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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20020084995: Benefits of Nuclear Electric Propulsion for Outer Planet Exploration

AIAA-2002-3548 Benefits of Nuclear Electric Propulsion for Outer Planet Exploration Gordon Woodcock, Larry Kos, Les Johnson, Jonathan Jones, Ann Trausch, and Bill Eberle ABSTRACT Nuclear electric propulsion (NEP) offers significant benefits to missions for outer planet exploration. Reaching outer planet destinations, especially beyond Jupiter, is a struggle against time and distance. For relatively near missions, such as a Europa lander, conventional chemical propulsion and NEP offer similar performance and capabilities. For challenging missions such as a Pluto orbiter, neither chemical nor solar electric propulsion are capable while NEP offers acceptable performance. Three missions are compared in this paper: Europa lander, Pluto orbiter, and Titan sample return, illustrating how performance of conventional and advanced propulsion systems vary with increasing difficulty. The paper presents parametric trajectory performance data for NEP. Preliminary mass/performance estimates are provided for a Europa lander and a Titan sample return system, to derive net payloads for NEP. The NEP system delivers payloads and ascent/descent spacecraft to orbit around the target body, and for sample return, delivers the sample carrier system from Titan orbit to an Earth transfer trajectory. A representative scientific payload 500 kg was assumed, typical for a robotic mission. The resulting NEP systems are 100-kWe class, with specific impulse from 6000 to 9000 seconds. Mission Characteristics and Challenges There is scientific interest in reaching Pluto by the year 2020. Pluto's orbit is significantly elliptical, and Pluto Europa Lander is now moving farther from the Sun. Its rather tenuous atmosphere is expected to freeze out sometime after The Europa lander mission profile calls for transfer to 2020. Scientific observations before that occurrence Europa orbit (via Jupiter) followed by lander are desired. A Pluto orbiter would be a far more propulsive descent and landing. An orbiter may remain scientifically productive mission than a flyby. The in orbit as a data relay. Europa has no atmosphere, so flyby encounter velocity at Pluto is about 50,000 km aerocapture is not possible. For chemical and SEP per hour, so observations at close range will be quite missions, the vehicle captures into a highly elliptic brief. An orbiter could return data for years, and could Jupiter orbit, followed by Jupiter moon gravity assists get close-ups of both Pluto and its moon Charon. to reduce the orbit energy to an elliptic orbit between Ganymede or Callisto and Europa distance from Titan Sample Return Jupiter. Continued gravity assist in conjunction with propulsion can bring the orbit to near Europa's orbit. Samples from Titan's surface are scientifically The vehicle then approaches Europa and propulsively important because of the presumed pre-biotic state of captures. The NEP can directly capture into Jupiter organic matter. Titan (Saturn's largest moon) presents orbit, followed by propulsive spiral down to Europa a unique mission challenge because of its deep and altitude and capture into Europa orbit. The time dense atmosphere. The estimated surface density is required is less than half that required for the gravity about 5kg/m 3,4 times the nominal density at Earth's assists. surface. The surface is gloomy (solar input 1% of Earth, some haze) and cold, about 80K. Titan's low The science payload may be quite modest for an initial gravity results ina gradual decrease inatmosphere lander, to probe surface conditions and return data. density with altitude. Consequently, the orbit altitude The primary mission objective isto confirm existence for a sample return orbiter will be between 1400 and of an ocean beneath the surface ice. Much more 2000 km. ambitious missions have also been discussed, including delivery of a large "aquanaut" probe which could melt The Titan sample return mission requires landing and its way down through Europa's ice to the presumed ascent vehicles inaddition to in-space propulsion. ice-covered ocean and explore in the ocean to determine whether life could, or does, exist there. Landing on Titan by aero-descent benefits from Titan's dense and deep