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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20010014196: Predicting the Rotor-Stator Interaction Acoustics of a Ducted Fan Engine

AIAA 2001-0664 Predicting the Rotor-Stator Interaction Acoustics of a Ducted Fan Engine Robert T. Biedron Christopher L. Rumsey NASA Langley lqesearch Cellter, Hamilton, \'irginia Gary G. Podboy NASA Glenn lqesearch Center, Cleveland, OH M. H. Dunn Old Dominion University, Norfolk. \'irginia 39th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit 8-11 January 2001/Reno, NV For permission to copy or republish, contact the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA 20191-4344 AIAA-2001-0664 PREDICTING THE ROTOR-STATOR INTERACTION ACOUSTICS OF A DUCTED FAN ENGINE Robert T. Biedron* and Christopher L. t/umsey 1" NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia (;ary G. Podboy _ NASA Glenn Research (lenter Cleveland, OH M. H. l)unn _' Old Dominion lrniversity Norfolk, Virginia Abstract star,or interaction lnodes have existed for quite some time (see, e.g., Tyler and Sofrint), but most contpu- A Navier-Stokes computation is performed for a rational techniques to date rely extensively on exper- ducted-fan configuration with the goal of predicting imental measurements and analytical scaling tech- rotor-stator noise generation without having _o re- niques. Although such heuristic methods can pro- sort to heuristic modeling. The calculated pressure vide reasonable predictions of engine tone noise in field in the inlet region is decoml)osed into classical many cases, they are far from perfect and it is diffi- infiuit,e-duct modes, which are then used in either cult to know where to luru when they are in error. a hybrid finite-element/Kirchhoff surface method or On the other hand, predictions from first, principles, boundary integral equation method to calculate the although more expeusiw', hold the promise of offer- far field noise. Comparisons with expemnental data ing greater insight into and col,trol of the physical are presented, including rotor wake surveys and far mechanisms behind the noise general|on and propa- field sound pressure levels for 2 blade passage De- gation processes. As computers continue to becolne queucy (BPF) tones. more l)owerful and inexpensive, the greater exl)ense 1 Introduction of the first-principles approach is becoming less of an impediment. Tone noise in ducted fan engines, resulting from Runtsey el a[. 2 frst explored the |lse of the first- the interaction and response of the moving rotor- principles approach for predictillg the one blade blade wakes with the stat.ionary st.ator vanes, prop- passage freqtlellCy (I 13PF) modes in all advanced agates both forward and aft. through the duct and ducted propeller (ADP) model. Only the forward- radiates to the far field. This noise impacts both propagating rhodes were considered. The Navier- communities as well a.s passengers and crew flying Stokes equations were solved tilne-accurately on a in aircraft.. Theoretical models for predicting rotor- lnoving grid with sliding patched interfaces between *Research Scientisl, (:Oml)ut at tonal Modeling and Sinmla- the rotor and stator grids. Turbulent flow was tion Branch. achieved through the use of a one-equation turl)u- ?Senior Flesearch Scientist. Computational Modeling and lence model with a wall fmwtion al)proach. The Simulation Branch. Associate Fellow AIAA. acoustic modes inside the engine were both gener- IAerospace Engineer, Acoustics Branch, Senior IMelnber A1AA. ated and propagated using this numerical method. §Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and and a particular mode of interest was shown to prop- Scat|sties, Member AIAA. agate well upstream of the rotor inside the engine Copyright @2001 by the American Institute of Aeronau- tics and Astronautics, Inc. No copyright is asserted in the with minimal attenuation. Separate at:oust|(" (-<)des tin|ted States under Title 17. U.S. Code. The (T.S. Govern- were used to propagate these internal results out t.o ment has a royalty-free license to exercise all righls under the the far field. copyright claimed herein for government purposes. All other rights are reserved by the copyright owner. The study of Rumsey et al. dentonstrated