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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20010002828: The Future of Electronic Device Design: Device and Process Simulation Find Intelligence on the World Wide Web PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20010002828: The Future of Electronic Device Design: Device and Process Simulation Find Intelligence on the World Wide Web

,zflg6:G 9z Device and process simulation find intelligence on the World Wide Web rom digital cell phones to in device research). Instead, to design development in the 1990s. With the automatic teller machines to the next generation device, the cur- employment of TCAD, the current personal computers, informa- rent generation device structure and electronics advancement process is tion technology fIT) has fabrication steps were modified as depicted in Figure 2. become pervasive in our socie4.. according to a set of simple scaling We emphasize that TCAD does There are two simple reasons for this: laws. more than simply improve on scal- the cost of sophisticated IT isdecreas- Scaling laws have been particu- ing laws - it has actually replaced ing rapidly, and its capabilities are larly effective in improving the MOS- some of the expensive and slow fab- increasing equally rapidly: IT now FET (metal-oxide-semiconductor ricate-test-redesign experimental provides us with empowering tech- field effect transistor - Figure 1), development process. Simulation nological innovations, enables us to which thereby became the dominant allows one to start designing devices address new challenges in our world transistor technology in the early several generations ahead of produc- (such as global warming or ozone 1980s. The MOSFETs most critical tion, without requiring the develop- depletion), and allows us to tackle feature, the channel length, has ment or purchase of expensive new increasingly complex questions decreased from about 50 prn in 1960 fabrication equipment. As a result, about our universe (such as how and to1 grn in 1990 to 0.18 prn by 2000. since about 1994, the time between when itcame tobe). At achannel length of about I Wn, introduction of new electronics tech- How has this rapid advm'Kement scaling laws no longer accurately nology generations has decreased to in IT been accomplished? CX'er the predicted the operation of real two years from a historic average of past several decades, the most wildly devices, due to increasing s_'uctuml three years. successful strategy has been to min- complexity and second-order small- The acceleration in the technology iaturize the thousands or millions of geometry effects on operation. At the cycle ispredicted tocontinue for sev- electronic devices (such as transis- same time, increasingly powerful eral more device generations. This tors) that give intelligence to the tech- computers and TCAD software had prediction is especially bold in the nology. Down-scaling of electronics made possible accurate multi-dimen- produces faster devices and allows sional simulation of realistic device more of them to be integrated on struc_ms and physics. As a result, CurrentTechnology InitialNext Design Generation each semiconductor chip, doubly TCAD has replaced scaling laws in Design increasing functionali_. the central role of guiding electronics Unfortunately, as electzrnfic devices get smaller, further down- / scaling becomes more challenging. To maintain the rapid adv_ent otufmIeTd,techtonolocgoimstpsuterh-baavseedincreassiimngulyla- Othprutimprizoecdeesvsi/cdeesvtircueacitmur.e]r- t,-=I Calibratewithtestexper. tion of the fabrication and operation of electronic devices and integrated _ts (collectively called "ICAD, or Optimizeintegratedcircuit] technology computer aided design) (IC)layoutthrucircuitsire. to determine how to continue down- Calibratewithtestexper. scaling. In this article, I will discuss the challenges and opportunities for the future of TCAD. Rg. 1 Bm#cMOSFET_mcfum(w=r#- T J ca/c_). B/ue FabricatefullIC;testtoassure regiorm ares/I/con wflf_e/ec- correctoperation.Usesimulationto History of TCAD diagnoseoperation/yieldproblems. trondona_ngdopml_ red_ Predicting the future of TCAD s/I/con w/th_ acceptor requires us to first analyze its (rela- dopan_ andgreen/t a/I/con Rg. 2 Current electronics technol- tively short) history Before the 1980s, divide (anelectricalirmulator). ogyadvalcement pmcesa, numerical simulation was not a fun- Simu/=_onfindica_/ byUue) damental part of electronic device ironflow(current) inthechan- now plays a signir_nt tale development (although it was used nelbetween sourceand drain. throucjhoot the pmcea_ face of the challenges facing TCAD asit Device Modeling & Simulation attempts to hold down electronics Equipmentmodels(gasflows, For