unsteady aerodynamic state-space ROM is then combined with a state-space model of the structure to create an aeroelas- tic simulation using the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. The MATLAB/SIMULINK ROM is used to rapidly compute aeroelastic transients including flutter. The ROM shows excellent agreement with the aeroelastic analyses computed using the CFL3Dv6.0 code directly. Introduction When geometry and flow dependent nonlinear aero dynamic effects became significant, appropriate non ARLY mathematical models of unsteady aerody linear aerodynamic equations were solved using time namic response capitalized on the efficiency and integration techniques. Coupling the nonlinear aero power of superposition of scaled and time shifted fun dynamic equations with a linear structural model pro damental responses, also known as convolution. Chs vides a direct simulation of aeroehstic phenomena. sical models of two dimensional airfoils in incompress This direct simulation approach for solving nonlinear ible flow s include Wagner's function2(response to a aeroehstic problems has yielded a very powerful sire unit step variation in angle of attack), Kussner's func nhtion capability with two primary challenges. The tiona(response to a sharp edged gust), Theodorsen's first challenge is the associated computational cost function4(frequency response to sinusoidal pitching of this simulation, which increases with the fidelity motion), and Seat's function (frequency response to of the nonlinear aerodynamic equations to be solved. a sinusoidal gust). As geometric complexity increased Computational cost may be reduced via the imple from airfoils to wings to complete configurations, the mentation of parallel processing techniques, advanced analytical derivation of these types of response func algorithms, and improved computer hardware process tions became impractical and the numerical computa ing speeds. The second, more serious, challenge is tion of linear unsteady aerodynamic responses, in the that the information generated by these simulations frequency domain, became the method of choice. 5 cannot be used effectively within a preliminary design environment. Any attempt to incorporate the output *Senior Research Scientist, Aeroelasticity Branch, NASA of these aeroelastic simulations within a design envi Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia; tAerospace Engineer, Aeroelasticity Branch, NASA Langley ronment inevitably becomes design by trial and error, Research Center,Hampton, Virginia; a completely impractical approach. As a result, the Copyright @ 2002 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and integration of traditional, computational aeroehstic Astronautics, Inc. No copyright is asserted in the United States under Title 17, U.S. Code. The U.S. Government has a royalty- simulations into preliminary design activities involving free license to exercise all rights under the copyright claimed herein disciplines such as aeroelasticity, aeroservoehsticity for Governmental Purposes. All other rights are reserved by the copyright owner. 1 OF 12 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS PAPER AIAA 2002-15q6 (ASE), and optimization is, at present, a costly and techniques.18,14 One method for building a linearized, impractical venture. low order, frequency domain model from CFD anal The goal behind the development of reduced order ysis is to apply the exponential (Gaussian) pulse in models (ROMs) is aimed precisely at addressing these put. s5 This method is used to excite an aeroelastic two challenges. Development of a ROM entails the system, one mode at a time, using a smoothly varying, development of a simplified mathematical model that small amplitude Gaussian pulse. The time domain captures the dominant dynamics of the original sys aeroelastic responses due to the exponential pulse in tern. This alternative mathematical representation of put are transformed into frequency domain general the original system is, by design, in a mathematical ized aerodynamic forces (GAPs). These linearized form suitable for use in a multidisciplinary, prelimi GAFs can then be used in standard linear aeroelas nary design environment. As a result, interconnection tic analyses. 16 Raveh et aP 7 applied this method but of the ROM with other disciplines is possible, thereby replaced the exponential pulse input wRh step and addressing the second challenge. The simplicRy of impulse inputs. Raveh ss also performed parametric the ROM yields significant improvements in compu variations in order to better understand the numeri rational efficiency as compared to the original system, cal issues associated with impulse and step responses, thereby addressing the first challenge. particularly for nonlinear problems. Guendel and At present, the development of CFD based ROMs Cesnik s9 applied the Aerodynamic Impulse Response is an area of active research at several industry, gov (AIR) technique, based on the VoRerra theory, to the ernment, and academic instRutions. _ Development PMARC aerodynamic panel code. The PMARC/AIR of ROMs based on the Volterra theory is one of sev code was applied to a simplified High Altitude Long eral ROM methods currently under development, r ,1 Endurance (HALE) aircraft for rapid linear