atmosphere. Sample return would require the ascent system to perform rendezvous in Pluto Orbiter Titan orbit and transfer the surface sample(s) to a return vehicle, which would return the samples to A Pluto flyby mission has been in and out of U.S. Earth. The return vehicle could use aerocapture or scientific space planning in recent years. Pluto is the direct entry and landing at Earth. only solar system planet never visited by aspacecraft. Payoff of Advanced Propulsion fraction less than 0.04%, or 4 to 8 kg. Such asmall payload is actually zero. The chemical system can't do Future missions need delta Vs (AVs) from 20 to 60 the mission. km/s t2.3iin order to attain orbits around Neptune and Pluto, to rendezvous with Kuiper Belt objects, to return Payload & Performance Requirements samples from planets, comets, asteroids and Kuiper Belt objects, and to reach orbits suitable for Europa Lander observations of the Sun and other objects of scientific interest. The source of these requirements is the need A conventional propulsion mission is described by to obtain "reasonable" trip times, as illustrated in JPLHI. The mission has a quite small landed science Figure 1. While modest energy trajectories to outer payload, about 15 kg, inthe interest of reducing cost. A triple Venus gravity assist is used, with total trip planets exist, the time required, even for aone-way time 8.5 years. Launch C3is 35 km2/sec 2,using an trip, becomes too great for practical scientific Atlas IIAS/Star 48. The spacecraft AV budget is investigations. Faster trajectories require greater AVs described inTable 1;comments are the authors'. The for launch as well as at arrival to cancel the high spacecraft total mass including radiation shielding and encounter velocity. contingency is 339 kg. Propellant load for the required AV, assuming storable propellants, is638 kg. To obtain AVs in the range of interest, and launch on existing/emerging launch vehicles, we need new Table 1: Europa Lander AV Budget technology able to deliver much higher jet velocity (Isp). Candidates are electric propulsion powered by solar or nuclear power, and two 'propellantless' Event AV, Comment m/s technologies, solar sails and aerobrakes i4,51. Includeslaunchcorrectionplus Cruise 200 trajectoryadjustmentsforVenus As we seek to enable difficult missions such as a Pluto encounters orbiter and sample returns from outer Solar System JOI & perijove 910 raise locations, it is well to remember that when we double Europa/ 310 Usesgravityassiststoreduceorbit mission AV we roughly square the payload mass CallistoTour altitudetoEuropa/Callisto fraction for chemical propulsion. For example, a Continuingtoreduceorbitby EuropaTour 350 Europa lander mission has a chemical AV requirement propulsionandEuropaencounters from low Earth orbit roughly 11km/s. The payload Europaorbit 2200 EuropaV_¢atsurface2025 m/s insert&landing fraction is predicted about 2%. With 10to 20 metric Marginfor 377 tons launched to low Earth orbit, we can land 200 to gravityloss 400 kg, a respectable science payload. A Pluto orbiter requires AV more than twice this, with a payload Trip Time vs Distance and C3 Encounter Velocities 35 20 17.5 (au) (au) 15 _, I0 • I0 ._2,5 v 20 v 20 r_30 _ 10 ^ 3o > • 40 40 50 7.5 4 50 5 2.5 120 140 160 180 200 220 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 Earth C3 Earth C3 I I I I I 7 8 9 10 I1 Delta VFrom I.EOkm/s Figure 2. Encounter velocity as a function Figure 1. Trip time as a function of earth of earth launch energy launch energy ASEPmissiownillrequiraellthesameAVse,xcept launch capability. NEP isthe only propulsion option thatthecruisephasweillbelessp,robabllyessthan50 that can reasonably perform a Pluto orbiter mission. m/s.TheSEPcannoptrovidperopulsivmeaneuveinrs Jupitevricinity.SEPcanh,oweveirn,creasthee Titan Sample Return payloatdoJupitefroragivenlauncchonditionA.t mosta,singleVenugsravityassiswtouldbeneeded, Ascent from Titan requires low acceleration and long andthetriptimecanbereducetodabouftouryears. burn time (-45 minutes) to climb out of the dense atmosphere without extreme drag losses. Solid NEPcanprovideallthemaneuveerxsceplatnding. propellants are out of the question; a liquid system TheNEPwillexecutaelow-thrutsrtansfetorJupiter, must be used. While the atmosphere is bad news for entearhighorbits,piradlowntoEuropao'srbite,nter ascent, it isgood news for