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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20020039159: Multiagent Modeling and Simulation in Human-Robot Mission Operations Work System Design

Multiagent Modeling and Simulation in Human-Robot Mission Operations Work System Design Maarten Sierhuis _ William J. Clancev 2,Michael H. Sims Computational Sciences Division ,_]qSA/Arnes Research Center Moffett Field. CA 94035 [msterhuis _ msims {_mail.arc.nasa. gov Abstract proposed discovery mission to the Moon--the Victoria This paper describes a collaborative multiagent Mission. We begin by describing our view of work modeling and simulation approach for designing work practice and how it is modeled in Brahms. We then systems. The Brahms environment is used to model describe Victoria, the model, and simulation results. mission operations for a semi-autonomous robot Z. Work Practice mission to the _Woonat the work practice level. It shows the impact of human-decision making on the activities The concept of work practice originates in the and energy consumption ofa robot. research disciplines of socio-technical systems, business A collaborative work systems design methodology is anthropology, and management science. Work systems described that allows informal models, created with design, as presented here. has its roots in the design of users and stakeholders, to be used as input to the socio-technical systems. This method was developed in development offormal computational models. the 1950s by Eric Trist and Fred Emery [2], to understand and leverage the advantages of the social and 1. Introduction technical aspects of work. Work systems design extends Work systems involve people, machines, tools, this tradition by focusing on both the informal and documents, and facilities interacting in activities over formal features of work by applying ethnographic time. These activities produce goods, services or--as is participant observation [3]. the case in the work system described in this paper-- A work practice is defined as the collective activities scientific data. Many work systems we encounter of a group of people who collaborate and communicate, everyday have existed over a long period of time. while performing these activities synchronously or Improvement of such work systems is olden done asynchronously. In contrast, aTayioristic view of work through business process analysis and reengineering [1]. abstracts circumstances, tools, and behaviors into an But managers must also design work systems de novo. idealized transformation of work products by job One of the challenges of work system design is that functions. work systems are often large and complex and persist To describe how work actually gets done, we need to over a tong period of time. This makes the design include those aspects of the situation that influence process complex and non-deterministic. In this paper we individual acnviry (not only the procedures and describe Brahms, a multiagent modeling and simulation problem-solving behavior), such as collaboration, (M&S) environment for designing complex interactions conversations, "off-task" activities, muln-tasking, in human-machine systems. interruption and resumption of work _and how this _s In Brahms. we model work processes at the work managed), intbrmal interaction such as assistance practice level. We describe a case study in which we outside ofjob function, use of tools, and t'actlittes [41 used Brahms to design mission operations for a 'Rc.w,zarch [nshtutc of_Mlvanccd Comput_ Science (RIACS_USRA}. :Institute tbr Human and Machine Cognition I.Univctslty ofWcs¢ Florida, Pensacola_ l]r:thtn_, _,,.I 'vl&',; environment fur rcprescntmg work workti'ames (called ,h,tcutahh,_), thus ,Jb,,cr,,,ttton is pr.lchcc ar,u_g 4 rnult_agent rule-based actlv_ty language, dependent oll what the agent Lsdoing .'hat can hc swnulatcd using the Brahms ,;imulation Communication Modeh 4croons by _hich agents cngmc [51. and objects exchange helicl_, inctudmg telling someone This paper discusses how we have used Brahms to something or asking a questiun. A conversatton ts design the work system tbr the proposed Victoria modeled as an activity with commumcation actsuns, mtss,on. The attentive reader might question how we can etther thee-to-face or through some de',_ce. ,uch as a desrgn a work practice'? Indeed. a work practice is not telephone or email. The choice of dex ice and how it is designed, but emerges over time. However, our interest used are part of the work practice t.,, to determine whether a model at the work practice Typically a Brahms model is _kctchcd b? specifying le,,el can be used m the destgn of a mission. We believe the geography and groups first. The gram size of the that a work practice model is useful, because it provides simulatton clock (time per tickj may vary from 5 a more detailed and holistic representation of work [6] seconds or less to 5 minutes or more. depending on the ["1. information available and modeling purposes. A model might represent a group of people as a single agent, a 3. Components of a Brahms Simulation useful heuristic in redesigning a work system. Common Brahms has a multiagent language for describing objects and activities such as telephones and "'phone agent and object activities. For