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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20020066648: The Effects of Implementing TopModel Concepts in the Noah Model PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20020066648: The Effects of Implementing TopModel Concepts in the Noah Model

J4.4 THE EFFECTS OF IMPLEMENTING TOPMODEL CONCEPTS INTHE NOAH MODEL C. D. Peters-Lidard .1 Hydrological Sciences Branch, Code 974 NASNGoddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD 20771 1. INTRODUCTION bottom soil layer. A larger surface slope implies larger drainage. Topographic effects on runoff generation have been documented observationally (e.g., Dunne and TOPMODEL provides a physically-based approach Black, 1970) and are the subject of the physically based to represent subgrid topography and soil effects on the rainfall-runoff model TOPMODEL (Beven and Kirkby, runoff production, the soil moisture distribution and 1979; Beven, 1986a;b) and its extensions, which drainage, via a drainage index which can be estimated incorporate variable soil transmissivity effects directly from digital topographic and soils data. In the (Sivapalan et al, 1987, Wood et al., 1988; 1990). These current project, the three parametedzations above are effects have been shown to exert significant control over being replaced with a subgrid distribution of the the spatial distribution of runoff, soil moisture and TOPMODEL drainage index to explicitly represent the evapotranspiration, and by extension, the latent and subgrid distribution of water table depth and soil sensible heat fluxes (Famiglietti et al., 1992; Famiglietti moisture. The effect of this subgrid distribution on and Wood, 1994a; b; Peters-Lidard et al, 1999). lateral soil water redistribution, runoff generation and The objective of this research is to investigate surface fluxes will be modeled statistically in the manner and demonstrate the impact of topographic control of of Famiglietti and Wood (1994a) and Peters-Lidard et al. runoff production and lateral soil water redistribution on (1997). We are demonstrating the NOAH model in both the water and energy balance as simulated by the its original and new forms in the Arkansas-Red River NCEP NOAH land surface model (Mahrt and Ek, 1984; basin using all other input parameters as specified inthe Mahrt and Pan, 1984; Pan and Mahrt, 1987; Chen etaL, LDAS project. By incorporating topographic effects into 1996; Schaake et al, 1996; Chen et al., 1997; Mitchell, the existing NOAH model while all other processes 1999). Currently, the NOAH model solves the Richards remain the same, the effects of this representation on equation for 1-D vertical soil water transport in each runoff, soil moisture and energy fluxes can be isolated. land surface model grid, which corresponds to the All simulations are being run off-line and in a atmospheric model horizontal gnd. There is no provision retrospective mode for this test pedod. for lateral soil water redistribution or for explicit subgrid soil moisture heterogeneity. Several modifications to 2. APPROACH NOAH have been incorporated which parameterize the effects of subgrid variability in topography and/or soil As discussed in the introduction, three moisture, including: parametedzations in NOAH have been formulated to indirectly represent the effects of lateral soil water • infiltration/runoff generation parameter redistribution and subgrid soil moisture heterogeneity. "REFKDT" (Schaake et al., 1996). REFKDT is In this work described here, three phases of a tuneable parameter that significantly impacts modifications to the NOAH model are being carried out surface infiltration and hence the partitioning of in order to systematically explore the effects of these total runoff into surface and subsurface runoff. parametedzations. Increasing REFKDT decreases surface runoff. In the first phase, the SLOPE parameter is • non-linear soil moisture stress function for being replaced with the TOPMODEL baseflow model. stomatal resistance (Chert et al., 1996). The Thus, the baseflow Q_iscalculated as: non-linearity in this function represents the ability of wetter portions of the grid to transpire Qb=Qoexp(-f'z_er) (1) even when the grid-averaged soil moisture is near the wilting point, as well as the dryer where Qo and f are parameters of the catchment's portions of the grid which may be stressed baseflow recession curve and ZbariS the catchment when the grid-averaged soil moisture is near mean depth to the water table (Sivapalan et al, 1987). field