aerocapture and aero anorbitabouEturopaa,ndspiradlowntothemission descent. A typical descent system with ballistic orbitaltitudeT.helandewrillseparaatendexecutthee coefficient 100 kg/m 2will have a terminal velocity less landinmg aneuveSr.incethelandinigsfromorbitt,he than 10m/s without a parachute (compare with Mars at AVallocatioins1450m/splus377m/sforgravityloss. almost 300 m/s). It can either use a chute and no Thepropellanlotadwouldbe283kgforthesame propulsion with shock-absorbing landing legs, or a spacecraAft.likelyoutcomweouldbetosignificantly small propulsion system with no chute. increastheesciencpeayloamdassandspacecrbaufts masss,inceNEPcanreadildyelive1r000to2000kgto Conventional launch to Saturn and Titan will require Europoarbit. multiple Venus gravity assists to make the mission feasible. The solar electric propulsion (SEP) vehicle uses a single Venus gravity assist. The NEP vehicle Pluto Orbiter flies a direct low-thrust trajectory to the Saturn vicinity and propulsively spirals down to the desired Titan A flyby mission can be conventionally launched. If orbit. Aerocapture is used at Titan for either launched in 2004, a Jupiter gravity assist is possible, conventional launch or solar electric propulsion offering reasonable payload with a Delta IV medium- transfer to Titan. For conventional and SEP launch, the class launch vehicle. The next Jupiter gravity assist lander makes a direct entry at Titan from the transfer opportunity is in 2006, and the geometry is almost trajectory, with entry speed 6to 8km/s. The NEP wrong, so the assist isminor. A Delta IV Heavy class delivers the lander to a low approach velocity, and the is required. If that launcher is used, adirect launch entry speed is about 2km/s. The parking orbit for the without Jupiter assist is possible by using a Star-48 return system (which is the NEP vehicle in that case), class solid rocket as a fourth stage. The Delta 1V as noted, is 1600 km altitude. The sample-carrier Heavy, however, will not be available until enough ascent vehicle returns to Titan orbit, where the return demand for its services exists to make the investment system performs rendezvous and the sample is pay off. Presently, when that will be is somewhat transferred tothe return system. For the conventional speculative. A Venus gravity assist flyby mission can and SEP cases, chemical propulsion trans-Earth also be launched with a smaller (and available) launch injection is required. The NEP vehicle performs this vehicle if solar electric propulsion (SEP) isused. maneuver on electric propulsion, which gives it a large overall mass advantage. In all cases, the sample is An orbiter mission is only practical with high- contained in an Earth entry vehicle, which performs performance propulsion at Pluto. For reasonable trip direct entry and landing at Earth. For the conventional times, as described below, the encounter velocity at and SEP cases, a spacecraft bus isrequired for the Pluto is about 12km/s. Pluto does not have enough return trip, to accommodate midcourse correction, atmosphere for aerocapture, and its gravity well isof communications, attitude control and spin-up low potential. Therefore, the entire encounter velocity requirements. These functions are performed by the must be removed propulsively. SEP does not work so NEP vehicle inthat case. Comparative mission far from the Sun, thus unless nuclear electric profiles are presented inTable 2. propulsion isavailable, one is lett with chemical propulsion (jet velocity about 4 km/s, optimistically). For this paper we used the Yelle nominal atmosphere 161 The practical mass ratio (total mass/payload mass) is to estimate lander and ascent performance, and the about 40 to 50. A reasonable mission spacecraft mass high-density atmosphere to select parking orbit altitude isabout 500 kg, leading to a trans-Pluto mass at 1600 km. Ifa multi-year mission in Titan orbit were requirement about 20,000 kg. Not since the Saturn V desired, a slightly higher parking orbit might be has the U.S. possessed such a launch capability. Nor chosen. Terminal velocity for a typical lander, without does any other nation presently possess such large a parachute, is about 10 m/s. We found ascent Table 1: Ascent Vehicle Charateristics trajectories need about 30 minutes' burn time at rather prooulsion low thrust, with a coast period. Thrust is low, and a