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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20010002320: Lay and Expert Perceptions of Planetary Protection

DccislonScienceResearchInstituInlcc.. 1201OakS/rcct 0 Eugcnc,Orcgon97401-3575 Phone541.485.2400 Fax541.4_5.2403 Ill www.dccisionrcscnrch.org Lay and Expert Perceptions of Planetary Protection Donald G. MacGregor and Paul Slovic of Decision Science Research Institute, Eugene, Oregon Margaret S. Race of the SETI Institute, Mountain View, California As space scientists and engineers plan new about the ability of risk-management organ iza- missions to Mars and other planets in our solar tions (both public and private) to adequately system, they will face critical questibns about protect people's health and safety. the potential for biological contamination of This report presents the results of a set of planetary surfaces. In a society that places survey st/idles designed to reveal perceptions ever-increasing importance on the role of of planetary exploration and protection fi'om a public involvement in science and technology wide range of respondents, including both policy, questions about risks of biological members of the general public and experts in contamination will be examined and debated the life sciences. The potential value of this in the media, and will lead to the formation of research lies inwhat it reveals about percep- public perceptions of planetary-contamination tions of risk and benefit that could improve risks. These perceptions will, over time, form risk-management policies and practices. For an important input to the development of example, efforts to communicate with the space policy. public about Mars sample return missions Previous research in public and expert could benefit from an understanding of the perceptions of technological risks and hazards specific concerns that nonscientists have about has shown that many of the problems faced by such a mission by suggesting areas of potential risk-management organizations are the result improvement in public education and of differing perceptions of risk (and risk information. Assessment of both public and management) between the general public and expert perceptions of risk can also be used to scientific and technical experts. These provide an advanced signal of aspects of differences manifest themselves both as planetary exploration and protection that may disagreements about the definition (and level) be particularly sensitive or controversial and of risk associated with a scientific, technologi- that could prove problematic from a risk- cal or industrial enterprise, and as distrust management standpoint, perhaps warranting a Lay and Expert Perceptions of Planetary Protection more stringent risk-management approach students, representing a population relatively than would otherwise be the case based on sensitive to environmental hazards, and (c) a technical considerations alone. group of life scientists outside of the space- research community. Members of The The design of the study compares perceptions Planetary Society received the survey as part of and attitudes about space exploration relevant a special issue of The Planetary Report on to a Mars sample return mission between three planetary protection, which contained a respondent groups: (a) members of The number of background articles on planetary Planetary Society, a group representing protection and related topics. A synopsis of the individuals with a strong interest in space- issue was prepared as an introduction to the related issues, (b) a group of university-aged survey for the other two groups. Results Perceived Importance of Space Exploration Percentagreeandstrongly agree "i greater familiarity with NASA's plans for Mars Space exploration isessential tothe exploration. Over half of Planetary Society future ofoursociety 1 respondents were familiar with Mars explora- tion plans, while less than half of the Student I1 respondents indicated familiarity. The Life Iam familiarwith NASA's plans to Science respondents were only slightly more conduct missions to familiar with Mars mission plans than were the thesurface ofMars Student respondents. The high level of familiarity of the Planetary Society group is 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% very likely attributable to a combination of factors, including this group's inherent interest The Planetary Society group generally in space issues (as evidenced by their exhibited greater agreement than did either the membership in The Planetary Society), and the Student group or the Life Science group that set of articles discussing past and future Mars space exploration isessential to the future of exploration that appeared in the special issue our society (see Figure 1). However, the of The Planetary Report inwhich the survey Planetary Society group also indicated much appeared. Perceived Benefits of Space Exploration The Planetary Society group generally saw the benefits of planetary exploration as greater • Benefits greater than the risks of interplanetary contamination. than risks Only a very small percentage of the Planetary Society group saw the risks exceeding the Benefits and benefits. The majority of the Life Science risksequal group also saw the benefits as greater than the risks, though not as strongly as the Planetary Risksgreater Society group (see Figure 2). The Student than bane_ts group was much more equivocal in its percep- tions of benefits versus risks: less than half of 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% the group perceived the benefits as greater than the risks, and slightly over a third saw the 2 Lay and Expert Perceptions of Planetary Protection benefits and risks as equal. Scientific However, for each of the three groups surveyed, a minority of respondents Humanfulfillment