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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20000094441: Warrego Valles and Other Candidate Sites of Local Hydrothermal Activity Within The Thaumasia Region, Mars PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20000094441: Warrego Valles and Other Candidate Sites of Local Hydrothermal Activity Within The Thaumasia Region, Mars

- ,'-it # "D U ,i --; Lunar and Planetary Science XXIX 1669.pdf ! ( WARREGO VALLES AND OTHER CANDIDATE SITES OF LOCAL HYDROTHERMAL ACTIVITY WITHIN THE THAUMASIA REGION, MARS. J.M. Dohm, K.L. Tanaka, J.H. Lias, T.M. Hare, U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff, Az, 86001, R.C. Anderson, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA 91011, and V. C. Gulick, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000; [email protected] Introduction. We have previously (2) Late Noachian/Early Hesperian faults demonstrated for the Thaumasia region of appear deflected about and absent within the Mars that (1) valley formation peaked during source region of Warrego Valles [4] such as at the Noachian and declined substantially during other proposed sites of intrusive activity on the Hesperian and Amazonian Periods and (2) Mars [5], and (3) a center of tectonic activity valleys, many of which form networking shown by a concentration of fracture systems, largely occur near volcanoes, highly intersections during Late Noachian/Early faulted terrains, and large impact craters of Hesperian coincides with the topographic high similar age, thus suggesting hydrothermal dissected by Warrego Valles [6]. activity [1,2]. In Tanaka et al [3], the various Future Exploration. Proposed hypotheses for valley formation on Mars are sites of volcanic-, intrusive-, tectonic- and presented, and a geologic explanation for impact-related hydrothermal activity may have valley erosion in the Thaumasia region is given produced zones of mineral alteration that can that "best fits" the region's geographic and be searched for in TES data [7]. These sites geologic datasets. That comprehensive GIS- may be optimum for future hydrologic-, based investigation suggests that hydrothermal mineralogic-, and exobiologic-related science and seismic activity were the primary causes of investigations. valley formation in the Thaumasia region; the References: [1] Dohm, J.M., et al. data make widespread precipitation less likely (1997) LPSC Abs. 28, 301. [2] Tanaka, as a major factor in valley formation, except K.L., et al. (1997) Conference on Early Mars, perhaps during the Early Noachian, for which LPI contribution no. 916, 75. [3] Tanaka, much of the geologic record has been K.L., et al., this volume (valley erosion destroyed. Based on the reconstruction of the abstract). [4] Dohm, J.M., et al. (map in stratigraphic, tectonic, volcanic, and erosional review). [5] Scott, D.H., and Dohm, J.M., histories and the close association of valleys in (1990) MEVTV Workshop Abs., 39. [6] time and space with Noachian to Early Anderson, R.C., et al., this volume Hesperian volcanoes and rift systems and (significant centers abstract). [7] Christensen, Hesperian to Early Amazonian impact craters P.R., et al., JGR 97, 7719. >50 km in diameter [3,4], we propose 13 sites of hydrothermal activity within the Thaumasia region (Fig. 1;Table 1); these are the best examples of valleys associated with these geologic features, but there are other less pronounced correlations elsewhere in the region [3,4]. Warrego VaUes. The Warrego Valles region is the best example of inferred hydrothermal activity that may have accompanied Noachian and Early Hesperian valley formation in the Thaumasia region (site 4 of Fig. 1and Table 1). Here, geologic and geographic arguments suggest that an intrusive body at depth resulted in prolonged heating and hydrologic activity to form Warrego Valles by groundwater sapping, as follows: (1) Warrego Valles formed concurrently with Late Noachian/Early Hesperian nearby fault and rift systems and collapse pits and depressions [1], Lunar and Planetary Science XXIX 1669.pdf WARREGO VALLES AND OTHER CANDIDATE SITES: Dohm et al. LEGEND m valleys craters volcanoes m rifts ///inferred intrusive body 115° 5@ .15° 13 Zoom to 400% for best view. Argyre Figure 1. Candidate hydrothermal sites of the Thaumasia 50° 115° region. Inset geologic map of the Wan-ego Valles region [4]. 55° _ r=ua==___ .... _.itivty _ (,t_=2) 3 mlcamo, lavaflow, faultamldgrabcn= iSflsy_em volcanisr&raultil_,Mlwlqualml, heatmg, L,aleNoaehlan/ _c _dtl_tu- _*dh,._.t,_ I_ _ i_aled VMI--- midvM_:itctwoclt= valleyfolm_o_ ==ridpmsibl¢ ino'mi_ _ tlelpenan ..... "..... -re.__ .j_.. I -_- _P", _. =7 _,_ ...... _ activily local_latioa (7) =I_ d=pte_on, _lcrmcr_tm. dh =y=ten_ _'"z • z * 4 f(a_td=t=haia©d_I:p_'aatbrmnc=t.=onb.rtloafdeantd_t¢__m,.bd_-l-aqz¢Kar_ [t_olcJlmc(.). flultuqt. Maltqtmke=,I_lltbl¢ LIM No_hiln/ i'Waare= O.._..n..c._.Z_iOnlOfiiO]al_:lv,=Zk_lIKivMley hc_ng,valleyG_-mntioa,_ pOUlbte _ yHetperll"ttl v..(.._...._mke-mdt_mk:-rdmed •-- e- n¢lworl=, hqd_topolW_y andddlocted fnutt_ ]mtrmwe d_'tlVtly (i@ 2_ _) n_11/OIIl1_131_II_Wlly •9__,,_,_ _._-.._==_,,3,,r__ __ J............... [ 5 vtdc-_no.r(n,ym=ms, r_dlsw, dgrabe_._ail_. _ volcanic, faultmg. 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