device simulation, the challenge development cost and time to market plasmaphysics,reactantfluxes, to maintain accuracy asdevices shrink electromagneticfields,etc.) into the future. We now consider these isat least as great as for process model- $ challenges in detail. ing. State-of-the-art devices show increasing small-geometry effects, Challenge I: New Process including hot electron trartsport, deposition,etch,clean,anneal, and Device Physics IdPifrfuoscieosns,immopdlaenlitn,pgl(alinthaorigzrea,pethcy.), punch-through, avalanche multiplica- tion, drain-induced barrier lowering, As technologists attempt to expand oxide and junction breakdown, leakage the role of TCAD in electronics devel- currents, grain-size effects, and discrete opment, the first challenge is the tre- dopant effects. As clock frequencies rise mendous range of prcKess and device chemistry,moleculardynamics, to 1 GHz and above in the next few physics that must be modeled. In fact, t Rdeeraicvteicoonmntoindueulsm(mfroomdeqludaentatiulsm) years, we will see increased microwave both process and device physics are interference from extemal sources. rapidly getting more complicated in Fig;3 Ultimately,we willbeableto Devices are also starting to extulgit state-of-the-art products. derive newprocess models from significant quantum effects, including equipment models and "first Process Modeling & Simulofion gate oxide and bandgap tunneling, principles" reaction models. Cur- For process modeling` the industry inversion layer quantization, quantum rentl_,everynewfabrk_onpro- transport, and carrier density smooth- is incorporating major process and cess andreactorrnustbe ing. Eventually, as electronic devices material changes into their production lines, such as the addition of copper painsmldngly characterized from approach limits to their improvement, interconnects, silicon-germanium lay- experimental rne_uremenm. they will be assisted, and in some cases ers, silicon-on-insulator technology, replaced, by quantum, optoelectronic, low-permittivity dielectrics, new pho- approach the size of device features. To and photonic devices. Thus, future full- toresists, and many more. Accurately accurately model the device fabrica- function device modeling tools must simulating each significantly new pro- tion and properties in these cases, pro- contain acomprehensive set of models cess requires one or more models to be cess modeling tools will need a that span this technology range as well. developed, tuned using experimental hierarchy of atomistic, molecular, In spite of these electronic device atomic layer, and polycrystal models as physics changes, the relatively simple measurements, and pmgramed into well as bulk models. drift-diffusion model has remained process modeling tools. This suggests the need for a coordinated and on- A final challenge and grand oppor- dominant for high-volume device sim- going experimental, model develop- amity for future process modeling is ulation for the past 30 years. However, ment, and code development effort. the incorporation of accurate atomic- accurate treatment of emerging device A more fundamental challenge for scale reaction models (reaction ener- physics demands that we employ more future process modeling is that device gies, rates, and products) and process accurate device physics models in the equipment models (gas flows, reactant near future. Table 1summarizes the set features areshrinking to asize atwhich concentrations, and temperatures ver- of device models that are needed. we can no longer pretend that all mate- sus equipment settings). With this Some commercial TCAD tools do rials and reactants are smoothly vary- ing` For example, dopant atoms in the capability, the hierarchy of models and implement a few device models in the recent processes changes listed addition to drift-diffusion. However, channel region may soon need to be above could be der/t_ by (rather than the continued dominance of the drift- treated individually as their numbers to) the process modeling tool, diffusion model in the electronics drop with reduced device area, poly- crystalline silicon regions may have as depicted in Figure 3. Developing development cycle indicates that mote dimensions similar to their grain size, new process models from _ rather accurate models are too computation- gate oxides are approaching just a few than experiment, would be a major ally expensive, not suffidently robust, advancement. atomic layers in thickness, and impu- and/or do not provide the rity dusters and material defects Tab.1 Fullmn_ ofPDE- Complexity, Quantum-Corrected based_ and Classical Models Full Quantum Models Computational Cost Models quantum,elecft=_ and _ =err_con- Low Drift-diffusion Density-gradient SchrOdinger, ductor