and non Reduced order models based on the Volterra theory linear aeroelastic analysis of the vehicle. have been applied successfully to Euler and Navier As mentioned above, various inputs can be used in Stokes models of nonlinear unsteady aerodynamic and the time domain (CFD code) to generate GAPs in aeroelastic systems. Volterra based ROMs are based the frequency domain in order to perform standard, on the creation of linearized and nonlinear unsteady frequency domain aeroelastic analyses. But if time aerodynamic impulse responses that are then used in domain aeroservoelastic (ASE) analyses are desired, a convolution scheme to provide the linearized and the frequency domain GAFs are transformed back into nonlinear responses of the system to arbitrary inputs. the time domain using traditional rational function In this setting, the linearized and nonlinear impulse approximation (RFA) techniques. These techniques responses are the ROMs of the particular nonlinear include, for example, the well known Rogers approx system under investigation. Upon transformation of imation 2° and the Minimum State technique. 2s The the linearized and nonlinear impulse responses into RFA techniques transform frequency domain GAPs state space form, the state space models generated can into state space (time domain) models amenable for also be considered ROMs. use with modern control theory and optimization. The Another ROM method, different from the Volterra process just described transforms time domain infor based ROM approach, is the Proper Orthogonal De rimdon (CFD results) into frequency domain informa composition (POD) technique. The POD is a method tion only to have the frequency domain information that is used extensively at several research organiza transformed back into the time domain. tions for the development of reduced order models. A Gupta et a122 and Cowan et ao123,24 applied a set thorough review of POD research activities can be of flight testing inputs to an unsteady CFD code and found in Beran and Silva. _ In addition, a review of the used the information to create a linear ARMA (autore issues involved in the development of reduced order gressive moving average) model that was transformed models for fluid structure interaction problems is pro into state space form. Although this technique is ap vided by Dowell and Hall. s2 A topic of recent interest plied entirely within the time domain, the shape of the is the potential development of hybrid POD/Volterra inputs applied to the CFD code requires tailoring in methods. These hybrid techniques would combine the order to excite a specific frequency range, resulting in spatial resolution possible with POD methods with an iterative process. In a similar vein, Rodrigues 25 de the lout dimensionality and computational efficiency veloped a state space model for an airfoil in transonic of Volterra methods. flow using a transonic small disturbance algorithm. In The linearization of a nonlinear aeroelastic model this paper, a direct approach for efficiently generating is an important first step towards understanding the linearized unsteady aerodynamic state space models is nature and magnitude of nonlinear aeroelastic phe presented. Although the present application of the nomena. The response of a linearized system about method deals with linearized responses based on lin a nonlinear steady state condition can be obtained via earized impulse responses (linearized Volterra kernels), several methods. Some of these methods include the the method can be formally extended to address non order reduction of state space models using various linear aeroelastic phenomena via the use of nonlinear 2 OF 12 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS PAPER AIAA 2002-1596 impulse responses (nonlinear Volterra kernels). are employed. The goal of this paper is to develop linearized, un One of the important features of the CFL3D code is steady aerodynamic state space models for prediction its capability of solving multiple zone grids with one of flutter and aeroelastic response using the the paral to one connectivity. Spatial accuracy is maintained lelized, aeroelastic capability of the C,FL3Dv6 code. at zone boundaries, although subiterative updating of The results to be presented provide an important boundary information is required. Coarse grained par validation of the various phases of the ROM devel allelization using the Message Passing Interface (MPI) opment process. As such, this paper begins with a protocol can be utilized in multiblock computations by brief outline of the various phases of the process. This solving one or more blocks per processor. When there outline is followed by a description of the CFL3Dv6 are more blocks than processors, optimal performance code and a description of the CFD based impulse re is achieved by allocating an equal number of blocks to sponse technique. The Eigensystem Realization A1 each processor. As a result, the time required for a gorithm (ERA), 2s which transforms an impulse re CFD based aeroelastic computation can be dramati sponse into state space form, is described. Flutter cally reduced. results for the AGARD 445.6 Aeroelastic Wing using In this paper, multiblock MPI parallel aeroelastic the CFL3Dv6 code are presented, including computa