SLthrust, N 1800 single-stage expander cycle pump-fed LOX-methane Vacthrust, N 2300 propulsion system should do the job. We estimate SL lsp,sec 270 Vac Isp,sec 343 1000 kg start mass for the _cent system. Pc, atm 60 Characteristics are summarized in Table 3. Masses inka Avionics 7 Table 2: Titan Sample Return Mission Profiles Power 10 Tanks 54 Profile_ Chemical & SEP/ BodyStructure 10 Aero- Aero/ NEP NoseCone 5 Parameter _L brakin 9 Chemical EPnregsinsuerant 95 Launch LV toC3 Feed System 20 vehicle (LV), LVto Ca= Trans-Titan ~15, + Dry Subtotal 121 Injection pVleunsus1to 3 Venus 0d,ireNcEtP Growth Allow., % 30% swingby swingbys Growth Allowance 36 Trip time, years 6.6 Residuals 15 Titan entry <2 InertTotal 172 velocity Propellant 750 Landing Direct entry Direct entry From orbit Payload 78 Aero- OrbiterCapture Aerocapture NEP Wet Vehicle Total 1000 capture Ascent Adv.Chem. Adv. Chem. Adv. Chem p_lmo Data Rendezvous Titan orbit Titan orbit Titan orbit Total Flow, kg/s 0.681 Trans-Earth inj. Adv. Chem. Adv. Chem. NEP LOx Flow, kg/s 0.495 Transfer time Methane Flow, kg/s 0.186 Earth landing Direct entry Direct entry Direct entry Speed, rpm 50,000 Methane Rotor Dia., m 0.085 Methane Power, kW 6.5 For the chemical and SEP missions, the lander and LOx Rotor Dia., m 0.075 return stage are delivered to Titan orbit by aerocapture. LOx Power, kW 4.75 Optionally, the lander may use a direct entry and landing. Estimated lander mass including aerobrake is Carllcm,.CaW 2700 kg. The return stage delivers a cruise bus and an Earth entry vehicle (EEV) to atrans-Earth ballistic trajectory. The EEV is adapted from a LaRC EEV concept for Mars Sample Return, illustrated in Figure 3. Together with the bus the estimated mass is about 300 kg. The return propulsion system also uses LOX- methane propulsion; the return AV is a little over 4 km/s and the initial mass in Titan orbit is about 1800 kg. With the aerocapture system, the total is coincidentally also about 2700 kg. These payloads \ exceed the Delta IV H capability for direct injection to PrimaryHeatShield a Saturn transfer C_ about 110 km2/sec 2. In the case of ZmpactSphere SEP, scaling from trajectory analyses for lesser Carbonfoamenergyabsorber foroff-nominalimpact payloads indicates required _ayload about 5600 kg to OrbWng Sample (OS) C3 between 5 and 6 km2/sec ", well within the Delta IV Hatssoilsample Heavy capability of over 7000 kg. NEP Performance Analysis Fig.3: Earth Entry Vehicle Concept (Courtesy NASA Langley Research Center) Performance Factors two points at fixed times. Therefore, optimization is Electric propulsion performance analysis involves required to select the best trajectory. The departure several important factors. Unlike ballistic trajectories. dates and the specific impulse must also be optimized. an infinite number of trajectories is possible between (Ifa fixed trip time is assigned, the departure date fixes the arrival date.) The result isan optimized trajectory This optimization was automated by one of the authors, and specific impulse for particular values of trip time, Jonathan Jones. The launch condition was selected as mass-to-power ratio (alpha), and power level. The (a) launch to 2500 km circular orbit (an orbit with optimum is defined as the maximum value of net extremely long lifetime) with I0,000 kg initial mass at payload arriving at the destination. The power level that orbit altitude, or (b) C3 = 0, Earth escape, with and alpha fix the mass of the propulsion system; the 7500 kg. Most of the analysis was done for the first of remainder is payload, which was variable inthe present these conditions. All of the NEP trajectories were study. direct from the launch condition to the target planet; gravity assists were not used. SEP trajectories came The mass-to-power ratio, alpha, isexpressed either as from earlier studies. mass per unit jet power or mass per unit electrical power. The difference is a multiplier, the efficiency of lsp optimization isrequired because low-thrust the power processing system and the thrusters for systems always exhibit an optimum. One definition of converting electrical energy into collimated kinetic a low-thrust system isthat the mass of equipment energy (which may be thought of as momentum flux, required to produce (even the low value of) thrust is i.e. thrust) of the jet. Since the unit ismass/power, less comparable to or greater