a more detailed conversation" may be easily reused and adapted from description of the language see [8] [4]. A Brahms other Brahms models. In general, Brahms models stmulation of work practice has seven integrated represent work with much more detail than business components: process models, but somewhat less detail (and far more Agent Model: The group-agent membership broadly) than cognitive models (Figure 1). hierarchy of the people in the work system. Groups may be formal roles and' functions or based on location, Model Model Process (inference) (activitiesl Mode! interpersonal relations, interests, etc. _l,ll'tetlOrl $I Object Model: The class-hierarchy of all the domain Figure1.RelationofBrahmsmodelstoothermodels objects and artifacts, e.g., tools, desks, documents, vehicles. Considerable effort is devoted to modeling objects Geography Model: The geographical areas in which (e.g., fax machines) and computer systems, with which agents and objects are located, consisting of area- people interact to accomplish their work. definitions (user-defined types of areas, such as 4. The Victoria Lunar Mission buildings, rooms, and habitats) and areas (instances of area-definitions}. Victoria is the name of a proposed long-term semi- Activity Model: The behavior of agents and objects autonomous robotic mission to the South Pole region of in terms of the activities they perform over time [9]. the Moon. The primary mission objective of Victoria is Agent or object activities are mostly represented at the to verify the presence of water ice and other volatiles group-level or class-level respectively, but are also often within permanently shadowed regions on the Moon. This specific to agents and objects. Activities are inherited will be accomplished by gathering the necessary lunar and blended through a priority scheme. data for analyzing the history of water and other Timing Model: Constraints on when the activities in volatiles on the Moon, and by implication in the inner the activity model, can be performed, represented as solar system. The Victoria team has decided to use a preconditions of situation-action rules (called high-speed semi-autonomous rover. work'frames). Activities take time, as determined by the One of the biggest constraints in any robotic mission predefined duration of primitive actions. Workfi'ames is power consumption of the robot. In every acti:tty th_ can be interrupted and resumed, making the actual rover uses energy, therefore the sequence of activities length of an activity situation dependent. for the rover is constrained by the amount of power Knowledge Model: An agent's reasoning, available to complete the sequence. Whcn the robot's represented as forward-chaining production rules (called batteries are low, it needs to return to a sun-exposed spot rhoughtlkames). Thoughtframes can be represented at to recharge its batteries. During the Victoria mission the group/class levels and inherited. Thoughtfi'ames take no rover will traverse into permanentl> dark regions on the ttme Inquiry is modeled as a combination of activities Moon. During these traverses the rover _,ill use its Ie.g.. detecting intbrmatlon, communicating, and neutron detector instrument to detect hydrogen and the reading/writing documents} and thoughtframes. Sample Acquisition and Transt_r Mechantsm (SATM) Perception is modeled as conditions attached to f "_ / . ,,,,,_, . \ / \ , Humen Activity _ M, _ _ .4 / V_ofk r.ctlc. _.. System ) q - _._.' : _ Simulation " J observing work practice - Mode_rl - / observinq slmutated \ _ _ "" work oracllce \'-,_ j / Iformal _ , - o, /,,/4M:3,,oo yletds// --\ / / Figure2.CollaborativMeodelingProcess to drill into the lunar surface and take surface samples to description (i.e. a conceptual model) of the work be investigated using an array of science instruments. practice of a human activity system. For M1 we use the The work system design problem is to configure the Compendium modeling method [I0]. mission operations so the robot's activities inside the Method M2 - formal model of the work practice: permanent dark region are most efficient (i.e. consume The purpose of method M2 is to translate the conceptual the least amount of energy). models from M1 into a Brahms model. The Brahms modelers and the conceptual mode[ers do not necessarily 5. Collaborative Modeling have to be the same, and in fact, the skill sets for these To develop a sirtiulation of the Victoria work system, twotypes of modelers are verydifferent. Method M3 - simulation: Using method M3 a we used a collaborative modeling approach with the Brahms simulation of the formal model is developed, by Victoria mission designers. First, we created informal running the simulator with the tbrmal model as input. static models of the activities of the people, robot, and M3 isthe Brahms compile-simulate-debug method. artifacts, the communication and geography, in informal Method M4 - observing the simulation: The design meetings and modeling sessions. Next, we purpose of method M4 is to observe and investigate the translated these descriptions into formal Brahms models, work practice simulation output, and compare it with the producing simulation results (including energy measurements described below). The Brahms modeler actual human activity