computations, including flutter, for the AGARD 445.6 tional costs. Unsteady aerodynamic state space rood Aeroelastic Wing are performed using 96 flowfield els are then generated and coupled with a structural blocks. In order to achieve an optimal division of grid model within a MATLAB/SIMULINK 27 environment points, it is necessary to place flow field block bound for rapid calculation of aeroelastic responses including aries near a moving solid surface (the wing). The flutter. Aeroelastic responses computed directly using multiblock boundary and interior movement scheme the CFL3Dv6 code are compared with the aeroelas allows the user to place block boundaries near surfaces tic responses computed using the CFD based ROM as necessary for optimal parallelization. Boundaries within the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. interior to the fluid domain near a surface respond to the local surface motion. As the wing moves, block Description of Methods boundaries move to maintain integrity of block inter faces and the airfoil surface. The following subsections describe the parallelized, Because the CFD and computational structural me aeroelastic version of the CFL3Dv6 code and the two chanics (CSM) meshes usually do not match at the primary phases of the ROM development process. The interface, CFD/CSM coupling requires a surface spline first phase involves the identification of unsteady aero interpolation between the two domains. The interpo dynamic impulse responses; the second phase involves ladon of CSM mode shapes to CFD surface grid points the transformation of these impulse responses into is done as a preprocessing step. Modal deflections at state space form. Step responses can be used in lieu all CFD surface grids are first generated. Modal data of impulse responses since these functions are related at these points are then segmented based on the split via differentiation and both functions provide equiva tang of the flow field blocks. Mode shape displacements lent levels of excitation to a given system. Preference of one function over the other will be mentioned when located at CFD surface grid points of each segment are used in the integration of the generalized modal forces appropriate. and in the computation of the deflection of the de CFLaDv6 Code formed surface. The final surface deformation at each The computer code used in this study is the time step is a linear superposition of all the modal deflections. CFLaDv6 code, which solves the three dimensional, thin layer, Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes equations ROM Development Process with an upwind finite volume formulation. 2s'29 The An outline of the ROM development process is as code uses third order upwind biased spatial differenc follows: ing for the inviscid terms with flux limiting in the 1. Implementation of impulse response technique presence of shocks. Either flux difference splitting or flux vector splitting is available. The flux difference into aeroelastic CFD code; splitting method of Roe 3° is employed in the present 2. Computation of impulse responses for each mode computations to obtain fluxes at cell faces. There are of an aeroelastic system using the aeroelastic CFD two types of time discretization available in the code. code; The first order backward time differencing is used for 3. Impulse responses generated in Step 2 are input steady calculations while the second order backward into the ERA; time differencing with subiterations is used for static 4. Evaluation/validation of the state space models and dynamic aeroelastic calculations. Furthermore, generated in Step 3; grid sequencing for steady state and multigrid and lo Steps 1 and 2 are described in greater detail in the cal pseudo time stepping for time marching solutions references that address Volterra based Reduced Order 3 OF 12 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS PAPER AIAA 2002-1596 I 7 LINEAR i LINEAR i STRUCTURE _ STRUCTURE 'i I I • I I I NONLINEAR NONLINEAR MODAL AERODYNAMICS AERODYNAMICS INPUTS Fig. 1 Coupling of structure and aerodynamics Fig. 2 Identification of generalized aerodynamic within an aeroelastic CFD code. forces (GAFs). Models (ROMs) such as Refs. 3 7. The basic premise total of all the modes of interest. By applying a sep of Volterrwbased FIOMs is the extraction of linear arate excitation to each mode through the nonlinear and nonlinear kernel functions that capture the input flow solver, the total nonlinear aeroelastic response is output functional relationship between, for example, being approximated by a linear superposition of its unsteady motion of a wing (input) and the resultant individual responses. For a linear flow solver, this loads created by that motion (output). For Volterra approach would be exact. Consistent with this as based ROMs, these kernel functions are linearized and sumption, this approximation is valid only for small nonlinear impulse response functions. The relevant as input amplitudes. This is not necessarily a drawback pacts of Step 1 and Step 2 are discussed in the next as, quite often, the linearized dynamic aeroelastic re two subsections. Details of Step 3are presented in the sponse about a nonlinear steady (or static aeroelastic) third subsection. Step 4 is presented in the