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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20020083235: Small Business Innovations (Helicopters) PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20020083235: Small Business Innovations (Helicopters)

Computer Technology ii_ Small BusinessInnovations NASA and 10 other technology gen- highly productive source of aerospace erating government agencies each set aside a I/spinoff applications is the Small percentage of their R&D budgets for SBIR Business Innovation Research (SBIR) projects, and each agency administers its _ _ _program, established by the Congress in1982. In its first decade, it proved emi- own program independently under Small J nently successful in accomplishing both of Business Administration guidelines. its principal objectives: increasing small In NASA's SBIR program, the business participation in high technology agency has worked with more than 800 small research and development activities, and businesses, who have developed hundreds of stimulating conversion of government new systems and components that advanced funded R&D into commercial applications. NASA's capability for aerospace research and operations. NASA evaluates proposals from small firms from the standpoint of potential usefulness to NASA and the poten- tial for commercial spinoff. The best con- cepts are awarded six-month contracts under which the company determines the technical feasibility of the innovation it has proposed. The results of Phase I research may lead to follow-on Phase II contracts that can run as long as two years. In Phase III, the small business participant may apply the results of Phase I/II research to development of a product or process for the commercial mar- ket, using private capital to do so. Shown at left is an example of a suc- cessful NASA SBIR program, the Dexterous Hand MasterTM(DHM). The DHM is pro- duced by EXOS, Inc., Lexington, Massachusetts, a company formed to manu- facture and market products using robotic sensing technologies originally developed under NASA contract by Arthur D. Little's Center for Product Development, Cambridge, Massachusetts. A 1989 winner of an R&D 100 Award, the DHM is an exoskeleton device for measuring the joints of the human hand with extreme precision. It was devel- oped for NASA's use in controlling robots. In 1990, Exos introduced a commercial version, DHM Series II. 122 The DHM (left), a product designed for use by hand II isworn on the surgeons, orthopaedic surgeons, physical hand, connected to therapists and occupational therapists. a computer that Another example is QASE ®RT, a records hand systems engineering tool for quantitatively motions and trans- evaluating a computer system design mits that data as hardware, software and data. Developed by control signals to Advanced System Technologies, Inc. (AST), robots and other Englewood, Colorado, the commercial QASE computers. It is RT resulted from two different SBIR projects, used in such appli- one sponsored by the U.S. Navy, the other cations as enabling byJet Propulsion Laboratory. robotic hands to The purpose of QASE RT is to emulate human enable system analysts and software engi- hand actions neers to evaluate the performance and relia- through remote bility implications of design alternatives. operation; control- QASE RT evaluates system timing, capacity ling and manipulat- and availability. The user describes his sys- ing computer gen- tem architecture and workload using direct erated images in manipulation graphics. QASE RT translates virtual reality envi- the system description into analytic and ronments; and con- discrete event simulation models and trolling musical performances by shaping executes them. acoustical parameters in real time, on stage, Analytics rapidly evaluate the in concert with musicians. feasibility of a wide range of system configu- The spinoff DHM inspired two addi- ration alternatives. Simulation provides tional spinoffs. In 1990, EXOS introduced to detailed performance evaluation. The the commercial market the GripMaster TM, results of the evaluations are service and intended for use in tool design, design of response times, offered load and device other hand-held objects or design of factory utilizations, and functional availability. workstations. The AST, a computer performance A SPECIAL PROGRAM STIMULATES SMALL BUSINESS GripMaster combines the engineering firm founded in 1984 as a PARTICIPATION IN NASA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT joint angle sensing technolo- research and development company, has gy of the DHM with pressure been engaged in 16 SBIR contracts for sensing technology to give measurement of various agencies. QASE RT, introduced in grip strength and wrist position. The prima- 1991, was the company's first commercial ry benefit is reduction of CTD (cumulative product line. (Continued) trauma disorders) caused by repetitive WMDexterous Hand Manipulator, GripMaster and Clinical Hand Master System are trademarks ofEXOS, Inc. motions in the work place, a major occupa- ®QASE isaregistered trademark of Advanced System tional health risk. Technologies, Inc. In 1991, EXOS introduced a third product, the Clinical Hand Master System TM 123 i[-'-- Computer Technology ................................................................................................................................................................................ Small BusinessInnovations Since 1983, when NASA initiated its SBIR says BGJ&A, "provides a means to collect program, the agency has sponsored some