Multiobjective Optimization Using a Pareto Differential Evolution Approach Nateri K. Madavan NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division M/S T27A-1, NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000, USA emaih [email protected] Abstract - Differential Evolution is a simple, fast, and robust been applied successfully to a wide range of single-optimiza- evolutionary algorithm that has proven effective in determining tion problems [12]. This ES is extended to multiobjective the global optimum for several difficult single-objective optimi- problems using a Pareto-based approach in this paper. Most zation problems. In this paper, the Differential Evolution algo- MOEAs in the literature are based on genetic algorithms. rithm is extended to multiobjective optimization problems by These include _'_-Dd_s nondominated sorting using a Pareto-based approach. The algorithm performs well genetic algorithm (NSGA) of Srinivas and Deb [4], the FFES wheh applied to several test optimization problems from the lit- algorithm of Fonseca and Fleming [13], the NPGA algorithm erature. of Horn et al. [6], the NSGA-II algorithm ofDeb et al. [8], and I.INTRODUCTION the SPEA algorithm of Zitler and Thiele [7], among others. There has been limited use of other evolutionary approaches Remarkable progress has been made in recent years in the such as evolutionary strategies for multiobjective optimiza- development of evolutionary algorithms for multiobjective tion. The Pareto-archived evolutionary strategy (PALES) is optimization problems (MOPs). MOPs are characterized by among the few noteworthy ES-based approaches [5]. A need the presence of multiple conflicting objectives that must be exists for more research in ES-based MOEAs such as the optimized simultaneously and allow multiple optimal solu- effort reported here. Although the lines between genetic algo- tions. These multiple solutions are all optimal inthe sense that rithms and evolutionary strategies have bIurred in recent years there are no other solutions in the entire solution domain or with the development of real-coded GAs and as a result of a search space that are superior to them when all objectives are healthy cross-pollination of ideas, basic differences between considered simultaneously [1]. These non-inferior or non- the two approaches still remain. Perhaps the main ideological dominated solutions are referred to as Pareto-optimal solu- difference lies in the relative importance given tothe two main tions, and collectively represent the Pareto set or front. Multi- evolutionary operators, recombination (crossover) and muta- objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) are population- tion, with GA-based approaches relying heavily on the former based methods that have been deveoped in recent years to and ES-based approaches on the latter [15]. guide the search process toward the global Pareto-optimal region while maintaining adequate population diversity to The Pareto Differential Evolution method described in this capture as many solutions in the Pareto front aspossible. paper modifies the selection procedure in the basic DE algo- rithm by incorporating the fast nondominated sorting and MOEAs can be classified broadly according to their ranking selection scheme of Deb et aI. [8]. In effect, it com- approach aseither non-Pareto or Pareto-based [2]. Non-Pareto bines the robust and effective DE strategy with key elements methods arebased on an aggregating approach where the mul- of the successful NSGA-II algorithm. The result is a simple tiple objective functions are combined into a single function and powerful evolutionary strategy that is self-adaptive and and single-objective evolutionary algorithms are then elitist, and can maintain diversity in the Pareto set. Results are applied [2]• Methods based on various aggregating presented for several difficult test problems from the literature approaches, such as weighted sum, goal attainment, goal pro- to demonstrate the efficacy and capabilities of the method. gramming, and others, have been developed and applied suc- cessfully to several optimization problems. These methods It should be mentioned that Abbass et al. [14] have also require multipIe single-objective optimization runs with dif- recently reported preliminary results from a Pareto-frontier ferent weights for the various objectives in order to find multi- Differential Evolution method. The basic idea in the present ple Pareto-optimal solutions. Pareto-based approaches, on the work and in [14] is similar in that both extend the basic DE other hand, offer the advantage of generating multiple Pareto algorithm to multi-objective problems by incorporating a non- solutions simultaneously. These methods are based on a sug- dominated sorting and ranking selection procedure. However, gestion by Goldberg [3] of using nondominated ranking and the manner in which this idea is implemented here differs selection toevolve a population of