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NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20000056934: Intercomparison of Laboratory Radiance Calibration Standards PDF

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Preview NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) 20000056934: Intercomparison of Laboratory Radiance Calibration Standards

Intercom arison of laboratory radiance calibration standards P ..... Betina Pavri, Tom Chrien, Robert Green, and Orlesa Williams Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute ofTechnology, Pasadena, California Abstract: Several standards for radiometn'c bundle input was used to collect the comparison calibration were measured repeatedly with a data. Sources were measured over a period of spectroradiometer in order to understand how they several hours, and the results were compared. compared in accuracy and stability. The tested radiance standards included a NIST IO00W bulb and halon panel, two calibrated and stabilized ANALYSIS integrating spheres, and a cavity blackbody. Results indicate good agreement between the Radiance Calculation blackbody and IO00W bulb/spectraIon panel. If The spectroradiometer has an adjustable dynamic thele two radiance sources are assumed correct, range based on an adjustment to the integration time then the integrating spheres did not conform to their in the VIS/NIR, and changes to gain and offset manufacturer-reported radiances in several regions beyond 1000 nm. However, since all data sets of the spectrum. More detailed measurements are were collected without changing these settings, the underway to investigate the discrepancy. DN levels are directly comparable. They can be used to derive radiance curves for each source, if INTRODUCTION one radiance source is considered to be the The radiometric calibration of AVIRIS (Airborne standard. The new integrating spheres were chosen Visible/InfraRed Imaging Spectrometer) is a process as the standards for the first part of the experiment: which is constantly being refined. For the past measuring the lamp/panel radiance: several years, an Optronics 1000W NIST-traceable bulb and 12" Labsphere Spectralon panel (Figure l) .dnpanel/lamp(_,) have been used to provide a radiometric standard for Lpanel/lamp=Lsphere dnsphere(_.) laboratory and runway calibrations of the instrument (Chrien et al., 1995). As specified by NIST, the Fifty such spectra were averaged to produce the lamp is positioned 50cm from the panel. reported results for the lamp and panel. aperture This radiance could then be compared to the Jk radiance expected from the lamp/panel combination I0°from \ based on the manufacturer's calibration data for vertical lamp irradiance and panel reflectance (Figure 2). lm 1000W bulb llamp•RpaneI Lpanetthe°retlc=al n ,,,/_baffle 50cm 91 i,!,I _pectralon panel Figure I: AVIRIS calibration fixture _4 There are many possible radiometric calibration sources which might provide increased accuracy or stability. Among these are stabilized integrating I / calc,,Jlat,dr,_,nce um_g IlptlenlD 20201 4_7 spheres and calibrated blackbody sources. Two .4 ;...... calculated ra,'qlmce ulllr_ sphere 2_1' i 0 -----_ .... -_-- _-------_- --+_-_---F------+_ _ -_ new Optronics integrating sphere sources were 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 purchased and compared to the current standard in wlltvelenolh (rim) the laboratory. An Analytical Spectral Devices full- Figure 2:panel radiance from sphere standard range (ASD FR) spectroradiometer with a bare fiber RESULTS This is also true for the oscillations between 1_ The fit is poor. There are two explanations for this. and 2,170 nm in the 700K data. However,_' The first is that the panel and lamp were poorly signm levels are low, and the 70OK is the _': calibrated by the manufacturers, andthe second is temperature for which data is available foi_'_ that the reported sphere radiances are incorrect. portion of the spectrum (the higher radiance _'_v_:; Since both spheres give essentially the same_resuit saturated the spectroradiometer). _.._._ for panel ra&ance, this would imply that the spheres The fit between the measured and _'_ share acommon calibration error. data,forthe lamp/panel calibration case is ;__._ A blackbody source was selected to resolve the that derived assuming that the spher_ _:i ambiguity, as it should be free of the kind of water accurately calibrated. Therefore, the disc_l___ _:- absorptions that occasionally affect spheres and between the sphere and lamp/panel calibrafiom _ _ panels used as radiance standards. All three sources most likely the result of errors in the calibration of: were measured using the same spectroradiometer. the _heres. Blackbody radiances were calculated using both the the agreement between the theoretical and lamp/panel and a sphere as _..ometric standards, measured blackbody radiances (using the } The calculated blackbody temperatures could in Figure 4: " . ;:?: blackbody'equationa,ssuming an en_'vky of I (Figur3e). 