than the propellant mass. If is better and alpha-jet isa larger number than alpha- one selects too low a specific impulse the propellant electric. The optimization and trend charts inthis mass becomes too large; if one selects too high a paper are all interms of alpha jet, except as noted. A specific impulse, the propulsion hardware mass typical efficiency is65%, so an alpha electric of 65 becomes too large (at fixed thrust, power is kg/kWe would become an alpha jet of 100 kg/kWj. approximately proportional to specific impulse). The optimum value is usually a few thousand seconds. Method of Analysis Figure 4 illustrates typical Isp optimizations for a range of alphas. As Isp isoptimized, the departure ChebyTOP -The present study used the ChebyTOP date and the power are also optimized to give code, which performs an approximation to calculus of minimum propulsive energy and maximum payload variations to optimize the path. An additional level of mass delivered for that propulsive energy. The result optimization isneeded to select the best specific is a best system and trajectory for a particular alpha impulse and the best departure and encounter dates. and trip time. The figure also shows optimum power 1200DayEuropaOrbiterMission 6000 300 10 kg/kWjet 5000 250 200 _" 4000 A 30 k >'_ I-e-- Payload Mass (kg) 3000 150 I_ -i-- Power (kWe) 0 i Equ. Delta V 0. v ' 100 i 2000 a. 1000 5O \ 0 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 Specific Impulse (aec) Fig. 4: Isp Optimization trends with Isp. The overall optimum power occurs at This figure shows the expected trend that more payload the Isp value for maximum payload. isobtained if longer trip time is allowed. The reason this isexpected isthat electric propulsion systems The occurrence of a power optimum isa result of require operating times on the order of the desired trip trajectory characteristics. One might imagine that the times to deliver enough AV to perform the mission. If optimum power at any particular Isp would be the we permit more time, a more efficient trajectory, minimum power that just permits the mission to be requiring less AV, can be found and a higher Isp can be completed with continuous thrusting. This isnot true used. (Since, at constant power, thrust is inversely because as power and thrust are increased, allowing proportional to Isp, longer operating time permits a insertion of coast time, the ideal AV drops so rapidly higher Isp to deliver the required AV in the time that savings inpropellant more than offset the mass available.) increase due to power increase. As power continues to increase, apoint of diminishing returns is reached and Multiple Destinations: We wish to select a single an optimum occurs when the propellant savings no system that can serve as many destinations as longer keep pace with mass increases due to increasing practicable. The idea is to examine the trends for all power. This typically happens when the coast time is destinations to select a compromise system that roughly half the transit time, although each case is performs reasonably well for many destinations rather unique and a formal optimization is necessary. than selecting a system that is optimum for one destination. While most of this paper considers only Trip time, power and payload: In order to understand three missions, NEP trajectory analysis was conducted the relationship of payload to trip time, alpha and for all outer planet destinations to address this issue. payload, one must perform the described optimization over ranges of these variables. If there are multiple Results of Analysis destinations, all this must be done for each destination, requiring on the order of a hundred trajectories Alpha is apower and propulsion performance optimized for departure date, Isp and power for each parameter. It represents what the technology can do, destination. Figure 5shows atypical family of and the lower the number the better. Therefore, alpha optimized cases for transfer to Jupiter's moon Europa. - 16000 7000 [] [] [] [] °t=6Iq_dN - 14000 6000 0 ..... ! 4 ' 12000 5000 q - 10000 A 4000 _............... I,I |1 =.E [] -" 8000 __o" --_P-Payload Mass (kg) ! i _==. a Isp(sec) I I i - 6OO0 I _==_ _oa_ 1 20o0_-.-..... ' i r---- ..... i I / i'----' 4O0O 100.0..!.. 