Results condition is a reasonable representation of the nonlin section of the paper. ear aeroelastic system under investigation. CFD-Based Discrete Unit Impulse Response There are three types of modal excitation inputs Teehnique that are typically used when implementing this tech An aeroelastic system can be viewed as the coupling nique. The first is a brute force approach based on the of an unsteady aerodynamic system (flow solver) with input of sine waves of individual frequencies. The in a structural system (Figure 1). The present study fo dividual modal responses to these inputs for n modes cuses on the development of an unsteady aerodynamic and r frequencies requires n times r separate code eval ROM (Figure 2) that is then coupled to a structural uations. In addition, the time length required for each model for aeroelastic analyses. one of these evaluations can be quite large (i.e., corn A standard technique for computing linearized gen putationally expensive) in order to get an adequate eralized aerodynamic forces (GAFs) for an aeroelas number of cycles for adequate frequency resolution, tic system with n modes using a CFD code is the especially for the lower frequencies. This approach is application of a Greens function (influence function) clearly the least efficient. approach. Using the CFD code, each mode is individ A second, more elegant approach, involves the use ually excited to obtain the response of all the modes to of an exponential (Gaussian) pulse. 15 The exponen this excitation. This process is applied to all n modes, tim pulse can be shaped to excite a particular range resulting in an n by n "matrix" of responses. The term of frequencies. Because an exponential pulse excites "matrix" is in quotes to indicate that the responses a pre selected frequency range, only one code eval obtained using this method are usually time domain uation is required per mode. This is a significant functions rather than constants that usually populate computational savings compared to the brute force a standard matrix. approach, but shape optimization of the exponential This technique is a linearization by virtue of the pulse may be required when targeting a particular fact that, in a computational aeroelastic analysis, the frequency range. In addition, the exponential pulse input to the nonlinear flow solver is the total physi appears to be strictly limited to linearized analyses. cal deformation of the wing consisting of the summed Whereas the impulse function finds formal application 4 OF 12 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS PAPER AIAA 2002-1596 to nonlinear problems via the Volterra theory, the in clusion of the exponential pulse within a Volterra type theoretical framework is undefined. A third, recently developed, approach consists of replacing the exponential pulse input with a unit im pulse.S 11 The unit impulse excites the entire fre quency range of a system so that shape optimization to excite a particular range of frequencies is not nec Mode I essary. In addition, due to the simplicity of the input and the short amount of time required for convergence, each solution is computed with significant computa tional efficiency. Raveh et aln applied this technique successfully to the AGARD 445.6 Aeroelastic Wing using step and impulse responses. Convolution of Mode 3 Mode the step responses with siuusoids of varying fl'equency yielded frequency domain GAFs that were then used for frequency domain aeroelastic analyses. If desired, a Fig. 3 Aeroelastlc modes for the AGARD 445.6 more direct approach for computing frequency domain W-ing. GAFs is to apply a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to the impulse responses. An example of this approach is For the system of Eqs. (1) and (2), the time domain presented in a subsequent section. values of the systems discrete time impulse response are also known as the Markov parameters and are de System/Observer/Controller Identifieatlon fined as Toolbox (SOCIT) Y(k) = CA_-_B (3) In structural dynamics, the realization of discrete time state space models that describe the modal dy with B an (u x m) matrix and C a (p x n) matrix. namics of a structure has been enabled by the de The ERA algorithm begins by defining the generalized velopment of algorithms such as the Eigensystem Hankel matrix consisting of the discrete time impulse Realization Algorithm (ERA) 26 and the Observer responses for all input/output combinations. The al Kalman Identification (OKID) m Algorithm. These gorithm then uses the singular value decomposition algorithms perform state space realizations by us (SVD) to compute the A, B, and C matrices. ing the Markov parameters (discrete time impulse In this fashion, the ERA is applied to unsteady responses) of the systems of interest. These algo aerodynamic impulse responses to construct unsteady rithms have been combined into one package known as aerodynamic state space models. The next section the System/Observer/Controller Identification Tool presents computational aeroelastic and unsteady aero box (SOCIT) 32 developed at NASA Langley Research dynamic results for the CFL3Dv6 code and for the Center. state space ROM. The primary algorithm within the SOCIT group Results of algorithms used for the present system realization is known as the Eigensystem Realization Algorithm The AGARD 445.6 Aeroelastic Wing has been used (ERA). A brief summary of the basis of this algorithm extensively by several authors to validate computa follows. tional methods. 