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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20010071593: Progressive Failure Studies of Composite Panels With and Without Cutouts PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20010071593: Progressive Failure Studies of Composite Panels With and Without Cutouts

AIAA-2001-t 182 PROGRESSIVE FAILURE STUDIES OF COMPOSITE PANELS WITH AND WITHOUT CUTOUTS Damodar R. Ambur* NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23681-2199 Navin Jaunky* ICASE Hampton, VA 23681-2199 Carlos G. Davila* and Mark Hilburger _ NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23681-2199 Abstract The use of composite materials for aircraft primary structures can result in significant ben- Progressive failure analyses results are pre- efits on aircraft structural cost and performance. sented for composite panels with and without a Such applications of composites materials are ex- cutout and are subjected to in-plane shear load- pected to result in a 30-40 percent weight savings ing and compression loading well into their post- and a 10-30 percent cost reduction compared to buckling regime. Ply damage modes such as ma- conventional metallic structures. However, un- trix cracking, fiber-matrix shear, and fiber fail- like conventional metallic materials, composite ure are modeled by degrading the material prop- structures fail under different failure modes such erties. Results from finite element analyses are as matrix cracking, fiber-matrix shear failure, compared with experimental data. Good agree- fiber failure, and delamination. The initiation ment between experimental data and numerical of damage in a composite laminate occurs when results are observed for most structural configu- a single ply or part of the ply in the laminate fails rations when initial geometric imperfections are in any of these failure modes over a certain area appropriately modeled. of the structure. The initiation of damage does Introduction not mean that the structure cannot carry any additional load. The residual load bearing capa- bility of tile composite structure from the onset *Head, Mechanics and Durability Branch. Associate of material failure or initiation of damage to fi- Fellow AIAA tSenior Staff scientist. Member AIAA nal failure can be quite significant. It is at the _tAerospace Engineer, Analytical. & Computational final failure load that the structure cannot carry Methods Branch. Member AIAA any further load. This may be due to the fact §Aerospace Engineer, Mechanics and Durability that some failure modes may be benign not to Branch. Member AIAA 1Copyright @2001 by the American Institute of Aero- degrade the performance of the overall structure nautics and Astronautics, Inc. No copyright is asserted significantly. Accurate determination of failure in the United States under Title 17, U.S code. The U.S modes and their progression helps either to de- Government has aroyalty-free license to exercise all rights vise structural features for damage containment under the copyright claimed herein for Government Pur- or to define fail-safe criteria. Therefore it is im- poses. All other rights are reserved by the copyright owner. portant to understand the damage progression in composite structures subjected to different load- failure, and delamination. Delamination failure, however, is not included in the present studies. In ing conditions. order to simulate damage growth accurately, the Considerable work has been performed on failure analysis must be able to predict the fail- this subject. In 1987, Talreja ([1]), Allen et al. ure mode in each ply and apply the corresponding ([2]), and Chang and Chang ([3]), independently reduction in material stiffnesses. The failure cri- proposed progressive failure models that describe teria included in the present analyses are those the accumulation of damage in a composite lam- proposed by Hashin [11] and are summarized be- inate by a field of internal state variables. The low. damage model proposed by Chang and Chang ([3]) for notched laminate loaded in tension ac- • Matrix failure in tension and compression counts for all of the possible failure modes ex- occurs due to a combination of transverse, cept delamination. Chang and Lessard ([4]) later a22, and shear