solutions toward the Pareto from [14] and represents an alternate approach to multiobjec- front. Several Pareto-based methods have been developed in tire optimization using DE. recent years (see, for example, [4]-[8]) and used in a variety of H.DIFFERENTIALEVOLUTION applications. This paper considers the evolutionary strategy (ES) known Differential Evolution is an ES-based approach developed as Differential Evolution (DE) (see Refs. [9]-[11]) that has for single-objective optimization in continuous search spaces. It isconceptualslyimpleandpossessgeosodconvergence Q+1 Q+I Ui,k gets at least one parameter from Vi, k . Note also propertietshathavebeendemonstrateinda varietyof that the mutation and recombination operations described application[1s2].Details of the algorithm can be found else- above can lead to new vectors that may fail outside the bound- where [9]-[11]; only its main features are summarized here. aries of the variables• Various repair rules can be used to ensure thatthese inadmissible vectors do not enter the popula- The approach uses a population,_ of N D-dimensional, real- tion. A simple strategy, which is the one adopted here, is to valued parameter vectors, P_k, i = 1, N; k = 1,K, in J delete these inadmissible vectors and form new ones until the generation Q, where K is the number of decision variables. population is filled• The population is usually initialized in a random fashion and the population size N is maintained constant throughout the The selection scheme used in DE is deterministic but differs optimization process. Differential evolution is thus similar to a from methods usually employed in standard ES approaches. (p., _.) ES [15] with g and _ equal to NP [16]. The method Selection is based on local competition only, with the child however differs from standard ES approaches in several Q+I O Ui,k competing against one population member Pi, k (the respects as described below. comparison vector) and the survivor entering the new popula- As with all ES-based approaches, mutation is the key ingre- tl•on. In other words, ,tf U:Q+,I, yields a better objective func- dient of differential evolution. The basic idea is to generate • Q ",_'Q + 1 . Q+I . txon value than ,nPik then Pi k is set to Ui k .Otherwise, new parameter vectors for the subsequent generation by using the old value P_,k' is retainecl. This greedy selection criterion weighted differences between two (or more) parameter vec- results in fast convergence; the adaptive nature of the mutation tors selected randomly from the current population to provide operator, in general, helps safeguard against premature con- appropriately scaled perturbations that modify another param- vergence and allows the process to extricate itself from any eter vector (or, comparison vector) selected from the same local optima. population. This idea has been implemented in various forms. In the classical implementation, new parameter vectors for the lI. PARETO-BASED DIFFERENTIAL EVOLUTION next generation Q + 1 are generated according to the follow- ing mutation scheme: The DE strategy can be extended to multiobjective optimi- zation by adopting either a non-Pareto or Pareto-based ViQ,k+I = PQk+F'(Pr_,k-PQr2, Q k) i = 1, N, k = 1, K approach. The non-Pareto approach is quite straightforward where the integers rI and r2 are chosen randomly in the and requires no modifications to the basic algorithm. A single range I, N. The random integers are pairwise different and dif- objective function needs to be formed from the multiple fer from the running index i. The mutation parameter objectives and any of several aggregating approaches can be F_ [0,2] is a real, constant, user-supplied parameter that used. A Pareto-based approach such as the one adopted here, controls the amplification of the differential variation. Other on the other hand, requires modifications to the basic algo- variants that either use the difference between more than three rithm that will allow a population of Pareto-optimal solutions parameter vectors or keep track of the best parameter vector at to be determined simultaneously ina single simulation run. each generation and use it in the mutation scheme have also been developed [9] and used with varying success in specific The Pareto-based Differential Evolution algorithm devel- applications. Thus, differential evolution differs from other oped here differs from the basic algorithm primarily in the ESs most notably in that the mutation operator is derived from selection procedure used to pick subsequent generations of the population. We have opted to uge the nondominated sorting the current population and not by probability density func- and ranking selection procedure developed by Deb et al. [8]. tions that are defined separately [16]. This procedure has been shown to be very effective in guiding DE is similar to other recombinative ES approaches in that the search toward the global Pareto front for several difficult it also uses discrete