16,22:aa Although the aeroelastic be A finite dimensional, discrete time, linear, time havior of this wing is fairly benign (weakly nonlin invariant dynamical system has the state variable ear), the aeroelastic data from the flutter test of this equations wing provides a good starting point for validation of computational techniques. 34 The wing is a 45 degree x(k + 1) -- Ax(k) + Bu(k) (1) swept back wing with a NACA 65A004 airfoil section, g(k) = Cx(k) + Du(k) (2) panel aspect ratio of 1.65, and a taper ratio of 0.6576. The shapes of the first four structural modes for this where x is an n dimensional state vector, u an m wing are presented in Figure 3. The modes are first dimensional control input, and y a p dimensional out bending, first torsion, second bending and second tot put or measurement vector with k being the discrete sion. The corresponding modal frequencies in vacuo time index. The transition matrix, A, characterizes are 9.60, 38.2, 48.35, and 91.54 Hz. Additional details the dynamics of the system. The goal of system real regarding this wing can be found in the references. ization is to generate constant matrices (A, B, C) such Full CFD Flutter Solution that the output responses of a given system due to a particular set of inputs is reproduced by the discrete This section presents results based on the tradi time state space system described above. tional full CFD flutter solution. The flutter solution 5 OF 12 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS PAPER AIAA 2002-1596 is obtained by iterating between the nonlinear aerody 10-3 namic system (flow solver) and the structural system at a given Mach number and dynamic pressure entirely Mode 1 within the CFD code. The output of this solution con sists of a time history of the generalized coordinates of the aeroelastic system. Depending on the nature of this aeroelastic response (divergent or convergent), a new dynamic pressure is selected and a corresponding flutter solution is computed. This iterative process is used to define the flutter boundary at several Mach numbers. The results presented in this paper are for the solution of the Euler equations within CFL3Dv6. Figure 4 presents the response of each of the four generalized coordinates at a Mach number of 0.9, a dynamic pressure of 89.3 psf, and a structural damp -3 0 200 400 600 800 1000 ing value (g) of zero. The divergent nature of the first Number of Time Steps mode indicates that this condition is above the flutter boundary. By performing similar analyses at different Fig. 4 Aeroelastic transients in terms of general- dynamic pressures, a dynamic pressure of 75 psf was ized coordinates at M:0.9 and Q:89.3 psf. defined as the flutter dynamic pressure (neutral stabil ity point) for this Mach number. The corresponding x 10-a flutter frequency was 14.8 Hz. The aeroelastic re sponse at a dynamic pressure of 75 psf is presented as Mode 1 Figure 5, indicating the neutral stability of the aeroe lastic system at this condition. These solutions were computed using a non dimensional time step of 0.3 with 5 subiterations per time step and use of multigrid capability for error reduction and convergence acceler ation. Comparison of flutter results for the full CFD anal ysis with 0.03 structural damping, the analysis of Lee Rausch is (0.03 structural damping), and the ex perimental results of Yates et ala4 are presented in Table 1 and Table 2 for Flutter Speed Index (FSI) and Flutter Frequency Ratio (FFR), respectively. Re 0 200 400 600 800 1000 sults from the full CFD flutter analysis are consistent Number of Time Steps with those from Lee Rausch 1_ and other Euler flutter results. 22 Fig. 5 Aeroelastic transients in terms of general- Table 1 Comparison of Flutter Speed Index (FSI) ized coordinates at M:0.9 and Q:75.0 psf. with published results. hours for the number of cycles shown in Figures 4 and M Exp. Lee Rausch CFL3Dv6 5. This is the total CPU cost but, using 96 processors, g=0.03 g=0.03 the actual execution time is approximately 45 minutes 0.9 0.370 0.:352 0.350 on an Origin 2000 cluster. The total time elapsed from 0.96 0.308 0.275 0.279 the moment the job is submitted for execution, how ever, can vary depending on the number of other jobs (from different users) in the queue for the computer Table 2 Comparison of Flutter Frequency Ratio resources. The total elapsed time for a single flutter (FFR) with published results. solution can therefore range from 45 minutes to several M Exp. Lee Rausch CFL3Dv6 hours if the job queue is busy. In addition, although g=0.03 g=0.03 four cycles of the lowest frequency mode appear to be 0.9 0.422 0.425 0.394 sufficient for visually determining the stability of the 0.96 0.365 0.:343 0.315 system, accurate computation of the relevant aeroelas tic frequency and damping requires additional cycles. If the number of cycles is doubled to eight cycles, the The computational cost for one flutter solution (at a computational costs increase proportionately to 142 given Mach number and dynamic pressure) is 71 CPU CPU hours and 90 minutes of execution