stress, rl_., r13 and r23. The failure index can be defined in terms of investigated the damage tolerance of composite laminates subjected to compression. Davila et these stresses and the strength parame- ters Y and shear allowables Sc. Failure al. ([5]) extended Chang and Lessard method from two dimensional membrane effects to shell- occurs when the index exceeds unity. As- based analysis that includes bending. Shell-based suming linear elastic response, the failure index has the form: progressive failure analyses that apply a mate- rial degradation model at every material point 2 in every ply in the laminate have been reported ern -- g Lk=Sc =-/1 +k2-gTZ / in References [6] through [9]. Recently a shell- based progressive failure analysis which consid- + ered large rotations based on a total Lagrangian approach method was presented in Reference [10]. + Sc23.J for a22 < 0 (1) The objective of the.present paper is to de- and velop and validate an efficient methodology that can predict the ultimate strength of compos- ite panels by taking into account ply damage em \ Yt ] + \ Sc12] + \ Sc13 / modes and geometrical non-linear response. Re- ( r23 '_2 sults from progressive failure analyses of compos- + \&=a) Ior_= > 0 (2) ite panels with and without a cutout subjected to shear and compressive loads are compared with where Yt is the strength perpendicular to experimental results. In this paper progressive the fiber direction in tension, Yc is the failure results are compared with experimental strength perpendicular to the fiber direc- results for fiat panels with and without cutout tion in compression, and Sc12, Sc13, and subjected in-plane shear loading. Progressive Sc23 are the in-plane shear, and transverse failure results are also presented for curved panels shear strengths, respectively. with and without a cutout and subjected to ax- Fiber-matrix shear failure occurs due to a ial compression. Although results from such ex- combination of axial stress (a11) and the perimental studies have been compared by other shear stresses. The failure criterion has authors with postbuckling analyses results, pro- the form: gressive failure analyses for nonlinearly deformed structures is not reported in the open literature. Thus another objective for this paper is to pro- e, = k-X-7/ + \&_2] vide such a comparison. + Failure Analysis S_t3] for all < 0 (3) Failure modes in laminated composite panels and are strongly dependent on ply orientation, load- ing direction and panel geometry. There are four e28 sTTI2, ]_ 2 basic modes of failure that occur in a laminated composite structure. These failure modes are; for o'tt > 0 (4) matrix cracking, fiber-matrix shcar faihtre, fiber + \Sol3(cid:0) l! I *_ t ,, where X_ is the strength along the fiber tile failure criteria to determine the occurrence of direction in tension, and Xc is the strength failure and tile mode of failure. along the fiber direction in compression. Numerical Examples • Fiber failure occurs due to tension or com- To assess tile predictive capability of the pression independent of the other stress present failure analysis method, several panels component. In compression the fiber fails have been analyzed and these results were com- by buckling. The failure criterion has the pared with experimental results. Results are pre- fornl: sented for unstiffened panels with and without cutouts and a stiffened panel. The unstiffened o'11 ei=7 /or o,, < 0 (5) panel cases are a fiat panel loaded in shear and a curved panel loaded in compression. Results and are also presented for a bead-stiffened panel sub- O'11 jected to in-plane shear loading. e,,=-2-7 lot > 0 (6) Flat Panel Loaded in In-plane Shear To simulate the above failure modes, the The panels subjected to pure in-plane shear elastic properties are made to be linearly depen- loading were loaded using a picture frame fix- dent on three field variables, FV1 through FV3. ture. The test sections of the bead-stiffened and The first field variable represents the matrix fail- unstiffened panel were 12.0 by 12.0 in. in size ure, the second the fiber-matrix shearing failure, and the members of the picture frame were 2.75- and the third the fiber buckling failure. The val- in. wide and 6.75-in thick. The fixture is made ues of the field variables are set to zero in the of steel. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of undamaged state. After a failure index has ex- a picture frame test fixture. In the finite ele- ceeded 1.0, the associated user-defined field vari- ment model, nodes on each member were con- able are set to 1.0. The associated field vari- strained for the out-of-plane displacement. Pin able then continues to have the value of 1.0, even joint consists of two co-incident nodes tied in though the stresses may reduce to values lower a multi-point constraint at the four corners of than the failure stresses of the material. This pro- the panel. The displacements of the dependent cedure ensures that the damaged material does node is made the same as that of the indepen- not heal. The mechanical properties in the dam- dent node, but the rotations of the co-incident aged area are reduced appropriately, according to nodes are excluded in the nmlti-point constraints. the property degradation model defined in Table The independent node diagonally opposite to the 1. For example, when the matrix failure crite- loading pin is constrained for axial and transverse rion takes the value of 1.0, then by the interpola- displacements. At the loading pin, applied dis- tion rule defined in Table 1, the transverse shear placement equal in magnitude in the axial and modulus (E_) and the Poisson ratio (u12) are set transverse directions at the independent node equal to zero. The field variables can be made to simulates the loading condition. The test section transit from 0 (undamaged) to 1 (fully damaged) is modeled using ABAQUS four node, reduced instantaneously. Chang and Lessard's degrada- integration, shear deformable S4R element [13]. tion model [4] is used in the present study. The members of the picture frame are modeled using ABAQUS four node shear deformable $4 Tile finite element implementation of this element [13]. progressive failure analysis was developed for the ABAQUS structural analysis program using The fiat unstiffened panel has a lami- the USDFLD user-written subroutine [12, 13]. nate stacking sequence of [+45/0/9012s, with ABAQUS calls this USDFLD subroutine at all a ply thickness of 0.0056-in. and is made material points of elements that have material of graphite epoxy. The mechanical properties properties defined in terms of the field variables. for tile material are EH=18.5 Msi, E22=1.64 The subroutine provides access points to a num- Msi, G12=Gt3=0.87 Msi, G23=0.55 Msi, and ber of variables such as stresses, strains, mate- u12=0.3. The strength allowables are Xt=232.75 rial orientation, current load step, and material ksi, Xc=210.0 ksi, I_t=14.7 ksi, 1%=28.7 ksi, name, all of which can be used to compute tile S_1_=29.75 Ksi, and S_13=S_2a=4.8 ksi. Experi- field variables. Stresses and strains are computed mental results for this test panel are reported in at each increnmntal load step and evaluated by Reference [14]. Afiniteelemenmt odeo[fthepaneilsshown diagonal which is in the panel loading direction inFigure2. Thismodecl onsistosf3425nodes and propagate in the region close to the diagonal and3300elements.An imperfectiobnasedon and along the loading direction. Figure 4 shows staticanalysisresultsfora pressurleoadwas a fringe plot of matrix cracking (F171) in the top addedto themodelto simulateanimperfect ply after the final failure load. The dark contours shapesimilartothatofabubble(onehalfwave denote failed regions of the panel. Other damage ineachdirectionofthepanel).Progressivfaeil- modes accumulate in approximately the same re- ureanalysis(PFA)wascarriedoutforthiscase gion as depicted by the plot. These damage loca- withamaximumimperfectiomnagnitudeequal tions are consistent with observations from exper- to5%ofthelaminatethicknessT.hreeintegra- iments and do not involve delamination failure. tionpointsthrougheachplythicknesasreused intheanalysisforcomputatioonfsectionprop- Curved Panel Loaded in Axial Compression erties. A post-bucklinagnalysisof thepanel The curved panel has a laminate stacking withthesameleveol fimperfectiownasalsoper- formed. sequence of [±45/0/9013s, with a ply thickness of 0.005-in. The mechanical properties of the Theresultsfortheflatpanelloadedinshear material used for the panel are El1=17.5 Msi, areshowninFigure3,wheretheloadisplotted