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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20030000829: Mars Smart Lander Parachute Simulation Model PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20030000829: Mars Smart Lander Parachute Simulation Model

AIAA 2002-4617 Mars Smart Lander Parachute Simulation Model Eric M. Queen and Ben Raiszadeh NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23681 AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference & Exhibit August 5-8, 2002 Monterey, California For permission to copy or to republish, contact the copyright owner named on the first page. For AIAA-held copyright, write to AIAA Permissions Department, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA, 20191-4344. AIAA 2001-4617 MARS SMART LANDER PARACHUTE SIMULATION MODEL Eric M. Queen* and Ben Raiszadeh + NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA-23681. Abstract to the on-board guidance algorithm, which would mod- ify the target point to avoid the detected hazards. To A multi-body flight simulation for the Mars Smart Lan- accurately model this HDA capability requires an accu- der has been developed that includes six degree-of- rate end-to-end simulation of the entire entry, descent freedom rigid-body models for both the supersonically- and landing (EDL) sequence. Flight simulation of deployed and subsonically-deployed parachutes. This spacecraft with parachutes is mathematically compli- simulation is designed to be incorporated into a larger cated and not easily characterized with traditional ap- simulation of the entire entry, descent and landing proaches. It involves multiple bodies, some of which (EDL) sequence. The complete end-to-end simulation are very flexible, flying in close proximity with signifi- cant interaction effects. In previous Mars Lander mis- will provide attitude history predictions of all bodies throughout the flight as well as loads on each of the sions, a separate simulation was developed for the para- connecting lines. Other issues such as recontact with chute portion of flight, independent of the other por- tions of the EDL, because the dynamics are so different jettisoned elements (heat shield, back shield, parachute mortar covers, etc.), design of parachute and attachment from the rest of the entry. This was the approach fol- points, and desirable line properties can also be ad- dressed readily using this simulation. Introduction chute cg A multi-body flight simulation for the Mars Smart Lander has been developed that includes high fidelity models for both the supersonically-deployed and subsonically-deployed parachutes. While parachute ,,,, t ; , r!; models are necessary for simulation of all Mars ,_,,, Landers, the Mars Smart Lander will have a capability, "i',' , ' ' namely active, autonomous, on-board Hazard Detection i and Avoidance (HDA) that makes the inclusion of these models even more imperative. None of the Mars ,//i Landers to date have had an active on-board HDA sys- /'j 31.321 tem. This HDA function for these earlier landers has 'i',',,'t been served by a combination of restricting the landing ,i,'f to "safe" sites as judged by the Mars Project Office and by "robust" lander design. Restriction of landing site places limitations on the scientific objectives that can be achieved, while robust lander design commits a large amount of mass to components which provide no added y value to the mission. The Mars Smart Lander will in- clude an active HDA designed to insure a safe touch- I down even in hazardous terrain, thus allowing safe verticalriser chute attach point 'r landings in areas that would be considered too danger- upper bridles swivel ous for missions to date. The hazards to be avoided 1.23 1.832 lander cg include rocks, craters, and large sloping terrain. The HDA system is currently envisioned to be composed of Figure 1: Mars Smart Lander entry configura- lidar and radar elements that map the local terrain and determine the location of safe landing zones. The in- lowed for Mars Pathfinder and Mars Polar Lander. The formation gathered from the sensors would be provided Mars Pathfinder and Mars Polar Lander parachute simulationwseredoneinADAMS[1].ADAMSisa POST [4]. POST was originally developed for the commercial-off-the-sphroeglframthatisusedtosimu- Space Shuttle program to optimize ascent and entry latethemotionosfmultiplerigidbodiesA.DAMSwas trajectories. Over the years it has been upgraded and tailoredforparachusteimulatiofnorMarsPathfinder, improved to include many new capabilities. POST II andusedbytheMarsPolaLrandeprrojectH.owever, relies on most of the technical elements established by thisexclusivueseofADAMSformodelintghespace- POST, but the executive structure has been reworked to craftwhileontheparachutiessnotdesirabfleorthe take advantage of today's faster computers. The new MarsSmarLtandera,stheresultfsromtheHDAsys- executive routines