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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20000068996: Hyper-X Engine Testing in the NASA Langley 8-Foot High Temperature Tunnel

AIAA 2000-3605 Hyper-X Engine Testing in the NASA Langley 8-Foot High Temperature Tunnel Lawrence D. Huebner, Kenneth E. Rock, David W. Witte and Edward G. Ruf NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA Earl H. Andrews, Jr. FDC/NYMA Inc. Hampton, VA 36th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference July 17-19, 2000 Huntsville, Alabama For permission to copy or to republish, contact the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston VA, 20191-4344. AIAA 2000-3605 HYPER-X ENGINE TESTING IN THE NASA LANGLEY 8-FOOT HIGH TEMPERATURE TUNNEL Lawrence D. Huebner*, Kenneth E. Rock', David W. Witte' and Edward G. Ruf:1: NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA Earl H. Andrews, Jr.§ FDC/NYMA, Inc. Hampton, VA ABSTRACT NOMENCLATURE Airframe-integrated scramjet engine tests have 8-Ft. HTT Langley 8-Ft. High Temperature Tunnel AETB Alumina-Enhanced Thermal Barrier becn completed at Mach 7 in the NASA Langley AHSTF Langley Arc-Heated Scramjet Tcst Facility 8-Foot High Temperature Tunnel under the Hyper-X AOA, ot angle of attack (deg) program. These tests provided critical engine data as well as design and databasc verification for the Mach CD Drag coefficient CL Lift coefficient 7 flight tests of the Hyper-X research vehicle CM Pitching moment coefficient (X-43), which will provide the first-ever airframe- CFD Computational Fluid Dynamics integrated scramjet flight data. The tirst model EDM Electro-Discharge Machining tested was the Hyper-X Engine Model (HXEM), and ESpT_I Electronically-Scanned Pressures the second was the Hyper-X Flight Engine (HXFE). FFS Full Flowpath Simulator (used with The HXEM, a partial-width, full-height engine that HXEM) is mounted on an airframe structure to simulate the FMS Force Measurement System forebody features of the X-43, was tested to provide H enthalpy (BTU/Ibm) data linking flowpath development databases to the H_ gaseous hydrogen complete airframe-integrated three-dimensional HSM HYPULSE Scramjet Model flight configuration and to isolate effects of ground HXEM Hyper-X Engine Model testing conditions and techniques. The HXFE, an HXFE Hyper-X Flight Engine exact geometric representation of the X-43 scram.jet HYPULSE NASA Langley Hypersonic Pulse Facility engine mounted on an airframe structure that at GASL, Inc., Ronkonkoma, NY duplicates the entire three-dimensional propulsion LO 2 liquid oxygen flowpath from the vehiclc leading edge to the M Math number vehicle base, was tested to verify the complete N_ gaseous nitrogen design as it will be flight tested. This paper presents NASA National Aeronautics and Space an overview of these two tests, their importance to Administration the Hyper-X program, and the signiticance of their PSC Propulsion Subsystem Control contribution to scram jet database development. PLC Programmable Logic Controller P pressure (psi) q dynamic pressure (psf) SERN single expansion-ramp nozzle Sill 4 gaseous silane * Aerospace Engineer, Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion T temperature (°R) Branch, Senior Member. AIAA TPS thermal protection system Aerospace Engineer.Hypersonic Airbreathing Propulsion Branch, VFS Vehicle Flowpath Simulator (used with Member, AIAA HXFE) _:AerospaceEngineer, HypersonicAirbreathingPropulsion Branch ._Aerospace Engineer, Assigned tothe Hyper-X Program Office, X-43 experimental flight vehicle designation for Asst_-iateFellow.AIAA the Hyper-X flight research vehicles fuel equivalence ratio Copyright © 2000 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Inc. No copyright is asserted in the United Subscripl_s States under Title 17,U. S.Code. The U. S.Government has a comb facility combustor condition royalty-free license to exercise all rights under the copyright t total condition claimed herein for Governmental Purposes. All other rights freestream condition are reserved bythe copyright owner. I American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics INTRODUCTION The tests of the final Mach 7 flowpath in the 8-Ft. NASA's Hyper-X Program will move hypersonic Hq"I" are part of an overall effort to understand the major air-breathing vehicle technology from the laboratory to differences between the preliminary flowpath