the 1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics feasibilityof usinga Navier-Stoke('sFD codeto tially first-order accurate, which resulls in block- bothgeneralaendpropagattehetoneuoisewithina tridiagonal inversions for each sweel), tlowever, for du('tedfallengineH. owevetrh,einitialstudywasfor solutions that use FDS the block-tridiagonal inver- l BPFmodesw, hichareoftenst.rongearndhence sions are further simplified with a diagonal algo- easietropredi('lthanhigherharmonimc odesA. lso, rithm, qurl)ulem'e equations are solved uncouph,d mostenginesaredesignewdith bladeCOUlltssuch fl'om the mean equations. thaiall1BPFmodeasrecutoff'(dol|otpropagate), The turbulence model used is the one-equation sointhissensteheearlierADPcasewasunrealistic. Spalart-Alhnaras (SA) model, 4 in combination with The Cllrrellt sludv applies the same methodology a wall flmction approach. The wall function ap- as fief. 2 to a more realistic case for which the 1BPF proach obtains a "pseudo"-wall viscosity thai forces modes do not propagate but the 2 BPF modes do. the law-of-the wall to hold. Details can be found Furthermore. more extensive experimental data is in Ref. 3. The advantage of using the wall rune- available for this new case, including rotor wake ve- lion form is that the grid spacing does not need to lociLy profiles between the rotor and st,ator rows, al- be as tight near the solid walls (,q+ _ 80 as op- lowing tk)r a belier assessment of the first-tu'ineiples posed to y+ ,_ 1), so the stretching into the field is met hod. This report details the progress and lessons less severe. This is particularly important for acous- learned to date, with the purl)oSe of guiding fllt,ure tic coml)utations, for which good grid resolution is computational efforts in this area. Speei[i,'all 3, rotor needed throughou! tile field t.o resolve the acoustic wake pretties between the rotor and staler rows are pert ur bat ions. compared with measured data. and forward-moving A sliding patched imerface ('OlllleCt.s the rotor acoustic mode amplitudes within the duct are ana- and staler rows. At, this interface, non-conservative lyzed. These it>duct acoustic results are then used interpolations are used, as described in Rumsey. 5 to compute tile far field noise in Colnparison with In this reference, an engineering rule-of-thumb was experinmntally measured levels, using both a wave developed for determining the maximum computa- envelope/Kirchhoff method and a boundary integral t,ional tilne step allowable so that, the acoustic waves equation method. that pass through the interface are not distorted. We adhere t,o this rule-of-thumb in the current work. 2 Numerical Methods For all the computations performed in this study, 2.1 the CFLaD code was run time-accurately with three Navier-Stokes method in interaction region r-TS subit.erations per time step performed in com- The ('FD ('ode used in tile current investigation bination with multigrM, as described in Refs. 2 and is ('FL:H), 3 a widely-used structured-grid upwind :{. finite-volume method. It neglects viscous ('ross- derivative t,erms, which results in the thin-layer 2.2 Propal4ation technique to the far field Navier-Stokes equal ions in Sl)ecified coordinate di- In principle, the (:FD code could be used to di- rections. Third-order upwind-biased spatial (lifter- rectly calculate the far field noise, llowever, because ('llCillg on the convective and pressure terms, and of the code is only second-order accurate, such an ap- second-order differencing on the viscous terms are proach would require a prohibitive number of grid used: it is globally second-order spatially accurate. points. To make the problem tractable, a hybrid Tile ('FLaD code can solve flow over multiple-zone methodology is used that combines the modal data grids that are ('Ollllected ill a one-to-one, l)atehed, extracted from the CFD solution with more efficient or overset manner, and can employ grid sequencing, means of colnputing the far field noise. multi-grid, and local lime stepping when accelerat- Two approaches are considered. In the first,, the ing convergence to steady state. I'pwind-biased spa- modal data is inl)ut t,o Eversman's Finite Element tial dilDrem'ing is used for the inviscid terms, and Model (FEM) duct radiation code. '_ This velocity- flux limiting is used to obtain smooth solutions in l)otential based EEM code is then used to propagate the vicinity of shock waves, when present. No liln- the acoustic waves away from the ilflet region; no at- it.er was employed for this study. Viscous terms are tempt is made to include acoustic propagation from centrally differenced. Tile flux difference-splitting the exhausl flow. While the FEM code has been (FI)S) method of Roe is employed to obtain, fluxes found to be accurate in the near field, phase infor- at lhe ('ell faces. matiou is not well represented m the far field. To The ('FL:_D code is advanced in time with overcome this difficulty, a l_ir(:hhoff surface is con- an implicit three-factor approximate factorization structed using the near field FEM solution, and a method The implicit derivatives are written as spa- l{irchhoff integral formulation is elnployed t.o corn- 2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics t)ut,ethenoiseat.anypointin tilefarfield. This harmonic, B is the number of rotor blades, I" is the approachisdescribeidll detailinFief.7. Thiswas number of stator vanes, and k is zero or any positive alsotheapproachusedill theprevioursotor-stator or negative integer. noisestudy.'-' Ill the current study we are focusing on the Thesecondapproachusestileductedfallnoise upstrcam-moving 52BPF _tl = -6 modes (b = 2 predictioncodeTBIEM3Ds.'"_ (ising boundary in- and k = -1). All 1 BPF modes are cut-oil for this tegral equation techniques for solving tile time har- configuration. 11 The m = -6 modes are periodic monic convective wave equatiou, TBIEM3I) calcu- over 1/6th of the engine circumference (60°), and lat.es the sound scattered by an infinitely thin, con- rot.ate in the direction ol*posit_ to tha! of the rotor. stant radius cylindrical duct in a uniform axial flow These are the lowest,-order circumferential modes, fekl. Fan noise generation is approximated by sim- and hence have the least stringent grid-spacing re- ple spinning mouopole or dipole point and/or line quirements for the (!FD code: the higher the order sources. In the present simulat, iou, spinning line the mode, the more points are required to accurately sources were used to generate the eircunfferential represenl it. Given all average in-duct Mach number lllodes of interest. The line source strengths were of M = 0.265 between the rotor and staler rows and adjusted to match as closely as possil)le the radial .Ii = 0.2;') in front of tile rot.or, the only m = -6 mode deconlposition fl'onl the (:FD. modes that propagate upstream wit, bout decay ac- cording to the infinite-duct theory are the first three 3 Results radial modes. The axial waveleng! hs associated with each of these modes are: At-,;,1) = 0.087- 0.08. () In, 3.1 Description of the test case At_<,,) = 0. 104-0.106 m, and A(-,-;.3) = 0.151-0.1")7 An advanced high byl)ass subsonic fan was de- m. The frst number in the range represents tile signed and built by tile Allison Engine (;ompany under contract to NASA Glenn Research (!enter. ms wavelength associated with the higher Math nun> bet. Note that these wavelengtl,s are theoretical val- described by Woodward el al. 1° The fall has 18 ro- ues for a COils*ant Macl>number infinite duct; there- t,or blades with a diameter of 22 in. (0.559 m). and fore they represent approximate levels expected in 42 stator vanes. In the acoustic tests performed at, *lie engine, where the Math number varies. NASA Glenn, various configurations of staler vanes were used: forward radial, aft radial, swept only, 3.2 Grid size and spacing and swept plus leaned. For tile presenl computa- For this case. it, is necessary to have a grid that tions, only the radial starers ill the forward posi- covers a full 60 ° of the inside of the engine. Thus, 3 tion are considered. (In the forward i)osition, the rotor passages and 7 staler passages must be mod- staler leading edge is approximately 3.95 in. (0.1(l eled for the engine with 18 blades alid 42 vanes. The m) behind the rotor trailing edge.) The t-omputa- tions use a fall speed of 5210 RPM, which is 50% grid for the current study is made up of these 10 zones, plus 3 addit.ional zones modeling the exterior of the nominal design speed (approach setting), and of the engine, out. to a far field apl)roximately 37 only forward-propagating acoustic modes are con- sidered. The currenl computations are run using in. (0..