system. During this cycle the went back to the mission design team and presented the actual objective of the work practice simulation project result of the simulation. Together they discussed and is accomplished. Frequently, one modifies the model or factual scenarios (e.g., for Victoria, the location of _ceira represented more details of the work practice. The the modeled geography} to perform a what-if analysis. Brahms modeler implemented the new details into the Thus, there is a modeling and simulation cycle simulation. This Brahms modeling-debug-simulate cycle between Mt. M2, M3 and M4. The methods have to be continued until a sufficiently robust and interesting closely integrated for the cycle to be et'fic_ent. For design resulted• example, to a certain extent we can automat;cally Figure 2 describes our collaborative methodology for developing first an intbrmal model and then a formal produce Brahms model components (M2) from ;nformal s_mulation model of the Victoria work practice. Compendium descriptions (M I). Method MI analyzing work practice: The l purpose of method MI is to create an informal static Oiw'miI'lernf II _alle Rover Figure3.V'mtodwaorksyslem [11]. They therefore specifically addressed the tbllowing 6. Mission Operations System Design questions in the work system design for Victoria: The work during in the Victoria mission will be 1. How will science data be gathered collaboratively distributed over a number of human teams and the with the Earth-based science team, rover Victoria rover. By virtue of being people's arms and teleoperator, and the rover onthe lunar surface? 2. How will science data be made available to the eyes on the Moon, the teleoperated rover is more of an science team? assistant than a simple tool. Figure 3 represents the work system elements and 3. What is the affect of a particular work _stem their relative location during the Victoria mission. The design on the power consumption of the rover Science Team consists of co-located sub-teams: the during a science traverse into a permanent dark Science Operations Team (SOT), the Instrument crater? S_ergy, Team (IST), and the Data Analysis and To answer these questions we de,,reloped a model or Interpretation Team (DAIT). There are two other the activities of the teams, based on the description of a supporting teams: The Data and Downlink Team (DDT) planned mission traverse. In the next sections we and the Vehicle .and Spaceeral_ Operations Team describe the design of this work system through the (VSOT). The teams communicate with the Victoria design of"the agent model, the object model, their rover on the lunar surface using the Universal Space activity models, and the geographical model. Network (USN), directly and via a lunar orbiter. The 6.1. Agent Model Design flow of data from the rover will be dominated by contextual data and science data. This data will come to Figure 4 shows the group membership hierarchy on NASA,Ames via the Universal Space Network (USN) which the design of the work system is based. The data connection and will be automatically conver_ed in agents in the model are the Earth-based human teams near real-time to accessible data formats that can be and the Victoria rover, as shown in Figure 3.The teams made available to the teams via data access and are represented as single agents, because at this moment visualization applications. it is not possible to prescribe the composition and Based on previous experience, the mission designers practices of each team in more detail. For example, the hypothesized that many issues will affect the decision "'plan a command sequence" activity of the SOT cycle of the science team, one of which is data overload represents the work of the whole team, while the t A Oml_ommun*¢alor T _OUO t _ j.* I / ¥_;¢_e md_Jc oo'ds"L _roui) ',,, .¢ JI I Omsm*J_da_l I Figure4.V'_odaAgentModel Table1.Fur_tionaalcdvitdyistributioonver_f_to_iateams Oam _• V_le a_41 Rev_" acid Sp_crdt o1,4m_l 10=o Team UIIKI_I 1Lm_lom_ ' ' ' i ross ¢omow4fl¢mo_e terence om_mu_tu s_4m:o$ b, _per=_n Oo_,_,Hnk *O=s_ process ma_ 2DIa _emmel individual activities of each team member remain dynamically created data objects during the simulation. unspecified. The Victoria rover is modeled as an agent The Victoria object model (Figure 5) includes classes because it has activities, including primitive actions that for the science instruments on the rover and other change the world, movements, and communications. objects contained in the rover, such as the carousel and Table 1shows a possible distribution of the functions the battery. Furthermore, the model includes the data over the Victoria teams [12]. Details of how different communicator class, which includes the objects for S- teams collaborate to perform these fimctions constitute band and UHF communication. The model also includes the work practice, as specified in the situation-action the sotb,vare systems that receive and convert the rules (Brahms worliframes) of the different agents. mission data. A Brahms object represents the data An example workframe for the SOT team forcreating visualization systems that present data to the Victoria a command sequence for finding water ice is team. The Data and CoreSample classes allow dynamically creating objects representtng spec=fic