perceived the risks of planetary contamination to be greater than the benefits Economic of exploration. MIIIIaw A more detailed indication of benefit perceptions was 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% obtained from a set of items relating to four dif- ferent categories of ben- tween the three groups in terms benefits that most distin- efits that could result from of their perception of this cat- guished the three surveyed planetary exploration: egory of benefits. Likewise, groups was human fulfillment economic benefits, scien- relatively few respondents (25% benefits: The vast majority of tific benefits, military ben- or less) ineach of the three the Planetary Society group efits, and humanfitlfillment surveyed groups saw a high saw a high level of human benefits (see Figure 3). level of military benefits result- fulfillment benefits as result- ing from planetary exploration. ing from planetary explora- Respondents in all three Respondents in the Planetary tion. However, only half surveyed groups tended to Society group were more likely (51.8%) of the Life Science see high scientific benefits to see high economic benefits group perceived high benefits resulting from planetary than were respondents in either in this category, and less than exploration. Indeed, there the Student group or the Life half of the Student group was little difference be- Science group. The category of perceived such benefits. Perceptions of Potential Hazards of Planetary Exploration By a very high percentage, Percentagreeandstronglaygree respondents in all three ContaminatioonftheMartian survey groups agreed that environmenbtyEarthlifeIsnota Mars sample return materi- significanhtazardofplanetary als should be considered exploration hazardous until proven otherwise (see Figure 4). AllmaterialsbroughttoEarthfrom Marsshouldbeconsideredhazardous Here, the perceived need untilprovenotherwise for caution was strongest in the Life Science group. IfEarthandMarswerecontaminated There was a high level of millionsofyearsagobymeteorites "don't know" responses fromeachother,thenthereIsno reasontobeconcernedabout across all three groups planetaryprotectiontoday regarding whether life on Mars, if it exists, poses no IfthereIslifeonMars,Itposesno threat to life on Earth. threattolifeonourplanet However of those who did offer an opinion, a clear 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% minority of respondents in all three groups agreed that gests that, for the most part, perceived itto be a potential Mars life would pose no respondents were either uncer- hazard, and believed that threat. Taken together, this tain about the potential for Mars hazardousness should be as- pattern of responses sug- life to pose a hazard to Earth, or sumed until proven otherwise. Lay and Expert Perceptions of Planetary i_rotection Perceptions of Contamination Risk Management and Contact with the Martian Surface Percent agree and strongly agree determine whether it is safe to I Anymission that couldexpose return biological materials back to Earth tolife from Marsshould I becanceled Earth. These responses are ]. . consistent with earlier responses indicating the generally positive Humans onspace missions should notdirectly contact the attitude that Planetary Society i surface of other planets Inour respondents have toward space solarsystem exploration, as well as their somewhat lower level of concern Robotic space missions willtell usallwe needto knowaboul about the potential hazards of otherplanets J biological contamination than the other groups surveyed. We should provethat no life existsonMars before sending humans there Respondents in the Life Science i! group were more likely to agree ! that humans should not directly BB ; Expeflments done onMars i willbesumcient todetermine contact the surface of other planets , whether itIssafe tobring and that robotic space missions will materials back to Earth tell us what we need to know. 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% While these responses suggest that there are attitudinal differences As with items previously discussed relating to the between the groups surveyed potential risks of planetary contamination, the Planetary regarding the aggressiveness with Society group was more likely than the other surveyed which space exploration should be groups to disagree that Mars missions and contact with the undertaken, the results overall do Martian surface should be restricted or prohibited because not indicate a serious reluctance on of potential contamination risks (see Figure 5). Similarly, the part of any of the groups Planetary Society respondents were more likely to agree surveyed to conduct missions to that experiments done on Mars will be sufficient to other planets. Beliefs About the Survivability of Life on Other Than Home Planet Perceptions about thepotential risks of forward and Noticeably, there isrelatively high backward contamination rest in part on beliefs about level of uncertainty among all survivability of life on a planet other than its home planet respondents to items in this (see Figure 6). Studies of environmental risk perception category, as evidenced by the large have generally suggested that laypeople hold views about number of "don't know" responses. the viability of nature and the endangerment of plant and Thus, perceptions concerning the animal species due to environmental change that are based survivability of life in an environ- on a "niche" concept, that life is fragile and adapted for ment other than its natural one are survival in arelatively narrow or constrained set of possibly poorly formed and environmental conditions. However, other research on potentially labile. perception of risk from biotechnology and genetic engineering suggest that attitudes about some biological Among those who did respond risks