time. The to 6 OF 12 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS PAPER AIAA 2002-15q6 tal time elapsed can range from 90 minutes to several hours depending on the number of jobs in the queue. These costs are, of course, a function of the aeroelas 60 tic properties of the system under investigation. The use of parallel processing clearly provides significant improvement in computational time. However, the 0 40t computational costs (CPU) are still high because par allelization, obviously, does not reduce the amount of computation that needs to be done. Nonetheless, this is a significant improvement over computations per formed on a serial platform. Assuming four dynamic pressure solutions per Mach number, the cost of computing a flutter point (at one Mach number) is 568 CPU hours, requiring at least 360 minutes of execution time. The actual time in 15 20 Number of Time Steps vested, however, can be on the order of days since the value of dynamic pressure selected for the subse quent analysis depends on the results obtained from Fig. 6 Impulse response in mode 1 due to mode the previous analysis. If additional analyses involving 1, M=0.9. parametric variations of structural parameters (damp in all four modes due to an excitation of one of the ing and frequencies) are needed, additional flutter so lutions would be required, increasing computational modes. In this fashion, the matrix of four by four re costs (CPU and time). Finally, as can be seen, the sponse functions is developed, resulting in a total of output of traditional CFD based flutter analyses are sixteen response functions. aeroelastic transients which provide frequency and Figure 6 presents the impulse response of the first damping information at agiven flight condition. These mode due to an impulse input in the first mode. This transients can certainly be used to define the flutter response was computed using a nondimensional time boundary of the aeroelastic system under investigation step of 0.3, a modal amplitude of 0.001 with 5 subit but do not comprise a matherimdcal model of the sys erations and multigrid for improved convergence and tern itself. In order to develop a mathematical model of error minimization. As can be seen, the response is the system itself, a ROM is needed. The next sections well behaved and numerically stable. present results for the development and validation of An important point in the generation of step and a ROM using the CFL3Dv6 code. impulse responses is the need to maintain the rate oLchange of the excitation input (the modal velocity Unsteady Aerodynamic System Identification in this case) to a reasonable value. For an aeroe Step(cid:0)Impulse Responses lastic analysis, the modal velocity is defined as the Identification of the unsteady aerodynamic system modal amplitude of the excitation input divided by begins with the excitation of each mode using a step the nondimensional dine step. Values on the order of or impulse input. Although the frequency content unity appear to be the most robust although values as of both responses is identical, the use of the impulse high as ten have worked. The adherence to this range response is beneficial when computing the frequency of values for the modal velocity provides the neces domain generalized aerodynamic forces (GAFs) and in sary numerical stability to generate these responses for the application of the ERA code for the generation of unsteady motions with deforming grids. For rigidly de state space models. Raveh et a117 indicate improved forming grids, such as plunging and pitching motions, numerical robustness for the step response over the im this limitation can be relaxed since the rigid body am pulse response. Selection of one input over the other plitudes and velocities can be defined independently. may depend on the particular configuration and prob For an aeroelastically deforming grid, the modal am lem under investigation. plitude is input explicitly while the modal velocity is Consistent with the linearization process described computed implicitly based on the amplitude of mo in a previous section and in order to reduce the tion and the time step. This is consistent with results possibility of numerical problems with aeroelastically obtained by Raveh et a111 and Silva and Raveh. 85 deforming grids, smM1 amplitudes are used with this Successful and accurate identification of impulse technique. The mode by mode excitation for the and step responses requires careful consideration of AGARD 445.6 Aeroelastic Wing using impulse and time/frequency resolution issues. In addition, the eL step inputs is performed using the first four elastic fect of input amplitude on the convergence of the solu modes of the wing. The mode by mode excitation tion and verification of linear/nonlinear behavior must technique provides the unsteady aerodynamic response be addressed. These issues are extremely important 7OF 12 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS PAPER AIAA 2002-1596 Magnitude ofGAFs X - Real Component O - Imaginary Component ×16 c._._. lO A14 lO A13 _"_" " 0 10 20 _104 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 lo 05 1 _ 2 2 40 A23 _...c__. 