data (paraphrased): When [ believe that there is a possibility we can find water ice at the current location of the and lunar core samples during the simulation, rover, then start the activity of finding water ice. 6.3. Geography Model Design Generically, a workframe is of the tbrm: When (I believe IX}*) Do {activity A. conclude a new belief and/or The geography model represents locations on Earth fact }* and the Moon (Figure 69.The areas of interest on Earth are Building244, where the Victoria teams and systems 6.2. Object Model Design are located, and UsnSatelliteLocation. where the The object model consists of the classes and instances of physical artifacts, as well the statically and ) DI[a { I Co_ume¢ I C , o3,-1. II I _ I_tw*r'_ II I Figure5.Vict_aOtectModel I I I Figure6.VictoriaGeographMyodel UsnDishl satellite dish is located. Locations for the 7. Victoria Simulation Scenario simulated scenario are represented on the Moon ShadowEdgeOffSraterSNl represents the location the The case study selects one of the key _urface rover at the start of the simulation (the shadow edge in activities, searching for water in permanently shadoa'ed crater SNI). ShadowAreallnCraterSNl represents the craters: area in the permanent shadowed $NI crater where the The rover has arrived at the shadow edge of crater rover will perform a drilling activity. The LandingSite site number 1 The batter_" has been lit(cid:0)iv charged. area is represented only for completeness. Based on the data analwts by the F.arth-ba,_t'd teams, oI _o,N.,tt o,_lagt u_w'll_ Figure7.VictoriaRoverscenarioactivilies the Clementine data available for the shadow edge area communication, and movement of each agent and object. of crater site number I. the science team now decides After the model is developed and compiled, the Brahms where to go into this crater and search for water ice. simulation engine executes the model. A relational While the rover is traversing into the crater, it is taking database is created, including every simulation event. An hydrogen measurements with the Neutron Spectrometer. end-user display tool called the .4gentViewer uses this When the rover arrives at the assigned location within database to display all groups, classes, agents, objects, this crater and it/inds hydrogen there, the science team and areas in a selectable tree view The end-user can decides it should start drilling lOcm into the ,'urface select the agents and objects he she wants to investigate. using the S,4TM. and collect a l.Occ lunar sample. The AgentViewer displays an activity time line of the When the rover receives this command, it starts the agents and objects selected, optionally showing agent drilling activity and finally deposits the sample into the and object communications. Using this view the end- instrument carousel. user can investigate what happened dunng the The rover uses two instruments in this scenario: the simulation. In the next three sections we explain the key Neutron Spectrometer (to detect hydrogen--most likely behaviors during the simulation. caused by water ice--within the first half meter of the 8.1. Data Uplink Activities lunar surface below the rover) and the lunar surthce drill tSample Acquisition and Transfer Mechanism -- The scenario starts with the Data Analys_s and SATM). Interpretation Team (DAIT) retrieving the Clementine The backbone of the simulation model consists of data image of the shadow edge area. where the rover is three primary activities: Data uplink. Rover operations, located at the start of the scenario. They review this and Uplink. These are described in the next section. image using their visualization system, represented in the Brahms model as a VisualizationSystem object. 8. Simulation Results According to the work practice, they do this without The .,imulation provides visibility into the behavior anyone requesting that they look at the data. ,Jr the _ork system o_,er time, that _s, activities, Figure8.Simulalionofdown_nkandsecond uplinkcommandactivities This means that the DA.IT needs to be know: l) the rain) into the crater to a specific location location and situation el" the rover at all times, 2) (ShadowAreallnCraterSNI), and while driving it should whether data is available and needs to be retric',ed, and be using itsneutron detectorinstrument re delcct 3) where and how they can retrieve data. hydrogen in the lunar surface This decision is Once the DAIT has retrieved the images, it communicated to the Vehicle and Spacecraft OperatIons communicates this to the Science Operations Team Team (VSOT), as well as to the DAIT After this (SOT), and they collaboradvely analyze these images communication, the SOT waits tbr the rover's downhnk (the AnalyzeRoverl'mages activity). When done, the data. SOT plans the t_rst rover command sequence. According 8.2. Rover ,-_cdvity to the scenario being simulated, the SOT decides that the roverneeds t_drivel_)r:i,;pecntiedaxnountor"time(l5 -FhcVtct,_rLrt,;_er I_modeled as an agent, v_hereas _hc neutron spectrometer and SATM instruments are detector and [ocation data, it retrtcvcs the dat:l l'rtlm rhc luodclcd as ,_eparate science instrument objects VisualizationSystem object (the ,tctlv_t_cs c_mramcd in the rover agent. [n the scenario model, the RctrieveNeutronData, lntcrpretNcutronData, and