the flight environment by obtaining data on a hydrogen- development database and the X-43 flight database. fueled, airframe-integrated, dual-mode, supersonic Following the flowpath development tests, verification combustion ramjet (scramjet) propulsion system in testing of the engine in the context of a complete flight- flight. I These data will provide the first flight validation like vehicle flowpath was initiated. Two engine models of analytical and computational methods and wind and their supporting airframe keel-line simulators were tunnel test techniques used to design this class of designed and fabricated for testing in thc 8-Ft. HTT at vehicles. The Hyper-X Program isjointly performed by Math 7 conditions. The first engine is thc HXEM. a NASA Langley Research Center and NASA Dryden partial-width, full-height representation of the X-43 Flight Research Center. The flight-test prqiect phase of Mach 7 engine. The airframe structure to which the this program involves the fabrication and flight testing HXEM is mounted is the Full Flowpath Simulator of three unpiloted, autonomous Hyper-X research (FFS), which consists of a full-length tbrebody and a vehicles, designated X-43. The first two flight tests will truncated single expansion-ramp nozzle (SERN) bc conducted at Mach 7, and the third flight will be aftbody. The HXEM/FFS was tested from February tested at Math 10. These vehicles are fabricated by a 1999 to June 1999. The second engine, HXFE, is a contractor team led by MicroCraft and including Boeing spare X-43 Mach 7 flight engine currently dedicated to and GASL Inc.2 ground testing. The HXFE is the only full-width Hyper-X Thc development of the Mach 7 X-43 engine scramjet engine that will be tested in a ground facility flowpath and its integration with an airframe are prior to the X-43 flights. The airframe structure to described in References 3 and 4. A roadmap of the which the HXFE is mounted is the Vehicle Flowpath Mach 7 ftowpath verification test program is presented Simulator (VFS) and represents a three-dimensional, in Figure I and involves three engine models in three geometrically accurate forebody and aftbody of the facilities from NASA Langley's Scram jet Test X-43. The entire 12-foot-tong X-43 propulsion Complex. 5 The facilities used are the Hypersonic Pulse flowpath (i.e., the entire undersurface of the X-43) is Facility (HYPULSE), the Arc-Heated Scramjet Test tested inthe 8-Ft. HTI" with the HXFE/VFS. This is the Facility (AHSTF), and the 8-Foot High Temperature first-ever wind tunnel test of a full-scale, airframe- Tunnel (8-Ft. H'Iq'). The engines tested are the integrated, scram jet-powered, flight-vehicle, engine HYPULSE Scramjet Model (HSM), the Hyper-X flowpath at representative flight conditions. The HXFE/ Engine Model (HXEM). and the Hyper-X Flight Engine VFS was tested from August 1999 until Junc 2000. (HXFE). These facilities and engines allow an This paper presents an overview of the two Hyper-X integrated test program to isolate and measure the engine flowpath tests performed in the 8-Ft. HTT in cffccts on engine operability and performance caused by support of Mach 7 Hyper-X engine operability and geometric-scale, dynamic-pressure, and test-gas performance verification. differences between tests. These differences, encircled in Fig. I, exist due to test-technique and facility 8-FOOT HIGH TEMPERATURE TUNNEL linaitations. The effects of these differences must be The NASA Langley 8-Ft. HTT 6was designed in the properly accounted for in the design and analysis late 1950's and placed into service in the mid-1960's as methodologies when using wind tunnel test results as an a facility to conduct aerothermal loads, aerothermo- integral part of vehicle/engine design. structures, and high-enthalpy aerodynamic research. 