device rnode_ Transfermatrix FuiFfuncfion TCAD soft- Moderate Energybalance (EB), QuantumEB, Densitymatrix, wareshouldimplement Hydrodynamic(HD) QuantumHD Wignerfunction allofU_esemode_and Boltzmann QuantumBoltzmann allow tbem toinmmp_- High transportequation equation Green'sfunctions amin_ Microwave SubstituteMaxwell'sequationsforPoissonequationinabove mgior_of_mrne Optoelectronic AddsemiconductorBlochequations inasir_le eirnu- features. Our first device modeling solver could also enable these models aspects of production, as well as the challenge isto correct this. to interact within asingle device. final product itself, will work properly. Another challenge fordevice model- Figure 4 shows how TCAD model Figure 5 depicts the major functional ing is that the relevant length, time, and developers can proceed _y from elements of a VL,-malFab. energy-scales, as well as the physics, developing their model as a system of change dramatically with position in PDEs to running simulations. First- Challenge 2: New TCAD the device (e.g., quantum effects being _eneration PDE-solver device model- Software significant only in the channel of a ing tools exist, such as PROPHET by As indicated above, much new M_. Effident simulation dictates Lucent Technologies and Taurus by TCAD software is needed to maintain that the simplest model which pro- Avant!. the accelerated electronics technology vides adequate accuracy should be Admittedly, there may be some cycle. TCAD users need simulation used in each _ion of the device. overhead in computation time when software with more accurate models, To summarize the device modeling trsing a general-purpose PDE solver. capability to run bigger computations, challenge, device modeling physics is However, computation time is mea- more flexibility and functionality, and getting much more complicated, and a st_ed in minutes or hours, while better ease of use (e.g., interactive comprehensive set of device models TCAD software development _rne is graphical input and output, more auto- need to be implemented and available measu_,_ in months or years. This dis- marion). Thus, the second challenge to for use in any combination and config- parity will increase as computers get the increased use of TCAD tools in uration in future device simulation faster and software gets more complex. guiding electronics development is tools. It is completely impractical for a Clearly, it makes sense to leverage the simply the difficulty of writing the nec- TCAD company to use the traditional very computational technologies essary TCAD software in time. approach of developing single-model TCAD is helping to create in the effort Current practice is that every TCAD device simulation codes to implement tomeet TCAD's challenges. researcher, group, or company must afull set of interactive models. Further, this approach does not give the TCAD Virtual Fab develop their own set of TCAD tools to user the flexibih'ty to modify models Given the increasing complexity of investigate any TCAD functionality. according to their needs. real device structures, we must run an This development approach (Figure 5a) Here again we find both achallenge accurate process simulation to get a has led to a huge duplication of effort, and a grand opportunity for future device structure for meaningful device poor specialization, and relatively slow advancement of TCAD software. TCAD. The solution is to abandon the simulation. Similarly, accurate circuit development of innumerable single- simulations require device models The software challenge suggests an model simula_on tools in favor of cre- derived from accurate device simula- oppor_rfity to revolutionize the TCAD ating a single, general-purpose partial tions. In fact, theultimate platform for software development process. Devel- differential equation (PDE) solver. TCAD would be a "Virtual Fab', in opers need to work together to develop a single, extensible TCAD platform Using a PDE-solver, a full set of PDE which all aspects of electronics system models (Table 1) and an unlimited pnxtuction are simulated before the with all of the essential capabilities. number of variations can be rapidly fabrication plant comes on line. This Advanced features are implemented in implemented by the user with little or should speed development, reduce a modular fashion, just as with TCAD no additional programming. The PDE- development cost, and assure that all model development using the PDE- solver approach. IEquipments=i>mPurloatcioenssm+ordeealcstionmodels] Processsimulation(lithographyd,eposition, etch, mpant,...)