recombination. While various recombina- optimization problems. It is implemented here in the follow- tion strategies exist [15] the strategy adopted in differential ing manner. Once new candidate parameter vectors are evolution is as follows. The vector: obtained using the DE mutation and recombination operators, uQ+ I Q+ I rlQ+ l Q+ I T the new population is combined with the existing parent popu- i,k = (Ui, l '_i, 2 '• ........... Ui, K ) lation and a nondominated sorting and ranking of the com- is formed with: bined population is performed. Note that the size of the Q+I Q+I combined population is 2N. As noted in [8], this allows aglo- Ui, j = fi, j if rand(j)<CR or j = rnbr(i) bal non-domination check among both the parent and off- or, spring solutions although it requires additional computational = Pi, j otherwise effort in sorting the combined rather than only the offspring for all j = 1, K. In the above, rand(j) _ [O,I] is thej th population as is done in other approaches. At the end of the evaluation of a uniform random number generator, nondominated sort alI members of the combined population CR E [0,1] is the crossover parameter, and the value rnbr(i) (both parent and new candidate parameter vectors) have been is a randomly chosen index in {1,2,. ....... K} that ensures that assigned a nondominated rank. TheNSGAalgorithmincorporatbeosthanelite-preservai-n the following section demonstrate the capabilities of the tionandanexplicidtiversity-presersvtinragtegtyhatarevery method. effectiveA.nexplicidtiversity-preservaotrionnichingstrat- It is worth mentioning that elitism in the NSGA-II algo- egyisusedtoassigandiversitryanktoallthemembetrhsat rithm is emphasized in two ways. In addition to the crowding areinthesamenondominatferodntandthushavethesame distance niching strategy, a crowded tournament selection nondominatreadnkT. hesolutionwsithineachnondominated operator is also used to ensure diversity on the current non- frontthatresideintheleasctrowderdegioninthatfrontare dominated front. It was noted that this dual emphasis on elitist assigneadhigherrankA. crowdindgistancmeetricisusedto solutions could cause non-elitist solutions to be deleted rap- estimattehedensitoyfsolutionssurroundianpgarticulasrolu- idly resulting in poor convergence [17] and amethod was sug- tioninthepopulatioanndisobtainefdromtheaveragdeis- gested to control the extent of elitism by ensuring that tance of the two solutions on either side of the solution along individuals from several nondominated fronts are maintained each of the objectives. One of the reasons this particular nich- in the population. In the present method elitism is introduced ing strategy was chosen here is because it does not require any in only one way, since we do not use the tournament selection external parameters. Details can be found elsewhere [8]. operator. Preliminary tests indicate that the elitism present in Once the nondominated rank and diversity rank of all the the method adequately provides diversity without causing combined population members was determined as above, dif- convergence problems. Modifications to the present method to ferent approaches to picking the members of the next genera- include tournament selection or controlled elitism can of tion were attempted. The first approach follows the lines of course be done easily. the basic DE algorithm where each child vector is compared In contrast to the present method, the Pareto-frontier Differ- with one of the parent population members (the comparjsop - _2+_ ential Evolution method of Abbass et al. [14] uses a different vector), PQi,k' that was used to generate it. The child Ui, k approach to creating the offspring population from the parent. replaces the parent PQi,k if it has ahigher nondominated rank, Only nondominated solutions are allowed to participate in or, if it has the same nondominated rank and a higher diversity reproduction. A nondomination check is first performed on rank. The process is then repeated for subsequent generations. the parent population. The nondominated solutions are This is in a sense the crowded tournament selection operator retained and all the other solutions are removed from the pop- in the NSGA-II procedure. When applied to several test prob- ulation. If the number of nondominated solutions exceed a lems this method worked well in terms of maintaining diver- threshold number (e.g., half the total population) a distance sity among the solutions; however, the method was inefficient metric relation is used to remove parents that are in close in that convergence was slow. This is to be expected, since the proximity to each other. The basic differential evolution pro- elitism in this approach is minimal and good nondominated cedure is used to generate the offspring from three parents solutions may be deleted in the selection process while poorer chosen at random. The offspring enters the population only if solutions survive. Some efficiency improvements were