allow POST II to simulate multiple teminteracwtsiththeguidancceommandTsh.usitwas bodies simultaneously, and to mix three degree of free- decidetdodeveloapnEnd-to-EnMdarsSmarLtander dom (3DOF) bodies with six degree of freedom (6DOF) simulatiotnhatincludepdarachudteynamics. bodies in a single simulation. The multiple body capa- bility allows POST II to simulate parachutes. This is Thegoaol fthisworkistodeveloapmultibodsyimula- done as follows. The lines connecting the spacecraft tionofflightundearparachuttheatcaneasilybeincor- and the parachutes are modeled as massless spring- porateidntoalargesrimulatioonftheentireentryd,e- dampers. The springs can be attached at any point on scenatndlanding(EDL)sequencInet.hisworkthe the body. No moments are applied except those due to parachuitsetreateadsrigidbodyw, iththeinteraction force application away from the center of mass. Each forcesbetweetnheparachuatendotherrigidbodies line connects an attachment point on one body to an includedA.similatrreatmewntasusedtosimulatVei- attachment point on another body and provides aten- kingdrop-tefslitghts[2,3].Thiswillprovidethecapa- sion-only force. When the lines are stretched, tension in bilitytocreateanend-to-ensidmulatiofnromthelast the lines is determined as a function of strain and strain trajectorcyorrectiomnaneuvbeerforeatmospheerinc- rate. The spring force may be linearly proportional to trydowntotouchdowTnh.issimulatiownillprovide strain and the damping force is proportional to the theattitudehistorypredictionosfallbodietshroughout strain rate or may be a more complicated nonlinear rela- theflight,whichisrequiretdomodetlheperformance tionship. In the nonlinear technique, the line forces are oftheHDAsubsysteOmt.heirssuessuchasrecontact not linearly proportional to the strain and the strain rate. withjettisoneedlemen(thseasthieldb,ackshieldp,ara- The spring stiffness and damping coefficients are pro- chutemortacroverse,tc.)d,esignofparachuatendat- vided by the user as functions of strain and strain rate. tachmepnotintsa,nddesirabllienepropertiecsanalso In this nonlinear model, the coefficients tend to be beaddressreedadilyusingthissimulation. smaller at lower strains. Each of the spring-damper lines has an unstretched length and if the separation distance between the two attach-points is less than the Mission Description unstretched length, the line tension is zero. The 2009 Smart Lander mission to Mars described in For the results shown in this report, damping and stiff- this report performs a direct entry at Mars. The vehicle ness were both assumed to be linear. For the vertical slows itself through atmospheric drag until about Mach risers, both subsonic and supersonic, the stiffness used 2.2, at which point a supersonic parachute similar to was 60000 N/m while for the bridle lines the stiffness that used for Viking and Pathfinder is deployed. The was 47000 N/m. The damping in the vertical risers was geometry of the lander with asupersonic parachute 600 N/m/sec, while the damping in the bridles was 470 deployed is shown in figure 1.When the vehicle is fur- N/m/sec. ther slowed to Mach 0.8, a subsonic parachute is opened. At the time the subsonic parachute is opened, In order to accurately target a selected site and to insure the supersonic parachute isjettisoned, taking the vehi- that the parachute is deployed within its structural lim- cle backshell with it. After the subsonic parachute is its, onboard guidance and control systems are used. fully deployed, the lander heatshield isjettisoned. The These guidance and control systems were modeled in lander descends until its altitude is between 800 and the simulation. The guidance system used isone based 500 meters. At an altitude determined by the onboard on a calculus of variations approach and is similar to guidance, the lander separates from the subsonic para- the Apollo Earth-Return Terminal guidance. The guid- chute and descends to the surface under power of its ance algorithm is described in detail in [5]. The control main descent engines. system used is a phase-plane controller with each of the three axes controlled independently. The phase-plane Approach controller is described in [6]. The underlying simulation used for the Mars Smart Lander is the Program to Optimize Simulated Trajecto- Model Validation ries II(POST II). POST IIis the latest major upgrade to 2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics InordetrovalidattehemultibodcyapabilitoyfPOSTII withinteractinfgorcesa,serieosfmorethan35testsof Smart Lander Entry Parachute Phase increasincgomplexitwyereperformeTdh.esetests ++-: wereintendetdoprovethatthePOSTII modeisl im- plementecdorrectlbyyevaluatinitgsperformanocne ,0.........E...........i.............:............i.............i................ problemthsatcouldbeverifiedbyothermeanTs.he tesctasesstartewdithasimpleverticadlropfromrest "¢+...... ;_i ....... ...... " i.... ofthefullydeployepdarachuatendentrybodyand •_ f : : gradualilnycreaseindcomplexittoyincludeparachute 7 .......... t"I........... :............. :............ ?............ _............. openingn,on-zerinoitialconditionlsin,edeployment < +..... ii.......... i...... i.... andotheerffectsT.hePOSTII modewlascomparetod bothMATLAB-basaenddADAMS-basmedulti- 4 4 degree-of-freedsoimmulationIns.eachcasetheagree- 3 - __ i.... i .... Lar_derandsubsonic Parachute I ' i i /..... Backsh ........ p.... icP...... menbtetweetnhesimulationwsasexcellenTt.hesteests 21 i i _ I I - 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 havevalidatetdhegeneraplarachumteodewl ithin Relative Velocity (m/s) POSTII.Someofthevalidatiownorkisreportemdore fullyin[7] Figure 3: Mars Smart Lander entry trajectory (Detail) Results After completion of the validation phase, the specific shows a detail of the final part of the altitude velocity parachute configuration of the Mars Smart Lander has curve. The subsonic parachute is deployed at Mach 0.8 been incorporated into the simulation. This case begins (about 200 m/s) and the backshell and supersonic para- 60 seconds prior to atmospheric entry. Atmospheric chute separate from the lander and subsonic parachute. entry is assumed to occur ataradius of 3522.2 kin. The The backshell impacts the ground at about 40 m/s. The initial velocity is 5.65 km/s and the initial flight path current simulation ends when the lander reaches 500 m angle is -15.73 degrees, leading to anentry flight path AGL (3000m above the reference ellipsoid), as that is of-12.13 degrees. When the vehicle is slowed to Mach the lowest altitude at which the guidance algorithm will 2.2 (approximately 480 m/s), the parachute isejected command separation from the subsonic parachute. Fig- from the back of the spacecraft by a mortar with a ve- ure 4 shows the line tension for 4 of the connecting locity relative to the spacecraft of 36.576 m/s. The lines as a function of time. The supersonic parachute parachute is held by a bag (assumed massless) until the deploys about 388 seconds after atmospheric entry Smart ander Entry Parachute Phase 250r1 _ 1 r Smart Lander Entry Parachute Phase -- Enl_/Veh+cle i ....Landerandsubsonic Parachule : ,i ....Supersonic Ver_caJ Ftiser .....BBaa_m.3kskhsheellllaanddssupeprsarn$cPacraPcahrualceh le 120 L ! ....Subs1onic VetcaIlFfiser [ -- Supersonic Bridle oo.........|.i...........i............:.i.t-- +o.h....Bod,. Li .,' z 8o ....l.i..........i........1.._...i...........i..._.........!...i...i............. .............................................................................,=£._.+..o..........1:.._1..1....\.....i_........I..A.._i..........!i..........i...................... a_ :i \ i 40 ........ ' ""-_ ....... ".................... _........... !............ ............................................ "_ i 'X i i i : ".. :, i i 2o ................. '!"_.................. _...........!.......... , i i __ 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Relative Velocity (m/s) 3BO 390 400 410 420 430 440 "lqme (sod) Figure 2: Mars Smart Lander entry trajec- tory Figure 4: Mars Smart Lander entry Parachute line Loads lines connecting the parachute to the vehicle become taut, at which point, the bag is discarded and the para- while the subsonic parachute deploys about 409 sec- chute begins to inflate. It is assumed that the inflation onds after entry. In each case the bridle loads are about profile isa function of time only. Figure 2 shows the 1/3 of the vertical riser loads, since there are three bri- entry altitude as a function of velocity and figure 3 3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics The angle of attack of the entry vehicle and later the backshell is shown in figure 6. During the entry portion Smart Lander Entry Parachute Phase of flight before the parachute is deployed, the angle of 12o_ ! ! ! I g,o4................................i................i...............}.............. Smart Lander Entry Parachute Phase "_15r i ® I i _ ol !Illl_ll_ .... ...........i..........i.................... _2o}-.........................._....... .... Supersonic VerliCaJRiser -- Supersonic ParachuleOrag 0I -10 ...................... !..................... 387 3B75 3B8 3885 3E_ 3895 3£0 3905 391 _-,_L..-.....i...........i...........:............. Time (sed) 0 1O0 200 300 400 500 600 700 Figure 5: Parachute line Loads compared to Time (s_) Drag force Figure 7: Supersonic Parachute Angle of Attack die lines in parallel for each of the vertical risers. attack is constrained by the control system to remain Figure 5 isa detail from figure 4 showing the initial near its trim angle of attack of about -15 degrees. After loads on the supersonic parachute vertical riser line. the parachute is opened the aerodynamics of the vehi- Also shown is the drag on the supersonic parachute. cle-parachute combination is dominated by the para- The force on the vertical riser is the summation of the chute. The angle of attack of the entry body/backshell is parachute drag force and the inertial forces. In this fig- ure, the first peak (snatch load) is due primarily to iner- tial forces, as the ejected parachute reaches the end of Smart Lander Entry Parachute Phase _12 i _1o ................................................................... !....... SmartLander Entry Parachute Phase ,6 : __,o.. ! .....i ....