% m) in front, 62 in. (1.57 m) al)ove, and 53 a free stream Math number of M = 0.2. This is in. (1.35 m) behind tile engine cowl (the engine cowl is approxmlately 34.5 in. (0.88 m) long). All overall higher than the M = 0.1 used in l'/ef. 10. }Iowever, view of the far field grid is shown in Fig. 1. The tile higher free st,ream Mach number t)rimarily af- fect,s the flow external to the engine, including the grid size of each rotor passage is ::_521× 57 x 41 (these numbers rel)resent axial, radial, and circumferential stagnat.ion point on the cowl. The flow inside the en- spacing, respectively). The grid size of each st,at.or gine itself is prinlarily det,ermined by the rotor RPM passage is 129 × 57 × :{3. There are approximately and is not expected t.o differ significantly for the two conditions. The Fieyno[ds numl)er is taken t.o be 4.12 x 10'_ total grid points ill the 13 zones. 4.882 x 10'_ per m. To do a reasonable job in an engine acoustic con> With 18 rotors and 42 st,at,ors, Tyler-Sofrin infi- putation, the CFI) code has to adequately resolw _ nite duct linear t.heory I can be used t.o determine two trot)or*ant aspects of the |tow: the "creation" the forward-moving modes that propagate. Duct. phase and the "propagation" phase. The "creation" acoustic modes are generally characterized as (m, n) phase is tile phase that oc('urs near the staler lead- modes by their circumferential and radial mode ing edge, where the interaction of the rotor wakes numbers m and I_. As discussed in Fief. 1, the mode with the vanes creates the duct acot, stic modes in number _t7 for a rotor-stator interaction can be ob- tile first, place. The "propagation" phase is the ad- lained from m = hB + kl, where h is the BPF w'ct.ion of these modes through the flow field. The 3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics ideabehindafirst-principleaspproacihslousethe diffuses potential spurious reflections from tile exte- Navier-Stokeeqsuationtsoresolvbeoththecreation rior boundaries of the grid. (If one were to attempt andpropagatiopnhasewsithinthehighlynonlinear this type of computation with only an unstretched regimeoftheenginew, heresimplerlinearacous- internal-engine grid, the acoustic field would be con- ticmethodasrenot expected to be valid. Once the taminated by retlections from ttw boundary unless aeollsl ic lnodes have been prol)agat.ed away from the special non-reflective acous(,ic I>oun(lary conditions mini|near regions, linear acoustic methods can then were employed.) take over and be used to determine the noise in the Reasonably accurate resolution of the rotor wakes far tieh[. is necessary, because it, is their interaction with the The grid size and spacing is a very crucial as- stator vanes that causes fhe tonal acoustic modes. pect of an engine acoustic computation. This point To achieve high resolution, the rotor grids must be cannot be stressed enough. To apply the current clustered near the approximate location of the wakes tirst-principles approach to compute acoustic fea- as they convect aft.. A view of the j = 35 planes tures, il is necessary to sutficiently resolve the acous- of one rotor and one stator passage are shown in tic waves o[' interest as they propagate and the re- Fig. 4. The '_wa.ke cuts" of the rotor grid are ap- gion where the acoustic modes are initially geuer- 1)roximately aligned with the local rotor direction, ated must be line enough to adequately resolve their so the grid lines follow the approximate paths of the creation. Several close-ups of tile grid are shown in wakes themselves. Additionally, the rotor grids ex- Figs. ;2- 0. The grid was generated using TI(;ER. l'e tend downstream to be within 0.877 ill (0.0;2;2 l/l) of In tile following paragraphs, we will point out, sonle the staler leading edge. As a result, the rotor wakes import ant elements of tile grid and their relationship are ill a "'clustered-grid" region for a long distance Io the acoustic aspects of the COmlmtation. before the wake passes through the rotor-stator in- The grid is clustered near all solid walls, and terface, where clustering is lniuimized to iml)rove stretches as it. moves into the