Ncumm Spectrometer object is active and creates a FindRoverLocationData) IlydrogcnD;,ta_l object conta.ning the hydrogen data Next, the DAIT commumcates their r_ndings to the that _s,,cnt to Earth while the VictoriaRovcr _straversing SOT In the example ,;ccnario. thedata ,,uggest that the to a permanently shadowed area within the crater SNI rover has found hydrogen m Shado_-X.rca[ InCratcrSnl The rover then waits tbr the next command sequence Given this finding, the SOT quickly determines the next from Earth. During this time the teams on Earth are command sequence for the rover and communicates this analyzing the hydrogen data and deciding what to do decision to the VSOT (see 'Next Ro_cr Command next. In the Uplink activity, the rover is given the Decision" in Figure 8). command to search tbr water ice in the permanent dark The communication informs the VSOT to transmit area This triggers a traverse, during which the SATM the command sequence to the Vtctor:aRo,,er (see instrument will start the drilling activity. "Create command sequence" in Figure ;3_.The command To collect a sample the SATM has to 1) lower its sequence tells the VictortaRover to start the augur to the surface, 2) drill to the depth given as part of SearchForWaterlcelnPermanentDark.-krea activity. It the command by the SOT (in this scenario the command also tells the VictoriaRover that its sub-activity is to says to take a 1.0cc sample at 10¢m depth), 3) open the perform the Drilling, Activity. Parameters indicate how sample cavity door, 4) continue to drill to collect the deep to drill and how big a sample to collect at that sample, 5) close the sample door when done, 6) retract depth. Figure 8 shows part of this second uplink process. the drill from the surface, and 7) deposit the collected The duration of the downlink and second uplink sample on the instrument carousel. (see "Drill 10¢m into processes determine the duration of the second surface and take lcc sample" in Figure 7). DoNothing activity of the VictoriaRover, simulating the In the Brahms model, the Augur object creates the time the rover is waiting for the Victoria science team to LunarSample_l object as part of its activity to capture decide the next command sequence (see "'Waiting for the lunar sample, after opening the sample door and Command from Science Team" in Figure 8). continuing the drilling to collect the 1.0cc sample. The activity times for drilling into the surface are 8.4. Modeling Energy Consumption of Rover dynamically derived during the simulation. To calculate the total energy used by the rover, we 8.3. Downlink Activity need to represent in the model the energy, needed tbr each subsystem during a rover activity lsee equation When the rover detects hydrogen in (I)). The total power consumption of the rover during ShadowArea I[nCraterSNl the downlink process starts the scenario can then be calculated (equation 12)). (represented by the Brahms AgentViewer in Figure 8). The VictoriaRover agent contains the S-BandMGA object, which represents the S-Band transmitter on the To_dPowerConsumpncn=i=_oE,cn' 11) rover. The VictoriaRover creates a data object with a) the current rover location information and b) the hydrogen data. This data object is then communicated to = amaor=¢=Prover(/ldl 12) Earth, via the UsnDishl object. The Usn.Dishl object The energy consumption for every rover activity communicates this data to the DataConversionSystem, located at NASA Ames. during the simulation of the scenario is shown in Figure As can be seen in Figure 8 (see "Downlink process"), 9. In particular, the energy the rover uses during the the DataConversionSystem performs two conversion Waiting activity (see "waiting for command from activities, one for the hydrogen data and one tbr the science team" in Figure 8) is defined by the energy." needed for Thermal Protection during driving - location data from the rover The work system design requires that the data conversion system interact with the Command and Data Handling ,htring driving. While the visualization system without human intervention. rover is standing still and "'doing noth,ng.'" it consumes power for its thermal protection and its commanding and When the VisualizationSystem receives the newly converted data, the system alerts the DAIT. A member data handling tbr its subsystems, such as its processor board. of the DAIT monitors the VisualizationSystem while in the activity WatchForDownlink (see "'Detect, retrieve, Besides the power left to use after the scenario. another interesting vanabte is the energy, usage rate b,, interpret and communicate data" in Figure 8). When the the rover (equation (3U DAIT agent detects that there is newly available neutron "D , t'llcr_vR.dc =l',datP,_wcr Phallcry(_larolr"traversc-_ (3) [21 F E. Emery :lnd I! L. Tr_,,,t."S_c=o-rcchmcal Fh=sequatl_m -;howsthat given rhcenergy usedtnthe Systems." in _/anclgemt'rtt ,_'t'tdnt t'_. _h,h'l_ and Techmque_. f" W Churchna_m. lid. sccnarm- -drive 900m into the crater, and rake one 10cc London: Pergamon, Ic)60 ';ample ,tt I()cm depth--with the current work system [31 J. Grecnbaurn and M. Kyng. "Design ,it Wurk design, the robot has used almost a third of its power: Cooperative design of cornputcr systcrns." 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