_ Devicestructures Devicesimulation (I-V/C-Vcurves,leakage,I pamsit_cs,..._) Lumped-parametermodelsI T I ICircduritivseim,..u.)l=atioBnlac(fku-nbcotxicoinrc,supietmeodd,peolwerI T Packagesimulation (self-heating,operaOon] wthreatedchps)_ Productiondecision ] T I v(x,y) _{F&sbreadcetasnigtnsu(peqpulyi,pcmleeanntrpoloamceemnveinrot,npmoewnet)r I Fig.4 PDE solverapproach toimplemecnYngnew TOADmodel_ The Rg. 5 Wrtuai Fabsoftware fu_ element_ ln model developer cango dFrectlyfrom specifying b%emodei to avirtualfab,allaspecta ofelectxonicsaya- running simulations. Thisis dramabcally quicker than thetradi- tern production can besimulated and tionalapproach ofhaong towrite anentirenew TCADprogram debugged beforeproduction starts, oreven foreachsignit_antly new model. before thefabcP.a_onplant comes online. a)I DevelopphysiC1almodel Gr r •° t Convertto numericmaoldel ModulaTrCADFramewor(kMTF) t t 1 t Ru_simulationsit RunsimulationsJ [ RunsimulatioIns[ Runsimulations v , V t V i Ar_iyzeresultsII AnaJyzeresultsII AnalyzeresultsII Analyzeresults r Enhancenumerical FTg.6 TCADtoo/deve/opmem_. a)The_ _ pro- t cess;whereadeveloperorgroupdeveiopsanewcodefromthegroundup- I me_x:ls, grading, I efficiegnrcayp,hics... alongandwastefulprocess,b)TheproposedmodularTCADFramework t (MTF)apptoach,whereeachdeveloperisabletocontributeR_eir_oecfrm expertitm,takeadvantageof_e expertiseofothem,andquicklytestnew RunsimulatmnsI t capabi#ti_insimu_ I AnalyzreesultIs Modular TCAD Framework when some ofthe technologies needed •have automated fault (non-conver- This modular TCAD framework fora MTF were proposedseveral years gence) detection and correction (i.e., (MTF) would be a kind of TCAD ago by the TCAD group at Stanford "self-healing" software), "operating system", where software Univemity, gaining industry-wide con- •derive process models from quan- developers would install modules of sensus and support was problematic. tum chemistry and reactor models, TCAD functionality developed in their However, as commercial tools fall •automatically calfbmte models area of expertise. Such functionality behind the technology curve in the (reactor,pn:Kess, device) using experi- includes model definition and code for near future, for reasons mental measun_ents, numerical computation, gfidding, above, the motivation for an MTF will •have intelligent user interfaces graphics, non-linear and lineasrystem become irresistible,and hopefully not (speech, gesture, natural language, and solvers, graphical interfaces, and soon. too late. Even with the MTF, commer- math expression recognition; immer- The MTF must provide a founda- cial TCAD vendorswillstilbleable to sive environments), and tion for the independently-developed for access to advanced TCAD •allow real-time simulation steer- modules to function and interact prop- features in the MTF,such as sophisti- ing. efly. It would provide database cated graphics and "intelligence". Past parochial TCAD development (for storage and _'ieval of ftmcfional efforts have apparently prevented us modules, material data, physical con- Intelligent TCAD from coflectively implementing such stants, TCAD models, etc.), memory A brief considerationcanconvince intelligent features that would vastly mm_gement, file1/0, fadh'ties for tool usIhatcurrentTCAD toolsarenotvery multiply theutility ofTCAD tools. interaction, and abasic user interface. smart. They don't learn from experi- The MTF would also provide a stan- ence, even after thousands of simula- Challenge 3: New Compu- dard language for descrfl_g physical tions, how to produce a result in less tation Paradigm quantifies, physical _, ma0eri- time, with more accuracy, or a device Even if current TCAD models and als, activitiesperformed (e.g., process with better perf--. They often software were replaced with more steps ordevice simulations), and soon. require the user tobaby-sit timsimula- sophisticated versions, TCAD still The MTF would enable the much tion to make sure itcompletes, and to could not realize its potential, due to a more efficient TCAD development pro- perform tedious work toderive desired cess shown inFigure 5b,where each informatiofrnom simulations. thirdchallenge: that sufficiently power- fulcomputation hardware forhandling developer can easily contribute their Intelligent TCAD software could: these complex models and simulation expertise, and eachusercanutilize the •estimate the device t_ahnolog_ tasks is too expensive for the typical expertise of every specialist.The MTF structure, and fabrication steps based onperformancreequirements, TCAD user, or perhaps any user. enables and encourages collaboration Indeed, huge computational resources and competition inthe development of •optimize device fabrication and hi u ty and hi nc on ty operation for agiven application, (computation, memory, software, and TCAD softwareT.hisse_nsessentiailf •use self-adaptive device models data storage) are often an essential fea- ture