interior. As mentioned inter-grid interpolatiolls. earlier, to avoid cells that are too large {because of Initial computations with what was originally con- too-large stretching factors), we utilize a turbulence sidered "'reasonable" axial spacing near the stator model with a wall function and use a mininnml sl)ac- leading edge led to results in which the (-13, 1) mode lug near walls such that tile ,q+ level at tile first grid was not captured at, all in tile "'ereat, iou'" phase. It. i,oint from the wall averages approximately 80. The was subsequently det.ermined that considerably filler current grid maintains fine axial spacing within the spacing is required near the star.or leading edge. A engine from tile front of the inter to past the leading close-up of lhe stator leading edge region ill the ('ur- edge on the staler. This axial spacing is fine enough reut grid is shown in Fig. 5. It ix still all opeu so that there are at. least 27_- 30 points per axial quest.ion whether even finer gri(l spacing ill the re- wavelength for each acoustic mode of interest. The gions surrounding the leading edge would signifi- results for tile model problem studied in Ref. ,5indi- cantly benefit the prediction of the acoustic modes. cate that thi_ is all adequate resolution, at. least for 1 Ill all of the conq)utations don_' tbr this study, BPF modes. A view of the/,' = l planes of one rotor the rotor tip gap is crudely modeled by collapsil,g and one staler passage is given ill Fig. ;2. (Note that ("zipping") tile rotor grid zones h_r the upper 5 grid the figure distorts the inner cowl apparent shape, be- points. This zipping resuhs in an average tip gap cause the grid lines sweet) circumferentially to align spacing of approximately 0.03 in. (7.13 × 10-4 m). with the rotor angled direction.) The axial spac- which is similar to the actual tip gap measured ill the ing is necessarily clustered in tile regions near the experiment near tile leading edge, but is over three leading and trailing edges, but tile average spacing times larger than the tip gap measm'ed at. tile trail- elsewhere ranges from roughly 0.05 in. (0.0013 m) to ing edge. A view of the rotor tip is shown ill Fig. 6. 0.1;2 m. (0.0031 m). Typical circumferential spacing looking afl. We originally atteml3ted to model the ill tile rotor alld staler zones between tile two rows actual tip gap spacings, ])ul the finer grid spacing of blades is shown in Fig. 3. (:lustering ill tile cir- required near tile trailing edge made grid generation cumferential direction is necessary both for the wake more ditticuh and also caused excessive Ioeal stretch- region (see below) as well as near the blades. ing factors that we decided were best to avoid. Ill front of the engine inlet and behind the stators. the Navier-Stokes code is no longer used to track the 3.3 Computations acoustic modes, so the grid is allowed to stretch ax- Conlputations were pertbrmed at, a nondimen- ially ill tllese regions. This stretcllillg accomplishes sional time step of At' = 0.05 (nondimensional- two objectives: it reduces the fetal grid size, and it ized by characteristic length (livided by free st ream t American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics speed of sound). The characteristic length in the Tile first station corresponds to the LDV location (!FD solution is 1 in. (0.0254 Ill) and the speed closest t.o the rotor while the secolld station corre- of sound is taken as c-,,. = 340.145 m/s. I)imen- sponds t.o the LI)V location closest to the stator. sionally, this time step corresponds with a tinle The second station is located within the slat.or zones step of ,.__1= 3.73 × 10-'; s. The frequency of all of the computational grid. Nole lhat the LI)V data 2 BPF modes is given t)y Ix = 2Bf_/c = 57.69 was taken with the staler vanes in lhe all position, m -1, so the time corresl>onding to one period is whereas the (TD is performed with the slat.ors in l_, = 2rr/(('.,K) = 3.2 × 10.4 s. (A given rotor blade the forward position, ttowever, the position of the rotates through 1 blade passage = 200 in 6.4 × 10.4 craters is not expected to significantly impact the s.) Thus, the currenl lime stel) yields approximately rotor wakes at tile positions nleasllred. Axial veloc- 86 time steps per l>eriod for the 2 BPF