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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20030004240: Investigation of an Oscillating Surface Plasma for Turbulent Drag Reduction PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20030004240: Investigation of an Oscillating Surface Plasma for Turbulent Drag Reduction

AIAA 2003-1023 Investigation of an Oscillating Surface Plasma for Turbulent Drag Reduction Stephen R Wilkinson NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23681-2199 41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit 6-9 Janum_, 2003 Reno, Nevada For permission to copy or to republish, contact the copyright owner named on the first page. For AI AA-held copyright, write to _,1AA Permissions Department, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite I_00,Reston, VA, 20191-4344. AIAA 2003-1023 Invited Paper INVESTIGATION OF AN OSCILLAqING SURFACE PLASMA FOR TURBULENT DRAG REDUCTION Stephen P. Wilkinson* NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA Abstract ,atmospheric pressure have recently An oscillating, weakly ionized surface ._ecome a topic of interest for flow plasma has been investigated for use in ,zontrol applications 1-6.The interest turbulent boundary layer viscous drag _tems from the plasma's ability reduction. The study was based on :0 accelerate ionized air in regions of reports showing that mechanical _teep electric field gradients along strip spanwise oscillations of a wall can zlectrode edges. The combination of reduce viscous drag due to a turbulent _teep edge gradients and charged boundary layer by up to 40%. It was particles within the plasma to a body hypothesized that the plasma induced tbrce on the air through an body force in high electric field electrodynamic collisional process 7. The gradients of a surface plasma along strip existence of the body force has led to electrodes could also be configured to the search for flow control opportunities oscillate the flow. Thin dielectric that can utilize such an effect. panels with millimeter-scale, flush- mounted, triad electrode arrays with one l'he plasma is typically generated and two-phase high voltage excitation between adjacent, thin, surface, strip were tested. Results showed that while a electrodes with an intervening dielectric small oscillation could be obtained, the to prevent avalanche breakdown of the effect was lost at a low frequency (< air. The most common configuration is 100Hz). Furthermore, a mean flow was thin foil strip electrodes bonded to generated during the oscillation that opposite sides of a thin dielectric panel. complicates the effect. Hot-wire and The plasma is typically operated in the pitot probe diagnostics are presented range of 1-10kHz, 1-10kV rms for the along with phase-averaged images majority of low speed experiments and revealing plasma structure. applications studied thus far. Some of the physical principles on which the Introduction plasma and body force generation Dielectric-controlled, weakly ionized operate are discussed by Roth 1"2"5"7"8and Massines 9. Kunhardt 1°reviews this and AC surface plasmas operating at similar plasmas and cites additional *Senior Research Engineer, Flow Physics and references. Control Branch, Senior Member AIAA The present flow control investigation "This material is declared a work of the U.S. considers the possibility of reducing Government and is not subject to copyright viscous drag due to boundary layer protection in the United States" American Institute of AeronauTics and Astronautics AIAA2003-1023 turbulencebyusingadynamic encountered were issues with model applicationoftheplasma-inducedbody robustness, dynamic flow measurement forces.Thestudyisbasedonnumerous close to or in the plasma, shaping of the reports 11-19 showing that transverse excitation voltage to provide the proper mechanical oscillations of a wall can body force input and the structure and significantly reduce turbulent drag on uniformity of the plasma itself. These that wall by as much as 40% and issues are discussed along with other turbulence intensity by 70%. While these relevant material in the following findings are highly significant to sections. The paper concludes with an understanding the physics of turbulent assessment of the prospects for success drag reduction and of boundary layer of the control method. turbulence in general, the method is not practical for engineering applications Oscillating Plasma Model and due to efficiency and frequency response Excitation issues. While the mechanism of drag A robust plasma model was required that reduction for the oscillating wall has not was capable of sustaining the plasma for been established conclusively, there is the long periods required for hot wire clearly an alteration of the quasi-random or pitot probe surveys. Initial efforts turbulence production process leading to focused on flexible polyimide films the observed reduced turbulence (Kapton, Pyralux, etc). Copper intensities and drag. With this electrodes were bonded to the surfaces in background, it was conjectured that a two layer design using conventional oscillating the flow using the plasma- electronic flex circuits fabrication induced body force could also have an methods. While this