8-Ft. HTT The high-enthalpy flow is produced by burning methane ...... HXFE¢io,o./_VoFpsSpts_ _ in air at high pressure in the facility combustor, then expanding the flow through an eight-lbot exit-diameter hypersonic nozzle into the open-jet test section. The high-enthalpy combustion products contain very little available oxygen; so during the late 1980's and early 1990's, the tunnel was modified with a liquid oxygen (LO2) injection system to replenish the oxygen consumed by the methane-air combustion process to provide an oxygen molar concentration in the test gas equal to that of air. This oxygen replenishment system, which became fully operational in 1993, enables the testing of large hypersonic airbreathing propulsion 2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics systemastflightenthalpiefrsomMach4toMach7.7 conditions achieved in the tunnel during any given run TheH-,andSiH4/H2 fuel/ignitionsystemsutilized vary slightly (within 3%) from the nominal test duringairbreathingpropulsiontestin_werealso conditions both lor similar tunnel setpoint conditions installeadndbecamoeperationianl1993°.A schematic and as a function of time within the same run. drawing of the facility for hypersonic airbreathing Facility-to-Model Interfaces propulsion testing is shown in Figure 2. For these engine tests, a significant number of subsystems are required. Major subsystem interfaces with the facility are shown in Figure 3. Certain features in the model are controlled by the tunnel Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) system and others are controlled mooo, by the Propulsion Subsystem Control (PSC) computer, which has a wind-tunnel specilic version of the flight i oo o to, PSC control software. To the extent practical in the 8-Ft. HTT, subsystems for the two engines replicate "_l_l_" FMS -Air ejector those of the X-43. The ;imilarities and differences of Model elevator IU_ LiI Tovse,natck these subsystems are discussed inthis section. Specifics of each subsystem are subsequently discussed. _.._l HXFE orHXEM Figure 2. 8-Ft. HTT schematic for airbreathing engine testing. Facility Test Conditions Testing of the engines occurred at two nominal I _ ............... , , conditions corresponding to a low dynamic pressure (for L_)...:7..,.]............ : : AHSTF data comparisons) and the X-43 flight dynamic r_i:_ ............................. if ....... ';,"='I lill ............. pressure. The tunnel combustor conditions and resulting flow parameters are shown in Table I. The data in the table are calculated based on forebody rake data that was used to back out the appropriate .... _'1| freestream conditions in air to provide acomparison to '_'; +_= flight parameters. The results indicate that the Mach C:av_ number, static pressure, and static temperature at flight ill simulation conditions are within four percent of those c Controls ...... -_ Purge .... -_ Data expected for the X-43 flight condition. Exact -----_ Propellants -----_ Cooling .........},_Electrical duplication of these properties at the same dynamic Figure 3. Hyper-X engine interfaces with the 8-Ft. HTI'. pressure and total enthalpy as the actual flight is impossible because the vitiated air in the 8-Ft. Hq"r Fluid Subsystems contains approximately 18% water vapor and 9% carbon In general, the low pressure components of the X-43 dioxide by mole fraction. Furthermore, the actual test fluid systems were simulated, but facility supply systems were utilized in placc of the flight high-pressure Table l: Summary ofSimulated Freestream Conditions for ignitor fuel, coolant, and nitrogen subsystems 8-Ft. HTT Hyper-X Engine Tests and Comparison to Flight (consisting of high-pressure storage tanks, heat exchangers, and regulator valves in the X-43). The Flight Actual Simulation Low q_ addition of fuel, ignitor, and purge lines to the test Simulation Flight section was included during the facility upgrades for Pcomb (psig) 1000 1585 n/a propulsion testing that were discussed earlier. Currently, all fluid penetrations into the test section are Tt(°R) 3550 3550 n/a connected to steel-braided flex lines that are of sufficient M 6.84 6.92 7.00 length to allow for full injection and retraction of the p_ (psia) 0.140 0.211 0.204 model into the test section. These fluid delivery subsystems are located primarily in the model pedestal q_ (psi') 647 1000 1000 to simulate flight systems. This also provides a simpler T (OR) 434 423 408 design and last response required by the PSC. Ht(BTU/Ibm) 1064 1052 1052 The ignitor and hydrogen fuel systems comprise thc 2° ()o,2o.4° 2° propellant delivery system. Flow control is provided by O_ 3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics groundtestunitsoftheHyper-Xpintel-typmeotorized and includes a controlled shutoff" valve, flow meter, and controlvalves.Removabvlealvepintelsandventuri supply pressure transducer that are interlocked to flowmetersareutilized to provide precise flow control facility controls to assure that proper water flow is to both the partial-width HXEM and the