E22=1.51 Msi, G12=G13=0.78 Msi, G23=0.55 versusthestrainnormalto thefiberdirection Msi, and v12=0.29. The strength allowables are (e22i)nthetopandbottomply(45 o ply) at the Xt=206.0 ksi, X_=206.0 ksi, }_=8.9 ksi, Yc=17.8 center of the test specimen. The dashed lines ksi, Sd_=18.3 Ksi, and S_13=Sc23=4.8 ksi. Ex- marked FV1, FV2 and FV3 indicate the load perimental results for this test are reported in level at which damage described by field vari- Reference [15]. able FV1 through FV3 are initiated well into The panel geometry, boundary conditions the post buckling regime. These failures are due and loading are shown in Figure 5. The panel to severe bending in the region. The thick solid finite element model consists of 6561 nodes and line represents the experimental results and the 6400 elements. Measured geometric imperfection thin solid line represents the postbuckling analy- from a typical test specimen was included in the sis results. The solid and open triangles are an- model. Three integration points through each ply alytical results for the panel response that indi- thickness are used in the analysis for computation cates progression of failure. The analysis results of section properties. are in good agreement with the experimental re- sults. The final failure load obtained from the The results for the curved panel loaded in experiment is 54.81 kips, which is 6 % more than compression are shown in Figure 6, where the the final failure load of approximately 51.5 kips load is plotted against the end shortening dis- obtained from progressive failure analysis. Dam- placement. The filled symbols representing FV1, age initiation starts as matrix cracking (FV1) at FV2, and FV3 indicate the load level at which a load level of 37.76 kips. Fiber-matrix shear damage described by field variable FV1 through FV3 are initiated. The analysis and expermental (FV2), and fiber (FV3) failure are initiated at the same load level of 45.37 kips. This indicates results are in good agreement. The final failure that the structure can carry an additional 17.04 load from the experiment is 51.25 kips, which is kips (about 30% of the final experimental load) 11% less than the final failure load obtained from after matrix cracking has been initiated. Even af- progressive failure analysis of about 56.8 kips. All ter the initiation of fiber-matrix shear and fiber damage modes initiate after the panel buckling failure, the panel continues to carry an additional and attaining its final load bearing capability. load of about 9.4 kips ( 17% of the final experi- Matrix cracking (FV1) initiated at a load level mental load). The post-buckling analysis results of 43.31 kips just after buckling. Fiber-matrix diverge from the progressive failure results at a shear (FV2) and fiber failure (FV3) initiated at load level that is slightly higher than the load at a load level of 37.53 kips and a load level of 38.32 which initiation of fiber-matrix shear and fiber kips, respectively. failure occurs. At that load level the analysis pre- Figure 7(a) through 7(c) show fringe plots dicts a significant amount of damage that could for matrix cracking (FV1), fiber matrix shear have led to a considerable loss of panel stiffness. (FV2), and fiber failure (FV3) in the bottom ply All the failure modes initiated near the steel after final failure at an applied displacement of supporting fixture close to the region along the approximately 0.1-in.. Damage initiated within thantheexperimentfaalilureload.Damagieniti- The results for this in-plane shear-loaded ationstartsasfiber-matrixshea(rFV2)andfiber panel are shown in Figure 14, where the load is (FV3)failureatthesameloadleveol f28.34kips. plotted versus the axial strain (e,x) in the top Matrixcracking(FV1)isinitiatedataloadlevel and bottom plies (45 ° ply) at the center of the of30.22kips.Hencethecurvedpaneclancarry test panel. The curves FV1, FV2, and FV3 in- anadditionalloadofabout11.0kips(about27% dicate the load level at which damage modes de- ofthefinalexperimentalolad)afterinitiationof scribed by the field variable FV1 through FI'3 fiber-matrixsheaarndfiberfailure.Aftermatrix initiate. The analyses results are in good agree- crackinghasbeeninitiated,thepanelcancarry ment with the experimental results. The final