noted it dominates the first selected (or comparison) parent; other- by increasing the elitism by restricting mating only to mem- wise new parents are selected. This continues until the popula- bers of the highest nondominated set. The approach that tion is filled. The entire process is then repeated for worked best was to folIow the NSGA-II procedure closely and subsequent generations. Preliminary results show the method pick the best N members out of the combined 2N population to be effective. Detailed comparisons between this and the by filling the population from the best nondominated rank present approach need to be performed before their relative down. The diversity rank is used to pick the best members of performance can be evaluated. the last nondominated rank that can be partially accommo- dated in the population of size N. This approach is more elitist IV.RESULTS and it is not surprising that it was found to be more efficient. An added advantage is that when the combined population The algorithm is tested on the test suite of problems includes several nondominated ranks, the diversity ranking (MOPI-7) described in Veldhuizen [18]. These test problems needs to be computed only for the members of one nondomi- have been aggregated from the published literature and nated rank, i.e., the last rank that can be partially accommo- include various relevant features, such as, concave and convex dated [8]. This advantage usually only holds in the early phase Pareto-optimal fronts, continuous and discontinuous fronts, of the simulation; in the latter phases, most population mem- symmetric and unsymmetrical fronts, scalable decision vari- bers belong to one or two nondominated sets. ables, and multiple (more than two) objective functions. Many of these features may cause difficulties to an MOEA. The Pareto Differential Evolution method described above in effect combines the robust and effective DE mutation and While a detailed evaluation of the algorithm is currently crossover operators with the fast nondominated ranking under investigation some preliminary results are presented scheme and diversity preservation strategy of the highly suc- here showing the ability of the algorithm to converge to the cessful NSGA-II algorithm. The result is a simple and power- optimal Pareto solutions and maintain adequate diversity in ful evolutionary strategy that is self-adaptive, elitist and can the final population. Qualitative results from typical simula- maintain diversity in the Pareto set. The results obtained here tion runs on each of the test problems are shown. In order to obtainmorequantitativmeeasuroefsalgorithmperformanceures show good agreement with the results in [18] and [I], bothintermsoftheproximitytothetrueParetofrontthatis except for some details in the region around fl = 8. MOP6 achieveadswellasintermsofthediversitoyftheoptimal is a problem constructed using the methodology of Deb [I], solutionwsehaveusedsomeofthemethoddsescribeind[1]. where the Pareto front is made up of four disconnected curves. Thegenerationdaisltancmeetricandthediversitmyetricmea- The solution mapping of this problem into dominated objec- sureasrecomputefodrsomeofthetestproblems. tive space is not as convoluted as for MOP4, and the present Forallthetestproblemaspopulatioonfsize100isused method converges to the true Pareto front quite easily, as andeachsimulatiownascarriedoutto250generationBsa.sed shown in Fig. 6. onvarioutsrialsimulationtsh,emutatiofnactowr aschoseans 0.3andthecrossovefarctoras0.1.Noeffortwasmadeto MOP7 is another tri-objective function problem, Viennet's optimiztehesevaluesforthevarioupsroblemIst.isinterest- second problem, that complements MOP5. Its Pareto front is a ingtonotethat,ingenerallo,wervalueosfthemutatioannd disconnected surface. Figure 8shows that the present method crossovpearrametwererefoundpreferablTeh.isisincontrast performs reasonably well, although close comparison with the tothemuchhighevralueosftheseparametethrsatarerecom- mendeidntheliteraturwehenusingtheDEalgorithmforsin- results in [18] show that some optimal solutions are not cap- gle-objectivoeptimizationS.imilarfindingswerereported tured in the present method. This issue is being investigated by[14]. further. MOPIisbaseodnSchaffero'sbjectivfeunction(see[18]or [1]andthereferenctehsereinfordetails)T.hisisarelatively easyproblembecaustheereisonlyonedecisiovnariablea,nd theParetforontisconvexH.eref,ollowing[18]andothersw,e 'i T-- increasteheproblemdifficultybyusingverylargedecision variablebounds(-105to 105)F. igure1 shows qualitative 3 results using the current algorithm. In this and subsequent fig- ures, the axes fl, f2, f3 denote the objective functions and the circular symbols represent the results obtained using the 2 .U present method. The Pareto front is well predicted and a large number of optimal solutions are obtained that are spread out over the entire front. MOP2 is the two-variable formulation of 1 Fonseca and Fleming (see [18]). This