modes. This ity contours at constant axial positions are shown in nulnber exceeds the 60 recommended in Ref. 5. Figs. 9 - 12, with colnpuled contours corresponding As a firsl phase of the computation for this case, to the fine grid. Generally speaking, the compuled we investigate the ability of the CFD code to propa- wakes are nlucll narrower and exhibit mol;e curva- gate a specified duct acoustic mode forward through ture than the LDV meastlreme,lls. Axial velocity the duct. We do lhis t>3' removing the stator defect profiles at a radius of approxinmtely 8.5 in. grid zones and specifying time-varying duct acoustic (0.216 m) are shown in Figs. la and 14, correspond- pressures at. the exit face of the rotor grids, accord- ing to the dashed lines in Figs. 9 - 12. Although ing to the formula: the computed width and general shape are different from tile experiment, CFD does a reasonable job p( r, O, x) = AJ,,, (K,. r)expi[c._ Kt -mO - 1,5_x]. (l ) capturing the depth of the rolor wake as well as the overall trend of its evolution downstream. The axial A is the magnitude of the perturbation, J,,, is the velocity defects on the fine grid are not nmch differ- Bessel function of the first, kind and order m, lf_ is ent from tile medium grid at. the first station, but al the radial wave number, and K_ is the axial wave the second station the wake depth of the fine grid is number. In essence, this computation is a check t.o larger and in better agreement with experiment. test whether the grid resolution is sufficient.ly fine for the propagation part of the computation. In other We now turn to an analysis of the duct acoustic words, given a duct acoustic mode of given strength, modes generated by the Navier-Stokes code. This is is the given grid fine enough to propagate it forward done in a post-processing step by decomposing the without significant attenuation to the rotor blades instantaneous pressures output by CFL3D within (where some of the mode is scattered into different the duct into its component duct mode strengths. frequencieQ3); and, for the part of the mode that The strength .4.of the (-6, 1) mode is shown between survives the passage through the rotor, is the given the rotor and staler rows in Fig. 15 and ill front of grid in front of the rot,or fine enough to l)ropagate it the rotor row in Fig. 16. Axial distances in these fig- forward without significant attem,ation t.o the duct ures are given in t.erms of the distance forward of the inlet? rotor stacking axis. The mode strength approaches a As shown in Figs. 7 and 8, when an initial (-6, 1) quasi-constant level as it propagates forward toward mode acoustic amplitude of approximately .4 = 4(1 the rotor trailing edge, and is roughly constant, after Pa is imposed at the rear of the rotor grid, it propa- it passes through the rotor row and travels forward gates forward t.o the trailing edge of the rotor blades through the duct. The wave-like st ructure is evident with very little attenuation on either the lille or in both figures, and is close to the theoretical vahie medium-level grid. Then, ronghly a third of the of A(-s.1) _ 0.09 m. wave strength makes it through the rotors. The Note in Fig. 15 that there is no distortion ill the wave is propagated forward on the fine grid all the acoustic signal evident near the rolor-sl.ator sliding- way to the inlet with no attenuation, whereas on tile zone interface at a" = -0.1256 m. This lack of dis- medium-level grid it loses a small percentage of its tortion indicates successful transfer of acoust ic infor- strength. Therefore, the current fine grid appears mation across the patched interface, s Between the to be line enough for the propagation of the (-6, 1) rotor and stator rows, the (-6, 1) strength from lhe mode of interest. fine grid averages roughly 20 Pa. and in from of the Next. we run the full prol)lenl, including the sta- rot,or row, it averages roughly 5 Pa. This 75_7_,per- rers, and determine tile ability of the CFD code to cent, reduction in nlode strength is similar to that successfully generate the 2 BPF modes. As a first seen ill the earlier prescribed-nmde case. There is a step, we compare the computed rotor wakes with modest increase in magnitude of the mode st.rength LDV data taken at NASA Glenn Research ('.enter. between the medium and fine level grids ill front 5 American hlstitute of Aeronautics and Astronautics oftilerotor,indicatingthatfurtherrefinemenbte- dieted far field noise levels increase I)y nearly 10 dB yondthe lille grid may still yield increased acoustic and are much closer io the experimental measure- strength, t'lesults for tile (-6,2) and (-6.3)nlodes ments. Other noise-prediction methodologies ignore in front of the rotor are shown in Figs. 17 and 1_. the transmission losses entirely. 