2000 / I, 0; 0 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 Trip Time (days) Fig. 5: Europa NEP Missions with Optimized Isp 5OOO 16ym --e-- Pluto-Charon Payload (kg),mn 4000 3000 10ym _2000 v m 0 _'1000 30 40 80 90 -1000 JetPower(x(kglkWjet) Fig. 6: Payload vs. Jet Power Alpha (a) for One Example Destination 16,000 n --B-- Jupiter-Euro,.a --4-- Saturn-Titan 14,000 i ! Uranus-Titania i I i _ Neptune-Triton 12,000 L _ Plut°'Char°n t 10,000 "G OJ ¢/) 8,000 v QE. 6,000 0 0 4,000 OJ 03 2,000 ! 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Jet Power Alpha (kg/kWj) Fig. 7: Isp vs. Jet Power Alpha (a) for All Outer Planet Destinations isan input to the mission analysis. Our analysis typical SEP missions. The reason isthat NEP missions covered a range of alpha since the achievable value is perform significant AVs at the destination; for outer the subject of considerable ongoing study and isnot planet missions SEP cannot do this, and whatever AV known. One of the results of analysis such as reported is delivered at the destination isdelivered another way, here is the desired maximum (worst) value of alpha such as by aerocapture. Technology advancements for that gives reasonable mission performance. On the electric thrusters for NEP will need to focus on Isp in basis of the results achieved, we recommended 50 the range indicated, 6000 to 9000 or 10,000 seconds. kg/kWj as a reasonable target. This isabout 30 kg/kWe for representative efficiencies. An example of Power: Figure 8is a multiple-destination plot much the results leading to this conclusion is shown in Fig. 6, like the previous Isp plot. Convergence of optimal for Pluto orbiter missions. Ajet alpha of 50 provides power iseven more striking than the convergence of payload approaching I mt for atrip time of l0 years. lsp. Atjet power alpha 50 kg/kWj, a power range of 40 to 60 kWj, which is67 to 100 kWe at a ls__: Figure 7shows optimal Isp trending for a range of representative efficiency of 60%, captures all the jet power alpha for all outer planet destinations over a destinations and all the trip times. Accordingly, a NEP range of trip times. The plot has several curves for powerplant rating of 100 kWe is agood nominal figure each destination; these are different trip times inthe to use for concept definition studies. As these studies range of interest, 8years to 12years. At ajet power progress, and provide better indication of the alpha and alpha of 50 kg/kWj, Isp in the range 6000 to 10,000 efficiency to be expected, these recommendations seconds covers all the destinations. The NSTAR should be revisited. thruster delivered Isp 3100 seconds. Current concepts for next-generation thrusters are inthe rage 4000 to Com parisons 5000 seconds; this has been shown to be near the optimal value for typical solar electric propulsion Figure 9captures the essence of results of this study. missions. Payloads deliverable to various destinations by NEP are shown as a function of trip time, and conventional The results here for NEP are expected, in that NEP missions exhibit ideal AVs approaching twice those for 120 Pe = --67 -~100 kWe 1O0 for _system = 60% 80 e_ Jupiter-Europa I ---e-- Saturn-Titan I o 6O Uranus-Titania ! o_ 0. i ,_ Neptune-Triton I I+ Pluto-Charon 40 2O 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Jet Power Alpha (kglkWjet) Fig. 8: Jet Power vs. Jet Power Alpha (ix) for All Outer Planet Destinations 6000 HPEP optimal power: 50- 100kWe, Mass/power ratio: ct=30kg/kWe or50kg/kWjet, Optimal Isp, Includes Spiral In/Out Times, 5000 HPEP IMLEO: 10,000 kg@2500 km circular, 0 HPEP Launch Vehicle: Delta IV(5,4) [] [] 4000 n [] [] "0 _ 3000 .__ 2000 o [] g. | 1000 Jovian Tour Saturn Tour U Neptune Tour 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2O Trip Time (years) Fig. 9: Payload (incl. S/C bus) vs. Trip Time for All Outer Planet Destinations propulsion points are plotted on the graph. For the NEP enjoys a huge advantage for heavier payloads. three missions discussed in detail inthis paper: (1) The payload-trip time characteristic offers large payoff All-chemical propulsion, SEP and NEP can all perform for a few years added trip time. This characteristic the Europa lander. For small-payload missions, little either does not exist or ismuch weaker for other advantage isgained for SEP or NEP except that in the propulsion systems. case of NEP the mission profile ismuch simpler. (2) These characteristics of NEP missions derive from the Only NEP can do the Pluto