full-width maintained. A visual conlirmation of water flow via HXFE. Each engine utilized separate pintels tomaintain video camera located above the facility diffuser was also high fuel system mass-flow-rate control/fidelity and required during testing. possess about the same dynamic characteristics between the two engine tests. The plumbing configuration, ignitor/fuel mixing manifold, and pressure instrumentation replicate the X-43 systems. The ignitor system uses a 20%/80% silane/hydrogen mixture by volume for igniting the engine fuel. The ignitor gas is delivered to the fuel control system from outside the test pod via double-walled, vacuum-jacketed, steel-braided flex lines at 1,200 psia, which isapproximately the same - cwowatlerleajedtisng as the pressure downstream of the X-43 ignitor high- edge pressure regulator. Gaseous hydrogen fuel is delivered sidewall from outside the test pod via double-walled, vacuum- leading / jacketed, steel-braided flex lines at 1,150 psia, which edges ---_::_ also is approximately the pressure downstream of the X-43 fuel high-pressure regulator. Figure4. HXEMshowingwaterjetsduringarun(topfrontview). The nitrogen purge subsystem has a nominal supply The PSC computer controls the propulsion pressure of 1,200 psia and is used tbr two primary functions of the X-43 vehicle management system that purposes. First, it serves as a safety feature for are needed for 8-Ft. HT[" testing. This consists of both supplying an inert purge of the fuel and ignitor lines hardware and software to perform cowl door actuation prior to and immediately tollowing a run. These purges and fuel control functions. The fuel control valves are are performed by the use of facility-controlled valves either pre-programmed to perform a timed fuel that bypass the two motorized control valves. Second, sequence or operated in an active fuel control mode with the nitrogen subsystem is used to purge the internal closed-loop engine pressure feedback. 9 The PSC cavities of each model. The nitrogen is injected through computer has a communication interface with the discretely-placed tubes to displace air inside the model facility to ensure a proper synchronization of tunnel and cavity and actively cool certain components that are engine events, as well as for data synchronization. susceptible to additional heating and thermal sensitivity, Pedestal such as the two motorized fuel control valves, the cowl The pedestal that supports the model (see upper left actuator motor, and the Electronically-Scanned Pressure of Figure 3) consists of a welded I-beam structural (ESP TM) modules. The nitrogen subsystem also frame, copper side plates (with access panels), and a provides pneumatic actuation (regulated to -750 psig) zirconia-coated leading edge. The aerodynamically- for all fuel/purge system isolation valves. shaped pedestal houses the fuel-control system and Both of the engines have water cooled sidewall- and model instrumentation and provides model access for cowl-leading cdgc designs identical to the X-43 flight internal cavity purging/cooling of the airframe engines. Water at 900 psia is delivered to three open- structures and water cooling for the engine leading loop cooling paths which dump the water overboard edges. The pedestal is attached to the 8-Ft. HTr force through small holes on external surfaces to the flowpath measurement system with angle-of-attack (AOA) at the mass flow rates expected in flight. Figure 4 shows spacers. The AOA spacers are bolted to the FMS. a photograph of the water jets exiting the HXEM during When the model is tested at the nominal 2° angle of a tunnel run. (A closed-loop water path was also used attack, the pedestal is installed directly onto the AOA during HXEM testing: its location and purpose will be spacers and bolted into place. The HXFE/VFS was also described in the HXEM/FFS Model Description part of tested at two off-nominal angles of attack (0° and 4°). the paper.) Pressure and flow-rate requirements were For these orientations, a set of AOA rails were inserted established from finite element analysis conducted by between the AOA spacers and the pedestal base to GASL, Inc., based on worst-case X-43 heating in flight provide the correct model attitude and a constant (a more severe condition than was seen in the tunnel). vertical location in the test section during a run for each The water cooling subsystem is active for the