are based on a "fitness" concept, that life is (readily) with either agreement or disagree- adaptable to new environments. merit, the Student group stands out Lay and Expert Perceptions of Planetary Protection from the other two groups Percent agree andstrongly agree I Tho environment surveyed. Tile majority of the onMars Istoo harsh Student group tended to perceive tosustain anylife fromEarth that Mars is too harsh an environ- ment to sustain Earth life, and that Earth life is not fit enough to Lifethat evolved inEarth's survive on Mars. Conversely, the dchnatural environment would nolbefitenough to majority of the Student group also survive onMars tended to perceive that Mars life would not survive on Earth, and to Ifthere islifeonMars, It mostlikelyhas adapted to disagree that Mars life would that specific environment thrive on Earth because it has andwould notsurvive here survived in such harsh conditions on Mars (53.6%). Thus, the Ifthere islife onMars, Ithas Student group tended to hold a survived Insuchsevere conditions thai itwould "niche" viewpoint: that life from probably thrive onEarth either planet is fragile and not likely to survive elsewhere. I No formoflife presently on Earth cansurvive For the Planetary Society group, unprotected inspace only weak agreement was obtained that Mars is too harsh to sustain Earth life and that Earth 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% life is not fit enough to survive on Mars, suggesting a "fitness" the Life Science group closely paralleled those of the model. However, for Mars life the Planetary Society group, with a "fitness" orientation in the direction of forward contamination (Earth life surviving on results suggest that the Planetary Society group tended to be Mars), but a "niche" orientation toward back contamina- "niche" oriented. The responses of tion. Morality of Exchanging Life with Other Planets Percentagreeandstronglyagree Ifthere Isanyform Perceptions of risk and risk oflifeonMars, it management, are in some cases, should beleft there undisturbed based in part on moral judgments about what is fundamentally right or wrong (see Figure 7). 11ismorally wrong The Student group and the Life tobringlife back to Earth from Science group responded another planet similarly, with approximately half of the respondents in both groups agreeing that if there is life on Itismorallywrong tointroduce lifefrom Mars, it should be left undis- Earth onto turbed. Approximately a third of another planet the respondents in both groups 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% agreed that it is morally wrong to bring life back to Earth from another planet. On the issue of introducing life from Earth onto it was wrong to do so, compared with slightly over half another planet, approximately a (50.4%) of the Life Science group. Indeed, the Life third of the Student group believed Science group st0od out most clearly on this matter. Lay and Expert Perceptions of Planetary Protection However, respon- the morality of exchanging life slightly more (17.8%) agreed that it dents in the Plan- between planets. A relatively small iswrong to introduce life from etary Society group percentage agreed that it is morally Earth onto another planet. appeared much less wrong to bring life back to Earth concerned about from another planet, and only Perceptions of Planetary Protection in the Context of Societal Risks Respondents were Percentmoderate andhighrisk -- r-'------- asked to rate a ----_ _,O Ozone layerdepletion number of societal ............... i ......................................................... z} [] Pesticides Inrood risks as a means of ! " - A • i _ Global warming placing risks asso- .............. !...................................................... ciated with plan- Bacteria infood etary protection z_ • E Nuclear power plants and exploration in a • I/I Radon broader context (see Figure 8). Electmmagnefic fields • [] Salelllto debris In general, the ! Asteroids three space-related items tended to fall Biological contamination from Mars missions at the bottom of the 0% 20% 40% 80% 80% t00% hazard list for all three respondent minimal context provided by the missions isnot at this point an groups. It appears hazard items used here, biological outstanding risk in these respon- that, at least in the contamination from future Mars dents' minds. Trust in NASA Percent moderate and hightrust A powerful deter- --7 Successfully complete a minant of public Mars sample return mission perception and ac- --I ceptance of risk is the trust it holds for Protect Earth from contamination byMars the organizations organisms responsible for risk m . Protect Mars rmm management (see contamination byEarth Figure 9). organisms All three groups Respect public values and indicated a high opinionsabout thedsks and benefits ofspace exploration degree of trust in NASA to success- Honestly Inform thepublic fully complete a aboutrisksfromplanetary contamination Mars sample return O% 25% 50% 75% 1oo% mission, although less so for the Student group than majority of respondents in the INASA to accomplish planetary- lbr the other two Planetary Society group had a I protection goals. However, respon- Jdents in the Student and Life groups. A large moderate or high level oftrusfin Lay and Expert Perceptions of Planetary Protection Science groups were somewhat less trusting in about a third of the student group responded this regard. with moderate or high trust in NASA's respect for public values and opinions and honesty in The lowest levels of trust for all three groups risk communication. were with regard to risk management and risk communication. Though somewhat over half The relative skepticism and distrust that all of the Planetary Society group expressed trust three surveyed groups appeared to show for in NASA to respect public values