250 -. - ---,m( _,_. t.,mm, |_o_ _oom I_uoot. mo,_m _t-mL "°I-"2..,me, L_O.) = 2_'hc2" 1 _.s ec_o.k_r1 "--'-"" "S "J where: c = speed of light k = Boltzmann's constant h= Planck's constant I= = wavelength of interest ¢= emissivity 1ooo_oo _=oo_oo _oo _soo _eoo_7oo_soo •nM,.,_ fro) i ,oo ,_ , =-_ :_._-_=--_-_ Figure 4: sensitivity of theoretical blackbody _ to _ _ _ _ ._'_ temperanme. _so....... _Ii_ii_ ,"" I I .... |IIili " _oo. -- ---- -I_i,_mmCsmmiiml) ,," I !ii.:.._. ____. so....--. [ II some issues. A _ error in blac_ ...... IIII l ......----" -" _' temperature or emissi_ty most likelyaccountsif_. I #_"-.---- 11 the small positive slope seen in the _" I ' atmospheric water vapor absorption artifact from the ;I /L "_ different..curve. Further, note what is probably '°'- l lamp/panel measurements at -1350 nm. It so. _/r _ q_ i! introduces error into the radiance derivation, :-..- causing the calculaterdadianceof the blackbody to 0- -,,-'__-" ,'7--'-=_ be underestimated here.This does not explain -,--_ ,. discrepancies in the integrating sphere data, Figur3e:blackbodryadiancferomlamlOamlandsphere$. however, as this spectral feature is offset from the discrepancy observed at 1300 nm in the sphere data, The blackbody source saturated the long- andthere isnocorrespondingfeatureat 1700 nm. wavelength end of the spectroradiometer at high temperature,but good data were obtained I_m Radiance of Integrating Spheres 1000-1800rimforthe700,800,and I000K cases, Next, the radiance of the spheres was andovertheentirespectrumforthe700K case. determined, assuming that the lamp/panelis Note that1300nm and 1700 nm discrepancies accuratelcyalibrated. These spectrawere compared appearonlyinsphere-derivesdpectrainFigure3. to the reported sphere radiances, in Figure 5. Next,!he.discrepanciiensthe spherecalibrat/0n ,,0 ....... ,-_-----.p_,,ano_._ were cnecKea to estabhsh whether they matched'_6 _- ,e0 _ _ _, _ watervapororliquidwater(Figure7). :._'. !.00 ..... ,0./,.,% f ,,o_ .. ,, tOO 0 i ,40 /: ,'" .....--_-- Y![_,:: : \ , ._ _:;,. ,o r | o..oJ, Ik :'! : I r I, J " 2/0°'00 _ I _"o.,or' _l :,i,' "!_ '" IItI/ "'t/' -- -- o.4ot 'h I ,; ! 50o,oo.oo,,oo,.o,.o,.oo,,oo,,oo.oo.o|oo,o _;:: V ' i Figure 5: rodianceof integralioaspheresbaaed on NIST lO00W bglbamlapectmloapan_lamadard ;=,-:--: , : : _.___:_______.___._ .. ,. ,.. ,,.,..,...,.,._,.. ,_:_ are snmotber thaa themeasmed resalts,md that the -:" _**_ {.m) . ._..,, discrepancies for both spheres track one another Figure 7:wanxmb_ ofwater (vapor and liquid) :::.. (note discrepancies at 1300 nm and 1700 ran). Since the two spheres were calibrated by the This was done to establish whether the problem is_ manufacturer at the same time, this may be an adsorbed water in the sphere surface, or" indication of a problem with the manufacturer's atmospheric water vapor in the fight path. Spheres calibration routine, at least for _ day. High- may have significant water vapor signatures due to :: frequency "noise" at I000 nm is most likely due to the large atmospheric path length (due to multiple'_" low response of silicon detector (near its cutoff bounces in the sphere). A quick comparison _of wavelength) !n the spectroradiometer. curves to the wavelengths at which '_ the discrepancies occur indicatetshatwater vapor istbe The disagreement between measured and reported mainfactor.Figure8 comparestheabsorptio_in sphere radiances can be examined by displaying the thesphereradiancetoModtran-derivedwatervapor results as apercent difference (Figure 6). absorptions. ' ................i.....,..o|..... 25% , ::::::::::::::::::::::::......., ! I ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :I ,.:o.:::::::::::::_::: .., :_._._: .._/ I f: _, .s% ...................... -_-¢-?,-I -20% _ _ %cM_mnee- l ...... 2_1% ¢lllfwli'wl_ ................ -25% , , , J y , I , i I . / "" I 300 SO0 ?00 O00 11001300 150017001_0G:1t0025002S00 |H S00 700 Nil, 11@4 1"00 ll_) 1100 1100 1_IN l$00 _I_I wlvelenilll (mill) _um_olOalltk (am) Figure6:percentadg_eereace_twe_acalcutaua_ndm_orua Figure 8: sphere ra_Bance compared to a_u_al_Cri¢ radiance for integratin_gh_res tranamission, showing influence of water vapor. Arrows indicate discrepancies not explained by water vapor Figure6indicatedsiscrepancieosfup to20% from absorptio_ thereportedradiancevaluesatthelongwavelength endofthespectrum.The osciIlat/ofnrom-15% to So, water vapor apparently accounts for most of +20% from 2100 nm to 2300 nm isespecially the discrepancy, with the exception of two regions troubling. of the spectrum. Since radiometric tests are done under ambient conditions, water vapor absorption -% will be a critical (and variable) factor in radiometric Further, spectral position .is repeatable ,_m calibration if spheres areusedasthe standard. measurement to measurement, though absolute_ are not, due to changes in positioning betw_ DISCUSSION lamp and