time that angle of attack tested. the model is in the test section (less than 30 seconds) 4 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Force Measurement System TEST OBJECTIVES The 8-Ft. HTT's Force Measurement System Ground tests of the HXEM and HXFE are a vital (FMS) is used to acquire longitudinal aerodynamic part of NASA's overall Hyper-X scram jet engine ground loads (axial force, normal force, and pitching moment) test program 4. The objectives of these tests are to on the test articles that are mounted to it. Both the directly support the flight tests and to provide data for pedestal and the model are metrically attached to the design methods verification, for ground-to-flight and FMS. The FMS is attached to the facility elevator facility-to-facility comparisons, and to further develop carriage, which injects and retracts the model assembly ground test techniques. Once completed, the ground into the test section (see Figure 2). The FMS was test program and flight test will have provided data to calibrated to provide accurate load-cell output for these link scramjet performance in flight with performance in three components at expected Hyper-X loads. smaller-scale engine development facilities. This link Incremental check loading of the three components will be established by conducting tests with multiple separately or in combination showed that the errors in engine models in multiple ground test facilities in a the three components are less than 0.50% of the full- manner which isolates differences between tests in a scale Hyper-X anticipated loads. The primary purpose quantifiable manner. To accomplish this, the HXEM of the FMS data was to measure the incremental force was designed to be tested in both the 8-Ft. HTT and the and moment changes due to cowl door actuation and AHSTF (see Figure I). This was done by reducing the fuel addition/burning. width of the Hyper-X flowpath to a width suitable for Visual Coverage testing in the AHSTF and by providing the capability to Visual recordings of the model consisting of vidco, test with the full Hyper-X forebody or a truncated still photographs, and schlieren images were obtained forebody suitable for testing in the AHSTF. during testing. Installation and post-run model images Furthermore, the truncated SERN provides a were recorded using a digital camera between runs to simplified geometry in which to carry out engine document hardware condition and any potential analysis. These tests, in conjunction with the HXFE anomalies that may occur. Furthermore, a color tests and the HSM tests, will provide inlormation on the Hasselblad TM camera was mounted in one of two effect of partial width, lorebody truncation, freestream positions inside the test section to capture run-time dynamic pressure, and test-media composition on photographs of the model. Three test-pod video engine performance. cameras provided real-time control room display and The other main objective of the HXEM test was to video recording of the models. A camera mounted provide pretest support lk_r the HXFE test that above the facility diffuser looking upstream at the succeeded the HXEM test in the 8-Ft. HTI'. The engine area was used to document the cowl actuation majority of model-to-facility installation issues were event and to visually confirm water-cooling flow and resolved during the HXEM test. A cowl hardware engine ignition. A second camera mounted above the actuation problem was also identified and resolved facility nozzle provided a downstream view into the during HXEM testing which directly caused changes diffuser as a backup view of cowl actuation. The last to the HXFE and the actual X-43 flight engine design• camera provided a view of the model for documentation Furthermore, the propulsion subsystem control from injection to retraction. Additional video from hardware and software used to actuate the cowl door and outside the test pod included a high-speed video used schedule fueling for the HXFE was exercised during for overall model surveillance and a black-and-white HXEM testing. This provided an opportunity to verify camera to provide side-view documentation of the runs. and/or modify these systems in terms of both hardware The schlieren system at the 8-Ft. HTT is limited to (cowl actuation equipment, fuel control valves, and showing about a two-loot diameter portion of the test associated plumbing and instrumentation) and