and opinions NASA's abilities to deal with public issues can about the risks and benefits of space explora- be looked upon as reflective of the general tion and to honestly inform the public about public distrust of government and industry in planetary-contamination risks, the Student and managing risk issues in society. Life Science groups were less trusting. Only Environmental Group Affiliation and Perceptions of Planetary Protection Table 1. Comparison of mean scale score values by environmental-group affiliation (Planetary Society survey group only) irl No environmental- Non-Greenpeaee Greenpeaee Scale group affiliation affiliation affiliation F-test BENEFIT 2.49 2.46 2.47 n.s. THREAT 2.68 2.70 2.79 EXPLORE 3.27 3.24 3.!5 MORALITY [.82 1.86 2.07 __tt _t LIFE 2.86 2.75 2.91 ECOLOCY 2.45 2.59 2.89 TRUST 2.79 2.82 2.62 t* **p <.01 ***p <.001 ****p<.0001 Respondents in the Planetary Society group ing respondents were divided into (a) those were asked to indicate if they were affiliated who tended to be affiliated with environmental with an environmental group and to list the groups known for taking strongly activist group(s). Of the 3940 U.S. and Canadian positions on environmental issues, and (b) respondents, 1027 (26.1%) indicated that they those who were affiliated with less activist were affiliated with an environmental group. groups. To facilitate this division, respondents The number of different environmental groups who indicated an affiliation with Greenpeace named by respondents was quite extensive, were put in the more activist group. The and included both national and international remaining group was comprised of respondents groups, as well as local or regional groups. who indicated an affiliation with one or more Over 350 different groups were named by environmental groups, none of which was those who indicated some environmental Greenpeace. group affiliation. This division of respondents was then The Planetary Society group was divided into compared in terms of mean scores on each of a three subgroups. The first subgroup was set of item scales developed by summing comprised of respondents who indicated no responses to categories of items all measuring environmental group affiliation. The remain- the same concept (see Table 1). 7 Lay and Expert Perceptions of Planetary Protection Though the three groups did not differ signifi- ing elsewhere (LIFE),more concerned about cantly on percelvcd benefit of space explora- preserving and protecting nature (ECOI,OGY), tion, they did differ on other dimensions. and less trusting of NASA (TRUST).It is inter- Compared with those respondents indicating esting to note that this same pattern of differ- no environmental affiliation, respondents in ences also existed between the Greenpeace the Greenpeace group were: more likely to group and the group of respondents indicating view planetary contamination as a threat an environmental affiliation other than Green- (_aE^r), less aggressive in their approach to peace, suggesting that attitudes about space space exploration (EXPLORE),more concerned exploration and planetary protection are related about the morality of exchanging life between to other environmental attitudes and particu- planets (MOaALITV),more sure about life exist- larly to environmental activism. Discussion Overall, the results of the study indicate that taken to mean that Mars sample return public perception of biological hazards missions should not be conducted. Indeed, all associated with a Mars sample return mission of the groups surveyed expressed a high degree is not seen as a large risk relative to other of trust and confidence inNASA to success- technological and environmental risks and fully conduct a sample return mission and hazards, such as nuclear technologies, food accomplish planetary-protection goals. There risks, and ozone depletion. However, its was, however, some skepticism that NASA perceived magnitude at present may be due would be honest and open with regard to more to the paucity of information pertaining informing the public and considering public to such a hazard than to its inherent qualities as attitudes and values. a risk. Further research should be undertaken to In general, all of the groups surveyed, hy and examii:e the basis for these and or!'.-, differ- expert alike, indicated that NASA should take ences that appeared in the results between the a cautious approach in dealing with materials lay and expert groups, including further that pose a potential or unknown biological surveys with other expert groups, such as those hazard. However, there was no indication in who have a background in microbiology, the results that such cautiousness should be infectious diseases, and exobiology. f This research was supported in part by were most helpful in recruiting life- the National Aeronautics and Space science experts for the study. We would Administration and SETI, under subcon- also like to thank C. K. Mertz for her tract #986-9601 to Decision Science thorough statistical analysis of the data, Research Institute. The authors would Dr. Stephen Johnson for obtaining the like to thank Dr. Donald Di Vincenzi of student sample, and Leisha Mullican for NASA Ames Research Center for his her careful attention to manuscript guidance in the early stages of project preparation. development, as well as Charlene Anderson and Gloria Joyce of The To obtain the complete technical paper Planetary Report for their invaluable on which this brief report isbased, please role in editing and preparing the survey contact the first author, Dr. Donald for publication. Special thanks as well to MacGregor, at Decision Science Dr. John Schwartz and Dr. Michaela Zint Research Institute (Decision Research) in of the Michigan Sea Grant Institute who Eugene, Oregon. J

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