technology works, impact on the drag. While the details of it was not optimized for use in this a impulsive body-forced flow differ plasma study and frequent burn-throughs significantly from the smooth of the dielectric between adjacent mechanical wall oscillations, if the basic electrodes at inopportune times during goal is to disrupt the turbulence, the testing led to use of a different design. plasma may be effective as well. The initial rigid plasma models 1'2studied at NASA Langley were very robust and As a starting point, bench studies were were adopted for these studies. Figure 1 initiated on small (<100 cm 2) plasma shows the plan views of the models P1 panels. A simple interlocking electrode and P2. The electrodes were arranged in array pattern was selected that enabled triads consisting on one top surface the plasma to be oscillated from side to electrode flanked by two bottom surface side at variable frequency. The goal was electrodes. The only difference between to document the interaction between P1 and P2 is the number of electrode oscillating plasma and the surrounding triads. The upper electrode was 0.1 mm air and to use this information to help thick pressure-sensitive aluminum tape design a full scale model for wind with an electrically conductive silicone tunnel testing. Numerous laboratory adhesive. The rigid dielectric substrate difficulties related to the models and was 0.75 mm thick type G4 epoxy- instrumentation slowed progress and the woven glass printed circuit board. The study at this time is still at the bench models were hand-built with the testing stage. The main problems electrodes registered from top to bottom American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA2003-1023 visuallyforanominalzeroelectrode variable frequency power supplies rated overlapasshown.Thealuminumtape at lkVA each (one per channel). The wasbondedtothesurfacebydragginga transformers were custom-built 25:1 smooth,blunttoolalongthetapewhile turns ratio with a center-tapped pressingdownalongthesurfaceto secondary. They were rated at lkVA ensureasecurebond.A 1.2mmthick each. ( The power supplies were rated pieceoffloatglasswasbondedtothe for larger wind tunnel models, not for bottomsurfacewithaslow-cure,low the small bench test models shown in vaporpressureepoxyadhesivedesigned Figure 1). Each channel was capable of foruseinvacuumsystemsT. heglass providing in excess of 10kV rms, more providedasmoothmountingsurfacefor than adequate for the present study run themodeland suppressetdhebottom at typically 3 kV rms. surfaceplasma.Thebottomelectrodes wereencapsulatedintheepoxybetween The object was to create a oscillating theG4dielectricandglassbackingplate. plasma on the upper surface. In Figure 2, Smallvoidswerevisiblethroughthe the driving voltages are V1-Vs and V2- glassintheepoxybetweenadjacent V3. The trigonometric difference electrodesbutnomodelfailureswere relations for the two voltages assuming experiencedwiththisconstruction for simplicity unity amplitudes are: technique.Additionalpiecesof aluminumtape(notshown)wereaffixed 1/1- V3= sin(%t) - sin(a)_t) tothenumberededgeterminalsfor : 2cos[½(% + ro_)t]sin[½(co 2-,o,),] l(a) attachmenot fthehighvoltageexcitation clip leads. V_- V3= sin(%t) - (-sin(_olt) Themodelsweretypicallyrunatan = 2sin[½(¢o 2+o91),]cos[½(%-co,)t] l(b) excitationfrequencyof3kHz.Higher frequenciestomorefrequentfailures. Equations 1(a) and l(b) are the driving At 6kHz, modelswouldfailroutinely voltages for the plasma. Each is seen to afteronlyshortperiodsofoperationsA. t consist of a high frequency component 10kHz,onlyintermittentoperations(<1 (one half of the sum of the input minute)couldbesustainedduetomodel frequencies) modulated by a low ignition. Non-plasticdielectricsare frequency component ( one half of the morerobustbutnotwithoutproblems. difference of the input frequencies). The Onemodelusedthinfloatglass( a two signals are in quadrature or 90 biologicalspecimenslide) andfailedby degrees out of phase. This quadrature amicroscopicbum-through,presumably excitation provides the required input to atanimperfectionsiteintheglassafter drive the plasma from side to side on the sustaineduseat3kVrmsand3kHz. top surface electrodes in Figure 1. Figure 3 shows actual data for one of the A simplifiedschematicof the plasma cases tested in this study, ol=3000Hz power supply is shown in Figure 2. The and eo2=3010. It shows the 90 degree input for each channel was provided by a phase difference required to produce the precision, synthesized sine wave oscillatory effect, in this case, at 10 Hz. generator. The high voltage amplifiers Since the plasma initiates when the (not shown) were commercial AC voltage difference between the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA2003-1023 electrodesexceedsaparticular limited the scientific output of these breakdownlevel, the plasma forms experiments but provided adequate twice per frequency cycle (i.e. once per information on which to base single envelope or beat of the modulated assessments of the flow control method. waveforms). Reference 20 describes the physics of the initiation and A simplified schematic of the extinguishing of the plasma. anemometer circuit is shown in Figure 5. The unit was battery operated and