capacity. The TOPMODEL parameters Qo and f are functions of the individual catchment and must be calculated from • drainage parameter "SLOPE" (Schaake et al., known catchment data. 1996). SLOPE isa coefficient between 0.1-1.0 that modifies the drainage out the bottom of the The second phase of the NOAH modifications consists of modifications to the infiltration formulation to On leave from: School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 30332 be consistent with TOPMODEL's saturation excess parameters related to the Topographic index distribution runoff model. Hence, all precipitation istransformed to and the decay of saturated hydraulic conductivity with runoff in any area that is deemed "saturated" (local depth. water table depth z, less than height of capillary fringe) 3. In order to be useful as an LDAS according to the TOPMODEL water table depth model, the TOPMODEL parameters must be available distribution, viz: for the CONUS and beyond, and therefore, an understanding of the effects of DEM resolution on the z,=Zba,- (1A'){In(_ TJ(Totanp)) -2,} (2) parameter estimation is essential. More results and detailed discussion will be where To is the local transmissivity, Te is the areal presented at the conference. integral value of transmissivity, and c_ is the area that drains through a given location per unit contour length. The term In(_ffanp) is known as the topographic index 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (Beven & Kirkby, 1979), and the term In(ceTJ(TotanJY)) as it is used in Equation 2 is the combined soil- This work is being supported by a grant (# topographic index because it includes the transmissivity 40AANROA4107) from GCIP/GAPP program in NOAA's terms (Sivapalan et al, 1987), The term ;Lrepresents Office of Global Programs to Georgia Institute of Technology (the author's previous affiliation). This the areal integral value of the topographic index. As support is gratefully acknowledged. In addition, the illustrated above, the local water table depth governs the redistribution of subsurface water as well as the collaboration of NCEP personnel including Dr. Kenneth occurrence of contributing areas. Mitchell and Dr. Dag Lohmann isgreatly appreciated. The third and final modification is to implement 6. REFERENCES and calculate a subgrid soil moisture distribution to canopy resistance routine so that canopy resistance Avissar, R., and T. Schmidt, 1998: An evaluation of the function F2(0) and energy balance/fluxes are computed scale at which ground-surface heat flux by local soil moisture profile, which varies by local patchiness affects the convective boundary topographic index. layer using large eddy simulations. J. Atmos. Sci. 55, 2666-2689. 3. RESULTS Band, L.E., JP. Patterson, R. Nemani and S.W. 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Mitchell, K., 1999: THE NCEP/OH/OSU LAND- SURFACE MODEL (LSM) User's Guide Public Release Version 1.1, 08 March 1999. Pan, H.-L. and L. Mahrt, 1987: InteracfJon between soil 100 200 300 400 500 e(30 Kilometers hydrology and boundary-layer development, Boundary-Layer Meteorol., 38, 185-202. Peters-Lidard, C. D., J. N. McHenry, C. J. Coats, A Trayanov, S. Fine, K Alapaty, and F. Pan, Figure l: Topographic index from the USGS 1999: Re-Thinking the Atmospheric LSP HYDRO1K dataset.. As implied by the name, the Problem from a Hydrological Perspective horizontal resolution is 1 km. Preprints, 14th Conference on Hydrology, Dallas, rx, Jan. 1999 and PSU/NCAR MM5 Land Surface Modeling Workshop, Boulder, CO, Jun. 1999. Peters-Lidard, C. D., M S. Zion, and E F.Wood, 1997: A soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer scheme m=lici!__JOm-ft )Oral.dLmhmd!fl_10m-m_)Om] dml-cb_gGd(m l_.-,m ]Ore 13 12 10 9 8 D O_ 5 k3w.-ALWW (0_ OO1 0 _ l vut=_ t_s) 4 :_ !LI_ Rook(AR] 3 I" ,_,.'I.__I_== It,a) 2 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1 ' o' ' _' ....: DF_.M L¢_oJuti_ (m) _ooo _ 00 8OD0 _ OO 1_3Qoo 1_oco 1L#_OO 180C_ 1_O00 Figure 2: Effect of DEM horizontal and vertical Figure 4: Baseflow (RUNOFF2) predicted by resolution on TOPMODEL parameter topographic Original NOAH model and NOAH model with index. Dashed linesindicate achangein vertical TOPMODEL-derived baseflow using TOPMODEL resolution. parameters derived directly from HYDRO1K data. Detroil o 2o00 _ oo 80o0 8 o 10000 12oo0 14000 160oo 1_ooo T_r_ _t_mp (30 _nir_ Pr_ Jig I) Figure 5: Same as Figure 4, but using TOPMODEL parameters estimated via downscaling relationships in Figure 2.

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