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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20000120593: EUVE Observations of the Jupiter System PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20000120593: EUVE Observations of the Jupiter System

Final Report for NASA Grant NAG5-6909 "EUVE Observations of the Jupiter System" Nicholas M. Schneider, PI LASP, CB 392 University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309 8/1/97-3/31/00 0 Abstract This document is the final report for NASA Grant NAG5-4615, "Satellie Atmosphere and Io Torus Observations", Nicholas M. Schneider, P.I., awarded to the University of Colorado, 8/1/97-3/31/00. The grant was originally awarded to Dr. Doyle T. Hall, who left: the University of Colorado before the completion of the project. Results from NAG5-6909 Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system, and it is embedded deep within the strongest magnetosphere of any planet. This combination of circumstances leads to a host of scientifically compelling phenomena, including (1) an atmosphere out of proportion with such a small object, (2) a correspondingly large atmospheric escape rate, (3) a ring of dense plasma locked in a feedback loop with the atmosphere, and (4) a host of Io-induced emissions from radio bursts to UV auroral spots on Jupiter. This proposal seeks to continue our investigation into the physics connecting these phenomena, with emphasis on Io's atmosphere and plasma toms. The physical processes are clearly of interest for Io, and also other places in the solar system where they are important but not so readily observable. Figure 1: Groundbased images of Io 's escaping atmosphere (bottom) and the resulting torus of plasma encircling Jupiter (top). The bottom image shows neutral sodium; the appearance of the cloud reflects the many processes which cause atmospheric escape. The top image shows S+; the structure reveals the combined effects of mass and energy supply. The ring is tilted due to the tilt of Jupiter's magnetic .field. These observations were made in collaboration with J. T. Trauger during a previous .funding cycle .for our program. Twenty-five years of groundbased observations and a handful of interplanetary and Earth-orbiting spacecraft have given an adequate general picture of Io's atmosphere and torus (reviewed by Spencer & Schneider 1996). Io's volcanism pumps sulfur dioxide and other species onto the surface and into its atmosphere. These materials escape Io's weak gravity by several mechanisms and form extended "neutral clouds" around Io orbit (Figure 1, bottom). The atoms and molecules are ionized by the plasma, and are swept into a ring by Jupiter's rapidly rotating magnetic field (Figure 1, top). The plasma, along with its concomitant electric and magnetic fields has a remarkably strong interaction with Io, leading to a variety of excitation and escape processes in Io's atmosphere. The EUVE satellite is capable of observing the Io plasma torus at the extreme UV wavelenths where it emits the majority of its energy. This allows critical tests of theories of torus energy supplies, especially when compared with observations at other wavelengths. This was the focus of our work with the small remaining fraction of remaining funds after the departure of Dr. Hall. The figures below show the progressive analysis from spectrum (Figure 2) to monochromatic torus image (Figure 3) to EUV longitudinal variation (Figure 4). The project has culminated in a rigorous comparison of longitudinal variations at other wavelengths from simultaneous observations (Figure 5). EUV variations are smaller than those observed at other wavelengths. This result is the key result of a paper nearing submission: "'Non-thermal electrons and their effect on Io plasma torus emissions" by Nicholas M. Schneider, Michael Kfippers Melissa A. McGrath, Doyle T. Hall, andA. Ian F. Stewart. The paper will be submitted to the Journal of Geophysical Research. Figures. EUVE Io Torus Spectrum 1996 June 19-24 .... t I I ......... I ' ' 0.15 =.-.. Figure 2. Spectrum of the ,I.< x7 Io plasma toms obtained '_ 0.10 with the EUVE spacecraft E O ,lZ 0.05 0.00 400 500 600 700 Wavelength (A) Figure3.Imagesof theIoplasmatoms createdbyextraction ofemissionatthe specificwavelengths ofknownspectral features.Notethe changingtilt ofthe toms observed as the planet rotates. Also note the lack of large intensity variations seen as the toms rotates. EUVE Io Torus Observations 1996 June 19-24 0.025 _ ..... .... ; o.o 0 o.o1_ ,--..+..............,............ ,...............+.............,_..............+.... Figure 4. Intensites of the "_ 0.010 _ toms emissions as a _1 _ Dusk ansa function of magnetic 0.005 .....• _ Dawn ansa longitude, confirming the 0.000 ......... lack of large systematic 100 200 300 variation seen in the Jupiter CML (degrees) previous figure. _- 0.015 o "_ 0.010 0.005 + Dusk ansa ..... ,.. Dawn ansa o 0.000 ......... i r , ..... 0 100 200 300 Jupiter CML (degrees) [U'vE, _une 1996 " = S"" aver=_ei HST/GHR$, June 1996 ._" = Ore O! Figure 5. Comparison of .... i_ ..... 0,. longitudinal intensity variations tooi //, vs. magnetic longitude in different wavelength regimes. Note that small EUV variation compares to Oolil4'o LV::_,,Ju_e 1"_96 _: = _-_ mldnlgln_ UV or optial variations. This result is central to "Non-thermal electrons and their effect on Io F plasma torus emissions", I_¸ Schneider et al., where this figure i__*- will appear. L HST/FOS. _uly 1994 _ = 5" , W on=a I00 _- ,, Or_:,und-bcz_d J,',n _91 t = S" ,wo,r_ I,:, ............. ........ iI

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