totally Test Apparatus and Diagnostics self-contained. It was situated in the test The bench tests were conducted in a enclosure along with the hot wire and clear acrylic plastic enclosure as shown connecting cable. The anemometer in Figure 4. The box dimensions were output was optically transmitted to the 37cm wide by 43cm long by 26cm high. data acquisition system by a custom- The model was mounted vertically on an built optical isolator. The isolator acrylic plastic support stand. A three consisted of an LED modulated by the axis (X,Y,Z) commercial stepper-motor anemometer output through transistor probe-survey mechanism was situated Q1, a 150mm non-conducting opaque outside of the enclosure with the pitot or tube crossing the test enclosure hot wire probe attached to the end of a boundary and a optical receiver non-conducting probe arm. The (phototransistor) at the other end of the accuracy of the probe placement tube. The optical isolator had a very including survey mechanism accuracy, linear transfer function but since the alignment and initial position uncertainty anemometer system (probe, electronics, is estimated to be 0.1mm or better. An isolator, data acquisitions opening in the enclosure allowed for the filter/amplifier) was calibrated as a range of probe motion required for the whole, characteristics of individual items flow mapping surveys. Safety protocol are not called out. For most test cases, required that the only conductors the anemometer was electrically isolated crossing the enclosure boundary were (i.e., floating) with respect to the high the high voltage excitation leads from voltage power supply or the earth the power supply. All other objects or ground. This ensured that only the signals crossing the boundary were differential anemometer output was either non-conducting or optically recorded regardless of any isolated. electromagnetic pickup (common mode voltage) of the anemometer system as a A hot wire anemometer and a miniature whole. Unsuccessful attempts were pitot probe were used to measure the made to operate the anemometer in other plasma induced flow. The hot wire than a fully isolated condition and are anemometer was a simple, bread- discussed in the Results - Hot-Wire and boarded, uncompensated constant Pitot Probe Issues section. current unit. The choice of this over more capable units was based on fear of The hot wire probe consisted of a single damage to the unit while probing in or 5 micron platinum-plated tungsten wire, near the high voltage plasma, a fear that approximately 1.5mm long. The in retrospect turned out to be unfounded. anemometer circuit was designed to run The lack of frequency compensation the probe at a fixed nominal resistance 4 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA2003-1023 oroverheatratioof 1.5.Theprobewas wall effects and possible plasma effects calibratedinasmall,compressedair making the absolute accuracy difficult to openjet adjacenttothetestenclosure predict. As in the case of the hot wire usingthesameprobecableasforthe data, any quantitative data for the pitot plasmameasurementsT.hemaximum tube should be used judiciously. calibrationvelocitywasabout2.5m/sec. Theno-flowoutputvoltagewasoffsetto The plasma was photographed to obtain nominallyzeroandlowpassfiltered instantaneous and phase averaged photos appropriatetothetest(typically 10Hz of its structure. An intensified charge- forDCmeasurementasnd0.1-3kHzfor coupled-device (ICCD) camera (Cooke dynamicdata).Calibrationdatawasfit Corp. DiCam Pro SVGA) was used with toafourthorderpolynomialfor a long distance microscope lens. The convertingrawdatatovelocity. camera's image intensifier used a $20 photocathode and a P43 phosphor Theanemometewr asnottemperature screen. The ICCD camera was triggered compensatedwhichcausedadrift bias by a delay timer circuit. The circuit errorastheprobewasmovedfromthe received an input pulse from one of the calibrationjet tothetestenclosureand plasma signal generator's sync output duringtheplasmaruns.Noprecise and delivered a variable width, variable attemptwasmadetoquantifyerror delay trigger pulse to the camera. The althoughobservingtheno-flow zero trigger pulse width determined the shiftssuggeststhata 15-20%absolute duration of the exposure. Since the errorislikely.Foragivenrun, however, voltage and current in the plasma are underconstantconditionsandusingthe approximately 90 degrees out of phase samecalibration,therelativemagnitudes (due to the transformer-coupled power shouldbemuchbetter.Thequantitative supply), the phase-average was based on anemometedratashould,therefore,be the current waveform. Figure 6 shows a usedjudiciously. Otherimportanthot typical trigger with respect to the plasma wireissuessuchasbehaviorinornear current. In this case, a 10 microsecond plasma,frequencycompensationw,ire ICCD capture occurs at the orientation,wall proximityeffectsand instantaneous anode and cathode of the useinastill airenvironmentare plasma. The basic camera output was discussedwith presentationoftheactual 1280x1024 pixels which was binned data. with a 2x2 factor to increase brightness. The combination of short exposure, a A pitotprobewasalsousedinone set of dim plasma and the microscopic lens mean flow measurements. It consisted