anadditionalloadof9.0kips(about 23% of the failure load obtained from the experiment is 27.9 final experimental load). kips, which is 12 % less than the final failure load All the failure modes initiated near the edge obtained from the progressive failure analysis of of the cutout. Figure 12 shows a fringe plot for about 24.4 kips. Damage initiation starts as ma- matrix cracking (FV1) in the bottom ply after trix cracking (FV1) at a load level of 10.8 kips, the final failure load. These damage locations are whereas fiber-matrix shear (FV2) and fiber fail- ure are initiated at the same load level of 12.8 consistent with experimental observations. How- ever experimental observation indicated signifi- kips. Hence the structure can carry an additional cant delamination around the cutout. Although load of approximately 17.0 kips (60% of the final the initial geometric imperfection are accurately experimental load) after matrix cracking damage has been initiated. Even after initiation of fiber- represented here, the delamination damage may be responsible for the discrepancy between the matrix shear and fiber failure, the panel can carry analytical and experimental failure loads with the an additional load of approximately 15.0 kips ( panel exhibiting a catastrophic failure with no 53% of the final experimental load). residual strength. Figure 15(a) through 15(c) show fringe plots for matrix cracking, fiber-matrix shear, and fiber Bead-stiffened Panel Loaded in Shear failure in the top ply after" the final failure load. The thermoformed bead-stiffened configura- The damage initiated near the curved tip of the tion is an advanced concept for stiffened graphite bead-stiffener and propagated to the other re- thermoplastic panels. Thermoforming ia a cost gions as shown in these figures. The locations effective manufacturing method for incorporat- for damage are consistent with experimental ob- ing bead stiffeners. An experimental and analyt- servations. For the case of this stiffened panel, ical investigation of these bead-stiffened panels initial geometric imperfections are not a critical was conducted by Rouse [17]. The bead-stiffened factor in predicting the observed behavior. panels were loaded in in-plane shear loading us- Concluding Remarks ing a picture frame fixture similar to the one de- scribed above. It was found that the bead stiff- The results of an analytical and experimen- ened panels failed near the curved tip of the stiff- tal study to evaluate the initiation and progres- ener where large magnitudes of stress resultants sion of damage in nonlinearly deformed stiffened were predicted. and unstiffened panel are presented. These stud- The bead-stiffened panel has a laminate ies are also conducted for panels with cutouts stacking sequence of [+45/ + 45/0/ • 45/90]s and subjected to two loading conditions. The with a ply thickness of 0.005-in. The mechan- progressive failure methodology includes matrix ical properties of the material are El1=18.0 cracking, fiber-matrix shear, and fiber failure, Msi, E22=1.50 Msi, G12=Gla=G23=0.82 Msi. but ignores delamination failure. The effect of The allowables are Xt=300.0 ksi, Xc=210.0 ksi, initial geometric imperfections is also investi- Yt=13.0 ksi, Yc=31.O ksi, Sc1_=27.0 Ksi, and gated as part of the study. Scla=Sc_3=5.0 ksi. A finite element model of For a flat panel loaded in in-plane shear load- the bead-stiffened panel is shown in Figure 13. ing, the three failure modes considered in the This model consists of 2935 nodes and 2849 ele- study accurately represent the damage senario in ments. No geometric imperfection was added to the postbuckling regime. The analytically deter- the model of tile bead-stiffened panel. Three in- mined response, failure modes and damage loca- tegration points through each ply thickness are tions compare well with the experimental results used in the analysis for computation of section wheu the initial geometric imperfection is in- properties. eluded in the analysis in a simple manner. When [4] Chang, F.