and manage all information associated with 1,500 Phase I projects and more than 40 per- requirements development and to access cent of them have progressed through Phase the information in the manner that best II. Roughly a third of the latter have gener- supports the user." ated spinoff commercial applications. Document Director was used by Among additional examples of NASA in its program to design the Assured spinoff developments that emerged from Crew Return Vehicle intended to return the NASA SBIR program is Document astronauts from the Space Station in an Director TM, a software system of innovative emergency; significant time savings were powerful tools for automating the require- realized during the planning process. The ments process in large programs. first version of Document Director was Document Director was developed released in 1988 and since then there have for NASA by Bruce G. Jackson & Associates, been three major upgrades. The software Inc. (BGJ&A), Houston, Texas, a consulting system is used by several government and firm serving NASA and NASA contractors in industry organizations in addition to NASA. requirements development, analysis, man- At left, Randolph W. Folck, quality assurance agement and control. In 1986, BGJ&A start- engineer at Southwest Research Institute ed development of an automated tool that (SwRI), San Antonio, Texas is pictured work- combined word processing and database ing With Document Director; SwRI uses the management technologies. The resulting system regularly in managing research pro- successful development became Document jects for the electric power industry and Director, a family of software other clients. packages intended to improve Another outgrowth of the NASA the quality of requirements/ SBIR program is a software package to facili- specifications and provide effec- tate development of interfaces between resi- tive control throughout the life dent and host data base management sys- cycle of the program. Its key tems. The software package was developed advantage is the integration of for Goddard Space Flight Center by Ken word processor and database Wanderman &Associates, Inc., (KWAI), manager, which offers the flexi- Staten Island, New York; Ken Wanderman bility and convenience of text and associate Dr. Marsha Moroh, vice presi- processing capability together dent and head of software research develop- :_i:!iii! ii'._i!'i _ _i with the linking capability of ment, are pictured at bottom left. This database management. was one of several SBIR projects associated Since problems associat- with a Goddard-developed system known z ed with requirements induce as DAVID (Distributed Access View Integrated program cost overruns and Database). schedule delays, Document DAVID was developed as a solution Director also offers potential for to a problem associated with the diversity of improved control of costsand NASA information systems. There are many schedules. Document Director database formats; there are a variety of corn- 124 been installed at a number of data centers, including the National Space Science Data Center. Software innovations developed under Ames Research Center's SBIR program include two helicopter codes developed by Continuum Dynamics, Inc. (CDI), Princeton, New Jersey. One is EHPIC (Evaluation ofHover Performance Using Influence Coefficients), a program used in helicopter design to predict the engine power required for a helicopter to hover. Such prediction is important, but difficult. The primary complication is calcu- lating the effect of the wake of disturbed air trailed by a rotor blade on its neighboring blade (left). The EHPIC free wake model produces converged, .freely distorted wake geometries that generate very accurate analy- sis Ofwake-induced downwash; this, in turn, mercial and in-house database management allows good predictions of rotor thrust and systems supporting a number of databases; power requirements. CDI has licensed the and there are large quantities of data stored EHPIC code to three of the four major U.S. in sequential files, data that can only be rotorcraft manufacturers. accessed by specially written programs. This A second CDI product is situation led to difficulties for scientists try- RotorCRAF_, a program for analysis of aero- ing to access information stored in a differ- dynamic loading of helicopter blades in for- ent format from their own. DAVID was ward flight, a major concern in helicopter developed to act, in part, as a central data- design. In particular, an accurate model of base management system. unsteady aerodynamic loading is required to The contribution of KWAI involved understand and alleviate the sources of development of software tools that facilitate vibration in helicopters. Using some of the uniform access to databases, either commer- wake modeling tools developed for EHPIC, cial database management systems or arbi- CDI developed the RotorCRAFT code, trary file formats. The KWAI software is which has demonstrated good correlation of divided into two parts: a number of inter- measured rotor airloads, an important part faces, or bridges, between DAVID and com- of vibration prediction. The code has been mercial database management systems; and licensed to Sikorsky Aircraft Division of artificial intelligence programs that interact United Technologies. • with a human data engineer to solicit infor- TUDocument Director isatrademark of Bruce G. Jackson & Associates. mation and automatically generate DAVID interfaces to their data. The software has 125

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