of required that binning (accumulation of a 1 mm OD by 0.1 mm wall thickness neighboring pixels into one) be used to stainless steel tube. The probe end was obtain a visible image against the flattened to 1.35 mm wide by 0.57mm background noise even with the image high. Dynamic pitot pressure was intensifier. The ICCD camera referenced to the atmosphere and acquisition rate (frame rate) to the measured with a 10mmHg full scale computer memory was about 20 frames capacitive gage. The pressure accuracy per second. is 0.01%, however, the derived velocity accuracy depends on flow angularity, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA2003-1023 Theplasmaexcitationvoltageand improve display quality. Each image was currentsweremeasuredwith a20kV, processed with an un-sharp mask to 75kHz1000:1highvoltageprobeanda improve contrast and a median filter to 100kHzbandwidthcurrentmonitoring reduce noise. The trigger pulse was 10 toroidaltransformer.VoltagesVl, V2 microseconds in duration. The CCD andV3inFigure2weremeasuredwith sensor in the camera only acquired data thehighvoltageprobesanddriving while the trigger level was high. These voltagedifferencesV_-V3andV2-V3 photo's were obtained for one of the wereformedwith two analogop-amp flex-circuit Kapton models used early in differencecircuits. All dynamicdata the study. The electrode is copper in this wasacquiredwith a 1Ghzband-width case. The aluminum tape models digital oscilloscopeT. heparticular showed the same behavior. modelusedhadenhancedresolutionand peakdetectionmodesthatprovedvery The image on the left was taken when usefulintheseexperimentsT. he the top electrode was the instantaneous enhancedresolutionusesrealtime anode corresponding the positive averagingtoincreasevoltageresolution current half-cycle and the photo on the andreducenoise.Thepeakdetection right for the negative half-cycle or modecombinesdatafromseveraltime cathode. Looking ahead at Figure sweepstocaptureshortdurationvoltage 13(b), the total duration of the plasma spikesthatmayotherwisenotbe for either the anode or cathode is about recorded.Thiswasparticularlyusefulin 150-160 _sec out of the total cycle capturingplasmacurrentwaveforms. period of 333 _tsec. For the remaining cycle time, no plasma light is observed. This shows that there are clearly two RESULTS distinct plasma "pulses" per excitation ICCD images cycle, one for the instantaneous anode Figure 6 shows phase-averaged images and one for the instantaneous cathode. on the plasma along an electrode edge under steady state excitation. The There are two primary and significant camera's image acquisition input trigger features evident in the Figure 6 images. is shown with respect to the plasma First, the plasma distribution along the current waveform above each electrode edge is very non-uniform. This photograph. The shape of the current is presumably due to local irregularities waveform and the location of the plasma or asperities along the electrode's edge. breakdown varies with model size and An attempt was made to polish the design (electrical load). The current electrode edge on a different, hand-built waveform was acquired in enhanced aluminum-tape-electrode model. While resolution mode on the oscilloscope the uniformity can be increased which suppresses the high amplitude somewhat, there appear to be limited noise due to the plasma breakdown. The gains with this approach. The second camera is focussed on a plan view of noteworthy feature is the fundamentally the electrode and the top surface different structure of the anode and electrode edge is horizontal along the cathode images. Whereas the anode bottom portion of each image. The image resemble discrete "fountains", the digital images have been enhanced to cathode image shows clear structure in 6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA 2003-1023 closed loops and bridging across peaks data for a configuration similar to the of the plasma structures. In both images, current models_, the angle can be as high the location of the structures was very as 45 degrees away from the top repeatable. On an instantaneous basis, electrode. If the pitot probe is aligned within any single 10 microsecond trigger with the surface, the velocity error can duration, only 1 or 2 flashes of light be significant. occur which accumulate with averaging into the images shown. It is clear, The absence of a free stream flow makes therefore, that the plasma is both the hot wire subject to free convection spatially and temporally non-uniform. effects at low velocities. The vertical The extent to which this non-uniformity orientation of the hot wire causes a affects the induced body force, flow thermal convection plume to develop uniformity and device efficiency is not enveloping the wire. This plume adds to known. Additional ICCD phase the usual heat conduction wall averaged images are presented with the interference effect for data obtained very pitot probe data regarding plasma close to the wall. As the probe formation on the pitot probe itself. approaches the wall in still air, the plume around the wire becomes restricted and distorted decreasing cooling of the wire. Hot-Wire and Pitot Probe Issues This leads to an increase in wire Two dimensional hot-wire surveys