11 The (-6.2) mode fi'om the fine grid is very weak. with an average strength of only about 3 Pa. The Why the inlet modal strengths are imderl)redicted (-I;.3) mode has a higher amplitude of about 10 remains an open question. It may ])e that tile inter- action of tile rotor wakes with the statol's is nol l)re- Pa. The wavelengths of both the (-6, 2) and (-6, 3) modes are close to the theoretical levels. Nolo that, dieted adequately because the predicted rotor wakes are nluch narrower than the measured wakes. This anlong the three modes, tile (-6, 3) niode shows the underpredietion of wake width is possibly due to ei- most signifieam change m magidtnde between the nlediunl and fine level grids. ther inadequate physics in the lurl)ulenee model or under-resolution of the rotor wake vorl i('al slrll('l tire Although not shown, as a further check on the and its inherent unsteadiness. acoustie computations, we st udied the mode behav- ior at a given station m front of the rotor as a func- Thinking in terms of a Fourier transfornl of the tion of time. Given that the mode behavior is kine- rotor wakes in the circumferential direction, nar- maritally determined, we know theoretically how rower wakes have a higher fre(lUellCV COllt.enl lhan much it should rotate in a given number of itera- wider wakes. Perhaps, t]lell, the comt)uted noise lions. Results confirm that the (-6, 1) and (-6, 3) sources are biased towards harmonics higher than modes rotate at approximately theeorreet rate and 2 BPF. Alternatively, the k)sses that occur as the in the correct direction. The (-6,2) mode is too sound propagates forward through the rotors may weak to yiehl meaningful analysis. be exacerbated by the numerical schenle. However, solutions obtained for two grid resolutions did not 4 Far Field Noise show a significant variation of the modal aml)litmles The tinal step in the ('urrent study was to use the with mesh size. exl.racted m = -6 modal strengths in the inlet duct forward of lilt, fan (at x = 0.12(59 m) to l)redict the far field noise. The predicted far field directivity is 5 Sllllllllary shown in Fig. 1.9. Note that past approximalely 60 deg., the measured levels in the experiment are ele- Performing acoustic COml)utations on full rotor- vated due to aft-end noise, which was not included stator ducted fan configurations using the Navier- i,/ the (TI) COmlmtation. As ('all be seen. the com- St,ekes equations is I)y no means a simple push- t)uled sound pressure levels forward of 60 (leg. are button task. The work presented here is the see- signiticantly lower than the experimentally measured on(I of a series of COml)utations I)erformed to as- levels, using t)oth the FEM/Kirchhofl" approach aml sess whether Navier-Stokes solvers can t)e used to the TBIEM3I) al)proaeh. (Note that TBIEM3I) uses directly eal)ture the SOUll.d generation nlechanisms all idealized duct, whereas FgM/Kirchhoff uses the of rotor-staler intera('lion, wit houl resorting to nlore act ual duct geometry. Thus, results are not exl)eeted heuristic modeling techniques. The earlier study, for to agree: for example, TBIEM3D yields higher SPLs a configuratioll exhibiting 1 BPF tones, had a fair at higher emission angles because of diffraction from degree of success in predicting the far field noise. In tile idealized duct's sharp leading edge.) The cause the current study, for which the lowest order 1)ropa- of the diserel)ancy between ('FI) and experiment is gating modes are 2 BPF, the predicted far field noise therefore ahnost certainly related to the extracted levels are about l0 12 dB low. It was determined modal data from the (TI) solution the ('onlputed that the l,ropagatio, within the duel of the 2 BPF source strengths ill Ilia inlel region art' too low by modes was not as difficult