objective function is scalable in the decision variables. The Pareto front is a single concave curve and Fig. 2 shows that the present method effec- 01 1 2f l 3 tively finds diverse solutions along this front. Unlike all the Figure 1.Pareto-optimalsolutions in the objectivespace fortestproblem other test problems, MOP3 is a maximization problem. It is MOPI ThesolidlinemarksthelocationofthetrueParetofront. the two-objective function problem of Poloni (see [18]) with two non convex Pareto fronts that are disconnected in both the objective and decision variable spaces. Figure 3shows that the present method is able to predict the two disconnected Pareto fronts that lie on the boundaries of the search space. MOP4 is Kursawe's two-objective function problem where the true 1u , i Pareto front is made up of three disconnected curves. This is a particularly difficult problem and its solution mapping into dominated objective space is quite convoluted. The present 0.8- method performs reasonably well as shown in Fig. 4. The method can capture the distinct optimal solution at (-20,0) that corresponds to zero values for all the decision variables only 05. sporadically, but otherwise performs well elsewhere along the Pareto front. 02 MOP5 is a tri-objective function problem, Viennet's third J problem (see [18]). The actual Pareto front is a single convo- 02 o:o 'Jo luted three-dimensional curve Figure 5 shows the predicted Pareto front in three-dimensional objective space obtained by fl the present method. Figure 6 shows a two-dimensional plot in Figure 2. Pareto-optimal solutions in the objective space for test problem fl - f3 space of the same results shown in Fig. 5. Both fig- MOP2. The solid line marks the location of the true Pareto-optimal front. 0.20 0,15 010 o o 005 g 8 o "_ 0.(20 $ o g -0.05 g f -0.10 -0,15 "25-20 -15 dO.f] -5 0 ' _ft B .... Figure 3.Pareto-optimal solutions in the three-dimensional objective space Figure 6. Pareto-optimal solutions in two dimensions (1 and 3) of the fortest problem MOP3. The dots represent solutions obtained ona200 x200 objective space for test problem MOP5. grid of uniformly distributed points inparameter space. -,.------.,:..:..'s_'..:,:.v..:,',:'._',-.'..'...:",-.',"_'.'..:.:_.,.".,'--,_.:::..,.'-:.::<"'...:"."• ,:.,_%...,:..-%,,...:..:..,:..,%-:.:-..,: :_..'.%,..:.:-/'. ".,.::.,.,.-C<..':....-..-',: ,oo_!::::.... :::::::::::::::::!:::::!:::::::-:-:i::!:::_:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0 "'_""._" _m'_:_ c' "'":'"::""""' _::i::_::i::!::_::;:!:i;::::-:::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2,- _,_ ' 7:::_,!_.,9_- - ,'_..":':-.-'::-::'I 0,z_ _;:::::::_. :v:::::.:::: ========================== / \ : _kC_ -_:_:,_.:.-:"LI I " _:_" ,:::_: -'::": ''- :" ":::::':':'::i!!_'_'::',';"_:.?'J,":,-",. :!!i!i!iii!i!!?:: --7 _i !: " :::!:4S::::::ir!'__.::-.._..'?_'....'.:'.-'..:"'..-'",•, . ..,., -0.25r -__0 __:!_::::!:'}":":::::' ? -0"5000 012 014fl 0'.6 O.B 10 "12-20 -19 -l'B -_7fl -I6 -15 -14 Figure 7. Pareto-optimal solutions in the three-dimensional objective space Figure 4. Pareto-optimal solutions in the objective space for test problem for test problem MOP6. The dots represent solutions obtained on a 200 x 200 MOP4. The dots represent solutions obtained on a 200 x 200 grid of grid of uniformly distributed points in parameter space. uniformly distributed points in parameter space. .13 -005 f3 -015 fl f2 _s fl f2 Figure 8. Pareto-optimal solutions in the three-dimensional objective space Figure 5. Pareto-optimal solutions in the three-dimensional objective space for test problem MOP7. for test problem MOPS. The results presented above demonstrate the qualitative [31 David E. Goldberg, Genetic Algorithms for Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning, Addison-Wesley, 1991. performance of the present method on several difficult test problems. In order to obtain more quantitative measures of 141 N. Srinivas and K. Deb, "Multi-objective Function Optimization Using algorithm performance we have used some of the methods Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithms," Evolutionary Computa- tion, Vol.2:3, pp. 221-248, 1994. described in [1]. 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In addition to the problems mentioned caraway, New Jersey, June 1994. above, tests were performed for some additional problems 171 E. Zitzler and LThiele, "An Evolutionary Algorithm forMultiobjective ZDT1-5 described in [1]. The results, when compared to simi- Optimization: The Strength Pareto Approach," Tech. Report 43, Com- lar studies of other algorithms [1], show the present algorithm puter Engineering and Communication Networks Lab., Swiss Federal is quite effective and performs well. More detailed compari- Institute ofTechnology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland, May 1998. sons with other algorithms are currently under investigation. lSl K. Deb, S. Agrawal, A. 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