0 10 20 0 10 20 _104 10 20 0 10 20 2 2 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 _104 10 20 2 A31 T 0 05 1 05 1 0 05 1 0 05 1 A41 A42 . t ,_ 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20 So × Time Steps Time Steps Time Steps Time Steps _o 05 I o 05 I Reduced Frequency Reduced Frequency Reduced FrequencyReduced Frequency Fig. 7 Impulse response GAPs for all four modes. Fig. 8 Comparison of frequency-domaln GAFs and are discussed in greater detail in the Appendix. from the impulse response GAFs with GAFs from a linear unsteady aerodynamic method. Time- and Frequency-Domain GAPT ROM Flutter Solution For the present four mode aeroelastic system, four Unsteady Aerodynamic State-Space Models separate analyses were performed to compute the nec The ERA was then used to transform the impulse essary impulse response CAFs. Figure 7 presents the response GAFs from Figure 7 into s_ate space form. sixteen impulse response GAPs due to each of the four This process is performed within MATLAB and exe modes at a Mach number of 0.9 computed using a cutes quickly. Several options are available to allow modal amplitude of 0.001 and a nondimensional time the user to reduce the size of the resultant state space step size of 0.3. Using atotal of 2000 time steps and ac matrices depending on the desired frequency range or counting for various nondimensional parameters, this importance of particular modes. For the present anal nodin_tenstional time step size and number of time ysis, no order reduction of this type was performed steps translates to a reduced frequency resolution of in order to establish a baseline performance level to 0.009. Clearly, all impulse responses are well behaved. which subsequent order reductions could be compared It is noticed that the GAFs with the largest magni in future analyses. The resultant system quadruple tudes correspond to the "diagonal" responses (All, (A,B,C,D) is of 196th order with four inputs and four A22,A3a, and A44). This makes physical sense since outputs corresponding to the four modes. Although a mode exhibits the largest response to its own exci this is a high order, it is important to mention that ration. this state space model contains the entire range of Once all of the impulse response GAFs were corn unsteady aerodynamic frequencies extracted from the puted for all of the modes, an FFT of each impulse CFD code. Significant reductions in order can be response GAF yielded the frequency domain GAF. achieved by defining a frequency bandwidth of interest, Figure 8 presents a comparison of the resultant FFTs analogous to the procedure in the frequency domain of the impulse response GAFs fi'om Figure 7 with when rational function approximations are developed. frequency domain results computed using a linear un Given modern computational power, however, this steady aerodynamic method. H As can be seen, the high order system poses no computational issues with comparison is very good for most of the GAFs with respect to memory storage or computational speed for some discrepancies at the higher frequency modes. aeroelastic analyses. The order, however, may need to Additional analyses are required to determine if these be reduced for subsequent ASE design studies. differences are due to physically nonlinear effects or if The state space model of the CFD based unsteady they are due to numerical/computational differences. aerodynamic system can be used to compute the re This type of comparison with a linear unsteady aero sponse to arbitrary inputs without costly re execution dynamic code can also be used to ascertain the level of the CFD code. Figure 9 is a comparison of the of linear/nonlinear content of the CFD based unsteady responses in the first mode due to an input consist aerodynamics. The results of Figure 8 shout a close ing of a narrow exponential pulse applied to all four correlation of the linearized (CFD based) GAFs with modes simultaneously. One of the responses in the the fully linear GAFs. figure was computed using CFL3Dv6 directly while 8 OF 12 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS PAPER AIAA 2002-1596 3 2.5 X - CFI_3D 2 O - ROM/MATLAB "_ 1.5 Model of Structure I i_ I GCoeonredrainliazteeds I i 1 0.5 I°iscre'esiJ'a'espace' o .g -0.5 Model of Aerodynamics -I -I .5 _"1 _ Discrete State-Space -2 5 1'0 1'5 20 Number of Time Steps Fig. 9 Comparison of GAFs for the CFD and state-space unsteady aerodynamic model. Fig. 10 SIMULINK model of the aeroelastic sys- the other response was computed using the state space tem. model within MATLAB. The exact comparison verifies the accuracy of the unsteady aerodynamic state space Time Domain model. The response from the unsteady aerodynamic state space model was generated within seconds while the response from CFL3Dv6 required approximately two hours of total elapsed computing time and 177 CPU hours. Flutter 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Number of Time Steps Coupling the state space model of the unsteady Frequency Domain aerodynamic system with a state space model of the Mode 1 structure within MATLAB/SIMULINK results in a 10o Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 state space aeroelastic system shown in Figure 10. c The aeroelastic response of the system is a function of 10-2 the initial conditions of the structure and the dynamic pressure. 