the section at a given time; therefore, the system was software (cowl actuation commands and fuel control positioned prior to" each run to provide flow-structure logic). images in the regions where information was desired for The objectives of the HXFE test were three-fold. a given run. These locations included side views near First, the results will bc a major part of the Mach 7 the engine leading edges (to document the forebody propulsion database for Hyper-X. This test included shock structure and boundary-layer) and near the engine inlet and engine operation with a fully integrated trailing edge (to document the exhaust plume and forebody and aftbody flowpath with active propulsion surrounding shock and expansion structure). subsystem control which includes closed-loop engine Oil-flow visualization techniques and infrared feedback. The database will be used to both correlate imaging of the external flowpath surfaces of the mode[ with the flight data and compare with the partial-width were also employed lbr a limited number of runs. HXEM data. Furthermore, data were obtained for two American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics segmenotsftheflightprofilethathavenotbeentested MODEL DESCRIPTIONS elsewhedreuetolimitationinsaerodynamwiicndtunnel Both models were tested inverted from the flight testingn;amelyth,eforceandmomenintcremendtuseto orientation to facilitate fluid and instrumentation openingthefull-widthcowlandduetofueladdition. interfaces and to minimize strut interference on the Thisprovideddatafor comparisownithpreviously propulsion flowpath caused by mounting the model to computeadero-propulsiivnecrementussedto define the facility. Each airframe structure was capable of vehiclecontrollawsforthescramieptortionof the scramjet engine installation on the common Hyper-X flights.Propulsiownindtunnetlestss,pecificalolyfthe pedestal that is, in turn, attached to the 8-Ft. HTI" force HXFE,providethebesptossiblveerificatioonfengine measurement system. They also housed many of the effectsontheX-43aerodynamtihcsatcanbeobtained engine subsystems including cowl door actuation and onthegroundF. urthermorthee,datawillalsoprovide fluid system hardware. The forebody leading edge insighitntothepredictivceapabilitieosfavailabCleFD radius is the same as the X-43, but possesses a larger codeasndothertoolsusedinthedesignandanalysoisf angle extending toward the lower surface so that the airframe-integrastcerdamjefltowpaths. X-43 carbon-carbon leading edge is unnecessary, Second,importantcomponenat nd systems allowing it to be fabricated from solid copper. The verificatiownasobtainedduringthistestp,rimarilyon increased thickness in the lower surface also allows for the enginemechanicaalnd thermaldesign,the easier integration of the structure, hardware, and associatfeludidsystemasn,dthePSCsoftwareE.ngine instrumentation required for this test. The section of the hardwarceomponentthsatwereverifiedincludecowl tbrebody containing the nose and first ramp surface is dooractuatiocno,wlandsidewallelading-edcgoeoling, common to both the FFS and VFS airframes. The first andthestructurainl tegrityoftheengineduringthe forebody ramp is a copper plate that includes a channel criticalpartof theflight(frompost-separatitoon used to accommodate a set of boundary-layer trips. completioonfthefuelingsequenceA)l.thougmhuchof Differences in the two models are described below. thefluidsystemhsardwarweasnotidenticatol fight HXEM/FF$ vehiclehardwareea,chsystemattemptetodmimicthe As indicated previously, the HXEM isapartial-width flighthardwarienthesensoefbeingabletocheckout model of the Mach 7 X-43 engine. The propulsion thesoftwarethatwill beusedtoperformtheengine flowpath has an inlet flowpath width of 6.6 inches functionsT.hissoftwared,evelopeadsaversioonfthe compared to the 16.78-inch width of the actual flight flightsoftwarec,ontaineaddditionainl terfacepoints engine. The HXEM inlet, isolator, combustor, and specifitcothesafetestingofhydrogen-fueelendgineins internal nozzle are all two-dimensional representations the8-Ft. H'I"T. 9 By fullilling the first two objectives, of the Mach 7 flight engine, and the fuel injectors are of this test reduced the risk to the X-43 Mach 7flights. identical design. Third, this test furthered the development of The HXEM/FFS model is shown installed in the 8- technology capabilities that will be required to perform Ft. HTT in Figure 5. The