ofthe "intelligent" TCAD features TCAD isto remainviableinthe face of (versus position and operation) tomeet listed inthe previous section. the challenges itfaces inthe nearfuture. accuracy requlnmlents, The challenge ofinsuffident compu- Inspite ofitsadvantages, realization •use adaptive computations (grid- tation power for TCAD againsuggests of the MTF will K_itK_ea significant ding, numerics, and algorithms) to an opportuni_. That is to provide mind-set change for some (especially optimize effidency versus accur_ access tothousands ormillions of oth- commercial) developers to accept the •estimate computational resources concept of collal_rative R&D. Thus, and time forsimulations, erwise idle computers around the world by linking them together into an immense virtual supercomputer, or duster, and allows users to create silicon-on-insulator) recently commer- computational grid. Many organiza- TCAD input filesand access simulation cialized by IBM is at www.chips. tons, such as the National Science output via the Web.The Grid will allow ibm.corn:80/bluelogic /showcase. Foundation (NSF) supercomputer cen- us toenhance and scale this concept to For information about past work on ters, are now working together to the size of the world-wide Web. TCAD frameworks, see the Stanford develop a computational grid infra- University TCAD group's web site: structure, and a few prototypes have Summary www-tcad.stanford.edu /tcad/pubs/ been demonstrated. The key objectives Weare onthe path tomeet the major framework.html. ofthe Grid effort (see Figure 6)a_. challenges ahead for TCAD. The Information about the computa- •to enable distrk_ted (e.g., Web- emerging computational grid will ulti- tional grid under development can be based)access tocompute resources, mately solve the challenge of limited found at the NSF Supercomputing •to provide aggregate computing computational power. The Modular Centers: NCSA (www.ncsa.uiuc.edu) power vastly greater than that of any TCAD Framework will solve the and SDSC (www.sdsc.edu/), NASA single machine, TCAD software challenge once TCAD Ames Resea_,v.hCenter (www.nas.nasa. • toenable irnmersive collaboration- software developers realize that there is gov/Groups/Tools/IPG), the Globus at-a-distance, and no other way tomeet industry's needs. Project(www.glot,us.org),and others. • to link this infrastructure to high- TheMTF also provides the ideal plat- The Purdue University Network value experimental equipment. form forsolving the TCAD model chal- Computing Hubs (PUNCH) is at The benefits of accomplishing these lenge by rapid implementation of punch.ecn.purflue.edtr8(KI)/. goals willbe far-reaching: models inapartialdifferential solver. •high performance computing About the author would be accessible toanyone, Read more about it BryanA. Biegel received his Ph.D. in • temporaUy and spatially variable For information about future semi- electrical engineering from Stanford computational needs could behandled, conductor technology (p_ticfions and University in 1997, where he devel- •the cost of computation would d_Uenges), see The International Tech- oped software for numerical simula- drop precipitously with directcompeti- nology Roadmap fvr Semiconductors at tion of quantum electronic devices. He tion toprovide Grid resources, and •users would not have to install or www.itrs.net /ntrs/publntrs.nsf. is now a member and the manager of A discussion of the future ofTCAD the Science and Technology Group troubleshoot huge application codes on isin the above/TRS, with a longer dis- (www. nas.nasa.gov/Groups /SciTech) heterogeneousmachines. cussion at www.sematech.org/public/ inthe Numerical Aerospace Simulation Based on these goals and benefits, Division atNASA Ames Research Cen- docubase/abstract /2696atrahtm. the MTF would beaperfect application Two vendors of state-of-the-art ter. His current wor'k-"---_focusestohne use for the Grid. In fact,the Purdue Univer- TCAD software are Avant! of the PROPHET PDE solver (by sity Network Computing Hubs (www.avanticorp.com) and Silvaco Lurent Technologies) to implement the (PUNCh'), demonstrates very well (www.silvaco.com). density-gradient model, which adds some of the poss_ilities of di,smlmted Aprimer on several emerging semi- quantum effects to the drift_on TCAD. PUNCH provides conductor technologies (copper inter- model. He isalso investigating silicon- access to several TCAD tools, runs on-insulator electronics for radiation- connects, silicon-germanium, and them on a small, distntmted compute resistant space-based applications. F_ 8 T/'_aom/xJtm- aot_ at_ .,i# mo_ae .m_,- ac_eu too'/_. ¢/_ auper- compum¢ hard.re, TCAOsoft- _, co#abora- boa and "/naO'_ mcm_" (e.g.,an ricmion mc.iai_).

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