fiber during the period of meas_t'.. Spectral Calibration: (both were handheld), andthe fact that the lan_'_i!; It is possible that some discrepancies might result if not fill the fiber's FOV ":_$_ the spectroradiometer were experiencing a sl/ectral • %':_rL shift during measurements. In order to establish Verification of Blackbody Temnerature: ___ whether the instrument was spectrally calibrated, a The assumpaon of good calibration for the lam_51 mercury vapor lamp was observed as part of the panel can be checked by independently verif_in'g'_g_ • test. A series of 100 lamp observations was made blackbody temperature setpoints, assunang the_i_ in order to accurately determine the spectral offset of emissivity of the blackbody was very close to 1.0. > the instrument at each emission line. The measured Microsoft Excers Solver function was used to lines were compared to some of the strongest minimize the between reported emission line.s for the lamp (Figures 9 and functions: the ratdioiscorfeptahnecyDN values fortwthoe 80ra0tKio IO). The results m Figure 9 indicate that the and 1.000K ASD measurements of blackbody D'/i_,i__ instrument is speccaRy calibrated to within 2 nm in ana me ratio ol_the theoretical radiance valu_ -_. the visibl_ region of _ _. + two te_ values (T_high _,and" .T_....i__;:_ '.-; " "_ : " " _. : T_high andT_low _:allowed to v_, _,in1__'_ to be was' sum-s ared* 30004 _,..,_,,,,] difference between the two ratios at "eia/li,_-, - ..... _,_ _ j wavelength. "_ ': 25000 Using all points, with 1000K and 800K_ 20000 specified as start points for T_high and T_low, the _ results were: .?_ 1SO00 T_high 1000 K 998.35759 K 10000 I ori_inal temperature final temperature _ T_low 800 K 798.118056 K sum-squared of differences I 116.945067 5000C_l If the apparent water vapor absorption feattLre 540 542 $44 $46 S4S 550 between 1300 and 1500 nm ('Figure 4) is deleted wavelength (am) from the analysis, the program generated this result: Figure 9: spectral calibration test, visible region. An IR spectral calibration is shown in Figure 10. T_high 1000K 995.813536 -- i orig_inaltemperature final temperature Spectral calibration of the speetroradiometer appears T_low 800K 796.597793 ,::_ to be better here than in the viable. sum-squared of differences [ 107.290529 _ •.... This results in somewhat better agreement ('as 400 measured by the sum-squared of differences), and slightly lower temperatures than before. 3oo- I _-..... .m:tm,_m ; The accuracy of this method was found to be highly " i.... IdEIqCUPiYt _04 m dependent on the starting values chosen for Thigh 250- _,_ ,.... MEN:UI_,_O6 I and T_low. Starting close to the correct values is c200 : _ERGURYI_ critical for achieving a sensible result; there probably exist many local minima to this function. '22 I The sum-squared of the differences between the two ratios for the final values can be used as a guideline for checking the progress of this process, but this criterion alone is not sufficient tOcheck the results. 1880 I|8S 111110 1095 1700 170S 1710 The residuals between the measured and theoretical wavelength (rim) radiances would need to be used as well -- so the Figure !0: Spectral calibration test. IR region process is iterative. CONCLUSIONS Several radiance standards were compared against e another using a portable spectroradiometer. • results of the testing indicate that the current AVIRIS standard, a 1000W N"[ST-traceable bulb used in combination with a Spectralon panel, ,is the most versatile and accurately calibrated o_" the systems tested. The well-calibrated blackbody may provide a check on the radiance of the bulb/panel, but cannot cover the entire spectral r__{_,eobserved by AVI]_S (400-2500 nm). water vapor absorptions explain most of the discrepancies between the calculated and manufacturer-reported integrating sphere radiance. However. this does not change the central result for our cafibration purposes: these integrating spheres are not a good primary standard for absolute radiometric calibration ofpyperspectnsaystems.T .im tesu_amay provemore usefulifthe_ _":- observedaredueto amanufacturer c.ah'br_ion eaor, ...... and.if they are stable after cah'bradon is completed. Further tests are underway to determine the stability of all the systems discussed in this paper. Acknowledgments: This research was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory/C_.alifomIinastituteof Technology, Pasadena, California, under conOm_t with he National Aeronautics and Space Administration. We are grateful to Bruce Kindel for helpful comments on this paper. REFERENCES Chrien, T.G, Green, R.O., Chovit, C., and Hajek, P. (1995), New calibration techniques for the Airborne VisibleHnfrared Imaging Spectromet/er (AVIRIS). In Summaries of the Fifth Annual JPL Airborne Earth Science Workshop, JPL Pubi. 95-1, VoL 1, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, pp. 33-34.

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