primary feature of the FFS ground tests of hypersonic airbreathing propulsion was to provide a geometrically-accurate representation systems that are fully integrated with hypersonic of the Hyper-X forebody. vehicles. There are important differences in the testing that has been pertbrmed on engine modules, as compared to using an integrated engine and vehicle. Tunnel integration and interfaces are more challenging when the test is thought of as a tip-to-tail tlowpath simulation instead of an engine test. The efforts performed on this test will provide valuable skills and techniques that can be employed with the testing of a completely integrated propulsion/airframe system, as well as interpretation and understanding of the data from an airframe-integrated scramiet engine (most notably lorcc and moment increments). In addition to these objectives, data was also acquired to understand the flow environment at various Figure 5. Installation image of HXEM/FFS in the 8-Ft. HTT. places, including the wing-root gap, forebody, and external nozzle and aftbody at true Mach 7 flight A number of the HXEM/FFS model characteristics conditions. are identified in Figure 6. The forebody chines were closed out with aerodynamic wedge blocks to eliminate 6 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics thelargerearward-facisntgepcreatedbyanabrupt HXFE/VFS terminatioonfthechines.Inletflowfencepsrevented The HXFE is an exact duplicate of the Mach 7 forebodfylowspillageT.heHXEMwastestewdithtwo scramjct engine that will be used on the first and second forebodcyonfiguratio(nsseethesideviewsofFigure6). X-43 flights. It is intended to be a dedicated ground test ThefirstconfiguratipolnacedtheHXEMflushwiththe engine but also serves as a flight spare for the program. FFSforebodysurfaceinordertoallowaflight-like, The HXFE is rigidly attached to the VFS in a manner fully-developbeodundarlyayertobeingesteidntothe similar to installation in the X-43. The larger width inlet. Theotherconfiguratiodnivertedtheforebody compared to the HXEM results in increased mass boundarlyayerby loweringtheFFSforebody0.75 ingestion, aspect ratio, and tunnel blockage. Many inchest,herebyexposinga boundary-laydeivrersion surfaces on the HXFE are zirconia coated. duct to better simulate the boundary-layer The inlet/isolator system in the HXFE is fixed once characteristeicxspectewdhentheHXEMistesteidnthe the cowl door is opened and has been designed for AHSTFwitha truncatedforebody.Loweringthe sufficient mass capture for the Math 7 test condition. It forebodycreatedanexposedleadingedgeat the also includes pressure measurements used in the closed- beginninogftheboundary-ladyeivrersiodnuctw, hichis loop engine feedback to sense combustor-isolator exposetdosignificanhteatingth; ereforae,closedloop interaction and prevent inlet unstart. The internal nozzle wateprassagweasemployetod_ictiveclyooltheleading geometrically transitions the Ilow from the combustor to edge. Whenthe forebodywasin the diverted the external nozzle with sidewall and cowl geometric orientationb,oundary-laytreiprs(scaledforthenew expansion near the cowl trailing edge to properly locationandlocabl oundary-layheerightw)ereinstalled represent the exhaust plume development behind the ontheHXEM.TheHXEMwasisolatefdromtheFFS cnginc. byametricgapw, hichwassealewdithafabricmaterial A schematic illustration of the HXFE/VFS ableto-withstandthehightemperaturtehsatoccur installation in the 8-Ft. HTT is shown in Figure 7. The duringeachrun.Finallyt,heHXEM/FFwSastestedat entire upper surface of the HXFE/VFS model simulates thenominafllightangleofattackoftwodegreeasnd the lower surface of the X-43, but was fabricated in such zerodegreessideslip.TheFFSsurfacepanelswere a way as to minimize cost and still contain relevant easilyremovedto facilitateservicingby allowing geometric features of the X-43. The model simulates internaal ccessto modelmountingareass,tructural the complete propulsion ttowpath, including any supportasn,dinstrumentation. geometry which may affect the flow entering the engine inlet or interacting with the nozzle exhaust plume. Hyper-X [orebody Chines Shaded area metr_ toload cells -_ Metric gap seal ] 14775" - _..._..__ I 1 Boundary -. " Boundary-layer trips layerimps (diversion conliguralion only) Flat nozzle _--= 1435' Full Boundary-Layer Ingestion Configuration HXEM Inletflow fence Nozzle \ /t) I !'>":' Axial load cells _, -rmq-_--T T .