-K., and Lesard, L. B., "Damage a cutout is introduced, however, delamination oc- Tolerance of Laminated Composites Con- curs at the hole boundary as an additional fail- taining an Open Hole and Subjected to ure mode resulting in some discrepancies with the Compressive Loadings: Part 1-Analysis," observed behavior. The analysis results also pre- Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 25, dict a residual strength with the final failure load Jan. 1991, pp. 2-43. being approximately 10% greater than the exper- imental failure load. [5] Davila, C. G., Ambur, D. R., and Mc- The response of curved panels with and Gowan, D. 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International Journal of Solids and Struc- tures, Vol. 23, No. 9, 1987, pp. 1301-1318. [123 ABAQUS User's Manual, Vol. 3, Ver. 5.6, Hibbitt, Karlsson, and Sorensen, Pawtucket, [31 Chang, F.-K., and Chang, K. Y., "A Pro- RI, 1996, pp. 25.2.33-1. gressive Dasnage Model for Laminated Com- posites Containing Stress Concentrations," [13] ABAQUS Ezample Problems Manual, Vol. Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 21, 1, Vet. 5.5, Hibbitt, Karlsson, and Sorensen, Sept. 1987, pp. 834-855. Pawtucket, RI, 1995, pp. [14] Rouse, M., "Post Buckling of Flat Table 1: Dependence of material elastic Unstiffened Graphite-Epoxy Plates properties on the field variables Loaded in Shear," Presented at the AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS 26th Structures, No Matrix Fiber-matrix. Fiber Structural Dynamics, and Materials Confer- failure cracking shear failure ence, Orlando, Florida, April 15-17, 1985. Ell El_ Eli Ell _0 Also AIAA Paper No. 85-0771-CP. E22 E22 -40 E22 E22 -40 u12 u12 -40 uL2 -40 ut2 -40 [15] Hiburger, M. 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NASA Advanced Composite Technology Conference, Oct. 29-Nov. 1, 1990., NASA • Pinjoint Conference Publication 3104, pp. 969-977. Figure Schematic diagram of picture frame test fixture. vk. Figure 2 Finite element model of a flat composite panel in the picture frame test fixture. Post-buclding failure analyses _ j._ure Load, Ibs 50000 ' 2,FV3 I 50000 _ 1 40000 _FVl-........ FA ..... 40000 _ 30000 oooo : oooo - 10000 10000 ent I -9 p2-0.015-0.01-0,005 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 O.t 0_ I i I 0.0I5 i ' 0.1 End-shortening, In. Strain(E22),inJin. Figure 6 Load vs. end-shortening displacement Figure 3 Load vs. strain component normal to results for curved panel loaded in compression. fiber direction in top and bottom plies of fiat panel loaded in the picture frame test fixture. ii ii*'i il ....... Figure 7(a) Fringe plot for matrix cracking in the bottom ply for curved panel loaded in compression. Figure 4 Fringe plot for matrix cracking (FV1) in the top ply of the flat panel. theline v=w=O inthe .(o,_.o/,,,_,_. _ - ,_// _,,_,/__._ '%,. o Figure 7(b) Fringe plot for fiber-matrix shear in the bottom ply for curved panel loaded in Figure 5 Geometry aud boundary conditions for compression. curved composite panel. Figure7(c)Fringeplotforfiberfailureinthe bottomplyforcurvedpanelloadedin compression. Figure 10 Fringe plot for fiber failure in the top ply for the flat panel with a cutout loaded in the picture frame test fixture. Load, lbs. 30000 .... 40000 L 20000 _Analys_ /" • FV1 Figure 8 Finite element model of flat panel with 10000 • FV2, FV3 a circular cutout. _Expedment 0 ' '0''.02.... 0.0_4...... O. 0.0'8' _ _01' '0.1'2 End-shortening, In. Figure 11 Load versus end-shortening 50000 (_),e Expedment displacement for a curved panel with cutout 45000 (d/W=0.2) and subjected to axial compression loading. Load, Ib_40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 Figure 9 Load vs. strain component normal to fiber direction in the top and bottom plies of Figure 12: Plot for matrix cracking damage in the bottom ply for curved panel with cutout flat panel with a cutout loaded in the picture frame test fixture. (d/W=0.2) and loaded in compression. 10 Figure 15(b) Fringe plot for fiber-matrix shear Figure13:Finiteelemenmt odeolfthe in the top ply of the bead-stiffened panel bead-stiffenepdaneilnpictureframetest fixture Load Ibs) 30oo0 6000 _ }Experiment 0_' "0,;o1 .0..0.0.2.....0..0.0.3. 0.004 01.5_'''0.00t6 Figure 15(c) Fringe plot for fiber failure in the Strain (Er,) top ply of the bead-stiffened panel Figure 14: Load versus axial strain, (ex.) results at the center of bead-stiffened panel. m Figure 15(a) Fringe plot for matrix cracking in the top ply of tile bead-stiffened panel 11

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