orbiter mission, given underlying characteristics of NEP systems. NEP launch mass constraints of current and planned launch systems are reactor-powered. Reactor-shield systems vehicles. (3) Chemical propulsion cannot do Titan have a minimum practical size dictated by neutronics sample return; SEP with aerocapture can perform this considerations. The minimum-size reactor is capable mission with two Delta IV heavy launches, and NEP (from the standpoints of heat transfer and nuclear fuel can perform itwith one such launch. The NEP mission burnup) of producing a few hundred kilowatts thermal profile ismuch simpler, and therefore one would power. At typical dynamic conversion efficiency, this expect a higher probability of mission success. means the minimum system can generate roughly 100 Figure 10shows the trade between mission time and kWe. If itgenerates less, the power conversion required alpha for Titan sample return. These curves machinery and the thrust-producing system become are approximate. They are based on trajectory smaller and lighter, but the reactor/shield does not. characteristics estimated by Carl Sauer of JPL, from Combine this with other economies-of-scale effects, converged optimized trajectories for a slightly different and one finds that the alpha for NEP improves rapidly Titan round trip case. The achievable mission duration up to power levels about 100 kWe; above that point it for alphas inthe expected range, about 30 kg/kWe, is continues to increase but less dramatically. about 15years for a 100 kWe NEP. A more powerful system could perform the mission in about half of the A 100-kWe NEP with alpha 35 kg/kWe has mass 3500 time ifa much more aggressive alpha of about 12 kg. A general trend for electric propulsion systems is kg/kWe. Note that this curve uses alpha-electric where that well-balanced and optimized systems, at electric most of the curves presented use alpha-jet. propulsion start, are about 1/3 power and propulsion system, I/3 propellant, and 1/3 payload. Thus one 2000 kg payload to destination, 100 kg payload returned to Earth for aerocapture) Eat Alpha Requirement Titan Eat Alpha Requirement Titan 35 / 3O 25 J / 20 15 10 ,n 5 0 •o°....---° _ • -5 I .= _a_ 41e 4 a 4i.o D 1_B 1;l) 11.0 10 15 TripTime Tiip Time PJM. =0.01 PJM o= O.02 Power = 100 kWe Europa Sample Return Power = 200 kWe 10,000 kg IMLEO 10,000 kg IMLEO is Similarly Possible lsp = 12,000 - 15,000 sec Isp = 6000-8000 sec Fig. 10: Estimated u Requirements vs. Trip Time for Titan Sample Return Mission expects an idealized NEP system, at 10,000 kg start Our general finding is that the NEP performance mass and alpha 35, to be about 100 kWe, with about advantage increases as mission difficulty increases, 3400 kg propellant and 3300 kg payload. By until we get to missions that are not practical with reducing payload we can increase propellant and any less-powerful propulsion system. It is especially decrease lsp (still delivering the required AV inthe true that a mission requiring significant propulsive same run time), thereby saving some trip time. But AV far from the Sun is, unless that AV can be we expect this tradeoffto be costly in payload for the provided by aerocapture, not practical without NEP. relative amount of trip time saved, as is the case. References I. Green, Jacklyn R., Europa Lander Reference Mission, JPL briefing, January, 2001. 2. Noca, M., Polk, J., and Lenard, R., "Evolutionary Strategy for Use of Nuclear Electric Propulsion in Planetary Exploration", Space Technologies and Applications International Forum, 2001. 3. Noca, M., Frisbee, R., Johnson, L., Kos, L., Gefert, L., and Dudzinski, L., "Evaluating Advanced Propulsion Systems for the Titan Explorer Mission", IEPC-01- i75, 2ThIEPC, 200 I. 4. Niehoff, J.C. and Friedlander, A.F., "Comparison of Advanced Propulsion Capabilities for Future Planetary Missions," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. I1,No. 8, Aug. 1974, pp. 566-573. 5. Frisbee, R., "Advanced Propulsion," Transportation Beyond 2000: Engineering Design for the Future Workshop, NASA Conference Proceedings 10184, Part 2, Hampton, VA, Sept. 1995, pp. 693-702. 6. Yelle, R.V., Strobel, D.F., Lellouch, E., and Gautier, D., "Engineering Models for Titan's Atmosphere", in ESA report SP-i 177, "Huygens Science, Payload and Mission", August 1997.

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