__--- Boundary-Layer Diversion Configuration I : _ _ I AOASpocerB _/ ForceMe_ulement System I J \'\ _lluAlcdceissirurnenta&ti°n _Carriage Boundary-layer diversion duct exit Front View Side View Figure 7. Schematic of HXFE/VFS installation in the 8-Ft. HTT. Figure 6. HXEM/FFS conflgurational details. A number of unique HXFE/VFS model The HXEM is a metric engine model, mounted to characteristics are identified in Figure 8. Three inserts the FFS by tour metal flexures. Independent axial load for the boundary-layer trip strip were tested, including measurements were obtained for the HXEM-only using a blank strip with no trip devices, the preliminary Mach two load cells mounted to the FFS asdepicted in Figure 7 trips, and the final Mach 7 flight trips. The side 6. Confirmation of the accuracy of the FMS axial force chines and the external nozzle surface are machined component was made by comparing its output with data from copper plates. The side chines are sectioned in from the HXEM axial load cells, as well as integration parts to allow access into the VFS tbr model attachment of surface pressure distributions for selected tests. This points, structural constraints, fluid connections, and independent axial force measurement will also bc used instrumentation, as well as to minimize the weight of for comparison with axial force measurements acquired each section for handling. To address the effect of during HXEM tests in the AHSTF. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics boundary-layheerating on engine performance, two configurations for the second and third forebody ramps were tested. Ramps made of the same AETB-12 TPS tile that will be used on the X-43 external surface and copper panels that are more extensively instrumented were used. The cusp between the external nozzle and the aftbody chine is replicated by copper ridge plates. Wing stubs are included to acquire wing-root gap heating data. Finally, the HXFE/VFS was tested at off- nominal angles of attack of zero and four degrees to complement the data taken at the nominal angle of attack of two degrees and to better examine the design space for which the pre-flight performance database was generated. The effects of cowl-door actuation and fueling under a nonzero sideslip condition were of great interest to the program; runs were made at one and three degrees of sideslip. Rclge p_eces _c_lxle$ transitionfrom Forebody nozzbetocusptochine) Ve_ral.fin Igvnailtvoers/,fuel ventumriotorizfleodw mectoenrst,rol Propulsion subsystem control computer I': iI lI......A..EPTSB-1I,2le,_,_/1 'HXFE lIe')dernWallrernEoDzzMl-acuIt_eces,i' and manifold and customized software layer trips - _ -- 2 ..... J _ _ ', Sect_ned copper platechine - Wing stubs for gapheating (gaps_zeootoo3o"! Figure 8. HXFE/VFS configurationaldetails. Flight and Flight-Like Subsystems As previously stated, one of the primary objectives Figure9. Flightorfight-like subsystemsincorporatedin of these tests was to reduce risk to flight by exercising 8-Ft.HTTHyper-Xenginetesting. hardware and software in the 8-Ft. HTT that is as close to flight-like as reasonably possible. Figure 9 presents the subsystems that were verified, to the extent practical, represented in the HXFE/VFS. Most of the pressures in these two tests for flight risk reduction. were measured using ESPTM transducer modules; however, some of the internal engine pressures were INSTRUMENTATION measured by discrete transducers identical to those on Both the HXEM/FFS and the HXFE/VFS were the X-43 and monitored bythe PSC computer for engine control. The surface instrumentation breakdown for heavily instrumented with surface pressures and both models is shown inTable 2. temperatures to better understand the flow physics of airframe-integrated scramjet operation and to provide sufficient data to compare with analytical/computational solutions and other experimental test and flight data. A PORT oI:o o o o o o o o schematic layout of surface instrumentation on the VFS o oo oo o oooa ooo o o ;_ _,omo_ _ o o o o oo oo 'flowpath surface and HXFE bodyside surface is o • o eo o _ o _o nod ,moo oo fl o 0 o o= depicted in Figure 10. It is worth noting that all surface 9 instrumentation locations on the X-43 flight vehicles are STARBOARD Figure 10. HXFE/VFShodysideflowpathinstrumentationlayout. 8 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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