[.. _ 6 .............................................. _ 5........i..........._..........i............. _ 4 ........................................... b "5 o.......................... fl- 0 ._..5 ....... i -2.L...._...._ t............ ;............ _................ _........ ,.......... _,-io_-........!..........i............!............ o_-4 i , • _oo 100 200 300 400 500 6_0- o -15 Time (see) LL1-20 t • i i 100 200 300 400 500 600700 Figure 8: Subsonic Parachute Angle of At- ]]rne (sec) tack Figure 6: Entry Vehicle/Backshell Angle of Attack determined by the dynamics of the parachute-lander system. Figures 7and 8shows the angle of attack for the two parachutes. The supersonic parachute is seen to its line and rebounds, while the second, larger, peak is oscillate with an amplitude of about five degrees while due primarily to drag on the parachute (opening load). the subsonic parachute quickly settles to a constant an- After the second peak, the drag force reduces as the gle of attack. The oscillation of the supersonic para- vehicle slows and the dynamic pressure drops off. chute may be due to the smaller load itcarries. After about 409 seconds the supersonic parachute only sup- 4 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics portsthebackshell. ThedistancbeetweetnheLandearnd the Backshell is References Smart Lander Entry Parachute Phase Kenneth S. Smith, Chia-Yen Peng, Ali Behboud, Multibody Dynamic Simulation of Mars Pathfinder _2°°I ii ii Entry, Descent and Landing, JPL D-13298, April '°°°I......... ...... i i..... 1995. ® eooL................i....................i..................._.. ............ Theodore A.Talay, Parachute-Deployment- . Parameter Identification Based on an Analytical _ i i i Simulation of Viking BLDT AV-4, NASA TN D- oot. ............:............................,..A..ug..ust..19.74.. . Renjith R. Kumar, Juan R. Cruz, Mars Airplane 0tl J Package (MAP), Parachute and Aeroshell Multi- 400 450 500 550 600 "13me(sec) body Dynamics Simulation: Comparison with Vi- king BLDT AV-4 Test Results and Sensitivi_ Figure 9: Separation distance between Lan- Analysis, Document 0804-04-01 A, May 2000. der and Backshell 4. Program to Optimize Simulated Trajectories: Vol- ume IL Utilization Manual, prepared by: R.W. ;hown in figure 9. This shows that the two bodies sepa- rate, move toward each other and separate again more Powell, S.A. Striepe, P.N. Desai, P.V. Tartabini, permanently. In this case recontact between the pieces E.M. Queen; NASA Langley Research Center, and was not an issue, but a more detailed analysis is rec- by: G.L. Brauer, D.E. Cornick, D.W. Olson, F.M. ommended to address all recontact issues. Petersen, R. Stevenson, M.C. Engel, S.M. Marsh; Lockheed Martin Corporation. Version 1.1.1.G, Conclusions May 2000. G. Carman, D. Ives, and D. Geller, Apollo-Derived , A multiple rigid-body parachute simulation Mars Precision Lander Guidance, AIAA 98-4570, model for the Mars Smart Lander entry phase has been AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, developed. The model includes dynamics caused by interacting lines in a way that is easily incorporated into August 10-12, 1998, Boston, Ma. an end-to-end simulation of the entry phase. The model has been used to examine a nominal trajectory from 6. P. Calhoun and E. Queen, An Entry Vehicle Con- entry until the lander drops from the subsonic para- trol System Design for the Mars Smart Lander, chute. The loads on each of the lines connecting the AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, various bodies were calculated and found to be less August 5-8, 2002, AIAA 2002-4504 than 120 kN for each line. It was seen that the line loads closely followed the parachute drag force, as expected. 7. B. Raiszadeh, and E. Queen, Partial Validation of The main difference between the line load and the para- Multibody Parachute model in POST I1, NASA chute drag was due to inertial loads as the parachute TM-2002-211634 was deployed. The attitude of each body was computed and seen to be reasonable for this vehicle. Finally, the . E. G. Ewing, H. W. Bixby, T W. Knacke, Recovery' separation distance between the lander and backshell Systems Design Guide, AFFDL-TR-78-151, De- was computed and it was determined that, for this case, cember 1978. recontact was not an issue, but further analysis is needed. 5 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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