as their cr_atto, via l.he about a factor of 3-6. first-principles al)proach. The wake widths obtained As discussed previously, there is a 65%-75(_, reduc- from the computation were considerably narrower tion in the modal amplitudes as the waves generated than those measured ill the experiment. This may I)y rotor-staler interaction travel forward through t)e I)e the l)ri,nary cause of the diserel)ancy in the tile rotor and into the inlet. Although not shown, computed and measured far field noise lew_ls. Addi- if the transnlission losses through the rotor arm ig- tional research is needed to explore in greater depth nored, i.e.. if the modal strengths between the stator the grid and turbulence model requirements in lhe and the rotor {e.g., Fig. 15) are used instead of those interaction region where the rotor wakes conveet all(-] ill front of tile rotor (e.g. Fig. |6), thell tile pre- the acoustic modes are created. (i American lnstit.ute of Aeronautics and Astronautics A ekm)wledgments 11. Envia. E., and Nallasamy, N., "Design Selection and Analysis ofa Swel)t and Leaned Star.or ('on- The authors wouhl like to thank F. Farassat of cept ,'" NASA TM- 1.q.qb-208662, December 1998. NASA Langley Research Center for many fruitful discussions during the course of this work. The au- 12. Shih, M. H.. Soni, B. K.. and Janus, a. thors also thank H. Woodward of NASA (;lenn lt('- M., "TIGEit: Turl)omachinery Interactive Grid search (:enter for providing tneasm'ed sound data, Generation / Flow Sinmlalion System I.rser's and L. Heidelberg and D. tluff or NASA (;lenn lie- Manual," Mississippi Stale (Jniw,rsity Publiea- search Center for their advice and expertise. t.ion, 1994. References l3. Hanson. D. B., "'Coupled Two- Dimensional Cas- 1. Tyler, ,1. M. and Sofrin, T. G., "'Axial Flow cade Theory for Noise and l;nst.eady Aerody- namics of Blade RowInteractions in Turbofans," (:ompressor Noise Studies," SAE Transactions, NASA Cll-4506, 1994. Vol. 70, 1.q62, pp. 30.q 332. 2. llumsey, C. I,., Biedron, t3. T., Farassal, F., and S1)en('e. P. L., "Duct.ed-Fan Engine A('oustic Predictions I!sing a Navier-Stokes Code," Jot, r- I_(tl of ,%umt aml ld.'atiom \:ol. 213, No. 4, 1998, pp. 6-13 664. 3. Krist. S. L.. Biedron, R. T., att(l Rumsey, (!. I,.. "('t"L:ID Iser's Manual (\:ersion ,5.0)", NASA TM-1998-208444. June 1998. ,1. Spalarl, P. 13., and Alhnaras, S. R., "'A One- Equation 'i'urbulence Model for Aerodynamic Flows," La Recherche A_rospatial_, No. 1, 19.q4, pp. 5 21. M=0.2 5. t_umsey, (:. L.. "(!omputat.ion of Acoust.ic Waves Through Sliding-Zone Interfaces," AIAA stator zones Journal. Vol. 35, No. 2, 1.t).q7, pl ). 263 268. rotor zones 6. lloy, I. I)., Eversman. W., and Meyer, 11. D., "'hnproved Finite Elemen! Modeling of the Tur- Figure 1. Fat' field view of grid (k = 1 platte). bofan Engine Inlet Radiation Problem," lleport Prepared for NASA Lewis Fteseareh (!enler []n- der (-_ontract NAS3-25.%:2, Task 10, April l,q,q3. 7. Spence, P.. "Ducted Fan Noise Prediction Us- ing Wave Envelope Analysis and the Kirchhoff Formula," AIAA Paper 97-1651, May 1997. 8. l)unn, M. It., "'TBIEM3D - A Computer Pro- gram for Predicting I)ueted Fan Engine Noise, Version 1.1." NASA/CR-.qT-206232, September l.q.q7. 9. Dunn, *1. tt., Tweed, .1., and Farassat., F., "'The Application of a Boundary Integral Equation Method to t.he Prediction of ])ucl.ed Fan En- gine Noise," .lourual of ,%und mM libralio., Vol. 227, No. 5. 1999, pp. 1019 1048. 10. Woodward, II. P., Elliot, D. M., Hughes, (!. E., and Berton, .]. ,].. "'Benefits of Swept attd Leaned Stators for Fan Noise Heduction,'" AIAA Paper 99-0,17.9, January/ 1999. 7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Y rotor-stator interface z_x stator T.E. stator L.E. cowl LE. _ rotor T.E. z rotor T.E. rotor L.E. stator L.E. stator T.E. rotor L.E. inflow from zone 1 hub LE. Figure 2. View of rotor and stator grid zones (k = 1 Figure 4. View of rotor and stator grid zones (j = 35 plane). plane). rotorzones stator L.E. $tator zones Y Figure 3. View of rotor and star or grid zones (i = Figure 5. Close-up view near stator leading edge 250 plane in rotor zones and i = 19 plane in stal,o|" (j = 35 plane). ZOlleS), American hlstitute of Aeronautics and Ast,ronautics

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