were temperature and resistance which shows conducted for models P1and P2 with up as a velocity error. Figure 7 shows both steady-state and oscillating that the error increases rapidly below plasmas. Before presenting this data about Y=0.3mm. This is a worst case however, a number of issues with both since in practice, some velocity exists the hot-wire and pitot tube must first be near the wall which reduces the error. discussed. First, the plasma tests were The conclusion is that care must be conducted in a still air environment exercised in interpreting data very close within the test enclosure. The absence of to the wall to see if it can be explained an imposed free stream velocity causes by a wall proximity effect. interpretation difficulties with both instruments aside from any additional Another issue with the hot wire is the considerations due to the plasma. The use of an uncompensated anemometer. electrodes on both models are oriented There was no technical reason not to vertically and the surveys were compensate the wire. As mentioned conducted in the X-Y plane (see Figure earlier, the issue was one of uncertainty 1). The single element hot wire was over possible electrical damage to the therefore also oriented vertically. Since circuit in the high voltage environment. there was no free stream flow, the hot Using a simple and inexpensive wire responds mainly to the magnitude anemometer to start with, confidence of the local 2D velocity vector, was built that with normal care, the (U2+V2)**0.5, and not the flow anemometer was not in any danger of direction. The pitot tube on the other damage due to any high voltage hand will be in error to the extent that phenomena. In fact, the anemometer the flow is not aligned with the tube proved to be trouble free after weeks of axis. As seen in the PIV measurement daily operation which included one 7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIAA2003-1023 episodeinwhichtheprobewas the probe was tied to the excitation inadvertentlygroundedwhile voltage in (b). While the filamentary approachingahighvoltageelectrode. discharge is eliminated (since the Thehotwireprongswereinstantly electrode and probe are now at the same destroyedbutthedirectlyconnected potential) a glow discharge plasma electronicanemometecrircuitsurvived forms between the probe and the bottom unharmedT. hefrequencyresponseissue electrode through the dielectric panel. duetothelackof compensationis Notice the distinctive anode and cathode discussedfurtherwithregardtothe structure for each triggering condition. oscillatingplasmaresults. For this condition (b), the measured pitot pressure was approximately zero. The Inordertoobtaineitherhotwireor pitot reason is that the pitot probe and top data in close proximity to the plasma, the electrode generate flow in opposite problem of a glow discharge forming on directions. the probe itself was an issue. Since the glow is associated with generation of a For conditions (c) and (d), the voltage on body force and acceleration of the air, the top and bottom electrodes were evidence of glow on the probe indicates reversed. The condition where the top probable error in the data. In the case of electrode was at the excitation voltage the pitot probe, the actual dynamic and the probe grounded or visa-versa pressure at the probe tip can be reduced was not possible since there would be no by a plasma-induced flow emanating intervening dielectric to prevent arcing. from the probe itself. This was The image for condition (d), cathode discovered while testing methods to trigger, is missing but would be similar move the pitot probe closer to the top to (c), cathode trigger, directly above it. electrode while avoiding a discharge due The images are reversed from (a) and (b) to high polarization of the metallic since the trigger was derived from the probe. signal generator for the top electrode. Figure 8 shows phase averaged ICCD Steady-State Plasma - Mean Flow images (previously introduced for Figure Given the issues raised above with 6) of the pitot probe close to the upper respect to hot wire and pitot electrode. Four conditions are shown measurements and the accuracy issue of each with anode and cathode triggering the hot wire due to temperature drift and (see discussion of Figure 6). In also the low speeds, Figure 9 shows a condition (a), the top electrode is at the comparison of the two techniques for a excitation voltage, the bottom electrode steady, plasma-induced mean flow. (on the other side of the model, see Note that the that the sizes of the survey Figure 1) is grounded (V=0) and the regions are different for the hot wire and pitot probe is electrically isolated. No pitot data. The pitot region is a subset of glow on the probe is observed. If the the hot wire region. The aspect ratio of probe is moved closer to the electrode, a the contour maps is 1:1. filamentary discharge (distinctly different from the glow discharge The plots have some evident differences plasma) forms between the probe and the in the color mappings but largely show electrode. To eliminate this discharge, the same general structure. The hot wire 8 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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