0 20 40 60 80 100 In order to validate this state space aeroelastic sys Frequency, Hz tern, simulations were performed at various dynamic pressures. Figure 11 presents the generalized coordi Fig. 11 Aeroelastlc response of the state-space nate time histories and the corresponding generalized aeroelastlc system at M----0.9 and Q--0 psf. coordinate FFTs at zero dynamic pressure (wind off). The zero dynamic pressure attenuates all aerodynamic identically with that of Figure 5, which was computed effects, leaving only structural effects. With zero struc using CFL3Dv6 directly. In fact, the ROM results rural damping, the response consists of, in the time compare identically with results using CFL3Dv6 di domain, the simple harmonic motion of the uncoupled rectly at all dynamic pressures investigated. vibration modes and, in the frequency domain, fre These aeroelastic transients are computed in sec quency spikes of the uncoupled vibration modes: 9.60, onds within MATLAB/SIMULINK, thus allowing a 38.2, 48.35, and 91.54 Hz. larger number of cycles to be computed for improved At a dynamic pressure of 50 psf, Figure 12, the et" frequency resolution. In addition, if parametric varia fect of aerodynamic damping is evident in the decaying tions that involve the structure are desired (structural response of the generalized coordinate time histories. damping, updated frequencies, etc), the analyses can The associated modal frequency spikes at this condi be performed using this approach since the unsteady tion are no longer uncoupled as they were in Figure aerodynamic system is unaffected by these variations. 11. These results validate the ROM methodology pre Finally, at a dynamic pressure of 75 psf, Figure 13, sented and are examples of a new and powerful tool flutter is evident. A close up of this aeroelastic tran available to the aeroelastician. Most importantly, slant is presented as Figure 14. This result compares the state space models developed are suitable for use 9 OF 12 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS PAPER AIAA 2002-15q6 Time Domain Model Mode2 Mode3 Mode4 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 NumberofTime Steps Frequency Domain Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 10 -2 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Frequency, Hz Number of Time Steps Fig. 12 Aeroelastlc transients in terms of gen- Fig. 14 Close-up of the aeroelastlc transients for eralized coordinates for the state-space system at the state-space system at M=0.9, Q=75 psi', and M=0.9, Q=50 psf, and g=0.0. g=0.0. x 10-3 Time Domain and amplitude dependent convergence issues were pre o Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 Mode 4 sented. The unsteady aerodynamic state space ROM was then combined with a state space model of the structure to create an aeroelastic simulation using the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. The MAT LAB/SIMULINK ROM was used to rapidly compute aeroelastic transients including flutter. The ROM 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Number of Time Steps shows excellent agreement with the aeroelastic analy Frequency Domain 102 ses computed using the CFL3Dv6.0 code directly but at significantly lower computational costs. The aeroe 10° lastic state space models generated are then suitable "E for use in a rnultidisciplinary, design environment in 10-2 cluding computational aeroservoelastieity (ASE). 10-4 Appendix 20 40 60 80 100 Frequency, Hz Time Step/F_quency Issues Successful development of a state space model of an Fig. 13 Aeroelastlc transients in terms of gen- unsteady aerodynamic system requires an understand eralized coordinates for the state-space system at ing of the relationship between the time step used for M=0.9, Q=75 psf, and g=0.0. the numerical discretization and the frequency con tent associated with that particular discretization. It within a mutidisciplinary design environment, includ is well known from signal processing theory that the ing ASE analysis and design. frequency resolution of a given discretization, AF, is inversely proportional to the product of the number of Concluding Remarks time steps, N, and the discretizing time step, AT, or A reduced order model (ROM) was developed for 1 aeroelastic analysis using the recently developed, par AF- N.AT allelized CFL3D version 6.0 computational fluid dy namics (CFD) code. Flutter results for the AGARD Standard numerical analysis states that a smaller time 445.6 Wing, computed using CFL3D directly, were step is more accurate due to a reduction of the error presented, including a discussion of the associated terms associated with most numerical diseretizations. computational costs. The ROM of the unsteady aero A smaller value of frequency resolution is also preferred dynamic system, in state space form, was developed so that appropriate frequency domain phenomena can using modal impulse responses. Important numer be captured accurately. This is important, for exam ical issues associated with the computation of the ple, when an aeroelastic system contains modes that impulse responses including time/frequency resolution are closely spaced in frequency. Therefore, a large 10 oP 12 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS PAPER AIAA 2002-1596

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